public object PersistForm(PersistFormRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var formsRootId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(FormConstants.Id); var parentId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.ParentId); // Catch all errors. try { // Parse or create the form ID. var isNew = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FormId); var formId = isNew ? Guid.NewGuid() : GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.FormId); // Get the fields. var fields = request.Fields.MakeSafe() .Select(x => { var fieldType = Type.GetType(x.TypeFullName); var fieldTypeInstance = FormFieldTypeCollection .FirstOrDefault(y => y.GetType() == fieldType); var field = new FormField(fieldTypeInstance) { Id = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Id) ? Guid.NewGuid() : GuidHelper.GetGuid(x.Id), Alias = x.Alias, Name = x.Name, Label = x.Label, Category = x.Category, Validations = x.Validations.MakeSafe() .Select(y => GuidHelper.GetGuid(y)).ToArray(), FieldConfiguration = JsonHelper.Serialize(x.Configuration) }; return(field); }) .ToArray(); // Get the handlers. var handlers = request.Handlers.MakeSafe().Select(x => { var handlerType = Type.GetType(x.TypeFullName); var handlerTypeInstance = FormHandlerTypeCollection .FirstOrDefault(y => y.GetType() == handlerType); var handler = new FormHandler(handlerTypeInstance) { Id = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Id) ? Guid.NewGuid() : GuidHelper.GetGuid(x.Id), Alias = x.Alias, Name = x.Name, Enabled = x.Enabled, HandlerConfiguration = JsonHelper.Serialize(x.Configuration) }; return(handler); }).ToArray(); // Get the ID path. var parent = parentId == Guid.Empty ? null : Entities.Retrieve(parentId); var path = parent == null ? new[] { formsRootId, formId } : parent.Path.Concat(new[] { formId }).ToArray(); // Create the form. var form = new Form() { Id = formId, Path = path, Alias = request.Alias, Name = request.Name, Fields = fields, Handlers = handlers }; // Persist the form. Persistence.Persist(form); // For new forms, automatically create a layout and a form configuration. var layoutNamePrefix = "Layout for "; var layoutNameSuffix = " (Autogenerated)"; var layoutAliasPrefix = "layout_"; var layoutAliasSuffix = "_autogenerated"; var autoLayoutData = JsonHelper.Serialize(new { rows = new[] { new { cells = new [] { new { columnSpan = 12, fields = form.Fields.Select(x => new { id = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Id) }) } } } }, formId = GuidHelper.GetString(form.Id), autopopulate = true }); if (isNew) { // Create new layout. var layoutId = Guid.NewGuid(); var layout = new Layout() { KindId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(app.Constants.Layouts.LayoutBasic.Id), Id = layoutId, Path = new[] { GuidHelper.GetGuid(LayoutConstants.Id), layoutId }, Name = layoutNamePrefix + request.Name + layoutNameSuffix, Alias = layoutAliasPrefix + request.Alias + layoutAliasSuffix, Data = autoLayoutData }; // Persist layout. LayoutPersistence.Persist(layout); // Create a new form configuration. var plainJsTemplateId = GuidHelper.GetGuid("f3fb1485c1d14806b4190d7abde39530"); var template = Config.Templates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == plainJsTemplateId) ?? Config.Templates.FirstOrDefault(); var configId = Guid.NewGuid(); var configuredForm = new ConfiguredForm() { Id = configId, Path = path.Concat(new[] { configId }).ToArray(), Name = request.Name, TemplateId = template?.Id, LayoutId = layoutId }; // Persist form configuration. ConFormPersistence.Persist(configuredForm); } // Get existing layouts that should autopopulate. var layouts = GetFormLayouts(null) .Select(x => new { Layout = x, Configuration = x.DeserializeConfiguration() as LayoutBasicConfiguration }) .Where(x => x.Configuration != null) .Where(x => x.Configuration.FormId.HasValue && x.Configuration.FormId.Value == formId) .Where(x => x.Configuration.Autopopulate); //: Autopopulate the layouts. foreach (var existingLayout in layouts) { existingLayout.Layout.Data = autoLayoutData; var layoutName = existingLayout.Layout.Name ?? string.Empty; var layoutAlias = existingLayout.Layout.Alias ?? string.Empty; if (layoutName.StartsWith(layoutNamePrefix) && layoutName.EndsWith(layoutNameSuffix)) { existingLayout.Layout.Name = layoutNamePrefix + form.Name + layoutNameSuffix; } if (layoutAlias.StartsWith(layoutAliasPrefix) && layoutAlias.EndsWith(layoutAliasSuffix)) { existingLayout.Layout.Alias = layoutAliasPrefix + form.Name + layoutAliasSuffix; } LayoutPersistence.Persist(existingLayout.Layout); } // Success. result = new { Success = true, FormId = GuidHelper.GetString(formId) }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. Logger.Error <FormsController>(ex, PersistFormError); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return the result. return(result); }
public object PersistConfiguredForm(PersistConfiguredFormRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var rootId = CoreConstants.System.Root.ToInvariantString(); var parentId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.ParentId); // Catch all errors. try { // Parse or create the configured form ID. var conFormId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.ConFormId) ? Guid.NewGuid() : GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.ConFormId); // Get the ID path. var parent = Entities.Retrieve(parentId); var path = parent.Path.Concat(new[] { conFormId }).ToArray(); // Create configured form. var configuredForm = new ConfiguredForm() { Id = conFormId, Path = path, Name = request.Name, TemplateId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.TemplateId) ? null as Guid? : GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.TemplateId), LayoutId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.LayoutId) ? null as Guid? : GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.LayoutId) }; // Persist configured form. Persistence.Persist(configuredForm); // Variables. var fullPath = new[] { rootId } .Concat(path.Select(x => GuidHelper.GetString(x))) .ToArray(); // Success. result = new { Success = true, Id = GuidHelper.GetString(conFormId), Path = fullPath }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. Logger.Error <ConfiguredFormsController>(ex, PersistConFormError); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return result. return(result); }
public PaymentItem(string description, decimal amount) { this.Id = GuidHelper.NewSequentialId(); this.Description = description; this.Amount = amount; }
public object GetDataValuesInfo( [FromUri] GetDataValuesInfoRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var rootId = CoreConstants.System.Root.ToInvariantString(); // Catch all errors. try { // Variables. var ids = request.DataValueIds .Select(x => GuidHelper.GetGuid(x)); var dataValues = ids.Select(x => Persistence.Retrieve(x)) .WithoutNulls(); var kinds = DataValueHelper.GetAllDataValueKinds(); var combined = dataValues.Join(kinds, x => x.KindId, y => y.Id, (x, y) => new { Value = x, Kind = y }); // Set result. result = new { Success = true, DataValues = combined.Select(x => new { DataValueId = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Value.Id), KindId = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Value.KindId), Path = new[] { rootId } .Concat(GuidHelper.GetStrings(x.Value.Path)) .ToArray(), Alias = x.Value.Alias, Name = x.Value.Name, Directive = x.Kind.Directive, Data = JsonHelper.Deserialize <object>(x.Value.Data) }), }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. LogHelper.Error <DataValuesController>( GetDataValueInfoError, ex); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return result. return(result); }
