public static void Build(object obj, string id) { System.Collections.Hashtable bindings = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog cobj.Title = "Question"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Modal = true; cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog"; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w2 = new Gtk.HBox(); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Image w3 = new Gtk.Image(); w3.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-dialog-info", 16, 0); w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "image"; bindings["image"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Position = 0; w4.Expand = false; w4.Fill = false; w4.Padding = ((uint)(5)); // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w5 = new Gtk.Label(); w5.LabelProp = "Info"; w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "label"; bindings["label"] = w5; w2.Add(w5); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w5])); w6.Position = 1; bindings["hbox1"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w7.Position = 0; w7.Expand = false; w7.Fill = false; w7.Padding = ((uint)(5)); bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w8 = cobj.ActionArea; w8.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w8.Spacing = 10; w8.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w8.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog_ActionArea"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w9 = new Gtk.Button(); w9.CanFocus = true; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "button22"; w9.CanDefault = true; // Container child button22.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w10 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w11 = new Gtk.HBox(); w11.Spacing = 2; w11.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w11.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w12 = new Gtk.Image(); w12.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-no", 16, 0); w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "image2"; bindings["image2"] = w12; w11.Add(w12); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w14 = new Gtk.Label(); w14.LabelProp = "No"; w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w14; w11.Add(w14); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w11; w10.Add(w11); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); bindings["button22"] = w9; cobj.AddActionWidget(w9, -9); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8[w9])); w18.Expand = false; w18.Fill = false; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w19 = new Gtk.Button(); w19.CanFocus = true; w19.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w19.Name = "button24"; w19.CanDefault = true; // Container child button24.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w20 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w20.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w20.Name = "GtkAlignment1"; // Container child GtkAlignment1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w21 = new Gtk.HBox(); w21.Spacing = 2; w21.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w21.Name = "GtkHBox1"; // Container child GtkHBox1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w22 = new Gtk.Image(); w22.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-yes", 16, 0); w22.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w22.Name = "image3"; bindings["image3"] = w22; w21.Add(w22); // Container child GtkHBox1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w24 = new Gtk.Label(); w24.LabelProp = "Yes"; w24.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w24.Name = "GtkLabel1"; bindings["GtkLabel1"] = w24; w21.Add(w24); bindings["GtkHBox1"] = w21; w20.Add(w21); bindings["GtkAlignment1"] = w20; w19.Add(w20); bindings["button24"] = w19; cobj.AddActionWidget(w19, -8); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w28 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8[w19])); w28.Position = 1; w28.Expand = false; w28.Fill = false; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog_ActionArea"] = w8; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 99; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.QuestionDialog"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w5.Show(); w2.Show(); w1.Show(); w12.Show(); w14.Show(); w11.Show(); w10.Show(); w9.Show(); w22.Show(); w24.Show(); w21.Show(); w20.Show(); w19.Show(); w8.Show(); cobj.Show(); w9.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnNo"))); w19.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnYes"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView")) { Gtk.Bin cobj = ((Gtk.Bin)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView BinContainer.Attach(cobj); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.TreeView w1 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w1.CanFocus = true; w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "treeview"; bindings["treeview"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView"] = cobj; w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog cobj.Title = "Warning"; cobj.Icon = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-dialog-warning", 16, 0); cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Resizable = false; cobj.AllowGrow = false; cobj.DefaultWidth = 500; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog"; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w2 = new Gtk.HBox(); w2.Spacing = 5; w2.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Image w3 = new Gtk.Image(); w3.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("stock_dialog-warning", 16, 0); w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "image"; bindings["image"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Position = 0; w4.Expand = false; w4.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w5 = new Gtk.Label(); w5.LabelProp = "Warning"; w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "label"; bindings["label"] = w5; w2.Add(w5); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w5])); w6.Position = 1; bindings["hbox1"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w7.Position = 0; w7.Expand = false; w7.Fill = false; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w8 = cobj.ActionArea; w8.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w8.Spacing = 10; w8.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w8.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog_ActionArea"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w9 = new Gtk.Button(); w9.CanFocus = true; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "buttonOk"; w9.CanDefault = true; // Container child buttonOk.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w10 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w11 = new Gtk.HBox(); w11.Spacing = 2; w11.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w11.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w12 = new Gtk.Image(); w12.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-ok", 16, 0); w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "image7"; bindings["image7"] = w12; w11.Add(w12); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w14 = new Gtk.Label(); w14.LabelProp = "Ok"; w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w14; w11.Add(w14); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w11; w10.Add(w11); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); bindings["buttonOk"] = w9; cobj.AddActionWidget(w9, 0); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8[w9])); w18.Expand = false; w18.Fill = false; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog_ActionArea"] = w8; cobj.DefaultHeight = 104; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WarningDialog"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w5.Show(); w2.Show(); w1.Show(); w12.Show(); w14.Show(); w11.Show(); w10.Show(); w9.Show(); w8.Show(); cobj.Show(); w9.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnOk"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitWindow cobj.Title = "Operation in progress..."; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(1)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitWindow"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w1 = new Gtk.VBox(); w1.Spacing = 2; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "vbox"; // Container child vbox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w2 = new Gtk.Label(); w2.LabelProp = "Please wait"; w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "labelMsg"; bindings["labelMsg"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; // Container child vbox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ProgressBar w4 = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w4.Name = "progressbar"; bindings["progressbar"] = w4; w1.Add(w4); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w4])); w5.Position = 1; w5.Expand = false; w5.Fill = false; // Container child vbox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HButtonBox w6 = new Gtk.HButtonBox(); w6.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(2)); w6.Spacing = 10; w6.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w6.Name = "actionArea"; // Container child actionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w7 = new Gtk.Button(); w7.CanFocus = true; w7.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w7.Name = "button"; w7.CanDefault = true; // Container child button.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w8 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w9 = new Gtk.HBox(); w9.Spacing = 2; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w10 = new Gtk.Image(); w10.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-cancel", 16, 0); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "image1"; bindings["image1"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w12 = new Gtk.Label(); w12.LabelProp = "Cancel"; w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w12; w9.Add(w12); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w9; w8.Add(w9); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w8; w7.Add(w8); bindings["button"] = w7; w6.Add(w7); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w6[w7])); w16.Expand = false; w16.Fill = false; bindings["actionArea"] = w6; w1.Add(w6); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w17 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w6])); w17.Position = 2; w17.Expand = false; w17.Fill = false; bindings["vbox"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 119; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitWindow"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w4.Show(); w10.Show(); w12.Show(); w9.Show(); w8.Show(); w7.Show(); w6.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w7.