Пример #1
        static void ApplyColumnPosition(UIElement element)
            int maxColumn = 0;

            if (element.INTERNAL_VisualParent != null && element.INTERNAL_VisualParent is Grid) //Note: this also checks if INTERNAL_VisualTreeManager.IsElementInVisualTree(element) is true because there is no point in setting it on Windows and Popups.
                Grid parent = (Grid)element.INTERNAL_VisualParent;
                if (parent._columnDefinitionsOrNull != null && parent._columnDefinitionsOrNull.Count > 0)
                    maxColumn = parent._columnDefinitionsOrNull.Count - 1;

                    int elementColumn = GetColumn(element);
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref elementColumn, maxColumn);

                    dynamic style      = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.GetFrameworkElementBoxSizingStyleForModification(element);
                    int     columnSpan = GetColumnSpan(element);
                    if (columnSpan <= 1)
                        columnSpan = 1;
                    int lastColumn = elementColumn + columnSpan - 1; //note: there was a -1 here before but it seems to not give he result expected.
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref lastColumn, maxColumn);

                    bool isMsGrid = Grid_InternalHelpers.isMSGrid();
                    if (!isMsGrid)
                        style.gridColumnStart = (elementColumn + 1).ToString(); //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.gridColumnEnd   = (lastColumn + 2).ToString();    //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridColumnEnd seems to be the column BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
                        style.msGridColumn     = (elementColumn + 1).ToString(); //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.msGridColumnSpan = (columnSpan).ToString();        //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridColumnEnd seems to be the column BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
Пример #2
        internal void LocallyManageChildrenChanged_CSSVersion()
            int maxRow    = 0;
            int maxColumn = 0;

            if (RowDefinitions != null && RowDefinitions.Count > 0)
                maxRow = RowDefinitions.Count - 1;
            if (ColumnDefinitions != null && ColumnDefinitions.Count > 0)
                maxColumn = ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1;

            //UIElement[,] lastElements = new UIElement[maxRow + 1, maxColumn + 1];

            foreach (UIElement uiElement in Children)
                if (INTERNAL_VisualTreeManager.IsElementInVisualTree(uiElement))
                    // Note: the code between here and the "until here" comment can be read as:
                    //  ApplyRowPosition(uiElement);
                    //  ApplyColumnPosition(uiElement);
                    // It has not been implemented that way because this is slightly more efficient and we need elementRow and elementColumn afterwards.
                    int elementRow    = GetRow(uiElement);
                    int elementColumn = GetColumn(uiElement);
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref elementRow, maxRow);
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref elementColumn, maxColumn);

                    int rowSpan = GetRowSpan(uiElement);
                    if (rowSpan < 1)
                        rowSpan = 1;
                    int columnSpan = GetColumnSpan(uiElement);
                    if (columnSpan < 1)
                        columnSpan = 1;
                    int elementLastRow    = rowSpan + elementRow - 1;
                    int elementLastColumn = columnSpan + elementColumn - 1;
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref elementLastRow, maxRow);
                    MakeGridPositionCorrect(ref elementLastColumn, maxColumn);

                    dynamic style = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.GetFrameworkElementBoxSizingStyleForModification(uiElement);

                    style.zIndex   = Canvas.GetZIndex(uiElement).ToString(); // we need this because for some reason, shapes overlap everything in their cell unless everyone has their zIndex set, in which case it depends of the order of the grid's children (which i the normal behaviour).
                    style.position = "relative";

                    bool isMsGrid = Grid_InternalHelpers.isMSGrid();
                    if (!isMsGrid)
                        style.gridRowStart    = (elementRow + 1).ToString();        //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.gridColumnStart = (elementColumn + 1).ToString();     //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.gridRowEnd      = (elementLastRow + 2).ToString();    //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridRowEnd seems to be the row BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
                        style.gridColumnEnd   = (elementLastColumn + 2).ToString(); //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridColumnEnd seems to be the column BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
                        //probably doesn't work, it probably requires to use msGridRow and msGridColumn and msGridRowSpan and msGridColumnSpan
                        style.msGridRow        = (elementRow + 1).ToString();    //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.msGridColumn     = (elementColumn + 1).ToString(); //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js.
                        style.msGridRowSpan    = (rowSpan).ToString();           //Note: +1 because rows start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridRowEnd seems to be the row BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
                        style.msGridColumnSpan = (columnSpan).ToString();        //Note: +1 because columns start from 1 instead of 0 in js and another + 1 because the gridColumnEnd seems to be the column BEFORE WHITCH the span ends.
                    //-------------------------until here-------------------------

                    style.pointerEvents = "none";
                    //style.position = "absolute";
                    //lastElements[elementRow, elementColumn] = uiElement;

                    // Handle the column visibility (mainly changed by the DataGrid)
                    if (Grid_InternalHelpers.IsAllCollapsedColumns(this, elementColumn, elementLastColumn))
                        CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"$0.style.overflow = 'hidden'", uiElement.INTERNAL_OuterDomElement);
                        CSHTML5.Interop.ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(@"$0.setAttribute('data-isCollapsedDueToHiddenColumn', true)", uiElement.INTERNAL_OuterDomElement);
                        // Note: we set to Visible only if it was previously Hidden due to the fact that a Grid column is hidden, to avoid conflicts such as replacing the "overflow" property set by the ScrollViewer or by the "ClipToBounds" property.
if ($0.getAttribute('data-isCollapsedDueToHiddenColumn' == true)){
    $0.style.overflow = 'visible';
    $0.setAttribute('data-isCollapsedDueToHiddenColumn', false);
}", uiElement.INTERNAL_OuterDomElement);
            //for (int i = 0; i <= maxRow; ++i)
            //    for (int j = 0; j <= maxColumn; ++j)
            //    {
            //        UIElement uiElement = lastElements[i, j];
            //        if (uiElement != null)
            //        {
            //            dynamic style = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.GetFrameworkElementBoxSizingStyleForModification(uiElement);
            //            style.position = "relative";
            //        }
            //    }
Пример #3
        static void ManageChildrenChanged(DependencyObject d, UIElementCollection oldChildren, UIElementCollection newChildren)
            var t1 = Performance.now();

