Пример #1
        // Get the data //
        public static DataSet GetData(Workspace Enviro, HScriptParser.Full_table_nameContext context)

            // Get the name //
            string t_name = context.table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            // Global context //
            if (context.K_GLOBAL() != null)
                if (Enviro.ChunkHeap.Exists(t_name))
                    return Enviro.ChunkHeap[t_name];
                throw new HScriptCompileException("Global chunk '{0}' does not exist", t_name);

            // Table context //
            if (context.database_name() != null)
                string d_base = context.database_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
                if (Enviro.Exists(d_base, t_name))
                    return Enviro.GetStaticTable(d_base, t_name);
                throw new HScriptCompileException("Table '{0}' does not exist", t_name);

            throw new HScriptCompileException("Data '{0}' does not exist in memory or on disk", t_name);

Пример #2
        public static Dictionary<string, FNode> BuildParameters(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.Bind_element_setContext context)

            Dictionary<string, FNode> parameters = new Dictionary<string, FNode>();
            if (context == null)
                return parameters;
            foreach (HScriptParser.Bind_elementContext ctx in context.bind_element())

                string key = ctx.SCALAR().GetText();
                bool is_dynamic = 
                    (ctx.K_STATIC() == null) 
                    ? true 
                    : false;
                FNode value = 
                    ? Evaluator.ToNode(ctx.expression()) 
                    : new FNodeValue(null, new Cell(ctx.expression().GetText(), false));
                parameters.Add(key, value);

            return parameters;

Пример #3
        public static FastReadPlan RenderFastReadPlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Crudam_read_fastContext context)

            // Get the data source //
            DataSet data = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.full_table_name());
            string alias =
                (context.K_AS() != null)
                ? context.IDENTIFIER().GetText()
                : data.Name;

            // Create a record register //
            StreamRegister memory = new StreamRegister(null);

            // Create expression visitor //
            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(new MemoryStruct(true), Home, alias, data.Columns, memory);

            // Where clause //
            Predicate where = VisitorHelper.GetWhere(exp_vis, context.where_clause());

            // Create a reader //
            RecordReader reader = data.OpenReader(where);

            // Attach the reader to the register //
            memory.BaseStream = reader;

            // Get the fields being returned //
            FNodeSet nodes = VisitorHelper.GetReturnStatement(exp_vis, context.return_action().expression_or_wildcard_set());

            // Get the output cursor from the return statement //
            RecordWriter writer = VisitorHelper.GetWriter(Home, nodes.Columns, context.return_action());

            return new FastReadPlan(data, where, nodes, writer);

Пример #4
        // Reads //
        public static StagedReadName RenderStagedReadPlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Crudam_readContext context)

            // Get the data source //
            DataSet data = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.full_table_name());
            string alias =
                (context.K_AS() != null)
                ? context.IDENTIFIER().GetText()
                : data.Name;

            // Create a local heap to work off of //
            MemoryStruct local_heap = new MemoryStruct(true);

            // Create a record register //
            StreamRegister memory = new StreamRegister(null);

            // Create expression visitor //
            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(local_heap, Home, alias, data.Columns, memory);

            // Where clause //
            Predicate where = VisitorHelper.GetWhere(exp_vis, context.where_clause());

            // Create a reader //
            RecordReader reader = data.OpenReader(where);

            // Attach the reader to the register //
            memory.BaseStream = reader;

            // Create the action visitor //
            ActionVisitor act_vis = new ActionVisitor(Home, local_heap, exp_vis);

            // Get the declarations //
            if (context.crudam_declare_many() != null)
                VisitorHelper.AllocateMemory(Home, local_heap, exp_vis, context.crudam_declare_many());

            // Get the initial actionset //
            TNode pre_run =
                (context.init_action() != null)
                ? act_vis.ToNode(context.init_action().query_action())
                : new TNodeNothing(null);

            // Get the main actionset //
            TNode run = act_vis.ToNode(context.main_action().query_action());

            // Get the final actionset //
            TNode post_run =
                (context.final_action() != null)
                ? act_vis.ToNode(context.final_action().query_action())
                : new TNodeNothing(null);

            return new StagedReadName(reader, pre_run, run, post_run);

Пример #5
        internal bool RenderCommand(HScriptParser.CommandContext Context, CommandVisitor Processor)

            // Consume //
            CommandPlan plan;
                plan = Processor.Visit(Context);
            catch (HScriptCompileException hce)
                this.Home.IO.Communicate(string.Format("Compile Error for statement {0}", this._CompileCount));
                return false;

            // Add the header to the plan buffer //
            if (!this.Home.SupressIO)

            // Execute //
            catch (HorseDataException hde)

                this.Home.IO.Communicate(string.Format("Compile Error for statement {0}", this._CompileCount));
                return false;


