Пример #1
        public bool[] GetMeshVisibilities()
            if (State == AnimationState.Stopped)

            if (State != AnimationState.Playing || Elements.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                int Index = Indices[i];

                H3DAnimationElement Elem = Elements[i];

                if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Boolean)
                    bool Value = ((H3DAnimBoolean)Elem.Content).GetFrameValue((int)Frame);

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.MeshNodeVisibility: Visibilities[Index] = Value; break;

Пример #2
        public CameraState GetCameraState()
            if (State == AnimationState.Stopped)

            if (State != AnimationState.Playing || Elements.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                H3DAnimationElement Elem = Elements[i];

                if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Transform)
                else if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Vector3D)
                    H3DAnimVector3D Vector = (H3DAnimVector3D)Elem.Content;

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.CameraUpVector:     SetVector3(Vector, ref CamState.UpVector);     break;

                    case H3DTargetType.CameraTargetPos:    SetVector3(Vector, ref CamState.Target);       break;

                    case H3DTargetType.CameraViewRotation: SetVector3(Vector, ref CamState.ViewRotation); break;
                else if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Float)
                    H3DFloatKeyFrameGroup Float = ((H3DAnimFloat)Elem.Content).Value;

                    if (!Float.Exists)

                    float Value = Float.GetFrameValue(Frame);

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.CameraZNear: CamState.ZNear = Value; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.CameraZFar:  CamState.ZFar = Value; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.CameraTwist: CamState.Twist = Value; break;

Пример #3
        private bool GetBoneRT(
            H3DAnimation Anim,
            H3DDict <H3DBone> Skeleton,
            string Name,
            int Frame,
            out Vector3 Rotation,
            out Vector3 Translation)
            if (!Skeleton.Contains(Name))
                Rotation    = Vector3.Zero;
                Translation = Vector3.Zero;


            H3DBone PoseBone = Skeleton[Name];

            Rotation    = PoseBone.Rotation;
            Translation = PoseBone.Translation;

            H3DAnimationElement Bone = Anim.Elements.Find(x => x.Name == Name);

            if (Bone != null)
                H3DAnimTransform Transform = (H3DAnimTransform)Bone.Content;

                if (Transform.RotationX.Exists)
                    Rotation.X = Transform.RotationX.GetFrameValue(Frame);
                if (Transform.RotationY.Exists)
                    Rotation.Y = Transform.RotationY.GetFrameValue(Frame);
                if (Transform.RotationZ.Exists)
                    Rotation.Z = Transform.RotationZ.GetFrameValue(Frame);

                if (Transform.TranslationX.Exists)
                    Translation.X = Transform.TranslationX.GetFrameValue(Frame);
                if (Transform.TranslationY.Exists)
                    Translation.Y = Transform.TranslationY.GetFrameValue(Frame);
                if (Transform.TranslationZ.Exists)
                    Translation.Z = Transform.TranslationZ.GetFrameValue(Frame);

Пример #4
        public H3DAnimation ToH3DSkeletalAnimation(H3DDict <H3DBone> Skeleton)
            H3DAnimation Output = new H3DAnimation()
                Name          = "GFMotion",
                FramesCount   = FramesCount,
                AnimationType = H3DAnimationType.Skeletal

            foreach (GF1MotBoneTransform Bone in Bones)
                H3DAnimTransform Transform = new H3DAnimTransform();

                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.TranslationX, Transform.TranslationX, 0);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.TranslationY, Transform.TranslationY, 1);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.TranslationZ, Transform.TranslationZ, 2);

                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.RotationX, Transform.RotationX, 3);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.RotationY, Transform.RotationY, 4);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.RotationZ, Transform.RotationZ, 5);

                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.ScaleX, Transform.ScaleX, 6);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.ScaleY, Transform.ScaleY, 7);
                SetKeyFrameGroup(Bone.ScaleZ, Transform.ScaleZ, 8);

                Output.Elements.Add(new H3DAnimationElement()
                    Name          = Bone.Name,
                    Content       = Transform,
                    TargetType    = H3DTargetType.Bone,
                    PrimitiveType = H3DPrimitiveType.Transform

