public async Task <Principal> Principal_Get(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id)
            HavenSDK  sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            Principal result = await sdk.Principal.GetPrincipalAsync(principal_id).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Conversation> Convo_Start(Guid faction_id, Guid account_id_other)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Conversation conversation = new Conversation()
                faction_id         = faction_id,
                creator_account_id = _account.account_id, // can be different than current user if admin
                account_list       = new List <Guid>()
                    account_id_other // can be multiple accounts
                latest_message = new Message()
                    faction_id = faction_id,
                    account_id = _account.account_id,
                    stamp_utc  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    text       = "Hello party people."

            conversation = await sdk.Conversations.StartConversationAsync(conversation).DemoUnPack();

            return(conversation); // NOTE: conversation may not have all avatars and extra info immediately after creation, if making UI elements you should pre-cache
        public async Task <Principal> Principal_Get(Guid faction_id, string external_id)
            HavenSDK  sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            Principal result = await sdk.Principals.GetPrincipalByExternaIdAsync(faction_id, external_id).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Form> Form_Edit(Guid faction_id, Guid form_id)
            // NOTE: Adding new questions to forms is supported, however, only NEW people assigned to the form will be able to fill them out.
            // If the form is a ExecutionType.Live, they can go in and edit the form and provide the new values.
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Form form = await sdk.Form.GetFormAsync(form_id).DemoUnPack();

            form.title = string.Format("I was updated at {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            form.sections.Add(new FormSection()
                kind     = FormSectionKind.form_question,
                question = new FormQuestion()
                    title  = "This is a new question",
                    config = new FormOptionConfig()
                        kind    = FormOptionKind.Text,
                        code    = "new",
                        profile = null

            form = await sdk.Forms.UpsertFormAsync(form).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <string> Form_GetAnswers(Guid faction_id, Guid form_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            // Get data to self-shape one-by-one
            List <Form> result = await sdk.Forms.GetReport(form_id, null, 0, int.MaxValue).DemoUnPack();

            foreach (var item in result)
                // enumerate item.sections to get the question.answer  (this does the first)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", item.form_response.submitted_by, item.sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.kind == FormSectionKind.form_question).question.answer.response_raw);

            // Download CSV URL
            string url = sdk.Forms.GenerateExportCSV(form_id); // generates url for web-download, expects cookies if using webpage

            // Download CSV
            byte[] data = await sdk.Forms.ExportCSVAsync(form_id);

            string tempFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName()));
            string tempPath   = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempFolder, "export.xlsx");


            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tempPath, data);
        public async Task <List <Principal> > Principal_Find(Guid faction_id, string keyword)
            HavenSDK         sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            List <Principal> result = await sdk.Principals.FindPrincipalByFactionAsync(faction_id, keyword, 0, 10).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Form> Form_Create_With_Target(Guid faction_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <Group> groups = await sdk.Group.GetGroupByFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            Guid group_id = groups.FirstOrDefault().group_id;

            Form form = this.CreateFormInstance(faction_id);

            form.title    = "This is targeted to a group";
            form.scope    = FormScope.Group;
            form.group_id = group_id;

            // by Principal
            //form.scope = FormScope.Principal;
            //form.principal_id = principal_id;

            // by Term
            //form.scope = FormScope.Term;
            //form.term_id = term_id;

            form = await sdk.Forms.UpsertFormAsync(form).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Bulletin> Bulletin_Create_With_Target(Guid faction_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <BulletinCategory> categories = await sdk.BulletinCategories.GetBulletinCategoryForFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            Guid bulletin_category_id = categories.FirstOrDefault().bulletin_category_id;

            List <Term> terms = await sdk.Terms.GetActiveTermByFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            Guid term_id = terms.FirstOrDefault().term_id;

            Bulletin bulletin = this.CreateBulletinInstance(faction_id, bulletin_category_id);

            bulletin.title   = "This is targeted to a term";
            bulletin.scope   = BulletinScope.Term;
            bulletin.term_id = term_id;

            // By Group
            //bulletin.scope = BulletinScope.Group;
            //bulletin.group_id = group_id;

