Пример #1
        internal void SetVisibleTypes(string text)
            string  part = "";
            HMSItem item = GetHMSItemByText(text, out part);

            if (item != null)
                if (item.Type.ToLower().StartsWith("bool"))
                HMSClassInfo info = HMS.HmsTypes[item.Type];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Name))
Пример #2
        // > By WendyH ------------------------------------------

        internal void DoAutocomplete(bool forced)
            if (tb.IsDisposed)
            if (!Menu.Enabled || !this.Enabled)
                Menu.Close(); return;
            if (tb.CheckInTheStringOrComment())
            if (!forced && Menu.AfterComplete)
                Menu.AfterComplete = false; return;
            FocussedItemIndex    = 0;
            VerticalScroll.Value = 0;
            //some magic for update scrolls
            AutoScrollMinSize -= new Size(1, 0);
            AutoScrollMinSize += new Size(1, 0);
            //get fragment around caret

            //Range fragment = tb.Selection.GetFragment(Menu.SearchPattern);
            Range  fragment = tb.Selection.GetFragmentLookedLeft();
            string text     = fragment.Text;
            // < By WendyH ------------------------
            bool doNotGetFromSourceItems = false; bool showTypes = false;

            if (text.Length == 0)
                if (tb.ToolTip4Function.Visible && (HMS.CurrentParamType.Length > 0))
                    if (HMS.CurrentParamType == "boolean")
                        visibleItems.AddRange(HMS.ItemsBoolean); doNotGetFromSourceItems = true; Menu.Fragment = fragment;
                    else if (HMS.HmsTypes.ContainsName(HMS.CurrentParamType))
                        HMSClassInfo info = HMS.HmsTypes[HMS.CurrentParamType];
                        doNotGetFromSourceItems = true;
                        Menu.Fragment           = fragment;
                    text = tb.Selection.GetVariableForEqual(Menu.SearchPattern);
                    if (text.Length > 0)
                        doNotGetFromSourceItems = true;
                        forced    = true;
                        showTypes = true;
            // > By WendyH ------------------------
            //calc screen point for popup menu
            Point point = tb.PlaceToPoint(fragment.End);

            point.Offset(2, tb.CharHeight);
            // By WendyH
            if (tb.ToolTip4Function.Visible)
                Rectangle b = tb.ToolTip4Function.Bounds;
                point.Y += b.Height + 4;
            if (forced || (text.Length >= Menu.MinFragmentLength &&
                           tb.Selection.IsEmpty && /*pops up only if selected range is empty*/
                           (tb.Selection.Start > fragment.Start || text.Length == 0 /*pops up only if caret is after first letter*/)))
                Menu.Fragment = fragment;
                bool foundSelected = false;
                //build popup menu
                // < By WendyH -------------------------------------
                string lastword = GetLastSelectedWord(text);
                if (showTypes)
                    int indexDot = text.IndexOf(".");
                    if (indexDot > 0)
                        doNotGetFromSourceItems = true;
                        Menu.Fragment.ShiftStart(text.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                        foundSelected = GetActiveLastwordInVisibleItems(text, lastword);
                // > By WendyH -------------------------------------
                if (!doNotGetFromSourceItems)
                    AutocompleteItems notExacctly = new AutocompleteItems();
                    foreach (var item in sourceItems)
                        item.Parent = Menu;
                        CompareResult res = item.Compare(text);
                        if (res != CompareResult.Hidden)
                        else if (item.NotExactlyCompare(text) == CompareResult.Visible)
                        if (lastword.Length > 0)
                            if (item.MenuText == lastword)
                                foundSelected     = true;
                                FocussedItemIndex = visibleItems.Count - 1;
                        else if (res == CompareResult.VisibleAndSelected && !foundSelected)
                            foundSelected     = true;
                            FocussedItemIndex = visibleItems.Count - 1;
                        if (visibleItems.Count > 150)

                if (foundSelected)
            if ((visibleItems.Count == 1) && (visibleItems[0].MenuText != null) && (visibleItems[0].MenuText.ToLower() == text.ToLower()))
            //show popup menu
            if (Count > 0)
                if (!Menu.Visible)
                    CancelEventArgs args = new CancelEventArgs();
                    //// By WendyH
                    //Point ps = tb.PointToScreen(point);
                    //if (ps.Y + Menu.Height + (tb.CharHeight * 3) > SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Bottom) {
                    //	int size = Math.Min(MaximumSize.Height, ItemHeight * visibleItems.Count) + 5;
                    //	point.Y -= (size + tb.CharHeight);
                    //	Rectangle b = tb.ToolTip4Function.Bounds;
                    //	if (tb.ToolTip4Function.Active) point.Y -= (b.Height + 4);
                    if (!args.Cancel)
                        Menu.Show(tb, point);
Пример #3
        // < By WendyH ------------------------------------------
        public HMSItem GetHMSItemByText(string text, out string partAfterDot, bool returnItemBeforeDot = false)
            HMSItem      item = null;
            HMSClassInfo info = new HMSClassInfo();