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnCancel"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog cobj.Title = "Operation in progress..."; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(1)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog"; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.Spacing = 2; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w2 = new Gtk.Label(); w2.LabelProp = "Please wait"; w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "labelMsg"; bindings["labelMsg"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ProgressBar w4 = new Gtk.ProgressBar(); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w4.Name = "progressbar"; bindings["progressbar"] = w4; w1.Add(w4); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w4])); w5.Position = 1; w5.Expand = false; w5.Fill = false; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w6 = cobj.ActionArea; w6.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(2)); w6.Spacing = 10; w6.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w6.Name = "actionArea"; // Container child actionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w7 = new Gtk.Button(); w7.CanFocus = true; w7.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w7.Name = "button"; w7.CanDefault = true; // Container child button.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w8 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w9 = new Gtk.HBox(); w9.Spacing = 2; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w10 = new Gtk.Image(); w10.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-cancel", 16, 0); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "image8"; bindings["image8"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w12 = new Gtk.Label(); w12.LabelProp = "Cancel"; w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w12; w9.Add(w12); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w9; w8.Add(w9); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w8; w7.Add(w8); bindings["button"] = w7; cobj.AddActionWidget(w7, -7); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w6[w7])); w16.Expand = false; w16.Fill = false; bindings["actionArea"] = w6; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 113; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.WaitDialog"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w4.Show(); w1.Show(); w10.Show(); w12.Show(); w9.Show(); w8.Show(); w7.Show(); w6.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.Close += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnClose"))); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w7.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnCancel"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.DoubleListView")) { Gtk.Bin cobj = ((Gtk.Bin)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.DoubleListView BinContainer.Attach(cobj); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.DoubleListView"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.DoubleListView.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w1 = new Gtk.VBox(); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "vbox2"; // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w2 = new Gtk.HBox(); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "hbox2"; // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w3 = new Gtk.Label(); w3.LabelProp = "label1"; w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "labelLeft"; bindings["labelLeft"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Position = 0; w4.Fill = false; // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.VSeparator w5 = new Gtk.VSeparator(); w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "vseparator1"; bindings["vseparator1"] = w5; w2.Add(w5); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w5])); w6.Position = 1; w6.Expand = false; w6.Fill = false; // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w7 = new Gtk.Label(); w7.LabelProp = "label2"; w7.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w7.Name = "labelRight"; bindings["labelRight"] = w7; w2.Add(w7); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w7])); w8.Position = 2; w8.Fill = false; bindings["hbox2"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w9.Position = 0; w9.Expand = false; // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w10 = new Gtk.HBox(); w10.Spacing = 5; w10.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ScrolledWindow w11 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); w11.VscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w11.HscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w11.CanFocus = true; w11.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w11.Name = "scrolledwindow1"; // Container child scrolledwindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Viewport w12 = new Gtk.Viewport(); w12.ShadowType = ((Gtk.ShadowType)(0)); w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "GtkViewport"; // Container child GtkViewport.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView w13 = new Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView(); w13.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w13.Name = "slistviewLeft"; bindings["slistviewLeft"] = w13; w12.Add(w13); bindings["GtkViewport"] = w12; w11.Add(w12); bindings["scrolledwindow1"] = w11; w10.Add(w11); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w10[w11])); w16.Position = 0; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.VBox w17 = new Gtk.VBox(); w17.Homogeneous = true; w17.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w17.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w18 = new Gtk.Button(); w18.CanFocus = true; w18.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w18.Name = "button5"; // Container child button5.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w19 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w19.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w19.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w20 = new Gtk.HBox(); w20.Spacing = 2; w20.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w20.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w21 = new Gtk.Image(); w21.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("stock_left", 16, 0); w21.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w21.Name = "image5"; bindings["image5"] = w21; w20.Add(w21); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w23 = new Gtk.Label(); w23.LabelProp = ""; w23.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w23.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w23; w20.Add(w23); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w20; w19.Add(w20); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w19; w18.Add(w19); bindings["button5"] = w18; w17.Add(w18); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w27 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w18])); w27.Position = 1; w27.Expand = false; w27.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w28 = new Gtk.Button(); w28.CanFocus = true; w28.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w28.Name = "button6"; // Container child button6.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w29 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w29.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w29.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w30 = new Gtk.HBox(); w30.Spacing = 2; w30.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w30.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w31 = new Gtk.Image(); w31.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("stock_right", 16, 0); w31.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w31.Name = "image6"; bindings["image6"] = w31; w30.Add(w31); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w33 = new Gtk.Label(); w33.LabelProp = ""; w33.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w33.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w33; w30.Add(w33); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w30; w29.Add(w30); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w29; w28.Add(w29); bindings["button6"] = w28; w17.Add(w28); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w37 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w28])); w37.Position = 2; w37.Expand = false; w37.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w17; w10.Add(w17); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w38 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w10[w17])); w38.Position = 1; w38.Expand = false; w38.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ScrolledWindow w39 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); w39.VscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w39.HscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w39.CanFocus = true; w39.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w39.Name = "scrolledwindow2"; // Container child scrolledwindow2.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Viewport w40 = new Gtk.Viewport(); w40.ShadowType = ((Gtk.ShadowType)(0)); w40.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w40.Name = "GtkViewport1"; // Container child GtkViewport1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView w41 = new Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleListView(); w41.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w41.Name = "slistviewRight"; bindings["slistviewRight"] = w41; w40.Add(w41); bindings["GtkViewport1"] = w40; w39.Add(w40); bindings["scrolledwindow2"] = w39; w10.Add(w39); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w44 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w10[w39])); w44.PackType = ((Gtk.PackType)(1)); w44.Position = 2; bindings["hbox1"] = w10; w1.Add(w10); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w45 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w10])); w45.Position = 1; bindings["vbox2"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.DoubleListView"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w5.Show(); w7.Show(); w2.Show(); w13.Show(); w12.Show(); w11.Show(); w21.Show(); w23.Show(); w20.Show(); w19.Show(); w18.Show(); w31.Show(); w33.Show(); w30.Show(); w29.Show(); w28.Show(); w17.Show(); w41.Show(); w40.Show(); w39.Show(); w10.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); w18.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnLeftClicked"))); w28.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnRightClicked"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog cobj.Title = "Info"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog"; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w2 = new Gtk.HBox(); w2.Spacing = 5; w2.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Image w3 = new Gtk.Image(); w3.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-dialog-info", 16, 0); w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "image"; bindings["image"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Position = 0; w4.Expand = false; w4.