            //If we don't have a Skeleton then can't convert anything, just return with
            //what we have.
            if (Skeleton == null)

             * Transform World Space bones to Local Space.
             * Not all animations have those.
             * This can be improved, for example, by supporting Scales aswell,
             * and checking for the special case where the World Space bone have no parent.
             * Those cases doesn't actually happen in any of the observed animations,
             * but it's always good pratice to check all fail paths.
            int AnimIdx = 0;

            foreach (GF1MotBoneTransform Bone in Bones)
                if (Bone.IsWorldSpace)
                    if (!Skeleton.Contains(Bone.Name))

                    H3DBone PoseBone = Skeleton[Bone.Name];

                    Vector3[] LocalTrans = new Vector3[FramesCount + 1];
                    Vector3[] ParentRot  = new Vector3[FramesCount + 1];

                    int    BoneIndex   = Skeleton.Find(Bone.Name);
                    int    ParentIndex = Skeleton[BoneIndex].ParentIndex;
                    string ParentName  = Skeleton[ParentIndex].Name;

                    for (int Frame = 0; Frame < FramesCount + 1; Frame++)
                        Matrix4x4 Transform = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                        int b = BoneIndex;

                        while ((b = Skeleton[b].ParentIndex) != -1)
                                out Vector3 R,
                                out Vector3 T);

                            Transform *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationX(R.X);
                            Transform *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(R.Y);
                            Transform *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ(R.Z);
                            Transform *= Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(T);

                            out Vector3 PR,
                            out Vector3 PT);

                            out Vector3 BR,
                            out Vector3 BT);

                        Matrix4x4.Invert(Transform, out Matrix4x4 ITransform);

                        BT = Vector3.Transform(BT, ITransform);

                        Quaternion Rotation = VectorExtensions.CreateRotationBetweenVectors(PT, BT);

                        LocalTrans[Frame] = Vector3.Transform(BT, Quaternion.Inverse(Rotation));

                        ParentRot[Frame] = Rotation.ToEuler();

                    H3DAnimationElement B_Anim = Output.Elements[AnimIdx];
                    H3DAnimationElement P_Anim = Output.Elements.Find(x => x.Name == ParentName);

                    if (P_Anim == null)
                        P_Anim = new H3DAnimationElement()
                            Name          = ParentName,
                            Content       = new H3DAnimTransform(),
                            TargetType    = H3DTargetType.Bone,
                            PrimitiveType = H3DPrimitiveType.Transform


                    H3DAnimTransform B_AT = (H3DAnimTransform)B_Anim.Content;
                    H3DAnimTransform P_AT = (H3DAnimTransform)P_Anim.Content;

                    AddVectors(LocalTrans, B_AT.TranslationX, B_AT.TranslationY, B_AT.TranslationZ);

                    if (!P_AT.RotationExists)
                        AddVectors(ParentRot, P_AT.RotationX, P_AT.RotationY, P_AT.RotationZ);


Пример #5
        public Matrix4[] GetSkeletonTransforms()
            if (State == AnimationState.Stopped)

            if (State != AnimationState.Playing || Elements.Count == 0)

            bool[] Skip = new bool[Transforms.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                int Index = Indices[i];

                Bone Bone = FrameSkeleton[Index];

                H3DAnimationElement Elem = Elements[i];

                switch (Elem.PrimitiveType)
                case H3DPrimitiveType.Transform:
                    SetBone((H3DAnimTransform)Elem.Content, Bone);


                case H3DPrimitiveType.QuatTransform:
                    SetBone((H3DAnimQuatTransform)Elem.Content, Bone);


                case H3DPrimitiveType.MtxTransform:
                    H3DAnimMtxTransform MtxTransform = (H3DAnimMtxTransform)Elem.Content;

                    Transforms[Index] = MtxTransform.GetTransform((int)Frame).ToMatrix4();

                    Skip[Index] = true;


            for (int Index = 0; Index < Transforms.Length; Index++)
                if (Skip[Index])

                Bone Bone = FrameSkeleton[Index];

                bool ScaleCompensate = (Skeleton[Index].Flags & H3DBoneFlags.IsSegmentScaleCompensate) != 0;

