private bool ValidateIncomingVariables(HttpRequest request)
        bool isGenuine = false;

        // Step 1 -Read the follwoing from the hidden values
        //1 -Request Encrypted Session Key
        //2- Request Encrypted Data
        //3- Request IV
        //4- Request Encrypted Data`s Hash
        var requestEncryptedSessionKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Form["hdEncryptedSessionKey"]);
        var requestEncryptedDataBytes       = Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Form["hdEncryptedData"]);
        var requestIvBytes         = Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Form["hdIv"]);
        var requestHashedDataBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Form["hdHashedData"]);

        // Step 2 -Decrypt the request session key using the receiver's private key.
        var rsa = new RSAEncryption();
        var requestDecryptedSessionKey = rsa.Decrypt(Server.MapPath("~/Keys/privatekey.xml"), requestEncryptedSessionKeyBytes);

        // Step 3-Building the string from the incoming request's actual data
        var actualData = Utils.BuildString(

        // Step 4-Encrypt the incoming request's actual data using the decrypted session key and the iv.
        AESEncryption aes = new AESEncryption();
        var           actualEncryptedData = aes.Enrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(actualData), requestDecryptedSessionKey, requestIvBytes);
        var           actualDataHash      = HashGenerator.ComputeHmacSha256((actualEncryptedData), requestDecryptedSessionKey);

        // Step 5-Compare the actual hash with received hash(from request)
        var isActualDataHashMatch = Compare(requestHashedDataBytes, actualDataHash);

        // Step 6-Calculate the hash for the encrypted data
        var requestEncryptedDataHash        = HashGenerator.ComputeHmacSha256((requestEncryptedDataBytes), requestDecryptedSessionKey);
        var isRequestEncryptedDataHashMatch = Compare(actualDataHash, requestEncryptedDataHash);

        if (isActualDataHashMatch && isRequestEncryptedDataHashMatch)
            //Step 7 -Decrypt the data using the decrypted session key and the iv. - out of scope
            //var decryptedDataBytes = aes.Decrypt(encryptedDataBytes, decryptedSessionKey, ivBytes);
            //var plainData =Encoding.Default.GetString(decryptedDataBytes);
            isGenuine = true;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Random rRandom;

        rRandom = new Random();
        // populate the variables
        m_szFirstVariable   = PopulateVariable(FirstVariableLabel, ModifiedFirstVariable, rRandom);
        m_szSecondVariable  = PopulateVariable(SecondVariableLabel, ModifiedSecondVariable, rRandom);
        m_szThirdVariable   = PopulateVariable(ThirdVariableLabel, ModifiedThirdVariable, rRandom);
        m_szForthVariable   = PopulateVariable(ForthVariableLabel, ModifiedForthVariable, rRandom);
        m_szFifthVariable   = PopulateVariable(FifthVariableLabel, ModifiedFifthVariable, rRandom);
        m_szSixthVariable   = PopulateVariable(SixthVariableLabel, ModifiedSixthVariable, rRandom);
        m_szSeventhVariable = PopulateVariable(SeventhVariableLabel, ModifiedSeventhVariable, rRandom);
        m_szEighthVariable  = PopulateVariable(EighthVariableLabel, ModifiedEighthVariable, rRandom);

        //Prep code was used to create the public and the private keys                                           |
        //var rsa = new RSAEncryption();                                                                       |
        //rsa.AssignNewKey(Server.MapPath("~/Keys/publickey.xml"), Server.MapPath("~/Keys/privatekey.xml"));   |

        // Step 1 -Create 32 byte session key
        var sessionKey = KeyGenerator.GenerateKey();

        // Step 2 -Create 16 byte Initialisation Vector
        var iv = KeyGenerator.GenerateKey(16);

        // Step 3 -Encrypt the data using the session key and the IV.
        var           data          = Utils.BuildString(m_szFirstVariable, m_szSecondVariable, m_szThirdVariable, m_szForthVariable, m_szFifthVariable, m_szSixthVariable, m_szSeventhVariable, m_szEighthVariable);
        AESEncryption aes           = new AESEncryption();
        var           encryptedData = aes.Enrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data), sessionKey, iv);

        // Step 4 -Hash the encrypted data using the session key
        byte[] hashedData = HashGenerator.ComputeHmacSha256(encryptedData, sessionKey);

        // Step 5 -Encrypt the session Key using the receiver's public key(created and stored safely before, in real life scenario will two different servers).
        RSAEncryption rsa = new RSAEncryption();
        var           encryptedSessionKey = rsa.Encrypt(Server.MapPath("~/Keys/publickey.xml"), sessionKey);

        // Step 6 -Setting the values that will be stored in the hidden values.
        hdEncryptedSessionKey.Value = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedSessionKey);
        hdEncryptedData.Value       = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
        hdIv.Value         = Convert.ToBase64String(iv); // IV Doesn't need to be encrypted.
        hdHashedData.Value = Convert.ToBase64String(hashedData);