internal static void ShowHICPDialog()
            HICPConfigFacade          hcf   = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false); // false: do not create if not existent yet (only if user demands below)
            List <HICPConfig.HICPRow> hicps = null;

            if (hcf != null)
                hicps = hcf.GetHICPs();
            if ((hicps == null || hicps.Count == 0) && GenerateHICPTable(out hicps) == DialogResult.Cancel)

            HICPForm hicpForm = new HICPForm(hicps);

            if (hicpForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)

            hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(true); // true: if user actually decided to generate HICPs (and thus GlobalConfig) from scratch (unlikely case)
            if (hcf != null && hcf.RefreshHICPs(hicpForm.updatedHICPs))
Пример #2
        private void GetHICPFromGlobalTable()
            hicpFromGlobalTable = false;
            HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false); if (hcf == null)
            List <string> hicpRow = new List <string>()
                "Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices", "$HICP"
            }; string comment = string.Empty;

            foreach (DataColumn col in dgvDataTable.Columns)
                if (!col.Caption.StartsWith(_colYear))
                HICPConfig.HICPRow globalHICP = hcf.GetHICP(EM_AppContext.Instance.GetActiveCountryMainForm().GetCountryShortName(), col.Caption.Substring(_colYear.Length));
                string             hicpVal    = "100";
                if (globalHICP != null)
                    hicpVal = EM_Helpers.ConvertToString(globalHICP.Value); comment = globalHICP.Comment; hicpFromGlobalTable = true;
                }                                                                                                                                              // make sure you always show "." as decimal separator
            hicpRow.Add(comment); hicpRow.Insert(0, null);
            if (hicpFromGlobalTable)
        string BestMatchCheck(List <SystemAndData> systemsAndData, BestMatchCheckType check, string country = "")
            string faulty = string.Empty; List <string> done = new List <string>();

            foreach (SystemAndData systemAndData in systemsAndData)
                if (systemAndData.bestMatches.Count != 1)
                    continue;                                       // only consider unique best-matches for simplicity
                DataConfig.DataBaseRow data = systemAndData.bestMatches[0].DataBaseRow;
                if (done.Contains(data.Name.ToLower()))
                    continue;                                     // data can be best-match of several systems (just need to check once)
                switch (check)
                case BestMatchCheckType.Year_NotEqual_Collection:
                    string cy = data.YearCollection.Trim() == string.Empty ? "-" : data.YearCollection.Trim();
                    if (!data.Name.Contains(cy))
                        faulty += string.Format("{0} ({1}), ", data.Name, cy);

                case BestMatchCheckType.Income_Greater_Year:
                    int incYear, colYear;
                    if (int.TryParse(data.YearInc, out incYear) && int.TryParse(data.YearCollection, out colYear) && incYear > colYear)
                        faulty += string.Format("{0} ({1}>{2}), ", data.Name, incYear, colYear);

                case BestMatchCheckType.UseCommonDefault:
                    if (data.UseCommonDefault == DefPar.Value.YES)
                        faulty += data.Name + ", ";

                case BestMatchCheckType.NoHICP:
                    HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false); if (hcf == null)
                        return(string.Empty);                                                                                           // should not happen
                    int year;
                    if (!int.TryParse(data.YearInc, out year) || hcf.GetHICP(country, year) == null)
                        faulty += data.Name + ", ";
        internal HICPConfigApplyAdministrator(MergeAdministrator mergeAdministrator, HICPConfigMergeForm mergeForm,
                                              HICPConfigFacade vcFacLocal, HICPConfigFacade vcFacRemote)
            _mergeAdministrator = mergeAdministrator;

            _vcFacLocal  = vcFacLocal; _vcLocal = _vcFacLocal.GetHICPConfig();
            _vcFacRemote = vcFacRemote; _vcRemote = _vcFacRemote.GetHICPConfig();

            _mergeForm    = mergeForm;
            _mcHICPConfig = _mergeForm.GetMergeControlByName(EMPath.EM2_FILE_HICP);
        void AddHICP(bool local)
            foreach (string ID in GetRelevantIDs(_mcHICPConfig, local, true))
                string country = ID.Substring(0, ID.IndexOf("_"));
                string year    = ID.Substring(ID.IndexOf("_") + 1);

