Пример #1
        internal static IEnumerable <IEmployeeLoan> getEmployeeLoanByEmployeeId(HRMSEntities db, int employeeId)
            var result = (from a in db.EmployeeLoans
                          where a.EmployeeId.Equals(employeeId) && a.IsActive.Equals(true)
                          join c in db.LoanTypes on a.LoanTypeId equals c.LoanTypeId
                          join b in db.Companies on a.CompanyId equals b.CompanyId
                          select new EmployeeLoanModel
                EmployeeLoanId = a.EmployeeLoanId,
                LoanTypeId = a.LoanTypeId,
                CompanyId = a.CompanyId,
                Reason = a.Reason,
                Tenure = a.Tenure,
                IsActive = a.IsActive,
                DateCreated = a.DateCreated,
                EmployeeId = a.EmployeeId,
                Amount = a.Amount,
                AgreedDate = a.AgreedDate,
                DateDisburst = a.DateDisburst,
                HRComment = a.HRComment,
                IsApproved = a.IsApproved,
                InterestRate = a.InterestRate,
                PeriodRemain = a.PeriodRemain,
                LoanName = c.LoanType1,
                CompanyName = b.CompanyName
            }).OrderBy(p => p.DateCreated);

Пример #2
        internal static IEnumerable <IEmployeeFeedbackModel> getEmployeeFeedbackList(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var result = (from d in db.EmployeeFeedbacks
                          join s in db.Employees on d.EmployeeId equals s.EmployeeId
                          join q in db.Employees on d.FeedbackOnEmployeeId equals q.EmployeeId
                          join w in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals w.CompanyId
                          join t in db.FeedBacks on d.FeedbackId equals t.FeedbackId
                          join r in db.Years on t.YearId equals r.YearId
                          where d.EmployeeId == companyId
                          select new EmployeeFeedbackModel
                EmployeeFeedbackId = d.EmployeeFeedbackId,
                CompanyId = w.CompanyId,
                EmployeeId = s.EmployeeId,
                InWhatContext = d.InWhatContext,
                FeedbackOnEmployeeId = d.FeedbackOnEmployeeId,
                FeedbackOnEmployee = q.LastName + " " + q.FirstName,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                FeedbackId = d.FeedbackId,
                ProvideOverview = d.ProvideOverview,
                DateOfFeedback = d.DateOfFeedback,
                Experience = d.Experience,
                WhatAreas = d.WhatAreas,
                employeeName = s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName,
                CompanyName = w.CompanyName,
                year = r.Year1

Пример #3
        public List <EmpSalaryModel> GetEmpSalaryList(string EmpId, string SalaryYear, string SalaryMonth)
            List <EmpSalaryModel> EmpSalList = new List <EmpSalaryModel>();
            //string strSql = "select * from EmpSalary where EmpId = " + EmpId;

            //if (SalaryYear != "")
            //    strSql = strSql + " and SalaryYear = " + SalaryYear;

            //if (SalaryMonth != "")
            //    strSql = strSql + " and SalaryMonth = " + SalaryMonth;

            //strSql = strSql + " order by SalaryYear desc, SalaryMonth desc";

            //SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(strSql, con);
            //com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            //SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            ////Bind EmpModel generic list using LINQ
            //EmpSalList = (from DataRow dr in dt.Rows

            //              select new EmpSalaryModel()
            //              {
            //                  id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]),
            //                  Salary = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Salary"]),
            //                  SalaryMonth = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SalaryMonth"]),
            //                  SalaryYear = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SalaryYear"])
            //              }).ToList();

            HRMSEntities db = new HRMSEntities();

            var query = (from c in db.EmpSalaries
                         where c.EmpId.ToString() == EmpId
                         orderby c.SalaryYear descending, c.SalaryMonth descending
                         select new EmpSalaryModel {
                id = c.id, Salary = (int)c.Salary, SalaryMonth = (int)c.SalaryMonth, SalaryYear = (int)c.SalaryYear

            if (SalaryYear != "")
                query = query.Where(u => u.SalaryYear.ToString() == SalaryYear);

            if (SalaryMonth != "")
                query = query.Where(u => u.SalaryMonth.ToString() == SalaryMonth);

            EmpSalList = query.ToList();