                ScaleCompensate &= Bone.Parent != null;

                Transforms[Index]  = Matrix4.CreateScale(Bone.Scale);
                Transforms[Index] *= Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(Bone.Rotation);
                Transforms[Index] *= ScaleCompensate
                    ? Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Bone.Translation * Bone.Parent.Scale)
                    : Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Bone.Translation);

                if (ScaleCompensate)
                    Transforms[Index] *= Matrix4.CreateScale(
                        1f / Bone.Parent.Scale.X,
                        1f / Bone.Parent.Scale.Y,
                        1f / Bone.Parent.Scale.Z);

                    Transforms[Index] *= Transforms[Bone.ParentIndex];
                else if (Bone.Parent != null)
                    Transforms[Index] *= Transforms[Bone.ParentIndex];

Пример #6
        public DAE(H3D Scene, int MdlIndex, int AnimIndex = -1)
            if (MdlIndex != -1)
                library_visual_scenes = new List <DAEVisualScene>();

                H3DModel Mdl = Scene.Models[MdlIndex];

                DAEVisualScene VN = new DAEVisualScene();

                VN.name = $"{Mdl.Name}_{MdlIndex.ToString("D2")}";
                VN.id   = $"{VN.name}_id";

                if (Mdl.Materials.Count > 0)
                    library_materials = new List <DAEMaterial>();
                    library_effects   = new List <DAEEffect>();

                foreach (H3DMaterial Mtl in Mdl.Materials)
                    string MtlName = $"{MdlIndex.ToString("D2")}_{Mtl.Name}";

                    DAEEffect Effect = new DAEEffect();

                    Effect.name = $"{Mtl.Name}_eff";
                    Effect.id   = $"{Effect.name}_id";

                    DAEEffectParam ImgSurface = new DAEEffectParam();
                    DAEEffectParam ImgSampler = new DAEEffectParam();

                    ImgSurface.surface   = new DAEEffectParamSurfaceElement();
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D = new DAEEffectParamSampler2DElement();

                    ImgSurface.sid               = $"{Mtl.Name}_surf";
                    ImgSurface.surface.type      = "2D";
                    ImgSurface.surface.init_from = Mtl.Texture0Name;
                    ImgSurface.surface.format    = "PNG";

                    ImgSampler.sid = $"{Mtl.Name}_samp";
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.source    = ImgSurface.sid;
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.wrap_s    = Mtl.TextureMappers[0].WrapU.ToDAEWrap();
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.wrap_t    = Mtl.TextureMappers[0].WrapV.ToDAEWrap();
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.minfilter = Mtl.TextureMappers[0].MinFilter.ToDAEFilter();
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.magfilter = Mtl.TextureMappers[0].MagFilter.ToDAEFilter();
                    ImgSampler.sampler2D.mipfilter = DAEFilter.LINEAR;


                    Effect.profile_COMMON.technique.sid = $"{Mtl.Name}_tech";
                    Effect.profile_COMMON.technique.phong.diffuse.texture.texture = ImgSampler.sid;


                    DAEMaterial Material = new DAEMaterial();

                    Material.name = $"{Mtl.Name}_mat";
                    Material.id   = $"{Material.name}_id";

                    Material.instance_effect.url = $"#{Effect.id}";


                //Skeleton nodes
                string RootBoneId = string.Empty;

                if ((Mdl.Skeleton?.Count ?? 0) > 0)
                    Queue <Tuple <H3DBone, DAENode> > ChildBones = new Queue <Tuple <H3DBone, DAENode> >();

                    DAENode RootNode = new DAENode();

                    ChildBones.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(Mdl.Skeleton[0], RootNode));

                    RootBoneId = $"#{Mdl.Skeleton[0].Name}_bone_id";

                    while (ChildBones.Count > 0)
                        Tuple <H3DBone, DAENode> Bone_Node = ChildBones.Dequeue();

                        H3DBone Bone = Bone_Node.Item1;

                        Bone_Node.Item2.id   = $"{Bone.Name}_bone_id";
                        Bone_Node.Item2.name = Bone.Name;
                        Bone_Node.Item2.sid  = Bone.Name;
                        Bone_Node.Item2.type = DAENodeType.JOINT;
                        Bone_Node.Item2.SetBoneEuler(Bone.Translation, Bone.Rotation, Bone.Scale);

