Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupId">The group identifier.</param>
        public void ShowDetail(int personId)
            var startDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(RockDateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),

            hfStartDateTime.Value = startDateTime.ToString("o");
            hfStopDateTime.Value  = HistoricalTracking.MaxExpireDateTime.ToString("o");
            hfPersonId.Value      = personId.ToString();
            List <int> groupTypeIds;

            if (gtGroupTypesFilter.SelectedGroupTypeIds.Any())
                // if group types are filtered on the user filter, use that
                groupTypeIds = gtGroupTypesFilter.SelectedGroupTypeIds;
                // if no group types are selected in the user filter, restrict grouptypes to the ones in the block settings (if any)
                groupTypeIds = _blockSettingsGroupTypeIds;

            hfGroupTypeIds.Value = groupTypeIds.AsDelimited(",");

            var legendGroupTypes = GroupTypeCache.All().Where(a => a.EnableGroupHistory);

            if (groupTypeIds.Any())
                legendGroupTypes = legendGroupTypes.Where(a => groupTypeIds.Contains(a.Id));

            rptGroupTypeLegend.DataSource = legendGroupTypes.OrderBy(a => a.Name);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the group type location grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGroupTypeLocationGrid()
            var groupTypeIds = rlbGroupTypes.SelectedValues.AsGuidList() ?? new List <Guid>();
            var source       = GroupTypeCache.All()
                               .Where(gt => groupTypeIds.Contains(gt.Guid))

            gGroupTypesLocationType.DataSource = source;

            rcwGroupTypesLocationType.Visible = source.Any();
Пример #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            if (!IsPostBack)
                .ForEach(t =>
                    rlbGroupTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem(t.Name, t.Guid.ToString()));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the block settings.
        /// </summary>
        private void ApplyBlockSettings()
            _blockSettingsGroupTypeIds = this.GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.GroupTypes).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList().Select(a => GroupTypeCache.Get(a)).Where(a => a != null).Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

            IEnumerable <GroupTypeCache> groupTypes = GroupTypeCache.All();

            if (_blockSettingsGroupTypeIds.Any())
                groupTypes = groupTypes.Where(a => _blockSettingsGroupTypeIds.Contains(a.Id));
                groupTypes = groupTypes.Where(a => a.EnableGroupHistory == true);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all checkin area that paths
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <CheckinAreaPath> GetAllCheckinAreaPaths()
            List <CheckinAreaPath> result = new List <CheckinAreaPath>();

            // limit to show only GroupTypes that have a group type purpose of Checkin Template
            int groupTypePurposeCheckInTemplateId = DefinedValueCache.Get(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.GROUPTYPE_PURPOSE_CHECKIN_TEMPLATE)).Id;
            var checkinTemplates = GroupTypeCache.All().Where(a => a.GroupTypePurposeValueId == groupTypePurposeCheckInTemplateId).ToList();

            foreach (var rootCheckinAreaGroupTypeId in checkinTemplates.Select(a => a.Id))
                var checkinAreaDescendantsPath = GetCheckinAreaDescendantsPath(rootCheckinAreaGroupTypeId);
                foreach (var checkinAreaDescendantPath in checkinAreaDescendantsPath)
                    // just in case multiple checkin areas share a child group type, check for duplicates
                    var alreadyExists = result.Any(x => x.GroupTypeId == checkinAreaDescendantPath.GroupTypeId);
                    if (!alreadyExists)

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates any Cache Objects that are associated with this entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityState">State of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="dbContext">The database context.</param>
        public void UpdateCache(EntityState entityState, Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext)
            AttributeCache.UpdateCachedEntity(this.Id, entityState);
            AttributeCache.UpdateCacheEntityAttributes(this, entityState);

            int?   entityTypeId;
            string entityTypeQualifierColumn;
            string entityTypeQualifierValue;

