public ICSShell(ICSClient client) : base() { this.client = client; max_chars = 16 * 1024; textView = new TextView (); textView.ModifyFont (Pango.FontDescription. FromString ("Monospace 9")); client.LineReceivedEvent += OnLineReceived; commandEntry = new Entry (); sendButton = new Button (Catalog. GetString ("Send")); ScrolledWindow win = new ScrolledWindow (); win.HscrollbarPolicy = win.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.Add (textView); PackStart (win, true, true, 4); HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (commandEntry, true, true, 4); box.PackStart (sendButton, false, false, 4); PackStart (box, false, true, 4); textView.Editable = false; commandEntry.Activated += OnCommand; sendButton.Clicked += OnCommand; ShowAll (); }
public ICSShell(ICSClient client) : base() { this.client = client; textView = new ShellTextView (client); commandEntry = new Entry (); sendButton = new Button (Catalog. GetString ("Send")); ScrolledWindow win = new ScrolledWindow (); win.HscrollbarPolicy = win.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.Add (textView); PackStart (win, true, true, 4); HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (commandEntry, true, true, 4); box.PackStart (sendButton, false, false, 4); PackStart (box, false, true, 4); textView.Editable = false; commandEntry.Activated += OnCommand; sendButton.Clicked += OnCommand; ShowAll (); }
public GameAdvertisementGraph(ICSClient c) { graph = new Graph (); categories = new Hashtable (); categories["blitz"] = 1; categories["standard"] = 1; categories["lightning"] = 1; categories["untimed"] = 1; graph.GameFocusedEvent += OnGameFocused; graph.GameClickedEvent += OnGameClicked; infoLabel = new Label (); infoLabel.Xalign = 0; infoLabel.Xpad = 4; this.client = c; client.GameAdvertisementAddEvent += OnGameAdvertisementAddEvent; client.GameAdvertisementRemoveEvent += OnGameAdvertisementRemoveEvent; client.GameAdvertisementsClearedEvent += OnGameAdvertisementsCleared; SetSizeRequest (600, 400); image = new Gtk.Image (); PackStart (graph, true, true, 4); HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (image, false, false, 4); box.PackStart (infoLabel, true, true, 4); PackStart (box, false, true, 4); ShowAll (); }
public RelayTournamentsView(ICSClient c) { client = c; tournamentIter = TreeIter.Zero; store = new TreeStore (typeof (int), typeof (string), typeof (string)); create_tree (); refreshButton = new Button (Stock.Refresh); refreshButton.Clicked += OnClicked; infoLabel = new Label (); infoLabel.UseMarkup = true; infoLabel.Xalign = 0; infoLabel.Xpad = 4; //infoLabel.Yalign = 0; //infoLabel.Ypad = 4; HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (infoLabel, true, true, 4); box.PackStart (refreshButton, false, false, 4); PackStart (box, false, true, 4); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow (); scroll.HscrollbarPolicy = scroll.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroll.Add (tree); PackStart (scroll, true, true, 4); client.AuthEvent += OnAuth; ShowAll (); }
static void SetUpGui () { Window w = new Window ("Sign Up"); firstname_entry = new Entry (); lastname_entry = new Entry (); email_entry = new Entry (); VBox outerv = new VBox (); outerv.BorderWidth = 12; outerv.Spacing = 12; w.Add (outerv); Label l = new Label ("Enter your name and preferred address"); l.Xalign = 0; //l.UseMarkup = true; outerv.PackStart (l, false, false, 0); HBox h = new HBox (); //h.Spacing = 6; outerv.PackStart (h); VBox v = new VBox (); //v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, false, false, 0); Button l2; l2 = new Button ("First Name:"); //l.Xalign = 0; v.PackStart (l2, true, false, 0); //l.MnemonicWidget = firstname_entry; l2 = new Button ("Last Name:"); //l.Xalign = 0; v.PackStart (l2, true, false, 0); //l.MnemonicWidget = firstname_entry; l2 = new Button ("Email Address:"); //l.Xalign = 0; v.PackStart (l2, true, false, 0); //l.MnemonicWidget = firstname_entry; v = new VBox (); //v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (firstname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (lastname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (email_entry, true, true, 0); w.ShowAll (); }
public Command Run (WindowFrame transientFor, MessageDescription message) { this.icon = GetIcon (message.Icon); if (ConvertButtons (message.Buttons, out buttons)) { // Use a system message box if (message.SecondaryText == null) message.SecondaryText = String.Empty; else { message.Text = message.Text + "\r\n\r\n" + message.SecondaryText; message.SecondaryText = String.Empty; } var wb = (WindowFrameBackend)Toolkit.GetBackend (transientFor); if (wb != null) { this.dialogResult = MessageBox.Show (wb.Window, message.Text, message.SecondaryText, this.buttons, this.icon, this.defaultResult, this.options); } else { this.dialogResult = MessageBox.Show (message.Text, message.SecondaryText, this.buttons, this.icon, this.defaultResult, this.options); } return ConvertResultToCommand (this.dialogResult); } else { // Custom message box required Dialog dlg = new Dialog (); dlg.Resizable = false; dlg.Padding = 0; HBox mainBox = new HBox { Margin = 25 }; if (message.Icon != null) { var image = new ImageView (message.Icon.WithSize (32,32)); mainBox.PackStart (image, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Start); } VBox box = new VBox () { Margin = 3, MarginLeft = 8, Spacing = 15 }; mainBox.PackStart (box, true); var text = new Label { Text = message.Text ?? "" }; Label stext = null; box.PackStart (text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (message.SecondaryText)) { stext = new Label { Text = message.SecondaryText }; box.PackStart (stext); } dlg.Buttons.Add (message.Buttons.ToArray ()); if (mainBox.Surface.GetPreferredSize (true).Width > 480) { text.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; if (stext != null) stext.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; mainBox.WidthRequest = 480; } var s = mainBox.Surface.GetPreferredSize (true); dlg.Content = mainBox; return dlg.Run (); } }
public GamesListWidget() : base() { HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Filter")), false, false, 4); searchEntry = new Entry (); hbox.PackStart (searchEntry, true, true, 4); tree = new TreeView (); PackStart (hbox, false, true, 0); ScrolledWindow win = new ScrolledWindow (); win.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.Add (tree); PackStart (win, true, true, 4); SetupTree (); ShowAll (); searchEntry.Activated += OnSearch; }
public GamesListWidget() : base() { HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Filter")), false, false, 4); view = CreateIconView (); win = new ScrolledWindow (); win.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.Add (view); PackStart (win, true, true, 4); ShowAll (); }
public ObservingGamePage(ICSGameObserverWidget widget, MoveDetails details) : base() { = widget; gameId = details.gameNumber; InitGameWidget (details); movesWidget = new ChessMovesWidget (); movesWidget.CursorChanged += OnCursorChanged; gameWidget.WhiteAtBottom = !details.blackAtBottom; board.side = details.blackAtBottom; gameWidget.whiteClock.Configure (details. initial_time * 60, (uint) details. increment); gameWidget.blackClock.Configure (details. initial_time * 60, (uint) details. increment); white = details.white; black =; gameWidget.White = white; gameWidget.Black = black; gameWidget.Show (); board.Show (); movesWidget.Show (); HBox box = new HBox (); Button closeButton; if (Config.WindowsBuild) closeButton = new Button (Stock.Close); else { closeButton = new Button (""); closeButton.Image = new Image (Stock.Close, IconSize.Menu); } resultLabel = new Label (); resultLabel.Xalign = 0; box.PackStart (resultLabel, true, true, 2); box.PackStart (closeButton, false, false, 2); PackStart (box, false, true, 2); box = new HBox (); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow (); scroll.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; scroll.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroll.Add (movesWidget); VBox movesBox = new VBox (); movesBox.PackStart (scroll, true, true, 2); AddGameNavigationButtons (movesBox); box.PackStart (gameWidget, true, true, 2); box.PackStart (movesBox, false, true, 2); PackStart (box, true, true, 2); closeButton.Clicked += OnCloseButtonClicked; Update (details); ShowAll (); }
public static void Main(string [] args) { Application.Init(); Window w = new Window("EFL# Demo App"); VBox vbx = new VBox (); vbx.Spacing = 4; MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); vbx.PackStart (mb, false, false, 0); MenuItem item = new MenuItem ("File"); Menu file_menu = new Menu (); item.Submenu = file_menu; MenuItem file_item = new MenuItem ("Open"); file_item.Activated += FileOpenHandler; file_menu.Append (file_item); file_item = new MenuItem ("Close"); file_menu.Append (file_item); Menu close_menu = new Menu (); file_item.Submenu = close_menu; MenuItem close_menu_item = new MenuItem ("Close This"); close_menu.Append (close_menu_item); close_menu_item = new MenuItem ("Close All"); close_menu.Append (close_menu_item); file_item = new MenuItem ("Save"); file_menu.Append (file_item); file_item = new MenuItem ("Save As"); file_menu.Append (file_item); file_item = new MenuItem ("Quit"); file_item.Activated += FileQuitHandler; file_menu.Append (file_item); mb.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("Edit"); Menu edit_menu = new Menu (); item.Submenu = edit_menu; mb.Append (item); item = new MenuItem ("About"); Menu about_menu = new Menu (); item.Submenu = about_menu; MenuItem about_item = new MenuItem ("Help"); about_item.Activated += AboutHelpHandler; about_menu.Append (about_item); about_item = new MenuItem ("Authors"); about_item.Activated += AboutAuthorsHandler; about_menu.Append (about_item); mb.Append (item); HBox bx = new HBox (); vbx.PackStart (bx); bx.Spacing = 0; Button l1 = new Button ("one"); Button l2 = new Button ("two"); Button l3 = new Button ("three"); Button l4 = new Button ("four"); Button l5 = new Button ("five"); l5.Clicked += Button_Clicked; bx.PackStart(l1); bx.PackStart(l2); bx.PackStart(l3); bx.PackStart(l4); bx.PackStart(l5); HBox inbox = new HBox (); inbox.Spacing = 5; inbox.BorderWidth = 2; vbx.PackStart (inbox); Label input_label = new Label ("What is your name?"); input_label.Xalign = 0; inbox.PackStart (input_label, false, false, 0); input = new Entry (); inbox.PackStart (input); HBox bbox = new HBox (); Button get_text = new Button ("Get Text"); get_text.Clicked += Get_Text; bbox.PackStart (get_text, false, false, 0); vbx.PackStart (bbox, false, false, 0); w.Add(vbx); w.SetDefaultSize(300, 200); w.ShowAll(); Application.Run(); }
public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 6); Label label = new Label(); label.MarkupWithMnemonic = GettextCatalog.GetString("_Policy:"); hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); store = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(PolicySet)); policyCombo = new ComboBox(store); CellRenderer renderer = new CellRendererText(); policyCombo.PackStart(renderer, true); policyCombo.AddAttribute(renderer, "text", 0); label.MnemonicWidget = policyCombo; policyCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter) => ((string)model.GetValue(iter, 0)) == "--"; hbox.PackStart(policyCombo, false, false, 0); VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 6); vbox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); // Warning message to be shown when the user modifies the default policy warningMessage = new HBox(); warningMessage.Spacing = 6; Image img = new Image(Stock.Warning, IconSize.Menu); warningMessage.PackStart(img, false, false, 0); Label wl = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Changes done in this section will only be applied to new projects. " + "Settings for existing projects can be modified in the project (or solution) options dialog.")); wl.Xalign = 0; wl.Wrap = true; wl.WidthRequest = 450; warningMessage.PackStart(wl, true, true, 0); warningMessage.ShowAll(); warningMessage.Visible = false; vbox.PackEnd(warningMessage, false, false, 0); notebook = new Notebook(); // Get the panels for all mime types List <string> types = new List <string> (); types.AddRange(DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain(mimeType)); panelData.SectionLoaded = true; panels = panelData.Panels; foreach (IMimeTypePolicyOptionsPanel panel in panelData.Panels) { panel.SetParentSection(this); Widget child = panel.CreateMimePanelWidget(); Label tlabel = new Label(panel.Label); label.Show(); child.Show(); Alignment align = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f); align.BorderWidth = 6; align.Add(child); align.Show(); notebook.AppendPage(align, tlabel); panel.LoadCurrentPolicy(); } notebook.SwitchPage += delegate(object o, SwitchPageArgs args) { if (notebook.Page >= 0 && notebook.Page < this.panels.Count) { this.panels[notebook.Page].PanelSelected(); } }; notebook.Show(); vbox.PackEnd(notebook, true, true, 0); FillPolicies(); policyCombo.Active = 0; loading = false; if (!isRoot && panelData.UseParentPolicy) { //in this case "parent" is always first in the list policyCombo.Active = 0; notebook.Sensitive = false; } else { UpdateSelectedNamedPolicy(); } policyCombo.Changed += HandlePolicyComboChanged; return(vbox); }
protected override void Initialize(IPadWindow window) { window.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Errors"); DockItemToolbar toolbar = window.GetToolbar(DockPositionType.Top); var btnBox = new HBox(false, 2); btnBox.PackStart(new ImageView(Stock.Error, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); errorBtnLbl = new Label(); btnBox.PackStart(errorBtnLbl); errorBtn = new ToggleButton { Name = "toggleErrors" }; errorBtn.Active = ShowErrors; errorBtn.Child = btnBox; errorBtn.Toggled += new EventHandler(FilterChanged); errorBtn.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Errors"); UpdateErrorsNum(); toolbar.Add(errorBtn); btnBox = new HBox(false, 2); btnBox.PackStart(new ImageView(Stock.Warning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); warnBtnLbl = new Label(); btnBox.PackStart(warnBtnLbl); warnBtn = new ToggleButton { Name = "toggleWarnings" }; warnBtn.Active = ShowWarnings; warnBtn.Child = btnBox; warnBtn.Toggled += new EventHandler(FilterChanged); warnBtn.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Warnings"); UpdateWarningsNum(); toolbar.Add(warnBtn); btnBox = new HBox(false, 2); btnBox.PackStart(new ImageView(Stock.Information, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); msgBtnLbl = new Label(); btnBox.PackStart(msgBtnLbl); msgBtn = new ToggleButton { Name = "toggleMessages" }; msgBtn.Active = ShowMessages; msgBtn.Child = btnBox; msgBtn.Toggled += new EventHandler(FilterChanged); msgBtn.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Messages"); UpdateMessagesNum(); toolbar.Add(msgBtn); toolbar.Add(new SeparatorToolItem()); btnBox = new HBox(false, 2); btnBox.PackStart(new ImageView("md-message-log", Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); logBtnLbl = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Build Output")); btnBox.PackStart(logBtnLbl); logBtn = new ToggleButton { Name = "toggleBuildOutput" }; logBtn.Child = btnBox; logBtn.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show build output"); logBtn.Toggled += HandleLogBtnToggled; toolbar.Add(logBtn); //Dummy widget to take all space between "Build Output" button and SearchEntry toolbar.Add(new HBox(), true); searchEntry = new SearchEntry(); searchEntry.Entry.Changed += searchPatternChanged; searchEntry.WidthRequest = 200; searchEntry.Visible = true; toolbar.Add(searchEntry); toolbar.ShowAll(); UpdatePadIcon(); }
public HorizontalSliderSample() { var sl1 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 2, StepIncrement = 0.05, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lbl1 = new Label(sl1.Value.ToString("F2")); sl1.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl1.Text = (sl1.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl2 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 0, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lbl2 = new Label(sl2.Value.ToString("F2")); sl2.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl2.Text = (sl2.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl21 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 9, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lbl21 = new Label(sl21.Value.ToString("F2")); sl21.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl21.Text = (sl21.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl22 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 9, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lbl22 = new Label(sl22.Value.ToString("F2")); sl22.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl22.Text = (sl22.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl23 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 9, StepIncrement = 1, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lbl23 = new Label(sl23.Value.ToString("F2")); sl23.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl23.Text = (sl23.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl3 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 9, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = false, }; var lbl3 = new Label(sl3.Value.ToString("F2")); sl3.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lbl3.Text = (sl2.Value = sl21.Value = sl22.Value = sl23.Value = sl3.Value).ToString("F2"); }; var sl4 = new HSlider { MinimumValue = -1, MaximumValue = 1, StepIncrement = 0.05 }; var lbl4 = new Label(sl4.Value.ToString("F")); lbl4.ExpandHorizontal = false; var sl4box = new VBox(); sl4box.PackStart(lbl4, false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Start); sl4box.PackStart(sl4); sl4.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { var offset = Math.Abs(sl4.Value) % sl4.StepIncrement; if (Math.Abs(offset) > double.Epsilon) { if (offset > sl4.StepIncrement / 2) { if (sl4.Value >= 0) { sl4.Value += -offset + sl4.StepIncrement; } else { sl4.Value += offset - sl4.StepIncrement; } } else if (sl4.Value >= 0) { sl4.Value -= offset; } else { sl4.Value += offset; } } lbl4.MarginLeft = sl4.SliderPosition - (lbl4.Size.Width / 2); if (lbl4.MarginLeft + lbl4.Size.Width > sl4.Size.Width) { lbl4.MarginLeft = sl4.Size.Width - lbl4.Size.Width; } if (lbl4.MarginLeft < 0) { lbl4.MarginLeft = 0; } lbl4.Text = (sl4.Value).ToString("F2"); }; sl4.Value = sl4.MinimumValue; var sl4Labels = new HBox(); sl4Labels.PackStart(new Label("-1"), true); sl4Labels.PackStart(new Label("0") { TextAlignment = Alignment.Center }, true); sl4Labels.PackStart(new Label("1") { TextAlignment = Alignment.End }, true); sl4box.PackStart(sl4Labels); Add(sl1, 0, 0, hexpand: true); Add(lbl1, 1, 0); Add(sl2, 0, 1, hexpand: true); Add(lbl2, 1, 1); Add(sl21, 0, 2, hexpand: true); Add(lbl21, 1, 2); Add(sl22, 0, 3, hexpand: true); Add(lbl22, 1, 3); Add(sl23, 0, 4, hexpand: true); Add(lbl23, 1, 4); Add(sl3, 0, 5, hexpand: true); Add(lbl3, 1, 5); Add(sl4box, 0, 6, hexpand: true); }