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the discipline by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="disciplineId">The discipline identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IDiscipline getDisciplineById(HRMSEntities db, int disciplineId)
            var result = (from a in db.Disciplines
                          where a.DisciplineId.Equals(disciplineId)
                          select new Models.DisciplineModel
                DisciplineId = a.DisciplineId,
                EmployeeId = a.EmployeeId,
                QueryDate = a.QueryDate,
                Offence = a.Offence,
                QueryInitiator = a.QueryInitiator,
                Investigator = a.Investigator,
                Response = a.Response,
                QueryStatusId = a.QueryStatusId,
                InvestigatorReport = a.InvestigatorReport,
                RecommendedSanction = a.RecommendedSanction,
                DisciplineCommitteeRecommendation = a.DisciplineCommitteeRecommendation,
                ActionTakenId = a.ActionTakenId,
                EvidenceDigitalFileId = a.EvidenceDigitalFileId,
                DateCreated = a.DateCreated,
                CompanyId = a.CompanyId,
                IsActive = a.IsActive

Пример #5
        internal static IEnumerable <ICompanyDetail> getCompanyList(HRMSEntities db)
            var result = (from d in db.Companies
                          select new CompanyRegistrationModel
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                CompanyAddressLine1 = d.CompanyAddressLine1,
                CompanyAddressLine2 = d.CompanyAddressLine2,
                CompanyCity = d.CompanyCity,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                CompanyEmail = d.CompanyEmail,
                CompanyAlias = d.CompanyAlias,
                CompanyCountryId = d.CompanyCountryId,

                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                LogoDigitalFileId = d.LogoDigitalFileId,
                CompanyName = d.CompanyName,
                CompanyPhone = d.CompanyPhone,
                CompanyState = d.CompanyState,
                CompanyWebsite = d.CompanyWebsite,
                CompanyZipCode = d.CompanyZipCode,
                ParentCompanyId = d.ParentCompanyId,

                CACRegistrationNumber = d.CACRegistrationNumber
            }).Where(x => x.IsActive == true).OrderBy(x => x.CompanyName);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the training report by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingReportId">The training report identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ITrainingReport getTrainingReportById(HRMSEntities db, int trainingReportId)
            var result = (from s in db.TrainingReports
                          join x in db.TrainingEvaluationRatings on s.TrainingEvaluationRating equals x.TrainingEvaluationRatingId
                          join y in db.TrainingEvaluationRatings on s.TrainerEvaluationRating equals y.TrainingEvaluationRatingId
                          join q in db.TrainingCalenders on s.TrainingCalendarId equals q.TrainingCalenderId
                          join v in db.Trainings on s.TrainingId equals v.TrainingID
                          join z in db.Employees on s.EmployeeId equals z.EmployeeId
                          join e in db.Companies on s.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId
                          join pdept in db.Trainings on s.TrainingId equals pdept.TrainingID into gj
                          where s.TrainingReportId.Equals(trainingReportId)
                          select new Models.TrainingReportModel
                TrainingReportId = s.TrainingReportId,
                DateCreated = s.DateCreated,
                TrainingId = s.TrainingId,
                TrainingName = v.TrainingName,
                CompanyId = s.CompanyId,
                CompanyName = e.CompanyName,
                EmployeeId = s.EmployeeId,
                EmployeeName = z.LastName + " " + z.FirstName,
                TrainingCalendarId = s.TrainingCalendarId,
                TrainingStarts = q.DeliveryStartDate,
                TrainingEnds = q.DeliveryEndDate,
                TrainerName = s.TrainerName,
                TrainerEvaluationRating = s.TrainerEvaluationRating,
                TrainerEvaluationRatingName = y.TrainingEvaluationRating1,
                TrainerEvaluationComment = s.TrainerEvaluationComment,
                TrainingEvaluationRating = s.TrainingEvaluationRating,
                TrainingEvaluationRatingName = x.TrainingEvaluationRating1,
                TrainingEvaluationComment = s.TrainerEvaluationComment

