public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri
                (object[] atoms
                , HessMatrix H
                , List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv
                , double thres_zeroblk
                , ILinAlg ila
                , bool cloneH
                , string[] options // { "pinv(D)" }
                ila = null;
                if (cloneH)
                    H = H.CloneHess();

                bool process_disp_console = true;

                if (options != null && options.Contains("print process"))
                    process_disp_console = true;

                bool parallel = true;

                /// keep only lower triangle of H (lower block triangles)
                    HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > lstUppTrig = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> >();
                    foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks())
                        int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                        int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                        if (bc < br)
                    foreach (Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in lstUppTrig)
                        int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                        int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                        HDebug.Assert(bc < br);
                        H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);

                List <DateTime> process_time = new List <DateTime>();

                //System.Console.WriteLine("begin coarse-graining");
                List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>();

                for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        System.Console.Write(" - {0:000} : ", iter);

                    //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1;
                    int[] iremv     = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray();
                    int   iremv_min = iremv.Min();
                    int   iremv_max = iremv.Max();

                    HDebug.Assert(H.ColBlockSize == H.RowBlockSize);
                    int blksize = H.ColBlockSize;
                    //HDebug.Assert(ikeep.Max() < blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() < blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max()+1 == blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() - iremv.Min() + 1 == iremv.Length);

                    int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv_min - 1).ToArray();
                    int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv_min, iremv_max).ToArray();
                    //HDebug.Assert(idxkeep.HUnionWith(idxremv).Length == blksize);

                    HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo();
                    iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat  = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize;
                    iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length;
                    iterinfo.time0           = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // make C sparse
                    double C_density0;
                    double C_density1;
                        double thres_absmax = thres_zeroblk;

                        C_density0 = 0;
                        List <Tuple <int, int> > lstIdxToMakeZero = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                        foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv))
                            int bc   = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br   = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3;
                            if (br >= iremv_min)
                                // bc_br is in D, not in C

                            double absmax_bval = bval.HAbsMax();
                            if (absmax_bval < thres_absmax)
                                lstIdxToMakeZero.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(bc, br));
                        C_density1 = C_density0 - lstIdxToMakeZero.Count;
                        foreach (var bc_br in lstIdxToMakeZero)
                            int bc = bc_br.Item1;
                            int br = bc_br.Item2;
                            HDebug.Assert(bc > br);
                            var Cval = H.GetBlock(bc, br);
                            var Dval = H.GetBlock(bc, bc);
                            var Aval = H.GetBlock(br, br);
                            var Bval = Cval.Tr();
                            H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);           // nCval = Cval    -Cval
                            H.SetBlock(bc, bc, Dval + Cval);    // nDval = Dval - (-Cval) = Dval + Cval
                                                                // nBval = Bval    -Bval
                            H.SetBlock(br, br, Aval + Bval);    // nAval = Aval - (-Bval) = Aval + Bval
                        iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = lstIdxToMakeZero.Count;
                        iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = (int)C_density1;
                        C_density0 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length);
                        C_density1 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length);

                    // get A, B, C, D
                    HessMatrix A = H;       // HessMatrix    A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep);
                                            // HessMatrix    B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxremv);
                    HessMatrix C;           // HessMatrix    C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxkeep, parallel:parallel);
                    HessMatrix D;           // HessMatrix    D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxremv, parallel:parallel);
                        C = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxkeep.Length * 3);
                        D = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxremv.Length * 3);

                        //List<Tuple<int, int, MatrixByArr>> lst_bc_br_bval = H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv).ToList();
                        //foreach(var bc_br_bval in lst_bc_br_bval)
                        foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv))
                            int bc   = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br   = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3;

                            H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);
                            if (bc > iremv_max)
                                HDebug.Assert(false); continue;
                            if (br > iremv_max)
                                HDebug.Assert(false); continue;
                            if (br < iremv_min)
                                int nc = bc - iremv_min;
                                int nr = br;
                                HDebug.Assert(C.HasBlock(nc, nr) == false);
                                C.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval.CloneT());
                                int nc = bc - iremv_min;
                                int nr = br - iremv_min;
                                HDebug.Assert(D.HasBlock(nc, nr) == false);
                                D.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval);
                                if (nc != nr)
                                    HDebug.Assert(D.HasBlock(nr, nc) == false);
                                    D.SetBlock(nr, nc, bval.Tr());
                        HDebug.Assert(H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv).Count() == 0);
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        int ptc = process_time.Count;
                        System.Console.Write("CD({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);

                    // Get B.inv(D).C
                    HessMatrix B_invD_C;
                            B_invD_C = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri_Get_BInvDC(A, C, D, process_disp_console
                                                                                                , options
                                                                                                , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length
                                                                                                , parallel: parallel
                        if (process_disp_console)
                            int ptc = process_time.Count;
                            System.Console.Write("B.invD.C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);