public async Task SeedDataAsync() { var users = await _userService.BrowseAsync(); if (users.Any()) { return; } for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { await _userService.CreateAsync(GuidHelper.GetGuidFromInt(i), $"user{i}", "password", $"user{i}"); await _categoryService.CreateAsync(GuidHelper.GetGuidFromInt(i), $"category{i}"); } for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { await _postService.CreateAsync(GuidHelper.GetGuidFromInt(i), $"title{i}", $"content{i}", GuidHelper.GetGuidFromInt((i % 5) + 1)); } }
public override bool Create(SalarySummaryEntity entity) { //在创建实体时如果实体的Guid尚未指定,那么给其赋初值 if (entity.SalarySummaryGuid == Guid.Empty) { entity.SalarySummaryGuid = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); } string commandText = string.Format(@"Insert Into [XQYCSalarySummary] ( [SalarySummaryGuid], [SalaryDate], [LaborKey], [LaborName], [LaborCode], [EnterpriseKey], [EnterpriseContractKey], [CreateUserKey], [CreateDate], [SalaryPayStatus], [SalaryGrossPay], [SalaryRebate], [SalaryRebateBeforeTax], [PersonBorrow], [IsCostCalculated], [SalaryCashDate], [InsuranceCashDate], [ReserveFundCashDate], [EnterpriseManageFeeReal], [EnterpriseManageFeeCalculated], [EnterpriseManageFeeCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseManageFeeCashDate], [EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeReal], [EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCalculated], [EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCashDate], [EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeReal], [EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCalculated], [EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCashDate], [EnterpriseInsuranceReal], [EnterpriseInsuranceCalculated], [EnterpriseInsuranceCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseReserveFundReal], [EnterpriseReserveFundCalculated], [EnterpriseReserveFundCalculatedFix], [PersonManageFeeReal], [PersonManageFeeCalculated], [PersonManageFeeCalculatedFix], [PersonInsuranceReal], [PersonInsuranceCalculated], [PersonInsuranceCalculatedFix], [PersonReserveFundReal], [PersonReserveFundCalculated], [PersonReserveFundCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseMixCostReal], [EnterpriseMixCostCalculated], [EnterpriseMixCostCalculatedFix], [PersonMixCostReal], [PersonMixCostCalculated], [PersonMixCostCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseOtherCostReal], [EnterpriseOtherCostCalculated], [EnterpriseOtherCostCalculatedFix], [PersonOtherCostReal], [PersonOtherCostCalculated], [PersonOtherCostCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseTaxFeeReal], [EnterpriseTaxFeeCalculated], [EnterpriseTaxFeeCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseTaxFeeCashDate], [EnterpriseOtherInsuranceReal], [EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCalculated], [EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCalculatedFix], [EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCashDate], [SalaryTaxReal], [SalaryTaxCalculated], [SalaryMemo], [IsCheckPast], [CheckMemo], [IsLocked], [SalarySettlementStartDate], [SalarySettlementEndDate], [IsFirstCash], [IsAdvanceCash], [PropertyNames], [PropertyValues] ) Values ( {0}SalarySummaryGuid, {0}SalaryDate, {0}LaborKey, {0}LaborName, {0}LaborCode, {0}EnterpriseKey, {0}EnterpriseContractKey, {0}CreateUserKey, {0}CreateDate, {0}SalaryPayStatus, {0}SalaryGrossPay, {0}SalaryRebate, {0}SalaryRebateBeforeTax, {0}PersonBorrow, {0}IsCostCalculated, {0}SalaryCashDate, {0}InsuranceCashDate, {0}ReserveFundCashDate, {0}EnterpriseManageFeeReal, {0}EnterpriseManageFeeCalculated, {0}EnterpriseManageFeeCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseManageFeeCashDate, {0}EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeReal, {0}EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCalculated, {0}EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseGeneralRecruitFeeCashDate, {0}EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeReal, {0}EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCalculated, {0}EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseOnceRecruitFeeCashDate, {0}EnterpriseInsuranceReal, {0}EnterpriseInsuranceCalculated, {0}EnterpriseInsuranceCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseReserveFundReal, {0}EnterpriseReserveFundCalculated, {0}EnterpriseReserveFundCalculatedFix, {0}PersonManageFeeReal, {0}PersonManageFeeCalculated, {0}PersonManageFeeCalculatedFix, {0}PersonInsuranceReal, {0}PersonInsuranceCalculated, {0}PersonInsuranceCalculatedFix, {0}PersonReserveFundReal, {0}PersonReserveFundCalculated, {0}PersonReserveFundCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseMixCostReal, {0}EnterpriseMixCostCalculated, {0}EnterpriseMixCostCalculatedFix, {0}PersonMixCostReal, {0}PersonMixCostCalculated, {0}PersonMixCostCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseOtherCostReal, {0}EnterpriseOtherCostCalculated, {0}EnterpriseOtherCostCalculatedFix, {0}PersonOtherCostReal, {0}PersonOtherCostCalculated, {0}PersonOtherCostCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseTaxFeeReal, {0}EnterpriseTaxFeeCalculated, {0}EnterpriseTaxFeeCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseTaxFeeCashDate, {0}EnterpriseOtherInsuranceReal, {0}EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCalculated, {0}EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCalculatedFix, {0}EnterpriseOtherInsuranceCashDate, {0}SalaryTaxReal, {0}SalaryTaxCalculated, {0}SalaryMemo, {0}IsCheckPast, {0}CheckMemo, {0}IsLocked, {0}SalarySettlementStartDate, {0}SalarySettlementEndDate, {0}IsFirstCash, {0}IsAdvanceCash, {0}PropertyNames, {0}PropertyValues )", ParameterNamePrefix); TParameter[] sqlParas = PrepareParasAll(entity); bool isSuccessful = HelperExInstance.ExecuteSingleRowNonQuery(commandText, sqlParas); return(isSuccessful); }
public EventTestMsg() { this.Id = GuidHelper.NewSequentialId(); }