            // Communicate //
            if (!this.Home.SupressIO)

                // Append the write stack //

                // Dump the buffer //


            return true;

Пример #6
        public static DataSet GetData(Workspace Enviro, FNodeSet Nodes, HScriptParser.Return_actionContext context)

            // Get the table name //
            string name = context.full_table_name().table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            string db =
                (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null)
                ? "global"
                : context.full_table_name().database_name().GetText();

            // Figure out if we need to append //
            bool appendto =
                (context.K_INSERT() != null)
                ? true
                : false;

            // Global -- Append //
            if (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null && appendto)
                if (Enviro.ChunkHeap.Exists(name))
                    return Enviro.ChunkHeap[name];
                throw new HScriptCompileException(string.Format("Chunk '{0}' does not exist", name));

            // Static -- Append //
            if (appendto)
                string fullname = db + "." + name;
                if (Enviro.Exists(db, name))
                    return Enviro.GetStaticTable(db, name);
                throw new HScriptCompileException(string.Format("Table '{0}' does not exist", fullname));

            // Global -- Create New //
            if (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null)
                RecordSet data = new RecordSet(Nodes.Columns);
                Enviro.ChunkHeap.Reallocate(name, data);
                return data;

            // Static -- Create New //
            string dir = Enviro.Connections[db];
            Table t = new Table(dir, name, Nodes.Columns);
            return t;

Пример #7
        // Expression or wildcard handelers //
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_expressionContext context)

            FNode node = Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression_alias().expression());
            string alias = ("F" + Fields.Count.ToString());
            if (node.Name != null)
                alias = node.Name;
            if (context.expression_alias().K_AS() != null)
                alias = context.expression_alias().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            Fields.Add(alias, node);

Пример #8
 // Where clause //
 public static Predicate GetWhere(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.Where_clauseContext context)
     if (context == null)
         return Predicate.TrueForAll;
     return Evaluator.ToPredicate(context.expression());
Пример #9
        public static void AllocateMemory(Workspace Home, MemoryStruct Heap, ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.Declare_genericContext context)

            if (context is HScriptParser.DeclareScalarContext)
                VisitorHelper.AllocateMemory(Home, Heap, Evaluator, context as HScriptParser.DeclareScalarContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.DeclareMatrix1DContext)
                VisitorHelper.AllocateMemory(Home, Heap, Evaluator, context as HScriptParser.DeclareMatrix1DContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.DeclareMatrix2DContext)
                VisitorHelper.AllocateMemory(Home, Heap, Evaluator, context as HScriptParser.DeclareMatrix2DContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.DeclareMatrixLiteralContext)
                VisitorHelper.AllocateMemory(Home, Heap, Evaluator, context as HScriptParser.DeclareMatrixLiteralContext);

Пример #10
        public static void AllocateMemory(Workspace Home, MemoryStruct Heap, ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.DeclareMatrixLiteralContext context)

            string name = context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            CellAffinity type = GetAffinity(context.type());
            MatrixVisitor vis = new MatrixVisitor(Home, Heap, Evaluator);
            CellMatrix mat = vis.ToMatrix(context.matrix_expression()).Evaluate();
            Heap.Arrays.Reallocate(name, mat);

Пример #11
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_tables_starContext context)

            if (Evaluator.Columns.Count == 0)
                return; // no need to toss an exception

            string alias = Evaluator.Columns.Keys.First();
            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet(Evaluator.Columns[alias]);

            string suffix = (context.K_AS() == null) ? null : context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                Fields.Add((suffix == null) ? nodes.Alias(i) : suffix + nodes.Alias(i), nodes[i]);

Пример #12
        // Heap allocations //
        public static void AllocateMemory(Workspace Home, MemoryStruct Heap, ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.DeclareScalarContext context)

            string name = context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            CellAffinity type = GetAffinity(context.type());
            Cell value = (context.ASSIGN() != null) ? Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression()).Evaluate() : new Cell(type);

            Heap.Scalars.Reallocate(name, value);

Пример #13
        public static int GetSize(HScriptParser.TypeContext context, bool IsLocal)

            CellAffinity t = GetAffinity(context);
            // double, int, date are 8 bytes //
            if (t == CellAffinity.INT || t == CellAffinity.DOUBLE || t == CellAffinity.DATE_TIME)
                return 8;

            // Bools are 1 byte //
            if (t == CellAffinity.BOOL)
                return 1;

            // Variable length with a predefined size //
            if (context.LITERAL_INT() != null)
                int size = int.Parse(context.LITERAL_INT().GetText());
                if (IsLocal)
                    return Math.Min(size, Schema.MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE);
                    return Math.Min(size, Cell.MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
            // Default the sizes //
            if (t == CellAffinity.STRING)
                return Schema.DEFAULT_STRING_SIZE;
            return Schema.DEFAULT_BLOB_SIZE;

