private void Start()
        _playerAvatar = GetComponent <PlayerAvatar>();

        _leftHandGrabContext = new HandGrabContext
            HandType          = HandType.Left,
            HandGameObject    = _playerAvatar.AvatarLeftHand,
            CollisionDetector = _playerAvatar.AvatarLeftHand.GetComponent <PlayerAvatarCollisionDetector>()

        _rightHandGrabContext = new HandGrabContext
            HandType          = HandType.Right,
            HandGameObject    = _playerAvatar.AvatarRightHand,
            CollisionDetector = _playerAvatar.AvatarRightHand.GetComponent <PlayerAvatarCollisionDetector>()
    private void CheckGripOnController(HandGrabContext context, SteamVR_TrackedController controller)
        var grippedNow = controller.gripped;

        var gripDown = !context.IsGripped && grippedNow;
        var gripUp   = context.IsGripped && !grippedNow;

        context.IsGripped = grippedNow;

        if (gripDown)
            float            minDistance = float.MaxValue;
            InteractableItem closestItem = null;
            foreach (var item in context.CollisionDetector.CollisionItems)
                var distance = (item.transform.position - controller.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;

                if (distance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = distance;
                    closestItem = item;

            if (closestItem != null)
                Debug.Log("Send command to server: PickUpObject, ObjectId=" + closestItem.netId + ", PlayerId=" + _playerAvatar.netId + ", Hand=" + context.HandType);
                CmdPickUpObject(context.HandType, closestItem.netId);

        if (gripUp)
            Debug.Log("Send command to server: DropObject, PlayerId=" + _playerAvatar.netId + ", Hand=" + context.HandType);