                        foreach (H3DBone B in Mdl.Skeleton)
                            if (B.ParentIndex == -1)

                            H3DBone ParentBone = Mdl.Skeleton[B.ParentIndex];

                            if (ParentBone == Bone)
                                DAENode Node = new DAENode();

                                ChildBones.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(B, Node));

                                if (Bone_Node.Item2.Nodes == null)
                                    Bone_Node.Item2.Nodes = new List <DAENode>();



                if (Mdl.Meshes.Count > 0)
                    library_geometries = new List <DAEGeometry>();

                for (int MeshIndex = 0; MeshIndex < Mdl.Meshes.Count; MeshIndex++)
                    if (Mdl.Meshes[MeshIndex].Type == H3DMeshType.Silhouette)

                    H3DMesh Mesh = Mdl.Meshes[MeshIndex];

                    PICAVertex[] Vertices = MeshTransform.GetWorldSpaceVertices(Mdl.Skeleton, Mesh);

                    string MtlName = $"Mdl_{MdlIndex}_Mtl_{Mdl.Materials[Mesh.MaterialIndex].Name}";
                    string MtlTgt  = library_materials[Mesh.MaterialIndex].id;

                    for (int SMIndex = 0; SMIndex < Mesh.SubMeshes.Count; SMIndex++)
                        H3DSubMesh SM = Mesh.SubMeshes[SMIndex];

                        string ShortName = string.Empty;

                        if (Mdl.MeshNodesTree != null && Mesh.NodeIndex < Mdl.MeshNodesTree.Count)
                            ShortName = Mdl.MeshNodesTree.Find(Mesh.NodeIndex);

                        string MeshName = $"{ShortName}_{MeshIndex}_{SMIndex}";

                        DAEGeometry Geometry = new DAEGeometry();

                        Geometry.name = MeshName;
                        Geometry.id   = $"{Geometry.name}_geo_id";

                        string VertsId = $"{MeshName}_vtx_id";

                        Geometry.mesh.vertices.id        = VertsId;
                        Geometry.mesh.triangles.material = MtlName;
                        Geometry.mesh.triangles.AddInput("VERTEX", $"#{VertsId}");

                        foreach (PICAAttribute Attr in Mesh.Attributes)
                            if (Attr.Name >= PICAAttributeName.BoneIndex)

                            string[] Values = new string[Vertices.Length];

                            for (int Index = 0; Index < Vertices.Length; Index++)
                                PICAVertex v = Vertices[Index];

                                switch (Attr.Name)
                                case PICAAttributeName.Position:  Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector3Str(v.Position);  break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.Normal:    Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector3Str(v.Normal);    break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.Tangent:   Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector3Str(v.Tangent);   break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.Color:     Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector4Str(v.Color);     break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord0: Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector2Str(v.TexCoord0); break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord1: Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector2Str(v.TexCoord1); break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord2: Values[Index] = DAEUtils.Vector2Str(v.TexCoord2); break;

                            int Elements = 0;

                            switch (Attr.Name)
                            case PICAAttributeName.Position:  Elements = 3; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.Normal:    Elements = 3; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.Tangent:   Elements = 3; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.Color:     Elements = 4; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord0: Elements = 2; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord1: Elements = 2; break;

                            case PICAAttributeName.TexCoord2: Elements = 2; break;

                            DAESource Source = new DAESource();

                            Source.name = $"{MeshName}_{Attr.Name}";
                            Source.id   = $"{Source.name}_id";

                            Source.float_array = new DAEArray()
                                id    = $"{Source.name}_array_id",
                                count = (uint)(Vertices.Length * Elements),
                                data  = string.Join(" ", Values)

                            DAEAccessor Accessor = new DAEAccessor()
                                source = $"#{Source.float_array.id}",
                                count  = (uint)Vertices.Length,
                                stride = (uint)Elements

                            switch (Elements)
                            case 2: Accessor.AddParams("float", "S", "T");           break;