public static void Install(IServiceProvider provider) { var unitOfWork = provider.GetService <IUnitOfWork <EfDbContext> >(); var repositoryUser = provider.GetService <IRepository <User> >(); var repositoryRole = provider.GetService <IRepository <Role> >(); var user = repositoryUser.Get(x => x.Username == "atif.dag"); var developerRole = repositoryRole.Get(x => x.Code == "DEVELOPER"); var defaultRole = repositoryRole.Get(x => x.Code == "DEFAULTROLE"); var listPermission = new List <Permission>(); var listPermissionHistory = new List <PermissionHistory>(); var listRolePermissionLine = new List <RolePermissionLine>(); var listRolePermissionLineHistory = new List <RolePermissionLineHistory>(); var defaultUserPermissions = new List <Permission> { new Permission { ControllerName = "Authentication", ActionName = "MyProfile" }, new Permission { ControllerName = "Authentication", ActionName = "UpdateMyInformation" }, new Permission { ControllerName = "Authentication", ActionName = "UpdateMyPassword" } }; var totalCountDefaultUser = defaultUserPermissions.Count; var counterDefaultUser = 1; foreach (var item in defaultUserPermissions) { item.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); item.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; item.LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now; item.DisplayOrder = 1; item.Version = 1; item.IsApproved = true; item.Creator = user; item.LastModifier = user; item.Code = item.ControllerName + item.ActionName; item.Name = item.ControllerName + " " + item.ActionName; listPermission.Add(item); var itemHistory = item.CreateMapped <Permission, PermissionHistory>(); itemHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); itemHistory.ReferenceId = item.Id; itemHistory.CreatorId = item.Creator.Id; itemHistory.IsDeleted = false; itemHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listPermissionHistory.Add(itemHistory); var line = new RolePermissionLine { Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(), Permission = item, Role = defaultRole, Creator = user, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastModifier = user, LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now, DisplayOrder = 1, Version = 1, }; listRolePermissionLine.Add(line); var lineHistory = line.CreateMapped <RolePermissionLine, RolePermissionLineHistory>(); lineHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); lineHistory.ReferenceId = line.Id; lineHistory.CreatorId = line.Creator.Id; lineHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listRolePermissionLineHistory.Add(lineHistory); Console.WriteLine(counterDefaultUser + @"/" + totalCountDefaultUser + @" RolePermissionLine (" + defaultRole.Code + @" - " + item.Code + @")"); counterDefaultUser++; } var developerPermissions = new List <Permission>(); var actions = new List <string> { "List", "Filter", "Detail", "Add", "Update", "Delete", "KeysAndValues", }; var developerControllers = new List <string> { "Category", "Content", "Language", "Menu", "Parameter", "ParameterGroup", "Part", "Permission", "Person", "Role", "User" }; var displayOrder = 1; foreach (var controller in developerControllers) { foreach (var action in actions) { developerPermissions.Add(new Permission { Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(), CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now, DisplayOrder = displayOrder, Version = 1, IsApproved = true, Creator = user, LastModifier = user, Code = controller + action, Name = controller + " " + action, ControllerName = controller, ActionName = action, Description = string.Empty }); displayOrder++; } } var totalCountDeveloper = developerPermissions.Count; var counterDeveloper = 1; foreach (var item in developerPermissions) { item.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); item.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; item.LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now; item.DisplayOrder = counterDeveloper; item.Version = 1; item.IsApproved = true; item.Creator = user; item.LastModifier = user; item.Code = item.ControllerName + item.ActionName; item.Name = item.ControllerName + " " + item.ActionName; var itemHistory = item.CreateMapped <Permission, PermissionHistory>(); itemHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); itemHistory.ReferenceId = item.Id; itemHistory.CreatorId = item.Creator.Id; itemHistory.IsDeleted = false; itemHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listPermission.Add(item); listPermissionHistory.Add(itemHistory); var line = new RolePermissionLine { Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(), Permission = item, Role = developerRole, Creator = user, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastModifier = user, LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now, DisplayOrder = 1, Version = 1, }; listRolePermissionLine.Add(line); var lineHistory = line.CreateMapped <RolePermissionLine, RolePermissionLineHistory>(); lineHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); lineHistory.RoleId = line.Role.Id; lineHistory.PermissionId = line.Permission.Id; lineHistory.ReferenceId = line.Id; lineHistory.CreatorId = line.Creator.Id; lineHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listRolePermissionLineHistory.Add(lineHistory); Console.WriteLine(counterDeveloper + @"/" + totalCountDeveloper + @" RolePermissionLine (" + developerRole.Code + @" - " + item.Code + @")"); counterDeveloper++; } var otherPermissions = new List <RolePermissionLine> { new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "DEVELOPER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Cache", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "DEVELOPER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Cache", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Role", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "Add" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "User", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Language", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Add" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Add" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "MANAGER" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Language", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Add" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Add" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "Delete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "List" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Filter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Detail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "Update" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "EDITOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Part", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Language", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Category", ActionName = "KeysAndValues" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentList" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentFilter" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentDetail" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentAdd" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentUpdate" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentDelete" } }, new RolePermissionLine { Role = new Role { Code = "AUTHOR" }, Permission = new Permission { ControllerName = "Content", ActionName = "MyContentKeysAndValues" } }, }; var totalOtherPermissions = otherPermissions.Count; var counterOtherPermissions = 1; foreach (var line in otherPermissions) { var itemRole = repositoryRole.Get(x => x.Code == line.Role.Code); var itemPermission = listPermission.