public override AcceptanceReport CanDesignateCell(IntVec3 c) { if (!GenGrid.InBounds(c, Map) || GridsUtility.Fogged(c, Map) || Map.designationManager.DesignationAt(c, Designation) != null) { return(false); } if (GenGrid.InNoBuildEdgeArea(c, Map)) { return(Translator.Translate("TooCloseToMapEdge")); } var edifice = GridsUtility.GetEdifice(c, Map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full && edifice.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable) { return(false); } var terrain = Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c); if (terrain != IceTerrain.Ice && terrain != IceTerrain.IceShallow) { return("Ice.MustBeIce".Translate()); } return(AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted); }
public override AcceptanceReport CanDesignateCell(IntVec3 c) { if (!GenGrid.InBounds(c, base.Map)) { return(false); } if (base.Map.designationManager.DesignationAt(c, DesignationDefOf.Mine) != null) { return(AcceptanceReport.WasRejected); } if (GridsUtility.Fogged(c, base.Map)) { return(true); } Mineable firstMineable = GridsUtility.GetFirstMineable(c, base.Map); if (firstMineable == null) { return(Translator.Translate("MessageMustDesignateMineable")); } AcceptanceReport result = this.CanDesignateThing(firstMineable); if (result.Accepted) { return(AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted); } return(result); }
public List <IntVec3> GetValidSkeletonCells() { Map map = base.SingleMap; return(map.AllCells.Where((IntVec3 c) => map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c).affordances.Contains(TerrainAffordanceDefOf.Diggable) && map.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(c) < spawnThresh && GridsUtility.UsesOutdoorTemperature(c, map) && !GridsUtility.Fogged(c, map) && c.Standable(map) ).ToList()); }
// Token: 0x06000033 RID: 51 RVA: 0x00002B8E File Offset: 0x00000D8E private IEnumerable <Thing> RearmablesInCell(IntVec3 c) { if (GridsUtility.Fogged(c, base.Map)) { yield break; } List <Thing> thingList = GridsUtility.GetThingList(c, base.Map); int num; for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i = num + 1) { if (this.CanDesignateThing(thingList[i]).Accepted) { yield return(thingList[i]); } num = i; } yield break; }
public override AcceptanceReport CanDesignateCell(IntVec3 loc) { if (!GenGrid.InBounds(loc)) { return(false); } if (GridsUtility.Fogged(loc)) { return(false); } if (Find.DesignationManager.DesignationAt(loc, DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .GetNamed("MD2CollectSand")) != null) { return(false); } if (Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc) != TerrainDefOf.Sand) { return("DesignatorCollectSandReportString".Translate()); } return(AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted); }
public override AcceptanceReport CanDesignateCell(IntVec3 loc) { if (!GenGrid.InBounds(loc)) { return(false); } if (GridsUtility.Fogged(loc)) { return(false); } if (Find.DesignationManager.DesignationAt(loc, DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .GetNamed("MD2CollectClay")) != null) { return(false); } if (Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc) != DefDatabase <TerrainDef> .GetNamed("Mud") && Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc) != DefDatabase <TerrainDef> .GetNamed("WaterShallow")) { //Log.Message(Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc).defName); return("DesignatorCollectClayReportString".Translate()); } return(AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); //ThingDef skyfaller = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("PI_MeteorIncoming", true); IntVec3 intVec = CellFinderLoose.RandomCellWith( (IntVec3 sq) => GenGrid.Standable(sq, map) && !GridsUtility.Roofed(sq, map) && !GridsUtility.Fogged(sq, map) && GenGrid.InBounds(sq, map), map); //SkyfallerMaker.SpawnSkyfaller(skyfaller, meteor, intVec, map); Thing singleContainedThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_Queen, null); var meteorIncoming = (MeteorIncoming)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("PI_QueenIncoming"), null); MeteorUtility.MakeMeteorAt(map, intVec, meteorIncoming, new MeteorInfo { SingleContainedThing = singleContainedThing, openDelay = 1, leaveSlag = false }); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("MeteoritePurple".Translate(), "MeteoritePurpleDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(intVec, map, false)); //"Look a giant flying purple rock....its purple it has to be something good...right?" return(true); }
public override void FireEvent() { base.FireEvent(); if (!this.strikeLoc.IsValid) { this.strikeLoc = CellFinderLoose.RandomCellWith((IntVec3 sq) => GenGrid.Standable(sq, && !,, 1000); } this.boltMesh = LightningBoltMeshPool.RandomBoltMesh; if (!GridsUtility.Fogged(this.strikeLoc, { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(this.strikeLoc,, 8f, DamageDefOf.EMP, null, -1, -1f, null, null, null, null, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); Vector3 loc = this.strikeLoc.ToVector3Shifted(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowEMPSmoke(loc,, 2f); PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowEMPMicroSparks(loc,; PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowEMPLightningGlow(loc,, 4.5f); } } SoundInfo soundInfo = SoundInfo.InMap(new TargetInfo(this.strikeLoc,, false), 0); SoundStarter.PlayOneShot(SoundDefOf.Thunder_OnMap, soundInfo); }
