Пример #1
        // This function accepts a queue of intended moves for the specified program.  It first performs error
        // checking to ensure that the moves are possible, then updates the associated AINodeData to reflect
        // game changes as a result of these moves, and finally submits the moves to the turnActions queue for
        // sending during subsequent calls to HandleAITurn.
        private MoveCode PerformMoves(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program, Queue<Haxxit.Maps.Point> path)
            if (path == null)
                return MoveCode.NoMovesSpecified;
            else if (!path.Any())
                return MoveCode.NoMovesSpecified;

            // Will hold all nodes touched by program both before and after move
            List<Haxxit.Maps.Point> programPoints = new List<Haxxit.Maps.Point>();

            // Get all the nodes currently associated with the program
            foreach (Haxxit.Maps.MapNode node in program.GetAllNodes())
                programPoints.Insert(0, node.coordinate);

            int movesLeft = program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft;
            Haxxit.Maps.Point currentHead = program.coordinate;
            foreach (Haxxit.Maps.Point destination in path)
                Haxxit.Maps.Point direction = destination - currentHead;
                if (!IsInBounds(destination))
                    return MoveCode.MoveWasOutOfBounds;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.X) == 1 && Math.Abs(direction.Y) != 0)
                    return MoveCode.MoveWasNotAdjacent;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.Y) == 1 && Math.Abs(direction.X) != 0)
                    return MoveCode.MoveWasNotAdjacent;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.X) != 1 && Math.Abs(direction.Y) != 1)
                    return MoveCode.MoveWasNotAdjacent;
                else if (!mapData[destination.X, destination.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
                    return MoveCode.MoveWasBlocked;
                else if (movesLeft <= 0)
                    return MoveCode.InsufficientMoves;
                Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs nextMove = new Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs(currentHead, direction);
                turnActions.Enqueue(new NotifyArgs("haxxit.map.move", this, nextMove, NotifyArgs.ArgType.Move));
                currentHead = destination;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Haxxit.Maps.Point point in programPoints)
                if (index < programPoints.Count - program.Program.Size.MaxSize)
                    mapData[point.X, point.Y].IsAvailable = true;
                    mapData[point.X, point.Y].OccupiedBy = null;
                    mapData[point.X, point.Y].IsAvailable = false;
                    mapData[point.X, point.Y].OccupiedBy = program;
            return MoveCode.Success;
Пример #2
 // Moves the program directly left if possible.  This was implemented as a proof of concept.
 // May be useful for future testing.
 private void BehaviorMoveLeft(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program)
     Haxxit.Maps.Point head = program.coordinate;
     Haxxit.Maps.Point moveLeft = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(-1, 0);
     for (int moves = 0; program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft > moves; moves++)
         Haxxit.Maps.Point movedHead = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(head.X - moves, head.Y);
         if (movedHead.X - 1 < 0) // Can't move off edge of Map
         if (mapData[movedHead.X - 1, head.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
             Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs moveHeadLeft = new Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs(movedHead, moveLeft);
             turnActions.Enqueue(new NotifyArgs("haxxit.map.move", this, moveHeadLeft, NotifyArgs.ArgType.Move));