                            case 3: Accessor.AddParams("float", "X", "Y", "Z");      break;

                            case 4: Accessor.AddParams("float", "R", "G", "B", "A"); break;

                            Source.technique_common.accessor = Accessor;


                            if (Attr.Name < PICAAttributeName.Color)
                                string Semantic = string.Empty;

                                switch (Attr.Name)
                                case PICAAttributeName.Position: Semantic = "POSITION"; break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.Normal:   Semantic = "NORMAL";   break;

                                case PICAAttributeName.Tangent:  Semantic = "TANGENT";  break;

                                Geometry.mesh.vertices.AddInput(Semantic, $"#{Source.id}");
                            else if (Attr.Name == PICAAttributeName.Color)
                                Geometry.mesh.triangles.AddInput("COLOR", $"#{Source.id}", 0);
                                Geometry.mesh.triangles.AddInput("TEXCOORD", $"#{Source.id}", 0, (uint)Attr.Name - 4);
                        } //Attributes Loop


                        bool HasController = SM.BoneIndicesCount > 0 && (Mdl.Skeleton?.Count ?? 0) > 0;

                        DAEController Controller = new DAEController();

                        if (HasController)
                            if (library_controllers == null)
                                library_controllers = new List <DAEController>();

                            Controller.name = $"{MeshName}_ctrl";
                            Controller.id   = $"{Controller.name}_id";

                            Controller.skin.source = $"#{Geometry.id}";
                            Controller.skin.vertex_weights.count = (uint)Vertices.Length;

                            string[] BoneNames = new string[Mdl.Skeleton.Count];
                            string[] BindPoses = new string[Mdl.Skeleton.Count];

                            for (int Index = 0; Index < Mdl.Skeleton.Count; Index++)
                                BoneNames[Index] = Mdl.Skeleton[Index].Name;
                                BindPoses[Index] = DAEUtils.MatrixStr(Mdl.Skeleton[Index].InverseTransform);

                            //4 is the max number of bones per vertex
                            int[] v      = new int[Vertices.Length * 4 * 2];
                            int[] vcount = new int[Vertices.Length];

                            Dictionary <string, int> Weights = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                            int vi = 0, vci = 0;

                            if (SM.Skinning == H3DSubMeshSkinning.Smooth)
                                foreach (PICAVertex Vertex in Vertices)
                                    int Count = 0;

                                    for (int Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++)
                                        int   BIndex = Vertex.Indices[Index];
                                        float Weight = Vertex.Weights[Index];

                                        if (Weight == 0)

                                        if (BIndex < SM.BoneIndices.Length && BIndex > -1)
                                            BIndex = SM.BoneIndices[BIndex];
                                            BIndex = 0;

                                        string WStr = Weight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                        v[vi++] = BIndex;

                                        if (Weights.ContainsKey(WStr))
                                            v[vi++] = Weights[WStr];
                                            v[vi++] = Weights.Count;

                                            Weights.Add(WStr, Weights.Count);


                                    vcount[vci++] = Count;
                                foreach (PICAVertex Vertex in Vertices)
                                    int BIndex = Vertex.Indices[0];

                                    if (BIndex < SM.BoneIndices.Length && BIndex > -1)
                                        BIndex = SM.BoneIndices[BIndex];
                                        BIndex = 0;

                                    v[vi++] = BIndex;
                                    v[vi++] = 0;

                                    vcount[vci++] = 1;

                                Weights.Add("1", 0);

                            Array.Resize(ref v, vi);

                            Controller.skin.src.Add(new DAESource($"{Controller.name}_names", 1, BoneNames, "JOINT", "Name"));
                            Controller.skin.src.Add(new DAESource($"{Controller.name}_poses", 16, BindPoses, "TRANSFORM", "float4x4"));
                            Controller.skin.src.Add(new DAESource($"{Controller.name}_weights", 1, Weights.Keys.ToArray(), "WEIGHT", "float"));

                            Controller.skin.joints.AddInput("JOINT", $"#{Controller.skin.src[0].id}");
                            Controller.skin.joints.AddInput("INV_BIND_MATRIX", $"#{Controller.skin.src[1].id}");