public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms) { IntVec3 intVec; if (RCellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNearTheCenterOfTheMapWith((IntVec3 x) => GenGrid.Standable(x, map) && !GridsUtility.Fogged(x, map) && GridsUtility.GetRoom(x, map, (RegionType)6).CellCount >= 4, map, out intVec)) { float num = this.pointsRange.RandomInRange; List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = GenCollection.RandomElementByWeight <PawnKindDef>(from kind in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefsListForReading where kind.RaceProps.IsMechanoid select kind, (PawnKindDef kind) => 1f / kind.combatPower); list.Add(PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnKindDef, Faction.OfMechanoids)); num -= pawnKindDef.combatPower; if (num <= 0f) { break; } } IntVec3 intVec2 = default(IntVec3); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { IntVec3 intVec3 = CellFinder.RandomSpawnCellForPawnNear(intVec, map, 10); intVec2 = intVec3; GenSpawn.Spawn(list[j], intVec3, map, Rot4.Random, WipeMode.Vanish, false); } LordMaker.MakeNewLord(Faction.OfMechanoids, new LordJob_DefendPoint(intVec2), map, list); } }
public override void Generate(Map map) { System.Random random = new System.Random(); float num = Mathf.Min(10000f, (float)GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(10000, 12000))); ItemCollectionGenerator_Arcane itemCollectionGenerator_Arcane = new ItemCollectionGenerator_Arcane(); ItemCollectionGeneratorParams itemCollectionGeneratorParams = default(ItemCollectionGeneratorParams); itemCollectionGeneratorParams.techLevel = (TechLevel)5; itemCollectionGeneratorParams.totalMarketValue = num; itemCollectionGeneratorParams.count = Rand.RangeInclusive(10, 20); if (num > 12000f) { itemCollectionGeneratorParams.count = 1; } itemCollectionGeneratorParams.validator = ((ThingDef t) => t.defName != "Silver"); List <Thing> list = new List <Thing>(); Thing item = new Thing(); //random = new System.Random(); //int rnd = GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(0, 10)); //if (rnd < 2) //{ // item.def = TorannMagicDefOf.BookOfInnerFire; //} //else if (rnd >= 2 && rnd < 4) //{ // item.def = TorannMagicDefOf.BookOfHeartOfFrost; //} //else if (rnd >= 4 && rnd < 6) //{ // item.def = TorannMagicDefOf.BookOfStormBorn; //} //else if (rnd >= 6 && rnd < 8) //{ // item.def = TorannMagicDefOf.BookOfArcanist; //} //else //{ // item.def = TorannMagicDefOf.BookOfValiant; //} //item.stackCount = 1; //list.Add(item); foreach (Thing current in list) { if (current.stackCount > current.def.stackLimit) { current.stackCount = current.def.stackLimit; } IntVec3 intVec; if (CellFinderLoose.TryGetRandomCellWith((IntVec3 x) => GenGrid.Standable(x, map) && GridsUtility.Fogged(x, map) && GridsUtility.GetRoom(x, map, (RegionType)6).CellCount >= 2, map, 1000, out intVec)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(current, intVec, map, Rot4.Random, false); } } list = itemCollectionGenerator_Arcane.Generate(itemCollectionGeneratorParams); foreach (Thing current in list) { if (current.stackCount > current.def.stackLimit) { current.stackCount = current.def.stackLimit; } IntVec3 intVec; if (CellFinderLoose.TryGetRandomCellWith((IntVec3 x) => GenGrid.Standable(x, map) && GridsUtility.Fogged(x, map) && GridsUtility.GetRoom(x, map, (RegionType)6).CellCount >= 2, map, 1000, out intVec)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(current, intVec, map, Rot4.North, false); } } }
public override void PostMapGenerate(Map map) { base.PostMapGenerate(map); AbandonedVehicleContentsComp component = <AbandonedVehicleContentsComp>(); Log.Error(; Log.Error(; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Log.Error([i].ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < component.contents.Count; i++) { Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(component.contents[i].def, null); if (thing as Pawn != null) { cachepawns.Add((Pawn)thing); } } if (cachepawns != null && cachepawns.Count > 0) { IntVec3 intVec; for (int i = 0; i < cachepawns.Count; i++) { if (cachepawns[i].GetComp <CompVehicle>() != null && cachepawns[i].GetComp <CompVehicle>().Props.isWater) { foreach (IntVec3 tile in map.AllCells) { if (tile.GetTerrain(map) == TerrainDefOf.WaterMovingDeep || tile.GetTerrain(map) == TerrainDefOf.WaterMovingShallow || tile.GetTerrain(map) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanDeep || tile.GetTerrain(map) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanShallow) { if (tile.GetFirstBuilding(map) == null && tile.GetFirstThing(map, new ThingDef()) == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(cachepawns[i], tile, map); } } } } else { RCellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNearTheCenterOfTheMapWith((IntVec3 x) => GenGrid.Standable(x, map) && !GridsUtility.Fogged(x, map), map, out intVec); GenSpawn.Spawn(cachepawns[i], intVec, map); } } } }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { bool result; Map map = (Map); parms.raidArrivalMode = PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.EdgeWalkIn; parms.raidNeverFleeIndividual = true; this.ResolveRaidPoints(parms); PawnGroupKindDef combat = PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat; parms.raidStrategy = RaidStrategyDefOf.ImmediateAttack; parms.faction = PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction; parms.points = StorytellerUtility.DefaultThreatPointsNow(map); parms.generateFightersOnly = true; parms.forced = true; IntVec3 spawncenter = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(map.Center, map, 50, (IntVec3 x) => GenGrid.Walkable(x, map) && !GridsUtility.Fogged(x, map)); parms.spawnCenter = spawncenter; parms.raidArrivalMode = PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.CenterDrop; Lord lord = null; List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); if (parms.pawnGroups == null) { Log.Message(parms.points + " points"); list = this.GeneratePawns(parms); } else { foreach (var data in parms.pawnGroups) { list.Add(data.Key); } } //foreach (Pawn pawn in list) //{ // if (map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction).Any((Pawn p) => // p != pawn)) // { // lord = ((Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(pawn.Position, // map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction), 99999f, // (Thing p) => p != pawn && ((Pawn)p).GetLord() != null, null)).GetLord(); // } // if (lord == null) // { // var lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(Faction.OfPlayer, false, false, false, false, false); // lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction, lordJob, map, null); // } // lord.AddPawn(pawn); //} if (list.Count == 0) { result = false; } else { parms.raidArrivalMode.Worker.Arrive(list, parms); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("BiologicalWarfare".Translate(), "BiologicalWarfareDesc".Translate(), this.GetLetterDef(), list, parms.faction); result = true; Find.TickManager.CurTimeSpeed = TimeSpeed.Normal; } return(result); }
public override void MapComponentTick() { base.MapComponentTick(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 250 == 0) { var plants =; //Log.Message("Checking orbital strike, " + this.OrbitalHelpActive + " - " + plants.Count); if (plants != null && ((this.OrbitalHelpActive == true && plants.Count > 0) || plants.Count > 2000)) // && Rand.Chance(PurpleIvyData.getFogProgress(plants.Count))) { if (this.OrbitalHelpActive == false) { this.OrbitalHelpActive = true; Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("OrbitalHelpFromAncients".Translate(), "OrbitalHelpFromAncientsDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(plants.RandomElement().Position, map, false)); } PowerBeam powerBeam = (PowerBeam)GenSpawn.Spawn(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_PowerBeam, plants.RandomElement().Position,, 0); powerBeam.duration = 200; powerBeam.instigator = null; powerBeam.weaponDef = null; powerBeam.StartStrike(); } if ((plants.Count <= 0 || plants == null) && this.OrbitalHelpActive == true) { Log.Message("Orbital help"); this.OrbitalHelpActive = false; List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); var alpha =; var beta =; var gamma =; var omega =; var guard =; int pawnCount = alpha.Count; pawnCount += beta.Count; pawnCount += gamma.Count; pawnCount += omega.Count; pawnCount += guard.Count; Predicate <IntVec3> predicate = delegate(IntVec3 c) { return(!GridsUtility.Fogged(c, map) && !GridsUtility.Roofed(c, map) && GenGrid.InBounds(c, map) && GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(c, 10, true).Where(x => map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(x).Where(y => y.Faction == PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction) != null) != null); }; IntVec3 position = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(,, 500, predicate); foreach (var num in Enumerable.Range(1, pawnCount / 2)) { Faction faction = FactionUtility.DefaultFactionFrom(PurpleIvyDefOf.KorsolianFaction); Pawn NewPawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PurpleIvyDefOf.KorsolianSoldier, faction); if (faction != null && faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { Lord lord = null; if ( p) => p != NewPawn)) { lord = ((Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(NewPawn.Position,, 99999f, (Thing p) => p != NewPawn && ((Pawn)p).GetLord() != null, null)).GetLord(); } if (lord == null) { var lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(Faction.OfPlayer, position); //LordJob_DefendPoint lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(position); lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(faction, lordJob,, null); } lord.AddPawn(NewPawn); } Log.Message(NewPawn?.Faction?.def?.defName); list.Add(NewPawn); } DropPodUtility.DropThingsNear(position,, list, 30, false, true, true, true); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("AncientsLandOnTheGround".Translate(), "AncientsLandOnTheGroundDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(position, map, false)); } //Log.Message("Alpha limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteAlpha.defName]); //Log.Message("Beta limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteBeta.defName]); //Log.Message("Gamma limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteGamma.defName]); //Log.Message("Omega