Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Actions under the resolver.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTaskResolved()
            GuidCacheXml guidcachexml = GuidCacheXml.Load(new FileInfo(Bag.GetString(AttributeName.GuidCacheFile)).OpenRead());

            // Global structure of the WiX fragment file
            var wix = new Wix();
            var wixFragmentComponents = new Fragment();             // Fragment with the payload

            var wixDirectoryRef = new DirectoryRef();             // Mount into the directories tree, defined externally

            wixDirectoryRef.Id = Bag.GetString(AttributeName.WixDirectoryId);
            var wixDirectory = new Directory();             // A locally created nameless directory that does not add any nested folders but defines the sources location

            wixDirectory.Id         = DirectoryId;
            wixDirectory.FileSource = Bag.GetString(AttributeName.ProductBinariesDir);
            var wixFragmentGroup = new Fragment();             // Fragment with the component-group that collects the components

            var wixComponentGroup = new ComponentGroup();             // ComponentGroup that collects the components

            wixComponentGroup.Id = Bag.GetString(AttributeName.WixComponentGroupId);

            // A component for the generated Registry entries
            var wixComponentRegistry = new Component();

            wixComponentRegistry.Id       = RegistryComponentIdPrefix;
            wixComponentRegistry.Guid     = guidcachexml[GuidIdXml.MsiComponent_ProductBinaries_Registry_Hkmu].ToString("B").ToUpper();
            wixComponentRegistry.DiskId   = Bag.Get <int>(AttributeName.DiskId);
            wixComponentRegistry.Location = Component.LocationType.local;
            var wixComponentRegistryRef = new ComponentRef();

            wixComponentRegistryRef.Id = wixComponentRegistry.Id;

            // Create the Registry key for the Plugins section

            // Load the AllAssemblies file
            AllAssembliesXml allassembliesxml = AllAssembliesXml.LoadFrom(Bag.Get <TaskItemByValue>(AttributeName.AllAssembliesXml).ItemSpec);

            // Tracks the files on the target machine, to prevent the same file from being installed both as an assembly and as a reference
            var mapTargetFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            int nGeneratedComponents = ProcessAssemblies(wixDirectory, wixComponentGroup, wixComponentRegistry, allassembliesxml, mapTargetFiles, guidcachexml);

            // Save to the output file
            using (var xw = new XmlTextWriter(new FileStream(Bag.GetString(AttributeName.OutputFile), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read), Encoding.UTF8))
                xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

            // Report (also to see the target in the build logs)
            Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Generated {0} product binary components.", nGeneratedComponents);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Actions under the resolver.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTaskResolved()
            // Prepare the GUID cache
            myGuidCache = GuidCacheXml.Load(new FileInfo(Bag.GetString(AttributeName.GuidCacheFile)).OpenRead());

            // Global structure of the WiX fragment file
            var wix = new Wix();
            var wixFragmentComponents = new Fragment();             // Fragment with the payload

            var wixDirectoryRef = new DirectoryRef();             // Mount into the directories tree, defined externally

            wixDirectoryRef.Id = Bag.GetString(AttributeName.WixDirectoryId);

            var wixFragmentGroup = new Fragment();             // Fragment with the component-group that collects the components

            var wixComponentGroup = new ComponentGroup();             // ComponentGroup that collects the components

            wixComponentGroup.Id = Bag.GetString(AttributeName.WixComponentGroupId);

            // Get the dump from the product
            InstallationDataXml          dataxml = CreateInstaller().HarvestInstallationData();
            IDictionary <string, string> macros  = GetMacros();

            // Nullref guards

            // Convert into WiX
            int nProducedFiles  = ConvertFiles(wixDirectoryRef, wixComponentGroup, dataxml, macros);
            int nProducedKeys   = ConvertRegistryKeys(wixDirectoryRef, wixComponentGroup, dataxml, macros);
            int nProducedValues = ConvertRegistryValues(wixDirectoryRef, wixComponentGroup, dataxml, macros);

            // Save to the output file
            using (var xw = new XmlTextWriter(new FileStream(Bag.GetString(AttributeName.OutputFile), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read), Encoding.UTF8))
                xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

