Пример #1
        public static void SendKannel(string phoneNumber, string message)
            //This is the swedish HOMEGROWN SMS sending mechanisma
            String encodedMessage = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(message, Credential.Encoding);
            String encodedPhone   = NormalizePhoneNumber(phoneNumber, Credential.Encoding);

            String   username = Credential.Login;
            String   password = Credential.Password;
            Encoding enc      = Credential.Encoding;
            String   url      = "https://nurse.sanitarium.se/sms/sendsms";
            String   call_string;
            String   result;

            call_string = url +
                          "?username="******"&password="******"&to=" + encodedPhone +
                          "&text=" + encodedMessage +

            result = HTTPSender.Send(call_string, enc);

            if (result != "0: Accepted for delivery")
                throw new Exception("Error on SMS transmit: phone number " + phoneNumber + ", error code " + result);
Пример #2
        public static bool CheckServiceStatus()
            switch (Credential.ServiceName)
            case "SwedishSms":
                return(true);    //cant test this

            case "SwedishKannel":
                String   username = Credential.Login;
                String   password = Credential.Password;
                Encoding enc      = Credential.Encoding;
                String   url      = "https://nurse.sanitarium.se/kannel/status";
                String   result;

                HttpWebResponse responseOut = null;
                    result = HTTPSender.Send(url, enc, 1500, out responseOut);
                    if (((int)responseOut.StatusCode).ToString().StartsWith("2"))
                catch (Exception)

                throw new Exception("Error on SMS transmit. Unknown SMS service: " + Credential.ServiceName);
Пример #3
        private void PostUpdates()
            // Getting values from preferences
            string deviceInfo = Android.OS.Build.Model;

            // Log
            Log.Debug(TAG, "Foreground updating");
            Log.Debug(TAG, "Device info: " + deviceInfo);
            Log.Debug(TAG, "Post url: " + AppConfig.PostUrl);

            // Getting lat/lon
            Location location = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.GetLastLocation(apiClient);
            double   lat      = location.Latitude;
            double   lon      = location.Longitude;

            // Getting the resource detail
            ResourceDetail det = HTTPSender.createResourceDetail(AppConfig.UserID, AppConfig.Agency);

            List <EventDetails> detailsList = new List <EventDetails>();


            if (sensorDetailMap.Count > 0)
                Log.Debug(TAG, "Adding Sensor Details");

            HTTPSender.sendUpdate(lat, lon, AppConfig.UserID, AppConfig.Agency, AppConfig.PostUrl, AppConfig.SelectedResource, detailsList);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves data and sets heart rate for hexoskin, and returns TRUE if the data was retrieved successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if get data was caned, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public bool CanGetData()
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_watchTowerSettings.HexoskinID))
                string hexoskinID = _watchTowerSettings.HexoskinID;

                // synchronous call
                string sHexoskinJson = HTTPSender.getHexoskinDataSynchronous(BASE_URL, hexoskinID);


Пример #5
        async Task GetHexoskinDataAsync()
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_watchTowerSettings.HexoskinID))
                string hexoskinID = _watchTowerSettings.HexoskinID;

                Task <String> hexoskinTask = HTTPSender.getMessageWithResponse(BASE_URL, hexoskinID);

                string sHexoskinJson = await hexoskinTask;

                bConnectedToData = false;
Пример #6
        void PostLocation()
            //don't post location unless it's been set
            if (_lastLocation.LocationUpdated)
                //Console.WriteLine($"posting location for user {_watchTowerSettings.UserID}.  Latitude: {_lastLocation.Latitude}; Longitude: {_lastLocation.Longitude}");
                HTTPSender.SendLocation(_lastLocation.Latitude, _lastLocation.Longitude,
                                        _watchTowerSettings.ServerUrl, _watchTowerSettings.UserID,
                                        _watchTowerSettings.Agency, _watchTowerSettings.ResourceType, SingletonManager.BluetoothSensorManager.GetAllSensorDetails());

                _lastLocation.TimeLastPosted      = DateTime.Now;
                _lastLocation.bLocationWasPosted  = true;
                _lastLocation.LatitudeLastPosted  = _lastLocation.Latitude;
                _lastLocation.LongitudeLastPosted = _lastLocation.Longitude;

Пример #7
        internal static void SendMoSMS(string phone, string message)
            // This is the SWEDISH sms transmission mechanism.