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w5 = new Gtk.Label(); w5.LabelProp = "Info"; w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "label"; bindings["label"] = w5; w2.Add(w5); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w5])); w6.Position = 1; bindings["hbox1"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w7.Position = 0; w7.Expand = false; w7.Fill = false; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w8 = cobj.ActionArea; w8.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w8.Spacing = 10; w8.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w8.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog_ActionArea"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w9 = new Gtk.Button(); w9.CanFocus = true; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "button35"; w9.CanDefault = true; // Container child button35.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w10 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w11 = new Gtk.HBox(); w11.Spacing = 2; w11.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w11.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w12 = new Gtk.Image(); w12.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-ok", 16, 0); w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "image4"; bindings["image4"] = w12; w11.Add(w12); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w14 = new Gtk.Label(); w14.LabelProp = "Ok"; w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w14; w11.Add(w14); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w11; w10.Add(w11); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); bindings["button35"] = w9; cobj.AddActionWidget(w9, 0); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8[w9])); w18.Expand = false; w18.Fill = false; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog_ActionArea"] = w8; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 104; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoDialog"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w5.Show(); w2.Show(); w1.Show(); w12.Show(); w14.Show(); w11.Show(); w10.Show(); w9.Show(); w8.Show(); cobj.Show(); w9.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnOkClicked"))); } else { if ((id == "button7")) { Gtk.Button cobj = ((Gtk.Button)(obj)); // Widget button7 cobj.CanFocus = true; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "button7"; cobj.CanDefault = true; cobj.Label = "button7"; bindings["button7"] = cobj; cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.FilteredListView")) { Gtk.Bin cobj = ((Gtk.Bin)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.FilteredListView BinContainer.Attach(cobj); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.FilteredListView"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.FilteredListView.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.TreeView w1 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w1.CanFocus = true; w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "treeview"; bindings["treeview"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.FilteredListView"] = cobj; w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleTreeView")) { Gtk.Bin cobj = ((Gtk.Bin)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleTreeView BinContainer.Attach(cobj); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleTreeView"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleTreeView.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.TreeView w1 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w1.CanFocus = true; w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "treeview"; bindings["treeview"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.SimpleTreeView"] = cobj; w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.LoginWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.LoginWindow cobj.Title = "LoginWindow"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.LoginWindow"; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.LoginWindow"] = cobj; cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "MainWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget MainWindow cobj.Title = "MainWindow"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "MainWindow"; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["MainWindow"] = cobj; cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); } else { if ((id == "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog cobj.Title = "InfoExtendedDialog"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog"; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w2 = cobj.ActionArea; w2.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w2.Name = "Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog_ActionArea"; // Container child Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w3 = new Gtk.Button(); w3.CanFocus = true; w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "button6"; w3.CanDefault = true; w3.Label = "button6"; bindings["button6"] = w3; cobj.AddActionWidget(w3, 0); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Expand = false; w4.Fill = false; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog_ActionArea"] = w2; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["Boxerp.Client.GtkSharp.Lib.InfoExtendedDialog"] = cobj; w1.Show(); w3.Show(); w2.Show(); cobj.Show(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic) | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)); for (int n = 0; (n < fields.Length); n = (n + 1)) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = fields[n]; object widget = bindings[field.Name]; if (((widget != null) && field.FieldType.IsInstanceOfType(widget))) { field.SetValue(obj, widget); } } }
public static void Build(object obj, string id) { System.Collections.Hashtable bindings = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if ((id == "SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos")) { Gtk.Bin cobj = ((Gtk.Bin)(obj)); // Widget SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos BinContainer.Attach(cobj); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos"; // Container child SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w1 = new Gtk.HBox(); w1.Spacing = 5; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w2 = new Gtk.Label(); w2.LabelProp = "Source:"; w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "labelSource"; bindings["labelSource"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; w3.Expand = false; w3.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ComboBox w4 = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w4.Name = "comboSource"; bindings["comboSource"] = w4; w1.Add(w4); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w4])); w5.Position = 1; w5.Expand = false; w5.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.VSeparator w6 = new Gtk.VSeparator(); w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w6.Name = "vseparator1"; bindings["vseparator1"] = w6; w1.Add(w6); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w6])); w7.Position = 2; w7.Expand = false; w7.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.CheckButton w8 = new Gtk.CheckButton(); w8.Label = "reverse"; w8.DrawIndicator = true; w8.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w8.CanFocus = true; w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "checkbuttonReverse"; bindings["checkbuttonReverse"] = w8; w1.Add(w8); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w8])); w9.Position = 3; w9.Expand = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.VSeparator w10 = new Gtk.VSeparator(); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "vseparator2"; bindings["vseparator2"] = w10; w1.Add(w10); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w10])); w11.Position = 4; w11.Expand = false; w11.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w12 = new Gtk.Label(); w12.LabelProp = "Target:"; w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "labelTarget"; bindings["labelTarget"] = w12; w1.Add(w12); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w12])); w13.Position = 5; w13.Expand = false; w13.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ComboBox w14 = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "comboTarget"; bindings["comboTarget"] = w14; w1.Add(w14); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w15 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w14])); w15.Position = 6; w15.Expand = false; w15.Fill = false; bindings["hbox1"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w4.Show(); w6.Show(); w8.Show(); w10.Show(); w12.Show(); w14.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); } else { if ((id == "SharpTranslator.AboutDialog")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget SharpTranslator.AboutDialog cobj.Title = "AboutDialog"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "SharpTranslator.AboutDialog"; // Internal child SharpTranslator.AboutDialog.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.TextView w2 = new Gtk.TextView(); w2.Buffer.Text = "\n SharpTranslator\n\n Version 0.1.3 (October 2006)\n\n License: GPL\n\n Author: Carlos Ble <>\n\n English-Spanish dictionary was taken from i2e:\n (Alfredo Casademunt, Jose Luis Triviño)\n\n"; w2.CanFocus = true; w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "textview1"; bindings["textview1"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HSeparator w4 = new Gtk.HSeparator(); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w4.Name = "hseparator1"; bindings["hseparator1"] = w4; w1.Add(w4); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w4])); w5.Position = 1; w5.Expand = false; w5.Fill = false; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child SharpTranslator.AboutDialog.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w6 = cobj.ActionArea; w6.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w6.Spacing = 10; w6.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w6.Name = "SharpTranslator.AboutDialog_ActionArea"; // Container child SharpTranslator.AboutDialog_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w7 = new Gtk.Button(); w7.CanFocus = true; w7.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w7.Name = "buttonClose"; w7.CanDefault = true; // Container child buttonClose.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w8 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w9 = new Gtk.HBox(); w9.Spacing = 2; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w10 = new Gtk.Image(); w10.