protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.IsPostBack) { string command = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand; // added just for debug purpose _sql2 = Convert.ToString(Session["_sql_"]); if (_Sql == null || _Sql == "") { _Sql = command; } if (_sql2 != null || _sql2 != "") { SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = _sql2; SqlDataSource1.DataBind(); GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); } } else if (!this.IsPostBack) { ShowData(); } /* if (!this.IsPostBack) * { * //gvUsuarios.DataSource = con.seleccion("select * from usuarios"); * string command = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand; // added just for debug purpose * if (_Sql == null || _Sql == "") * { * _Sql = command; * * } * SqlDataSource1.DataBind(); * GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); * }*/ }
protected void btnQuitarSeleccionados_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Recorrer las filas del GridView... foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView_Confirming.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox CheckBoxElim = row.FindControl("chkEliminar") as CheckBox; if (CheckBoxElim.Checked) { GridView_Confirming.DeleteRow(row.RowIndex); } } } GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); }
protected void ShowData() { SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = _sql2; SqlDataSource1.DataBind(); GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); /* dt = new DataTable(); * con = new SqlConnection(cs); * con.Open(); * adapt = new SqlDataAdapter("Select ID,Name,City from tbl_Employee", con); * adapt.Fill(dt); * if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) * { * GridView1.DataSource = dt; * GridView1.DataBind(); * } * con.Close();*/ }
private void datos_2_grid(int tipo) { string sql = @"SELECT [ID] ,Convert(varchar,[FECHA_EMISION],103) as [FECHA_EMISION] ,[ENTIDAD] , Convert(varchar,[FECHA_PAGO],103) as [FECHA_PAGO] ,[PROVEEDOR] ,[N_FACTURA] ,[EMPRESA] ,[IMPORTE] ,Convert(varchar,[FECHA_VENCIMIENTO],103) as [FECHA_VENCIMIENTO] ,[MES_VENCIMIENTO] ,[NOMINAL] ,[PAGADO] FROM [CONFIRMING]"; switch (tipo) { case 1: sql = sql + " WHERE [FECHA_EMISION] between convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_1.Text + "',103) and convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_2.Text + "',103)"; break; case 2: sql = sql + " WHERE [FECHA_PAGO] between convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_1b.Text + "',103) and convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_2b.Text + "',103)"; break; case 3: sql = sql + " WHERE [FECHA_VENCIMIENTO] between convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_1c.Text + "',103) and convert(datetime,'" + datepicker_2c.Text + "',103)"; break; case 4: string a = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtEntidad_"].ToString().Trim().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""); sql = sql + " Where ENTIDAD like '%" + Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtEntidad_"].ToString().Trim().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "") + @"%'"; break; } _Sql = sql; _sql2 = sql; Session["_sql_"] = sql; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sql; GridView_Confirming.PageIndex = 0; GridView_Confirming.EditIndex = -1; GridView_Confirming.SelectedIndex = -1; GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); Panel_grid.Visible = true; }
protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { GridView_Confirming.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; GridView_Confirming.DataBind(); }