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the training report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">The company identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <ITrainingReport> getTrainingReport(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var result = (from d in db.TrainingReports
                          where d.CompanyId == companyId
                          join e in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId
                          join pdept in db.Trainings on d.TrainingId equals pdept.TrainingID
                          join p in db.TrainingEvaluationRatings on d.TrainerEvaluationRating equals p.TrainingEvaluationRatingId
                          join m in db.TrainingEvaluationRatings on d.TrainingEvaluationRating equals m.TrainingEvaluationRatingId
                          join w in db.Employees on d.EmployeeId equals w.EmployeeId
                          join c in db.TrainingCalenders on d.TrainingCalendarId equals c.TrainingCalenderId
                          select new TrainingReportModel
                TrainingReportId = d.TrainingReportId,
                TrainingId = pdept.TrainingID,
                TrainingCalendarId = c.TrainingCalenderId,
                CompanyId = e.CompanyId,
                EmployeeId = w.EmployeeId,
                TrainerName = w.FirstName,
                TrainerEvaluationRating = m.TrainingEvaluationRatingId,
                TrainingEvaluationRating = m.TrainingEvaluationRatingId,
                TrainerEvaluationComment = d.TrainerEvaluationComment,
                TrainingEvaluationComment = d.TrainingEvaluationComment,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated

Пример #8
        internal static IEnumerable <ILeaveRequestModel> GetLeaveRequestByEmployeeId(HRMSEntities db, int employeeId)
            var result = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                          join s in db.Employees on d.EmployeeID equals s.EmployeeId
                          join q in db.LeaveStatus on d.LeaveStatusID equals q.LeaveStatusId
                          join w in db.LeaveTypes on d.LeaveTypeID equals w.LeaveTypeId
                          where d.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeId)
                          select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                EmployeeName = s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                LeaveTypeName = w.LeaveTypeName,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                LeaveStatusName = q.Description,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                ApprovingAuthorityComment = d.ApprovingAuthorityComment,
                HRApproverComment = d.HRApproverComment,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated
            }).OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated);

Пример #9
        public List <StateModel> GetAllStates()
             * List<StateModel> StateList = new List<StateModel>();
             * string strSql = "select * from States order by StateName";
             * SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(strSql, con);
             * com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
             * SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
             * DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             * con.Open();
             * da.Fill(dt);
             * con.Close();
             * //Bind EmpModel generic list using LINQ
             * StateList = (from DataRow dr in dt.Rows
             *         select new StateModel()
             *         {
             *             id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]),
             *             StateName = Convert.ToString(dr["StateName"])
             *         }).ToList();
             * return StateList;*/

            HRMSEntities db = new HRMSEntities();

            return((from c in db.States
                    select new StateModel {
                id = c.id, StateName = c.StateName
Пример #10
        internal static ILeaveRequestModel GetLatestLeaveRequestByEmployeeId(HRMSEntities db, int employeeId)
            var result = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                          join e in db.LeaveTypes on d.LeaveTypeID equals e.LeaveTypeId
                          where d.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeId)
                          select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                ApprovingAuthorityComment = d.ApprovingAuthorityComment,
                HRApproverComment = d.HRApproverComment,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated

Пример #11
        internal static IEnumerable <ILeaveRequestModel> GetLeaveRequestByCompanyId(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var leaveRequests = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                                 join e in db.Employees on d.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeId
                                 join r in db.LeaveTypes on d.LeaveTypeID equals r.LeaveTypeId
                                 join y in db.LeaveStatus on d.LeaveStatusID equals y.LeaveStatusId
                                 where e.CompanyId.Equals(companyId)
                                 select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                ApprovingAuthorityComment = d.ApprovingAuthorityComment,
                HRApproverComment = d.HRApproverComment,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                LeaveStatusName = y.Description,
                LeaveTypeName = r.LeaveTypeName,
                EmployeeName = e.LastName + " " + e.FirstName
            }).OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated);

Пример #12
        internal static IEnumerable <ILeaveRequestModel> GetLeaveRequestByEmployeeId(HRMSEntities db, int companyId, int employeeId)
            var result = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                          join e in db.LeaveTypes on d.LeaveTypeID equals e.LeaveTypeId
                          where d.EmployeeID.Equals(employeeId)
                          select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                ApprovingAuthorityComment = d.ApprovingAuthorityComment,
                HRApproverComment = d.HRApproverComment,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated
            }).OrderByDescending(x => x.LeaveId);

