private List <string> GetFilesToTransfer(string ipAddress, string xmlPath) { try { NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); string filesToTransferXML = HTTPPost.HttpUploadFile("http://" + ipAddress + "/GetFilesToTransfer", xmlPath, "filesInSite.xml", nvc); if (filesToTransferXML != "404") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filesToTransferXML)) { return(ParseFilesToTransferXml(filesToTransferXML)); } } else { Trace.WriteLine("404 received - no files to transfer"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception in GetFilesToTransfer: " + ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return(null); }
private static bool UploadFileToServer(string id, string filePath) { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath); LogMessage(GetTimeStamp() + " : UploadFileToServer: id=" + id.ToString() + ", filePath=" + filePath + ", fileName=" + fileName); NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("Destination-Filename", String.Concat("content/", fileName)); nvc.Add("Friendly-Filename", fileName); nvc.Add("DB-Id", id); try { string responseString = HTTPPost.HttpUploadFile("http://" + _bsIPAddress + "/TranscodedFile", filePath, fileName, nvc); if (responseString != "RECEIVED") { LogMessage(GetTimeStamp() + " : UploadFileToServer: HTTPPost returned " + responseString); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMessage("Exception in HTTPPost: " + ex.ToString()); return(false); } LogMessage(GetTimeStamp() + " : UploadFileToServer: success"); return(true); }
private bool UploadFileToBrightSign(string sourcePath, string destinationRelativePath, string ipAddress) { Trace.WriteLine("UploadFileToBrightSign: " + sourcePath); //string encodedFileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName); try { NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("Destination-Filename", destinationRelativePath); HTTPPost.HttpUploadFile("http://" + ipAddress + "/UploadFile", sourcePath, destinationRelativePath, nvc); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception in UploadFileToBrightSign: " + ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Exception in UploadFileToBrightSign"); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to propose or make a change to a venue. /// </summary> /// <param name="VENUE_ID">required The venue id for which an edit is being proposed</param> /// <param name="EditType">either edit or proposeedit</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the venue.</param> /// <param name="address">The address of the venue.</param> /// <param name="crossStreet">The nearest intersecting street or streets</param> /// <param name="city">The city name where this venue is.</param> /// <param name="state">The nearest state or province to the venue.</param> /// <param name="zip">The zip or postal code for the venue.</param> /// <param name="phone">The phone number of the venue.</param> /// <param name="ll">Latitude and longitude of the user's location, as accurate as is known.</param> /// <param name="primaryCategoryId">The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.</param> private static bool VenueEditor(string EditType, string VENUE_ID, string name, string address, string crossStreet, string city, string state, string zip, string phone, string ll, string primaryCategoryId, string AccessToken) { //Venue Edit and Venue ProposeEdit are essentially the same call. Edit requires Superuser privileges. Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); #region Parameter Conditioning //address if (!address.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("address", address); } //city if (!city.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("city", city); } //crossStreet if (!crossStreet.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("crossStreet", crossStreet); } //ll if (!ll.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("ll", ll); } //name if (!name.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("name", name); } //phone if (!phone.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("phone", phone); } //primaryCategoryId if (!primaryCategoryId.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("primaryCategoryId", primaryCategoryId); } //state if (!state.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("state", state); } //zip if (!zip.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("zip", zip); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + VENUE_ID + "/" + EditType), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); if (((Dictionary<string, object>)JSONDictionary["meta"])["code"].ToString().Equals("200")) { return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to mark a venue to-do, with optional text. /// </summary> /// <param name="VENUE_ID">required The venue you want to mark to-do.</param> /// <param name="text">The text of the tip.</param> public static FourSquareTodo VenueMarkTodo(string VENUE_ID, string text, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #region Parameter Conditioning //text if (!text.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("text", text); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + VENUE_ID + "/marktodo"), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareTodo(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Allows users to indicate a venue is incorrect in some way. /// </summary> /// <param name="VENUE_ID">required The venue id for which an edit is being proposed.</param> /// <param name="problem">required One of mislocated, closed, duplicate.</param> public static bool VenueFlag(string VENUE_ID, string problem, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #region Parameter Conditioning //problem if (!problem.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("problem", problem); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + VENUE_ID + "/flag"), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); if (((Dictionary<string, object>)JSONDictionary["meta"])["code"].ToString().Equals("200")) { return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Allows users to add a new venue. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">required the name of the venue NOTE: One of either a valid address or a geolat/geolong pair must be provided</param> /// <param name="address">The address of the venue.</param> /// <param name="crossStreet">The nearest intersecting street or streets.</param> /// <param name="city">The city name where this venue is.