private void NidaleeOnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (Target != null) { Utility.DrawCircle(Target.Position, Target.BoundingRadius, Color.Red, 1, 1); } foreach (var spell in cougarList) { var circle = Config.Item("draw" + spell.Slot.ToString()).GetValue <Circle>(); if (circle.Active && Kitty && !Me.IsDead) { Utility.DrawCircle(Me.Position, spell.Range, circle.Color, 1, 1); } } foreach (var spell in humanList) { var circle = Config.Item("draw" + spell.Slot.ToString()).GetValue <Circle>(); if (circle.Active && !Kitty && !Me.IsDead) { Utility.DrawCircle(Me.Position, spell.Range, circle.Color, 1, 1); } } if (!Config.Item("drawcds").GetValue <bool>()) { return; } var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(Me.Position); if (!Kitty) // lets show cooldown timers for the opposite form :) { if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.Q) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Null"); } else if (CQ == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.Orange, "Q: " + CQ.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.W) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Null"); } else if (CW == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.Orange, "W: " + CW.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.E) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Null"); } else if (CE == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.Orange, "E: " + CE.ToString("0.0")); } } else { if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.Q) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Null"); } else if (HQ == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.Orange, "Q: " + HQ.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.W) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Null"); } else if (HW == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.Orange, "W: " + HW.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.E) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Null"); } else if (HE == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.Orange, "E: " + HE.ToString("0.0")); } } }
private static void NidaleeOnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (Target != null && MainMenu.Item("drawline").GetValue <bool>()) { if (Me.IsDead) { return; } Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Target.Position, Target.BoundingRadius - 50, Color.Yellow); } foreach (var spell in CougarList) { var circle = MainMenu.Item("draw" + spell.Slot).GetValue <Circle>(); if (circle.Active && CougarForm && !Me.IsDead) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Me.Position, spell.Range, circle.Color, 2); } } foreach (var spell in HumanList) { var circle = MainMenu.Item("draw" + spell.Slot).GetValue <Circle>(); if (circle.Active && !CougarForm && !Me.IsDead) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Me.Position, spell.Range, circle.Color, 2); } } if (!MainMenu.Item("drawcds").GetValue <bool>()) { return; } var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(Me.Position); if (!CougarForm) // lets show cooldown timers for the opposite form :) { if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.Q) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Null"); } else if (CQ == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.Orange, "Q: " + CQ.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.W) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Null"); } else if (CW == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.Orange, "W: " + CW.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.E) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Null"); } else if (CE == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.Orange, "E: " + CE.ToString("0.0")); } } else { if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.Q) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Null"); } else if (HQ == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.White, "Q: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 80, wts[1], Color.Orange, "Q: " + HQ.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.W) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Null"); } else if (HW == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.White, "W: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0] - 30, wts[1] + 30, Color.Orange, "W: " + HW.ToString("0.0")); } if (Me.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(SpellSlot.E) == SpellState.NotLearned) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Null"); } else if (HE == 0) { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.White, "E: Ready"); } else { Drawing.DrawText(wts[0], wts[1], Color.Orange, "E: " + HE.ToString("0.0")); } } }