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == line.Permission.ControllerName + line.Permission.ActionName); if (itemPermission == null) { var newPermission = new Permission { Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(), Code = line.Permission.ControllerName + line.Permission.ActionName, Name = line.Permission.ControllerName + " " + line.Permission.ActionName, ControllerName = line.Permission.ControllerName, ActionName = line.Permission.ActionName, Creator = user, IsApproved = true, LastModifier = user, DisplayOrder = counterOtherPermissions, Description = "", CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now, Version = 1 }; listPermission.Add(newPermission); itemPermission = newPermission; } var itemPermissionHistory = itemPermission.CreateMapped <Permission, PermissionHistory>(); itemPermissionHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); itemPermissionHistory.ReferenceId = itemPermission.Id; itemPermissionHistory.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; itemPermissionHistory.CreatorId = user.Id; itemPermissionHistory.IsDeleted = false; itemPermissionHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listPermissionHistory.Add(itemPermissionHistory); var affectedRolePermissionLine = new RolePermissionLine { Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(), Role = itemRole, Permission = itemPermission, Creator = user, LastModifier = user, DisplayOrder = counterOtherPermissions, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now, Version = 1 }; listRolePermissionLine.Add(affectedRolePermissionLine); var affectedRolePermissionLineHistory = affectedRolePermissionLine.CreateMapped <RolePermissionLine, RolePermissionLineHistory>(); affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.PermissionId = affectedRolePermissionLine.Permission.Id; affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.RoleId = affectedRolePermissionLine.Role.Id; affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.CreatorId = user.Id; affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.ReferenceId = affectedRolePermissionLine.Id; affectedRolePermissionLineHistory.RestoreVersion = 0; listRolePermissionLineHistory.Add(affectedRolePermissionLineHistory); Console.WriteLine(counterOtherPermissions + @"/" + totalOtherPermissions + @" RolePermissionLine (" + itemRole.Code + @" - " + itemPermission.Code + @")"); counterOtherPermissions++; } unitOfWork.Context.AddRange(listPermission); unitOfWork.Context.AddRange(listPermissionHistory); unitOfWork.Context.AddRange(listRolePermissionLine); unitOfWork.Context.AddRange(listRolePermissionLineHistory); unitOfWork.Context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Prepares to handle to form submission. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"> /// The form submission context. /// </param> /// <param name="configuration"> /// The handler configuration. /// </param> /// <remarks> /// This prepares the submission to be store to the database. /// </remarks> public void PrepareHandleForm(FormSubmissionContext context, object configuration) { // Variables. var form = context.Form; var data = context.Data; var files = context.Files; var payload = context.Payload; var fieldsById = form.Fields.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x); // This will store the formatted values. var valueList = new[] { new { FieldId = default(string), // Field name is stored in case the field is deleted from the form // and this stored name is all we have to go on. FieldName = default(string), Value = default(string) } }.Take(0).ToList(); // Group the data values by their field ID. var valuesById = data.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, Values = x.SelectMany(y => y.FieldValues).ToList() }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Values); // Store the file values by their field ID. var filesById = files.GroupBy(x => x.FieldId).Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, Filename = x.Select(y => y.FileName).FirstOrDefault(), PathSegment = GenerateFilePathSegment(), FileData = x.Select(y => y.FileData).FirstOrDefault() }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x); // Normal fields. foreach (var key in valuesById.Keys) { var values = valuesById[key]; var formatted = string.Join(", ", values); var field = default(IFormField); var fieldName = default(string); if (fieldsById.TryGetValue(key, out field)) { if (!field.IsStored) { continue; } formatted = field.FormatValue(values, FieldPresentationFormats.Storage); fieldName = field.Name; } valueList.Add(new { FieldId = GuidHelper.GetString(key), FieldName = fieldName, Value = formatted }); } // Store file information for serialization. var fileList = filesById.Values.Select(x => new { FieldId = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Id), // Field name is stored in case the field is deleted from the form // and this stored name is all we have to go on. FieldName = GetFieldName(x.Id, fieldsById), PathSegment = x.PathSegment, Filename = x.Filename }); // Store the files. if (files.Any()) { // Ensure base path exists. var basePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(Config.FileStoreBasePath); if (!Directory.Exists(basePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath); } // Create files. foreach (var key in filesById.Keys) { var file = filesById[key]; var fullPath = Path.Combine(basePath, file.PathSegment); var pathOnly = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(pathOnly); File.WriteAllBytes(fullPath, file.FileData); } } // Prepare the submission that will be stored in the database. var serializedValues = JsonHelper.Serialize(valueList.ToArray()); var serializedFiles = JsonHelper.Serialize(fileList.ToArray()); Submission = new FormulateSubmission() { CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow, DataValues = serializedValues, FileValues = serializedFiles, FormId = form.Id, GeneratedId = context.SubmissionId, PageId = context?.CurrentPage?.Id, Url = context?.CurrentPage?.Url }; }
/// <summary> /// 用户登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="model">返回用户信息</param> /// <param name="user_id">登录名</param> /// <param name="pwd">密码</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonMessage Login(string user_id, string pwd, string qr_code) { JsonMessage jsonMsg = new JsonMessage(); //返回Json int result = -1; //类型(成功 、失败) try { if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id) && ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(qr_code)) { throw new CustomException(0, "用户名和二维码不能同时为空"); } if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd) && ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(qr_code)) { throw new CustomException(0, "密码和二维码不能同时为空"); } DataTable dt; if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(qr_code)) { dt = _userRep.Login(user_id, pwd); } else { dt = _userRep.Login(qr_code); } IList <SysUserModel> list = ConverHelper.ToList <SysUserModel>(dt); if (list.Count < 1) { if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(qr_code)) { throw new CustomException(2, "用户名或密码错误");//用户名或密码错误 } else { throw new CustomException(2, "二维码不正确");//二维码不正确 } } if (!ConverHelper.ToBool(list[0].IS_ABLED)) { throw new CustomException(3, "账号已被禁用,请联系系统管理员");//账号是否被禁用 } jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(1, "登录成功", list[0]); } catch (CustomException ex) { jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(ex.ResultFlag, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(-1, ex.Message); } //写入log SysLogLoginModel log = new SysLogLoginModel(); log.LOGIN_ID = GuidHelper.GenerateComb().ToString(); log.USER_CODE = user_id; log.USER_PWD = MD5Cryption.MD5(pwd); log.USER_PWD_LAWS = ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id) ? qr_code : pwd; log.LOGIN_IP = NetHelper.GetUserIp; log.LOGIN_RESULT = jsonMsg.type == 1 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"; log.LOGIN_MSG = jsonMsg.message; _loglRep.Insert(log); return(jsonMsg); }