limit: " + PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega.defName]); int count = plants.Count; bool comeFromOuterSource; var tempComp = new WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile(); tempComp.infectedTile = map.Tile; if (PurpleIvyUtils.getFogProgressWithOuterSources(count, tempComp, out comeFromOuterSource) > 0f && !map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition)) { GameCondition_PurpleFog gameCondition = (GameCondition_PurpleFog)GameConditionMaker.MakeConditionPermanent (PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition); map.gameConditionManager.RegisterCondition(gameCondition); if (comeFromOuterSource == false) { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(gameCondition.LabelCap, gameCondition.LetterText, gameCondition.def.letterDef, new TargetInfo(map.Center, map, false)); } else { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSites".Translate(), "PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSitesDesc".Translate(), LetterDefOf.ThreatBig, new TargetInfo(map.Center, map, false)); Log.Message("PurpleFogСomesFromInfectedSites: " + map.ToString() + " - " + Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString()); } if (map.Parent.GetComponent <WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile>() == null) { var comp = new WorldObjectComp_InfectedTile(); comp.parent = map.Parent; comp.StartInfection(); comp.gameConditionCaused = PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleFogGameCondition; comp.counter = count; comp.infectedTile = map.Tile; comp.radius = comp.GetRadius(); PurpleIvyData.TotalFogProgress[comp] = PurpleIvyUtils.getFogProgress(comp.counter); comp.fillRadius(); map.Parent.AllComps.Add(comp); Log.Message("Adding comp to: " + map.Parent.ToString()); } } } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 60000 == 0) { int count = 0; var alphaEggs =; var betaEggs =; var gammaEggs =; var nestsEggs =; var omegaEggs =; Log.Message("Total PurpleIvy count on the map: " +, true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteAlpha.defName]) { foreach (var egg in alphaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in alphaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteAlpha count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteBeta.defName]) { foreach (var egg in betaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in betaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteBeta count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteGamma.defName]) { foreach (var egg in gammaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in gammaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteGamma count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); count =; if (count > PurpleIvySettings.TotalAlienLimit[PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega.defName]) { foreach (var egg in omegaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = true; } } else { foreach (var egg in omegaEggs) { var eggSac = (Building_EggSac)egg; eggSac.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>().stopSpawning = false; } } Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteOmega count on the map: " + count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total Genny_ParasiteNestGuard count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total EggSac count on the map: " + alphaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac beta count on the map: " + betaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac gamma count on the map: " + gammaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total EggSac NestGuard count on the map: " + nestsEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total ParasiteEgg count on the map: " + omegaEggs.Count.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Total GasPump count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total GenTurretBase count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total Turret_GenMortarSeed count on the map: " +, true); Log.Message("Total Nest count on the map: " +, true); } }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame < PrevTick + 10) { return(null); } PrevTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; if (GridsUtility.Fogged(pawn.Position, pawn.Map)) { return(JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.LayDown)); } Alien alien = pawn as Alien; // Some optimizations here... //if (pawn.TryGetAttackVerb(null, false) == null) //{ // return null; //} if (pawn.CurJob != null) { Log.Message(pawn + " - " + pawn.CurJob.def.defName); } Pawn pawn2 = null; if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame - alien.lastAttacked) < 1000) { pawn2 = alien.lastInstigator; } else if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame - pawn.Map.GetComponent <MapComponent_MapEvents>().LastAttacked) < 1000) { pawn2 = FindPawnTargetNearPlants(pawn); } else { pawn2 = FindPawnTarget(pawn); } if (pawn2 == null) { if (pawn.GetRoom() != null && !pawn.GetRoom().PsychologicallyOutdoors) { Predicate <Thing> validator = delegate(Thing t) { return(t.