private VBox GetRightPane() { VBox vbox = new VBox (); // labels moveNumberLabel = new Label (); nagCommentLabel = new Label (); nagCommentLabel.Xalign = 0; HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (moveNumberLabel, false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart (nagCommentLabel, false, false, 2); vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 2); // board chessGameDetailsBox = new VBox (); chessGameDetailsBox.PackStart (gameView, true, true, 4); vbox.PackStart (chessGameDetailsBox, true, true, 2); // buttons firstButton = new Button (); firstButton.Clicked += on_first_clicked; firstButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoFirst, IconSize.Button); prevButton = new Button (); prevButton.Clicked += on_prev_clicked; prevButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoBack, IconSize.Button); nextButton = new Button (); nextButton.Clicked += on_next_clicked; nextButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoForward, IconSize.Button); lastButton = new Button (); lastButton.Clicked += on_last_clicked; lastButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoLast, IconSize.Button); HBox bbox = new HBox (); bbox.PackStart (firstButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (prevButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (nextButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (lastButton, false, false, 1); Alignment alignment = new Alignment (0.5f, 1, 0, 0); alignment.Add (bbox); alignment.Show (); vbox.PackStart (alignment, false, false, 2); return vbox; }
public override Widget CreateWidget() { var icon = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource("lightning-light-16.png"); var image = new Xwt.ImageView(icon).ToGtkWidget(); HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); VBox vb = new VBox(); vb.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, false, false, 0); vb = new VBox(false, 6); vb.PackStart(new Gtk.Label() { Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("<b>{0}</b> has been thrown", exception.Type), Xalign = 0 }); messageLabel = new Gtk.Label() { Xalign = 0, NoShowAll = true }; vb.PackStart(messageLabel); var detailsBtn = new Xwt.LinkLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Details")); HBox hh = new HBox(); detailsBtn.NavigateToUrl += (o, e) => dlg.ShowDialog(); hh.PackStart(detailsBtn.ToGtkWidget(), false, false, 0); vb.PackStart(hh, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, true, true, 0); vb = new VBox(); var closeButton = new ImageButton() { InactiveImage = closeSelImage, Image = closeSelOverImage }; closeButton.Clicked += delegate { dlg.ShowMiniButton(); }; vb.PackStart(closeButton, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(vb, false, false, 0); exception.Changed += delegate { Application.Invoke(delegate { LoadData(); }); }; LoadData(); PopoverWidget eb = new PopoverWidget(); eb.ShowArrow = true; eb.EnableAnimation = true; eb.PopupPosition = PopupPosition.Left; eb.ContentBox.Add(box); eb.ShowAll(); return(eb); }
public ObservableGamesWidget(GameObservationManager observer) { obManager = observer; iters = new TreeIter[3, 4]; gamesView = new TreeView (); infoLabel = new Label (); infoLabel.Xalign = 0; infoLabel.Xpad = 4; observer.ObservableGameEvent += OnObservableGameEvent; store = new TreeStore (typeof (string), // used for filtering typeof (int), // gameid typeof (string), // markup typeof (string), // typeof (string)); gamesView.HeadersVisible = true; gamesView.HeadersClickable = true; gamesView.AppendColumn (Catalog. GetString ("Games"), new CellRendererText (), "markup", 2); gamesView.AppendColumn (Catalog. GetString ("Time"), new CellRendererText (), "markup", 3); gamesView.AppendColumn (Catalog. GetString ("Category"), new CellRendererText (), "markup", 4); ScrolledWindow win = new ScrolledWindow (); win.HscrollbarPolicy = win.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; win.Add (gamesView); UpdateInfoLabel (); filterEntry = new Entry (); filterEntry.Changed += OnFilter; filter = new TreeModelFilter (store, null); filter.VisibleFunc = FilterFunc; gamesView.Model = filter; AddParentIters (); infoLabel.UseMarkup = true; Button refreshButton = new Button (Stock.Refresh); refreshButton.Clicked += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) { Clear (); obManager.GetGames (); }; Alignment align = new Alignment (0, 1, 0, 0); align.Add (refreshButton); HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (infoLabel, true, true, 4); hbox.PackStart (align, false, false, 4); PackStart (hbox, false, true, 4); Label tipLabel = new Label (); tipLabel.Xalign = 0; tipLabel.Xpad = 4; tipLabel.Markup = String. Format ("<small><i>{0}</i></small>", Catalog. GetString ("Press the refresh button to get an updated list of games.\nDouble click on a game to observe it.")); PackStart (tipLabel, false, true, 4); PackStart (filterEntry, false, true, 4); PackStart (win, true, true, 4); gamesView.RowActivated += OnRowActivated; SetSizeRequest (600, 400); ShowAll (); }
void SetLayout() { var vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; vbox.MinWidth = 450; var actionLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Breakpoint Action")) { Font = vbox.Font.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }; vbox.PackStart(actionLabel); var breakpointActionGroup = new VBox { MarginLeft = 12 }; breakpointActionGroup.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; breakpointActionGroup.PackStart(breakpointActionPause); breakpointActionGroup.PackStart(breakpointActionPrint); var printExpressionGroup = new HBox { MarginLeft = 18 }; printExpressionGroup.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; printExpressionGroup.PackStart(entryPrintExpression, true); // We'll ignore this label because the content of the label is included in the accessibility Help text of the // entryPrintExpression widget warningPrintExpression.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; printExpressionGroup.PackStart(warningPrintExpression); breakpointActionGroup.PackStart(printExpressionGroup); breakpointActionGroup.PackEnd(printMessageTip); vbox.PackStart(breakpointActionGroup); var whenLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("When to Take Action")) { Font = vbox.Font.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }; vbox.PackStart(whenLabel); var whenToTakeActionRadioGroup = new VBox { MarginLeft = 12 }; whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; // Function group { whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(stopOnFunction); hboxFunction.PackStart(entryFunctionName, true); hboxFunction.PackEnd(warningFunction); whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(hboxFunction); } // Exception group { whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(stopOnException); hboxException = new HBox(); hboxException.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; hboxException.PackStart(entryExceptionType, true); hboxException.PackEnd(warningException); vboxException.PackStart(hboxException); vboxException.PackStart(checkIncludeSubclass); whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(vboxException); } // Location group { whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(stopOnLocation); hboxLocation.PackStart(entryLocationFile, true); hboxLocation.PackStart(warningLocation); vboxLocation.PackEnd(hboxLocation); whenToTakeActionRadioGroup.PackStart(vboxLocation); } vbox.PackStart(whenToTakeActionRadioGroup); var advancedLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Advanced Conditions")) { Font = vbox.Font.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }; vbox.PackStart(advancedLabel); var vboxAdvancedConditions = new VBox { MarginLeft = 30 }; vboxAdvancedConditions.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; var hboxHitCount = new HBox(); hboxHitCount.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; hboxHitCount.PackStart(ignoreHitType, true); hboxHitCount.PackStart(ignoreHitCount); vboxAdvancedConditions.PackStart(hboxHitCount); vboxAdvancedConditions.PackStart(conditionalHitType); hboxCondition = new HBox(); hboxCondition.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; hboxCondition.PackStart(entryConditionalExpression, true); hboxCondition.PackStart(warningCondition); vboxAdvancedConditions.PackStart(hboxCondition); conditionalExpressionTip.Accessible.Role = Xwt.Accessibility.Role.Filler; vboxAdvancedConditions.PackEnd(conditionalExpressionTip); vbox.PackStart(vboxAdvancedConditions); Buttons.Add(new DialogButton(Command.Cancel)); Buttons.Add(buttonOk); Content = vbox; if (IdeApp.Workbench != null) { Gtk.Widget parent = ((Gtk.Widget)Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.GetNativeWidget(vbox)).Parent; while (parent != null && !(parent is Gtk.Window)) { parent = parent.Parent; } if (parent is Gtk.Window) { ((Gtk.Window)parent).TransientFor = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; } } OnUpdateControls(null, null); }
void HandleScopeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (hboxPath != null) { // comboboxentryPath and buttonBrowsePaths are destroyed with hboxPath foreach (Widget w in new Widget[] { labelPath, hboxPath, checkbuttonRecursively }) { tableFindAndReplace.Remove(w); w.Destroy(); } labelPath = null; hboxPath = null; comboboxentryPath = null; buttonBrowsePaths = null; checkbuttonRecursively = null; //tableFindAndReplace.NRows = showReplace ? 4u : 3u; var childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[labelFileMask]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 3; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 2; childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[searchentry1]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 3; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 2; } if (comboboxScope.Active == ScopeDirectories) { // DirectoryScope tableFindAndReplace.NRows = showReplace ? 6u : 5u; labelPath = new Label { LabelProp = GettextCatalog.GetString("_Path:"), UseUnderline = true, Xalign = 0f }; tableFindAndReplace.Add(labelPath); var childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[labelPath]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 3; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 2; childCombo.XOptions = childCombo.YOptions = (AttachOptions)4; hboxPath = new HBox(); var properties = PropertyService.Get("MonoDevelop.FindReplaceDialogs.SearchOptions", new Properties()); comboboxentryPath = new ComboBoxEntry(); comboboxentryPath.Destroyed += ComboboxentryPathDestroyed; LoadHistory("MonoDevelop.FindReplaceDialogs.PathHistory", comboboxentryPath); hboxPath.PackStart(comboboxentryPath); labelPath.MnemonicWidget = comboboxentryPath; var boxChild = (Box.BoxChild)hboxPath[comboboxentryPath]; boxChild.Position = 0; boxChild.Expand = boxChild.Fill = true; buttonBrowsePaths = new Button { Label = "..." }; buttonBrowsePaths.Clicked += ButtonBrowsePathsClicked; hboxPath.PackStart(buttonBrowsePaths); boxChild = (Box.BoxChild)hboxPath[buttonBrowsePaths]; boxChild.Position = 1; boxChild.Expand = boxChild.Fill = false; tableFindAndReplace.Add(hboxPath); childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[hboxPath]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 3; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 2; childCombo.LeftAttach = 1; childCombo.RightAttach = 2; childCombo.XOptions = childCombo.YOptions = (AttachOptions)4; checkbuttonRecursively = new CheckButton { Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Re_cursively"), Active = properties.Get("SearchPathRecursively", true), UseUnderline = true }; checkbuttonRecursively.Destroyed += CheckbuttonRecursivelyDestroyed; tableFindAndReplace.Add(checkbuttonRecursively); childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[checkbuttonRecursively]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 2; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 1; childCombo.LeftAttach = 1; childCombo.RightAttach = 2; childCombo.XOptions = childCombo.YOptions = (AttachOptions)4; childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[labelFileMask]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 1; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows; childCombo = (Table.TableChild)tableFindAndReplace[searchentry1]; childCombo.TopAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows - 1; childCombo.BottomAttach = tableFindAndReplace.NRows; } Requisition req = SizeRequest(); Resize(req.Width, req.Height); // this.QueueResize (); ShowAll(); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize components. /// </summary> private void _initializeComponents() { InfoBox _infoBox = new InfoBox(Director.Properties.Resources.ExportDialog, DirectorImages.SERVER_IMAGE); VBox _contentBox = new VBox(); _contentBox.PackStart(_infoBox); // Create scenarios frame Frame f = new Frame() { Label = Director.Properties.Resources.SelectScenarios, Padding = 10 }; // Scenario view ScenarioListWidget = new ScenarioList(ActiveServer); f.Content = ScenarioListWidget; // Add to content box _contentBox.PackStart(f); // Add Export path ExportPath = new TextEntry() { Sensitive = false, HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Fill }; // Button for selecting path Button SelectPath = new Button("...") { WidthRequest = 35, MinWidth = 35, HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End }; SelectPath.Clicked += delegate { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog(Director.Properties.Resources.DialogSaveScenario) { Multiselect = false, InitialFileName = ActiveServer.Name }; dlg.Filters.Add(new FileDialogFilter("Director files", "*.adfe")); if (dlg.Run() && dlg.FileNames.Count() == 1) { ExportPath.Text = dlg.FileName; if (Path.GetExtension(dlg.FileName) != ".adfe") { ExportPath.Text += ".adfe"; } } }; Frame save = new Frame() { Label = Director.Properties.Resources.DialogSaveScenario, Padding = 10 }; HBox SaveBox = new HBox(); SaveBox.PackStart(ExportPath, true, true); SaveBox.PackStart(SelectPath, false, false); save.Content = SaveBox; _contentBox.PackStart(save); // Save button Button SaveBtn = new Button(Director.Properties.Resources.SaveServer) { HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End, ExpandHorizontal = false, ExpandVertical = false, WidthRequest = (Config.Cocoa) ? 95 : 80, MinWidth = (Config.Cocoa) ? 95 : 80, Image = Image.FromResource(DirectorImages.SAVE_SCENARIO_ICON) }; SaveBtn.Clicked += SaveBtn_Clicked; // Add to form _contentBox.PackStart(SaveBtn, false, WidgetPlacement.End, WidgetPlacement.End); // Set content box as content Content = _contentBox; }
public Boxes () { HBox box1 = new HBox (); VBox box2 = new VBox (); box2.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30)); box2.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30)); box2.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), true); box1.PackStart (box2, true); box1.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30)); box1.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), expand:true, fill:false); PackStart (box1); HBox box3 = new HBox (); box3.PackEnd (new SimpleBox (30)); box3.PackStart (new SimpleBox (20) {Color = new Color (1, 0.5, 0.5)}); box3.PackEnd (new SimpleBox (40)); box3.PackStart (new SimpleBox (10) {Color = new Color (1, 0.5, 0.5)}); box3.PackEnd (new SimpleBox (30)); box3.PackStart (new SimpleBox (10) {Color = new Color (1, 0.5, 0.5)}, true); PackStart (box3); HBox box4 = new HBox (); Button b = new Button ("Click me"); b.Clicked += delegate { b.Label = "Button has grown"; }; box4.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), true); box4.PackStart (b); box4.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), true); PackStart (box4); HBox box5 = new HBox (); Button b2 = new Button ("Hide / Show"); box5.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), true); var hsb = new SimpleBox (20); box5.PackStart (hsb); box5.PackStart (b2); box5.PackStart (new SimpleBox (30), true); b2.Clicked += delegate { hsb.Visible = !hsb.Visible; }; PackStart (box5); HBox box6 = new HBox (); for (int n=0; n<15; n++) { var w = new Label ("TestLabel" + n); w.WidthRequest = 10; box6.PackStart (w); } PackStart (box6); VBox box7 = new VBox () { Spacing = 0 }; box7.BackgroundColor = Colors.White; box7.PackStart (new Label("Hi there") { Margin = new WidgetSpacing (10, 10, 0, 0) }); box7.PackStart (new SpecialWidget() { MarginTop = 15 }); box7.PackStart (new SpecialWidget() { Margin = 5 }); PackStart (box7); }
void Build() { Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Exception Caught"); DefaultWidth = 500; DefaultHeight = 500; HeightRequest = 350; WidthRequest = 350; VBox.Foreach(VBox.Remove); VBox.PackStart(CreateExceptionHeader(), false, true, 0); paned = new VPanedThin(); paned.GrabAreaSize = 10; paned.Pack1(CreateStackTraceTreeView(), true, false); paned.Pack2(CreateExceptionValueTreeView(), true, false); paned.Show(); var vbox = new VBox(false, 0); var whiteBackground = new EventBox(); whiteBackground.Show(); whiteBackground.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, Ide.Gui.Styles.PrimaryBackgroundColor.ToGdkColor()); whiteBackground.Add(vbox); hadInnerException = HasInnerException(); if (hadInnerException) { vbox.PackStart(new VBox(), false, false, 6); vbox.PackStart(CreateInnerExceptionMessage(), false, true, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); } vbox.PackStart(paned, true, true, 0); vbox.Show(); if (hadInnerException) { var box = new HBox(); box.PackStart(CreateInnerExceptionsTree(), false, false, 0); box.PackStart(whiteBackground, true, true, 0); box.Show(); VBox.PackStart(box, true, true, 0); DefaultWidth = 900; DefaultHeight = 700; WidthRequest = 550; HeightRequest = 450; } else { VBox.PackStart(whiteBackground, true, true, 0); } var actionArea = new HBox(false, 0) { BorderWidth = 14 }; OnlyShowMyCodeCheckbox = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("_Only show my code.")); OnlyShowMyCodeCheckbox.Toggled += OnlyShowMyCodeToggled; OnlyShowMyCodeCheckbox.Show(); OnlyShowMyCodeCheckbox.Active = DebuggingService.GetUserOptions().ProjectAssembliesOnly; var alignment = new Alignment(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f) { Child = OnlyShowMyCodeCheckbox }; alignment.Show(); actionArea.PackStart(alignment, true, true, 0); actionArea.PackStart(CreateButtonBox(), false, true, 0); actionArea.PackStart(new VBox(), false, true, 3); // dummy just to take extra 6px at end to make it 20pixels actionArea.ShowAll(); VBox.PackStart(actionArea, false, true, 0); }