/// <summary> /// 用户登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="model">返回用户信息</param> /// <param name="user_id">登录名</param> /// <param name="pwd">密码</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonMessage Login(ref AccountModel model, string user_id, string pwd) { JsonMessage jsonMsg = new JsonMessage(); //返回Json int result = -1; //类型(成功 、失败) try { if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(StringHelper.Trim(user_id))) { throw new CustomException(0, "用户名不能为空"); } if (ValidateHelper.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd)) { throw new CustomException(0, "密码不能为空"); } //UserID = userId; DataTable dt = _userRep.Login(user_id, MD5Cryption.MD5(pwd)); IList <SysUserModel> list = ConverHelper.ToList <SysUserModel>(dt); if (list.Count < 1) { throw new CustomException(2, "用户名或密码错误");//用户名或密码错误 } if (!ConverHelper.ToBool(list[0].IS_ABLED)) { throw new CustomException(3, "账号已被禁用,请联系系统管理员");//账号是否被禁用 } model.UserCode = list[0].USER_CODE; model.UserName = list[0].USER_NAME; model.LoginNo = list[0].USER_CODE; model.QRCode = list[0].QR_CODE; model.DeptCode = list[0].DEPT_CODE; jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(1, "登录成功"); SessionHelper.SetSession("Account", model); CookieHelper.SetCookie("Account", DESCryption.Encrypt(ConverHelper.ToJson(model))); } catch (CustomException ex) { jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(ex.ResultFlag, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { jsonMsg = ServiceResult.Message(-1, ex.Message); } //写入log SysLogLoginModel log = new SysLogLoginModel(); log.LOGIN_ID = GuidHelper.GenerateComb().ToString(); log.USER_CODE = user_id; log.USER_PWD = MD5Cryption.MD5(pwd); log.USER_PWD_LAWS = pwd; log.LOGIN_IP = NetHelper.GetUserIp; log.LOGIN_RESULT = jsonMsg.type == 1 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"; log.LOGIN_MSG = jsonMsg.message; _loglRep.Insert(log); return(jsonMsg); }
private static string CreateSensor(Node node, Template templ) { // 0 = 1.0.1 // 1 = Guid.New // 2 = Name // 3 = 1/0/1 // 4 = EIBTyp // 5 = Guid.New switch (node.Type) { default: // 6 = Guid.New // 7 = Cr // 8 = Pr // 9 = Ugr // 10 = Ugx return(String.Format( @"<C Type=""EIBsensor"" IName=""KGI{0}"" V=""70"" U=""{1}"" Title=""{2}"" Nio=""2"" EibAddr=""{3}"" EIBType=""{4}"" ForceRemanence=""true"" MaxValue=""100"" SourceValHigh=""100"" DestValHigh=""100""> <Co K=""AQ"" U=""{5}""/> <Co K=""Q"" U=""{6}""/> <IoData Cr=""{7}"" Pr=""{8}"" Ugr=""{9}"" Ugx=""{10}""/> <Display Unit=""<v>%"" StateOnly=""true"" Step=""5""/> </C>", node.DottedAddress, GuidHelper.NewGuid(), node.Name, node.Address, (int)node.Type, GuidHelper.NewGuid(), GuidHelper.NewGuid(), templ.Cr, templ.Pr, templ.Ugr, templ.Ugx)); } }
private static string CreateActor(Node node, Template templ) { // 0 = 1.0.1 // 1 = Guid.New // 2 = Name // 3 = 1/0/1 // 4 = EIBTyp // 5 = Guid.New switch (node.Type) { default: // 6 = Ugr // 7 = Ugx return(String.Format( @"<C Type=""EIBactor"" IName=""KGQ{0}"" V=""70"" U=""{1}"" Title=""{2}"" Nio=""1"" EibAddr=""{3}"" EIBType=""{4}"" SourceValHigh=""10"" DestValHigh=""10""> <Co K=""I"" U=""{5}""/> <IoData Ugr=""{6}"" Ugx=""{7}""/> <Display Unit=""<v.1>V""/> </C>", node.DottedAddress, GuidHelper.NewGuid(), node.Name, node.Address, (int)node.Type, GuidHelper.NewGuid(), templ.Ugr, templ.Ugx)); } }
public UpdateModel <MenuModel> Update(UpdateModel <MenuModel> updateModel) { IValidator validator = new FluentValidator <MenuModel, MenuValidationRules>(updateModel.Item); var validationResults = validator.Validate(); if (!validator.IsValid) { throw new ValidationException(Messages.DangerInvalidEntitiy) { ValidationResult = validationResults }; } var parent = _repositoryMenu.Get(x => x.Id == updateModel.Item.ParentMenu.Id && x.IsApproved); if (parent == null) { throw new ParentNotFoundException(); } var item = _repositoryMenu .Join(x => x.Creator.Person) .Join(x => x.LastModifier.Person).FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == updateModel.Item.Id); if (item == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } if (updateModel.Item.Code != item.Code) { if (_repositoryMenu.Get().Any(p => p.Code == updateModel.Item.Code)) { throw new DuplicateException(string.Format(Messages.DangerFieldDuplicated, Dictionary.Code)); } } var itemHistory = item.CreateMapped <Menu, MenuHistory>(); itemHistory.Id = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); itemHistory.ReferenceId = item.Id; itemHistory.CreatorId = _serviceMain.IdentityUser.Id; itemHistory.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; _repositoryMenuHistory.Add(itemHistory, true); var version = item.Version; item.Code = updateModel.Item.Code; item.Name = updateModel.Item.Name; item.Description = updateModel.Item.Description; item.Address = updateModel.Item.Address; item.Icon = updateModel.Item.Icon; item.IsApproved = updateModel.Item.IsApproved; item.LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now; item.Version = version + 1; item.ParentMenu = parent; var affectedItem = _repositoryMenu.Update(item, true); updateModel.Item = affectedItem.CreateMapped <Menu, MenuModel>(); updateModel.Item.Creator = new IdName(item.Creator.Id, item.Creator.Person.DisplayName); updateModel.Item.LastModifier = new IdName(_serviceMain.IdentityUser.Id, _serviceMain.IdentityUser.Person.DisplayName); updateModel.Item.ParentMenu = new IdCodeName(parent.Id, parent.Code, parent.Name); return(updateModel); }
public object MoveForm(MoveFormRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var rootId = CoreConstants.System.Root.ToInvariantString(); var parentId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.NewParentId); // Catch all errors. try { // Declare list of anonymous type. var savedDescendants = new[] { new { Id = string.Empty, Path = new string[] { } } }.Take(0).ToList(); // Variables. var formId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.FormId); var form = Persistence.Retrieve(formId); var parentPath = Entities.Retrieve(parentId).Path; var oldFormPath = form.Path; var oldParentPath = oldFormPath.Take(oldFormPath.Length - 1).ToArray(); var configs = ConFormPersistence.RetrieveChildren(formId); // Move form and configurations. var path = EntityHelper.GetClientPath(Entities.MoveEntity(form, parentPath)); foreach (var config in configs) { var descendantParentPath = config.Path.Take(config.Path.Length - 1); var descendantPathEnd = descendantParentPath.Skip(oldParentPath.Length); var newParentPath = parentPath.Concat(descendantPathEnd).ToArray(); var clientPath = EntityHelper.GetClientPath( Entities.MoveEntity(config, newParentPath)); savedDescendants.Add(new { Id = GuidHelper.GetString(config.Id), Path = clientPath }); } // Success. result = new { Success = true, Id = GuidHelper.GetString(formId), Path = path, Descendants = savedDescendants.ToArray() }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. LogHelper.Error <FormsController>(MoveFormError, ex); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return result. return(result); }