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("door")); }; var door = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.Touch, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false) , 5f, validator); if (door != null) { return(PurpleIvyUtils.MeleeAttackJob(pawn, door)); } else { Predicate <Thing> validator2 = delegate(Thing t) { return(t.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("wall")); }; var wall = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.Touch, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false) , 5f, validator2); if (wall != null) { return(PurpleIvyUtils.MeleeAttackJob(pawn, wall)); } } } } else if (!pawn2.Downed) { var verb = pawn.VerbTracker.AllVerbs.Where(x => x.IsMeleeAttack != true).FirstOrDefault(); if (pawn.def == PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega && pawn.Position.InHorDistOf(pawn2.Position, 15) && Rand.Chance(0.7f)) { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - JUMP"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.JumpOnTargetJob(pawn, pawn2)); } else if (pawn.def == PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteBeta && pawn.Position.InHorDistOf(pawn2.Position, 2) && Rand.Chance(0.1f)) { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - SMOKE"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.SmokeAttackJob(pawn, pawn2)); } else if (verb != null && Rand.Chance(0.8f) && pawn.Position.InHorDistOf(pawn2.Position, verb.verbProps.range)) { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - SHOOT"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.RangeAttackJob(pawn, pawn2)); } else { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - MELEE"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.MeleeAttackJob(pawn, pawn2)); } } else if (pawn2.Downed) { if (pawn2.BodySize >= 0.5f && pawn.def != PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteOmega && pawn.def != PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_ParasiteGamma && pawn.kindDef != PurpleIvyDefOf.Genny_Queen && < HungerCategory.Hungry) { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - Goo"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.EntagleWithGooJob(pawn, pawn2)); } else { //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - KILL"); return(PurpleIvyUtils.KillAttackJob(pawn, pawn2)); } } if (alien.canGuard) { if (alien.mindState?.duty?.focus == null || !PurpleIvyUtils.AlienPlantInCell (alien.Map, alien.mindState.duty.focus.Cell)) { alien.SetFocus(); } } if (alien.canHaul) { Predicate <Thing> validator = delegate(Thing t) { List <Thing> list = pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(t.Position); return(!(list.Count > 0 && list.OfType <Plant>().Any(x => x.def == PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleIvy || x.def == PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_Nest || x.def == PurpleIvyDefOf.PlantVenomousToothwort))); }; Thing thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingRequest.ForDef(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_StickyGoo), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.None, TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, false), 9999f, validator, null); if (thing == null) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Corpse), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.None, TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, false), 50f, validator, null); } if (thing != null && ReservationUtility.CanReserveAndReach(pawn, thing, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.None)) { var plants = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleIvy); if (plants == null || plants.Count <= 0) { return(null); } var plantToHaul = plants.RandomElement(); if (ReachabilityUtility.CanReach(pawn, plantToHaul, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.None, true, TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors)) { Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_HaulToCell, thing, plantToHaul.Position); job.attackDoorIfTargetLost = true; if (job != null && job.TryMakePreToilReservations(pawn, false)) { ReservationUtility.Reserve(pawn, thing, job); return(job); } } } } //Log.Message(Find.TickManager.TicksGame.ToString() + " - " + pawn + " - " + + " - NULL 1"); //Building building = this.FindTurretTarget(pawn); //if (building != null) //{ // return MeleeAttackJob(pawn, building); //} //if (pawn2 != null) //{ // using (PawnPath pawnPath = pawn.Map.pathFinder.FindPath(pawn.Position, pawn2.Position, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.PassDoors, false), PathEndMode.OnCell)) // { // if (!pawnPath.Found) // { // return null; // } // IntVec3 loc; // if (!pawnPath.TryFindLastCellBeforeBlockingDoor(pawn, out loc)) // { // Log.Error(pawn + " did TryFindLastCellBeforeDoor but found none when it should have been one. Target: " + pawn2.LabelCap, false); // return null; // } // IntVec3 randomCell = CellFinder.RandomRegionNear(loc.GetRegion(pawn.Map, RegionType.Set_Passable), 9, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), null, null, RegionType.Set_Passable).RandomCell; // if (randomCell == pawn.Position) // { // return JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Wait, 30, false); // } // return JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Goto, randomCell); // } //} return(null); }