            string[] names = text.ToLower().Split('.');
            int      count = 0; partAfterDot = "";

            foreach (string word in names)
                string name = HMS.GetTextWithoutBrackets(word);
                count++; partAfterDot = name;
                if (returnItemBeforeDot && (count >= names.Length))
                    break;                                                                 // return last item before the dot
                if (info.Name.Length > 0)
                    // search in class members
                    item = info.MemberItems.GetItemOrNull(name);
                    if (item == null)
                        item = info.StaticItems.GetItemOrNull(name);
                    if (item != null)
                        info = HMS.HmsClasses[item.Type];
                    // try get variabe
                    if (item == null)
                        item = Menu.Items.VisibleLocalVars.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try visible known variables
                    if (item == null)
                        item = Menu.Items.VisibleVariables.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try visible known variables
                    if (item == null)
                        item = Menu.Items.VisibleFunctions.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try functions in script
                    if (item == null)
                        item = HMS.ItemsVariable.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try internal variables
                    if (item == null)
                        item = HMS.ItemsConstant.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try internal constants
                    if (item == null)
                        item = HMS.ItemsFunction.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try internal functions
                    if (item == null)
                        item = HMS.ItemsClass.GetItemOrNull(name);                                   // try internal classes
                    if (count < names.Length)
                        if (item != null)
                            info = HMS.HmsClasses[item.Type];
Пример #4
        // < By WendyH ------------------------------------------
        public HMSItem GetHMSItemByText(string text, out string partAfterDot, bool returnItemBeforeDot = false)
            HMSItem item = null;
            HMSClassInfo info = new HMSClassInfo();

            string[] names = text.ToLower().Split('.');
            int count = 0; partAfterDot = "";
            foreach (string word in names) {
                string name = HMS.GetTextWithoutBrackets(word);
                count++; partAfterDot = name;
                if (returnItemBeforeDot && (count >= names.Length)) break; // return last item before the dot
                if (info.Name.Length > 0) {
                    // search in class members
                    item = info.MemberItems.GetItemOrNull(name);
                    if (item == null) item = info.StaticItems.GetItemOrNull(name);
                    if (item != null) info = HMS.HmsClasses[item.Type];
                } else {
                    // try get variabe
                    if (item == null) item = Menu.Items.VisibleLocalVars.GetItemOrNull(name); // try visible known variables
                    if (item == null) item = Menu.Items.VisibleVariables.GetItemOrNull(name); // try visible known variables
                    if (item == null) item = Menu.Items.VisibleFunctions.GetItemOrNull(name); // try functions in script
                    if (item == null) item = HMS.ItemsVariable.GetItemOrNull(name); // try internal variables
                    if (item == null) item = HMS.ItemsConstant.GetItemOrNull(name); // try internal constants
                    if (item == null) item = HMS.ItemsFunction.GetItemOrNull(name); // try internal functions
                    if (item == null) item = HMS.ItemsClass.GetItemOrNull(name); // try internal classes
                    if (count < names.Length) {
                        if (item != null) info = HMS.HmsClasses[item.Type];
                        else break;
            return item;
Пример #5
        public static void InitAndLoadHMSKnowledgeDatabase()
            CreateIfNotExistDirectory(WorkingDir, true);

            // Загружаем базу данных знаний о HMS (классы, типы, функции и т.п.) из ресурсов
            HmsTypesString = Regex.Replace(HmsTypesStringWithHelp, "{.*?}", "").ToLower();
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            bool     isStatic = false;
            lock (HmsClasses) {
                Stream stream = null;
                try {
                    // Load classes items
                    HMSItem item;
                    stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourcePath + "hms_classes.txt");
                    if (stream != null) {
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                            stream = null;
                            ClassesString = "|";
                            HMSClassInfo hmsclass = null;
                            var line = reader.ReadLine();
                            while (line != null) {
                                if ((line.Trim().Length < 1) || (line.StartsWith("*"))) { line = reader.ReadLine(); continue; }
                                int indent = line.Length - line.TrimStart().Length;

                                item = GetHmsItemFromLine(line);
                                if (indent == 0) {
                                    // it's Class
                                    if (!HmsClasses.ContainsName(item.Text)) {
                                        hmsclass = new HMSClassInfo {
                                            Name = item.Text,
                                            Type = item.Type,
                                            Help = item.Help
                                        item.Kind         = DefKind.Class;
                                        item.ImageIndex   = ImagesIndex.Class;
                                        item.ToolTipTitle = "Класс " + item.Text;
                                        item.IsClass      = true;
                                        item.ClassInfo    = hmsclass;
                                        ClassesString += hmsclass.Name.ToLower() + "|";