            // Sätt användarnamn, lösenord och URL till MO-SMS.
            String   mosms_username = Credential.Login;
            String   mosms_password = Credential.Password;
            Encoding enc            = Credential.Encoding;
            String   mosms_url      = "http://www.mosms.com/se/sms-send.php";
            String   call_string;
            String   result;

            // Sätt mottagarens telefonnummer
            String mosms_number = phone;

            // Sätt vilken typ av SMS som skall skickas.
            String mosms_type = "text";

            String encodedMessage = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(message, Credential.Encoding);

            // Sätt SMS-meddelandet som skall skickas
            String mosms_data = encodedMessage;

            mosms_data = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mosms_data, enc);

            call_string = mosms_url +
                          "?username="******"&password="******"&nr=" + mosms_number +
                          "&type=" + mosms_type +
                          "&data=" + mosms_data;

            result = HTTPSender.Send(call_string, enc);
            result = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(result, enc);

            if (result != "0")
                throw new Exception("Error on SMS transmit: phone number " + phone + ", error code " + result);
Пример #8
        public void hexoSkinConnect(BluetoothDevice dev)
            DateTime lastChange = DateTime.MinValue;

            System.Timers.Timer t       = new System.Timers.Timer(AppUtil.HEXOSKIN_INTERVAL);
            System.Timers.Timer timeOut = new System.Timers.Timer(AppUtil.HEXOSKIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);

            timeOut.AutoReset = true;
            timeOut.Elapsed  += delegate {
                // Checking if HexoSkin Timed out
                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - lastChange;

                if (duration.TotalMilliseconds > AppUtil.HEXOSKIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
                    timeOut.Enabled = false;
                    t.Enabled       = false;

                    // Send disconnect notice
                    sendStateUpdate(dev.Address, false, "Hexoskin stopped reporting data");

                timeOut.Interval = AppUtil.SENSOR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;

            t.AutoReset = true;
            t.Elapsed  += async delegate
                timeOut.Enabled = true;

                Log.Debug(LOG_TAG, "Getting hexoskin reading");

                    string data = await HTTPSender.getMessage("https://s3.amazonaws.com/pscloud-watchtower/", dev.Name);

                    // If we got valid data
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
                        if (lastChange == DateTime.MinValue)
                            // First time we read data.
                            sendStateUpdate(dev.Address, true, "Hexoskin started reporting data");

                        lastChange = DateTime.Now;

                        // Sending data to SensorHandler
                        Dictionary <string, string> deviceDetails = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        deviceDetails.Add("device_name", dev.Name);

                        // Get the sensor handler
                        SensorHandler sh = new SensorHandler(deviceDetails, AppConfig.UserID);

                        byte[] dataArr = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
                        string xmlDetail = sh.xmlDetail;

                        Log.Debug(LOG_TAG, xmlDetail);

                        // Notifying
                        Intent message      = new Intent(AppUtil.SENSOR_READING_UPDATE_ACTION);
                        Bundle intentBundle = new Bundle();
                        intentBundle.PutString(AppUtil.ADDRESS_KEY, dev.Address);
                        intentBundle.PutString(AppUtil.DETAIL_KEY, xmlDetail);

                        // Get Time last reading was taken
                        Dictionary <string, string> dataJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(data);
                        double epochValue;

                        if (double.TryParse(dataJson["timestamp"], out epochValue))
                            epochValue = epochValue / 256;

                            DateTime hexoSkinRead = AppUtil.FromUnixTime((long)epochValue);
                            hexoSkinRead = DateTime.SpecifyKind(hexoSkinRead, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            hexoSkinRead = hexoSkinRead.ToLocalTime();

                            intentBundle.PutString(AppUtil.TIME_KEY, hexoSkinRead.ToString()

                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Debug(LOG_TAG, "Getting Hexoskin data failed");

            t.Enabled = true;