Пример #1
        private async Task ShardOnMessageDeleted(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cachedMessage,
                                                 ISocketMessageChannel textChannel)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)textChannel).Guild.Id);

            if (!GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.MessageDeletedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))

            IMessage     message      = cachedMessage.Value;
            EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                    Name    = message.Author.Mention,
                    IconUrl = message.Author.GetAvatarUrl()
                Title =
                    $"Message by {message.Author.Mention} was deleted in {((SocketTextChannel) textChannel).Mention}",
                Description = message.Content,
                Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                    Text = $"Author ID: {message.Author.Id}, Message ID: {message.Id}, at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

            await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #2
        public async Task CreateSection()
            GuildBson guild = await Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            RestCategoryChannel categoryChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync("Auditor");

            await categoryChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole,

            foreach ((string name, ulong?channel) in GetSettingStates(guild))
                if (channel == null)

                RestTextChannel textChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(name.Replace("Event", ""),
                                                                                         o => o.CategoryId = categoryChannel.Id);

                guild.GetType().GetProperty(name)?.SetValue(guild, textChannel.Id);

            guild.CategoryId = categoryChannel.Id;
            await Database.UpdateGuild(guild);

            await SendSuccessAsync("Created Auditor sections, please move to a more convenient place.");
Пример #3
        public async Task DeleteSection()
            GuildBson guild = await Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            if (guild.CategoryId != null)
                SocketCategoryChannel categoryChannel = Context.Guild.GetCategoryChannel(guild.CategoryId.Value);
                foreach (SocketGuildChannel channel in categoryChannel.Channels)
                    await channel.DeleteAsync();

                foreach (PropertyInfo info in guild.GetType().GetProperties()
                         .Where(c => c.PropertyType == typeof(ulong?) && c.GetValue(guild) != null))
                    guild.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name)?.SetValue(guild, (ulong?)1);

                await categoryChannel.DeleteAsync();

            guild.CategoryId = null;

            await Database.UpdateGuild(guild);

            await SendSuccessAsync("Deleted Auditor sections.");
Пример #4
        // Loading Records
        public async Task <GuildBson> LoadRecordsByGuildId(ulong guildId)
            if (_matsueGuildCache.TryGetValue(guildId, out var cacheGuild))

            var collection = _mongoDatabase.GetCollection <GuildBson>("guilds");
            var filter     = Builders <GuildBson> .Filter.Eq("guild_id", guildId);

            GuildBson guild;

                guild = await collection.Find(filter).FirstAsync();
                guild = new GuildBson {
                    Prefix = ";", GuildId = guildId
                await InsertRecord("guilds", guild);

            _matsueGuildCache.Add(guild.GuildId, guild);
Пример #5
        private async Task ShardOnUserLeft(SocketGuildUser user)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(user.Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.UserLeftEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new()
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "Username",
                        Value = user.Username
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "User Id",
                        Value = user.Id

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color    = Color.Blue,
                    Fields   = fields,
                    ImageUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(),
                    Footer   = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Left on {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
        private async Task ShardOnMessagesBulkDeleted(IReadOnlyCollection <Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> > cachedMessages,
                                                      ISocketMessageChannel textChannel)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)textChannel).Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.MessagesBulkDeletedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedBuilder> pages = new();
                foreach (Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> message in cachedMessages)
                    pages.Add(new EmbedBuilder
                        Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                            Name = message.Value.Author.Mention, IconUrl = message.Value.Author.GetAvatarUrl()
                        Description = message.Value.Content,
                        Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                            Text = $"Author ID: {message.Value.Author.Id}, at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                PaginatedMessage paginatedMessage =
                    new(pages, $"Bulk Delete from {((SocketTextChannel) textChannel).Mention}", Color.Blue, null,
                        new AppearanceOptions {
                    Style = DisplayStyle.Minimal
                await this.paginationService.SendMessageAsync(restTextChannel, paginatedMessage);
Пример #7
        private async Task OnGuildUpdated(SocketGuild prevGuild, SocketGuild newGuild)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(prevGuild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.GuildUpdatedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new();

                foreach (PropertyInfo info in EnumeratingUtilities.GetDifferentProperties(prevGuild, newGuild, new[] { "" }))
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name = info.Name, Value = $"{info.GetValue(prevGuild) ?? "null"} to {info.GetValue(newGuild) ?? "null"}"

