private void pageinit(string orderBy) { string vwnmae = Request["state"] == "5" ? "vw_EmployeesState5_HR" : "vw_Employees_HR"; string where = Request["state"] == "5" ? " State<=5" : " State=" + state; if (Request["redo"] != null) { WX.Model.User.MODEL usermodel = WX.Model.User.GetCache(Request["UserID"]); usermodel.State.value = 5; usermodel.Update(); WX.Model.Audition.MODEL auditionmodel = WX.Model.Audition.GetModel(usermodel.UserID.ToString()); auditionmodel.AuditionState.value = 0; auditionmodel.Update(); WX.Model.Employee.MODEL employee = WX.Request.rEmpolyee; WX.Main.MessageSend("<a href=/Manage/HR/User_Resume.aspx?UserID=" + employee.UserID.ToString() + "&mes=1>" + usermodel.RealName.ToString() + "——面试通知</a>", "/Manage/Main/messagelist.aspx", WX.CommonUtils.GetDeptUserID(1, "[Host]", employee.DepartmentID.ToInt32()), WX.Main.CurUser.UserID, 7, 0); } DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select *,0 stateid FROM " + vwnmae + " WHERE " + where + orderBy); if (state == "0" && dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { Response.Redirect("/Manage/HR/User_AddUser.aspx"); } Gv_intojobs.DataSource = dt; Gv_intojobs.DataBind(); if (Gv_intojobs.Rows.Count > 0) { Gv_intojobs.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; Gv_intojobs.HeaderStyle.Height = Unit.Pixel(40); } }
private void pageinit() { string sSql = String.Format("select *,0 stateid FROM vw_EmployeesState5_HR WHERE State=5 {0} order by Sort asc" , rAll ? "" : String.Format(" and (DepartmentID={0} or DepartmentID=0)", WX.Main.CurUser.UserModel.DepartmentID)); DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable(sSql); Gv_intojobs.DataSource = dt; Gv_intojobs.DataBind(); if (Gv_intojobs.Rows.Count > 0) { Gv_intojobs.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; Gv_intojobs.HeaderStyle.Height = Unit.Pixel(40); } }
private void pageinit(string orderBy) { string vwnmae = "vw_Employees_FD10"; string where = " State=10"; DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select * FROM " + vwnmae + " WHERE " + where + orderBy); Gv_intojobs.DataSource = dt; Gv_intojobs.DataBind(); if (Gv_intojobs.Rows.Count > 0) { Gv_intojobs.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; Gv_intojobs.HeaderStyle.Height = Unit.Pixel(40); } if (Request["mes"] != null) { WX.Main.MessageToHistory_where(String.Format("SendToUserId='{0}' and Title like'%FD_NewUserList.aspx%'", WX.Main.CurUser.UserID)); } }