                            Controller.skin.vertex_weights.AddInput("JOINT", $"#{Controller.skin.src[0].id}", 0);
                            Controller.skin.vertex_weights.AddInput("WEIGHT", $"#{Controller.skin.src[2].id}", 1);

                            Controller.skin.vertex_weights.vcount = string.Join(" ", vcount);
                            Controller.skin.vertex_weights.v      = string.Join(" ", v);


                        //Mesh node
                        DAENode Node = new DAENode();

                        Node.name   = $"{MeshName}_node";
                        Node.id     = $"{Node.name}_id";
                        Node.matrix = DAEMatrix.Identity;

                        DAENodeInstance NodeInstance = new DAENodeInstance();

                        NodeInstance.url = $"#{(HasController ? Controller.id : Geometry.id)}";
                        NodeInstance.bind_material.technique_common.instance_material.symbol = MtlName;
                        NodeInstance.bind_material.technique_common.instance_material.target = $"#{MtlTgt}";

                        if (HasController)
                            NodeInstance.skeleton    = $"#{VN.node[0].id}";
                            Node.instance_controller = NodeInstance;
                            Node.instance_geometry = NodeInstance;

                    } //SubMesh Loop
                }     //Mesh Loop


                if (library_visual_scenes.Count > 0)
                    scene.instance_visual_scene.url = $"#{library_visual_scenes[0].id}";

                library_images = new List <DAEImage>();

                foreach (H3DTexture Tex in Scene.Textures)
                    //library_images.Add(new DAEImage()
                    //    id        = Tex.Name,
                    //    init_from = $"./{Tex.Name}.png"

                foreach (var mat in Scene.Models[MdlIndex].Materials)
                    if (mat.Texture0Name != null && !LibImgContainsThing(mat.Texture0Name))
                        library_images.Add(new DAEImage()
                            id        = mat.Texture0Name,
                            init_from = $"./{mat.Texture0Name}.png"
                    if (mat.Texture1Name != null && !LibImgContainsThing(mat.Texture1Name))
                        library_images.Add(new DAEImage()
                            id        = mat.Texture0Name,
                            init_from = $"./{mat.Texture0Name}.png"
                    if (mat.Texture2Name != null && !LibImgContainsThing(mat.Texture2Name))
                        library_images.Add(new DAEImage()
                            id        = mat.Texture0Name,
                            init_from = $"./{mat.Texture0Name}.png"
            } //MdlIndex != -1

            if (AnimIndex != -1)
                library_animations = new List <DAEAnimation>();

                string[] AnimElemNames = { "translate", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "scale" };

                H3DAnimation SklAnim = Scene.SkeletalAnimations[AnimIndex];

                H3DDict <H3DBone> Skeleton = Scene.Models[0].Skeleton;

                int FramesCount = (int)SklAnim.FramesCount + 1;

                foreach (H3DAnimationElement Elem in SklAnim.Elements)
                    if (Elem.PrimitiveType != H3DPrimitiveType.Transform &&
                        Elem.PrimitiveType != H3DPrimitiveType.QuatTransform)

                    H3DBone SklBone = Skeleton.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Elem.Name);
                    H3DBone Parent  = null;

                    if (SklBone != null && SklBone.ParentIndex != -1)
                        Parent = Skeleton[SklBone.ParentIndex];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        string[] AnimTimes = new string[FramesCount];
                        string[] AnimPoses = new string[FramesCount];
                        string[] AnimLerps = new string[FramesCount];

                        bool IsRotation = i > 0 && i < 4; //1, 2, 3

                        bool Skip =
                            Elem.PrimitiveType != H3DPrimitiveType.Transform &&
                            Elem.PrimitiveType != H3DPrimitiveType.QuatTransform;

                        if (!Skip)
                            if (Elem.Content is H3DAnimTransform Transform)
                                switch (i)
                                case 0: Skip = !Transform.TranslationExists; break;

                                case 1: Skip = !Transform.RotationX.Exists;  break;

                                case 2: Skip = !Transform.RotationY.Exists;  break;

                                case 3: Skip = !Transform.RotationZ.Exists;  break;

