public override void ViewDidLoad()


            string encoded = JsonUtils.GetTorqueQuery();

            string url = "" + encoded + "&cache_policy=persist";

            // Define datasource with the query
            HTTPTileDataSource source = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 14, url);

            // Create persistent cache to make it faster
            string         cacheFile   = Utils.GetDocumentDirectory() + "/torque_tile_cache.db";
            TileDataSource cacheSource = new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(source, cacheFile);

            // Create CartoCSS style from Torque points
            CartoCSSStyleSet styleSheet = new CartoCSSStyleSet(JsonUtils.TorqueCartoCSS);

            // Create tile decoder and Torque layer
            decoder = new TorqueTileDecoder(styleSheet);

            tileLayer = new TorqueTileLayer(cacheSource, decoder);


            MapView.SetZoom(1, 0);
        public MergedRasterTileDataSource(HTTPTileDataSource source1, HTTPTileDataSource source2) : base(source1.MinZoom, source1.MaxZoom)
            this.source1 = source1;
            this.source2 = source2;

            paint = new Paint();
        protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)


            string encoded = JsonUtils.GetTorqueQuery();

            // Define datasource with the query
            string             url    = "" + encoded + "&cache_policy=persist";
            HTTPTileDataSource source = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 14, url);

            // Create persistent cache to make it faster
            string         cacheFile   = GetExternalFilesDir(null) + "torque_tile_cache.db";
            TileDataSource cacheSource = new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(source, cacheFile);

            // Create CartoCSS style from Torque points
            CartoCSSStyleSet styleSheet = new CartoCSSStyleSet(JsonUtils.TorqueCartoCSS);

            // Create tile decoder and Torque layer
            decoder = new TorqueTileDecoder(styleSheet);

            tileLayer = new TorqueTileLayer(cacheSource, decoder);


            MapView.SetZoom(1, 0);
Пример #4
        Carto.Graphics.Bitmap CreateBitmap(HTTPTileDataSource source, MapTile tile)
            var data = source.LoadTile(tile);

            if (data == null)
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Initialize hillshading raster data source, better visible in mountain ranges
            HTTPTileDataSource source1 = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, TiledRasterUrl);
            HTTPTileDataSource source2 = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, HillsideRasterUrl);

            MergedRasterTileDataSource mergedSource = new MergedRasterTileDataSource(source1, source2);

            var layer = new RasterTileLayer(mergedSource);


            // Animate map to a nice place
            MapView.SetFocusPos(BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-122.4323, 37.7582)), 1);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 1);
        protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Initialize hillshading raster data source, better visible in mountain ranges
            HTTPTileDataSource source1 = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, TiledRasterUrl);
            HTTPTileDataSource source2 = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, HillsideRasterUrl);

            MergedRasterTileDataSource mergedSource = new MergedRasterTileDataSource(source1, source2);

            var layer = new RasterTileLayer(mergedSource);


            // Animate map to a nice place
            MapView.SetFocusPos(BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-122.4323, 37.7582)), 1);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 1);
        protected override void UpdateBaseLayer()

            if (vectorStyleTileType == "raster")

                string url = (vectorStyleName == "positron") ? Urls.Positron : Urls.DarkMatter;

                TileDataSource source = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, url);
                var            layer  = new RasterTileLayer(source);

                string selection = Menu.GetSelectedValueOf("OSM");

                CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer layer = null;

                if (selection == "nutiteq.osm")
                    if (vectorStyleName.Split(':')[1] == "default")
                        layer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDefault);
                        layer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDark);
                    var styleAsset = AssetUtils.LoadAsset(vectorStyleName + ".zip");
                    layer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(vectorStyleOSM, new ZippedAssetPackage(styleAsset));

        protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Initialize hillshading raster data source, better visible in mountain ranges
            HTTPTileDataSource hillsRasterTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, HillsideRasterUrl);

            // Add persistent caching datasource, tiles will be stored locally on persistent storage
            PersistentCacheTileDataSource cachedDataSource =
                new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(hillsRasterTileDataSource, GetExternalFilesDir(null) + "/mapcache_hills.db");

            // Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
            RasterTileLayer hillshadeLayer = new RasterTileLayer(cachedDataSource);

            // Add the previous raster layer to the map

            // Animate map to a nice place
            MapView.SetFocusPos(BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-122.4323, 37.7582)), 1);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 1);
Пример #9
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Initialize hillshading raster data source, better visible in mountain ranges
            HTTPTileDataSource tileSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 24, HillsideRasterUrl);

            // Add persistent caching datasource, tiles will be stored locally on persistent storage
            PersistentCacheTileDataSource cachedSource =
                new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(tileSource, Utils.GetDocumentDirectory() + "mapcache_hills.db");

            // Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
            RasterTileLayer hillshadeLayer = new RasterTileLayer(cachedSource);

            // Add the previous raster layer to the map

            // Animate map to a nice place
            MapView.SetFocusPos(BaseProjection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-122.4323, 37.7582)), 1);
            MapView.SetZoom(13, 1);
 Carto.Graphics.Bitmap CreateBitmap(HTTPTileDataSource source, MapTile tile)
        void UpdateBaseLayer(Section section, string selection)
            if (section.Type != SectionType.Language)
                currentOSM       = section.OSM.Value;
                currentSelection = selection;

            if (section.Type == SectionType.Vector)
                if (currentOSM == "nutiteq.osm")
                    // Nutiteq styles are bundled with the SDK, we can initialize them via constuctor
                    if (currentSelection == "default")
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDefault);
                    else if (currentSelection == "gray")
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleGray);
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDark);
                else if (currentOSM == "mapzen.osm")
                    // Mapzen styles are all bundled in one .zip file.
                    // Selection contains both the style name and file name (cf. Sections.cs in Shared)
                    string fileName  = currentSelection.Split(':')[0];
                    string styleName = currentSelection.Split(':')[1];

                    // Create a style set from the file and style
                    BinaryData       styleAsset = AssetUtils.LoadAsset(fileName + ".zip");
                    var              package    = new ZippedAssetPackage(styleAsset);
                    CompiledStyleSet styleSet   = new CompiledStyleSet(package, styleName);

                    // Create datasource and style decoder
                    var source  = new CartoOnlineTileDataSource(currentOSM);
                    var decoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(styleSet);

                    currentLayer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

                ContentView.Menu.LanguageChoiceEnabled = true;
            else if (section.Type == SectionType.Raster)
                // We know that the value of raster will be Positron or Darkmatter,
                // as Nutiteq and Mapzen use vector tiles

                // Additionally, raster tiles do not support language choice
                string url = (currentSelection == "positron") ? Urls.Positron : Urls.DarkMatter;

                TileDataSource source = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, url);
                currentLayer = new RasterTileLayer(source);

                // Language choice not enabled in raster tiles
                ContentView.Menu.LanguageChoiceEnabled = false;
            else if (section.Type == SectionType.Language)
                if (currentLayer is RasterTileLayer)
                    // Raster tile language chance is not supported



            currentListener = null;
            currentListener = MapView.InitializeVectorTileListener(VectorLayer);
        void UpdateBaseLayer(Section section, string selection)
            if (section.Type != SectionType.Language)
                currentOSM = section.OSM.Value;
                currentSelection = selection;

            if (section.Type == SectionType.Vector)
                if (currentOSM == "nutiteq.osm")
                    // Nutiteq styles are bundled with the SDK, we can initialize them via constuctor
                    if (currentSelection == "default")
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDefault);
                    else if (currentSelection == "gray")
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleGray);
                        currentLayer = new CartoOnlineVectorTileLayer(CartoBaseMapStyle.CartoBasemapStyleDark);
                else if (currentOSM == "mapzen.osm")
                    // Mapzen styles are all bundled in one .zip file.
                    // Selection contains both the style name and file name (cf. Sections.cs in Shared)
                    string fileName = currentSelection.Split(':')[0];
                    string styleName = currentSelection.Split(':')[1];

                    // Create a style set from the file and style
                    BinaryData styleAsset = AssetUtils.LoadAsset("styles/" + fileName + ".zip");
                    var package = new ZippedAssetPackage(styleAsset);
                    CompiledStyleSet styleSet = new CompiledStyleSet(package, styleName);

                    // Create datasource and style decoder
                    var source = new CartoOnlineTileDataSource(currentOSM);
                    var decoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(styleSet);

                    currentLayer = new VectorTileLayer(source, decoder);

                Menu.LanguageChoiceEnabled = true;

            else if (section.Type == SectionType.Raster)
                // We know that the value of raster will be Positron or Darkmatter,
                // as Nutiteq and Mapzen use vector tiles

                // Additionally, raster tiles do not support language choice
                string url = (currentSelection == "positron") ? Urls.Positron : Urls.DarkMatter;

                TileDataSource source = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, url);
                currentLayer = new RasterTileLayer(source);

                // Language choice not enabled in raster tiles
                Menu.LanguageChoiceEnabled = false;
            else if (section.Type == SectionType.Language)
                if (currentLayer is RasterTileLayer) {
                    // Raster tile language chance is not supported



            currentListener = null;
            currentListener = MapView.InitializeVectorTileListener(VectorLayer);