public List <GtfItem> ReadGtfItems()
            List <GtfItem> result = new List <GtfItem>();

            using (var gtf = new GtfItemFile(options.InputFile))
                GtfItem item;
                int     count = 0;
                while ((item = gtf.Next()) != null)
                    if ((count % 100000) == 0)
                        Progress.SetMessage("{0} gtf item processed", count);

                    item.Name = item.Attributes.StringAfter("locus_tag=").StringBefore(";");

Пример #2
        public override IEnumerable <string> Process()
            var paramFile = options.OutputFile + ".param";

            options.SaveToFile(options.OutputFile + ".param");

            var bedfile = new BedItemFile <BedItem>(6);

            Progress.SetMessage("building chromosome name map ...");

            var mitoName = "M";
            Dictionary <string, string> chrNameMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var ff = new FastaFormat(int.MaxValue);

            var faiFile = options.FastaFile + ".fai";

            if (File.Exists(faiFile))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(faiFile))
                    string line;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        var name = line.Split('\t')[0];
                        chrNameMap[name] = name;
                        if (name.StartsWith("chr"))
                            chrNameMap[name.StringAfter("chr")] = name;
                        if (!name.StartsWith("chr"))
                            chrNameMap["chr" + name] = name;

                        if (name.Equals("chrMT") || name.Equals("MT"))
                            mitoName = "MT";
                        if (name.Equals("chrM") || name.Equals("M"))
                            mitoName = "M";
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(options.FastaFile))
                    Sequence seq;
                    while ((seq = ff.ReadSequence(sr)) != null)
                        var name = seq.Name;
                        chrNameMap[name] = name;
                        if (name.StartsWith("chr"))
                            chrNameMap[name.StringAfter("chr")] = name;
                        if (!name.StartsWith("chr"))
                            chrNameMap["chr" + name] = name;

                        if (name.Equals("chrMT") || name.Equals("MT"))
                            mitoName = "MT";
                        if (name.Equals("chrM") || name.Equals("M"))
                            mitoName = "M";
            var longMitoName = chrNameMap[mitoName];

            Progress.SetMessage("mitochondral chromosome name = {0}", longMitoName);

            var mirnas = new List <BedItem>();

            if (File.Exists(options.MiRBaseFile))
                Progress.SetMessage("Processing {0} ...", options.MiRBaseFile);

                if (options.MiRBaseFile.EndsWith(".bed"))
                    mirnas = bedfile.ReadFromFile(options.MiRBaseFile);
                    mirnas.ForEach(m =>
                        m.Seqname = m.Seqname.StringAfter("chr");
                        m.Name    = options.MiRBaseKey + ":" + m.Name;
                    using (var gf = new GtfItemFile(options.MiRBaseFile))
                        GtfItem item;
                        while ((item = gf.Next(options.MiRBaseKey)) != null)
                            BedItem loc = new BedItem();
                            loc.Seqname = item.Seqname.StringAfter("chr");
                            loc.Start   = item.Start - 1;
                            loc.End     = item.End;
                            loc.Name    = options.MiRBaseKey + ":" + item.Attributes.StringAfter("Name=").StringBefore(";");
                            loc.Score   = 1000;
                            loc.Strand  = item.Strand;

                Progress.SetMessage("{0} miRNA readed.", mirnas.Count);

            List <BedItem> trnas = new List <BedItem>();

            if (File.Exists(options.UcscTrnaFile))
                //reading tRNA from ucsc table without mitocondrom tRNA
                Progress.SetMessage("Processing {0} ...", options.UcscTrnaFile);
                trnas = bedfile.ReadFromFile(options.UcscTrnaFile);
                trnas.ForEach(m => m.Seqname = m.Seqname.StringAfter("chr"));

                var removed = trnas.Where(m => (m.Seqname.Length > 1) && !m.Seqname.All(n => char.IsDigit(n))).ToList();
                if (removed.Count != trnas.Count)
                    //remove the tRNA not from 1-22, X and Y
                    trnas.RemoveAll(m => (m.Seqname.Length > 1) && !m.Seqname.All(n => char.IsDigit(n)));

                    //mitocondrom tRNA will be extracted from ensembl gtf file
                    trnas.RemoveAll(m => m.Seqname.Equals("M") || m.Seqname.Equals("MT"));

                trnas.ForEach(m => m.Name = GetTRNAName(m.Name));