            // Report (also to see the target in the build logs)
            Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Generated {0} files, {1} Registry keys, and {2} Registry values.", nProducedFiles, nProducedKeys, nProducedValues);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes those AllAssemblies.Xml entries that are our own product assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        private int ProcessAssemblies(Directory wixDirectory, ComponentGroup wixComponentGroup, Component wixComponentRegistry, AllAssembliesXml allassembliesxml, Dictionary <string, string> mapTargetFiles, GuidCacheXml guidcachexml)
            // Collect the assemblies
            int nGeneratedComponents = 0;

            foreach (ItemGroupXml group in allassembliesxml.ItemGroup)
                if (group.AllAssemblies == null)
                foreach (AssemblyXml assemblyxml in group.AllAssemblies)
                    FileInfo fiAssembly = FindAssemblyFile(assemblyxml);
                    string   sExtension = fiAssembly.Extension.TrimStart('.');                   // The extension without a dot

                    // Create the component for the assembly (one per assembly)
                    var wixComponent = new Component();
                    wixComponent.Id       = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", FileComponentIdPrefix, assemblyxml.Include, sExtension);
                    wixComponent.Guid     = assemblyxml.MsiGuid;
                    wixComponent.DiskId   = Bag.Get <int>(AttributeName.DiskId);
                    wixComponent.Location = Component.LocationType.local;

                    // Register component in the group
                    var componentref = new ComponentRef();
                    componentref.Id = wixComponent.Id;

                    // Add the assembly file (and make it the key path)
                    var wixFileAssembly = new File();
                    wixFileAssembly.Id       = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", FileIdPrefix, assemblyxml.Include, sExtension);
                    wixFileAssembly.Name     = string.Format("{0}.{1}", assemblyxml.Include, sExtension);
                    wixFileAssembly.KeyPath  = YesNoType.yes;
                    wixFileAssembly.Checksum = YesNoType.yes;
                    wixFileAssembly.Vital    = YesNoType.yes;
                    wixFileAssembly.ReadOnly = YesNoType.yes;

                    RegisterTargetFile(wixFileAssembly.Name, string.Format("The {0} product assembly.", assemblyxml.Include), mapTargetFiles);

                    // Check whether it's a managed or native assembly
                    AssemblyName assemblyname = null;
                        assemblyname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(fiAssembly.FullName);
                    catch (BadImageFormatException)

                    // Add COM Self-Registration data
                    if (assemblyxml.ComRegister)
                         * foreach(ISchemaElement harvested in HarvestComSelfRegistration(wixFileAssembly, fiAssembly))
                         * wixComponent.AddChild(harvested);
                        SelfRegHarvester.Harvest(fiAssembly, assemblyname != null, wixComponent, wixFileAssembly);

                    // Ensure the managed DLL has a strong name
                    if ((assemblyname != null) && (Bag.Get <bool>(AttributeName.RequireStrongName)))
                        byte[] token = assemblyname.GetPublicKeyToken();
                        if ((token == null) || (token.Length == 0))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The assembly “{0}” does not have a strong name.", assemblyxml.Include));

                    // Add PDBs
                    if (Bag.Get <bool>(AttributeName.IncludePdb))
                        HarvestSatellite(assemblyxml, assemblyxml.Include + ".pdb", wixComponent, MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.Error, "PDB file", mapTargetFiles);

                    // Add XmlDocs
                    if ((assemblyname != null) && (Bag.Get <bool>(AttributeName.IncludeXmlDoc)))
                        HarvestSatellite(assemblyxml, assemblyxml.Include + ".xml", wixComponent, MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.Error, "XmlDoc file", mapTargetFiles);

                    // Add configs
                    HarvestSatellite(assemblyxml, assemblyxml.Include + "." + sExtension + ".config", wixComponent, (assemblyxml.HasAppConfig ? MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.Error : MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.None), "application configuration file", mapTargetFiles);
                    HarvestSatellite(assemblyxml, assemblyxml.Include + "." + sExtension + ".manifest", wixComponent, (assemblyxml.HasMainfest ? MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.Error : MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.None), "assembly manifest file", mapTargetFiles);
                    HarvestSatellite(assemblyxml, assemblyxml.Include + ".XmlSerializers." + sExtension, wixComponent, (assemblyxml.HasXmlSerializers ? MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.Error : MissingSatelliteErrorLevel.None), "serialization assembly", mapTargetFiles);

