Пример #1
        public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
             * Setting[0] = new StringSetting("Owner name/uuid", "Player that the bots will follow.", "");
             * Setting[1] = new NumberSetting("Clicks per second", "How fast should the bot attack?", 5, 1, 60, 1);
             * Setting[2] = new NumberSetting("Miss rate", "How often does the bot miss?", 15, 0, 100, 1);
             * Setting[3] = new StringSetting("Friendly name(s)/uuid(s)", "Uuids of the user that own't be hit. Split by spaces'", "");
             * Setting[4] = new BoolSetting("Auto equip best armor?", "Should the bot auto equip the best armor it has?", true);
             * Setting[5] = new BoolSetting("Equip best weapon?", "Should the best item be auto equiped?", true);
             * Setting[6] = new ComboSetting("Mode", null, new string[] {"Passive", "Aggressive"}, 0);

            Setting.Add(new StringSetting("Owner name/uuid", "Player that the bots will follow.", ""));
            Setting.Add(new StringListSetting("Friendly name(s)/uuid(s)", "Uuids of the user that own't be hit. Split by spaces'", ""));
            Setting.Add(new ComboSetting("Mode", null, new string[] { "Passive", "Aggressive" }, 0));

            var clickGroup = new GroupSetting("Clicks", "");

            clickGroup.Add(new NumberSetting("Clicks per second", "How fast should the bot attack?", 5, 1, 60, 1));
            clickGroup.Add(new NumberSetting("Miss rate", "How often does the bot miss?", 15, 0, 100, 1));

            var equipmentGroup = new GroupSetting("Equipment", "");

            equipmentGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Auto equip best armor?", "Should the bot auto equip the best armor it has?", true));
            equipmentGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Equip best weapon?", "Should the best item be auto equiped?", true));
Пример #2
        public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
             * Setting[0] = new NumberSetting("Height", "Height level that the bots should mine at", 12, 1, 256);
             * Setting[1] = new ComboSetting("Pattern", "", new[] { PATTERNS[0].GetName(), PATTERNS[1].GetName(), PATTERNS[2].GetName() }, 1);
             * Setting[2] = new StringSetting("Macro on inventory full", "Starts the macro when the bots inventory is full.", "");
             * Setting[3] = new BoolSetting("Diamond ore", "", true);
             * Setting[4] = new BoolSetting("Emerald ore", "", true);
             * Setting[5] = new BoolSetting("Iron ore", "", true);
             * Setting[6] = new BoolSetting("Gold ore", "", true);
             * Setting[7] = new BoolSetting("Redstone ore", "", false);
             * Setting[8] = new BoolSetting("Lapis Lazuli ore", "", false);
             * Setting[9] = new BoolSetting("Coal ore", "", false);

            Setting.Add(new NumberSetting("Height", "Height level that the bots should mine at", 12, 1, 256));
            Setting.Add(new ComboSetting("Pattern", "", new[] { PATTERNS[0].GetName(), PATTERNS[1].GetName(), PATTERNS[2].GetName() }, 1));
            Setting.Add(new StringSetting("Macro on inventory full", "Starts the macro when the bots inventory is full.", ""));

            var group = new GroupSetting("Ore", "Select which ore types should the bot focus");

            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Diamond ore", "", true));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Emerald ore", "", true));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Iron ore", "", true));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Gold ore", "", true));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Redstone ore", "", false));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Lapis Lazuli ore", "", false));
            group.Add(new BoolSetting("Coal ore", "", false));
Пример #3
        private static async Task SetGroupSettings(CreateGroupRequest request, CreateGroupResponse response, TraceWriter log)
            GraphServiceClient client = ConnectADAL.GetGraphClient();