                Progress.SetMessage("{0} tRNA from ucsc readed.", trnas.Count);

                if (File.Exists(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile))
                    var seqs = SequenceUtils.Read(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile);
                    foreach (var seq in seqs)
                        var tRNAName = GetTRNAName(seq.Name);
                        trnas.Add(new BedItem()
                            Seqname  = seq.Name,
                            Start    = 0,
                            End      = seq.SeqString.Length,
                            Strand   = '+',
                            Name     = tRNAName,
                            Sequence = seq.SeqString

            var others = new List <BedItem>();

            if (File.Exists(options.EnsemblGtfFile))
                //reading smallRNA/tRNA from ensembl gtf file
                Progress.SetMessage("Processing {0} ...", options.EnsemblGtfFile);
                using (var gf = new GtfItemFile(options.EnsemblGtfFile))
                    var biotypes = new HashSet <string>(SmallRNAConsts.Biotypes);

                    GtfItem item;
                    int     count = 0;
                    while ((item = gf.Next("gene")) != null)
                        string biotype;
                        if (item.Attributes.Contains("gene_biotype"))
                            biotype = item.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_biotype \"").StringBefore("\"");
                        else if (item.Attributes.Contains("gene_type"))
                            biotype = item.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_type \"").StringBefore("\"");

                        if (File.Exists(options.UcscTrnaFile) && biotype.Equals(SmallRNAConsts.tRNA))

                        if (biotype.Equals("Mt_tRNA"))
                            var     gene_name = item.Attributes.Contains("gene_name") ? item.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_name \"").StringBefore("\"") : item.GeneId;
                            BedItem loc       = new BedItem();
                            loc.Seqname = mitoName;
                            loc.Start   = item.Start - 1;
                            loc.End     = item.End;
                            loc.Name    = string.Format(SmallRNAConsts.mt_tRNA + ":" + longMitoName + ".tRNA{0}-{1}", count, gene_name.StringAfter("-"));
                            loc.Score   = 1000;
                            loc.Strand  = item.Strand;
                        else if (biotypes.Contains(biotype))
                            string seqName;
                            if (item.Seqname.ToLower().StartsWith("chr"))
                                seqName = item.Seqname.Substring(3);
                                seqName = item.Seqname;
                            if (seqName.Equals("M") || seqName.Equals("MT"))
                                seqName = mitoName;

                            //ignore all smallRNA coordinates on scaffold or contig.
                            //if (seqName.Length > 5)
                            //  continue;

                            var gene_name   = item.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_name \"").StringBefore("\"");
                            var lowGeneName = gene_name.ToLower();
                            if (lowGeneName.StartsWith("rny") || lowGeneName.Equals("y_rna"))
                                biotype = "yRNA";

                            BedItem loc = new BedItem();
                            loc.Seqname = seqName;
                            loc.Start   = item.Start - 1;
                            loc.End     = item.End;

                            //if (lowGeneName.EndsWith("_rrna") && loc.Length < 200)
                            //  biotype = "rRNA";

                            loc.Name   = biotype + ":" + gene_name + ":" + item.GeneId;
                            loc.Score  = 1000;
                            loc.Strand = item.Strand;


            var all = new List <BedItem>();


            foreach (var bi in all)
                if (chrNameMap.ContainsKey(bi.Seqname))
                    bi.Seqname = chrNameMap[bi.Seqname];

            if (File.Exists(options.RRNAFile))
                var seqs = SequenceUtils.Read(options.RRNAFile);
                foreach (var seq in seqs)
                    all.Add(new BedItem()
                        Seqname = seq.Name,
                        Start   = 0,
                        End     = seq.SeqString.Length,
                        Strand  = '+',
                        Name    = "rRNA:" + SmallRNAConsts.rRNADB_KEY + seq.Name

            Progress.SetMessage("Saving smallRNA coordinates to " + options.OutputFile + "...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(options.OutputFile))
                foreach (var pir in SmallRNAConsts.Biotypes)
                    var locs = all.Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(pir)).ToList();
                    Progress.SetMessage("{0} : {1}", pir, locs.Count);

                    GenomeUtils.SortChromosome(locs, m => m.Seqname, m => (int)m.Start);

                    foreach (var loc in locs)

            var miRNA_bed = FileUtils.ChangeExtension(options.OutputFile, ".miRNA.bed");