public StructureDatabaseView(string fileName) { this.filename = fileName; hbox = new HBox(); sqlLiteDal = new SqlLiteDal(fileName); lblTable = new Label(MainClass.Languages.Translate("tables")); hbox.PackStart(lblTable, false, false, 10); cbTable = new ComboBox(); cbTable.Changed += new EventHandler(OnComboProjectChanged); CellRendererText textRenderer = new CellRendererText(); cbTable.PackStart(textRenderer, true); cbTable.AddAttribute(textRenderer, "text", 0); cbTable.Model = tablesComboModel; cbTable.WidthRequest = 200; hbox.PackStart(cbTable, false, false, 2); hbox.PackEnd(new Label(""), true, true, 2); HButtonBox hbbAction = new HButtonBox(); hbbAction.LayoutStyle = Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.Start; hbbAction.Spacing = 6; Button btnAddTable = new Button(MainClass.Languages.Translate("add_table")); btnAddTable.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlLiteAddTable addtable = new SqlLiteAddTable(filename); int result = addtable.Run(); if (result == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { GetTables(); } addtable.Destroy(); }; Button btnDeleteTable = new Button(MainClass.Languages.Translate("delete_table")); btnDeleteTable.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckSelectTable()) { return; } MessageDialogs md = new MessageDialogs(MessageDialogs.DialogButtonType.YesNo, MainClass.Languages.Translate("permanently_delete_table", curentTable), "", Gtk.MessageType.Question); int result = md.ShowDialog(); if (result != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Yes) { return; } DropTable(); GetTables(); }; Button btnEditTable = new Button(MainClass.Languages.Translate("edit_table")); btnEditTable.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckSelectTable()) { return; } SqlLiteEditTable editTable = new SqlLiteEditTable(filename, curentTable); int result = editTable.Run(); if (result == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { GetTables(); } editTable.Destroy(); }; hbbAction.Add(btnAddTable); hbbAction.Add(btnDeleteTable); hbbAction.Add(btnEditTable); hbox.PackEnd(hbbAction, false, false, 10); this.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 5); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); sw.ShadowType = ShadowType.EtchedIn; sw.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic); treeView = new TreeView(tableModel); GenerateColumns(); treeView.RulesHint = true; //treeView.SearchColumn = (int) Column.Description; sw.Add(treeView); this.PackStart(sw, true, true, 5); ScrolledWindow sw2 = new ScrolledWindow(); sw2.ShadowType = ShadowType.EtchedIn; sw2.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic); sw2.HeightRequest = 50; textControl = new TextView(); textControl.Editable = false; textControl.HeightRequest = 50; sw2.Add(textControl); this.PackEnd(sw2, false, false, 5); this.ShowAll(); GetTables(); //cbTable.Active = 0; }
public StatusView(string filepath, Repository vc) : base(Path.GetFileName(filepath) + " Status") { = vc; this.filepath = filepath; changeSet = vc.CreateChangeSet(filepath); main = new VBox(false, 6); widget = main; commandbar = new Toolbar(); commandbar.ToolbarStyle = Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; commandbar.IconSize = Gtk.IconSize.Menu; main.PackStart(commandbar, false, false, 0); buttonCommit = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit...")); buttonCommit.IsImportant = true; buttonCommit.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCommitClicked); commandbar.Insert(buttonCommit, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnRefresh = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Refresh")); btnRefresh.IsImportant = true; btnRefresh.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRefresh); commandbar.Insert(btnRefresh, -1); buttonRevert = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-revert-command", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Revert")); buttonRevert.IsImportant = true; buttonRevert.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRevert); commandbar.Insert(buttonRevert, -1); showRemoteStatus = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-remote-status", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Remote Status")); showRemoteStatus.IsImportant = true; showRemoteStatus.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnShowRemoteStatusClicked); commandbar.Insert(showRemoteStatus, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnCreatePatch = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image("vc-diff", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Create Patch")); btnCreatePatch.IsImportant = true; btnCreatePatch.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCreatePatch); commandbar.Insert(btnCreatePatch, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnOpen = new Gtk.ToolButton(new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Open, IconSize.Menu), GettextCatalog.GetString("Open")); btnOpen.IsImportant = true; btnOpen.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnOpen); commandbar.Insert(btnOpen, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnExpand = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Expand All")); btnExpand.IsImportant = true; btnExpand.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnExpandAll); commandbar.Insert(btnExpand, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnCollapse = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Collapse All")); btnCollapse.IsImportant = true; btnCollapse.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCollapseAll); commandbar.Insert(btnCollapse, -1); commandbar.Insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnSelectAll = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select All")); btnSelectAll.IsImportant = true; btnSelectAll.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSelectAll); commandbar.Insert(btnSelectAll, -1); Gtk.ToolButton btnSelectNone = new Gtk.ToolButton(null, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select None")); btnSelectNone.IsImportant = true; btnSelectNone.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSelectNone); commandbar.Insert(btnSelectNone, -1); status = new Label(""); main.PackStart(status, false, false, 0); scroller = new ScrolledWindow(); scroller.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; filelist = new FileTreeView(); filelist.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; scroller.Add(filelist); scroller.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroller.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; filelist.RowActivated += OnRowActivated; filelist.DiffLineActivated += OnDiffLineActivated; CellRendererToggle cellToggle = new CellRendererToggle(); cellToggle.Toggled += new ToggledHandler(OnCommitToggledHandler); var crc = new CellRendererIcon(); crc.StockId = "vc-comment"; colCommit = new TreeViewColumn(); colCommit.Spacing = 2; colCommit.Widget = new Gtk.Image("vc-commit", Gtk.IconSize.Menu); colCommit.Widget.Show(); colCommit.PackStart(cellToggle, false); colCommit.PackStart(crc, false); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "active", ColCommit); colCommit.AddAttribute(cellToggle, "visible", ColShowToggle); colCommit.AddAttribute(crc, "visible", ColShowComment); CellRendererText crt = new CellRendererText(); var crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); TreeViewColumn colStatus = new TreeViewColumn(); colStatus.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Status"); colStatus.PackStart(crp, false); colStatus.PackStart(crt, true); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIcon); colStatus.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColStatus); colStatus.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); TreeViewColumn colFile = new TreeViewColumn(); colFile.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("File"); colFile.Spacing = 2; crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); diffRenderer = new CellRendererDiff(); colFile.PackStart(crp, false); colFile.PackStart(diffRenderer, true); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColIconFile); colFile.AddAttribute(crp, "visible", ColShowStatus); colFile.SetCellDataFunc(diffRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(SetDiffCellData)); crt = new CellRendererText(); crp = new CellRendererPixbuf(); colRemote = new TreeViewColumn(); colRemote.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Remote Status"); colRemote.PackStart(crp, false); colRemote.PackStart(crt, true); colRemote.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", ColRemoteIcon); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "text", ColRemoteStatus); colRemote.AddAttribute(crt, "foreground", ColStatusColor); filelist.AppendColumn(colStatus); filelist.AppendColumn(colRemote); filelist.AppendColumn(colCommit); filelist.AppendColumn(colFile); colRemote.Visible = false; filestore = new TreeStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(bool)); filelist.Model = filestore; filelist.TestExpandRow += new Gtk.TestExpandRowHandler(OnTestExpandRow); commitBox = new VBox(); HBox labBox = new HBox(); labelCommit = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Commit message:")); labelCommit.Xalign = 0; labBox.PackStart(new Gtk.Image("vc-comment", Gtk.IconSize.Menu), false, false, 0); labBox.PackStart(labelCommit, true, true, 3); commitBox.PackStart(labBox, false, false, 0); Gtk.ScrolledWindow frame = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; commitText = new TextView(); commitText.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar; commitText.Buffer.Changed += OnCommitTextChanged; frame.Add(commitText); commitBox.PackStart(frame, true, true, 6); VPaned paned = new VPaned(); paned.Pack1(scroller, true, true); paned.Pack2(commitBox, false, false); main.PackStart(paned, true, true, 0); main.ShowAll(); status.Visible = false; filelist.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnCursorChanged); VersionControlService.FileStatusChanged += OnFileStatusChanged; filelist.HeadersClickable = true; filestore.SetSortFunc(0, CompareNodes); colStatus.SortColumnId = 0; filestore.SetSortFunc(1, CompareNodes); colRemote.SortColumnId = 1; filestore.SetSortFunc(2, CompareNodes); colCommit.SortColumnId = 2; filestore.SetSortFunc(3, CompareNodes); colFile.SortColumnId = 3; filestore.SetSortColumnId(3, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); filelist.ShowContextMenu += OnPopupMenu; StartUpdate(); }
static void SetUpGui () { Window w = new Window ("Eap Editor"); appname_entry = new Entry (); geninfo_entry = new Entry (); comments_entry = new Entry (); exe_entry = new Entry (); winname_entry = new Entry (); winclass_entry = new Entry (); VBox outerv = new VBox (); outerv.BorderWidth = 12; outerv.Spacing = 12; w.Add (outerv); HBox h = new HBox (); outerv.PackStart (h, false, false, 0); Button b = new Button ("Select Icon"); h.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 6; outerv.PackStart (h); VBox v = new VBox (); v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, false, false, 0); b = new Button ("App name:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Generic Info:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Comments:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Executable:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Window Name:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Window Class:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Startup notify:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Wait Exit:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (appname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (geninfo_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (comments_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (exe_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (winname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (winclass_entry, true, true, 0); //v.PackStart (new Entry(), true, true, 0); //v.PackStart (new Entry(), true, true, 0); CheckButton start_cbox = new CheckButton (); v.PackStart (start_cbox); CheckButton wait_cbox= new CheckButton (); v.PackStart (wait_cbox); h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 0; outerv.PackStart (h); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Save"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Cancel"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); w.ShowAll (); }
protected override void Initialize(IPadWindow window) { this.window = window; DockItemToolbar toolbar = window.GetToolbar(DockPositionType.Top); buttonSuccess = new ToggleButton(); buttonSuccess.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Successful Tests"); buttonSuccess.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.SuccessfulTests"; buttonSuccess.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show the results for the successful tests"); buttonSuccess.Active = false; buttonSuccess.Image = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.Success); buttonSuccess.Image.Show(); buttonSuccess.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowSuccessfulToggled); buttonSuccess.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Successful Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonSuccess); buttonInconclusive = new ToggleButton(); buttonInconclusive.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Inconclusive Tests"); buttonInconclusive.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.InconclusiveTests"; buttonInconclusive.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show the results for the inconclusive tests"); buttonInconclusive.Active = true; buttonInconclusive.Image = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.Inconclusive); buttonInconclusive.Image.Show(); buttonInconclusive.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowInconclusiveToggled); buttonInconclusive.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Inconclusive Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonInconclusive); buttonFailures = new ToggleButton(); buttonFailures.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Failed Tests"); buttonFailures.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.FailedTests"; buttonFailures.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show the results for the failed tests"); buttonFailures.Active = true; buttonFailures.Image = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.Failure); buttonFailures.Image.Show(); buttonFailures.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowFailuresToggled); buttonFailures.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Failed Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonFailures); buttonIgnored = new ToggleButton(); buttonIgnored.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Ignored Tests"); buttonIgnored.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.IgnoredTests"; buttonIgnored.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show the results for the ignored tests"); buttonIgnored.Active = true; buttonIgnored.Image = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.NotRun); buttonIgnored.Image.Show(); buttonIgnored.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowIgnoredToggled); buttonIgnored.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Ignored Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonIgnored); buttonOutput = new ToggleButton(); buttonOutput.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Output"); buttonOutput.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.Output"; buttonOutput.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show the test output"); buttonOutput.Active = false; buttonOutput.Image = new ImageView(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.OutputIcon, IconSize.Menu); buttonOutput.Image.Show(); buttonOutput.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowOutputToggled); buttonOutput.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Output"); toolbar.Add(buttonOutput); toolbar.Add(new SeparatorToolItem()); buttonRun = new Button(); buttonRun.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Rerun Tests"); buttonRun.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.Run"; buttonRun.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Start a test run and run all the tests"); buttonRun.Image = new ImageView("md-execute-all", IconSize.Menu); buttonRun.Image.Show(); buttonRun.Sensitive = false; toolbar.Add(buttonRun); buttonStop = new Button(new ImageView(Ide.Gui.Stock.Stop, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); buttonStop.Accessible.Name = "TestResultsPad.Stop"; buttonStop.Accessible.SetTitle(GettextCatalog.GetString("Stop")); buttonStop.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Stop the current test run"); toolbar.Add(buttonStop); toolbar.ShowAll(); buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnStopClicked); buttonRun.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRunClicked); // Run panel DockItemToolbar runPanel = window.GetToolbar(DockPositionType.Bottom); infoSep = new VSeparator(); resultLabel.UseMarkup = true; infoCurrent.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Start; infoCurrent.WidthRequest = 0; runPanel.Add(resultLabel); runPanel.Add(progressBar); runPanel.Add(infoCurrent, true, 10); labels = new HBox(false, 10); infoLabel.UseMarkup = true; labels.PackStart(infoLabel, true, false, 0); runPanel.Add(new Gtk.Label(), true); runPanel.Add(labels); runPanel.Add(infoSep, false, 10); progressBar.HeightRequest = infoLabel.SizeRequest().Height; runPanel.ShowAll(); progressBar.Hide(); infoSep.Hide(); resultSummary = new UnitTestResult(); UpdateCounters(); }