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-close", 16, 0); w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "image1"; bindings["image1"] = w10; w9.Add(w10); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w12 = new Gtk.Label(); w12.LabelProp = "Close"; w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w12; w9.Add(w12); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w9; w8.Add(w9); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w8; w7.Add(w8); bindings["buttonClose"] = w7; cobj.AddActionWidget(w7, 0); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w6[w7])); w16.Expand = false; w16.Fill = false; bindings["SharpTranslator.AboutDialog_ActionArea"] = w6; cobj.DefaultWidth = 487; cobj.DefaultHeight = 303; bindings["SharpTranslator.AboutDialog"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w4.Show(); w1.Show(); w10.Show(); w12.Show(); w9.Show(); w8.Show(); w7.Show(); w6.Show(); cobj.Show(); w7.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnClose"))); } else { if ((id == "SharpTranslator.LearnWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget SharpTranslator.LearnWindow cobj.Title = "LearnWindow"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(1)); cobj.Resizable = false; cobj.AllowGrow = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "SharpTranslator.LearnWindow"; // Container child SharpTranslator.LearnWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w1 = new Gtk.VBox(); w1.Spacing = 5; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w2 = new Gtk.HBox(); w2.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "hbox5"; // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w3 = new Gtk.Label(); w3.LabelProp = "Type of item:"; w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "label1"; bindings["label1"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w3])); w4.Position = 0; w4.Expand = false; w4.Fill = false; // Container child hbox5.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w5 = new Gtk.HBox(); w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "hbox4"; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.CheckButton w6 = new Gtk.CheckButton(); w6.Label = "Word"; w6.Active = true; w6.DrawIndicator = true; w6.CanFocus = true; w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w6.Name = "checkbWord"; bindings["checkbWord"] = w6; w5.Add(w6); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w5[w6])); w7.Position = 0; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.CheckButton w8 = new Gtk.CheckButton(); w8.Label = "Expression"; w8.DrawIndicator = true; w8.CanFocus = true; w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "checkbExpression"; bindings["checkbExpression"] = w8; w5.Add(w8); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w5[w8])); w9.Position = 1; bindings["hbox4"] = w5; w2.Add(w5); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w2[w5])); w10.Position = 1; w10.Expand = false; bindings["hbox5"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w11.Position = 0; w11.Expand = false; w11.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos w12 = new SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos(); w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w12.Name = "rCombos"; bindings["rCombos"] = w12; w1.Add(w12); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w12])); w13.Position = 1; w13.Expand = false; w13.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w14 = new Gtk.HBox(); w14.Spacing = 5; w14.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "hbox3"; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w15 = new Gtk.Label(); w15.LabelProp = "Text:"; w15.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w15.Name = "labelText"; bindings["labelText"] = w15; w14.Add(w15); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w14[w15])); w16.Position = 0; w16.Expand = false; w16.Fill = false; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Entry w17 = new Gtk.Entry(); w17.IsEditable = true; w17.InvisibleChar = '●'; w17.CanFocus = true; w17.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w17.Name = "entryText"; bindings["entryText"] = w17; w14.Add(w17); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w18 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w14[w17])); w18.Position = 1; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w19 = new Gtk.Label(); w19.LabelProp = "Translation:"; w19.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w19.Name = "label3"; bindings["label3"] = w19; w14.Add(w19); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w20 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w14[w19])); w20.Position = 2; w20.Expand = false; w20.Fill = false; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Entry w21 = new Gtk.Entry(); w21.IsEditable = true; w21.InvisibleChar = '●'; w21.CanFocus = true; w21.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w21.Name = "entryTranslation"; bindings["entryTranslation"] = w21; w14.Add(w21); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w22 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w14[w21])); w22.Position = 3; bindings["hbox3"] = w14; w1.Add(w14); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w23 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w14])); w23.Position = 2; w23.Expand = false; w23.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HSeparator w24 = new Gtk.HSeparator(); w24.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w24.Name = "hseparator1"; bindings["hseparator1"] = w24; w1.Add(w24); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w25 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w24])); w25.Position = 3; w25.Expand = false; w25.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HButtonBox w26 = new Gtk.HButtonBox(); w26.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w26.Spacing = 3; w26.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w26.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w26.Name = "hbuttonbox1"; // Container child hbuttonbox1.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w27 = new Gtk.Button(); w27.CanFocus = true; w27.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w27.Name = "buttonCancel"; // Container child buttonCancel.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w28 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w28.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w28.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w29 = new Gtk.HBox(); w29.Spacing = 2; w29.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w29.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w30 = new Gtk.Image(); w30.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-cancel", 16, 0); w30.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w30.Name = "image2"; bindings["image2"] = w30; w29.Add(w30); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w32 = new Gtk.Label(); w32.LabelProp = "Cancel"; w32.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w32.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w32; w29.Add(w32); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w29; w28.Add(w29); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w28; w27.Add(w28); bindings["buttonCancel"] = w27; w26.Add(w27); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w36 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w26[w27])); w36.Expand = false; w36.Fill = false; // Container child hbuttonbox1.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w37 = new Gtk.Button(); w37.CanFocus = true; w37.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w37.Name = "buttonAccept"; // Container child buttonAccept.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w38 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w38.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w38.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w39 = new Gtk.HBox(); w39.Spacing = 2; w39.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w39.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w40 = new Gtk.Image(); w40.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-ok", 16, 0); w40.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w40.Name = "image3"; bindings["image3"] = w40; w39.Add(w40); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w42 = new Gtk.Label(); w42.LabelProp = "Accept"; w42.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w42.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w42; w39.Add(w42); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w39; w38.Add(w39); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w38; w37.Add(w38); bindings["buttonAccept"] = w37; w26.Add(w37); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w46 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w26[w37])); w46.Position = 1; w46.Expand = false; w46.Fill = false; bindings["hbuttonbox1"] = w26; w1.Add(w26); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w47 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w26])); w47.Position = 4; w47.Expand = false; w47.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); cobj.DefaultWidth = 586; cobj.DefaultHeight = 194; bindings["SharpTranslator.LearnWindow"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w6.Show(); w8.Show(); w5.Show(); w2.Show(); w12.Show(); w15.Show(); w17.Show(); w19.Show(); w21.Show(); w14.Show(); w24.Show(); w30.Show(); w32.Show(); w29.Show(); w28.Show(); w27.Show(); w40.Show(); w42.Show(); w39.Show(); w38.Show(); w37.Show(); w26.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnClose"))); w37.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnAccept"))); } else { if ((id == "SharpTranslator.MainWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget SharpTranslator.MainWindow cobj.Title = "SharpTranslator"; Gtk.UIManager w1 = new Gtk.UIManager(); Gtk.ActionGroup w2 = new Gtk.ActionGroup("Default"); Gtk.Action w3 = new Gtk.Action("File", "File", null, null); w3.ShortLabel = "Archivo"; bindings["File"] = w3; w2.Add(w3, null); Gtk.Action w4 = new Gtk.Action("Edit", "Edit", null, null); w4.ShortLabel = "Editar"; bindings["Edit"] = w4; w2.Add(w4, null); Gtk.Action w5 = new Gtk.Action("Learn", "Learn", null, "gtk-new"); w5.ShortLabel = "Learn"; bindings["Learn"] = w5; w2.Add(w5, null); Gtk.Action w6 = new Gtk.Action("floppy", null, null, "gtk-floppy"); bindings["floppy"] = w6; w2.Add(w6, null); Gtk.Action w7 = new Gtk.Action("LearnWords", "Learn words", null, "gtk-new"); w7.ShortLabel = "Learn "; bindings["LearnWords"] = w7; w2.Add(w7, null); Gtk.Action w8 = new Gtk.Action("AddLanguage", "Add Language", null, "gtk-add"); w8.ShortLabel = "Exit"; bindings["AddLanguage"] = w8; w2.Add(w8, null); Gtk.Action w9 = new Gtk.Action("Cut", "Cut", null, "gtk-cut"); w9.ShortLabel = "Cut"; bindings["Cut"] = w9; w2.Add(w9, null); Gtk.Action w10 = new Gtk.Action("Copy", "Copy", null, "gtk-copy"); w10.ShortLabel = "Copy"; bindings["Copy"] = w10; w2.Add(w10, null); Gtk.Action w11 = new Gtk.Action("Paste", "Paste", null, "gtk-paste"); w11.ShortLabel = "Paste"; bindings["Paste"] = w11; w2.Add(w11, null); Gtk.Action w12 = new Gtk.Action("Help", "Help", null, null); w12.ShortLabel = "Help"; bindings["Help"] = w12; w2.Add(w12, null); Gtk.Action w13 = new Gtk.Action("About", "About", null, "gnome-stock-about"); w13.ShortLabel = "About"; bindings["About"] = w13; w2.Add(w13, null); Gtk.Action w14 = new Gtk.Action("ImportDictionary", "Import Dictionary", null, "gnome-stock-book-blue"); w14.ShortLabel = "Import Dictionary"; bindings["ImportDictionary"] = w14; w2.Add(w14, null); Gtk.Action w15 = new Gtk.Action("Preferences", "Preferences", null, "gtk-preferences"); w15.ShortLabel = "Preferences"; bindings["Preferences"] = w15; w2.Add(w15, null); Gtk.Action w16 = new Gtk.Action("Close", "Close", null, "gtk-close"); w16.ShortLabel = "Close"; bindings["Close"] = w16; w2.Add(w16, null); w1.InsertActionGroup(w2, 0); cobj.AddAccelGroup(w1.AccelGroup); cobj.Icon = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-properties", 16, 0); cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(1)); cobj.DefaultWidth = 60; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "SharpTranslator.MainWindow"; // Container child SharpTranslator.MainWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w17 = new Gtk.VBox(); w17.