            if (entityState == EntityState.Deleted)
                entityTypeId = originalEntityTypeId;
                entityTypeQualifierColumn = originalEntityTypeQualifierColumn;
                entityTypeQualifierValue  = originalEntityTypeQualifierValue;
                entityTypeId = this.EntityTypeId;
                entityTypeQualifierColumn = this.EntityTypeQualifierColumn;
                entityTypeQualifierValue  = this.EntityTypeQualifierValue;

            if ((!entityTypeId.HasValue || entityTypeId.Value == 0) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeQualifierColumn) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeQualifierValue))

            if ((!entityTypeId.HasValue || entityTypeId.Value == 0) && entityTypeQualifierColumn == Attribute.SYSTEM_SETTING_QUALIFIER && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeQualifierValue))

            if (entityTypeId.HasValue)
                if (entityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.GetId <Block>())
                    // Update BlockTypes/Blocks that reference this attribute
                    if (entityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals("BlockTypeId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        int?blockTypeId = entityTypeQualifierValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if (blockTypeId.HasValue)

                            foreach (var blockId in new BlockService(dbContext as RockContext).GetByBlockTypeId(blockTypeId.Value).Select(a => a.Id).ToList())
                else if (entityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.GetId <DefinedValue>())
                    // Update DefinedTypes/DefinedValues that reference this attribute
                    if (entityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals("DefinedTypeId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        int?definedTypeId = entityTypeQualifierValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if (definedTypeId.HasValue)

                            foreach (var definedValueId in new DefinedValueService(dbContext as RockContext).GetByDefinedTypeId(definedTypeId.Value).Select(a => a.Id).ToList())
                else if (entityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.GetId <WorkflowActivityType>())
                    if (entityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals("ActivityTypeId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        int?activityTypeId = entityTypeQualifierValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if (activityTypeId.HasValue)
                else if (entityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.GetId <GroupType>())
                    if (entityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals("Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        int?groupTypeId = entityTypeQualifierValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if (groupTypeId.HasValue)
                    else if (entityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals("GroupTypePurposeValueId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        int?groupTypePurposeValueId = entityTypeQualifierValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if (groupTypePurposeValueId.HasValue)
                            foreach (var groupTypeId in GroupTypeCache.All().Where(a => a.GroupTypePurposeValueId == groupTypePurposeValueId.Value).Select(a => a.Id).ToList())
                else if (entityTypeId.HasValue)
                    // some other EntityType. If it the EntityType has a CacheItem associated with it, clear out all the CachedItems of that type to ensure they have a clean read of the Attributes that were Added, Changed or Removed
                    EntityTypeCache entityType = EntityTypeCache.Get(entityTypeId.Value, dbContext as RockContext);

                    if (entityType?.HasEntityCache() == true)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_groupId))
                    // If no group was selected, try to find the first group and redirect
                    // back to current page with that group selected
                    var group = FindFirstGroup();
                        if (group != null)
                            _groupId = group.Id.ToString();
                            string redirectUrl = string.Empty;

                            // redirect so that the group treeview has the first node selected right away and group detail shows the group
                            if (hfPageRouteTemplate.Value.IndexOf("{groupId}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                                redirectUrl = "~/" + hfPageRouteTemplate.Value.ReplaceCaseInsensitive("{groupId}", _groupId.ToString());
                                if (this.Request.QueryString.Count == 0)
                                    redirectUrl = this.Request.UrlProxySafe() + "?GroupId=" + _groupId.ToString();
                                    redirectUrl = this.Request.UrlProxySafe() + "&GroupId=" + _groupId.ToString();

                            this.Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, false);

            bool canEditBlock            = IsUserAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT);
            bool showAddChildGroupButton = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_groupId))
                string key           = string.Format("Group:{0}", _groupId);
                var    rockContext   = new RockContext();
                Group  selectedGroup = RockPage.GetSharedItem(key) as Group;
                if (selectedGroup == null)
                    int id = _groupId.AsInteger();
                    selectedGroup = new GroupService(rockContext).Queryable("GroupType")
                                    .Where(g => g.Id == id)
                    RockPage.SaveSharedItem(key, selectedGroup);