public GameViewerUI() : base() { menubar = new ViewerMenuBar (); // this will be enabled as and when menubar.moveCommentMenuItem.Sensitive = false; chessGameWidget = new ChessGameWidget (this); PackStart (chessGameWidget, true, true, 2); statusBar = new Statusbar (); progressBar = new ProgressBar (); progressBar.Stop (); HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (progressBar, false, false, 2); box.PackStart (statusBar, true, true, 2); PackStart (box, false, true, 2); }
void IPadContent.Initialize(IPadWindow window) { this.window = window; DockItemToolbar toolbar = window.GetToolbar(PositionType.Top); buttonSuccess = new ToggleButton(); buttonSuccess.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Successful Tests"); buttonSuccess.Active = false; buttonSuccess.Image = new Gtk.Image(CircleImage.Success); buttonSuccess.Image.Show(); buttonSuccess.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowSuccessfulToggled); buttonSuccess.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Successful Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonSuccess); buttonInconclusive = new ToggleButton(); buttonInconclusive.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Inconclusive Tests"); buttonInconclusive.Active = true; buttonInconclusive.Image = new Gtk.Image(CircleImage.Inconclusive); buttonInconclusive.Image.Show(); buttonInconclusive.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowInconclusiveToggled); buttonInconclusive.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Inconclusive Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonInconclusive); buttonFailures = new ToggleButton(); buttonFailures.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Failed Tests"); buttonFailures.Active = true; buttonFailures.Image = new Gtk.Image(CircleImage.Failure); buttonFailures.Image.Show(); buttonFailures.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowFailuresToggled); buttonFailures.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Failed Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonFailures); buttonIgnored = new ToggleButton(); buttonIgnored.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Ignored Tests"); buttonIgnored.Active = true; buttonIgnored.Image = new Gtk.Image(CircleImage.NotRun); buttonIgnored.Image.Show(); buttonIgnored.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowIgnoredToggled); buttonIgnored.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Ignored Tests"); toolbar.Add(buttonIgnored); buttonOutput = new ToggleButton(); buttonOutput.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Output"); buttonOutput.Active = false; buttonOutput.Image = ImageService.GetImage(MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.OutputIcon, IconSize.Menu); buttonOutput.Image.Show(); buttonOutput.Toggled += new EventHandler(OnShowOutputToggled); buttonOutput.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Show Output"); toolbar.Add(buttonOutput); toolbar.Add(new SeparatorToolItem()); buttonRun = new Button(); buttonRun.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Rerun Tests"); buttonRun.Image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Execute, IconSize.Menu); buttonRun.Image.Show(); buttonRun.Sensitive = false; toolbar.Add(buttonRun); buttonStop = new Button(new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Stop, Gtk.IconSize.Menu)); toolbar.Add(buttonStop); toolbar.ShowAll(); buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnStopClicked); buttonRun.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRunClicked); // Run panel DockItemToolbar runPanel = window.GetToolbar(PositionType.Bottom); infoSep = new VSeparator(); resultLabel.UseMarkup = true; infoCurrent.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Start; infoCurrent.WidthRequest = 0; runPanel.Add(resultLabel); runPanel.Add(progressBar); runPanel.Add(infoCurrent, true, 10); labels = new HBox(false, 10); infoLabel.UseMarkup = true; labels.PackStart(infoLabel, true, false, 0); runPanel.Add(new Gtk.Label(), true); runPanel.Add(labels); runPanel.Add(infoSep, false, 10); progressBar.HeightRequest = infoLabel.SizeRequest().Height; runPanel.ShowAll(); resultSummary = new UnitTestResult(); UpdateCounters(); }
void AddMultiOptionCombo(OptionCombo option) { if (option.Items.Count < 2) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var model = new ListStore(new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object) }); var renderer = new CellRendererText(); foreach (var item in option.Items) { var label = item.Name; var sfx = item.Framework; bool hasOtherVersions = false; foreach (var other in option.Items) { if (sfx == other.Framework) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(other.Framework.MonoSpecificVersionDisplayName)) { continue; } hasOtherVersions = true; break; } if (hasOtherVersions && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfx.MonoSpecificVersionDisplayName)) { label += " or later"; } model.AppendValues(label, item.Targets); } option.Combo = new ComboBox(model); option.Check = new CheckButton(); option.Combo.PackStart(renderer, true); option.Combo.AddAttribute(renderer, "text", 0); option.Combo.Active = 0; option.Check.Show(); option.Combo.Show(); option.Combo.Changed += (sender, e) => { if (option.Check.Active) { TargetFrameworkChanged(option); } }; option.Check.Toggled += (sender, e) => { TargetFrameworkChanged(option); }; var hbox = new HBox(); hbox.PackStart(option.Check, false, false, 0); hbox.PackStart(option.Combo, true, true, 0); hbox.Show(); var alignment = new Alignment(0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f) { LeftPadding = 18, RightPadding = 18 }; alignment.Add(hbox); alignment.Show(); vbox1.PackStart(alignment, false, true, 0); }
private void BuildFooter() { if (mode == EditorMode.View || TrackCount < 2) { return; } HBox button_box = new HBox(); button_box.Spacing = 6; if (TrackCount > 1) { sync_all_button = new PulsingButton(); sync_all_button.FocusInEvent += delegate { ForeachWidget <SyncButton> (delegate(SyncButton button) { button.StartPulsing(); }); }; sync_all_button.FocusOutEvent += delegate { if (sync_all_button.State == StateType.Prelight) { return; } ForeachWidget <SyncButton> (delegate(SyncButton button) { button.StopPulsing(); }); }; sync_all_button.StateChanged += delegate { if (sync_all_button.HasFocus) { return; } ForeachWidget <SyncButton> (delegate(SyncButton button) { if (sync_all_button.State == StateType.Prelight) { button.StartPulsing(); } else { button.StopPulsing(); } }); }; sync_all_button.Clicked += delegate { InvokeFieldSync(); }; Alignment alignment = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); HBox box = new HBox(); box.Spacing = 2; box.PackStart(new Image(Stock.Copy, IconSize.Button), false, false, 0); box.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("Sync all field _values")), false, false, 0); alignment.Add(box); sync_all_button.Add(alignment); TooltipSetter.Set(tooltip_host, sync_all_button, Catalog.GetString( "Apply the values of all common fields set for this track to all of the tracks selected in this editor")); button_box.PackStart(sync_all_button, false, false, 0); foreach (Widget child in ActionArea.Children) { child.SizeAllocated += OnActionAreaChildSizeAllocated; } edit_notif_label = new Label(); edit_notif_label.Xalign = 1.0f; button_box.PackEnd(edit_notif_label, false, false, 0); } main_vbox.PackStart(button_box, false, false, 0); button_box.ShowAll(); }
private void AddPaneItems() { if (info_link_clicked) { LinkLabel link = new LinkLabel(); link.Xalign = 0.0f; link.Markup = String.Format("<u>{0}</u>", GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString( "Back"))); link.Clicked += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { info_link_clicked = false; pane.Clear(); AddPaneItems(); }; link.Show(); pane.Append(link, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, true, IconThemeUtils.LoadIcon(24, "go-previous", Stock.GoBack)); pane.Append(Catalog.GetString( "iTunes\u00ae 7 introduced new compatibility issues and currently only " + "works with other iTunes\u00ae 7 clients.\n\n" + "No third-party clients can connect to iTunes\u00ae music shares anymore. " + "This is an intentional limitation by Apple in iTunes\u00ae 7 and we apologize for " + "the unfortunate inconvenience." )); } else { if (failure != DaapErrorType.UserDisconnect) { Label header_label = new Label(); header_label.Markup = String.Format("<b>{0}</b>", GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString( "Common reasons for connection failures:"))); header_label.Xalign = 0.0f; header_label.Show(); pane.Append(header_label, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, false); pane.Append(Catalog.GetString("The provided login credentials are invalid")); pane.Append(Catalog.GetString("The login process was canceled")); pane.Append(Catalog.GetString("Too many users are connected to this share")); } else { pane.Append(Catalog.GetString("You are no longer connected to this music share")); } if (failure == DaapErrorType.UserDisconnect || failure == DaapErrorType.InvalidAuthentication) { Button button = new Button(Catalog.GetString("Try connecting again")); button.Clicked += delegate { source.Activate(); }; HBox bbox = new HBox(); bbox.PackStart(button, false, false, 0); bbox.ShowAll(); pane.Append(bbox, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, false); return; } LinkLabel link = new LinkLabel(); link.Xalign = 0.0f; link.Markup = String.Format("<u>{0}</u>", GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString( "The music share is hosted by iTunes\u00ae 7"))); link.Clicked += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { info_link_clicked = true; pane.Clear(); AddPaneItems(); }; link.Show(); pane.Append(link, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, true); } }
void Build() { BorderWidth = 0; DefaultWidth = 901; DefaultHeight = 632; Name = "wizard_dialog"; Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("New Project"); if (IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.Visible) { WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; TransientFor = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; } else { // FIXME: align on a native toplevel if available WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center; } projectConfigurationWidget = new GtkProjectConfigurationWidget(); projectConfigurationWidget.Name = "projectConfigurationWidget"; // Top banner of dialog. var topLabelEventBox = new EventBox(); topLabelEventBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); topLabelEventBox.Name = "topLabelEventBox"; topLabelEventBox.HeightRequest = 52; topLabelEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, bannerBackgroundColor); topLabelEventBox.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, whiteColor); topLabelEventBox.BorderWidth = 0; var topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox = new EventBox(); topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.Name = "topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox"; topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.HeightRequest = 1; topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, bannerLineColor); topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.BorderWidth = 0; topBannerLabel = new Label(); topBannerLabel.Name = "topBannerLabel"; topBannerLabel.Accessible.Name = "topBannerLabel"; Pango.FontDescription font = topBannerLabel.Style.FontDescription.Copy(); // UNDONE: VV: Use FontService? font.Size = (int)(font.Size * 2.0); font.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; topBannerLabel.ModifyFont(font); topBannerLabel.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, whiteColor); var topLabelHBox = new HBox(); topLabelHBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); topLabelHBox.Name = "topLabelHBox"; topLabelHBox.PackStart(topBannerLabel, false, false, 20); topLabelEventBox.Add(topLabelHBox); VBox.PackStart(topLabelEventBox, false, false, 0); VBox.PackStart(topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox, false, false, 0); // Main templates section. centreVBox = new VBox(); centreVBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); centreVBox.Name = "centreVBox"; VBox.PackStart(centreVBox, true, true, 0); templatesHBox = new HBox(); templatesHBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templatesHBox.Name = "templatesHBox"; centreVBox.PackEnd(templatesHBox, true, true, 0); // Template categories. var templateCategoriesBgBox = new EventBox(); templateCategoriesBgBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateCategoriesBgBox.Name = "templateCategoriesVBox"; templateCategoriesBgBox.BorderWidth = 0; templateCategoriesBgBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, categoriesBackgroundColor); templateCategoriesBgBox.WidthRequest = 220; var templateCategoriesScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.Name = "templateCategoriesScrolledWindow"; templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; // Template categories tree view. templateCategoriesTreeView = new TreeView(); templateCategoriesTreeView.Name = "templateCategoriesTreeView"; templateCategoriesTreeView.Accessible.Name = "templateCategoriesTreeView"; templateCategoriesTreeView.Accessible.SetTitle(GettextCatalog.GetString("Project Categories")); templateCategoriesTreeView.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Select the project category to see all possible project templates"); templateCategoriesTreeView.BorderWidth = 0; templateCategoriesTreeView.HeadersVisible = false; templateCategoriesTreeView.Model = templateCategoriesTreeStore; templateCategoriesTreeView.SearchColumn = -1; // disable the interactive search templateCategoriesTreeView.ShowExpanders = false; templateCategoriesTreeView.AppendColumn(CreateTemplateCategoriesTreeViewColumn()); templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.Add(templateCategoriesTreeView); templateCategoriesBgBox.Add(templateCategoriesScrolledWindow); templatesHBox.PackStart(templateCategoriesBgBox, false, false, 0); // Templates. var templatesBgBox = new EventBox(); templatesBgBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templatesBgBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, templateListBackgroundColor); templatesBgBox.Name = "templatesVBox"; templatesBgBox.WidthRequest = 400; templatesHBox.PackStart(templatesBgBox, false, false, 0); var templatesScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); templatesScrolledWindow.Name = "templatesScrolledWindow"; templatesScrolledWindow.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; // Templates tree view. templatesTreeView = new TreeView(); templatesTreeView.Name = "templatesTreeView"; templatesTreeView.Accessible.Name = "templatesTreeView"; templatesTreeView.Accessible.SetTitle(GettextCatalog.GetString("Project Templates")); templatesTreeView.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Select the project template"); templatesTreeView.HeadersVisible = false; templatesTreeView.Model = templatesTreeStore; templatesTreeView.SearchColumn = -1; // disable the interactive search templatesTreeView.ShowExpanders = false; templatesTreeView.AppendColumn(CreateTemplateListTreeViewColumn()); templatesScrolledWindow.Add(templatesTreeView); templatesBgBox.Add(templatesScrolledWindow); // Accessibilityy templateCategoriesTreeView.Accessible.AddLinkedUIElement(templatesTreeView.Accessible); // Template var templateEventBox = new EventBox(); templateEventBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateEventBox.Name = "templateEventBox"; templateEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, templateBackgroundColor); templatesHBox.PackStart(templateEventBox, true, true, 0); templateVBox = new VBox(); templateVBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateVBox.Visible = false; templateVBox.BorderWidth = 20; templateVBox.Spacing = 10; templateEventBox.Add(templateVBox); // Template large image. templateImage = new ImageView(); templateImage.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateImage.Name = "templateImage"; templateImage.HeightRequest = 140; templateImage.WidthRequest = 240; templateVBox.PackStart(templateImage, false, false, 10); // Template description. templateNameLabel = new Label(); templateNameLabel.Name = "templateNameLabel"; templateNameLabel.Accessible.Name = "templateNameLabel"; templateNameLabel.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("The name of the selected template"); templateNameLabel.WidthRequest = 240; templateNameLabel.Wrap = true; templateNameLabel.Xalign = 0; templateNameLabel.Markup = MarkupTemplateName("TemplateName"); templateVBox.PackStart(templateNameLabel, false, false, 0); templateDescriptionLabel = new Label(); templateDescriptionLabel.Name = "templateDescriptionLabel"; templateDescriptionLabel.Accessible.Name = "templateDescriptionLabel"; templateDescriptionLabel.Accessible.SetLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("The description of the selected template")); templateDescriptionLabel.WidthRequest = 240; templateDescriptionLabel.Wrap = true; templateDescriptionLabel.Xalign = 0; templateVBox.PackStart(templateDescriptionLabel, false, false, 0); var tempLabel = new Label(); tempLabel.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateVBox.PackStart(tempLabel, true, true, 0); templatesTreeView.Accessible.AddLinkedUIElement(templateNameLabel.Accessible); templatesTreeView.Accessible.AddLinkedUIElement(templateDescriptionLabel.Accessible); // Template - button separator. var templateSectionSeparatorEventBox = new EventBox(); templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.Name = "templateSectionSeparatorEventBox"; templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.HeightRequest = 1; templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, templateSectionSeparatorColor); VBox.PackStart(templateSectionSeparatorEventBox, false, false, 0); // Buttons at bottom of dialog. var bottomHBox = new HBox(); bottomHBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); bottomHBox.Name = "bottomHBox"; VBox.PackStart(bottomHBox, false, false, 0); // Cancel button - bottom left. var cancelButtonBox = new HButtonBox(); cancelButtonBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); cancelButtonBox.Name = "cancelButtonBox"; cancelButtonBox.BorderWidth = 16; cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Name = "cancelButton"; cancelButton.Accessible.Name = "cancelButton"; cancelButton.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Cancel the dialog"); cancelButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Cancel"); cancelButton.UseStock = true; cancelButtonBox.PackStart(cancelButton, false, false, 0); bottomHBox.PackStart(cancelButtonBox, false, false, 0); // Previous button - bottom right. var previousNextButtonBox = new HButtonBox(); previousNextButtonBox.Accessible.SetShouldIgnore(true); previousNextButtonBox.Name = "previousNextButtonBox"; previousNextButtonBox.BorderWidth = 16; previousNextButtonBox.Spacing = 9; bottomHBox.PackStart(previousNextButtonBox); previousNextButtonBox.Layout = ButtonBoxStyle.End; previousButton = new Button(); previousButton.Name = "previousButton"; previousButton.Accessible.Name = "previousButton"; previousButton.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Return to the previous page"); previousButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Previous"); previousButton.Sensitive = false; previousNextButtonBox.PackEnd(previousButton); // Next button - bottom right. nextButton = new Button(); nextButton.Name = "nextButton"; nextButton.Accessible.Name = "nextButton"; nextButton.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Move to the next page"); nextButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Next"); previousNextButtonBox.PackEnd(nextButton); // Remove default button action area. VBox.Remove(ActionArea); if (Child != null) { Child.ShowAll(); } Show(); templatesTreeView.HasFocus = true; Resizable = false; }