private void DeconstructionCompleted(DeconstructionCompletedEvent completed) { GameObject deconstructing = GuidHelper.RequireObjectFrom(completed.Guid); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(deconstructing); }
public static void Postfix(CyclopsSilentRunningAbilityButton __instance) { string guid = GuidHelper.GetGuid(__instance.subRoot.gameObject); NitroxServiceLocator.LocateService <Cyclops>().ChangeSilentRunning(guid, true); }
internal static IEnumerable <DataClassificationPresentationObject> QueryDataClassification(IEnumerable <string> queriedIdentities, OrganizationId organizationId, IConfigurationSession openedDataSession = null, IClassificationDefinitionsDataReader dataReader = null, IClassificationDefinitionsDiagnosticsReporter diagnosticsReporter = null) { ArgumentValidator.ThrowIfNull("queriedIdentities", queriedIdentities); if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, organizationId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("organizationId"); } List <string> list = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject> queriedNameDictionary = new Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject>(StringComparer.Ordinal); Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject> queriedGuidDictionary = new Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject>(ClassificationDefinitionConstants.RuleIdComparer); Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject> allQueryResultsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject>(ClassificationDefinitionConstants.RuleIdComparer); foreach (string text in queriedIdentities) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { list.Add(text); Guid guid; if (GuidHelper.TryParseGuid(text, out guid)) { queriedGuidDictionary.Add(text, null); } else { queriedNameDictionary.Add(text, null); } } } if (!list.Any <string>()) { return(Enumerable.Empty <DataClassificationPresentationObject>()); } DlpUtils.DataClassificationQueryContext dataClassificationQueryContext = new DlpUtils.DataClassificationQueryContext(organizationId, diagnosticsReporter ?? ClassificationDefinitionsDiagnosticsReporter.Instance); bool flag = queriedNameDictionary.Any <KeyValuePair <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject> >(); bool flag2 = queriedGuidDictionary.Any <KeyValuePair <string, DataClassificationPresentationObject> >(); foreach (Tuple <TransportRule, XDocument> tuple in DlpUtils.AggregateOobAndCustomClassificationDefinitions(organizationId, openedDataSession, null, null, dataReader, dataClassificationQueryContext.CurrentDiagnosticsReporter)) { dataClassificationQueryContext.CurrentRuleCollectionTransportRuleObject = tuple.Item1; dataClassificationQueryContext.CurrentRuleCollectionXDoc = tuple.Item2; IEnumerable <QueryMatchResult> nameMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack = Enumerable.Empty <QueryMatchResult>(); if (!flag || DlpUtils.GetNameQueryMatchResult(dataClassificationQueryContext, queriedNameDictionary.Keys, out nameMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack)) { IEnumerable <QueryMatchResult> idMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack = Enumerable.Empty <QueryMatchResult>(); if (!flag2 || DlpUtils.GetIdQueryMatchResult(dataClassificationQueryContext, queriedGuidDictionary.Keys, out idMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack)) { DlpUtils.PopulateMatchResults(dataClassificationQueryContext, queriedNameDictionary, nameMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack, queriedGuidDictionary, idMatchResultsFromCurrentRulePack, allQueryResultsDictionary); } } } return((from presentationObject in list.Select(delegate(string queriedIdentity) { DataClassificationPresentationObject result; if (queriedNameDictionary.TryGetValue(queriedIdentity, out result)) { return result; } if (!queriedGuidDictionary.TryGetValue(queriedIdentity, out result)) { return null; } return result; }) where presentationObject != null select presentationObject).ToList <DataClassificationPresentationObject>()); }
/// <summary> /// page load (postback data is now available) /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) { // client ip protection if (_clientIPTracking) { var clientIP = ClientIPHelper.ClientIPFromRequest(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current).Request, true, new string[] { }); if (Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientIP.ToString()] == null) { Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientIP.ToString()] = clientIP; } else if (!((string)Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientIP.ToString()]).Equals(clientIP)) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to validate the client ip"); _authorizedRequest = false; UpdateControls(); return; } } // session spoofing protection if (_httpSessionUseUri) { if (Request.Cookies["clientKey"] == null) { if (Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientKey.ToString()] == null) { var cookie = new HttpCookie("clientKey"); cookie.Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); cookie.Path = "/"; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } else { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to validate the client key: missing key"); _authorizedRequest = false; UpdateControls(); return; } } else { var clientKey = Request.Cookies["clientKey"].Value; if (Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientKey.ToString()] == null) { Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientKey.ToString()] = clientKey; } else if (!