                    // Get A - B.inv(D).C
                    /// iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = A.UpdateAdd(B_invD_C, -1, null, thres_zeroblk/lstNewIdxRemv.Length, parallel:parallel);
                        HessMatrix __this = A;
                        HessMatrix other  = B_invD_C;
                        double     _thres_NearZeroBlock = thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length;

                        int[] _count         = new int[1];
                        int[] _count_ignored = new int[1];

                        //foreach(var bc_br_bval in other.EnumBlocks())
                        Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > func = delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval)
                            int         bc         = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int         br         = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            MatrixByArr other_bmat = bc_br_bval.Item3;
                            if (bc < br)
                                return; // continue;
                            if (other_bmat.HAbsMax() <= _thres_NearZeroBlock)
                                /// other_bmat = other_bmat    -other_bmat;
                                /// other_diag = other_diag - (-other_bmat) = other_diag + other_bmat;
                                ///  this_diag =  this_diat - B_invD_C
                                ///            =  this_diat - other_diag
                                ///            =  this_diat - (other_diag + other_bmat)
                                ///            =  this_diat - other_diag  - other_bmat
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat) - other_diag
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat) - (processed later)
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat)
                                MatrixByArr this_diag = __this.GetBlock(bc, bc);
                                MatrixByArr new_diag  = this_diag - other_bmat;
                                __this.SetBlockLock(bc, bc, new_diag);
                                other_bmat = null;
                                lock (_count_ignored)
                            if (other_bmat != null)
                                MatrixByArr this_bmat = __this.GetBlock(bc, br);
                                if (this_bmat == null)
                                    this_bmat = new double[3, 3];
                                MatrixByArr new_bmat = this_bmat - other_bmat;
                                __this.SetBlockLock(bc, br, new_bmat);
                        if (parallel)
                            HParallel.ForEach(other.EnumBlocks(), func);
                            foreach (var bc_br_bval in other.EnumBlocks())

                        iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = _count_ignored[0];
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        int ptc = process_time.Count;
                        System.Console.Write("A-BinvDC({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);
                    //HessMatrix nH = A - B_invD_C;
                    //nH = ((nH + nH.Tr())/2).ToHessMatrix();
                    // Replace A -> H
                    H = A;

                    // print iteration log
                    iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
                    iterinfo.time1          = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (process_disp_console)
                        System.Console.Write("summary(makezero {0,5}, nonzero {1,5}, numIgnMul {2,7}, numRemvAtoms {3,3}, {4,5:0.00} min, {5} mb, {6}x{6}, nzeroBlk/Atom {7:0.00}), GC("
                                             , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved
                                             , iterinfo.compTime.TotalMinutes
                                             , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024)
                                             , (idxkeep.Length * 3)
                                             , ((double)iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock / idxremv.Length)
                    if (process_disp_console)

                int numca = H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum();

                //System.Console.WriteLine("finish coarse-graining");
                    int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray();
                    H = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep, false);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("finish resizing");

                return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl
                    iterinfos = iterinfos,
                    H = H,
            private static ValueTuple <HessMatrix, Vector> Get_BInvDC_BInvDG_WithSqueeze
                (HessMatrix C
                , HessMatrix D
                , Vector G
                , bool process_disp_console
                , string[] options
                , double?thld_BinvDC    // =null
                , bool parallel         // =false
                if (options == null)
                    options = new string[0];

                HessMatrix            B_invD_C;
                Vector                B_invD_G;
                Dictionary <int, int> Cbr_CCbr = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                List <int>            CCbr_Cbr = new List <int>();

                foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in C.EnumBlocks())
                    int Cbr = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                    if (Cbr_CCbr.ContainsKey(Cbr) == false)
                        HDebug.Assert(Cbr_CCbr.Count == CCbr_Cbr.Count);
                        int CCbr = Cbr_CCbr.Count;
                        Cbr_CCbr.Add(Cbr, CCbr);
                        HDebug.Assert(CCbr_Cbr[CCbr] == Cbr);

                HessMatrix CC = C.Zeros(C.ColSize, Cbr_CCbr.Count * 3);

                    Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr>, HessMatrix, Dictionary <int, int> > func =
                        delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval, HessMatrix _CC, Dictionary <int, int> _Cbr_CCbr)
                        int Cbc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int CCbc = Cbc;
                        int Cbr = bc_br_bval.Item2; int CCbr = _Cbr_CCbr[Cbr];
                        var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3;
                        lock (_CC)
                            _CC.SetBlock(CCbc, CCbr, bval);

                    if (parallel)
                        HParallel.ForEach(C.EnumBlocks(), func, CC, Cbr_CCbr);
                        foreach (var bc_br_bval in C.EnumBlocks())
                            func(bc_br_bval, CC, Cbr_CCbr);
                if (process_disp_console)
                    System.Console.Write("squeezeC({0,6}->{1,6} blk), ", C.RowBlockSize, CC.RowBlockSize);