private Widget GetRightPane() { VBox vbox = new VBox (); // labels moveNumberLabel = new Label (); nagCommentLabel = new Label (); nagCommentLabel.Xalign = 0; HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (moveNumberLabel, false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart (nagCommentLabel, false, false, 2); vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 2); // board chessGameDetailsBox = new VBox (); chessGameDetailsBox.PackStart (gameView, true, true, 4); vbox.PackStart (chessGameDetailsBox, true, true, 2); // buttons playButton = new PlayPauseButton (); playButton.PlayNextEvent += on_play_next_event; firstButton = new Button (); firstButton.Clicked += on_first_clicked; firstButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoFirst, IconSize.Button); prevButton = new Button (); prevButton.Clicked += on_prev_clicked; prevButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoBack, IconSize.Button); nextButton = new Button (); nextButton.Clicked += on_next_clicked; nextButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoForward, IconSize.Button); lastButton = new Button (); lastButton.Clicked += on_last_clicked; lastButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoLast, IconSize.Button); HBox bbox = new HBox (); bbox.PackStart (firstButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (prevButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (playButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (nextButton, false, false, 1); bbox.PackStart (lastButton, false, false, 1); Alignment alignment = new Alignment (0.5f, 1, 0, 0); alignment.Add (bbox); alignment.Show (); vbox.PackStart (alignment, false, false, 2); book.AppendPage (gamesListWidget, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Games"))); book.AppendPage (vbox, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Current Game"))); return book; }
void Build() { BorderWidth = 0; WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(901); HeightRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(632); Name = "wizard_dialog"; Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("New Project"); WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; TransientFor = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; projectConfigurationWidget = new GtkProjectConfigurationWidget(); projectConfigurationWidget.Name = "projectConfigurationWidget"; // Top banner of dialog. var topLabelEventBox = new EventBox(); topLabelEventBox.Name = "topLabelEventBox"; topLabelEventBox.HeightRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(52); topLabelEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, bannerBackgroundColor); topLabelEventBox.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, whiteColor); topLabelEventBox.BorderWidth = 0; var topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox = new EventBox(); topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox.Name = "topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox"; topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox.HeightRequest = 1; topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, bannerLineColor); topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox.BorderWidth = 0; var topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox = new EventBox(); topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.Name = "topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox"; topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.HeightRequest = 1; topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, bannerLineColor); topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox.BorderWidth = 0; topBannerLabel = new Label(); topBannerLabel.Name = "topBannerLabel"; Pango.FontDescription font = topBannerLabel.Style.FontDescription.Copy(); font.Size = (int)(font.Size * 1.8); topBannerLabel.ModifyFont(font); topBannerLabel.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, whiteColor); var topLabelHBox = new HBox(); topLabelHBox.Name = "topLabelHBox"; topLabelHBox.PackStart(topBannerLabel, false, false, 20); topLabelEventBox.Add(topLabelHBox); VBox.PackStart(topBannerTopEdgeLineEventBox, false, false, 0); VBox.PackStart(topLabelEventBox, false, false, 0); VBox.PackStart(topBannerBottomEdgeLineEventBox, false, false, 0); // Main templates section. centreVBox = new VBox(); centreVBox.Name = "centreVBox"; VBox.PackStart(centreVBox, true, true, 0); templatesHBox = new HBox(); templatesHBox.Name = "templatesHBox"; centreVBox.PackEnd(templatesHBox, true, true, 0); // Template categories. var templateCategoriesVBox = new VBox(); templateCategoriesVBox.Name = "templateCategoriesVBox"; templateCategoriesVBox.BorderWidth = 0; templateCategoriesVBox.WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(220); var templateCategoriesScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.Name = "templateCategoriesScrolledWindow"; templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; // Template categories tree view. templateCategoriesTreeView = new TreeView(); templateCategoriesTreeView.Name = "templateCategoriesTreeView"; templateCategoriesTreeView.BorderWidth = 0; templateCategoriesTreeView.HeadersVisible = false; templateCategoriesTreeView.Model = templateCategoriesListStore; templateCategoriesTreeView.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, categoriesBackgroundColor); templateCategoriesTreeView.AppendColumn(CreateTemplateCategoriesTreeViewColumn()); templateCategoriesScrolledWindow.Add(templateCategoriesTreeView); templateCategoriesVBox.PackStart(templateCategoriesScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); templatesHBox.PackStart(templateCategoriesVBox, false, false, 0); // Templates. var templatesVBox = new VBox(); templatesVBox.Name = "templatesVBox"; templatesVBox.WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(400); templatesHBox.PackStart(templatesVBox, false, false, 0); var templatesScrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); templatesScrolledWindow.Name = "templatesScrolledWindow"; templatesScrolledWindow.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; // Templates tree view. templatesTreeView = new TreeView(); templatesTreeView.Name = "templatesTreeView"; templatesTreeView.HeadersVisible = false; templatesTreeView.Model = templatesListStore; templatesTreeView.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, templateListBackgroundColor); templatesTreeView.AppendColumn(CreateTemplateListTreeViewColumn()); templatesScrolledWindow.Add(templatesTreeView); templatesVBox.PackStart(templatesScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); // Template var templateEventBox = new EventBox(); templateEventBox.Name = "templateEventBox"; templateEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, templateBackgroundColor); templatesHBox.PackStart(templateEventBox, true, true, 0); templateVBox = new VBox(); templateVBox.Visible = false; templateVBox.BorderWidth = 20; templateVBox.Spacing = 10; templateEventBox.Add(templateVBox); // Template large image. templateImage = new ImageView(); templateImage.Name = "templateImage"; templateImage.HeightRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(140); templateImage.WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(240); templateVBox.PackStart(templateImage, false, false, 10); // Template description. templateNameLabel = new Label(); templateNameLabel.Name = "templateNameLabel"; templateNameLabel.WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(240); templateNameLabel.Wrap = true; templateNameLabel.Xalign = 0; templateNameLabel.Markup = MarkupTemplateName("TemplateName"); templateVBox.PackStart(templateNameLabel, false, false, 0); templateDescriptionLabel = new Label(); templateDescriptionLabel.Name = "templateDescriptionLabel"; templateDescriptionLabel.WidthRequest = GtkWorkarounds.ConvertToPixelScale(240); templateDescriptionLabel.Wrap = true; templateDescriptionLabel.Xalign = 0; templateVBox.PackStart(templateDescriptionLabel, false, false, 0); templateVBox.PackStart(new Label(), true, true, 0); // Template - button separator. var templateSectionSeparatorEventBox = new EventBox(); templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.Name = "templateSectionSeparatorEventBox"; templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.HeightRequest = 1; templateSectionSeparatorEventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, templateSectionSeparatorColor); VBox.PackStart(templateSectionSeparatorEventBox, false, false, 0); // Buttons at bottom of dialog. var bottomHBox = new HBox(); bottomHBox.Name = "bottomHBox"; VBox.PackStart(bottomHBox, false, false, 0); // Cancel button - bottom left. var cancelButtonBox = new HButtonBox(); cancelButtonBox.Name = "cancelButtonBox"; cancelButtonBox.BorderWidth = 16; cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Name = "cancelButton"; cancelButton.Label = "gtk-cancel"; cancelButton.UseStock = true; cancelButtonBox.PackStart(cancelButton, false, false, 0); bottomHBox.PackStart(cancelButtonBox, false, false, 0); // Previous button - bottom right. var previousNextButtonBox = new HButtonBox(); previousNextButtonBox.Name = "previousNextButtonBox"; previousNextButtonBox.BorderWidth = 16; previousNextButtonBox.Spacing = 9; bottomHBox.PackStart(previousNextButtonBox); previousNextButtonBox.Layout = ButtonBoxStyle.End; previousButton = new Button(); previousButton.Name = "previousButton"; previousButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Previous"); previousButton.Sensitive = false; previousNextButtonBox.PackEnd(previousButton); // Next button - bottom right. nextButton = new Button(); nextButton.Name = "nextButton"; nextButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Next"); previousNextButtonBox.PackEnd(nextButton); // Remove default button action area. VBox.Remove(ActionArea); if (Child != null) { Child.ShowAll(); } Show(); templatesTreeView.HasFocus = true; Resizable = false; }
private void AddGameNavigationButtons(VBox box) { firstButton = new Button (); firstButton.Clicked += OnClicked; firstButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoFirst, IconSize.Button); prevButton = new Button (); prevButton.Clicked += OnClicked; prevButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoBack, IconSize.Button); nextButton = new Button (); nextButton.Clicked += OnClicked; nextButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GoForward, IconSize.Button); lastButton = new Button (); lastButton.Clicked += OnClicked; lastButton.Image = new Image (Stock.GotoLast, IconSize.Button); HBox hbox = new HBox (); hbox.PackStart (firstButton, false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart (prevButton, false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart (nextButton, false, false, 2); hbox.PackStart (lastButton, false, false, 2); Alignment align = new Alignment (0.5f, 1, 1, 0); align.Add (hbox); box.PackStart (align, false, true, 2); }
public TreeViewCustomStore() { DataNode root = new DataNode("Root", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("One", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("Elephant"), new DataNode("Tiger") }), new DataNode("Two", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("Monkey"), new DataNode("Lion") }), } ); DataNode root2 = new DataNode("Second Root", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("One", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("Elephant"), new DataNode("Tiger") }), new DataNode("Two", new DataNode [] { new DataNode("Monkey"), new DataNode("Lion") }), } ); MyTreeSource source = new MyTreeSource(); source.Add(root); source.Add(root2); source.Add(new InfiniteDataNode("Infinite")); TreeView tree = new TreeView(); var col = new ListViewColumn("Data"); col.Views.Add(new ImageCellView(source.ImageField)); col.Views.Add(new TextCellView(source.LabelField)); tree.Columns.Add(col); PackStart(tree, true); var hbox = new HBox(); var add = new Button("Add nodes"); var change = new Button("Change nodes"); var remove = new Button("Remove nodes"); hbox.PackStart(add); hbox.PackStart(change); hbox.PackStart(remove); PackStart(hbox); add.Clicked += delegate { var node = new DataNode("New child"); root.InsertChild(1, node); tree.SelectRow(node); }; remove.Clicked += delegate { if (root.Children.Count > 0) { root.RemoveChild(root.Children [root.Children.Count - 1]); } }; change.Clicked += delegate { var sel = (DataNode)tree.SelectedRow; if (sel != null) { sel.Name = "Modified"; } }; tree.DataSource = source; }
public StatusArea() { theme = new StatusAreaTheme(); renderArg = new RenderArg(); ctxHandler = new StatusBarContextHandler(this); VisibleWindow = false; NoShowAll = true; WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable; statusIconBox.BorderWidth = 0; statusIconBox.Spacing = 3; Action <bool> animateProgressBar = showing => this.Animate("ProgressBarFade", val => renderArg.ProgressBarAlpha = val, renderArg.ProgressBarAlpha, showing ? 1.0f : 0.0f, easing: Easing.CubicInOut); ProgressBegin += delegate { renderArg.ShowProgressBar = true; // StartBuildAnimation (); renderArg.ProgressBarFraction = 0; QueueDraw(); animateProgressBar(true); }; ProgressEnd += delegate { renderArg.ShowProgressBar = false; // StopBuildAnimation (); QueueDraw(); animateProgressBar(false); }; ProgressFraction += delegate(object sender, FractionEventArgs e) { renderArg.ProgressBarFraction = (float)e.Work; QueueDraw(); }; contentBox.PackStart(messageBox, true, true, 0); contentBox.PackEnd(statusIconBox, false, false, 0); contentBox.PackEnd(statusIconSeparator = new StatusAreaSeparator(), false, false, 0); contentBox.PackEnd(buildResultWidget = CreateBuildResultsWidget(Orientation.Horizontal), false, false, 0); HasTooltip = true; QueryTooltip += messageBoxToolTip; mainAlign = new Alignment(0, 0.5f, 1, 0); mainAlign.LeftPadding = 12; mainAlign.RightPadding = 8; mainAlign.Add(contentBox); Add(mainAlign); mainAlign.ShowAll(); statusIconBox.Hide(); statusIconSeparator.Hide(); buildResultWidget.Hide(); Show(); this.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { if (sourcePad != null) { sourcePad.BringToFront(true); } }; statusIconBox.Shown += delegate { UpdateSeparators(); }; statusIconBox.Hidden += delegate { UpdateSeparators(); }; messageQueue = new Queue <Message> (); tracker = new MouseTracker(this); tracker.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => QueueDraw(); tracker.HoveredChanged += (sender, e) => { this.Animate("Hovered", x => renderArg.HoverProgress = x, renderArg.HoverProgress, tracker.Hovered ? 1.0f : 0.0f, easing: Easing.SinInOut); }; IdeApp.FocusIn += delegate { // If there was an error while the application didn't have the focus, // trigger the error animation again when it gains the focus if (errorAnimPending) { errorAnimPending = false; TriggerErrorAnimation(); } }; }
public NotificationWidget() : base() { HBox box = new HBox (); label = new Label (); label.Xalign = 0; closeButton = new Button (); closeButton.Image = new Image (Stock.Close, IconSize.Button); closeButton.Clicked += on_close; acceptButton = new Button (Stock.Ok); acceptButton.Image = new Image (Stock.Ok, IconSize.Button); acceptButton.Clicked += on_accept; ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (0xff, 0xff, 0xc0)); box.PackStart (label, true, true, 5); box.PackStart (acceptButton, false, false, 5); box.PackStart (closeButton, false, false, 5); label.Show (); closeButton.Show (); // This box will add some vertical padding VBox b = new VBox (); b.PackStart (box, false, true, 5); Add (b); }