            // by Principal
            //bulletin.scope = BulletinScope.Principal;
            //bulletin.principal_id = principal_id;

            bulletin = await sdk.Bulletin.CreateBulletinAsync(bulletin).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <bool> Manager_Change(Guid faction_id, Guid manager_id)
            HavenSDK     sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            ActionResult result = await sdk.Managers.ChangeTypeAsync(manager_id, ManagerType.Administrator);

        public async Task <Occasion> Occasion_Create(Guid faction_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            // sample retrieve category
            List <OccasionCategory> categories = await sdk.OccasionCategory.GetOccasionCategoryByFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 100).DemoUnPack();

            Guid default_category_id = categories.FirstOrDefault().occasion_category_id;

            OccasionCategory category = categories.FirstOrDefault(x => == "Secondary");

            if (category != null)
                default_category_id = category.occasion_category_id;

            Occasion occasion = this.CreateOccasionInstance(faction_id, default_category_id);

            // upload a cover photo [any web url will work]
            occasion.uploaded_file = await UploadOccasionImage(sdk, faction_id, "");

            // persist
            occasion = await sdk.Occasions.UpsertOccasionAsync(occasion).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <List <Account> > Account_Find(Guid faction_id, string keyword)
            HavenSDK       sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            List <Account> result = await sdk.Account.Find(0, 10, keyword).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Account> Account_Get(Guid faction_id, Guid account_id)
            HavenSDK sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            Account  result = await sdk.Account.GetAccountAsync(account_id).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Principal> Principal_Register(Guid faction_id, Guid term_id, string email)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <SeatType> seatTypes = await sdk.SeatType.GetSeatTypeByFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            PrincipalRegisterInput principal = new PrincipalRegisterInput()
                invite_emails = new List <string>()
                seat = new Seat()
                    faction_id   = faction_id,
                    term_id      = term_id,
                    seat_type_id = seatTypes.FirstOrDefault().seat_type_id,
                    added_utc    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                principal = new Principal()
                    faction_id          = faction_id,
                    external_identifier = "my-external",
                    access_code         = "", // will be generated
                    display_name        = "New Principal",
                    enabled             = true,
                    expected_signers    = 1, // for document integration
                    full_name           = "New Principal",
                    limit = 1,               // how many 'Accounts' can be associated with this principal
            Principal result = await sdk.Principals.RegisterPrincipalAsync(principal).DemoUnPack();

        protected virtual HavenSDK GetHavenSDK(bool anonymous, Guid?faction_id)
            HavenSDK result = null;

            if (anonymous)
                if (_havenAnonymous == null)
                    _havenAnonymous = this.CreateHavenSDK(true);
                result = _havenAnonymous;
                if (_havenAuthenticated == null)
                    _havenAuthenticated = this.CreateHavenSDK(false);
                result = _havenAuthenticated;

            // While not required, it is highly recommended for efficient routing
            if (faction_id.HasValue)
                result.CustomHeaders.Replace("X-Faction", faction_id.Value.ToString());
        public async Task <bool> Principal_Seat_Remove(Guid faction_id, Guid seat_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            ActionResult result = await sdk.Seats.RemoveSeatAsync(seat_id); // sdk.Seat.Delete() is supported, however, use caution, all related data may become invalidated.

        public async Task <bool> Principal_ChangeStatus(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, bool enabled)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            ActionResult result = await sdk.Principals.ChangeStatusAsync(principal_id, enabled);

        public async Task <Form> Form_Create(Guid faction_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Form form = this.CreateFormInstance(faction_id);

            form = await sdk.Forms.UpsertFormAsync(form).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <string> Account_CreateLoginToken(Guid faction_id, Guid account_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            return(await sdk.Factions.GenerateLoginToken(faction_id, new Haven.SDK.Models.Requests.LoginTokenInput()
                account_id = account_id,
                expire_minutes = 5
        public async Task <Bulletin> Bulletin_Edit(Guid faction_id, Guid bulletin_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Bulletin bulletin = await sdk.Bulletin.GetBulletinAsync(bulletin_id).DemoUnPack();

            bulletin.title = string.Format("I was updated at {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);
            bulletin       = await sdk.Bulletin.UpdateBulletinAsync(bulletin.bulletin_id, bulletin).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Principal> Principal_Edit(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, string new_name)
            HavenSDK  sdk    = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);
            Principal result = await sdk.Principal.GetPrincipalAsync(principal_id).DemoUnPack();

            result.display_name = new_name;

            result = await sdk.Principal.UpdatePrincipalAsync(result.principal_id, result).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <AccountInfo> GetSelf_Unwrapped()
            // typically, if you unwrap it at this layer, you may want to trap exceptions as well [this code obviously doesnt]
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(null);
            ItemResult <AccountInfo> response = await sdk.Accounts.GetSelfAsync();

            if (response.IsSuccess())
        public async Task <Bulletin> Bulletin_Create(Guid faction_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <BulletinCategory> categories = await sdk.BulletinCategories.GetBulletinCategoryForFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            Guid bulletin_category_id = categories.FirstOrDefault().bulletin_category_id;