Пример #14
 // Cell affinity //
 public static CellAffinity GetAffinity(HScriptParser.TypeContext context)
     string t = context.GetText().Split('.').First();
     return CellAffinityHelper.Parse(t);
Пример #15
        public static DataSet CreateData(Workspace Enviro, Schema Columns, HScriptParser.Full_table_nameContext context)

            // Get the name //
            string t_name = context.table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            // Global context //
            if (context.database_name() == null)
                RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(Columns);
                Enviro.ChunkHeap.Reallocate(t_name, rs);
                return rs;

            // Table context //
            if (context.database_name() != null)
                string d_base = context.database_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
                if (!Enviro.Connections.Exists(d_base))
                    throw new HScriptCompileException("Connection to '{0}' does not exist", d_base);
                string dir = Enviro.Connections[d_base];
                Table t = new Table(dir, t_name, Columns);
                return t;

            throw new HScriptCompileException("Cannot create data '{0}'", t_name);

Пример #16
        // Create data //
        public static bool DataExists(Workspace Enviro, HScriptParser.Full_table_nameContext context)

            // Get the name //
            string t_name = context.table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            // Global context //
            if (context.database_name() == null)
                return Enviro.ChunkHeap.Exists(t_name);

            // Table context //
            if (context.database_name() != null)
                string d_base = context.database_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
                return Enviro.Exists(d_base, t_name);

            return false;

Пример #17
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_global_starContext context)

            string suffix =
                (context.K_AS() == null)
                ? null
                : context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < Evaluator.GlobalHeap.Scalars.Count; i++)
                string alias =
                    (suffix == null)
                    ? Evaluator.LocalHeap.Scalars.Name(i)
                    : suffix + Evaluator.LocalHeap.Scalars.Name(i);
                FNode node = new FNodeHeapRef(null, Evaluator.GlobalHeap, i);
                Fields.Add(alias, node);

Пример #18
        public static FNodeSet GetReturnStatement(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.Expression_or_wildcard_setContext context)

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet();

            foreach (HScriptParser.Expression_or_wildcardContext ctx in context.expression_or_wildcard())
                AppendSet(Evaluator, nodes, ctx);

            return nodes;

Пример #19
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_table_starContext context)

            string alias = context.IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();
            if (!Evaluator.Columns.ContainsKey(alias))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Alias '{0}' does not exist", alias));

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet(Evaluator.Columns[alias]);

            string suffix = (context.K_AS() == null) ? null : context.IDENTIFIER()[1].GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                Fields.Add((suffix == null) ? nodes.Alias(i) : suffix + nodes.Alias(i), nodes[i]);

Пример #20
        public static Lambda RenderLambda(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.LambdaGradientContext context)

            string NewLambdaName = context.IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();
            string BaseLambdaName = context.IDENTIFIER()[1].GetText();
            string GradientVariable = context.IDENTIFIER()[2].GetText();

            Lambda mu = Home.Lambdas[BaseLambdaName];
            Lambda mu_prime = mu.Gradient(NewLambdaName, GradientVariable);

            return mu_prime;

Пример #21
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.Expression_or_wildcardContext context)

            if (context is HScriptParser.EOW_expressionContext)
                AppendSet(Evaluator, Fields, context as HScriptParser.EOW_expressionContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.EOW_local_starContext)
                AppendSet(Evaluator, Fields, context as HScriptParser.EOW_local_starContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.EOW_global_starContext)
                AppendSet(Evaluator, Fields, context as HScriptParser.EOW_global_starContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.EOW_table_starContext)
                AppendSet(Evaluator, Fields, context as HScriptParser.EOW_table_starContext);

            if (context is HScriptParser.EOW_tables_starContext)
                AppendSet(Evaluator, Fields, context as HScriptParser.EOW_tables_starContext);

Пример #22
        // Action Node //
        public static ActionPlan RenderActionPlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Query_actionContext context)

            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home);
            ActionVisitor act_vis = new ActionVisitor(Home, null, exp_vis);
            TNode act = act_vis.ToNode(context);

            return new ActionPlan(act);

Пример #23
        // Lambdas //
        public static Lambda RenderLambda(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.LambdaGenericContext context)

            // Get the name //
            string name = context.IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();

            // Get all the pointers //
            List<string> pointers = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 1; i < context.IDENTIFIER().Count; i++)
                string var_name = context.IDENTIFIER()[i].GetText();

            // Get the expression //
            PointerExpressionVisitor pev = new PointerExpressionVisitor(pointers, Home);

            // Build the node //
            FNode node = pev.ToNode(context.expression());

            // Build the lambda //
            Lambda mu = new Lambda(name, node, pointers);

            return mu;

Пример #24
        public static void AllocateMemory(Workspace Home, MemoryStruct Heap, ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.DeclareMatrix2DContext context)

            string name = context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            CellAffinity type = GetAffinity(context.type());
            int rows = (int)Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression()[0]).Evaluate().valueINT;
            int cols = (int)Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression()[1]).Evaluate().valueINT;
            CellMatrix mat = new CellMatrix(rows, cols, type);
            Heap.Arrays.Reallocate(name, mat);

Пример #25
        // Partitions //
        public static int GetPartitions(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.PartitionsContext context)

            // Null then assume 1 partition //
            if (context == null)
                return 1;

            // If the expression is null, then max out cores //
            if (context.expression() == null)
                return Environment.ProcessorCount;

            // Otherwise, get the value //
            int cnt = (int)Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression()).Evaluate().valueINT;

            // Bound it //
            cnt = Math.Min(cnt, Environment.ProcessorCount * 2);
            cnt = Math.Max(cnt, 1);

            return cnt;

Пример #26
        public static void AllocateMemory(Workspace Home, MemoryStruct Heap, ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, HScriptParser.Crudam_declare_manyContext context)

            foreach (HScriptParser.Declare_genericContext ctx in context.declare_generic())
                AllocateMemory(Home, Heap, Evaluator, ctx);

Пример #27
        // Parameters //
        public static HParameterSet GetHParameter(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Hparameter_setContext context)

            // Create a set //
            HParameterSet parmset = new HParameterSet();

            // Step one: cycle through all parameters and look for any tables //
            DataSet first_data = null;
            List<HScriptParser.HparameterContext> param_context = new List<HScriptParser.HparameterContext>();
            foreach (HScriptParser.HparameterContext ctx in context.hparameter())

                if (ctx.full_table_name() != null)
                    DataSet d = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, ctx.full_table_name());
                    if (first_data == null)
                        first_data = d;
                    parmset.Add(ctx.SCALAR().GetText(), d);


            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis =
                first_data != null
                ? new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home, first_data.Name, first_data.Columns, new StaticRegister(null)) 
                : new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home);

            MatrixVisitor mat_vis = new MatrixVisitor(Home, null, exp_vis);

            foreach (HScriptParser.HparameterContext ctx in param_context)

                string name = ctx.SCALAR().GetText();
                if (ctx.expression() != null)
                    parmset.Add(name, exp_vis.ToNode(ctx.expression()));
                else if (ctx.expression_alias_list() != null)
                    parmset.Add(name, exp_vis.ToNodes(ctx.expression_alias_list()));
                else if (ctx.lambda_unit() != null)
                    parmset.Add(name, VisitorHelper.RenderLambda(Home, ctx.lambda_unit()));
                else if (ctx.matrix_expression() != null)
                    parmset.Add(name, mat_vis.ToMatrix(ctx.matrix_expression()));
                else if (ctx.K_OUT() != null)
                    parmset.Add(name, Home.GlobalHeap.Scalars, ctx.IDENTIFIER().GetText());


            return parmset;

Пример #28
        public static Lambda RenderLambda(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Lambda_unitContext context)

            if (context is HScriptParser.LambdaGenericContext)
                return VisitorHelper.RenderLambda(Home, context as HScriptParser.LambdaGenericContext);
                return VisitorHelper.RenderLambda(Home, context as HScriptParser.LambdaGradientContext);

Пример #29
        // Merge support //
        public static MergeMethod GetMergeMethod(HScriptParser.Merge_typeContext context)

            MergeMethod meth = MergeMethod.Inner;
            if (context == null)
                return meth;

            if (context.K_LEFT() != null && context.K_ANTI() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.AntiLeft;
            else if (context.K_LEFT() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.Left;
            else if (context.K_RIGHT() != null && context.K_ANTI() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.AntiRight;
            else if (context.K_RIGHT() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.Right;
            else if (context.K_ANTI() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.AntiInner;
            else if (context.K_FULL() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.Full;
            else if (context.K_INNER() != null)
                meth = MergeMethod.Inner;

            return meth;

Пример #30
        internal void LoadCommandStack(string Script)

            // Clear the current stack //

            // Create a token stream and do lexal analysis //
            AntlrInputStream TextStream = new AntlrInputStream(Script);
            HScriptLexer HorseLexer = new HScriptLexer(TextStream);

            // Parse the script //
            CommonTokenStream HorseTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(HorseLexer);
            HScriptParser HorseParser = new HScriptParser(HorseTokenStream);
            HorseParser.AddErrorListener(new ParserErrorListener());
            // Create an executer object //
            CommandVisitor processor = new CommandVisitor(this.Home);

            // Load the call stack //
                foreach (HScriptParser.CommandContext context in HorseParser.compile_unit().command_set().command())
            catch (Exception e)