                    // Add publisher policy assemblies
                    if (assemblyname != null)
                        HarvestPublisherPolicyAssemblies(assemblyxml, wixDirectory, wixComponentGroup, ref nGeneratedComponents, mapTargetFiles, guidcachexml);

                    // Register as an OmeaPlugin
                    if (assemblyname != null)
                        RegisterPlugin(assemblyxml, wixFileAssembly, wixComponentRegistry);
Пример #4
        private void HarvestPublisherPolicyAssemblies(AssemblyXml assemblyxml, Directory directory, ComponentGroup componentgroup, ref int nGeneratedComponents, Dictionary <string, string> mapTargetFiles, GuidCacheXml guidcachexml)
            if (!Bag.Get <bool>(AttributeName.IncludePublisherPolicy))

            int    nWasGeneratedComponents = nGeneratedComponents;
            var    diFolder           = new DirectoryInfo(Bag.GetString(AttributeName.ProductBinariesDir));
            string sSatelliteWildcard = string.Format("Policy.*.{0}.{1}", assemblyxml.Include, "dll");             // Even an EXE assembly has a DLL policy file

            foreach (FileInfo fiPolicyAssembly in diFolder.GetFiles(sSatelliteWildcard))
                // Find the companion policy config file
                var fiPolicyConfig = new FileInfo(Path.ChangeExtension(fiPolicyAssembly.FullName, ".Config"));
                if (!fiPolicyConfig.Exists)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not locate the publisher policy config file for the assembly “{0}”; expected: “{1}”.", fiPolicyAssembly.FullName, fiPolicyConfig.FullName));

                // We have to create a new component for each of the DLLs we'd like to GAC as publisher policy assemblies

                // Create the component for the assembly (one per assembly)
                var component = new Component();
                component.Id       = string.Format("{0}.{1}", FileComponentIdPrefix, fiPolicyAssembly.Name);
                component.Guid     = guidcachexml[assemblyxml.Include + " PublisherPolicy"].ToString("B").ToUpper();
                component.DiskId   = Bag.Get <int>(AttributeName.DiskId);
                component.Location = Component.LocationType.local;

                // Register component in the group
                var componentref = new ComponentRef();
                componentref.Id = component.Id;

                // Add the assembly file (and make it the key path)
                var fileAssembly = new File();
                fileAssembly.Id       = string.Format("{0}.{1}", FileIdPrefix, fiPolicyAssembly.Name);
                fileAssembly.Name     = fiPolicyAssembly.Name;
                fileAssembly.KeyPath  = YesNoType.yes;
                fileAssembly.Checksum = YesNoType.yes;
                fileAssembly.Vital    = YesNoType.no;
                fileAssembly.Assembly = File.AssemblyType.net;
                fileAssembly.ReadOnly = YesNoType.yes;

                RegisterTargetFile(fileAssembly.Name, string.Format("Publisher policy assembly file for the {0} product assembly.", assemblyxml.Include), mapTargetFiles);

                // Add the policy config file
                var filePolicy = new File();
                filePolicy.Id       = string.Format("{0}.{1}", FileIdPrefix, fiPolicyConfig.Name);
                filePolicy.Name     = fiPolicyConfig.Name;
                filePolicy.KeyPath  = YesNoType.no;
                filePolicy.Checksum = YesNoType.yes;
                filePolicy.Vital    = YesNoType.no;
                filePolicy.ReadOnly = YesNoType.yes;

                RegisterTargetFile(fileAssembly.Name, string.Format("Publisher policy configuration file for the {0} product assembly.", assemblyxml.Include), mapTargetFiles);

            if (nWasGeneratedComponents == nGeneratedComponents)            // None were actually collected
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not locate the Publisher Policy assemblies for the “{0}” assembly. The expected full path is “{1}\\{2}”.", assemblyxml.Include, diFolder.FullName, sSatelliteWildcard));