void FetchAds() { foreach (string tag in adsSettings.rewardAdTags) { HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(tag); Toaster.ShowDebugToast("Fetching 'reward' ad for tag; " + tag); } //Dont fetch interstitials if NoAds is baught if (adsRemoved) { Toaster.ShowDebugToast("Not fetching other ads because 'Remove_ads' is bought."); return; } HZInterstitialAd.ChartboostFetchForLocation("Default"); foreach (string tag in adsSettings.staticAdTags) { HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(tag); Toaster.ShowDebugToast("Fetching 'static' ad for tag; " + tag); } foreach (string tag in adsSettings.videoAdTags) { HZVideoAd.Fetch(tag); Toaster.ShowDebugToast("Fetching 'video' ad for tag; " + tag); } }
public static bool PlayAd(UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction onAdPlay, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction adNotAviable) { // fetch the video HZVideoAd.Fetch(); // Check for availability if (HZVideoAd.IsAvailable()) { // Show the ad HZVideoAd.Show(); // Callback if (null != onAdPlay) { onAdPlay.Invoke(); } // E x i t return(true); } // Failed debug it if (null != adNotAviable) { adNotAviable.Invoke(); } return(false); }
static void Initialize() { string HeyzapID; switch (StudioSettings.Instance.studio) { case StudioSettings.Studio.TopGame: HeyzapID = "cde2146866f96c9ad90736c1af512e13"; break; case StudioSettings.Studio.FreeGame: HeyzapID = "ef2a0c12b6d378ddce5063ca08a660b9"; break; case StudioSettings.Studio.CrystalBuffalo: HeyzapID = "70a2f87d4c05ba041dada7f272651dba"; break; case StudioSettings.Studio.SurvivalGame: HeyzapID = "9dff8b4f221dbad7cbbeeb52b2fc6125"; break; default: HeyzapID = "cde2146866f96c9ad90736c1af512e13"; break; } // TO DO: Something needs to be done to initialize Heyzap! // It is no longer in the launch controller. HeyzapAds.Start(HeyzapID, HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); }
// Untouched code copied from AdCentral // ------------ private static bool PlayHeyzapVideoAd() { if (HZVideoAd.IsAvailable()) { HZVideoAd.Show(); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); return(true); } return(false); }
IEnumerator AdCache(float waitTime) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime)); HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(); if (Random.Range(0, 10) >= 2) { HZVideoAd.Fetch(); } }
void Start() { mapButtonClicked = false; bestTimeVariable = "bestTimeLevel9"; currentShardsForLevelVariable = "currentShardsForLevel9"; currentMapVariable = "mapLevel9"; currentLevel = 9; HeyzapAds.Start("3a045a04722e168baefdd3eeff198305", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); map = new int[6, 6] { { 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2 }, { 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 2 }, { 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 }, { 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3 }, { 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 } }; rotations = new int[6, 6] { { 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2 }, { 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2 }, { 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1 }, { 3, 2, 3, 0, 2, 1 }, { 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2 } }; MazeGenerator.instance.mazeGenerator(map, rotations, 6); Ball.transform.position = start; Ball.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); Ball.SetActive(true); Instantiate(FinishParticleSystem, finish, Quaternion.identity); if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(currentShardsForLevelVariable)) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(currentShardsForLevelVariable, 0); } currentSpawnsLeft = 3 - PlayerPrefs.GetInt(currentShardsForLevelVariable); while (currentSpawnsLeft > 0) { int randX = Random.Range(0, 6); int randZ = Random.Range(0, 6); float Shardx = (float)randX + 0.05f; float Shardy = (float)randZ + 0.05f; if (Shardx != start.x && Shardx != finish.x && Shardy != start.z && Shardy != finish.z) { Instantiate(Shard, new Vector3((float)randX, 0.15f, (float)randZ), Quaternion.identity); currentSpawnsLeft--; } } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(bestTimeVariable)) { bestTimeScore.text = "00:00"; } else { bestTimeScore.text = ((int)(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(bestTimeVariable) / 60f)).ToString("00") + ":" + ((int)(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(bestTimeVariable) % 60f)).ToString("00"); } currentTime = 0f; shardsText.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("currentShards").ToString(); currentTimeText.text = ""; currentTimeScore.text = ""; bestTimeScore.text = ""; timeString = ""; gameOver = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Your Publisher ID is: 7e4482c1be37901e95ec6b42c8e14e21 HeyzapAds.Start("7e4482c1be37901e95ec6b42c8e14e21", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HeyzapAds.ShowDebugLogs(); HeyzapAds.ShowThirdPartyDebugLogs(); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); bannerShowing = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { IsRewardedVideoReady = false; VideoAdCointer = 0; HeyzapAds.Start("70d6db5109295d28b9ab83165d3fa95c", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); // HeyzapAds.ShowMediationTestSuite(); // Interstitial ads are automatically fetched HZInterstitialAd.Fetch("app-launch"); HZVideoAd.Fetch("video"); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch("rewarded"); HZIncentivizedAd.AdDisplayListener