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w17.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild w1.AddUiFromString("<ui><menubar name='menubar1'><menu action='File'><menuitem action='LearnWords'/><menuitem action='AddLanguage'/><menuitem action='ImportDictionary'/><menuitem action='Close'/></menu><menu action='Edit'><menuitem action='Cut'/><menuitem action='Copy'/><menuitem action='Paste'/><menuitem action='Preferences'/></menu><menu action='Help'><menuitem action='About'/></menu></menubar></ui>"); Gtk.MenuBar w18 = ((Gtk.MenuBar)(w1.GetWidget("/menubar1"))); w18.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w18.Name = "menubar1"; bindings["menubar1"] = w18; w17.Add(w18); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w19 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w18])); w19.Position = 0; w19.Expand = false; w19.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild w1.AddUiFromString("<ui><toolbar name='toolbar1'><toolitem action='Learn'/></toolbar></ui>"); Gtk.Toolbar w20 = ((Gtk.Toolbar)(w1.GetWidget("/toolbar1"))); w20.ShowArrow = false; w20.Tooltips = false; w20.ToolbarStyle = ((Gtk.ToolbarStyle)(2)); w20.IconSize = ((Gtk.IconSize)(2)); w20.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w20.Name = "toolbar1"; bindings["toolbar1"] = w20; w17.Add(w20); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w21 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w20])); w21.Position = 1; w21.Expand = false; w21.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos w22 = new SharpTranslator.ReversibleCombos(); w22.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w22.Name = "rCombos"; bindings["rCombos"] = w22; w17.Add(w22); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w23 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w22])); w23.Position = 2; w23.Expand = false; w23.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.ScrolledWindow w24 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); w24.VscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w24.HscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w24.CanFocus = true; w24.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w24.Name = "scrolledwindow1"; // Container child scrolledwindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.TreeView w25 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w25.CanFocus = true; w25.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w25.Name = "treeviewResults"; bindings["treeviewResults"] = w25; w24.Add(w25); bindings["scrolledwindow1"] = w24; w17.Add(w24); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w27 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w24])); w27.Position = 3; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w28 = new Gtk.HBox(); w28.Spacing = 5; w28.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w28.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w28.Name = "hbox3"; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w29 = new Gtk.Label(); w29.LabelProp = "Word:"; w29.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w29.Name = "labelWord"; bindings["labelWord"] = w29; w28.Add(w29); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w30 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w28[w29])); w30.Position = 0; w30.Expand = false; w30.Fill = false; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Entry w31 = new Gtk.Entry(); w31.IsEditable = true; w31.InvisibleChar = '●'; w31.CanFocus = true; w31.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w31.Name = "entryKeyword"; w31.CanDefault = true; bindings["entryKeyword"] = w31; w28.Add(w31); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w32 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w28[w31])); w32.Position = 1; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w33 = new Gtk.Button(); Gtk.Tooltips w34 = new Gtk.Tooltips(); w34.SetTip(w33, "Search keyword", "Search keyword"); w33.CanFocus = true; w33.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w33.Name = "buttonSearch"; // Container child buttonSearch.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w35 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w35.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w35.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w36 = new Gtk.HBox(); w36.Spacing = 2; w36.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w36.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w37 = new Gtk.Image(); w37.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-find", 16, 0); w37.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w37.Name = "image4"; bindings["image4"] = w37; w36.Add(w37); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w39 = new Gtk.Label(); w39.LabelProp = "Search"; w39.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w39.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w39; w36.Add(w39); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w36; w35.Add(w36); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w35; w33.Add(w35); bindings["buttonSearch"] = w33; w28.Add(w33); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w43 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w28[w33])); w43.Position = 2; w43.Expand = false; w43.Fill = false; bindings["hbox3"] = w28; w17.Add(w28); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w44 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w28])); w44.Position = 4; w44.Expand = false; w44.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w45 = new Gtk.HBox(); w45.Spacing = 5; w45.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w45.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w45.Name = "hbox4"; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w46 = new Gtk.Label(); w46.LabelProp = "Expression:"; w46.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w46.Name = "labelExpression"; bindings["labelExpression"] = w46; w45.Add(w46); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w47 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w45[w46])); w47.Position = 0; w47.Expand = false; w47.Fill = false; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Entry w48 = new Gtk.Entry(); w48.IsEditable = true; w48.InvisibleChar = '●'; w48.CanFocus = true; w48.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w48.Name = "entryExpression"; bindings["entryExpression"] = w48; w45.Add(w48); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w49 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w45[w48])); w49.Position = 1; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w50 = new Gtk.Button(); w34.SetTip(w50, "Search keyword", "Search keyword"); w50.CanFocus = true; w50.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w50.Name = "buttonSearchExpression"; // Container child buttonSearchExpression.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w51 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w51.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w51.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w52 = new Gtk.HBox(); w52.Spacing = 2; w52.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w52.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w53 = new Gtk.Image(); w53.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-find", 16, 0); w53.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w53.Name = "image5"; bindings["image5"] = w53; w52.Add(w53); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w55 = new Gtk.Label(); w55.LabelProp = "Search"; w55.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w55.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w55; w52.Add(w55); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w52; w51.Add(w52); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w51; w50.Add(w51); bindings["buttonSearchExpression"] = w50; w45.Add(w50); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w59 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w45[w50])); w59.Position = 2; w59.Expand = false; w59.Fill = false; // Container child hbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w60 = new Gtk.Button(); w34.SetTip(w60, "Search keyword", "Search keyword"); w60.CanFocus = true; w60.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w60.Name = "buttonShowAll"; w60.Label = "Show All"; bindings["buttonShowAll"] = w60; w45.Add(w60); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w61 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w45[w60])); w61.Position = 3; w61.Expand = false; w61.Fill = false; bindings["hbox4"] = w45; w17.Add(w45); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w62 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w45])); w62.Position = 5; w62.Expand = false; w62.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HSeparator w63 = new Gtk.HSeparator(); w63.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w63.Name = "hseparator1"; bindings["hseparator1"] = w63; w17.Add(w63); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w64 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w63])); w64.Position = 6; w64.Expand = false; w64.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HButtonBox w65 = new Gtk.HButtonBox(); w65.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w65.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3)); w65.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w65.Name = "hbuttonbox1"; // Container child hbuttonbox1.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w66 = new Gtk.Button(); w66.CanFocus = true; w66.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w66.Name = "buttonClose"; // Container child buttonClose.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w67 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w67.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w67.