                    /// If a diagonal element of D is null, that row and column should be empty.
                    /// This assume that the atom is removed. In this case, the removed diagonal block
                    /// is replace as the 3x3 identity matrix.
                    ///  [B1  0] [ A 0 ]^-1 [C1 C2 C3] = [B1  0] [ A^-1  0    ] [C1 C2 C3]
                    ///  [B2  0] [ 0 I ]    [ 0  0  0]   [B2  0] [ 0     I^-1 ] [ 0  0  0]
                    ///  [B3  0]                         [B3  0]
                    ///                                = [B1.invA  0] [C1 C2 C3]
                    ///                                  [B2.invA  0] [ 0  0  0]
                    ///                                  [B3.invA  0]
                    ///                                = [B1.invA.C1  B1.invA.C2  B1.invA.C3]
                    ///                                  [B2.invA.C1  B2.invA.C2  B2.invA.C3]
                    ///                                  [B3.invA.C1  B3.invA.C2  B3.invA.C3]
                        //HDebug.Exception(D.ColBlockSize == D.RowBlockSize);
                        for (int bi = 0; bi < D.ColBlockSize; bi++)
                            if (D.HasBlock(bi, bi) == true)
                            //for(int bc=0; bc< D.ColBlockSize; bc++) HDebug.Exception( D.HasBlock(bc, bi) == false);
                            //for(int br=0; br< D.RowBlockSize; br++) HDebug.Exception( D.HasBlock(bi, br) == false);
                            //for(int br=0; br<CC.RowBlockSize; br++) HDebug.Exception(CC.HasBlock(bi, br) == false);
                            D.SetBlock(bi, bi, new double[3, 3] {
                                { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }

                    HessMatrix BB_invDD_CC;
                    Vector     BB_invDD_GG;
                        var BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG = Get_BInvDC_BInvDG(CC, D, G, process_disp_console, options, thld_BinvDC, parallel);
                        BB_invDD_CC = BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item1;
                        BB_invDD_GG = BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item2;

                    B_invD_C = C.Zeros(C.RowSize, C.RowSize);
                        //  for(int bcc=0; bcc<CCbr_Cbr.Count; bcc++)
                        //  {
                        //      int bc = CCbr_Cbr[bcc];
                        //      for(int brr=0; brr<CCbr_Cbr.Count; brr++)
                        //      {
                        //          int br   = CCbr_Cbr[brr];
                        //          HDebug.Assert(B_invD_C.HasBlock(bc, br) == false);
                        //          if(BB_invDD_CC.HasBlock(bcc, brr) == false)
                        //              continue;
                        //          var bval = BB_invDD_CC.GetBlock(bcc, brr);
                        //          B_invD_C.SetBlock(bc, br, bval);
                        //          HDebug.Exception(A.HasBlock(bc, bc));
                        //          HDebug.Exception(A.HasBlock(br, br));
                        //      }
                        //  }
                        Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr>, HessMatrix, List <int> > func =
                            delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bcc_brr_bval, HessMatrix _B_invD_C, List <int> _CCbr_Cbr)
                            int bcc  = bcc_brr_bval.Item1;
                            int brr  = bcc_brr_bval.Item2;
                            var bval = bcc_brr_bval.Item3;

                            int bc = _CCbr_Cbr[bcc];
                            int br = _CCbr_Cbr[brr];
                            _B_invD_C.SetBlockLock(bc, br, bval);

                        if (parallel)
                            HParallel.ForEach(BB_invDD_CC.EnumBlocks(), func, B_invD_C, CCbr_Cbr);
                            foreach (var bcc_brr_bval in BB_invDD_CC.EnumBlocks())
                                func(bcc_brr_bval, B_invD_C, CCbr_Cbr);
                    B_invD_G = new double[C.RowSize];
                        HDebug.Assert(BB_invDD_GG.Size % 3 == 0);
                        // Double Check Later
                        if (CCbr_Cbr.Count == 0)
                            // this is the case that a molecule is isolated.
                            //HDebug.Assert(B_invD_C.NumUsedBlocks == 0);
                            //HDebug.Assert(B_invD_G.Dist2 == 0);

                        for (int bii = 0; bii < CCbr_Cbr.Count; bii++)
                        //for(int bii=0; bii<BB_invDD_GG.Size/3; bii++)
                            int bi = CCbr_Cbr[bii];
                            B_invD_G[bi * 3 + 0] = BB_invDD_GG[bii * 3 + 0];
                            B_invD_G[bi * 3 + 1] = BB_invDD_GG[bii * 3 + 1];
                            B_invD_G[bi * 3 + 2] = BB_invDD_GG[bii * 3 + 2];
                return(new ValueTuple <HessMatrix, Vector>
                           , B_invD_G