</param> /// <param name="state">The nearest state or province to the venue.</param> /// <param name="zip">The zip or postal code for the venue.</param> /// <param name="phone">The phone number of the venue.</param> /// <param name="ll">required Latitude and longitude of the venue, as accurate as is known. NOTE: One of either a valid address or a geolat/geolong pair must be provided</param> /// <param name="primaryCategoryId">The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.</param> public static FourSquareVenue VenueAdd(string name, string address, string crossStreet, string city, string state, string zip, string phone, string ll, string primaryCategoryId, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #region Parameter Conditioning //address if (!address.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("address", address); } //city if (!city.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("city", city); } //crossStreet if (!crossStreet.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("crossStreet", crossStreet); } //ll if (!ll.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("ll", ll); } //name if (!name.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("name", name); } //phone if (!phone.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("phone", phone); } //primaryCategoryId if (!primaryCategoryId.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("primaryCategoryId", primaryCategoryId); } //state if (!state.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("state", state); } //zip if (!zip.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("zip", zip); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(""), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareVenue(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Add a comment to a check-in /// </summary> /// <param name="CHECKIN_ID">The ID of the checkin to add a comment to.</param> /// <param name="text">The text of the comment, up to 200 characters.</param> public static FourSquareComment CheckinAddComment(string CHECKIN_ID, string Text, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); parameters.Add("text", Text); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + CHECKIN_ID + "/addcomment"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); JSONDictionary = ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "response:comment"); FourSquareComment Comment = new FourSquareComment(JSONDictionary); return Comment; }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to remove a tip from your to-do list or done list. /// </summary> /// <param name="TIP_ID">required The tip you want to unmark.</param> public static FourSquareTip TipUnMark(string TIP_ID, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + TIP_ID + "/unmark"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareTip(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to check in to a place. /// </summary> /// <param name="venueId">The venue where the user is checking in. No venueid is needed if shouting or just providing a venue name.</param> /// <param name="venue">If are not shouting, but you don't have a venue ID or would rather prefer a 'venueless' checkin</param> /// <param name="shout">A message about your check-in. The maximum length of this field is 140 characters.</param> /// <param name="broadcast">Required. How much to broadcast this check-in, ranging from private (off-the-grid) to public,facebook,twitter. Can also be just public or public,facebook, for example. If no valid value is found, the default is public. Shouts cannot be private.</param> /// <param name="ll">Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Only specify this field if you have a GPS or other device reported location for the user at the time of check-in.</param> /// <param name="llAcc">Accuracy of the user's latitude and longitude, in meters.</param> /// <param name="alt">Altitude of the user's location, in meters.</param> /// <param name="altAcc">Vertical accuracy of the user's location, in meters.</param> public static FourSquareCheckin CheckinAdd(string venueId, string venue, string shout, string broadcast, string ll, string llAcc, string alt, string altAcc, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!alt.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("alt", alt); } if (!altAcc.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("altAcc", altAcc); } if (!broadcast.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("broadcast", broadcast); } if (!ll.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("ll", ll); } if (!llAcc.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("llAcc", llAcc); } if (!shout.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("shout", shout); } if (!venue.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("venue", venue); } if (!venueId.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("venueId", venueId); } parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); string strURL = "" + AccessToken; strURL += "&broadcast=" + broadcast; strURL += "&venueId=" + venueId; HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(strURL), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); FourSquareCheckin CheckinResponse = new FourSquareCheckin(JSONDictionary); return CheckinResponse; }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to check in to a place. /// </summary> /// <param name="venueId">The venue where the user is checking in. No venueid is needed if shouting or just providing a venue name.</param> /// <param name="venue">If are not shouting, but you don't have a venue ID or would rather prefer a 'venueless' checkin</param> /// <param name="shout">A message about your check-in. The maximum length of this field is 140 characters.</param> /// <param name="Broadcast">Required. How much to broadcast this check-in, ranging from private (off-the-grid) to public,facebook,twitter. Can also be just public or public,facebook, for example. If no valid value is found, the default is public. Shouts cannot be private.</param> /// <param name="LL">Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Only specify this field if you have a GPS or other device reported location for the user at the time of check-in.</param> public static FourSquareCheckin CheckinAdd(string VenueId, string Venue, string Shout, string Broadcast, string LL, string LLAcc, string Alt, string AltAcc, string AccessToken) { FourSquareCheckin CheckinResponse = new FourSquareCheckin(); Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!Alt.