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color  = Color.Blue,
                    Fields = fields,
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Modified at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #8
        public async Task ToggleMultiple(params Events[] eventToggle)
            GuildBson guild = await Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            foreach (Events e in eventToggle)
                PropertyInfo info = typeof(GuildBson).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(o =>
                                                                                     string.Equals(o.Name, e + "Event", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (info == null)
                    await SendErrorAsync($"Failed getting {e}, make sure you type the right event name");
                    if (info.GetValue(guild) != null)
                        guild.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name)?.SetValue(guild, null);
                        guild.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name)?.SetValue(guild, (ulong?)1);

                    await Database.UpdateGuild(guild);
Пример #9
        private async Task ShardOnMessageReceived(SocketMessage message)
            if (message.Source == MessageSource.Bot)

            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)message.Channel).Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.MessageReceivedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder {
                        Name = message.Author.Mention, IconUrl = message.Author.GetAvatarUrl(), Url = message.GetJumpUrl()
                    Title       = $"Message Sent in #{message.Channel.Name} | {message.Channel.Id}",
                    Description = message.Content,
                    Color       = Color.Blue,
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"User ID: {message.Author.Id}, Message ID: {message.Id}, sent at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #10
        private async Task ShardOnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message,
                                                ISocketMessageChannel textChannel, SocketReaction reaction)
            if (reaction.User.Value.IsBot)

            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)textChannel).Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.ReactionAddedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Title       = $"{reaction.User.Value.Mention} added a reaction",
                    Description =
                        $"{reaction.Emote.Name} was added to Message ID: {message.Value.Id} in {message.Value.Channel.Name}",
                    Color  = Color.Blue,
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                        Text =
                            $"User ID: {reaction.UserId}, Message ID {message.Value.Id}, added at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #11
        private async Task ShardOnRoleDeleted(SocketRole role)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(role.Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.RoleDeletedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                string permissions = role.Permissions.ToList()
                                     .Aggregate("", (current, permission) => current + permission + ", ");

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color  = role.Color,
                    Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>
                        new() { Name = "Role", Value = role.Name },
                            Name  = "Permissions",
                            Value = permissions
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Deleted at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #12
        // Updating Records

        public async Task UpdateGuild(GuildBson record)
            _matsueGuildCache[record.GuildId] = record;
            var collection = _mongoDatabase.GetCollection <GuildBson>("guilds");
            var filter     = Builders <GuildBson> .Filter.Eq("guild_id", record.GuildId);

            await collection.ReplaceOneAsync(filter, record);
Пример #13
        public async Task Prefix(string prefix)
            GuildBson guild = await Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            guild.Prefix = prefix;
            await Database.UpdateGuild(guild);

            await SendSuccessAsync("Prefix Updated");
Пример #14
        private async Task ShardOnMessageUpdated(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, SocketMessage newMessage,
                                                 ISocketMessageChannel textChannel)
            if (cachedMessage.Value.Author.IsBot)

            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)textChannel).Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.MessageUpdatedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedBuilder> pages = new();
                pages.Add(new EmbedBuilder
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                        Name    = newMessage.Author.Mention,
                        IconUrl = newMessage.Author.GetAvatarUrl(),
                        Url     = newMessage.GetJumpUrl()
                    Title       = "Message Updated: Before",
                    Description = cachedMessage.Value.Content,
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                        Text =
                            $"Author ID: {newMessage.Author.Id}, Message ID: {newMessage.Id}, created at {cachedMessage.Value.Timestamp.UtcDateTime} UTC"

                pages.Add(new EmbedBuilder
                    Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                        Name    = newMessage.Author.Mention,
                        IconUrl = newMessage.Author.GetAvatarUrl(),
                        Url     = newMessage.GetJumpUrl()
                    Title       = "Message Updated: After",
                    Description = newMessage.Content,
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                        Text =
                            $"Author ID: {newMessage.Author.Id}, Message ID: {newMessage.Id}, updated at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                PaginatedMessage paginatedMessage = new(pages, "Message Updated", Color.Blue, null, new AppearanceOptions {
                    Style = DisplayStyle.Minimal
                await this.paginationService.SendMessageAsync(restTextChannel, paginatedMessage);
        private async Task ShardOnUserVoiceStateUpdated(SocketUser user, SocketVoiceState prevVoiceState,
                                                        SocketVoiceState newVoiceState)
            ulong?guildId = prevVoiceState.VoiceChannel?.Guild.Id ?? newVoiceState.VoiceChannel?.Guild.Id;