                                case 4: Skip = !Transform.ScaleExists;       break;
                            else if (Elem.Content is H3DAnimQuatTransform QuatTransform)
                                switch (i)
                                case 0: Skip = !QuatTransform.HasTranslation; break;

                                case 1: Skip = !QuatTransform.HasRotation;    break;

                                case 2: Skip = !QuatTransform.HasRotation;    break;

                                case 3: Skip = !QuatTransform.HasRotation;    break;

                                case 4: Skip = !QuatTransform.HasScale;       break;

                        if (Skip)

                        for (int Frame = 0; Frame < FramesCount; Frame++)
                            string StrTrans = string.Empty;

                            H3DAnimationElement PElem = SklAnim.Elements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Parent?.Name);

                            Vector3 InvScale = Vector3.One;

                            if (Elem.Content is H3DAnimTransform Transform)
                                //Compensate parent bone scale (basically, don't inherit scales)
                                if (Parent != null && (SklBone.Flags & H3DBoneFlags.IsSegmentScaleCompensate) != 0)
                                    if (PElem != null)
                                        H3DAnimTransform PTrans = (H3DAnimTransform)PElem.Content;

                                        InvScale /= new Vector3(
                                            PTrans.ScaleX.Exists ? PTrans.ScaleX.GetFrameValue(Frame) : Parent.Scale.X,
                                            PTrans.ScaleY.Exists ? PTrans.ScaleY.GetFrameValue(Frame) : Parent.Scale.Y,
                                            PTrans.ScaleZ.Exists ? PTrans.ScaleZ.GetFrameValue(Frame) : Parent.Scale.Z);
                                        InvScale /= Parent.Scale;

                                switch (i)
                                case 0:
                                    StrTrans = DAEUtils.VectorStr(new Vector3(
                                                                      Transform.TranslationX.Exists //X
                                            ? Transform.TranslationX.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Translation.X,
                                                                      Transform.TranslationY.Exists //Y
                                            ? Transform.TranslationY.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Translation.Y,
                                                                      Transform.TranslationZ.Exists //Z
                                            ? Transform.TranslationZ.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Translation.Z));

                                case 4:
                                    StrTrans = DAEUtils.VectorStr(InvScale * new Vector3(
                                                                      Transform.ScaleX.Exists //X
                                            ? Transform.ScaleX.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Scale.X,
                                                                      Transform.ScaleY.Exists //Y
                                            ? Transform.ScaleY.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Scale.Y,
                                                                      Transform.ScaleZ.Exists //Z
                                            ? Transform.ScaleZ.GetFrameValue(Frame) : SklBone.Scale.Z));

                                case 1: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(Transform.RotationX.GetFrameValue(Frame)); break;

                                case 2: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(Transform.RotationY.GetFrameValue(Frame)); break;

                                case 3: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(Transform.RotationZ.GetFrameValue(Frame)); break;
                            else if (Elem.Content is H3DAnimQuatTransform QuatTransform)
                                //Compensate parent bone scale (basically, don't inherit scales)
                                if (Parent != null && (SklBone.Flags & H3DBoneFlags.IsSegmentScaleCompensate) != 0)
                                    if (PElem != null)
                                        InvScale /= ((H3DAnimQuatTransform)PElem.Content).GetScaleValue(Frame);
                                        InvScale /= Parent.Scale;

                                switch (i)
                                case 0: StrTrans = DAEUtils.VectorStr(QuatTransform.GetTranslationValue(Frame));            break;

                                case 1: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(QuatTransform.GetRotationValue(Frame).ToEuler().X); break;

                                case 2: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(QuatTransform.GetRotationValue(Frame).ToEuler().Y); break;

                                case 3: StrTrans = DAEUtils.RadToDegStr(QuatTransform.GetRotationValue(Frame).ToEuler().Z); break;

                                case 4: StrTrans = DAEUtils.VectorStr(InvScale * QuatTransform.GetScaleValue(Frame));       break;

                            //This is the Time in seconds, so we divide by the target FPS
                            AnimTimes[Frame] = (Frame / 30f).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            AnimPoses[Frame] = StrTrans;
                            AnimLerps[Frame] = "LINEAR";

                        DAEAnimation Anim = new DAEAnimation();