((string)Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.ClientKey.ToString()]).Equals(clientKey)) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to validate the client key: key mismatch"); _authorizedRequest = false; UpdateControls(); return; } } } // retrieve the active enterprise session, if any if (Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.EnterpriseSession.ToString()] != null) { try { _enterpriseSession = (EnterpriseSession)Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.EnterpriseSession.ToString()]; } catch (Exception exc) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("Failed to retrieve the active enterprise session ({0})", exc); } } // retrieve the active remote session, if any if (Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.RemoteSession.ToString()] != null) { try { RemoteSession = (RemoteSession)Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.RemoteSession.ToString()]; // register a message queue for the current http session, if not already done // used for HTML4 client(s); pushing notifications on websocket(s) otherwise lock (RemoteSession.Manager.MessageQueues.SyncRoot) { if (!RemoteSession.Manager.MessageQueues.ContainsKey(Session.SessionID)) { RemoteSession.Manager.MessageQueues.Add(Session.SessionID, new List <RemoteSessionMessage>()); } } // if using a connection service, send the connection state if (Session.SessionID.Equals(RemoteSession.OwnerSessionID) && RemoteSession.ConnectionService) { _connectionClient.SetConnectionState(RemoteSession.Id, string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoteSession.VMAddress) ? RemoteSession.ServerAddress : RemoteSession.VMAddress, GuidHelper.ConvertFromString(RemoteSession.VMGuid), RemoteSession.State); } if (RemoteSession.State == RemoteSessionState.Disconnected) { // if connecting from login page or url, show any connection failure into a dialog box // otherwise, this is delegated to the connection API used and its related UI if (_loginEnabled) { // handle connection failure var script = string.Format("handleRemoteSessionExit({0});", RemoteSession.ExitCode); // redirect to login page if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_loginUrl)) { script += string.Format("window.location.href = '{0}';", _loginUrl); } ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), script, true); } // cleanup Session.Remove(HttpSessionStateVariables.RemoteSession.ToString()); RemoteSession = null; } } catch (Exception exc) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("Failed to retrieve the active remote session ({0})", exc); } } // retrieve a shared remote session from url, if any else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["gid"])) { var guestId = Guid.Empty; if (Guid.TryParse(Request["gid"], out guestId)) { var sharingInfo = GetSharingInfo(guestId); if (sharingInfo != null) { Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.RemoteSession.ToString()] = sharingInfo.RemoteSession; Session[HttpSessionStateVariables.GuestInfo.ToString()] = sharingInfo.GuestInfo; try { // remove the shared session guid from url Response.Redirect("~/", true); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { // occurs because the response is ended after redirect } } } } if (_httpSessionUseUri) { // if running myrtille into an iframe, the iframe url is registered (into a cookie) after the remote session is connected // this is necessary to prevent a new http session from being generated for the iframe if the page is reloaded, due to the missing http session id into the iframe url (!) // multiple iframes (on the same page), like multiple connections/tabs, requires cookieless="UseUri" for sessionState into web.config // problem is, there can be many cases where the cookie is not removed after the remote session is disconnected (network issue, server down, etc?) // if the page is reloaded, the iframe will use it's previously registered http session... which may not exist anymore or have its active remote session disconnected // if that happens, unregister the iframe url (from the cookie) and reload the page; that will provide a new connection identifier to the iframe and reconnect it if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["fid"]) && RemoteSession == null) { if (Request.Cookies[Request["fid"]] != null) { // remove the cookie for the given iframe Response.Cookies[Request["fid"]].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); // reload the page ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "parent.location.href = parent.location.href;", true); } } } // postback events may redirect after execution; UI is updated from there if (!IsPostBack) { UpdateControls(); } // disable the browser cache; in addition to a "noCache" dummy param, with current time, on long-polling and xhr requests Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); }
public static Map Load(MapSet mapSet, XElement mapElemept) { Map map = CreateNewMap(mapSet, mapSet.GetFont(GuidHelper.parse(mapElemept.Attribute("font")?.Value)), mapElemept.Attribute("uid")?.Value); map.Name = mapElemept.Attribute("name").Value; map.Path = PathHelper.GetExactPath(mapSet.Path, mapElemept.Attribute("path").Value); map.MapData = map.UseRleCompression() ? DecodeRLE(File.ReadAllBytes(map.Path)) : DecodeLZ4(map.Path); XElement dlis = mapElemept.Element("dlis"); List <DLI> DLIList = new List <DLI>(); foreach (XElement xdli in dlis.Elements("dli")) { DLI dli = DLI.Load(map, xdli); DLIList.Add(dli); } map.DLIS = DLIList.ToArray(); ImportTextFile(mapElemept, "InitRoutinePath", mapSet.Path, (Path, Content) => { map.InitRoutinePath = Path; map.InitRoutine = Content; }); ImportTextFile(mapElemept, "ExecRoutinePath", mapSet.Path, (Path, Content) => { map.ExecRoutinePath = Path; map.ExecRoutine = Content; }); ImportTextFile(mapElemept, "TileCollisionRoutinePath", mapSet.Path, (Path, Content) => { map.TileCollisionRoutinePath = Path; map.TileCollisionRoutine = Content; }); ImportBoolean(mapElemept, "foe", value => map.Foe = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "YamoSpawnPosition", value => map.YamoSpawnPosition = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "NinjaSpawnPosition", value => map.NinjaSpawnPosition = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "NinjaEnterCount1", value => map.NinjaEnterCount1 = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "NinjaEnterCount2", value => map.NinjaEnterCount2 = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "YamoEnterCount1", value => map.YamoEnterCount1 = value); ImportByte(mapElemept, "YamoEnterCount2", value => map.YamoEnterCount2 = value); ImportColorDetection(mapElemept, "Colpf0Dectection", ref map.Colpf0Detection, ref map.Colpf0DetectionRects, ref map.Colpf0DetectionFlags); ImportColorDetection(mapElemept, "Colpf2Dectection", ref map.Colpf2Detection, ref map.Colpf2DetectionRects, ref map.Colpf2DetectionFlags); ImportColorDetection(mapElemept, "Colpf3Dectection", ref map.Colpf3Detection, ref map.Colpf3DetectionRects, ref map.Colpf3DetectionFlags); if (mapElemept.Elements("brucestart").Any()) { XElement brucestart = mapElemept.Element("brucestart"); map.BruceStartX1 = Convert.ToByte(brucestart.Element("x1").Value); map.BruceStartY1 = Convert.ToByte(brucestart.Element("y1").Value); map.BruceStartX2 = Convert.ToByte(brucestart.Element("x2").Value); map.BruceStartY2 = Convert.ToByte(brucestart.Element("y2").Value); } if (mapElemept.Elements("exit1").Any()) { XElement exit = mapElemept.Element("exit1"); map.Exit1MapID = GuidHelper.parse(exit.Element("map").Value); map.Exit1X = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("x").Value); map.Exit1Y = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("y").Value); } if (mapElemept.Elements("exit2").Any()) { XElement exit = mapElemept.Element("exit2"); map.Exit2MapID = GuidHelper.parse(exit.Element("map").Value); map.Exit2X = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("x").Value); map.Exit2Y = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("y").Value); } if (mapElemept.Elements("exit3").Any()) { XElement exit = mapElemept.Element("exit3"); map.Exit3MapID = GuidHelper.parse(exit.Element("map").Value); map.Exit3X = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("x").Value); map.Exit3Y = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("y").Value); } if (mapElemept.Elements("exit4").Any()) { XElement exit = mapElemept.Element("exit4"); map.Exit4MapID = GuidHelper.parse(exit.Element("map").Value); map.Exit4X = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("x").Value); map.Exit4Y = Convert.ToByte(exit.Element("y").Value); } map.SetLoaded(); return(map); }