Пример #13
        //==============================================LEAVE REQUESTS==============================//
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the leave request by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ILeaveRequestModel GetLeaveRequestById(HRMSEntities db, int id)
            var result = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                          join f in db.Employees on d.EmployeeID equals f.EmployeeId
                          join v in db.LeaveStatus on d.LeaveStatusID equals v.LeaveStatusId
                          join n in db.LeaveTypes on d.LeaveTypeID equals n.LeaveTypeId
                          where d.LeaveID.Equals(id)

                          select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                ApprovingAuthorityComment = d.ApprovingAuthorityComment,
                HRApproverComment = d.HRApproverComment,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                EmployeeName = f.LastName + " " + f.FirstName,
                LeaveStatusName = v.Description,
                LeaveTypeName = n.LeaveTypeName

Пример #14
        internal static IEnumerable <ILeaveRequestModel> getLeaveRequestByCompanyId(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var result = (from d in db.LeaveRequests
                          join w in db.Companies on d.CompanyID equals w.CompanyId
                          join z in db.LeaveStatus on d.LeaveStatusID equals z.LeaveStatusId
                          where d.EmployeeID.Equals(companyId) && d.IsActive.Equals(true)
                          select new LeaveRequestModel
                LeaveId = d.LeaveID,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeID,
                LeaveTypeId = d.LeaveTypeID,
                DateLeaveStart = d.DateLeaveStart,
                DateLeaveEnds = d.DateLeaveEnds,
                Comment = d.Comment,
                LeaveStatusId = d.LeaveStatusID,
                DateRequested = d.DateRequested,
                ApprovingAuthorityId = d.ApprovingAuthorityID,
                HRApproverId = d.HRApproverID,
                DateApprovedDept = d.DateApprovedDept,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                DateApprovedHR = d.DateApprovedHR,
                CompanyName = w.CompanyName,
            }).OrderBy(x => x.LeaveId);

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the trainings calendar by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingCalendarId">The training calendar identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ITrainingCalendar getTrainingsCalendarById(HRMSEntities db, int trainingCalendarId)
            var result = (from d in db.TrainingCalenders
                          where d.TrainingCalenderId == trainingCalendarId
                          join e in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId
                          join r in db.TrainingStatus on d.TrainingStatusId equals r.TrainingStatusId
                          join pdept in db.Trainings on d.TrainingId equals pdept.TrainingID into gj
                          from f in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new TrainingCalendarModel
                TrainingCalenderId = d.TrainingCalenderId,
                TrainingId = d.TrainingId,
                TrainingName = f.TrainingName,
                CompanyId = e.CompanyId,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                TrainingStatusId = d.TrainingStatusId,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                Location = d.Location,
                DeliveryStartDate = d.DeliveryStartDate,
                DeliveryEndDate = d.DeliveryEndDate,
                CompanyName = e.CompanyName,
                TrainingStatusName = r.Status

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the profileby user identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IProfile getProfilebyUserId(HRMSEntities db, int userId)
            var result = (from d in db.Profiles
                          where d.UserId.Equals(userId)
                          join a in db.Countries on d.CountryId equals a.CountryId
                          join e in db.Genders on d.GenderId equals e.GenderId
                          select new ProfileModel
                ProfileId = d.ProfileId,
                UserId = d.UserId,
                CountryId = d.CountryId,
                Address = d.Address,
                DateOfBirth = d.DateOfBirth,
                Nationality = a.Name,
                Gender = e.Description,     //Gender Description
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                ProfileSummary = d.ProfileSummary,
                StateOfOrigin = d.StateOfOrigin,
                PictureDigitalFileId = d.PictureDigitalFileId,
                CVDigitalFileId = d.CVDigitalFileId,
                GenderId = d.GenderId,

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the training analysis by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingAnalysisId">The training analysis identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ITrainingNeedAnalysis getTrainingsNeedAnalysisById(HRMSEntities db, int trainingAnalysisId)
            var result = (from d in db.TrainingNeedAnalysis
                          where d.TrainingNeedAnaylsisId == trainingAnalysisId
                          join e in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId
                          join pdept in db.Trainings on d.TrainingId equals pdept.TrainingID
                          select new TrainingNeedAnalysisModel
                TrainingNeedAnaylsisId = d.TrainingNeedAnaylsisId,
                JobId = d.JobId,
                Cost = d.Cost,