                                } else if (indent == 2) {
                                    // it's method or property of the class
                                    var cmd = item.ToolTipTitle;
                                    if      (cmd.StartsWith("function" )) { item.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Method; item.Kind = DefKind.Method   ; }
                                    else if (cmd.StartsWith("procedure")) { item.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Method; item.Kind = DefKind.Procedure; }
                                    else if (cmd.StartsWith("property" )) { item.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Field ; item.Kind = DefKind.Property ; }
                                    else if (cmd.StartsWith("index"    )) { item.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Enum  ; item.Kind = DefKind.Property ; }
                                    else if (cmd.StartsWith("event"    )) { item.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Event ; item.Kind = DefKind.Event    ; }
                                    var name = Regex.Replace(cmd, @"^(function|procedure|property|index property|event)\s+", "");
                                    name = Regex.Match(name, @"\w+").Value.Trim();
                                    if (name.Length < 1) name += " ";
                                    item.Text         = name;
                                    item.MenuText     = name;
                                    item.Level        = 1;
                                    if (item.ImageIndex == ImagesIndex.Enum) item.Text = name + "[^]";
                                    else if (item.ImageIndex == ImagesIndex.Method) {
                                        if (cmd.IndexOf('(')>0) item.Text = name + "(^)";
                                      //else                    item.Text = name + "()";
                                    if (name.ToLower() == "create") {
                                        // hmm... only one static method
                                        isStatic = true;
                                    else {
                                        isStatic = false;
                                } else if ((indent == 4) || (line[0] == '\t')) {
                                    // it's help for parameters of last method
                                    if (isStatic) {
                                        if (hmsclass?.StaticItems.Count > 0) {
                                            item = hmsclass.StaticItems[hmsclass.StaticItems.Count - 1];
                                    } else {
                                        if (hmsclass?.MemberItems.Count > 0) {
                                            item = hmsclass.MemberItems[hmsclass.MemberItems.Count - 1];
                                line = reader.ReadLine();
                    // For each Class look the derived class and add his methods (info1) and methods of derived class of derived class (info2)
                    foreach (var classItem in HmsClasses) {
                        if (classItem.Type.Length == 0) continue;        // if no type - skip
                        HMSClassInfo info1 = HmsClasses[classItem.Type]; // get derived class
                        if (info1.Name.Length == 0) continue;            // if no found - skip
                        HMSClassInfo info2 = HmsClasses[info1.Type];     // get derived class of the derived class
                        if (info2.Name.Length > 0) {
                            foreach (var i2 in info2.MemberItems) if (!classItem.MemberItems.ContainsName(i2.MenuText)) classItem.MemberItems.Add(i2);
                            foreach (var i2 in info2.StaticItems) if (!classItem.StaticItems.ContainsName(i2.MenuText)) classItem.StaticItems.Add(i2);
                        foreach (var i1 in info1.MemberItems) if (!classItem.MemberItems.ContainsName(i1.MenuText)) classItem.MemberItems.Add(i1);
                        foreach (var i1 in info1.StaticItems) if (!classItem.StaticItems.ContainsName(i1.MenuText)) classItem.StaticItems.Add(i1);

                    // Load a built-in Types (Enumerates)
                    stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourcePath + "hms_types.txt");
                    if (stream != null) {
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                            stream = null; string line;
                            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
                                if (line.StartsWith("*") || (line.Trim().Length == 0)) continue; // Skip comments and blank lines
                                item = GetHmsItemFromLine(line);
                                if (!HmsTypes.ContainsName(item.Text)) {
                                    var hmsType = new HMSClassInfo {
                                        Name = item.Text,
                                        Type = item.Text,
                                        Help = item.Help
                                    string names = Regex.Match(line, @"\((.*?)\)").Groups[1].Value;
                                    foreach(string name in names.Split(',')) {
                                        item = new HMSItem {
                                            ImageIndex   = ImagesIndex.Enum,
                                            Text         = name,
                                            MenuText     = name,
                                            ToolTipTitle = name,
                                            ToolTipText  = "Перечисление типа " + hmsType.Name
                                    ClassesString += hmsType.Name.ToLower() + "|";

                } catch (Exception e) {

                } finally {
                    // ReSharper disable once UseNullPropagation
                    if (stream != null) stream.Dispose();

            // Load a built-in Functions and Procedures items
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_func.txt", ImagesIndex.Procedure, "", ItemsFunction, DefKind.Function);

            // Load a built-in Variables
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_vars.txt"     , ImagesIndex.Field, "Встроенная переменная", ItemsVariable, DefKind.Variable);