            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(guildId.Value);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.UserVoiceStateUpdatedEvent,
                                   out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new();

                if (prevVoiceState.VoiceChannel != null)
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = $"Left {prevVoiceState.VoiceChannel.Name}",
                        Value = DateTime.UtcNow + " UTC"

                if (newVoiceState.VoiceChannel != null)
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = $"Joined {newVoiceState.VoiceChannel.Name}",
                        Value = DateTime.UtcNow + " UTC"

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Title        = user.Username,
                    Fields       = fields,
                    Color        = Color.Blue,
                    ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl()

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #16
        private async Task ShardOnUserBanned(SocketUser user, SocketGuild socketGuild)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(socketGuild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.UserBannedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                RestBan ban = await socketGuild.GetBanAsync(user.Id);

                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new()
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "Username",
                        Value = user.Username
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "User Id",
                        Value = user.Id
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "Ban reason",
                        Value = ban.Reason

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color    = Color.Red,
                    Fields   = fields,
                    ImageUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(),
                    Footer   = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Banned on {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #17
        private async Task ShardOnReactionsCleared(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel textChannel)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(((SocketTextChannel)textChannel).Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.ReactionsClearedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Title       = "Reactions Cleared",
                    Description = $"All reactions from Message ID: {message.Value.Id} in {message.Value.Channel.Name} where removed.",
                    Color       = Color.Blue,
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Message ID {message.Value.Id}, removed at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #18
        private async Task ShardOnRoleUpdated(SocketRole oldRole, SocketRole newRole)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(oldRole.Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.RoleUpdatedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new();

                foreach (PropertyInfo info in EnumeratingUtilities.GetDifferentProperties(oldRole, newRole,
                                                                                          new[] { "Members" }))
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name     = $"Old {info.Name}",
                        Value    = info.GetValue(oldRole),
                        IsInline = true
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name     = $"New {info.Name}",
                        Value    = info.GetValue(newRole),
                        IsInline = true
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder {
                        Name = "|", Value = "|", IsInline = true

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color  = newRole.Color,
                    Fields = fields,
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Modified on {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC "

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #19
        private IEnumerable <(string, ulong?)> GetSettingStates(GuildBson guild)
            List <string> IgnoredProperties = new List <string>

            foreach (PropertyInfo setting in typeof(GuildBson).GetProperties())
                if (IgnoredProperties.Contains(setting.Name))

                ulong?val = (ulong?)setting.GetValue(guild);
                yield return(setting.Name, val);
Пример #20
        public async Task AuditorSettings()
            string    output = "";
            GuildBson guild  = await Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            foreach ((string name, ulong?channel) in GetSettingStates(guild))
                string v = channel != null ? "🟢" : "🔴";
                output += $"{v} | {name.Replace("Event", "")}\n";

            EmbedBuilder embed = new()
                Title       = "Settings",
                Description = output,
                Color       = Color.Green,
                Timestamp   = DateTimeOffset.Now

            await SendEmbedAsync(embed.Build());
Пример #21
        private async Task ShardOnGuildMemberUpdated(SocketGuildUser prevUser, SocketGuildUser newUser)
            GuildBson guild = await this.database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(prevUser.Guild.Id);

            if (GetRestTextChannel(this.shard, guild.GuildMemberUpdatedEvent, out RestTextChannel restTextChannel))
                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new()
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder {
                        Name = "User Id", Value = newUser.Id

                IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> differentPropertyInfos = EnumeratingUtilities.GetDifferentProperties(prevUser,
                                                                                                                new[] { "MutualGuilds", "Roles", "JoinedAt" });

                foreach (PropertyInfo info in differentPropertyInfos)
                    fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = info.Name,
                        Value = $"{info.GetValue(prevUser) ?? "null"} to {info.GetValue(newUser) ?? "null"}"

                EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                    Color  = Color.Blue,
                    Fields = fields,
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"Modified at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"

                await restTextChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilder.Build());
Пример #22
        public async Task SettingsUrl()
            GuildBson guild = await this.Database.LoadRecordsByGuildId(Context.Guild.Id);

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(guild, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
            JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(json);

            string url = "http://localhost:5000/?existing_data=" + jobj.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(" ", "");
            Uri    uri = new(url);
            // }
            EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new()
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                    Name = "Click Me", Url = uri.AbsoluteUri

            await SendEmbedAsync(embedBuilder.Build());