            Bulletin bulletin = this.CreateBulletinInstance(faction_id, bulletin_category_id);

            bulletin = await sdk.Bulletin.CreateBulletinAsync(bulletin).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <bool> Staff_Invite(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, string email)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Invite invite = new Invite()
                faction_id = faction_id,
                email      = email,
                code       = null, // auto generated
                type       = InviteType.Administrator
            ActionResult result = await sdk.Invite.CreateInviteAsync(invite);

        public async Task <bool> Push_SendGeneric(Guid faction_id, Guid account_id_test)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            GenericPushInput input = new GenericPushInput()
                message     = "Welcome to Social Haven",
                account_ids = new List <Guid>()
            ActionResult result = await sdk.Factions.SendGenericPushAsync(faction_id, input);

        public async Task <bool> Principal_Invite(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, string email)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            // To invite a user, you must first create a principal then create a principal invite, see Principal_Create for combined version
            PrincipalInvite invite = new PrincipalInvite()
                faction_id   = faction_id,
                principal_id = principal_id,
                email        = email,
                stamp_utc    = DateTime.UtcNow
            ActionResult result = await sdk.PrincipalInvite.CreatePrincipalInviteAsync(invite);

        protected virtual HavenSDK CreateHavenSDK(bool anonymous)
            HavenSDK result = new HavenSDK(_apiServer);

            result.CustomHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("accept-language", "en-US")); // should send default language if multiple languages are configured
            result.CustomHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("X-DevicePlatform", "web"));  // some requests are custom shaped by platform and version
            result.CustomHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("X-DeviceVersion", "1.0"));
            //result.CustomHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("X-DeviceToken", "no-pii-here"));  // (optional) useful for specific tracking in some extended libraries
            //result.CustomHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("X-Label", "name-from-social-haven")); // (optional) should be supplied if using non-label specific api urls

            if (!anonymous)
                result.ApplicationKey    = _account.api_key;
                result.ApplicationSecret = _account.api_secret;
        public async Task <AccountInfo> LoginAuto(string code)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(true, null);

            RedeemInput input = new RedeemInput()
                code = code,

            RedeemResponse response = await sdk.Auth.VerifyAccessCodeAsync(input).DemoUnPack();

            if (response.next_screen == RedeemScreen.AutoLogin)
                _account = response.account_info;
        public async Task <bool> Principal_Group_Remove(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, Guid group_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <GroupTarget> grouptargets = await sdk.GroupTarget.GetGroupTargetByGroupAsync(group_id, 0, int.MaxValue).DemoUnPack();

            GroupTarget groupTarget = grouptargets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.principal_id == principal_id);

            if (groupTarget == null)
                throw new Exception("User is not a part of the group");

            ActionResult result = await sdk.GroupTarget.DeleteGroupTargetAsync(groupTarget.group_target_id);

        public async Task <Occasion> Occasion_Edit(Guid faction_id, Guid occasion_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            Occasion occasion = await sdk.Occasion.GetOccasionAsync(occasion_id).DemoUnPack();

            occasion.title = string.Format("I was updated at {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            occasion.sections.Add(new OccasionSection()
                kind = OccasionSectionKind.text,
                text = "hello updated!"

            occasion = await sdk.Occasions.UpsertOccasionAsync(occasion).DemoUnPack();

        public async Task <Seat> Principal_Seat_Add(Guid faction_id, Guid principal_id, Guid term_id)
            HavenSDK sdk = this.GetHavenSDK(faction_id);

            List <SeatType> seatTypes = await sdk.SeatType.GetSeatTypeByFactionAsync(faction_id, 0, 1).DemoUnPack();

            Seat seat = new Seat()
                faction_id   = faction_id,
                principal_id = principal_id,
                term_id      = term_id,
                seat_type_id = seatTypes.FirstOrDefault().seat_type_id,
                added_utc    = DateTime.UtcNow,
            Seat result = await sdk.Seat.CreateSeatAsync(seat).DemoUnPack();