                        Anim.name = $"{SklAnim.Name}_{Elem.Name}_{AnimElemNames[i]}";
                        Anim.id   = $"{Anim.name}_id";

                        Anim.src.Add(new DAESource($"{Anim.name}_frame", 1, AnimTimes, "TIME", "float"));
                        Anim.src.Add(new DAESource($"{Anim.name}_interp", 1, AnimLerps, "INTERPOLATION", "Name"));

                            ? new DAESource($"{Anim.name}_pose", 1, AnimPoses, "ANGLE", "float")
                            : new DAESource($"{Anim.name}_pose", 3, AnimPoses,
                                            "X", "float",
                                            "Y", "float",
                                            "Z", "float"));

                        Anim.sampler.AddInput("INPUT", $"#{Anim.src[0].id}");
                        Anim.sampler.AddInput("INTERPOLATION", $"#{Anim.src[1].id}");
                        Anim.sampler.AddInput("OUTPUT", $"#{Anim.src[2].id}");

                        Anim.sampler.id     = $"{Anim.name}_samp_id";
                        Anim.channel.source = $"#{Anim.sampler.id}";
                        Anim.channel.target = $"{Elem.Name}_bone_id/{AnimElemNames[i]}";

                        if (IsRotation)
                            Anim.channel.target += ".ANGLE";

                    } //Axis 0-5
                }     //SklAnim.Elements
            }         //AnimIndex != -1
Пример #7
        public MaterialState[] GetMaterialStates()
            if (State == AnimationState.Stopped)

            if (State != AnimationState.Playing || Elements.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++)
                int Index = Indices[i];

                MaterialState State = States[Index];

                H3DMaterial Material = Materials[Index];

                H3DMaterialParams Params = Material.MaterialParams;

                H3DAnimationElement Elem = Elements[i];

                H3DTextureCoord[] TC = new H3DTextureCoord[]

                if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.RGBA)
                    H3DAnimRGBA RGBA = (H3DAnimRGBA)Elem.Content;

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialEmission:  SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Emission);  break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialAmbient:   SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Ambient);   break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialDiffuse:   SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Diffuse);   break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialSpecular0: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Specular0); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialSpecular1: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Specular1); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant0: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant0); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant1: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant1); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant2: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant2); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant3: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant3); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant4: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant4); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialConstant5: SetRGBA(RGBA, ref State.Constant5); break;
                else if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Vector2D)
                    H3DAnimVector2D Vector = (H3DAnimVector2D)Elem.Content;

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord0Scale: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[0].Scale);       break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord1Scale: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[1].Scale);       break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord2Scale: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[2].Scale);       break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord0Trans: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[0].Translation); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord1Trans: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[1].Translation); break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord2Trans: SetVector2(Vector, ref TC[2].Translation); break;
                else if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Float)
                    H3DFloatKeyFrameGroup Float = ((H3DAnimFloat)Elem.Content).Value;

                    if (!Float.Exists)

                    float Value = Float.GetFrameValue(Frame);

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord0Rot: TC[0].Rotation = Value; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord1Rot: TC[1].Rotation = Value; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialTexCoord2Rot: TC[2].Rotation = Value; break;
                else if (Elem.PrimitiveType == H3DPrimitiveType.Texture)
                    H3DFloatKeyFrameGroup Int = ((H3DAnimFloat)Elem.Content).Value;

                    if (!Int.Exists)

                    int Value = (int)Int.GetFrameValue(Frame);

                    string Name = TextureNames[Value];

                    switch (Elem.TargetType)
                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialMapper0Texture: State.Texture0Name = Name; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialMapper1Texture: State.Texture1Name = Name; break;

                    case H3DTargetType.MaterialMapper2Texture: State.Texture2Name = Name; break;

                State.Transforms[0] = TC[0].GetTransform().ToMatrix4();
                State.Transforms[1] = TC[1].GetTransform().ToMatrix4();
                State.Transforms[2] = TC[2].GetTransform().ToMatrix4();

 public H3DBoneAnimGroup(H3DAnimationElement element)
     Name = element.Name;