                if (!request.AllowToAddGuests)
                    var groupUnifiedGuestSetting = new GroupSetting()
                        DisplayName = "Group.Unified.Guest",
                        TemplateId  = "08d542b9-071f-4e16-94b0-74abb372e3d9",
                        Values      = new List <SettingValue> {
                            new SettingValue()
                                Name = "AllowToAddGuests", Value = "false"
                    log.Info($"Setting setting in Group.Unified.Guest (08d542b9-071f-4e16-94b0-74abb372e3d9), AllowToAddGuests = false");
                    await client.Groups[response.GroupId].Settings.Request().AddAsync(groupUnifiedGuestSetting);
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error($"Error setting AllowToAddGuests for group {response.GroupId}: {e.Message }\n\n{e.StackTrace}");
Пример #4
    public GameConfig()
        kill_point_30_60    = new IntArray();
        kill_point_60       = new IntArray();
        delta_level_exp     = new IntArray();
        carriage_list       = new IntArray();
        best_carriage_list  = new IntArray();
        clear_cd_skill_list = new IntArray();
        pickup_item_notice  = new IntArray();

        learn_skill          = new LearnSkillConfig();
        equip_endure_cost    = new EquipEndureCost();
        strings              = new ConstString();
        battlefield          = new BattlefieldConfig();
        jizhou_battlefield   = new JiZhouBattlefieldConfig();
        huangjin_battlefield = new HuangJinBattlefieldConfig();
        card_mgr             = new CardMgr();
        group_setting        = new GroupSetting();
        store_setting        = new IBStoreSettings();
        relationship         = new RelationshipConfig();

        OfflineExpItems     = new OfflineExpItemCfgArray();
        OfflineExpPerLevels = new OfflineExpPerLevelArray();

        group_league = new GroupLeagueConfig();
        country      = new CountryConfig();

        auto_equip_when_enter_map_config = new AutoEquipWhenEnterMapConfig();
        sign_manager = new SignManager();
Пример #5
        public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
            this.Setting.Add(new LocationSetting("Start x y z", ""));
            this.Setting.Add(new LocationSetting("End x y z", ""));
            this.Setting.Add(new StringSetting("Macro on inventory full", "Starts the macro when the bots inventory is full.", ""));
            this.Setting.Add(new StringSetting("Macro on out of tools", "Starts the macro when the bot runs out of pickaxes.", ""));
            this.Setting.Add(new ComboSetting("Speed mode", null, new string[] { "Accurate", "Fast" }, 0));
            this.Setting.Add(new ComboSetting("Path mode", null, new string[] { "Advanced (mining & building)", "Basic" }, 0));

            var blockGroup = new GroupSetting("Blocks", "Block related settings can be found here.");

            blockGroup.Add(new BlockCollectionSetting("Ignore ids", "What blocks should be ignored.", "", true));

             * this.Setting.Add(new LocationSetting("--TEMP", "--DESC", new Location(0, 0, 0)));
             * this.Setting.Add(new StringListSetting("--TEMP2", "--DESC2", ""));
             * this.Setting.Add(new BlockCollectionSetting("--TEMP3", "--DESC3", "", true));
             * var group = new GroupSetting("Testing groups", "group description");
             * group.Add(new StringSetting("wow", "dab", "haters"));
             * var temp = new ComboSetting("TEST SETTING", null, new string[] {"TEST 1", "TEST 2"}, 0);
             * temp.Add(0, new StringSetting("1.1", "What blocks should be ignored.", "1.1"));
             * temp.Add(0, new StringSetting("1.2", "What blocks should be ignored.", "1.2"));
             * temp.Add(0, new StringSetting("1.3", "What blocks should be ignored.", "1.3"));
             * temp.Add(1, new StringSetting("1.1", "What blocks should be ignored.", "1.1"));
             * group.Add(temp);
             * this.Setting.Add(group);
 public static void ChatSystemUpdate()
     new Thread(() => PrivateChat.GetPage().Update()).Start();
     new Thread(() => Chat.GetPage().Update()).Start();
     new Thread(() => GroupChat.GetPage().Update()).Start();
     new Thread(() => GroupSetting.GetPage().Update()).Start();
     new Thread(() => Group.getPage().Update()).Start();
Пример #7
        public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
            Setting.Add(new NumberSetting("Radius (crop, x-radius):", "Radius around the initial bot spawn position that it will look around.", 64, 1, 1000, 1));
            Setting.Add(new NumberSetting("Radius (crop, y-radius):", "What can be the Y difference for the bot for it to find valid crops.", 4, 1, 256, 1));
            Setting.Add(new ComboSetting("Speed mode", null, new string[] { "Accurate", "Fast" }, 0));