public Command Run(WindowFrame transientFor, MessageDescription message) { this.icon = GetIcon (message.Icon); if (ConvertButtons (message.Buttons, out buttons) && message.Options.Count == 0) { // Use a system message box if (message.SecondaryText == null) message.SecondaryText = String.Empty; else { message.Text = message.Text + "\r\n\r\n" + message.SecondaryText; message.SecondaryText = String.Empty; } var parent = Toolkit.CurrentEngine.GetNativeWindow(transientFor) as System.Windows.Window; if (parent != null) { this.dialogResult = MessageBox.Show (parent, message.Text, message.SecondaryText, this.buttons, this.icon, this.defaultResult, this.options); } else { this.dialogResult = MessageBox.Show (message.Text, message.SecondaryText, this.buttons, this.icon, this.defaultResult, this.options); } return ConvertResultToCommand (this.dialogResult); } else { // Custom message box required Dialog dlg = new Dialog (); dlg.Resizable = false; dlg.Padding = 0; HBox mainBox = new HBox { Margin = 25 }; if (message.Icon != null) { var image = new ImageView (message.Icon.WithSize (32,32)); mainBox.PackStart (image, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Start); } VBox box = new VBox () { Margin = 3, MarginLeft = 8, Spacing = 15 }; mainBox.PackStart (box, true); var text = new Label { Text = message.Text ?? "" }; Label stext = null; box.PackStart (text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (message.SecondaryText)) { stext = new Label { Text = message.SecondaryText }; box.PackStart (stext); } foreach (var option in message.Options) { var check = new CheckBox (option.Text); check.Active = option.Value; box.PackStart(check); check.Toggled += (sender, e) => message.SetOptionValue(option.Id, check.Active); } dlg.Buttons.Add (message.Buttons.ToArray ()); if (message.DefaultButton >= 0 && message.DefaultButton < message.Buttons.Count) dlg.DefaultCommand = message.Buttons[message.DefaultButton]; if (mainBox.Surface.GetPreferredSize (true).Width > 480) { text.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; if (stext != null) stext.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; mainBox.WidthRequest = 480; } var s = mainBox.Surface.GetPreferredSize (true); dlg.Content = mainBox; return dlg.Run (); } }
public SearchableGamesListWidget(GameViewerUI viewer) { HBox box = new HBox (); box.PackStart (new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Filter")), false, false, 4); searchEntry = new Entry (); box.PackStart (searchEntry, true, true, 2); PackStart (box, false, true, 2); gamesListWidget = new GameViewerGamesListWidget (viewer); PackStart (gamesListWidget, true, true, 2); ShowAll (); filter = new TreeModelFilter (gamesListWidget. Model, null); filter.VisibleFunc = SearchFilterFunc; searchEntry.Changed += OnSearch; }
public override void Initialize(NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string menuPath) { base.Initialize(builders, options, menuPath); UnitTestService.TestSuiteChanged += OnTestSuiteChanged; paned = new VPaned(); VBox vbox = new VBox(); DockItemToolbar topToolbar = Window.GetToolbar(DockPositionType.Top); var hbox = new HBox { Spacing = 6 }; hbox.PackStart(new ImageView(ImageService.GetIcon("md-execute-all", IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); hbox.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Run All")), false, false, 0); buttonRunAll = new Button(hbox); buttonRunAll.Accessible.Name = "TestPad.RunAll"; buttonRunAll.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Start a test run and run all the tests"); buttonRunAll.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRunAllClicked); buttonRunAll.Sensitive = true; buttonRunAll.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Run all tests"); topToolbar.Add(buttonRunAll); buttonStop = new Button(new ImageView(Ide.Gui.Stock.Stop, IconSize.Menu)); buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnStopClicked); buttonStop.Sensitive = false; buttonStop.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Cancel running test"); buttonStop.Accessible.Name = "TestPad.StopAll"; buttonStop.Accessible.SetTitle(GettextCatalog.GetString(("Cancel"))); buttonStop.Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Stops the current test run"); topToolbar.Add(buttonStop); topToolbar.ShowAll(); vbox.PackEnd(base.Control, true, true, 0); vbox.FocusChain = new Gtk.Widget [] { base.Control }; paned.Pack1(vbox, true, true); detailsPad = new VBox(); EventBox eb = new EventBox(); HBox header = new HBox(); eb.Add(header); detailLabel = new HeaderLabel(); detailLabel.Padding = 6; Button hb = new Button(new ImageView("gtk-close", IconSize.SmallToolbar)); hb.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; hb.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCloseDetails); header.PackEnd(hb, false, false, 0); hb = new Button(new ImageView("gtk-go-back", IconSize.SmallToolbar)); hb.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; hb.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnGoBackTest); header.PackEnd(hb, false, false, 0); header.Add(detailLabel); Gdk.Color hcol = eb.Style.Background(StateType.Normal); hcol.Red = (ushort)(((double)hcol.Red) * 0.9); hcol.Green = (ushort)(((double)hcol.Green) * 0.9); hcol.Blue = (ushort)(((double)hcol.Blue) * 0.9); // eb.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, hcol); detailsPad.PackStart(eb, false, false, 0); VPaned panedDetails = new VPaned(); panedDetails.BorderWidth = 3; VBox boxPaned1 = new VBox(); chart = new TestChart(); chart.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnChartDateChanged); var chartWidget = chart.GetNativeWidget <Widget> (); chartWidget.ButtonPressEvent += OnChartButtonPress; chartWidget.HeightRequest = 50; Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar(); toolbar.IconSize = IconSize.SmallToolbar; toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons; toolbar.ShowArrow = false; ToolButton but = new ToolButton("gtk-zoom-in"); but.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnZoomIn); toolbar.Insert(but, -1); but = new ToolButton("gtk-zoom-out"); but.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnZoomOut); toolbar.Insert(but, -1); but = new ToolButton("gtk-go-back"); but.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnChartBack); toolbar.Insert(but, -1); but = new ToolButton("gtk-go-forward"); but.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnChartForward); toolbar.Insert(but, -1); but = new ToolButton("gtk-goto-last"); but.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnChartLast); toolbar.Insert(but, -1); boxPaned1.PackStart(toolbar, false, false, 0); boxPaned1.PackStart(chart, true, true, 0); panedDetails.Pack1(boxPaned1, false, false); // Detailed test information -------- infoBook = new ButtonNotebook(); infoBook.PageLoadRequired += new EventHandler(OnPageLoadRequired); // Info - Group summary Frame tf = new Frame(); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); detailsTree = new TreeView { Name = "testPadDetailsTree" }; detailsTree.HeadersVisible = true; detailsTree.RulesHint = true; detailsStore = new ListStore(typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); SemanticModelAttribute modelAttr = new SemanticModelAttribute("store__UnitTest", "store__Name", "store__Passed", "store__ErrorsAndFailures", "store__Ignored"); SCM.TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(detailsStore, modelAttr); CellRendererText trtest = new CellRendererText(); CellRendererText tr; TreeViewColumn col3 = new TreeViewColumn(); col3.Expand = false; // col3.Alignment = 0.5f; col3.Widget = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.Success); col3.Widget.Show(); tr = new CellRendererText(); // tr.Xalign = 0.5f; col3.PackStart(tr, false); col3.AddAttribute(tr, "markup", 2); detailsTree.AppendColumn(col3); TreeViewColumn col4 = new TreeViewColumn(); col4.Expand = false; // col4.Alignment = 0.5f; col4.Widget = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.Failure); col4.Widget.Show(); tr = new CellRendererText(); // tr.Xalign = 0.5f; col4.PackStart(tr, false); col4.AddAttribute(tr, "markup", 3); detailsTree.AppendColumn(col4); TreeViewColumn col5 = new TreeViewColumn(); col5.Expand = false; // col5.Alignment = 0.5f; col5.Widget = new ImageView(TestStatusIcon.NotRun); col5.Widget.Show(); tr = new CellRendererText(); // tr.Xalign = 0.5f; col5.PackStart(tr, false); col5.AddAttribute(tr, "markup", 4); detailsTree.AppendColumn(col5); TreeViewColumn col1 = new TreeViewColumn(); // col1.Resizable = true; // col1.Expand = true; col1.Title = "Test"; col1.PackStart(trtest, true); col1.AddAttribute(trtest, "markup", 1); detailsTree.AppendColumn(col1); detailsTree.Model = detailsStore; sw.Add(detailsTree); tf.Add(sw); tf.ShowAll(); TestSummaryPage = infoBook.AddPage(GettextCatalog.GetString("Summary"), tf); // Info - Regressions list tf = new Frame(); sw = new ScrolledWindow(); tf.Add(sw); regressionTree = new TreeView { Name = "testPadRegressionTree" }; regressionTree.HeadersVisible = false; regressionTree.RulesHint = true; regressionStore = new ListStore(typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image)); SemanticModelAttribute regressionModelAttr = new SemanticModelAttribute("store__UnitTest", "store__Name", "store__Icon"); SCM.TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(detailsStore, regressionModelAttr); CellRendererText trtest2 = new CellRendererText(); var pr = new CellRendererImage(); TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn(); col.PackStart(pr, false); col.AddAttribute(pr, "image", 2); col.PackStart(trtest2, false); col.AddAttribute(trtest2, "markup", 1); regressionTree.AppendColumn(col); regressionTree.Model = regressionStore; sw.Add(regressionTree); tf.ShowAll(); TestRegressionsPage = infoBook.AddPage(GettextCatalog.GetString("Regressions"), tf); // Info - Failed tests list tf = new Frame(); sw = new ScrolledWindow(); tf.Add(sw); failedTree = new TreeView(); failedTree.HeadersVisible = false; failedTree.RulesHint = true; failedStore = new ListStore(typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image)); SemanticModelAttribute failedModelAttr = new SemanticModelAttribute("store__UnitTest", "store__Name", "store__Icon"); SCM.TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(failedStore, failedModelAttr); trtest2 = new CellRendererText(); pr = new CellRendererImage(); col = new TreeViewColumn(); col.PackStart(pr, false); col.AddAttribute(pr, "image", 2); col.PackStart(trtest2, false); col.AddAttribute(trtest2, "markup", 1); failedTree.AppendColumn(col); failedTree.Model = failedStore; sw.Add(failedTree); tf.ShowAll(); TestFailuresPage = infoBook.AddPage(GettextCatalog.GetString("Failed tests"), tf); // Info - results tf = new Frame(); sw = new ScrolledWindow(); tf.Add(sw); resultView = new TextView(); resultView.Editable = false; sw.Add(resultView); tf.ShowAll(); TestResultPage = infoBook.AddPage(GettextCatalog.GetString("Result"), tf); // Info - Output tf = new Frame(); sw = new ScrolledWindow(); tf.Add(sw); outputView = new TextView(); outputView.Editable = false; sw.Add(outputView); tf.ShowAll(); TestOutputPage = infoBook.AddPage(GettextCatalog.GetString("Output"), tf); panedDetails.Pack2(infoBook, true, true); detailsPad.PackStart(panedDetails, true, true, 0); paned.Pack2(detailsPad, true, true); paned.ShowAll(); infoBook.HidePage(TestResultPage); infoBook.HidePage(TestOutputPage); infoBook.HidePage(TestSummaryPage); infoBook.HidePage(TestRegressionsPage); infoBook.HidePage(TestFailuresPage); detailsPad.Sensitive = false; detailsPad.Hide(); detailsTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler(OnTestActivated); regressionTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler(OnRegressionTestActivated); failedTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler(OnFailedTestActivated); foreach (UnitTest t in UnitTestService.RootTests) { TreeView.AddChild(t); } base.TreeView.Tree.Name = "unitTestBrowserTree"; }
void Build() { Spacing = 6; listView = new TreeView { CanFocus = true, HeadersVisible = false }; scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow { ShadowType = ShadowType.In, Child = listView }; buttonAdd = new Button(Stock.Add); buttonRemove = new Button(Stock.Remove); labelScopes = new Label { Xalign = 0F, Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Enter one or more XPath expressions to which this format applies") }; tableScopes = new Table(3, 3, false) { RowSpacing = 6, ColumnSpacing = 6 }; propertyGrid = new DesignerSupport.PropertyGridWrapper { ShowToolbar = false, ShowHelp = false }; buttonAdvanced = new Button { Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Advanced Settings"), CanFocus = true, UseUnderline = true }; var buttonBox = new HBox(false, 6); buttonBox.PackStart(buttonAdd, false, false, 0); buttonBox.PackStart(buttonRemove, false, false, 0); boxScopes = new VBox(false, 6); boxScopes.PackStart(scrolledWindow, true, true, 0); boxScopes.PackStart(buttonBox, false, false, 0); var rightVBox = new VBox(false, 6); rightVBox.PackStart(labelScopes, false, false, 0); rightVBox.PackStart(tableScopes, false, false, 0); rightVBox.PackStart(propertyGrid.Widget, true, true, 0); var mainBox = new HBox(false, 6); mainBox.PackStart(boxScopes, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart(rightVBox, true, true, 0); var abbBox = new HBox(false, 6); abbBox.PackStart(buttonAdvanced, false, false, 0); PackStart(mainBox, true, true, 0); PackStart(abbBox, false, false, 0); ShowAll(); buttonAdd.Clicked += OnButtonAddClicked; buttonRemove.Clicked += OnButtonRemoveClicked; buttonAdvanced.Clicked += OnButtonAdvancedClicked; }
private void InitUI() { try { //Tab1 VBox vboxTab1 = new VBox(false, _boxSpacing) { BorderWidth = (uint)_boxSpacing }; // HBox For Vid and Pid HBox hbox1 = new HBox(true, _boxSpacing); // HBox For Vid and Pid HBox hbox2 = new HBox(true, _boxSpacing); //Ord Entry entryOrd = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxLabel = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_record_order, entryOrd); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxLabel, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxLabel, _dataSourceRow, "Ord", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Code Entry entryCode = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxCode = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_record_code, entryCode); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxCode, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxCode, _dataSourceRow, "Code", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Designation Entry entryDesignation = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxDesignation = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_designation, entryDesignation); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxDesignation, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxDesignation, _dataSourceRow, "Designation", SettingsApp.RegexAlfaNumericExtended, true)); //VID Entry entryVID = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxVID = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_vid, entryVID); hbox1.PackStart(boxVID, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxVID, _dataSourceRow, "VID", SettingsApp.RegexHardwareVidAndPid, true)); //PID Entry entryPID = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxPID = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_pid, entryPID); hbox1.PackStart(boxPID, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxPID, _dataSourceRow, "PID", SettingsApp.RegexHardwareVidAndPid, true)); //EndPoint Entry entryEndPoint = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxEndPoint = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_endpoint, entryEndPoint); hbox1.PackStart(boxEndPoint, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxEndPoint, _dataSourceRow, "EndPoint", SettingsApp.RegexHardwareEndpoint, true)); // Pack hboxVIDAndPid vboxTab1.PackStart(hbox1, false, false, 0); //CodeTable Entry entryCodeTable = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxCodeTable = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_codetable, entryCodeTable); hbox2.PackStart(boxCodeTable, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxCodeTable, _dataSourceRow, "CodeTable", SettingsApp.RegexHardwareCodeTable, true)); //DisplayCharactersPerLine Entry entryDisplayCharactersPerLine = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxDisplayCharactersPerLine = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_number_of_characters_per_line, entryDisplayCharactersPerLine); hbox2.PackStart(boxDisplayCharactersPerLine, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxDisplayCharactersPerLine, _dataSourceRow, "DisplayCharactersPerLine", SettingsApp.RegexInteger, true)); //GoToStandByInSeconds Entry entryGoToStandByInSeconds = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxGoToStandByInSeconds = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_pole_display_goto_stand_by_in_seconds, entryGoToStandByInSeconds); hbox2.PackStart(boxGoToStandByInSeconds, true, true, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxGoToStandByInSeconds, _dataSourceRow, "GoToStandByInSeconds", SettingsApp.RegexInteger, true)); // Pack hboxEndpointAndCodeTableAndGoToStandByInSeconds vboxTab1.PackStart(hbox2, false, false, 0); //StandByLine1 Entry entryStandByLine1 = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxStandByLine1 = new BOWidgetBox(string.Format(Resx.global_pole_display_stand_by_line_no, 1), entryStandByLine1); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxStandByLine1, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxStandByLine1, _dataSourceRow, "StandByLine1", SettingsApp.RegexAlfaNumericExtended, false)); //StandByLine2 Entry entryStandByLine2 = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxStandByLine2 = new BOWidgetBox(string.Format(Resx.global_pole_display_stand_by_line_no, 2), entryStandByLine2); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxStandByLine2, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxStandByLine2, _dataSourceRow, "StandByLine2", SettingsApp.RegexAlfaNumericExtended, false)); //Disabled CheckButton checkButtonDisabled = new CheckButton(Resx.global_record_disabled); if (_dialogMode == DialogMode.Insert) { checkButtonDisabled.Active = SettingsApp.BOXPOObjectsStartDisabled; } vboxTab1.PackStart(checkButtonDisabled, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(checkButtonDisabled, _dataSourceRow, "Disabled")); //Append Tab _notebook.AppendPage(vboxTab1, new Label(Resx.global_record_main_detail)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } }
public NewAzureJobView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { SubmitJob = new BackgroundWorker(); // this vbox holds both alignment objects (which in turn hold the frames) VBox vboxPrimary = new VBox(false, 10); // this is the alignment object which holds the azure job frame Alignment primaryContainer = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); primaryContainer.LeftPadding = primaryContainer.RightPadding = primaryContainer.TopPadding = primaryContainer.BottomPadding = 5; // Azure Job Frame Frame frmAzure = new Frame("Azure Job"); Alignment alignTblAzure = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f); alignTblAzure.LeftPadding = alignTblAzure.RightPadding = alignTblAzure.TopPadding = alignTblAzure.BottomPadding = 5; // Azure table - contains all fields in the azure job frame Table tblAzure = new Table(4, 2, false); tblAzure.RowSpacing = 5; // Job Name Label lblName = new Label("Job Description/Name:"); lblName.Xalign = 0; lblName.Yalign = 0.5f; entryName = new Entry(); tblAzure.Attach(lblName, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblAzure.Attach(entryName, 1, 2, 0, 1, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 20, 0); // Number of cores Label lblCores = new Label("Number of CPU cores to use:"); lblCores.Xalign = 0; lblCores.Yalign = 0.5f; // use the same core count options as in MARS (16, 32, 48, 64, ... , 128, 256) comboCoreCount = ComboBox.NewText(); for (int i = 16; i <= 128; i += 16) { comboCoreCount.AppendText(i.ToString()); } comboCoreCount.AppendText("256"); comboCoreCount.Active = 0; // combo boxes cannot be aligned, so it is placed in an alignment object, which can be aligned Alignment comboAlign = new Alignment(0f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 1f); comboAlign.Add(comboCoreCount); tblAzure.Attach(lblCores, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblAzure.Attach(comboAlign, 1, 2, 1, 2, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 20, 0); // User doesn't get to choose a model via the form anymore. It comes from the context of the right click // Model selection frame Frame frmModelSelect = new Frame("Model Selection"); // Alignment to ensure a 5px border around the inside of the frame Alignment alignModel = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); alignModel.LeftPadding = alignModel.RightPadding = alignModel.TopPadding = alignModel.BottomPadding = 5; Table tblModel = new Table(2, 3, false); tblModel.ColumnSpacing = 5; tblModel.RowSpacing = 10; chkSaveModels = new CheckButton("Save model files"); chkSaveModels.Toggled += ChkSaveModels_Toggled; entryModelPath = new Entry(); btnModelPath = new Button("..."); btnModelPath.Clicked += BtnModelPath_Click; chkSaveModels.Active = true; chkSaveModels.Active = false; HBox hboxModelpath = new HBox(); hboxModelpath.PackStart(entryModelPath, true, true, 0); hboxModelpath.PackStart(btnModelPath, false, false, 5); tblAzure.Attach(chkSaveModels, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblAzure.Attach(hboxModelpath, 1, 2, 2, 3, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); //Apsim Version Selection frame/table Frame frmVersion = new Frame("APSIM Next Generation Version Selection"); Table tblVersion = new Table(2, 3, false); tblVersion.ColumnSpacing = 5; tblVersion.RowSpacing = 10; // Alignment to ensure a 5px border on the inside of the frame Alignment alignVersion = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); alignVersion.LeftPadding = alignVersion.RightPadding = alignVersion.TopPadding = alignVersion.BottomPadding = 5; /* * // use from online source * // TODO: find/implement a Bob equivalent * HBox hbxBob = new HBox(); * radioBob = new RadioButton("Use APSIM Next Generation from an online source (Bob?)"); * radioBob.Toggled += new EventHandler(radioBob_Changed); * Label lblVersion = new Label("Version:"); * entryVersion = new Entry(); * Label lblRevision = new Label("Revision:"); * entryRevision = new Entry(); * * hbxBob.Add(radioBob); * hbxBob.Add(lblVersion); * hbxBob.Add(entryVersion); * hbxBob.Add(lblRevision); * hbxBob.Add(entryRevision); * * btnBob = new Button("..."); * btnBob.Clicked += new EventHandler(btnBob_Click); * * tblVersion.Attach(hbxBob, 0, 2, 0, 1, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); * tblVersion.Attach(btnBob, 2, 3, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); */ // use Apsim from a directory radioApsimDir = new RadioButton("Use APSIM Next Generation from a directory"); radioApsimDir.Toggled += new EventHandler(RadioApsimDir_Changed); // populate this input field with the directory containing this executable entryApsimDir = new Entry(Directory.GetParent(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).ToString()); btnApsimDir = new Button("..."); btnApsimDir.Clicked += new EventHandler(BtnApsimDir_Click); tblVersion.Attach(radioApsimDir, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblVersion.Attach(entryApsimDir, 1, 2, 0, 1, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblVersion.Attach(btnApsimDir, 2, 3, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // use a zipped version of Apsim radioApsimZip = new RadioButton(radioApsimDir, "Use a zipped version of APSIM Next Generation"); radioApsimZip.Toggled += new EventHandler(RadioApsimZip_Changed); entryApsimZip = new Entry(); btnApsimZip = new Button("..."); btnApsimZip.Clicked += new EventHandler(BtnApsimZip_Click); tblVersion.Attach(radioApsimZip, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblVersion.Attach(entryApsimZip, 1, 2, 1, 2, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblVersion.Attach(btnApsimZip, 2, 3, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); alignVersion.Add(tblVersion); frmVersion.Add(alignVersion); tblAzure.Attach(frmVersion, 0, 2, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // toggle the default radio button to ensure appropriate entries/buttons are greyed out by default radioApsimDir.Active = true; radioApsimZip.Active = true; radioApsimDir.Active = true; // add azure job table to azure alignment, and add that to the azure job frame alignTblAzure.Add(tblAzure); frmAzure.Add(alignTblAzure); // Results frame Frame frameResults = new Frame("Results"); // Alignment object to ensure a 10px border around the inside of the results frame Alignment alignFrameResults = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); alignFrameResults.LeftPadding = alignFrameResults.RightPadding = alignFrameResults.TopPadding = alignFrameResults.BottomPadding = 10; Table tblResults = new Table(4, 3, false); tblResults.ColumnSpacing = 5; tblResults.RowSpacing = 5; // Auto send email chkEmail = new CheckButton("Send email upon completion to:"); entryEmail = new Entry(); tblResults.Attach(chkEmail, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblResults.Attach(entryEmail, 1, 2, 0, 1, (AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Auto download results chkDownload = new CheckButton("Automatically download results once complete"); chkSummarise = new CheckButton("Summarise Results"); tblResults.Attach(chkDownload, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblResults.Attach(chkSummarise, 1, 3, 1, 2, (AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand), AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Output dir Label lblOutputDir = new Label("Output Directory:"); lblOutputDir.Xalign = 0; entryOutputDir = new Entry((string)AzureSettings.Default["OutputDir"]); Button btnOutputDir = new Button("..."); btnOutputDir.Clicked += new EventHandler(BtnOutputDir_Click); tblResults.Attach(lblOutputDir, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblResults.Attach(entryOutputDir, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); tblResults.Attach(btnOutputDir, 2, 3, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); Alignment alignNameTip = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); Label lblNameTip = new Label("(note: if you close Apsim before the job completes, the results will not be automatically downloaded)"); alignNameTip.Add(lblNameTip); tblResults.Attach(alignNameTip, 0, 3, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); alignFrameResults.Add(tblResults); frameResults.Add(alignFrameResults); // OK/Cancel buttons BtnOK = new Button("OK"); BtnOK.Clicked += new EventHandler(BtnOK_Click); Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); btnCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(BtnCancel_Click); HBox hbxButtons = new HBox(true, 0); hbxButtons.PackEnd(btnCancel, false, true, 0); hbxButtons.PackEnd(BtnOK, false, true, 0); Alignment alignButtons = new Alignment(1f, 0f, 0.2f, 0f); alignButtons.Add(hbxButtons); lblStatus = new Label(""); lblStatus.Xalign = 0f; // Add Azure frame to primary vbox vboxPrimary.PackStart(frmAzure, false, true, 0); // add results frame to primary vbox vboxPrimary.PackStart(frameResults, false, true, 0); vboxPrimary.PackStart(alignButtons, false, true, 0); vboxPrimary.PackStart(lblStatus, false, true, 0); // Add primary vbox to alignment primaryContainer.Add(vboxPrimary); _mainWidget = primaryContainer; }
public static void Main(string [] args) { Application.Init(); Window win = new Window("EFL# Demo App"); win.Resize(640, 480); Application.EE.ResizeEvent += AppResizeHandler; /* integrate this code in the Window class */ Edje win_bg = new Edje(Application.EE.Get()); win_bg.FileSet(DataConfig.DATADIR + "/data/eblocks/themes/e17.edj","window"); win_bg.Resize(640, 480); win_bg.Move(0, 0); win_bg.Lower(); win_bg.Show(); MenuItem item; MenuItem entry; MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); mb.Move(0, 0); mb.Resize(640, 35); mb.Spacing = 15; item = new MenuItem("_File"); Menu file_menu = new Menu(); entry = new MenuItem(file_menu.Canvas, "_Open"); file_menu.Append(entry); entry = new MenuItem(file_menu.Canvas, "_Close"); file_menu.Append(entry); entry = new MenuItem(file_menu.Canvas, "_Save"); file_menu.Append(entry); item.SubMenu = file_menu; mb.Append(item); item = new MenuItem("_Edit"); Menu edit_menu = new Menu(); entry = new MenuItem(edit_menu.Canvas, "_Copy"); edit_menu.Append(entry); entry = new MenuItem(edit_menu.Canvas, "_Cut"); edit_menu.Append(entry); entry = new MenuItem(edit_menu.Canvas, "_Paste"); edit_menu.Append(entry); item.SubMenu = edit_menu; mb.Append(item); item = new MenuItem("_About"); //item.SubMenu = about_menu; mb.Append(item); mb.Show(); Button button; HBox box_left = new HBox(); box_left.Move(0, 37); box_left.Resize(70, 480 - 37); VBox box_icons = new VBox(); box_icons.Spacing = 0; box_icons.Resize(64, 480 - 37); button = new Button("Tile"); button.Resize(64, 64); box_icons.PackEnd(button); button = new Button("Stretch"); button.Resize(64, 64); box_icons.PackEnd(button); button = new Button("Rotate"); button.Resize(64, 64); box_icons.PackEnd(button); button = new Button("Flip"); button.Resize(64, 64); box_icons.PackEnd(button); button = new Button("Quit"); button.MouseUpEvent += new Enlightenment.Evas.Item.EventHandler(AppQuitButtonHandler); button.Resize(64, 64); box_icons.PackEnd(button); box_left.PackEnd(box_icons); Enlightenment.Eblocks.Line vline = new Enlightenment.Eblocks.Line(Application.EE.Get()); vline.Vertical = true; vline.Resize(6, 480 - 37); box_left.PackEnd(vline); box_left.Show(); dir = args[0]; imageTable = new Table(Application.EE.Get(), items); HBox box_images = new HBox(); box_images.Move(70, 37); box_images.Spacing = 0; box_images.Resize(640 - 70 - 2, 480 - 37 - 2); box_images.PackStart(imageTable); Application.EE.DataSet("box_images", box_images); Application.EE.DataSet("box_left", box_left); Application.EE.DataSet("box_icons", box_icons); Application.EE.DataSet("win_bg", win_bg); Application.EE.DataSet("vline", vline); Application.EE.DataSet("mb", mb); WaitCallback callback = new WaitCallback(Callback); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback); win.ShowAll(); Application.Run(); }
public DotNetRunConfigurationEditorWidget(bool includeAdvancedTab) { VBox mainBox = new VBox(); mainBox.Margin = 12; mainBox.PackStart(new Label { Markup = GettextCatalog.GetString("Start Action") }); var table = new Table(); table.Add(radioStartProject = new RadioButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Start project")), 0, 0); table.Add(radioStartApp = new RadioButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Start external program:")), 0, 1); table.Add(appEntry = new Xwt.FileSelector(), 1, 1, hexpand: true); table.Add(appEntryInfoIcon = new InformationPopoverWidget(), 2, 1); appEntryInfoIcon.Hide(); radioStartProject.Group = radioStartApp.Group; table.MarginLeft = 12; mainBox.PackStart(table); mainBox.PackStart(new HSeparator() { MarginTop = 8, MarginBottom = 8 }); table = new Table(); table.Add(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Arguments:")), 0, 0); table.Add(argumentsEntry = new TextEntry(), 1, 0, hexpand: true); table.Add(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Run in directory:")), 0, 1); table.Add(workingDir = new FolderSelector(), 1, 1, hexpand: true); mainBox.PackStart(table); mainBox.PackStart(new HSeparator() { MarginTop = 8, MarginBottom = 8 }); mainBox.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Environment Variables"))); envVars = new EnvironmentVariableCollectionEditor(); mainBox.PackStart(envVars, true); mainBox.PackStart(new HSeparator() { MarginTop = 8, MarginBottom = 8 }); HBox cbox = new HBox(); cbox.PackStart(externalConsole = new CheckBox(GettextCatalog.GetString("Run on external console"))); cbox.PackStart(pauseConsole = new CheckBox(GettextCatalog.GetString("Pause console output"))); mainBox.PackStart(cbox); Add(mainBox, GettextCatalog.GetString("General")); var adBox = new VBox(); adBox.Margin = 12; table = new Table(); table.Add(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Execute in .NET Runtime:")), 0, 0); table.Add(runtimesCombo = new ComboBox(), 1, 0, hexpand: true); table.Add(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Mono runtime settings:")), 0, 1); var box = new HBox(); Button monoSettingsButton = new Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("...")); box.PackStart(monoSettingsEntry = new TextEntry { PlaceholderText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Default settings") }, true); box.PackStart(monoSettingsButton); monoSettingsEntry.ReadOnly = true; table.Add(box, 1, 1, hexpand: true); adBox.PackStart(table); if (includeAdvancedTab) { Add(adBox, GettextCatalog.GetString("Advanced")); } monoSettingsButton.Clicked += EditRuntimeClicked; radioStartProject.ActiveChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateStatus(); externalConsole.Toggled += (sender, e) => UpdateStatus(); LoadRuntimes(); appEntry.FileChanged += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); argumentsEntry.Changed += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); workingDir.FolderChanged += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); envVars.Changed += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); externalConsole.Toggled += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); pauseConsole.Toggled += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); runtimesCombo.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); monoSettingsEntry.Changed += (sender, e) => NotifyChanged(); }
public SearchResultsPage (FileSearch search) { VPaned paned; TreeViewColumn column; ToolItem spacerItem; ToolItem filterItem; Alignment filterAlignment; ToolButton searchAgainToolButton; = search; downloadToolButton = new ToolButton(new Image("gtk-save", IconSize.LargeToolbar), "Download"); downloadToolButton.IsImportant = true; downloadToolButton.Sensitive = false; downloadToolButton.Clicked += DownloadToolButtonClicked; searchAgainToolButton = new ToolButton(new Image("gtk-refresh", IconSize.LargeToolbar), "Search Again"); searchAgainToolButton.IsImportant = true; searchAgainToolButton.Clicked += SearchAgainToolButtonClicked; spacerItem = new ToolItem(); spacerItem.Expand = true; filterButton = new ToggleButton("Filter Results"); filterButton.Image = new Image(Gui.LoadIcon(16, "application-x-executable")); filterButton.Toggled += delegate (object o, EventArgs args) { this.ShowFilter = filterButton.Active; }; filterAlignment = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0); filterAlignment.Add(filterButton); filterItem = new ToolItem(); filterItem.Add(filterAlignment); browseToolButton = new ToolButton(new Image("gtk-open", IconSize.LargeToolbar), "Browse"); browseToolButton.IsImportant = true; browseToolButton.Sensitive = false; browseToolButton.Clicked += BrowseToolButtonClicked; toolbar = new Toolbar(); toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; toolbar.Insert(downloadToolButton, -1); toolbar.Insert(browseToolButton, -1); toolbar.Insert(spacerItem, -1); toolbar.Insert(filterItem, -1); toolbar.Insert(new SeparatorToolItem(), -1); toolbar.Insert(searchAgainToolButton, -1); toolbar.ShowAll(); this.PackStart(toolbar, false, false, 0); resultCountByTypeCache = new Dictionary<FilterType, int>(); Gdk.Pixbuf audioPixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "audio-x-generic"); Gdk.Pixbuf videoPixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "video-x-generic"); Gdk.Pixbuf imagePixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "image-x-generic"); Gdk.Pixbuf docPixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "x-office-document"); unknownPixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "text-x-generic"); folderPixbuf = Gui.LoadIcon(16, "folder"); typeStore = new ListStore(typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(FilterType)); typeStore.AppendValues(null, "All Results", FilterType.All); typeStore.AppendValues(null, "-"); typeStore.AppendValues(audioPixbuf, "Audio", FilterType.Audio); typeStore.AppendValues(videoPixbuf, "Video", FilterType.Video); typeStore.AppendValues(imagePixbuf, "Images", FilterType.Image); typeStore.AppendValues(docPixbuf, "Documents", FilterType.Document); typeStore.AppendValues(folderPixbuf, "Folders", FilterType.Folder); typeStore.AppendValues(unknownPixbuf, "Other", FilterType.Other); typeTree = new TreeView(); typeTree.HeadersVisible = false; typeTree.RowSeparatorFunc = delegate (TreeModel m, TreeIter i) { string text = (string)m.GetValue(i, 1); return (text == "-"); }; typeTree.Selection.Changed += TypeSelectionChanged; typeTree.Model = typeStore; CellRendererPixbuf pixbufCell = new CellRendererPixbuf(); CellRendererText textCell = new CellRendererText(); CellRendererText countTextCell = new CellRendererText(); countTextCell.Sensitive = false; countTextCell.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Right; countTextCell.Xalign = 1; column = new TreeViewColumn(); column.PackStart(pixbufCell, false); column.PackStart(textCell, true); column.PackStart(countTextCell, false); column.AddAttribute(pixbufCell, "pixbuf", 0); column.AddAttribute(textCell, "text", 1); column.SetCellDataFunc(countTextCell, new TreeCellDataFunc(TypeCountCellFunc)); typeTree.AppendColumn(column); TreeView artistTree = new TreeView(); artistTree.HeadersVisible = false; TreeView albumTree = new TreeView(); albumTree.HeadersVisible = false; HBox topBox = new HBox(); topBox.PackStart(Gui.AddScrolledWindow(typeTree), true, true, 0); topBox.PackStart(Gui.AddScrolledWindow(artistTree), true, true, 1); topBox.PackStart(Gui.AddScrolledWindow(albumTree), true, true, 0); topBox.Homogeneous = true; resultsStore = new ListStore(typeof(SearchResult)); resultsStore.RowInserted += delegate { Refilter(); }; resultsStore.RowDeleted += delegate { Refilter(); }; resultsTree = new TreeView(); resultsTree.RowActivated += resultsTree_RowActivated; resultsTree.ButtonPressEvent += resultsTree_ButtonPressEvent; resultsTree.Selection.Changed += ResultsTreeSelectionChanged; imageColumns = new List<TreeViewColumn>(); audioColumns = new List<TreeViewColumn>(); videoColumns = new List<TreeViewColumn>(); fileOnlyColumns = new List<TreeViewColumn>(); folderOnlyColumns = new List<TreeViewColumn>(); column = new TreeViewColumn(); column.Title = "File Name"; column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Autosize; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 0; //resultsTree.ExpanderColumn = column; CellRenderer cell = new CellRendererPixbuf(); column.PackStart(cell, false); column.SetCellDataFunc(cell, new TreeCellDataFunc(IconFunc)); cell = new CellRendererText(); column.PackStart(cell, true); column.SetCellDataFunc(cell, new TreeCellDataFunc(FileNameFunc)); resultsTree.AppendColumn(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Codec", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(CodecFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 120; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 1; videoColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Format", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(FormatFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 90; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 2; imageColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Resolution", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(ResolutionFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 90; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 3; videoColumns.Add(column); imageColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Artist", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(ArtistFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 110; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 4; audioColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Album", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(AlbumFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 110; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 5; audioColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Bitrate", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(BitrateFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 70; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 6; audioColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Size", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(SizeFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 70; column.SortColumnId = 7; column.Resizable = true; fileOnlyColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Sources", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(SourcesFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 85; column.SortColumnId = 8; column.Resizable = true; fileOnlyColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("User", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(UserFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Sizing = TreeViewColumnSizing.Fixed; column.FixedWidth = 85; column.SortColumnId = 8; column.Resizable = true; folderOnlyColumns.Add(column); column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Full Path", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(FullPathFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 9; column = resultsTree.AppendColumn("Info Hash", new CellRendererText(), new TreeCellDataFunc(InfoHashFunc)); column.Clickable = true; column.Resizable = true; column.SortColumnId = 10; fileOnlyColumns.Add(column); resultsFilter = new TreeModelFilter(resultsStore, null); resultsFilter.VisibleFunc = resultsFilterFunc; resultsSort = new TreeModelSort(resultsFilter); for (int x = 0; x < resultsTree.Columns.Length; x++) { resultsSort.SetSortFunc(x, resultsSortFunc); } resultsTree.Model = resultsSort; ScrolledWindow resultsTreeSW = new ScrolledWindow(); resultsTreeSW.Add(resultsTree); paned = new VPaned(); paned.Add1(topBox); paned.Add2(resultsTreeSW); paned.Position = 160; paned.ShowAll(); filterWidget = new FilterWidget(search); filterWidget.FiltersChanged += filterWidget_FiltersChanged; filterWidget.Hidden += filterWidget_Hidden; this.PackStart(filterWidget, false, false, 0); this.PackStart(paned, true, true, 0); TypeSelectionChanged(typeTree, EventArgs.Empty); search.NewResults += (NewResultsEventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch(new NewResultsEventHandler(search_NewResults)); search.ClearedResults += (EventHandler)DispatchService.GuiDispatch(new EventHandler(search_ClearedResults)); resultPopupMenu = new Menu(); browseResultMenuItem = new ImageMenuItem("Browse"); browseResultMenuItem.Image = new Image(Gui.LoadIcon(16, "document-open")); browseResultMenuItem.Activated += BrowseToolButtonClicked; resultPopupMenu.Append(browseResultMenuItem); downloadResultMenuItem = new ImageMenuItem("Download"); downloadResultMenuItem.Image = new Image(Gui.LoadIcon(16, "go-down")); downloadResultMenuItem.Activated += DownloadToolButtonClicked; resultPopupMenu.Append(downloadResultMenuItem); resultPropertiesMenuItem = new ImageMenuItem(Gtk.Stock.Properties, null); resultPropertiesMenuItem.Activated += FilePropertiesButtonClicked; resultPopupMenu.Append(resultPropertiesMenuItem); }
public VerticalSliderSamples() { var slv1 = new VSlider { MinimumValue = 50, MaximumValue = 100 }; var lblv1 = new Label(slv1.Value.ToString("F")); slv1.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lblv1.Text = (slv1.Value).ToString("F"); }; var slv2 = new VSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 0, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = true, }; var lblv2 = new Label(slv2.Value.ToString("F")); slv2.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lblv2.Text = (slv2.Value).ToString("F"); }; var slv3 = new VSlider { MinimumValue = -9, MaximumValue = 9, StepIncrement = 2, SnapToTicks = false, }; var lblv3 = new Label(slv3.Value.ToString("F")); slv3.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { lblv3.Text = (slv2.Value = slv3.Value).ToString("F"); }; var slv4 = new VSlider { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 20, StepIncrement = 0.05 }; var lblv4 = new Label(slv4.Value.ToString("F")); lblv4.ExpandVertical = false; var slv4box = new HBox(); slv4box.PackStart(lblv4, false, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Start, hpos: WidgetPlacement.End); slv4box.PackStart(slv4, false, false); slv4.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { var offset = Math.Abs(slv4.Value) % slv4.StepIncrement; if (Math.Abs(offset) > double.Epsilon) { if (offset > slv4.StepIncrement / 2) { if (slv4.Value >= 0) { slv4.Value += -offset + slv4.StepIncrement; } else { slv4.Value += offset - slv4.StepIncrement; } } else if (slv4.Value >= 0) { slv4.Value -= offset; } else { slv4.Value += offset; } } lblv4.MarginTop = slv4.SliderPosition - (lblv4.Size.Height / 2); if (lblv4.MarginTop + lblv4.Size.Height > slv4.Size.Height) { lblv4.MarginTop = slv4.Size.Height - lblv4.Size.Height; } if (lblv4.MarginTop < 0) { lblv4.MarginTop = 0; } lblv4.Text = (slv4.Value).ToString("F2"); }; slv4.Value = slv4.MaximumValue; var slv4Labels = new VBox(); slv4Labels.PackStart(new Label("20"), true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Start); slv4Labels.PackStart(new Label("10"), true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); slv4Labels.PackStart(new Label("0"), true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.End); slv4box.PackStart(slv4Labels, false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Start); Add(slv1, 0, 1, vexpand: true, hexpand: true, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(lblv1, 0, 0, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(slv2, 1, 1, vexpand: true, hexpand: true, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(lblv2, 1, 0, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(slv3, 2, 1, vexpand: true, hexpand: true, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(lblv3, 2, 0, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); Add(slv4box, 3, 1, vexpand: true, hexpand: true, hpos: WidgetPlacement.Center); }
static void SetUpGui () { Button b; Window w = new Window ("Eap Editor"); //w.BorderWidth = 10; Table tableLayout = new Table(10, 2, false); //tableLayout.BorderWidth = 6; //tableLayout.ColumnSpacing = 6; //tableLayout.RowSpacing = 6; Image im = new Image ("data/icon.png"); // b = new Button (im); tableLayout.Attach (im, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); b = new Button ("App name:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Generic Info:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Comments:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Executable:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Window Name:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 5, 6, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Window Class:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 6, 7, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Startup notify:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 7, 8, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Wait Exit:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 8, 9, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Select Icon"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); appname_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (appname_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2); geninfo_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (geninfo_entry, 1, 2, 2, 3); comments_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (comments_entry, 1, 2, 3, 4); exe_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (exe_entry, 1, 2, 4, 5); winname_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (winname_entry, 1, 2, 5, 6); winclass_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (winclass_entry, 1, 2, 6, 7); CheckButton start_cbox = new CheckButton (); start_cbox.Toggled += toggle_start_cbox; tableLayout.Attach (start_cbox, 1, 2, 7, 8); CheckButton wait_cbox= new CheckButton (); wait_cbox.Toggled += toggle_wait_cbox; tableLayout.Attach (wait_cbox, 1, 2, 8, 9); HBox h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 0; tableLayout.Attach (h, 0, 2, 9, 10); VBox v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Save"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Cancel"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); w.Add (tableLayout); w.ShowAll (); }
public DefaultPolicyOptionsDialog(Gtk.Window parentWindow) : base(parentWindow, new PolicySet(), "/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/Gui/DefaultPolicyPanels") { this.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Custom Policies"); editingSet = (PolicySet)DataObject; HBox topBar = new HBox(); topBar.Spacing = 3; topBar.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Editing Policy:")), false, false, 0); policiesCombo = ComboBox.NewText(); topBar.PackStart(policiesCombo, false, false, 0); deleteButton = new Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Delete Policy")); topBar.PackEnd(deleteButton, false, false, 0); exportButton = new MenuButton(); exportButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Export"); exportButton.MenuCreator = delegate { Gtk.Menu menu = new Gtk.Menu(); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("To file...")); mi.Activated += HandleToFile; menu.Insert(mi, -1); mi = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("To project or solution...")); mi.Activated += HandleToProject; if (!IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) { mi.Sensitive = false; } menu.Insert(mi, -1); menu.ShowAll(); return(menu); }; topBar.PackEnd(exportButton, false, false, 0); newButton = new MenuButton(); newButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Add Policy"); newButton.MenuCreator = delegate { Gtk.Menu menu = new Gtk.Menu(); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("New policy...")); mi.Activated += HandleNewButtonClicked; menu.Insert(mi, -1); mi = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("From file...")); mi.Activated += HandleFromFile; menu.Insert(mi, -1); mi = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("From project or solution...")); mi.Activated += HandleFromProject; if (!IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) { mi.Sensitive = false; } menu.Insert(mi, -1); menu.ShowAll(); return(menu); }; topBar.PackEnd(newButton, false, false, 0); Alignment align = new Alignment(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); align.LeftPadding = 9; align.TopPadding = 9; align.RightPadding = 9; align.BottomPadding = 9; align.Add(topBar); HeaderBox ebox = new HeaderBox(); ebox.GradientBackground = true; ebox.SetMargins(0, 1, 0, 0); ebox.Add(align); ebox.ShowAll(); VBox.PackStart(ebox, false, false, 0); VBox.BorderWidth = 0; Box.BoxChild c = (Box.BoxChild)VBox [ebox]; c.Position = 0; foreach (PolicySet ps in PolicyService.GetUserPolicySets()) { PolicySet copy = ps.Clone(); originalSets [copy] = ps; sets.Add(copy); } FillPolicySets(); policiesCombo.Changed += HandlePoliciesComboChanged; deleteButton.Clicked += HandleDeleteButtonClicked; }
public SelectReferenceDialog() { Build(); combinedBox = new CombinedBox(); combinedBox.Show(); mainBook = new Notebook(); combinedBox.Add(mainBook); alignment1.Add(combinedBox); mainBook.ShowAll(); filterEntry = combinedBox.FilterEntry; boxRefs.WidthRequest = 200; refTreeStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(ProjectReference), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image)); ReferencesTreeView.Model = refTreeStore; TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn(); col.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Reference"); CellRendererImage crp = new CellRendererImage(); crp.Yalign = 0f; col.PackStart(crp, false); col.AddAttribute(crp, "image", IconColumn); var text_render = new CustomSelectedReferenceCellRenderer(); col.PackStart(text_render, true); col.AddAttribute(text_render, "text-markup", NameColumn); col.AddAttribute(text_render, "secondary-text-markup", SecondaryNameColumn); text_render.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End; ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn(col); // ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Type"), new CellRendererText (), "text", TypeNameColumn); // ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Location"), new CellRendererText (), "text", LocationColumn); projectRefPanel = new ProjectReferencePanel(this); packageRefPanel = new PackageReferencePanel(this, false); allRefPanel = new PackageReferencePanel(this, true); assemblyRefPanel = new AssemblyReferencePanel(this); panels.Add(allRefPanel); panels.Add(packageRefPanel); panels.Add(projectRefPanel); panels.Add(assemblyRefPanel); //mainBook.RemovePage (mainBook.CurrentPage); HBox tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Reference, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("_All")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(allRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Package, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("_Packages")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(packageRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Project, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Pro_jects")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(projectRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.OpenFolder, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString(".Net A_ssembly")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(assemblyRefPanel, tab); mainBook.Page = 0; var w = selectedHeader.Child; selectedHeader.Remove(w); HeaderBox header = new HeaderBox(1, 0, 1, 1); header.SetPadding(6, 6, 6, 6); header.GradientBackground = true; header.Add(w); selectedHeader.Add(header); RemoveReferenceButton.CanFocus = true; ReferencesTreeView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnChanged); Child.ShowAll(); OnChanged(null, null); InsertFilterEntry(); }
private void Build() { _type = new ComboBox(_options); _type.Changed += OnProviderChange; _userLabel = new Label("Username"); _username = new Entry(); _username.Changed += OnTextChange; _passLabel = new Label("Password"); _password = new Entry() { Visibility = false }; _password.Changed += OnTextChange; _defAnimeCheck = new CheckButton("Use this account for managing anime") { Name = "defAnime", Sensitive = false }; _defAnimeCheck.Toggled += OnToggle; _defMangaCheck = new CheckButton("Use this account for managing manga") { Name = "defManga", Sensitive = false }; _defMangaCheck.Toggled += OnToggle; _okButton = new Button("OK"); _okButton.SetSizeRequest(70, 30); _okButton.CanDefault = true; _okButton.Clicked += OnOkButton; _okButton.Sensitive = false; _cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); _cancelButton.SetSizeRequest(70, 30); _cancelButton.Clicked += delegate { Respond(ResponseType.Cancel); }; var hb1 = new HBox(); hb1.PackStart(_userLabel, false, false, 7); hb1.Add(_username); VBox.Add(hb1); var hb2 = new HBox(); hb2.PackStart(_passLabel, false, true, 7); hb2.Add(_password); VBox.Add(hb2); var bb = new VButtonBox { _defAnimeCheck, _defMangaCheck }; VBox.Add(bb); var hb3 = new HBox(); hb3.PackStart(new Label("Type"), false, false, 7); hb3.Add(_type); VBox.Add(hb3); ActionArea.Add(_okButton); _okButton.GrabDefault(); // Activates when you hit enter ActionArea.Add(_cancelButton); ShowAll(); }