                CurrencyId = d.CurrencyId,
                FrequecyOfDeliveryId = d.FrequecyOfDeliveryId,
                TrainingDescription = d.TrainingDescription,
                IsProviderApproved = d.IsProviderApproved,
                CertificateIssued = d.CertificateIssued,
                ApprovedBudget = d.ApprovedBudget,
                TrainingDuration = d.TrainingDuration,
                TrainingProvider = d.TrainingProvider,
                MethodOfDelivery = d.MethodOfDelivery,
                ApprovedBudgetCurrency = d.ApprovedBudgetCurrency,
                TrainingId = d.TrainingId,
                TrainingName = pdept.TrainingName,
                CompanyId = e.CompanyId,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                Location = d.Location,
                CompanyName = e.CompanyName,

Пример #18
        public ActionResult AgentDelete(int id)
            Session_CRM sess = (Session_CRM)Session["CRM_Session"];
            string      msg  = "";
            AT_Users    usr  = db.AT_Users.Where(x => x.UserID == id).FirstOrDefault();

                if (usr != null)
                    usr.IsDeleted  = true;
                    usr.UpdateBy   = sess.User.UserID;
                    usr.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    db.UpdateOnly <AT_Users>(usr, x => x.IsDeleted, x => x.UpdateBy, x => x.UpdateDate);

                    msg = "User Successfully Deleted.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = ex.Message;
            db          = new  HRMSEntities();
            ViewBag.msg = msg;
            return(PartialView("_AgentIndex", db.AT_Users.Where(a => a.IsDeleted != true).ToList()));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all my training report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">The company identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <ITrainingReport> getAllMyTrainingReport(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var result = (from d in db.TrainingReports
                          where d.CompanyId == companyId
                          join e in db.Employees on d.EmployeeId equals e.EmployeeId
                          join c in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals c.CompanyId
                          join pdept in db.TrainingReports on d.TrainingReportId equals pdept.TrainingReportId into gj
                          from f in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()

                          select new TrainingReportModel
                TrainingReportId = d.TrainingReportId,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                TrainingId = d.TrainingId,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeId,
                TrainingCalendarId = d.TrainingCalendarId,
                TrainerName = d.TrainerName,
                TrainerEvaluationRating = d.TrainerEvaluationRating,
                TrainerEvaluationComment = d.TrainerEvaluationComment,
                TrainingEvaluationRating = d.TrainingEvaluationRating,
                TrainingEvaluationComment = d.TrainerEvaluationComment
            }).OrderBy(p => p.TrainingReportId);

Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the user list by company identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">The company identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <IUserDetail> GetUserListByCompanyId(HRMSEntities db, int companyId)
            var result = (from d in db.Users
                          join w in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals w.CompanyId
                          where w.CompanyId.Equals(companyId)
                          select new UserRegistrationModel
                UserId = d.UserId,
                Username = d.Username,
                FirstName = d.FirstName,
                LastName = d.LastName,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                Email = d.Email,
                Password = d.Password,
                PhoneNumber = d.PhoneNumber,

                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                IsUserVerified = d.IsUserVerified,
                CompanyId = w.CompanyId,
                IsResetPassword = d.IsResetPassword,
                IsLocked = d.IsLocked,
                DateVerified = d.DateVerified,
            }).OrderBy(x => x.Username);

Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the training with identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <ITrainingHistoryModel> GetTrainingWithId(HRMSEntities db, int userId)
            var result = (from d in db.TrainingHistories
                          join x in db.Users on d.UserId equals x.UserId
                          join w in db.Trainings on d.TrainingId equals w.TrainingID
                          join p in db.TrainingReports on d.TrainingVendorId equals p.TrainingReportId
                          join s in db.Certifications on d.CertificationId equals s.CertificateId
                          where d.UserId.Equals(userId)
                          select new TrainingHistoryModel
                TrainingHistoryId = d.TrainingHistoryId,
                TrainingNameId = d.TrainingId,
                Tname = w.TrainingName,
                TrainingVendorId = d.TrainingVendorId,
                VendorName = p.TrainerName,
                CertificationId = d.CertificationId,
                CertificateName = s.Certificate_Name,
                Year = d.Year,
                UserId = d.UserId,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                UserName = x.LastName + " " + x.FirstName

Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the user by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="UserId">The user identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IUserDetail getUserById(HRMSEntities db, int UserId)
            var result = (from d in db.Users
                          where d.UserId.Equals(UserId) && d.IsActive.Equals(true)
                          select new UserRegistrationModel
                UserId = d.UserId,
                Username = d.Username,
                FirstName = d.FirstName,
                LastName = d.LastName,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                Email = d.Email,
                Password = d.Password,
                PhoneNumber = d.PhoneNumber,

                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                IsUserVerified = d.IsUserVerified,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                IsResetPassword = d.IsResetPassword,
                IsLocked = d.IsLocked,
                DateVerified = d.DateVerified,

Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the training need analysis by identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingNeedAnalysisId">The training need analysis identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ITrainingNeedAnalysis getTrainingNeedAnalysisById(HRMSEntities db, int trainingNeedAnalysisId)
            var result = (from s in db.TrainingNeedAnalysis
                          join x in db.Companies on s.CompanyId equals x.CompanyId
                          join v in db.Trainings on s.TrainingId equals v.TrainingID
                          join b in db.JobTitles on s.JobId equals b.JobTitleId
                          join p in db.FrequencyOfDeliveries on s.FrequecyOfDeliveryId equals p.FrequencyOfDeliveryId
                          where s.CompanyId.Equals(trainingNeedAnalysisId)
                          select new Models.TrainingNeedAnalysisModel
                TrainingNeedAnaylsisId = s.TrainingNeedAnaylsisId,
                JobId = s.JobId,
                CompanyId = s.CompanyId,
                DateCreated = s.DateCreated,
                TrainingId = s.TrainingId,
                MethodOfDelivery = s.MethodOfDelivery,
                IsProviderApproved = s.IsProviderApproved,
                Cost = s.Cost,
                CurrencyId = s.CurrencyId,
                Location = s.Location,
                ApprovedBudget = s.ApprovedBudget,
                ApprovedBudgetCurrency = s.ApprovedBudgetCurrency,
                FrequecyOfDeliveryId = s.FrequecyOfDeliveryId,
                CertificateIssued = s.CertificateIssued,
                TrainingDescription = s.TrainingDescription

Пример #24
        internal static IRegistration getRegistrationByEmail(HRMSEntities db, string email)
            var result = (from d in db.Registrations
                          where d.Email.Equals(email)
                          select new RegistrationRepModel
                RegistrationId = d.RegistrationId,
                Username = d.Username,
                Password = d.Password,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                FirstName = d.FirstName,
                LastName = d.Lastname,
                CompanyName = d.CompanyName,
                Email = d.Email,
                PhoneNumber = d.PhoneNumber,
                AboutUsSourceId = d.AboutUsSourceId,
                AboutUsOthers = d.AboutUsOthers,
                IsActive = d.IsActive.HasValue ? d.IsActive.Value : false,
                IsRegistered = d.IsRegistered,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                DateRegistered = d.DateCreated

Пример #25
        internal static ICompanyDetail getCompanyByCACNumber(HRMSEntities db, string CACNumber)
            var result = (from d in db.Companies
                          where d.CACRegistrationNumber.Equals(CACNumber)
                          select new CompanyRegistrationModel
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                CompanyName = d.CompanyName,
                CACRegistrationNumber = d.CACRegistrationNumber,
                CompanyAddressLine1 = d.CompanyAddressLine1,
                CompanyAddressLine2 = d.CompanyAddressLine2,
                CompanyCity = d.CompanyCity,
                CompanyCountryId = d.CompanyCountryId,
                CompanyEmail = d.CompanyEmail,
                CompanyPhone = d.CompanyPhone,
                CompanyState = d.CompanyState,
                CompanyWebsite = d.CompanyWebsite,
                CompanyZipCode = d.CompanyZipCode,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                ParentCompanyId = d.ParentCompanyId,
                CompanyAlias = d.CompanyAlias,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                LogoDigitalFileId = d.LogoDigitalFileId,