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("alt", Alt); } if (!AltAcc.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("altAcc", AltAcc); } if (!Broadcast.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("broadcast", Broadcast); } if (!LL.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("ll", LL); } if (!LLAcc.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("llAcc", LLAcc); } if (!Shout.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("shout", Shout); } if (!Venue.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("venue", Venue); } if (!VenueId.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("venueId", VenueId); } parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(""), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); CheckinResponse = new FourSquareCheckin(ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "response:checkin")); foreach (object Obj in (object[])JSONDictionary["notifications"]) { FourSquareNotification Notification = new FourSquareNotification((Dictionary<string, object>)Obj); CheckinResponse.notifications.Add(Notification); } return CheckinResponse; }
/// <summary> /// Change a setting for the given user. /// </summary> /// <param name="Setting">The name of a setting</param> /// <param name="value">required 1 for true, and 0 for false.</param> public static Dictionary<string, Object> Settings(FourSquareSettingOptions Setting, bool Value, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, Object> SettingDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); if (!(Setting == FourSquareSettingOptions.all)) { string StrValue = "0"; if (Value) { StrValue = "1"; } Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); parameters.Add("value", StrValue); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + Setting + "/set"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); JSONDictionary = ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "response:settings"); foreach (object Obj in JSONDictionary) { SettingDictionary.Add((((KeyValuePair<string, object>)Obj)).Key, (((KeyValuePair<string, object>)Obj)).Value); } } return SettingDictionary; }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to propose or make a change to a venue. /// </summary> /// <param name="VENUE_ID">required The venue id for which an edit is being proposed</param> /// <param name="EditType">either edit or proposeedit</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the venue.</param> /// <param name="address">The address of the venue.</param> /// <param name="crossStreet">The nearest intersecting street or streets</param> /// <param name="city">The city name where this venue is.</param> /// <param name="state">The nearest state or province to the venue.</param> /// <param name="zip">The zip or postal code for the venue.</param> /// <param name="phone">The phone number of the venue.</param> /// <param name="ll">Latitude and longitude of the user's location, as accurate as is known.</param> /// <param name="primaryCategoryId">The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.</param> private static void VenueEditor(string EditType, string VENUE_ID, string name, string address, string crossStreet, string city, string state, string zip, string phone, string ll, string primaryCategoryId, string AccessToken) { //Venue Edit and Venue ProposeEdit are essentially the same call. Edit requires Superuser privileges. Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); #region Parameter Conditioning //address if (!address.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("address", address); } //city if (!city.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("city", city); } //crossStreet if (!crossStreet.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("crossStreet", crossStreet); } //ll if (!ll.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("ll", ll); } //name if (!name.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("name", name); } //phone if (!phone.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("phone", phone); } //primaryCategoryId if (!primaryCategoryId.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("primaryCategoryId", primaryCategoryId); } //state if (!state.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("state", state); } //zip if (!zip.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("zip", zip); } Parameters.Add("v", "20110704"); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + VENUE_ID + "/" + EditType), Parameters); //todo: Interpret response. }
/// <summary> /// Allows users to indicate a venue is incorrect in some way. /// </summary> /// <param name="VENUE_ID">required The venue id for which an edit is being proposed.</param> /// <param name="problem">required One of mislocated, closed, duplicate.</param> public static void VenueFlag(string VENUE_ID, string problem, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #region Parameter Conditioning //problem if (!problem.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("problem", problem); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + VENUE_ID + "/marktodo"), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); //todo: Test response, return something. }
/// <summary> /// Change a setting for the given user. /// </summary> /// <param name="Setting">The name of a setting</param> /// <param name="value">True or False</param> public static FourSquareSettings Settings(string Setting, bool Value, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, Object> SettingDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); string StrValue = "0"; if (Value) { StrValue = "1"; } Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); parameters.Add("value", StrValue); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + Setting + "/set"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); FourSquareSettings Settings = new FourSquareSettings(JSONDictionary); return Settings; }
