Пример #1
            private static void FourthTerm(IList <Vector> caArray, double Epsilon, HessMatrix hessian, int i, int j)
                int[]    idx      = new int[] { i, j };
                Vector[] lcaArray = new Vector[] { caArray[idx[0]], caArray[idx[1]] };
                Matrix   lhess    = FourthTerm(lcaArray, Epsilon);

                for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
                    for (int dc = 0; dc < 3; dc++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                            for (int dr = 0; dr < 3; dr++)
                                hessian[idx[c] * 3 + dc, idx[r] * 3 + dr] += lhess[c * 3 + dc, r *3 + dr];

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttachedWithProb(0.1))
                    if (caArray.Count == 2)
                        // avoid stack overflow
                    HessMatrix lhess0 = new double[6, 6];
                    FourthTerm(lcaArray, Epsilon, lhess0, 0, 1);
                    FourthTerm(lcaArray, Epsilon, lhess0, 1, 0);
                    double r2     = (lcaArray[0] - lcaArray[1]).Dist2;
                    Matrix dhess0 = (120 * Epsilon / r2) * Hess.GetHessAnm(lcaArray, double.PositiveInfinity);
                    HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0.00000001, lhess0 - dhess0);
Пример #2
        static double GetPotentialUpdated_ProbToCheckWithGetPotential = 0;//1;//0.1;
        public double GetPotentialUpdated(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                          , double?energy0, Vector[] coords0, Vector[] forces0
                                          , Vector[] coords, Vector[] forces
                                          , ref Nonbondeds_v1 nonbondeds
            if (GetPotentialUpdated_SelfTestDo == true)
            #region selftest
                GetPotentialUpdated_SelfTest(frcflds, energy0, coords0, forces0, coords, forces);

            bool[] updated = new bool[size];
            if ((energy0 == null) || (nonbondeds == null))
                HDebug.AssertIf(energy0 == null, coords0 == null);
                HDebug.AssertIf(energy0 == null, forces0 == null);
                energy0 = 0;
                coords0 = null;
                forces0 = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    forces[i] = new double[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    updated[i] = true;
                HDebug.Assert(size == coords0.Length);
                HDebug.Assert(size == forces0.Length);
                HDebug.Assert(size == coords.Length);
                HDebug.Assert(size == forces.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    forces[i] = forces0[i].Clone();

                int countskip = 0;
                //double[] dist2s = new double[size];
                //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                //    dist2s[i] = (coords0[i] - coords[i]).Dist2;
                //int[] idxsorted = dist2s.IdxSorted();
                //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                //    updated[i] = (dist2s[i] > (0.000001*0.000001));
                //for(int i=size/2; i<size; i++)
                //    updated[idxsorted[i]] = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    updated[i] = (coords0[i] != coords[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    countskip += (updated[i] == false) ? 1 : 0;
                if ((size - countskip) * 10 > size)
                    energy0 = 0;
                    coords0 = null;
                    forces0 = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        forces[i] = new double[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        updated[i] = true;
                System.Console.Write(" countskip({0:000}) ", countskip);
            Vector[] dforces = GetVectorsZero();

            double denergy = 0;
            denergy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsBond(frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, coords, dforces);
            denergy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsAngle(frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, coords, dforces);
            denergy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsDihedral(frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, coords, dforces);
            denergy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsImproper(frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, coords, dforces);
            denergy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsNonbonded(frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, coords, dforces, ref nonbondeds);
            //energy += GetPotentialUpdated_ComputeCustomsCustoms  (frcflds, updated, 0, coords0, forces0, coords, forces);

            double energy = energy0.Value + denergy;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                forces[i] += dforces[i];

            #region commented from threading
            //Nonbondeds lnonbondeds = nonbondeds;
            //double energy = energy0.Value;
            //object lockobj = new object();
            //System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();
            ////parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
            //Parallel.ForEach(compunits_bonded, parallelOptions, delegate(GetForcesCompUnit compunit)
            //    if(compunit == null)
            //    {
            //        // in the first iteration, collect nonbonded components
            //        GetForces_CollectCompUnitNonbonded(frcflds, updated, coords0, coords, ref lnonbondeds, compunits_nonbonded);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Triple<double, int[], Vector[]> denergy_idx_dforces = compunit.Compute(coords0, coords);
            //        double   denergy = denergy_idx_dforces.first;
            //        int[]    idx     = denergy_idx_dforces.second;
            //        Vector[] dforces = denergy_idx_dforces.third;
            //        Debug.Assert(idx.Length == dforces.Length);
            //        lock(lockobj)
            //        {
            //            energy += denergy;
            //            for(int i=0; i<idx.Length; i++)
            //                forces[idx[i]] += dforces[i];
            //        }
            //    }
            //nonbondeds = lnonbondeds;
            //Parallel.ForEach(compunits_nonbonded, parallelOptions, delegate(GetForcesCompUnit compunit)
            //    Triple<double, int[], Vector[]> denergy_idx_dforces = compunit.Compute(coords0, coords);
            //    double   denergy = denergy_idx_dforces.first;
            //    int[]    idx     = denergy_idx_dforces.second;
            //    Vector[] dforces = denergy_idx_dforces.third;
            //    Debug.Assert(idx.Length == dforces.Length);
            //    lock(lockobj)
            //    {
            //        energy += denergy;
            //        for(int i=0; i<idx.Length; i++)
            //            forces[idx[i]] += dforces[i];
            //    }

            if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttachedWithProb(GetPotentialUpdated_ProbToCheckWithGetPotential))
            #region check force with GetPotential(...)
                //Vector[] _forces0  = GetVectorsZero();
                //Matrix   _hessian0 = null;
                //double   _energy0  = GetPotential(frcflds, coords0, ref _forces0, ref _hessian0, new Dictionary<string,object>());
                //Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, energy0 - _energy0);
                //Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, Vector.Sub(forces0, _forces0));

                Vector[]    _forces  = GetVectorsZero();
                MatrixByArr _hessian = null;
                double      _energy  = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, ref _forces, ref _hessian, new Dictionary <string, object>());
                HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, energy - _energy);
                HDebug.AssertToleranceVector(0.00000001, Vector.Sub(forces, _forces));

            //if(cache != null)
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_bonds     ") == false) cache.Add("energy_bonds     ", 0); cache["energy_bonds     "] = energy_bonds     ;
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_angles    ") == false) cache.Add("energy_angles    ", 0); cache["energy_angles    "] = energy_angles    ;
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_dihedrals ") == false) cache.Add("energy_dihedrals ", 0); cache["energy_dihedrals "] = energy_dihedrals ;
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_impropers ") == false) cache.Add("energy_impropers ", 0); cache["energy_impropers "] = energy_impropers ;
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_nonbondeds") == false) cache.Add("energy_nonbondeds", 0); cache["energy_nonbondeds"] = energy_nonbondeds;
            //    if(cache.ContainsKey("energy_customs   ") == false) cache.Add("energy_customs   ", 0); cache["energy_customs   "] = energy_customs   ;