Пример #26
        internal static IUser getUserByUserId(HRMSEntities db, int userId)
            var result = (from d in db.Users
                          where d.UserId == userId
                          join e in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId into company
                          from f in company.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new UserModel
                UserId = d.UserId,
                FirstName = d.FirstName,
                LastName = d.LastName,
                Password = d.Password,
                Email = d.Email,
                PhoneNumber = d.PhoneNumber,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                IsActive = d.IsActive,
                IsUserVerified = d.IsUserVerified,
                IsLocked = d.IsLocked.HasValue && d.IsLocked.Value,
                IsResetPassword = d.IsResetPassword.HasValue && d.IsResetPassword.Value,
                Username = d.Username,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                CompanyName = f.CompanyName,
                DateVerified = d.DateVerified

Пример #27
        internal static IEnumerable <ICompanyDetail> getCompanyForHRList(HRMSEntities db, string username)
            /* I read through this code again and I remembered that the key assumption made here
             * is that one HR admin could be the admin for more than one company, hence I went ahead to get a list
             * of companies from the companyAdministrator table.
             * I'm not sure if this assumption is correct, but if it isn't, then this doesn't need to retrieve a list of companies
             * and if it is, there will be duplication in the event that the same HR is the admin of both a parent company and its child
             * TODO: That duplication should be fixed, I'll get to fixing it if it's still here when I'm less busy.

            // get the company Ids that are associated with the HR username
            var companyIds = (from d in db.CompanyAdministrators
                              where d.Username == username
                              select d.CompanyId).ToList();

            var companyList = new List <ICompanyDetail>();

            // get the company and child company details for each companyId in the companyIds list
            foreach (int companyId in companyIds)
                companyList.AddRange(getMyCompaniesList(db, companyId).ToList());

Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the employee trainings by employee identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database.</param>
        /// <param name="employeeId">The employee identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IEmployeeTrainingModel getEmployeeTrainingsByEmployeeId(HRMSEntities db, int employeeId)
            var result = (from d in db.EmployeeTrainings
                          where d.EmployeeId == employeeId
                          join e in db.Companies on d.CompanyId equals e.CompanyId
                          join p in db.Trainings on d.TrainingId equals p.TrainingID
                          join v in db.Employees on d.EmployeeId equals v.EmployeeId
                          select new EmployeeTrainingModel
                EmployeeId = d.EmployeeId,
                TrainingId = d.TrainingId,
                TrainingName = p.TrainingName,
                EmployeeName = v.FirstName,
                SupervisorId = d.SupervisorId,
                IsApproved = d.IsApproved,
                DateApproved = d.DateApproved,
                CompanyName = e.CompanyName,
                EmployeeTrainingId = d.EmployeeTrainingId,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                DateCreated = d.DateCreated,
                IsActive = d.IsActive

Пример #29
        public ActionResult Save(AT_Pages peg)
            string msg = "";

                Session_CRM sess = (Session_CRM)Session["CRM_Session"];
                if (peg.PageID > 0)
                    db.UpdateExcept <AT_Pages>(peg);
                    db.Entry(peg).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                msg = "Page saved successfully!";
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = ex.Message;
            ViewBag.msg = msg;
            db          = new HRMSEntities();
            return(PartialView("_Index", db.AT_Pages.ToList()));
Пример #30
        internal static IEmployeeLoan getEmployeeLoanByEmployeeandCompanyId(HRMSEntities db, int employeeId, int loanId)
            var result = (from a in db.EmployeeLoans
                          where a.EmployeeId.Equals(employeeId) && a.LoanTypeId.Equals(loanId)
                          select new EmployeeLoanModel
                EmployeeLoanId = a.EmployeeLoanId,
                LoanTypeId = a.LoanTypeId,
                CompanyId = a.CompanyId,
                Reason = a.Reason,
                Tenure = a.Tenure,
                IsActive = a.IsActive,
                DateCreated = a.DateCreated,
                EmployeeId = a.EmployeeId,
                Amount = a.Amount,
                AgreedDate = a.AgreedDate,
                DateDisburst = a.DateDisburst,
                HRComment = a.HRComment,
                InterestRate = a.InterestRate,
                PeriodRemain = a.PeriodRemain,
                IsApproved = a.IsApproved