                HICPConfig.HICPRow dataRow = _vcFacRemote.GetHICP(country, year);

                HICPConfigFacade.CopyHICPFromAnotherConfig(_vcLocal, dataRow);
        string GetNoHICPSystems(List <CountryConfig.SystemRow> publicSystems, string country)
            string           faulty = string.Empty;
            HICPConfigFacade hcf    = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false); if (hcf == null)

                return(faulty);                                                                                       // should not happen
            foreach (CountryConfig.SystemRow system in publicSystems)
                if (hcf.GetHICP(country, GetSystemYear(system)) == null)
                    faulty += system.Name + ", ";
        internal AddCountry_SaveAs_AdaptForm(string cc, SaveAsAdaptOptions _options)

            // disable checks for adapting global files if they do not contain entries for the original country
            ExchangeRatesConfigFacade ercf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetExchangeRatesConfigFacade(false);

            chkCloneExRates.Enabled = ercf != null && ercf.HasExchangeRates(cc);
            HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false);

            chkCloneHICP.Enabled = hcf != null && hcf.HasHICP(cc);

            options = _options;
            chkAdaptSystemNames.Checked     = options.adaptSystemNames;
            chkAdaptPolicyNames.Checked     = options.adaptPolicyNames;
            chkAdaptTUNames.Checked         = options.adaptTUNames;
            chkAdaptOutputFileNames.Checked = options.adaptOutputFileNames;
            chkAdaptComments.Checked        = options.adaptComments;
            chkCloneHICP.Checked            = options.cloneHICP == true;
            chkCloneExRates.Checked         = options.cloneExRates == true;
Пример #8
        private void StoreHICPInGlobalTable()
            HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(false); if (hcf == null)

                return;                                                                                        // do nothing if HICPConfig does not exist yet
            foreach (DataRow row in dgvDataTable.Rows)
                if (row.Field <string>(colReference.Name) != "$HICP")
                List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> > hicps = new List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> >();
                string comment = row.Field <string>(colComment.Name);
                string country = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetActiveCountryMainForm().GetCountryShortName();
                foreach (DataColumn col in dgvDataTable.Columns)
                    if (!col.Caption.StartsWith(_colYear))
                    string sYear = col.Caption.Substring(_colYear.Length); int year; if (!int.TryParse(sYear, out year))
                    string sVal = row.Field <string>(col.Caption); double dVal; if (!double.TryParse(sVal, out dVal))
                    hicps.Add(new Tuple <string, int, double, string>(country, year, dVal, comment));
                if (hcf.SetHICPs(hicps))
        private static DialogResult GenerateHICPTable(out List <HICPConfig.HICPRow> hicps)
            DialogResult choice = UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The HICP Table does not yet exist. Do you want to automatically generate it by extracting HICPs from country tables?",

            hicps = choice == DialogResult.Cancel ? null : new List <HICPConfig.HICPRow>();
            if (choice != DialogResult.Yes)
                return(choice);                            // if user's choice was No (or even on error in assessing HICPs below) show the empty HICP table (i.e. hicps != null)
            HICPConfigFacade hcf = EM_AppContext.Instance.GetHICPConfigFacade(true); if (hcf == null)

                return(DialogResult.Cancel);                                                                                      // bad error - shouldn't happen
                ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(GetCountryHICPs_BackgroundEventHandler, "Assessing Country Info ...");
                if (progressIndicator.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    return(choice);                                                                        // user cancelled the generation - show empty HICP table
                List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> > hicpInfo = progressIndicator.Result as List <Tuple <string, int, double, string> >;
                if (hicpInfo == null) // an exception was thrown while loading countries
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowError(string.Format("Generating HICP Table failed with the following error:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, progressIndicator.Result.ToString()));
                    return(choice); // show empty HICP table
                if (hcf.RefreshHICPs(hicpInfo) && hcf.WriteXML())
                    hicps = hcf.GetHICPs();
            catch (Exception exception) { UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception); return(choice); }
        }                                                                  //force re-reading on next access

        internal void UnloadHICPConfigFacade()
            _HICPConfigFacade = null;