            Panel parent = (Panel)d;
            if (parent is DockPanel)
                ((DockPanel)parent).ManageChildrenChanged(oldChildren, newChildren);
                bool isCSSGrid = Grid_InternalHelpers.isCSSGridSupported();
                if (!isCSSGrid && parent is Grid)
                    ((Grid)parent).ManageChildrenChanged(oldChildren, newChildren);
                    if (oldChildren != null)
                        //// Put the list in a HashSet for performant lookup:
                        //HashSet<UIElement> newChidrenHashSet = new HashSet<UIElement>();
                        //if (newChildren != null)
                        //    foreach (UIElement child in newChildren)
                        //        newChidrenHashSet.Add(child);
                        //// Detach old children only if they are not in the "newChildren" collection:
                        //foreach (UIElement child in oldChildren)
                        //    if (newChildren == null || !newChidrenHashSet.Contains(child)) //todo: verify that in the produced JavaScript, "newChidrenHashSet.Contains" has still a O(1) complexity.
                        //    {
                        //        INTERNAL_VisualTreeManager.DetachVisualChildIfNotNull(child, parent);
                        //    }

                        //todo: use HashSet version.

                        // Detach old children only if they are not in the "newChildren" collection:
                        foreach (UIElement child in oldChildren) //note: there is no setter for Children so the user cannot change the order of the elements in one step --> we cannot have the same children in another order (which would keep the former order with the way it is handled now) --> no problem here
                            var t2 = Performance.now();
                            if (newChildren == null || !newChildren.Contains(child))
                                Performance.Counter("Panel.ManageChildrenChanged 'Contains'", t2);
                                INTERNAL_VisualTreeManager.DetachVisualChildIfNotNull(child, parent);
                                Performance.Counter("Panel.ManageChildrenChanged 'Contains'", t2);
                    if (newChildren != null)
                        foreach (UIElement child in newChildren)
                            // Note: we do this for all items (regardless of whether they are in the oldChildren collection or not) to make it work when the item is first added to the Visual Tree (at that moment, all the properties are refreshed by calling their "Changed" method).
                            INTERNAL_VisualTreeManager.AttachVisualChildIfNotAlreadyAttached(child, parent);

                    if (parent is Grid)
Пример #4
        public override object CreateDomElement(object parentRef, out object domElementWhereToPlaceChildren)
            //INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.GetDomElementStyleForModification(div).position = "absolute";
            //div.style.position = "absolute";
            //note: size must be set in the div part only (the rest will follow).

            _renderedOrientation = this.Orientation;

            if (_renderedOrientation == Orientation.Horizontal)

                //wrapper for the whole stackpanel:
                //  <table style="height:inherit; border-collapse:collapse">
                //    <tr>
                //          ...
                //    </tr>
                //  </table>

                //var table = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.CreateDomElement("table");
                //table.style.height = "inherit";
                //table.style.borderCollapse = "collapse";

                //var tr = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.CreateDomElement("tr");
                //tr.style.padding = "0px";

                //INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.AppendChild(table, tr);
                //INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.AppendChild(div, table);

                //domElementWhereToPlaceChildren = tr;

                //wrapper for the whole StackPanel - v2:
                //  <div style="display:table-row">
                //      <div style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: auto; height: 100%">
                //          ...
                //      </div>
                //  </div>

                object  outerDiv;
                dynamic outerDivStyle = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.CreateDomElementAppendItAndGetStyle("div", parentRef, this, out outerDiv);

                if (INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.IsInternetExplorer() && !INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.IsEdge())     //When in Internet Explorer, we need to use display:grid instead of table so that VerticalAlignment.Stretch works (cf StratX.Star in the products page) but we definitely do not want this to be used in Edge as it crashes and causes the whole app to restart (cf ShowcaseApp with CSHTML5 from v1.0 beta 13.2 to RC1 included)
                    outerDivStyle.display = !Grid_InternalHelpers.isMSGrid() ? outerDivStyle.display = "grid" : Grid_InternalHelpers.INTERNAL_CSSGRID_MS_PREFIX + "grid";
                    outerDivStyle.display = "table";
                object  innerDiv;
                dynamic innerDivStyle = INTERNAL_HtmlDomManager.CreateDomElementAppendItAndGetStyle("div", outerDiv, this, out innerDiv);

                innerDivStyle.marginLeft  = "0px";
                innerDivStyle.marginRight = "auto";
                innerDivStyle.height      = "100%";
                innerDivStyle.display     = "table";

                domElementWhereToPlaceChildren = innerDiv;

                return(base.CreateDomElement(parentRef, out domElementWhereToPlaceChildren));
                return(CreateDomElement_WorkaroundBridgeInheritanceBug(parentRef, out domElementWhereToPlaceChildren));