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w68 = new Gtk.HBox(); w68.Spacing = 2; w68.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w68.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w69 = new Gtk.Image(); w69.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-close", 16, 0); w69.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w69.Name = "image6"; bindings["image6"] = w69; w68.Add(w69); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w71 = new Gtk.Label(); w71.LabelProp = "Close"; w71.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w71.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w71; w68.Add(w71); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w68; w67.Add(w68); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w67; w66.Add(w67); bindings["buttonClose"] = w66; w65.Add(w66); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w75 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w65[w66])); w75.Expand = false; w75.Fill = false; bindings["hbuttonbox1"] = w65; w17.Add(w65); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w76 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w17[w65])); w76.Position = 7; w76.Expand = false; w76.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w17; cobj.Add(w17); cobj.DefaultHeight = 480; bindings["SharpTranslator.MainWindow"] = cobj; w18.Show(); w20.Show(); w22.Show(); w25.Show(); w24.Show(); w29.Show(); w31.Show(); w37.Show(); w39.Show(); w36.Show(); w35.Show(); w33.Show(); w28.Show(); w46.Show(); w48.Show(); w53.Show(); w55.Show(); w52.Show(); w51.Show(); w50.Show(); w60.Show(); w45.Show(); w63.Show(); w69.Show(); w71.Show(); w68.Show(); w67.Show(); w66.Show(); w65.Show(); w17.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w5.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnLearn"))); w7.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnLearn"))); w13.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnAbout"))); w16.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnClose"))); w31.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnSearch"))); w33.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnSearch"))); w48.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnSearchExpression"))); w50.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnSearchExpression"))); w60.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnShowAll"))); w66.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnClose"))); } } } } System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic) | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)); for (int n = 0; (n < fields.Length); n = (n + 1)) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = fields[n]; object widget = bindings[field.Name]; if (((widget != null) && field.FieldType.IsInstanceOfType(widget))) { field.SetValue(obj, widget); } } }
public TableViewBackend() { Widget = new Gtk.TreeView(); Widget.Show(); }
public static void Build(object obj, string id) { System.Collections.Hashtable bindings = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if ((id == "Sosp.EarthOMeter.MainWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget Sosp.EarthOMeter.MainWindow cobj.Title = "EarthOMeter"; Gtk.UIManager w1 = new Gtk.UIManager(); Gtk.ActionGroup w2 = new Gtk.ActionGroup("Default"); Gtk.Action w3 = new Gtk.Action("paste", null, "Entfernungen aus Zwischenablage laden", "gtk-paste"); bindings["paste"] = w3; w2.Add(w3, "<Control><Mod2>v"); Gtk.Action w4 = new Gtk.Action("open", null, "Entfernungen aus KML Datei laden", "gtk-open"); bindings["open"] = w4; w2.Add(w4, null); Gtk.Action w5 = new Gtk.Action("Bearbeiten", "Bearbeiten", null, null); w5.ShortLabel = "Bearbeiten"; bindings["Bearbeiten"] = w5; w2.Add(w5, null); Gtk.Action w6 = new Gtk.Action("Hilfe", "Hilfe", null, null); w6.ShortLabel = "Hilfe"; bindings["Hilfe"] = w6; w2.Add(w6, null); Gtk.Action w7 = new Gtk.Action("Info", "Info", null, "gtk-about"); w7.ShortLabel = "Info"; bindings["Info"] = w7; w2.Add(w7, null); w1.InsertActionGroup(w2, 0); cobj.AddAccelGroup(w1.AccelGroup); cobj.Icon = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("Icon22x22.png"); cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "Sosp.EarthOMeter.MainWindow"; // Container child Sosp.EarthOMeter.MainWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w8 = new Gtk.VBox(); w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild w1.AddUiFromString("<ui><menubar name='menubar2'><menu action='Bearbeiten'><menuitem action='open'/><menuitem action='paste'/></menu><menu action='Hilfe'><menuitem action='Info'/></menu></menubar></ui>"); Gtk.MenuBar w9 = ((Gtk.MenuBar)(w1.GetWidget("/menubar2"))); w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "menubar2"; bindings["menubar2"] = w9; w8.Add(w9); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w8[w9])); w10.Position = 0; w10.Expand = false; w10.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild w1.AddUiFromString("<ui><toolbar name='toolbar1'><toolitem action='open'/><toolitem action='paste'/></toolbar></ui>"); Gtk.Toolbar w11 = ((Gtk.Toolbar)(w1.GetWidget("/toolbar1"))); w11.ShowArrow = false; w11.ToolbarStyle = ((Gtk.ToolbarStyle)(0)); w11.IconSize = ((Gtk.IconSize)(2)); w11.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w11.Name = "toolbar1"; bindings["toolbar1"] = w11; w8.Add(w11); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w12 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w8[w11])); w12.Position = 1; w12.Expand = false; w12.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.TreeView w13 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w13.CanFocus = true; w13.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w13.Name = "treeview1"; bindings["treeview1"] = w13; w8.Add(w13); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w14 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w8[w13])); w14.Position = 2; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Statusbar w15 = new Gtk.Statusbar(); w15.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w15.Name = "statusbar1"; bindings["statusbar1"] = w15; w8.Add(w15); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w8[w15])); w16.Position = 3; w16.Expand = false; w16.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w8; cobj.Add(w8); cobj.DefaultWidth = 527; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["Sosp.EarthOMeter.MainWindow"] = cobj; w9.Show(); w11.Show(); w13.Show(); w15.Show(); w8.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w3.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "pasteActivated"))); w4.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "openActivated"))); w7.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "infoActivated"))); } else { if ((id == "Sosp.EarthOMeter.About")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget Sosp.EarthOMeter.About cobj.Title = "Über EarthOMeter"; cobj.Icon = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("Icon16x16.png"); cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Modal = true; cobj.Resizable = false; cobj.AllowGrow = false; cobj.DefaultWidth = 300; cobj.DefaultHeight = 400; cobj.DestroyWithParent = true; cobj.Gravity = ((Gdk.Gravity)(5)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "Sosp.EarthOMeter.About"; cobj.HeightRequest = 400; cobj.WidthRequest = 300; // Container child Sosp.EarthOMeter.About.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w1 = new Gtk.VBox(); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Alignment w2 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 1F, 1F); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "alignment2"; // Container child alignment2.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w3 = new Gtk.Label(); w3.LabelProp = "Version"; w3.Xpad = 20; w3.Xalign = 0F; w3.Yalign = 1F; w3.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w3.Name = "lblVersionHeader"; w3.HeightRequest = 150; bindings["lblVersionHeader"] = w3; w2.Add(w3); bindings["alignment2"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w5.Position = 0; w5.Expand = false; w5.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w6 = new Gtk.Label(); w6.LabelProp = "label2"; w6.Selectable = true; w6.Xpad = 30; w6.Ypad = 5; w6.Xalign = 0F; w6.CanFocus = true; w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w6.Name = "lblVersion"; bindings["lblVersion"] = w6; w1.Add(w6); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w6])); w7.Position = 1; w7.Expand = false; w7.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w8 = new Gtk.Label(); w8.LabelProp = "Lizenz"; w8.Xpad = 20; w8.Ypad = 5; w8.Xalign = 0F; w8.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w8.Name = "lblLicenseHeader"; bindings["lblLicenseHeader"] = w8; w1.Add(w8); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w8])); w9.Position = 2; w9.Expand = false; w9.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w10 = new Gtk.Label(); w10.LabelProp = "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE\nVersion 2, June 1991"; w10.Xpad = 30; w10.Ypad = 5; w10.Xalign = 0F; w10.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w10.Name = "lblVersion1"; bindings["lblVersion1"] = w10; w1.Add(w10); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w10])); w11.Position = 3; w11.Expand = false; w11.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w12 = new Gtk.Label(); w12.LabelProp = "Copyright"; w12.Xpad = 20; w12.Ypad = 5; w12.Xalign = 0F; w12.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w12.Name = "lblCopyrightHeader"; bindings["lblCopyrightHeader"] = w12; w1.Add(w12); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w13 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w12])); w13.Position = 4; w13.Expand = false; w13.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w14 = new Gtk.Label(); w14.LabelProp = "© 2008 Softsprings\nAlois Flammensboeck"; w14.Xpad = 30; w14.Xalign = 0F; w14.Yalign = 0.02F; w14.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w14.Name = "lblCopyright1"; w14.HeightRequest = 35; bindings["lblCopyright1"] = w14; w1.Add(w14); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w15 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w14])); w15.Position = 5; w15.Expand = false; w15.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w16 = new Gtk.Label(); w16.LabelProp = ""; w16.UseUnderline = true; w16.Selectable = true; w16.Xpad = 30; w16.Xalign = 0F; w16.Yalign = 0F; w16.CanFocus = true; w16.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w16.Name = "lblCopyright2"; w16.HeightRequest = 19; bindings["lblCopyright2"] = w16; w1.Add(w16); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w17 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w16])); w17.Position = 6; w17.Expand = false; w17.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w18 = new Gtk.Label(); w18.LabelProp = "*****@*****.**"; w18.UseUnderline = true; w18.Selectable = true; w18.Xpad = 30; w18.Xalign = 0F; w18.Yalign = 0F; w18.CanFocus = true; w18.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w18.Name = "lblCopyright3"; bindings["lblCopyright3"] = w18; w1.Add(w18); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w19 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w18])); w19.Position = 7; w19.Expand = false; w19.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); bindings["Sosp.EarthOMeter.About"] = cobj; w3.Show(); w2.Show(); w6.Show(); w8.Show(); w10.Show(); w12.Show(); w14.Show(); w16.Show(); w18.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); } } System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic) | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)); for (int n = 0; (n < fields.Length); n = (n + 1)) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = fields[n]; object widget = bindings[field.Name]; if (((widget != null) && field.FieldType.IsInstanceOfType(widget))) { field.SetValue(obj, widget); } } }
public static void Build(object obj, string id) { System.Collections.Hashtable bindings = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if ((id == "igaeditorgtk.MainForm")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget igaeditorgtk.MainForm cobj.Title = "IGA Ad Cache Editor (GTK) by micolous"; Gtk.UIManager w1 = new Gtk.UIManager(); Gtk.ActionGroup w2 = new Gtk.ActionGroup("Default"); Gtk.Action w3 = new Gtk.Action("Application", "_Application", null, null); w3.ShortLabel = "_Application"; bindings["Application"] = w3; w2.Add(w3, null); Gtk.Action w4 = new Gtk.Action("ImportAdpack", "_Import Adpack", null, null); w4.ShortLabel = "_Import Adpack"; bindings["ImportAdpack"] = w4; w2.Add(w4, null); Gtk.Action w5 = new Gtk.Action("ExportAdpack", "_Export Adpack", null, null); w5.ShortLabel = "_Export Adpack"; bindings["ExportAdpack"] = w5; w2.Add(w5, null); Gtk.Action w6 = new Gtk.Action("", "-", null, null); w6.ShortLabel = "-"; bindings[""] = w6; w2.Add(w6, null); Gtk.Action w7 = new Gtk.Action("Reload", "_Reload", null, "gtk-refresh"); w7.ShortLabel = "_Reload"; bindings["Reload"] = w7; w2.Add(w7, null); Gtk.Action w8 = new Gtk.Action("VaccumShrinkDatabase", "_Vaccum/Shrink Database", null, null); w8.ShortLabel = "_Vaccum/Shrink Database"; bindings["VaccumShrinkDatabase"] = w8; w2.Add(w8, null); Gtk.Action w9 = new Gtk.Action("CloseDatabase", "_Close Database", null, "gtk-close"); w9.ShortLabel = "_Close Database"; bindings["CloseDatabase"] = w9; w2.Add(w9, null); Gtk.Action w10 = new Gtk.Action("Exit", "E_xit", null, "gtk-quit"); w10.ShortLabel = "E_xit"; bindings["Exit"] = w10; w2.Add(w10, null); Gtk.Action w11 = new Gtk.Action("Debug", "_Debug", null, null); w11.ShortLabel = "_Debug"; bindings["Debug"] = w11; w2.Add(w11, null); Gtk.Action w12 = new Gtk.Action("Help", "_Help", null, null); w12.ShortLabel = "_Help"; bindings["Help"] = w12; w2.Add(w12, null); Gtk.Action w13 = new Gtk.Action("About", "_About", null, "gtk-about"); w13.ShortLabel = "_About"; bindings["About"] = w13; w2.Add(w13, null); Gtk.Action w14 = new Gtk.Action("ExecuteSQL", "_Execute SQL", null, null); w14.ShortLabel = "_Execute SQL"; bindings["ExecuteSQL"] = w14; w2.Add(w14, null); w1.InsertActionGroup(w2, 0); cobj.AddAccelGroup(w1.AccelGroup); cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "igaeditorgtk.MainForm"; // Container child igaeditorgtk.MainForm.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w15 = new Gtk.VBox(); w15.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w15.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild w1.AddUiFromString("<ui><menubar name='menubar1'><menu action='Application'><menuitem action='ImportAdpack'/><menuitem action='ExportAdpack'/><separator/><menuitem action='Reload'/><menuitem action='VaccumShrinkDatabase'/><menuitem action='CloseDatabase'/><separator/><menuitem action='Exit'/></menu><menu action='Debug'><menuitem action='ExecuteSQL'/></menu><menu action='Help'><menuitem action='About'/><separator/></menu></menubar></ui>"); Gtk.MenuBar w16 = ((Gtk.MenuBar)(w1.GetWidget("/menubar1"))); w16.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w16.Name = "menubar1"; bindings["menubar1"] = w16; w15.Add(w16); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w17 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w15[w16])); w17.Position = 0; w17.Expand = false; w17.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Frame w18 = new Gtk.Frame(); w18.ShadowType = ((Gtk.ShadowType)(0)); w18.LabelXalign = 0F; w18.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w18.Name = "frame1"; // Container child frame1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w19 = new Gtk.Alignment(0F, 0F, 1F, 1F); w19.LeftPadding = ((uint)(12)); w19.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w19.Name = "GtkAlignment6"; // Container child GtkAlignment6.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.ScrolledWindow w20 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); w20.VscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(1)); w20.HscrollbarPolicy = ((Gtk.PolicyType)(2)); w20.CanFocus = true; w20.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w20.Name = "scrolledwindow1"; // Container child scrolledwindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.TreeView w21 = new Gtk.TreeView(); w21.EnableSearch = false; w21.CanFocus = true; w21.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w21.Name = "RecordTreeView"; bindings["RecordTreeView"] = w21; w20.Add(w21); bindings["scrolledwindow1"] = w20; w19.Add(w20); bindings["GtkAlignment6"] = w19; w18.Add(w19); Gtk.Label w25 = new Gtk.Label(); w25.LabelProp = "<b>frame1</b>"; w25.UseMarkup = true; w25.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w25.Name = "DatabaseTitleLabel"; bindings["DatabaseTitleLabel"] = w25; w18.LabelWidget = w25; bindings["frame1"] = w18; w15.Add(w18); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w26 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w15[w18])); w26.Position = 1; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w27 = new Gtk.HBox(); w27.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w27.Name = "hbox1"; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w28 = new Gtk.Button(); w28.UseStock = true; w28.UseUnderline = true; w28.CanFocus = true; w28.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w28.Name = "AddRecordButton"; w28.Label = "gtk-add"; bindings["AddRecordButton"] = w28; w27.Add(w28); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w29 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w28])); w29.Position = 0; w29.Expand = false; w29.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w30 = new Gtk.Button(); w30.UseStock = true; w30.UseUnderline = true; w30.CanFocus = true; w30.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w30.Name = "EditRecordButton"; w30.Label = "gtk-properties"; bindings["EditRecordButton"] = w30; w27.Add(w30); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w31 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w30])); w31.Position = 1; w31.Expand = false; w31.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w32 = new Gtk.Button(); w32.UseStock = true; w32.UseUnderline = true; w32.CanFocus = true; w32.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w32.Name = "DeleteRecordButton"; w32.Label = "gtk-remove"; bindings["DeleteRecordButton"] = w32; w27.Add(w32); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w33 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w32])); w33.Position = 2; w33.Expand = false; w33.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Alignment w34 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 1F, 1F); w34.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w34.Name = "alignment4"; bindings["alignment4"] = w34; w27.Add(w34); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w35 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w34])); w35.Position = 3; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w36 = new Gtk.Button(); w36.UseUnderline = true; w36.CanFocus = true; w36.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w36.Name = "PreviewImageButton"; // Container child PreviewImageButton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w37 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w37.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w37.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w38 = new Gtk.HBox(); w38.Spacing = 2; w38.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w38.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w39 = new Gtk.Image(); w39.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("stock_zoom", 20, 0); w39.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w39.Name = "image1"; bindings["image1"] = w39; w38.Add(w39); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w41 = new Gtk.Label(); w41.LabelProp = "_Preview"; w41.UseUnderline = true; w41.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w41.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w41; w38.Add(w41); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w38; w37.Add(w38); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w37; w36.Add(w37); bindings["PreviewImageButton"] = w36; w27.Add(w36); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w45 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w36])); w45.Position = 4; w45.Expand = false; w45.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w46 = new Gtk.Button(); w46.UseUnderline = true; w46.CanFocus = true; w46.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w46.Name = "ImportImageButton"; // Container child ImportImageButton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w47 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w47.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w47.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w48 = new Gtk.HBox(); w48.Spacing = 2; w48.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w48.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w49 = new Gtk.Image(); w49.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-open", 16, 0); w49.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w49.Name = "image2"; bindings["image2"] = w49; w48.Add(w49); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w51 = new Gtk.Label(); w51.LabelProp = "_Import"; w51.UseUnderline = true; w51.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w51.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w51; w48.Add(w51); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w48; w47.Add(w48); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w47; w46.Add(w47); bindings["ImportImageButton"] = w46; w27.Add(w46); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w55 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w46])); w55.Position = 5; w55.Expand = false; w55.Fill = false; // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w56 = new Gtk.Button(); w56.UseUnderline = true; w56.CanFocus = true; w56.