            Progress.SetMessage("Saving miRNA coordinates to " + miRNA_bed + "...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(miRNA_bed))
                var pir  = SmallRNAConsts.miRNA;
                var locs = all.Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(pir)).ToList();
                Progress.SetMessage("{0} : {1}", pir, locs.Count);

                GenomeUtils.SortChromosome(locs, m => m.Seqname, m => (int)m.Start);

                foreach (var loc in locs)

            Progress.SetMessage("Saving smallRNA miss1 coordinates to " + options.OutputFile + ".miss1 ...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(options.OutputFile + ".miss1"))
                foreach (var pir in SmallRNAConsts.Biotypes)
                    if (pir == SmallRNABiotype.lincRNA.ToString() || pir == SmallRNABiotype.lncRNA.ToString())
                    var locs = all.Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(pir)).ToList();
                    locs.RemoveAll(l => l.Name.Contains(SmallRNAConsts.rRNADB_KEY));

                    Progress.SetMessage("{0} : {1}", pir, locs.Count);

                    GenomeUtils.SortChromosome(locs, m => m.Seqname, m => (int)m.Start);

                    foreach (var loc in locs)

            Progress.SetMessage("Saving smallRNA miss1 coordinates to " + options.OutputFile + ".miss0 ...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(options.OutputFile + ".miss0"))
                foreach (var pir in SmallRNAConsts.Biotypes)
                    if (pir != SmallRNABiotype.lincRNA.ToString() && pir != SmallRNABiotype.lncRNA.ToString() && pir != SmallRNABiotype.rRNA.ToString())
                    var locs = all.Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(pir)).ToList();
                    if (pir == SmallRNABiotype.rRNA.ToString())
                        locs.RemoveAll(l => !l.Name.Contains(SmallRNAConsts.rRNADB_KEY));

                    Progress.SetMessage("{0} : {1}", pir, locs.Count);

                    GenomeUtils.SortChromosome(locs, m => m.Seqname, m => (int)m.Start);

                    foreach (var loc in locs)

            var summaryFile = options.OutputFile + ".info";

            Progress.SetMessage("Writing summary to " + summaryFile + "...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(summaryFile))

                all.ConvertAll(m => m.Name).Distinct().GroupBy(m => m.StringBefore(":")).OrderByDescending(m => m.Count()).ToList().ForEach(m => sw.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", m.Key, m.Count()));

            var result = new List <string>(new[] { options.OutputFile });

            var fasta = Path.ChangeExtension(options.OutputFile, ".fasta");

            if ((File.Exists(options.UcscTrnaFile) && File.Exists(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile)) || File.Exists(options.RRNAFile))
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fasta))
                    string line;
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(options.FastaFile))
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                    if (File.Exists(options.UcscTrnaFile) && File.Exists(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile))
                        using (var sr = new StreamReader(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile))
                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                    if (File.Exists(options.RRNAFile))
                        using (var sr = new StreamReader(options.RRNAFile))
                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

            var faFile = options.OutputFile + ".fa";

            Progress.SetMessage("Extracting sequence from " + options.FastaFile + "...");
            var b2foptions = new Bed2FastaProcessorOptions()
                GenomeFastaFile = options.FastaFile,
                InputFile       = options.OutputFile,
                OutputFile      = faFile,
                KeepChrInName   = false,

            if (!File.Exists(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile))
                b2foptions.AcceptName = m => m.StartsWith(SmallRNAConsts.miRNA) || m.StartsWith(SmallRNAConsts.mt_tRNA) || m.StartsWith(SmallRNAConsts.tRNA);
                b2foptions.AcceptName = m => m.StartsWith(SmallRNAConsts.miRNA) || m.StartsWith(SmallRNAConsts.mt_tRNA);

            new Bed2FastaProcessor(b2foptions)
                Progress = this.Progress

            if (File.Exists(options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile))
                Progress.SetMessage("Extracting sequence from " + options.UcscMatureTrnaFastaFile + " ...");

                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(faFile, true))
                    foreach (var tRNA in trnas)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tRNA.Sequence))
                            sw.WriteLine(">{0}", tRNA.Name);
                            sw.WriteLine("{0}", tRNA.Sequence);