            // Load a built-in Constants
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_constants.txt", ImagesIndex.Enum , "Встроенная константа" , ItemsConstant, DefKind.Constant);

            foreach(var info in HmsTypes) {
                foreach(var typeitem in info.MemberItems) {

            // Check the self
            NotFoundedType  = "|";
            HmsTypesString += "int|long|void|bool|float|";
            foreach (var q in HmsClasses)  { CheckKnownType(q.Type); foreach (var a in q.MemberItems) CheckKnownType(a.Type); }
            foreach (var q in ItemsFunction) CheckKnownType(q.Type);
            foreach (var q in ItemsVariable) CheckKnownType(q.Type);
            foreach (var q in ItemsConstant) CheckKnownType(q.Type);

            string funcList = "";
            foreach (var q in ItemsFunction) funcList += "|"+q.MenuText;
            funcList = funcList.Substring(1).Replace("|Int|", "|Int\\(|");
            RegexHmsFunctions = new Regex(@"\b(" + funcList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            string varsList = "";
            foreach (var q in ItemsVariable) varsList += "|" + q.MenuText;
            varsList = varsList.Substring(1);
            RegexHmsVariables = new Regex(@"\b(" + varsList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            varsList = "|true|false|nil|null";
            foreach (var q in ItemsConstant) varsList += "|" + q.MenuText;
            varsList = varsList.Substring(1);
            RegexHmsConstants = new Regex(@"\b(" + varsList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            ClassesString += NotFoundedType.ToLower();
            HmsTypesString += "";
Пример #6
 private void SearchClassesItemsInScriptDescrition(ref string xml)
     lock (HMS.HmsClasses) {
         string xmlBlock = Regex.Match(xml, "<Classes>(.*?)</Classes>").Value;
         MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(xmlBlock, @"<item(.*?)</item>");
         foreach (Match matchItem in mc) {
             var text  = regexCutText.Match(matchItem.Value).Groups[1].Value;
             var descr = regexCutDesc.Match(matchItem.Value).Groups[1].Value;
             if (text.Length == 0) continue;
             var item = HMS.GetHmsItemFromLine(text);
             item.ImageIndex  = ImagesIndex.Class;
             item.ToolTipText = "Класс";
             item.Kind = DefKind.Class;
             item.Help = descr;
             var foundItem = HMS.ItemsClass.GetItemOrNull(item.MenuText);
             if (foundItem != null) {
                 if (foundItem.Help.Length == 0) foundItem.Help = descr;
             } else {
                 var hmsclass = new HMSClassInfo {
                     Name = item.Text,
                     Type = item.Type,
                     Help = item.Help
                 item.Kind         = DefKind.Class;
                 item.ImageIndex   = ImagesIndex.Class;
                 item.ToolTipTitle = "Класс " + item.Text;
                 item.IsClass      = true;
                 item.ClassInfo    = hmsclass;
                 HMS.ClassesString += hmsclass.Name.ToLower() + "|";
                 MatchCollection mcChild = Regex.Matches(matchItem.Groups[1].Value, "<item text=\"(.*?)\"");
                 foreach (Match m in mcChild) {
                     var childItem = HMS.GetHmsItemFromLine(m.Groups[1].Value);
                     var cmd = childItem.ToolTipTitle;
                     if      (cmd.StartsWith("function" )) { childItem.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Method; childItem.Kind = DefKind.Method   ; }
                     else if (cmd.StartsWith("procedure")) { childItem.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Method; childItem.Kind = DefKind.Procedure; }
                     else if (cmd.StartsWith("property" )) { childItem.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Field ; childItem.Kind = DefKind.Property ; }
                     else if (cmd.StartsWith("index"    )) { childItem.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Enum  ; childItem.Kind = DefKind.Property ; }
                     else if (cmd.StartsWith("event"    )) { childItem.ImageIndex = ImagesIndex.Event ; childItem.Kind = DefKind.Event    ; }
                     var name = Regex.Replace(cmd, @"^(function|procedure|property|index property|event)\s+", "");
                     name = Regex.Match(name, @"\w+").Value.Trim();
                     if (name.Length < 1) name += " ";
                     childItem.Text         = name;
                     childItem.MenuText     = name;
                     childItem.Level        = 1;
                     if      (childItem.ImageIndex == ImagesIndex.Enum  ) childItem.Text = name + "[^]";
                     else if (childItem.ImageIndex == ImagesIndex.Method) {
                         if (cmd.IndexOf('(')>0) childItem.Text = name + "(^)";
                     if (name.ToLower() == "create") hmsclass?.StaticItems.Add(childItem);
                     else                            hmsclass?.MemberItems.Add(childItem);
                 //Console.WriteLine(kind.ToString() + " MenuText: " + item.MenuText);