listener = delegate(string adState, string adTag){ if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_complete")) { // The user has watched the entire video and should be given a reward. GameEvents.Send(GiveReward); } if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_incomplete")) { // The user did not watch the entire video and should not be given a reward. } if (adState.Equals("hide")) { // Sent when an ad has been removed from view. // This is a good place to unpause your app, if applicable. Defs.MuteSounds(false); } if (adState.Equals("available")) { IsRewardedVideoReady = true; // Sent when an ad has been loaded and is ready to be displayed, // either because we autofetched an ad or because you called // `Fetch`. } }; HZIncentivizedAd.SetDisplayListener(listener); HZVideoAd.AdDisplayListener listenerVideo = delegate(string adState, string adTag){ if (adState.Equals("hide")) { // Sent when an ad has been removed from view. // This is a good place to unpause your app, if applicable. Defs.MuteSounds(false); } }; HZVideoAd.SetDisplayListener(listenerVideo); }
public static bool PlayAd() { // fetch the video HZVideoAd.Fetch(); // Check for availability if (HZVideoAd.IsAvailable()) { // Show the ad HZVideoAd.Show(); // E x i t return(true); } return(false); }
void Start() { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; Time.timeScale = 1; AudioListener.volume = 1; HeyzapAds.Start("e75a46b975f6cb4a120ac6c5fe89e2c6", HeyzapAds.FLAG_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_FETCHING); HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(); if (Random.Range(0, 10) >= 2) { HZVideoAd.Fetch(); } }
void Start() { HeyzapAds.Start("3a045a04722e168baefdd3eeff198305", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.AdDisplayListener listener = delegate(string adState, string adTag) { if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_complete")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("currentShards", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("currentShards") + 10); } if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_incomplete")) { //Don give him/her shards } }; HZIncentivizedAd.SetDisplayListener(listener); }
public void FetchButton() { string tag = this.adTag(); this.console.Append("Fetching " + this.SelectedAdType.ToString() + " with tag: " + tag); switch (this.SelectedAdType) { case AdType.Interstitial: HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(tag); break; case AdType.Video: HZVideoAd.Fetch(tag); break; case AdType.Incentivized: HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(tag); break; } }
public override void FetchAds(AdsElement type) { if (!AdsController.NoAds) { switch (type.type) { case AdsType.Banner: break; case AdsType.Interstitial: HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(type.name); break; case AdsType.Video: HZVideoAd.Fetch(type.name); break; case AdsType.RewardedVideo: HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(type.name); break; } } }
void Start() { //Exit text not showing exitTextRenderer = GameObject.Find("ExitOverlay").GetComponent <CanvasRenderer> (); exitTextRenderer.SetAlpha(0f); exitTextRenderer.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().GetComponent <CanvasRenderer> ().SetAlpha(0f); HeyzapAds.Start("74ffa522d9d72b0bf95f103d3c142b2f", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("First time playing")) { GameObject.Find("HowToPlayCanvas").GetComponent <Canvas> ().enabled = false; } //HeyzapAds.ShowMediationTestSuite();// used for test purposes if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Total Time Played Since Last ad")) { totalPlayTime = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Total Time Played Since Last ad"); } GameObject temp = GameObject.Find("SoundToggleButton"); soundToggleButton = temp.GetComponent <Button> (); highScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Highscore"); ShieldPowerup = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); GameObject z = GameObject.Find("HUDCanvas"); score = z.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator> (); //Animation x = animator.GetComponent<Animation> (); animator.enabled = false; GameObject y = GameObject.Find("GameOverCanvas"); gameOverCanvas = y.GetComponent <Canvas> (); gameOverCanvas.enabled = false; y = GameObject.Find("RemainingFreezesText"); remainingFreezes = y.GetComponent <Text> (); remainingFreezes.text = freezePowerup.ToString(); //repulsion powerup arrows = new GameObject[4]; arrows [0] = GameObject.Find("arrow"); arrows [1] = GameObject.Find("arrow (1)"); arrows [2] = GameObject.Find("arrow (2)"); arrows [3] = GameObject.Find("arrow (3)"); //disable animation of shield remaining time at first GameObject.Find("ShieldCountDownText").GetComponent <Animator> ().enabled = false; GameObject.Find("ShieldCountDownText").GetComponent <Text> ().enabled = false; //retrieve last player audio preferences int i = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Audio"); //1 means it's off, else means it's on if (i == 1) { soundToggleButton.image.sprite = SoundOff; soundOn = false; } else { soundToggleButton.image.sprite = SoundOn; soundOn = true; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { HeyzapAds.Start("ecef46611330f64b1c88df6f89c05b63", HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); HZVideoAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); }
public void FetchVideoAd() { HZVideoAd.Fetch(); }