public Mod8HanabiPlayer(int playerID, Mod8Settings settings = null) : base(playerID)
     NextAction = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Hint, null, -1);
     Settings   = settings ?? new Mod8Settings()
            public void SetActionFromClue(HanabiPlayer cluer, ref HanabiGame game, int clueValue)
                int seenvalue = 0;

                foreach (Mod8HanabiPlayer player in game.Players.Where(p => p != this && p != cluer))
                    seenvalue += player.EvaluateHand(ref game).ToMod8Value();
                int personalvalue = PosMod((clueValue - seenvalue), 8);

                this.NextAction = HanabiAction.FromMod8Value(this, personalvalue);
            public void GeneralLieClue(ref HanabiGame game, Mod8HanabiPlayer player, List <HanabiAction> badactions, int remainingclue)
                var          badplays        = badactions.Select(a => a.Card).ToList();
                var          plays           = player.GetPlayableCards(game).Where(p => badplays.Count(c => c.Number == p.Number && c.Color == p.Color) == 0).ToList();
                var          ordereddiscards = Logic.OrderedDiscards(game, player);
                var          discards        = ordereddiscards.Where(p => badplays.Count(c => c.Number == p.Number && c.Color == p.Color) != 1 || ordereddiscards.Count(c => c.Number == p.Number && c.Color == p.Color) > 1).ToList();
                HanabiAction desiredclue     = null;

                if (plays.Count == 0)
                    desiredclue = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Discard, discards[0], player.Hand.LastIndexOf(discards[0]));
                    desiredclue = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Play, plays[0], player.Hand.IndexOf(plays[0]));
                if (badactions.Count > 10)
                if (Settings.EnsureProperClues)
                    int newclue = PosMod(desiredclue.ToMod8Value() + remainingclue, 8);
                    if (IsValidClue(ref game, newclue))
                        (game.Players[player.ID] as Mod8HanabiPlayer).NextAction = desiredclue;
                        if (Settings.PrintMoves)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Player {ID} lied and gave a hint to {desiredclue.Type} { (game.Players[player.ID] as Mod8HanabiPlayer).NextAction.Card}");
                        GeneralLieClue(ref game, player, badactions, remainingclue);
                    (game.Players[player.ID] as Mod8HanabiPlayer).NextAction = desiredclue;
                    if (Settings.PrintMoves)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player {ID} lied and gave a hint to {desiredclue.Type} { (game.Players[player.ID] as Mod8HanabiPlayer).NextAction.Card}");
            public void GiveClue(ref HanabiGame game)
                List <HanabiAction> evaluations = new List <HanabiAction>();

                foreach (OGMod8HanabiPlayer player in game.Players.Where(p => p != this))
                int cluevalue = PosMod(evaluations.Select(e => e.ToMod8Value()).Sum(), 8);

                for (int i = 0; i < game.PlayerCount; i++)
                    var player = game.Players[i];
                    if (player != this)
                        (game.Players[i] as OGMod8HanabiPlayer).SetActionFromClue(this, ref game, cluevalue);
                this.NextAction = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Hint, null, -1);
            /// <summary>
            /// Called when someone wants to give a clue on their turn.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="game"></param>
            public void GiveClue(ref HanabiGame game)
                bool cluegiven = false;
                List <HanabiAction> evaluations = new List <HanabiAction>();

                foreach (Mod8HanabiPlayer player in game.Players.Where(p => p != this).OrderBy(p => p.ID))
                    evaluations.Add(player.EvaluateHand(ref game));

                int cluevalue             = PosMod(evaluations.Select(e => e.ToMod8Value()).Sum(), 8);
                List <HanabiAction> plays = evaluations.Where(a => a.Type == HanabiActionType.Play).ToList();

                if (!IsValidClue(ref game, cluevalue))
                    if (Settings.EnsureProperClues)
                        GeneralLieClue(ref game, game.NextPlayer as Mod8HanabiPlayer, plays, PosMod(cluevalue - (game.NextPlayer as Mod8HanabiPlayer).NextAction.ToMod8Value(), 8));
                        cluegiven = true;

                List <HanabiCard> playcards = new List <HanabiCard>();

                for (int i = 0; i < game.PlayerCount; i++)
                    var player = game.Players[i];
                    if (player != this)
                        (game.Players[i] as Mod8HanabiPlayer).SetActionFromClue(this, ref game, cluevalue);
                if (Settings.CollisionLying)
                    var cluedplays = evaluations.Where(a => a.Type == HanabiActionType.Play).Select(a => a.Card).ToList();
                    var nextplayer = game.NextPlayer as Mod8HanabiPlayer;
                    if (nextplayer.NextAction.Type == HanabiActionType.Play)
                        var cluedplay = nextplayer.NextAction.Card;
                        foreach (HanabiCard card in cluedplays)
                            if (cluedplays.Count(c => c.Color == card.Color && c.Number == card.Number) >= 2 && nextplayer.NextAction.Card.Color == card.Color && nextplayer.NextAction.Card.Number == card.Number)
                                HanabiAction[] bad = { nextplayer.NextAction };
                                CollisionLieClue(ref game, nextplayer, plays, PosMod(cluevalue - nextplayer.NextAction.ToMod8Value(), 8));
                                cluegiven = true;
                if (Settings.PrintMoves && !cluegiven)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Player {ID} gave a hint.");
                //Once the hint has been decided, make sure the game uses up a hint
                this.NextAction = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Hint, null, -1);
 public OGMod8HanabiPlayer(int playerID) : base(playerID)
     NextAction = new HanabiAction(HanabiActionType.Hint, null, -1);
     ShowPlays  = false;