            var automationGroup = new GroupSetting("Automation", "Use these settings to automate actions.");
            var storeSetting    = new ComboSetting("On Inventory Full", "What should the bot do once it's inventory is full.", new[] { "Nothing", "Store Inventory In Closest Chest", "Run Macro" }, 1);

            storeSetting.Add(2, new StringSetting("On Inventory Full Macro", null, ""));
Пример #8
        public static async Task <AllowExternalMembersInGroupResponse> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post")] AllowExternalMembersInGroupRequest request, TraceWriter log)
            GraphServiceClient client = ConnectADAL.GetGraphClient();

                const string externalTemplateId    = "08d542b9-071f-4e16-94b0-74abb372e3d9";
                GroupSetting externalMemberSetting = new GroupSetting {
                    TemplateId = externalTemplateId
                SettingValue setVal = new SettingValue
                    Name  = "AllowToAddGuests",
                    Value = request.ExternalAllowed.ToString()
                externalMemberSetting.Values = new List <SettingValue> {

                var existingSettings = await client.Groups[request.GroupId].Settings.Request().GetAsync();

                bool hasExistingSetting = false;
                foreach (GroupSetting groupSetting in existingSettings)
                    if (!groupSetting.TemplateId.Equals(externalTemplateId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                    await client.Groups[request.GroupId].Settings[groupSetting.Id].Request().UpdateAsync(externalMemberSetting);
                    hasExistingSetting = true;

                if (!hasExistingSetting)
                    await client.Groups[request.GroupId].Settings.Request().AddAsync(externalMemberSetting);

                return(new AllowExternalMembersInGroupResponse {
                    ExternalAllowed = request.ExternalAllowed
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reetrieve the first WMI MSBTS_GroupSetting object in the collection
        /// </summary>
        private void RetrieveGroupSettings()
                GroupSetting.StaticScope = ManagementHelper.GetScope(typeof(GroupSetting), sqlInstanceName, databaseName);
                foreach (GroupSetting setting in GroupSetting.GetInstances())
                    groupSettings = setting;

                GroupSetting.StaticScope = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new entity to groupSettings
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <param name="requestConfiguration">Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public RequestInformation CreatePostRequestInformation(GroupSetting body, Action <GroupSettingsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration> requestConfiguration = default)
            _ = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));
            var requestInfo = new RequestInformation {
                HttpMethod     = Method.POST,
                UrlTemplate    = UrlTemplate,
                PathParameters = PathParameters,

            requestInfo.SetContentFromParsable(RequestAdapter, "application/json", body);
            if (requestConfiguration != null)
                var requestConfig = new GroupSettingsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration();
Пример #11
        public override void OnLoad(int version, int subversion, int buildversion)
             * Setting[0] = new StringSetting("User or Channel ID", "Enable developer mode: Settings->Appearance->Developer mode. Copy id: right click channel and click 'Copy ID'.", "");
             * Setting[1] = new BoolSetting("Local notifications", "", true);
             * Setting[2] = new BoolSetting("Explosion notifications", "", true);
             * Setting[3] = new BoolSetting("Wither notifications", "", true);
             * Setting[4] = new BoolSetting("Creeper notifications", "", true);
             * Setting[5] = new BoolSetting("Player notifications", "", true);
             * Setting[6] = new StringSetting("Friendly uuid(s)/name(s)", "Uuids/name(s) split by space.", "");
             * Setting[7] = new StringSetting("Lamp coordinates", "Coordinates in the [X Y Z] format, split by a space", "[-1 -1 -1] [0 0 0] [1 1 1]");
             * Setting[8] = new ComboSetting("Mode", "Notification mode", new []{"none", "@everyone", "@everyone + tts"}, 1);
             * Setting[9] = new LinkSetting("Add bot", "Adds the bot to your discord channel (you must have administrator permissions).", "https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=299708378236583939&scope=bot&permissions=6152");
             * Setting[10] = new BoolSetting("Detect falling blocks", "Should the bot detected falling sand and falling tnt", true);