                // get the parents of the selected item so we can tell the treeview to expand those
                int?          rootGroupId  = hfRootGroupId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
                List <string> parentIdList = new List <string>();
                var           group        = selectedGroup;
                while (group != null)
                    if (!IsGroupTypeIncluded(group.GroupTypeId))
                        group         = null;
                        selectedGroup = null;
                    else if (group.Id == rootGroupId)
                        // stop if we are at the root group
                        group = null;
                        group = group.ParentGroup;

                    if (group != null)
                        if (!parentIdList.Contains(group.Id.ToString()))
                            parentIdList.Insert(0, group.Id.ToString());
                            // The parent list already contains this node, so we have encountered a recursive loop.
                            // Stop here and make the current node the root of the tree.
                            group = null;

                // also get any additional expanded nodes that were sent in the Post
                string postedExpandedIds = this.Request.Params["ExpandedIds"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postedExpandedIds))
                    var postedExpandedIdList = postedExpandedIds.Split(',').ToList();
                    foreach (var id in postedExpandedIdList)
                        if (!parentIdList.Contains(id))

                if (selectedGroup != null)
                    var selectedGroupGroupType = GroupTypeCache.Get(selectedGroup.GroupTypeId);
                    hfInitialGroupId.Value  = selectedGroup.Id.ToString();
                    hfSelectedGroupId.Value = selectedGroup.Id.ToString();

                    // show the Add Child Group button if the selected Group's GroupType can have children and one or more of those child group types is allowed
                    if (selectedGroupGroupType.AllowAnyChildGroupType || selectedGroupGroupType.ChildGroupTypes.Any(c => IsGroupTypeIncluded(c.Id)))
                        // if current person has Edit Auth on the block, then show the add child group button regardless of Group/GroupType security.
                        showAddChildGroupButton = canEditBlock;

                        if (!showAddChildGroupButton)
                            // if block doesn't grant Edit auth, see if the person is authorized for the selected group
                            showAddChildGroupButton = selectedGroup.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson);
                            if (!showAddChildGroupButton)
                                // if block doesn't grant Edit auth, and user isn't authorized for the selected group,
                                // see if they have Edit auth on any of the child groups
                                List <GroupTypeCache> allowedChildGroupTypes;
                                if (selectedGroupGroupType.AllowAnyChildGroupType)
                                    // If AllowAnyChildGroupType is enabled, check for Edit Auth on all GroupTypes
                                    allowedChildGroupTypes = GroupTypeCache.All().ToList();
                                    // If AllowAnyChildGroupType is not enabled, check for Edit Auth on the just the selected group's ChildGroupTypes
                                    allowedChildGroupTypes = selectedGroupGroupType.ChildGroupTypes;

                                foreach (var childGroupType in allowedChildGroupTypes)
                                    if (childGroupType != null && childGroupType.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson))
                                        showAddChildGroupButton = true;

                hfInitialGroupParentIds.Value = parentIdList.AsDelimited(",");
                // let the Add button be visible if there is nothing selected (if authorized)
                lbAddGroupChild.Enabled = canEditBlock;

            // NOTE that showAddChildGroupButton just controls if the button is shown.
            // The group detail block will take care of enforcing auth when they attempt to save a group.
            divAddGroup.Visible     = canEditBlock || showAddChildGroupButton;
            lbAddGroupRoot.Enabled  = canEditBlock;
            lbAddGroupChild.Enabled = showAddChildGroupButton;

            // disable add child group if no group is selected
            if (hfSelectedGroupId.ValueAsInt() == 0)
                lbAddGroupChild.Enabled = false;

            hfIncludeInactiveGroups.Value = (!tglHideInactiveGroups.Checked).ToTrueFalse();
            hfLimitPublicGroups.Value     = tglLimitPublicGroups.Checked.ToTrueFalse();
            hfCountsType.Value            = ddlCountsType.SelectedValue;
            hfCampusFilter.Value          = ddlCampuses.SelectedValue;
            hfIncludeNoCampus.Value       = tglIncludeNoCampus.Checked.ToTrueFalse();