public void UpdateVehiclePosition(VehicleModel vehicleModel, Optional <RemotePlayer> player) { Vector3 remotePosition = vehicleModel.Position; Vector3 remoteVelocity = vehicleModel.Velocity; Quaternion remoteRotation = vehicleModel.Rotation; Vector3 angularVelocity = vehicleModel.AngularVelocity; Vehicle vehicle = null; SubRoot subRoot = null; Optional <GameObject> opGameObject = GuidHelper.GetObjectFrom(vehicleModel.Guid); if (opGameObject.IsPresent()) { GameObject gameObject = opGameObject.Get(); vehicle = gameObject.GetComponent <Vehicle>(); subRoot = gameObject.GetComponent <SubRoot>(); MultiplayerVehicleControl mvc = null; if (subRoot != null) { mvc = subRoot.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MultiplayerCyclops>(); } else if (vehicle != null) { SeaMoth seamoth = vehicle as SeaMoth; Exosuit exosuit = vehicle as Exosuit; if (seamoth) { mvc = seamoth.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MultiplayerSeaMoth>(); } else if (exosuit) { mvc = exosuit.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MultiplayerExosuit>(); } } if (mvc != null) { mvc.SetPositionVelocityRotation(remotePosition, remoteVelocity, remoteRotation, angularVelocity); mvc.SetThrottle(vehicleModel.AppliedThrottle); mvc.SetSteeringWheel(vehicleModel.SteeringWheelYaw, vehicleModel.SteeringWheelPitch); } } else { CreateVehicleAt(vehicleModel.TechType, vehicleModel.Guid, remotePosition, remoteRotation); } if (player.IsPresent()) { RemotePlayer playerInstance = player.Get(); playerInstance.SetVehicle(vehicle); playerInstance.SetSubRoot(subRoot); playerInstance.SetPilotingChair(subRoot?.GetComponentInChildren <PilotingChair>()); playerInstance.AnimationController.UpdatePlayerAnimations = false; } }
public override void Process(DeconstructionCompleted packet) { GameObject deconstructing = GuidHelper.RequireObjectFrom(packet.Guid); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(deconstructing); }
public object PersistDataValue(PersistDataValueRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var rootId = CoreConstants.System.Root.ToInvariantString(); var dataValuesRootId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(DataValuesConstants.Id); var parentId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.ParentId); var kindId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.KindId); // Catch all errors. try { // Parse or create the data value ID. var dataValueId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.DataValueId) ? Guid.NewGuid() : GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.DataValueId); // Get the ID path. var parent = parentId == Guid.Empty ? null : Entities.Retrieve(parentId); var path = parent == null ? new[] { dataValuesRootId, dataValueId } : parent.Path.Concat(new[] { dataValueId }).ToArray(); // Create data value. var dataValue = new DataValue() { KindId = kindId, Id = dataValueId, Path = path, Name = request.DataValueName, Alias = request.DataValueAlias, Data = JsonHelper.Serialize(request.Data) }; // Persist data value. Persistence.Persist(dataValue); // Variables. var fullPath = new[] { rootId } .Concat(path.Select(x => GuidHelper.GetString(x))) .ToArray(); // Success. result = new { Success = true, Id = GuidHelper.GetString(dataValueId), Path = fullPath }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. LogHelper.Error <DataValuesController>(PersistDataValueError, ex); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return result. return(result); }
// Token: 0x06000DC3 RID: 3523 RVA: 0x0002937B File Offset: 0x0002757B public RoleGroupIdParameter(string identity) : base(identity) { GuidHelper.TryParseGuid(identity, out this.guid); }
public override Guid GenerateSequentialGuid() { return(GuidHelper.NewSequentialGuid(SequentialGuidType.SequentialAsString)); }
// Token: 0x06000DC7 RID: 3527 RVA: 0x000293DC File Offset: 0x000275DC public RoleGroupIdParameter(INamedIdentity namedIdentity) : base(namedIdentity) { GuidHelper.TryParseGuid(namedIdentity.Identity, out this.guid); }
public Professional GetProfessionalFromUserGuid(string userIdString) { Guid userId = GuidHelper.GetGuid(userIdString); return(_unitOfWork.ProfessionalsRepository.Get(i => i.ProfessionalUserId == userId).FirstOrDefault()); }
private void SetPlayerGuid(string playerguid) { GuidHelper.SetNewGuid(Player.mainObject, playerguid); Log.Info("Received initial sync Player Guid: " + playerguid); }
public object GetFormInfo([FromUri] GetFormInfoRequest request) { // Variables. var result = default(object); var rootId = CoreConstants.System.Root.ToInvariantString(); // Catch all errors. try { // Variables. var id = GuidHelper.GetGuid(request.FormId); var form = Persistence.Retrieve(id); var fullPath = new[] { rootId } .Concat(form.Path.Select(x => GuidHelper.GetString(x))) .ToArray(); // Set result. result = new { Success = true, FormId = GuidHelper.GetString(form.Id), Path = fullPath, Alias = form.Alias, Name = form.Name, Fields = form.Fields.MakeSafe().Select(x => new { Id = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Id), x.Alias, x.Name, x.Label, x.Category, x.IsServerSideOnly, Validations = x.Validations.MakeSafe() .Select(y => Validations.Retrieve(y)) .WithoutNulls() .Select(y => new { Id = GuidHelper.GetString(y.Id), Name = y.Name }).ToArray(), Configuration = JsonHelper.Deserialize <object>( x.FieldConfiguration), Directive = x.GetDirective(), Icon = x.GetIcon(), TypeLabel = x.GetTypeLabel(), TypeFullName = x.GetFieldType().AssemblyQualifiedName }).ToArray(), Handlers = form.Handlers.MakeSafe().Select(x => new { Id = GuidHelper.GetString(x.Id), x.Alias, x.Name, x.Enabled, Configuration = JsonHelper.Deserialize <object>( x.HandlerConfiguration), Directive = x.GetDirective(), Icon = x.GetIcon(), TypeLabel = x.GetTypeLabel(), TypeFullName = x.GetHandlerType().AssemblyQualifiedName }).ToArray() }; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error. Logger.Error <FormsController>(ex, GetFormInfoError); result = new { Success = false, Reason = UnhandledError }; } // Return result. return(result); }
public void GuidIsNullOrEmptyTest(object value, bool expected) { var actual = GuidHelper.GuidIsNullOrEmpty(value); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void Retrieve() { GuidHelper guidHelper = new GuidHelper(); guidHelper.imageFoundEvent += new GuidHelper.imageFound(guidHelper_imageFoundEvent); foreach (var d in data) { guidHelper.getImageInfo(d); } //return data; }
void pin_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { string guid = (String)((Image)e.OriginalSource).Tag; GuidHelper guidHelper = new GuidHelper(); guidHelper.imageFoundEvent += new GuidHelper.imageFound(guidHelper_imageFoundEvent); guidHelper.getImageInfo(guid); }