            Setting.Add(new StringSetting("User or Channel ID", "Enable developer mode: Settings->Appearance->Developer mode. Copy id: right click channel and click 'Copy ID'.", ""));
            Setting.Add(new BoolSetting("Local notifications", "", true));

            var notificationGroup = new GroupSetting("Notifications", "Select which notifications you wish to get here.");

            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Explosion notifications", "", true));
            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Wither notifications", "", true));
            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Creeper notifications", "", true));
            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Player notifications", "", true));
            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Detect falling tnt", "Should the bot detected falling tnt", true));
            notificationGroup.Add(new BoolSetting("Detect falling sand", "Should the bot detected falling sand", true));

            var otherGroup = new GroupSetting("Miscellaneous", "");

            otherGroup.Add(new StringListSetting("Friendly uuid(s)/name(s)", "Uuids/name(s) split by space.", ""));
            otherGroup.Add(new StringListSetting("Lamp coordinates", "Coordinates in the [X Y Z] format, split by a space", "[-1 -1 -1] [0 0 0] [1 1 1]"));
            otherGroup.Add(new ComboSetting("Mode", "Notification mode", new[] { "none", "@everyone", "@everyone + tts" }, 1));

            Setting.Add(new LinkSetting("Add bot", "Adds the bot to your discord channel (you must have administrator permissions).", "https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=299708378236583939&scope=bot&permissions=6152"));
Пример #12
        private void PrepareSettings(Data data)
            groupSettings = new GroupSettings();

            foreach (GroupContainer i in data.Groups.GroupContainers)
                GroupSetting groupSetting = new GroupSetting(i.AppliesTo, i.Name, i.Items[0].Code);
                groupSetting.PropertyChanged += groupSetting_PropertyChanged;

                List <string> settingNames = new List <string>();

                foreach (Group group in i.Items)

                Setting setting = new Setting(i.Name, settingNames);
                setting.CurrentSetting = groupSettings.Settings[groupSettings.Settings.Count - 1];

Пример #13
 private void initGroupSettings()
     _groupSetting = new GroupSetting();
Пример #14
 public void Save()
     GroupSetting.Save(ctx.PostValue <GroupSetting>("x"));
Пример #15
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post")] CreateGroupRequest request, TraceWriter log)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter cannot be null", "Name");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Description))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter cannot be null", "Description");
                string mailNickName = await GetUniqueMailAlias(request);

                string             displayName = GetDisplayName(request);
                GraphServiceClient client      = ConnectADAL.GetGraphClient(GraphEndpoint.Beta);
                var newGroup = new Group
                    DisplayName     = displayName,
                    Description     = GetDescription(request.Description, 1000),
                    MailNickname    = mailNickName,
                    MailEnabled     = true,
                    SecurityEnabled = false,
                    Visibility      = request.Public ? "Public" : "Private",
                    GroupTypes      = new List <string> {
                    Classification = request.Classification
                var addedGroup = await client.Groups.Request().AddAsync(newGroup);

                var createGroupResponse = new CreateGroupResponse
                    GroupId     = addedGroup.Id,
                    DisplayName = displayName,
                    Mail        = addedGroup.Mail
                    if (!request.AllowToAddGuests)
                        var groupUnifiedGuestSetting = new GroupSetting()
                            DisplayName = "Group.Unified.Guest",
                            TemplateId  = "08d542b9-071f-4e16-94b0-74abb372e3d9",
                            Values      = new List <SettingValue> {
                                new SettingValue()
                                    Name = "AllowToAddGuests", Value = "false"
                        log.Info($"Setting setting in Group.Unified.Guest (08d542b9-071f-4e16-94b0-74abb372e3d9), AllowToAddGuests = false");
                        await client.Groups[addedGroup.Id].Settings.Request().AddAsync(groupUnifiedGuestSetting);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error($"Error setting AllowToAddGuests for group {addedGroup.Id}: {e.Message }\n\n{e.StackTrace}");
                return(await Task.FromResult(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Content = new ObjectContent <CreateGroupResponse>(createGroupResponse, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter())
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error($"Error:  {e.Message }\n\n{e.StackTrace}");
                return(await Task.FromResult(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)
                    Content = new ObjectContent <string>(e.Message, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter())