public void H5TcreateTest1() { hid_t dtype = H5T.create(H5T.class_t.STRING, H5T.VARIABLE); Assert.IsTrue(dtype >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.is_variable_str(dtype) > 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.close(dtype) >= 0); }
public static bool WriteStringAttribute(hid_t hid, string key, string value, bool utf8 = true, bool variable = true) { if (H5A.exists(hid, key) == 0) { // Attribute doesn't exist. return(variable ? CreateOrOverwriteVariableStringAttribute(hid, key, new string[] { value }, utf8) : CreateOrOverwriteFixedStringAttribute(hid, key, value, utf8)); } else { var attribute =, key); if (attribute < 0) { return(false); } var type = H5A.get_type(attribute); if (type < 0) { H5A.close(attribute); return(false); } var typeClass = H5T.get_class(type); if (typeClass == H5T.class_t.NO_CLASS) { H5T.close(type); H5T.close(attribute); return(false); } if (typeClass != H5T.class_t.STRING) { H5T.close(type); H5T.close(attribute); throw new ArgumentException("H5T.get_class(type) != H5T.class_t.STRING"); } utf8 = H5T.get_cset(type) == H5T.cset_t.UTF8; bool ok; if (H5T.is_variable_str(type) > 0) { ok = CreateOrOverwriteVariableStringAttribute(hid, key, new string[] { value }, utf8); } else { ok = CreateOrOverwriteFixedStringAttribute(hid, key, value, utf8); } H5T.close(type); H5T.close(attribute); return(ok); } }
public static string ReadUnicodeString(hid_t groupId, string name) { var datasetId =, name); var typeId = H5D.get_type(datasetId); if (H5T.is_variable_str(typeId) > 0) { var spaceId = H5D.get_space(datasetId); hid_t count = H5S.get_simple_extent_npoints(spaceId); IntPtr[] rdata = new IntPtr[count]; GCHandle hnd = GCHandle.Alloc(rdata, GCHandleType.Pinned);, typeId, H5S.ALL, H5S.ALL, H5P.DEFAULT, hnd.AddrOfPinnedObject()); var attrStrings = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < rdata.Length; ++i) { int attrLength = 0; while (Marshal.ReadByte(rdata[i], attrLength) != 0) { ++attrLength; } byte[] buffer = new byte[attrLength]; Marshal.Copy(rdata[i], buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string stringPart = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); attrStrings.Add(stringPart); H5.free_memory(rdata[i]); } hnd.Free(); H5S.close(spaceId); H5D.close(datasetId); return(attrStrings[0]); } // Must be a non-variable length string. int size = H5T.get_size(typeId).ToInt32(); IntPtr iPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); int result =, typeId, H5S.ALL, H5S.ALL, H5P.DEFAULT, iPtr); if (result < 0) { throw new IOException("Failed to read dataset"); } var strDest = new byte[size]; Marshal.Copy(iPtr, strDest, 0, size); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(iPtr); H5D.close(datasetId); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(strDest).TrimEnd((Char)0)); }
public static string ReadStringAttribute(hid_t hid, string key) { var attribute =, key); if (attribute < 0) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Attribute {0} not found.", key)); } var type = H5A.get_type(attribute); if (type < 0) { H5A.close(attribute); throw new Exception("H5A.get_type failed."); } var typeClass = H5T.get_class(type); if (typeClass != H5T.class_t.STRING) { H5T.close(type); throw new Exception("Not a string attribute"); } var utf8 = H5T.get_cset(type) == H5T.cset_t.UTF8; var ascii = H5T.get_cset(type) == H5T.cset_t.ASCII; if (!utf8 && !ascii) { H5T.close(type); H5A.close(attribute); throw new Exception("Neither ASCII nor UTF8."); } var isVariableString = H5T.is_variable_str(type); if (isVariableString < 0) { H5T.close(type); H5A.close(attribute); throw new Exception("H5T.is_variable_str failed"); } if (isVariableString > 0) { var space = H5A.get_space(attribute); if (space < 0) { H5T.close(type); H5A.close(attribute); throw new Exception("H5A.get_space failed."); } hid_t count = H5S.get_simple_extent_npoints(space); var rdata = new IntPtr[count];, type, new PinnedObject(rdata)); var attrStrings = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < rdata.Length; ++i) { int attrLength = 0; while (Marshal.ReadByte(rdata[i], attrLength) != 0) { ++attrLength; } byte[] buffer = new byte[attrLength]; Marshal.Copy(rdata[i], buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string part = utf8 ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer) : Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer); attrStrings.Add(part); H5.free_memory(rdata[i]); } H5S.close(space); H5T.close(type); H5A.close(attribute); return(attrStrings[0]); } // Must be a non-variable length string. var size = H5T.get_size(type).ToInt32(); var unmanagedBuffer = new UnmanagedBuffer(size); int result =, type, unmanagedBuffer); if (result < 0) { H5T.close(type); H5D.close(attribute); throw new IOException("Failed to read attribute."); } var bytes = new byte[size]; unmanagedBuffer.CopyTo(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); H5T.close(type); H5A.close(attribute); var value = utf8 ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes) : Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); return(value.TrimEnd('\0')); }
public static bool WriteFixedStringAttribute(hid_t attribute, string value, bool utf8) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } var space = H5A.get_space(attribute); if (space < 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to get data space"); } if (H5S.get_simple_extent_type(space) != H5S.class_t.SCALAR) { H5S.close(space); throw new Exception("Not a scalar data space"); } H5S.close(space); var type = H5A.get_type(attribute); if (type < 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to get type"); } var typeClass = H5T.get_class(type); if (typeClass != H5T.class_t.STRING) { H5T.close(type); throw new Exception("Not a string attribute"); } var isVariableString = H5T.is_variable_str(type); H5T.close(type); if (isVariableString < 0) { throw new Exception("H5T.is_variable_str failed"); } if (isVariableString > 0) { throw new Exception("Not a fixed string attribute"); } // TODO: Do we really need to create a new memory type here? var bytes = value.ToBytes(utf8); var memType = CreateFixedStringType(bytes, utf8); // TODO: type or memType here? H5A.write(attribute, memType, new PinnedObject(bytes)); H5T.close(memType); return(true); }
public void H5TinsertTest1() { // a fixed-length string type hid_t fls = H5T.create(H5T.class_t.STRING, new IntPtr(16)); Assert.IsTrue(fls >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.is_variable_str(fls) == 0); // a variable-length string type hid_t vls = H5T.create(H5T.class_t.STRING, H5T.VARIABLE); Assert.IsTrue(vls >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.is_variable_str(vls) > 0); // a key-value compound IntPtr size = new IntPtr(16 + IntPtr.Size); hid_t kvt = H5T.create(H5T.class_t.COMPOUND, size); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.insert(kvt, "key", IntPtr.Zero, fls) >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.insert(kvt, "value", new IntPtr(16), vls) >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.close(vls) >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.close(fls) >= 0); // create a key-value dataset (3 elements) hid_t fsp = H5S.create_simple(1, new hsize_t[] { 3 }, null); Assert.IsTrue(fsp >= 0); hid_t dset = H5D.create(m_v2_class_file, "KeyVal", kvt, fsp); Assert.IsTrue(dset >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5S.close(fsp) >= 0); // write a 3 elements string[] keys = new string[] { "Key0123456789ABC", "Key0123456789DEF", "Key0123456789GHI" }; IntPtr[] values = new IntPtr[3]; values[0] = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("I am a managed String!"); values[1] = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("I am also a managed String!"); values[2] = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("I am another managed String!"); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { writer.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(keys[i])); if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { writer.Write(values[i].ToInt64()); } else { writer.Write(values[i].ToInt32()); } } byte[] wdata = ms.ToArray(); GCHandle hnd = GCHandle.Alloc(wdata, GCHandleType.Pinned); Assert.IsTrue(H5D.write(dset, kvt, H5S.ALL, H5S.ALL, H5P.DEFAULT, hnd.AddrOfPinnedObject()) >= 0); hnd.Free(); // now read it back byte[] rdata = new byte[3 * size.ToInt32()]; hnd = GCHandle.Alloc(rdata, GCHandleType.Pinned); Assert.IsTrue(, kvt, H5S.ALL, H5S.ALL, H5P.DEFAULT, hnd.AddrOfPinnedObject()) >= 0); hnd.Free(); // check it out MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(rdata); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { string k = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(16)); Assert.IsTrue(k == keys[i]); IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { ptr = new IntPtr(reader.ReadInt64()); } else { ptr = new IntPtr(reader.ReadInt32()); } string v = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr); Assert.IsTrue(v == Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(values[i])); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(values[i]); } Assert.IsTrue(H5D.close(dset) >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(H5T.close(kvt) >= 0); }