/// <summary> /// Allows users to indicate a Special is improper in some way. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">required The id of the special being flagged</param> /// <param name="venueId">required The id of the venue running the special.</param> /// <param name="problem">required One of not_redeemable, not_valuable, other</param> /// <param name="text">Additional text about why the user has flagged this special</param> public static bool SpecialFlag(string ID, string venueId, string problem, string text, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); parameters.Add("venueId", venueId); parameters.Add("problem", problem); if (!text.Equals("")) { parameters.Add("text", text); } HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + ID + "/flag"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); if (((Dictionary<string, object>)JSONDictionary["meta"])["code"].ToString().Equals("200")) { return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Changes whether the acting user will receive pings (phone notifications) when the specified user checks in. /// </summary> /// <param name="USER_ID">required The user ID of a friend.</param> /// <param name="Value">required True or false.</param> public static FourSquareUser UserSetPings(string USER_ID, bool Value, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); if (Value) { Parameters.Add("value", "True"); } else { Parameters.Add("value", "False"); } HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + USER_ID + "/setpings"), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareUser(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to add a new tip at a venue. /// </summary> /// <param name="venueId">required The venue where you want to add this tip.</param> /// <param name="text">required The text of the tip.</param> /// <param name="url">A URL related to this tip.</param> public static FourSquareTip TipAdd(string venueId, string text, string url, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("text", text); parameters.Add("url", url); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("venueId", venueId); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(""), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareTip(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Remove commment from check-in /// </summary> /// <param name="CHECKIN_ID">The ID of the checkin to remove a comment from.</param> /// <param name="commentId">The id of the comment to remove.</param> public static FourSquareCheckin CheckinDeleteComment(string CHECKIN_ID, string commentId, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); parameters.Add("commentId", commentId); parameters.Add("v", Version); parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + CHECKIN_ID + "/deletecomment"), parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareCheckin(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Denies a pending friend request from another user. /// </summary> /// <param name="USER_ID">required The user ID of a pending friend.</param> public static FourSquareUser UserDeny(string USER_ID, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("v", Version); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri("" + USER_ID + "/deny"), Parameters); Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); return new FourSquareUser(JSONDictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Allows users to add a new venue. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">required the name of the venue NOTE: One of either a valid address or a geolat/geolong pair must be provided</param> /// <param name="address">The address of the venue.</param> /// <param name="crossStreet">The nearest intersecting street or streets.</param> /// <param name="city">The city name where this venue is.</param> /// <param name="state">The nearest state or province to the venue.</param> /// <param name="zip">The zip or postal code for the venue.</param> /// <param name="phone">The phone number of the venue.</param> /// <param name="ll">required Latitude and longitude of the venue, as accurate as is known. NOTE: One of either a valid address or a geolat/geolong pair must be provided</param> /// <param name="primaryCategoryId">The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.</param> public static FourSquareVenue VenueAdd(string name, string address, string crossStreet, string city, string state, string zip, string phone, string ll, string primaryCategoryId, string AccessToken) { Dictionary<string, string> Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Parameters.Add("callback", "XXX"); Parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken); #region Parameter Conditioning //address if (!address.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("address", address); } //city if (!city.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("city", city); } //crossStreet if (!crossStreet.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("crossStreet", crossStreet); } //ll if (!ll.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("ll", ll); } //name if (!name.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("name", name); } //phone if (!phone.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("phone", phone); } //primaryCategoryId if (!primaryCategoryId.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("primaryCategoryId", primaryCategoryId); } //state if (!state.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("state", state); } //zip if (!zip.Equals("")) { Parameters.Add("zip", zip); } #endregion Parameter Conditioning HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(""), Parameters); string SampleReply = "{\"meta\":{\"code\":200},\"response\":{\"venue\":{\"id\":\"4e12000a1f6e671dd9ec9341\",\"name\":\"McLean Park Playground\",\"contact\":{},\"location\":{\"city\":\"Richmond\",\"state\":\"BC\",\"lat\":49.17213,\"lng\":-122.973382,\"distance\":0},\"categories\":[{\"id\":\"4bf58dd8d48988d1e7941735\",\"name\":\"Playground\",\"pluralName\":\"Playgrounds\",\"icon\":\"\",\"parents\":[\"Great Outdoors\"],\"primary\":true}],\"verified\":false,\"stats\":{\"checkinsCount\":0,\"usersCount\":0},\"hereNow\":{\"count\":0,\"groups\":[{\"type\":\"friends\",\"name\":\"friends here\",\"count\":0,\"items\":[]},{\"type\":\"others\",\"name\":\"other people here\",\"count\":0,\"items\":[]}]},\"mayor\":{\"count\":0},\"tips\":{\"count\":0,\"groups\":[]},\"tags\":[],\"specials\":[],\"specialsNearby\":[],\"shortUrl\":\"\",\"timeZone\":\"America/Vancouver\",\"beenHere\":{\"count\":0},\"photos\":{\"count\":0,\"groups\":[{\"type\":\"checkin\",\"name\":\"friends' checkin photos\",\"count\":0,\"items\":[]},{\"type\":\"venue\",\"name\":\"venue photos\",\"count\":0,\"items\":[]}]},\"todos\":{\"count\":0,\"items\":[]}}}}"; Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody); JSONDictionary = ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "response:venue"); return new FourSquareVenue(JSONDictionary); }