public static int GetSecondsByCar(Coordinates origin, Coordinates dest, int secondsWithoutCar, string API_KEY)
            string json = HTTPHelpers.SynchronizedRequest("GET", $"" +
            JObject jObj         = JObject.Parse(json);
            int     secondsByCar = Convert.ToInt32(jObj["routes"].First["legs"].First["duration"]["value"].ToString());

        public static List <Route> Calculate(ClientRouteCalculatorRequest rcr)
            string       API_KEY    = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GOOGLE_API_KEY"]);
            List <Route> resultList = new List <Route>();

            foreach (string company in rcr.CompaniesWithAddresses)
                string companyNameWithStateEscaped = Uri.EscapeUriString(company);

                /* Extract exact address from company + state combination */
                string json = HTTPHelpers.SynchronizedRequest("GET", $"" +
                string exactAddress        = RouteCalculatorHelpers.ExtractFormattedAddress(json);
                string exactAddressEscaped = Uri.EscapeUriString(exactAddress);

                /* Extract latitude, longitude from an address */
                json = HTTPHelpers.SynchronizedRequest("GET", $"" +
                Coordinates destCoordinates   = RouteCalculatorHelpers.ExtractLatLng(json);
                Coordinates originCoordinates = new Coordinates(rcr.Coordinates.Lat, rcr.Coordinates.Lng);

                // Get Route
                json = HTTPHelpers.SynchronizedRequest("GET", $"" +

                /* Calculate whether it is beneficial to use a car to drive to one of the stations */
                // Loop over to get all station coordinates
                List <Coordinates> stationsInRoute = RouteCalculatorHelpers.GetStationsInRoute(json);
                // Calculate route to station via private vehicle
                int minLengthId = -1, minLengthRoute = int.MaxValue, differenceCarVsPublic = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < stationsInRoute.Count; i++)
                    Coordinates c = stationsInRoute[i];
                    int         secondsUntilStationNoCar = RouteCalculatorHelpers.CalculateSecondsUntilStation(json, c);
                    if (RouteCalculatorHelpers.IsBeneficialToDriveByCar(originCoordinates, c, secondsUntilStationNoCar, API_KEY))
                        int seconds = RouteCalculatorHelpers.GetLengthOfRouteByCar(originCoordinates, c, secondsUntilStationNoCar, API_KEY);
                        if (seconds < minLengthRoute)
                            minLengthRoute        = seconds;
                            minLengthId           = i;
                            differenceCarVsPublic = secondsUntilStationNoCar - seconds;

                bool        isBeneficial;
                Coordinates prvVehicleCoords;
                string      carDriveJustification = "";
                    prvVehicleCoords = new Coordinates(stationsInRoute[minLengthId].Lat, stationsInRoute[minLengthId].Lng);
                    isBeneficial     = true;
                    TimeSpan time    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(differenceCarVsPublic);
                    string   timeStr = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
                    carDriveJustification = $"Driving with a private vehicle to 'PrivateVehicleCoordinates' " +
                                            $"and only then beginning the public transport journey will save {timeStr}";
                } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException oorException)
                    prvVehicleCoords = new Coordinates(0, 0);
                    isBeneficial     = false;

                Route route = new Route(
                    exactAddress, originCoordinates, destCoordinates, prvVehicleCoords, isBeneficial, carDriveJustification);