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w56.Name = "button16"; // Container child button16.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Alignment w57 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 0F, 0F); w57.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w57.Name = "GtkAlignment"; // Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.HBox w58 = new Gtk.HBox(); w58.Spacing = 2; w58.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w58.Name = "GtkHBox"; // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Image w59 = new Gtk.Image(); w59.Pixbuf = Gtk.IconTheme.Default.LoadIcon("gtk-save-as", 16, 0); w59.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w59.Name = "image3"; bindings["image3"] = w59; w58.Add(w59); // Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.Label w61 = new Gtk.Label(); w61.LabelProp = "_Export"; w61.UseUnderline = true; w61.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w61.Name = "GtkLabel"; bindings["GtkLabel"] = w61; w58.Add(w61); bindings["GtkHBox"] = w58; w57.Add(w58); bindings["GtkAlignment"] = w57; w56.Add(w57); bindings["button16"] = w56; w27.Add(w56); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w65 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w27[w56])); w65.Position = 6; w65.Expand = false; w65.Fill = false; bindings["hbox1"] = w27; w15.Add(w27); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w66 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w15[w27])); w66.Position = 2; w66.Expand = false; w66.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w15; cobj.Add(w15); cobj.DefaultWidth = 566; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["igaeditorgtk.MainForm"] = cobj; w16.Show(); w21.Show(); w20.Show(); w19.Show(); w25.Show(); w18.Show(); w28.Show(); w30.Show(); w32.Show(); w34.Show(); w39.Show(); w41.Show(); w38.Show(); w37.Show(); w36.Show(); w49.Show(); w51.Show(); w48.Show(); w47.Show(); w46.Show(); w59.Show(); w61.Show(); w58.Show(); w57.Show(); w56.Show(); w27.Show(); w15.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w7.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnReloadActivated"))); w8.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnVaccumShrinkDatabaseActivated"))); w9.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnCloseDatabaseActivated"))); w10.Activated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnExitActivated"))); w36.Pressed += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnPreviewImageButtonPressed"))); } else { if ((id == "igaeditorgtk.OpenWindow")) { Gtk.Window cobj = ((Gtk.Window)(obj)); // Widget igaeditorgtk.OpenWindow cobj.Title = "IGA Ad Cache Editor (GTK) by micolous"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); cobj.Name = "igaeditorgtk.OpenWindow"; // Container child igaeditorgtk.OpenWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild Gtk.VBox w1 = new Gtk.VBox(); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w1.Name = "vbox1"; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Label w2 = new Gtk.Label(); w2.LabelProp = "Welcome to IGA Ad Cache Editor.\n\nPlease select the ad cache file to open, otherwise known as \"icontent.cache\"."; w2.Wrap = true; w2.Justify = ((Gtk.Justification)(3)); w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "label1"; bindings["label1"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; w3.Expand = false; w3.Fill = false; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.FileChooserWidget w4 = new Gtk.FileChooserWidget(((Gtk.FileChooserAction)(0))); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w4.Name = "FileChooserControl"; bindings["FileChooserControl"] = w4; w1.Add(w4); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w4])); w5.Position = 1; // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.HBox w6 = new Gtk.HBox(); w6.Spacing = 2; w6.BorderWidth = ((uint)(1)); w6.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w6.Name = "hbox2"; // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Alignment w7 = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5F, 0.5F, 1F, 1F); w7.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w7.Name = "alignment3"; bindings["alignment3"] = w7; w6.Add(w7); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w6[w7])); w8.Position = 0; // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.Button w9 = new Gtk.Button(); w9.UseStock = true; w9.UseUnderline = true; w9.CanFocus = true; w9.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w9.Name = "OpenDatabaseButton"; w9.Label = "gtk-open"; bindings["OpenDatabaseButton"] = w9; w6.Add(w9); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w6[w9])); w10.Position = 1; w10.Expand = false; w10.Fill = false; bindings["hbox2"] = w6; w1.Add(w6); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w6])); w11.Position = 2; w11.Expand = false; w11.Fill = false; bindings["vbox1"] = w1; cobj.Add(w1); cobj.DefaultWidth = 611; cobj.DefaultHeight = 407; bindings["igaeditorgtk.OpenWindow"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w4.Show(); w7.Show(); w9.Show(); w6.Show(); w1.Show(); cobj.Show(); cobj.DeleteEvent += ((Gtk.DeleteEventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Gtk.DeleteEventHandler), cobj, "OnDeleteEvent"))); w4.FileActivated += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnFileChooserControlFileActivated"))); w9.Clicked += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnOpenDatabaseButtonClicked"))); } else { if ((id == "igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox")) { Gtk.Dialog cobj = ((Gtk.Dialog)(obj)); // Widget igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox cobj.Title = "IGA Ad Cache Editor"; cobj.WindowPosition = ((Gtk.WindowPosition)(4)); cobj.HasSeparator = false; cobj.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); cobj.Name = "igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox"; // Internal child igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox.VBox Gtk.VBox w1 = cobj.VBox; w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2)); w1.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w1.Name = "dialog_VBox"; // Container child dialog_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild Gtk.TextView w2 = new Gtk.TextView(); w2.WrapMode = ((Gtk.WrapMode)(2)); w2.Editable = false; w2.Justification = ((Gtk.Justification)(3)); w2.CanFocus = true; w2.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w2.Name = "MessageTextBox"; bindings["MessageTextBox"] = w2; w1.Add(w2); Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[w2])); w3.Position = 0; bindings["dialog_VBox"] = w1; // Internal child igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox.ActionArea Gtk.HButtonBox w4 = cobj.ActionArea; w4.LayoutStyle = ((Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4)); w4.Spacing = 10; w4.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5)); w4.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(256)); w4.Name = "igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox_ActionArea"; // Container child igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild Gtk.Button w5 = new Gtk.Button(); w5.UseStock = true; w5.UseUnderline = true; w5.CanFocus = true; w5.Events = ((Gdk.EventMask)(0)); w5.Name = "OkayButton"; w5.CanDefault = true; w5.Label = "gtk-ok"; bindings["OkayButton"] = w5; cobj.AddActionWidget(w5, -7); Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w6 = ((Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w4[w5])); w6.Expand = false; w6.Fill = false; bindings["igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox_ActionArea"] = w4; cobj.DefaultWidth = 400; cobj.DefaultHeight = 300; bindings["igaeditorgtk.SimpleMessageBox"] = cobj; w2.Show(); w1.Show(); w5.Show(); w4.Show(); cobj.Show(); w5.Pressed += ((System.EventHandler)(System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.EventHandler), cobj, "OnOkayButtonPressed"))); } } } System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(((System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic) | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)); for (int n = 0; (n < fields.Length); n = (n + 1)) { System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = fields[n]; object widget = bindings[field.Name]; if (((widget != null) && field.FieldType.IsInstanceOfType(widget))) { field.SetValue(obj, widget); } } }
// Page 3 // Extension Preferences public Gtk.Widget MakeAddinsPane () { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 6); vbox.BorderWidth = 6; Gtk.Label l = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ( "The following add-ins are installed")); l.Xalign = 0; l.Show (); vbox.PackStart (l, false, false, 0); Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); // TreeView of Add-ins Gtk.TreeView tree = new Gtk.TreeView (); addin_tree = new Mono.Addins.Gui.AddinTreeWidget (tree); tree.Show (); Gtk.ScrolledWindow sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; sw.Add (tree); sw.Show (); Gtk.LinkButton get_more_link = new Gtk.LinkButton ("", Catalog.GetString ("Get More Add-Ins...")); get_more_link.Show (); Gtk.VBox tree_box = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0); tree_box.Add (sw); tree_box.PackEnd (get_more_link, false, false, 5); tree_box.Show (); hbox.PackStart (tree_box, true, true, 0); // Action Buttons (right of TreeView) Gtk.VButtonBox button_box = new Gtk.VButtonBox (); button_box.Spacing = 4; button_box.Layout = Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.Start; // TODO: In a future version, add in an "Install Add-ins..." button // TODO: In a future version, add in a "Repositories..." button enable_addin_button = new Gtk.Button (Catalog.GetString ("_Enable")); enable_addin_button.Sensitive = false; enable_addin_button.Clicked += OnEnableAddinButton; enable_addin_button.Show (); disable_addin_button = new Gtk.Button (Catalog.GetString ("_Disable")); disable_addin_button.Sensitive = false; disable_addin_button.Clicked += OnDisableAddinButton; disable_addin_button.Show (); addin_prefs_button = new Gtk.Button (Gtk.Stock.Preferences); addin_prefs_button.Sensitive = false; addin_prefs_button.Clicked += OnAddinPrefsButton; addin_prefs_button.Show (); addin_info_button = new Gtk.Button (Gtk.Stock.Info); addin_info_button.Sensitive = false; addin_info_button.Clicked += OnAddinInfoButton; addin_info_button.Show (); button_box.PackStart (enable_addin_button); button_box.PackStart (disable_addin_button); button_box.PackStart (addin_prefs_button); button_box.PackStart (addin_info_button); button_box.Show (); hbox.PackStart (button_box, false, false, 0); hbox.Show (); vbox.PackStart (hbox, true, true, 0); vbox.Show (); tree.Selection.Changed += OnAddinTreeSelectionChanged; LoadAddins (); return vbox; }
public TableViewBackend() { Widget = new Gtk.TreeView (); Widget.Show (); }