Пример #1
        private void processStopGridRequest(StopGridRequest req)
            log("", "processStopGridRequest");
            IMyCubeGrid gridToStop = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(req.EntityID) as IMyCubeGrid;

            // @TODO: make it easy to find enforcers by entityId so we can provide
            // greater accuracy to our canInteractWith check
            //GridEnforcer enforcer = StateTracker.getInstance().

            // Can the player interact with this grid? If they can, stop the ship by enabling dampeners, turning off
            // space balls and artificial masses, and disable thruster override
            if (gridToStop.canInteractWith(req.ReturnAddress))
                // Get all thrusters, spaceballs, artificial masses, and cockpits
                List <IMySlimBlock>       fatBlocks    = new List <IMySlimBlock>();
                Func <IMySlimBlock, bool> selectBlocks = b =>
                                                         b.FatBlock != null && (b.FatBlock is IMyThrust || b.FatBlock is IMySpaceBall || b.FatBlock is InGame.IMyVirtualMass || b.FatBlock is InGame.IMyShipController);
                gridToStop.GetBlocks(fatBlocks, selectBlocks);

                foreach (IMySlimBlock block in fatBlocks)
                    // Thruster
                    if (block.FatBlock is IMyThrust)
                        Interfaces.TerminalPropertyExtensions.SetValueFloat(block.FatBlock as IMyTerminalBlock, "Override", 0);
                    // Spaceball
                    else if (block.FatBlock is IMySpaceBall)
                        (block.FatBlock as InGame.IMyFunctionalBlock).RequestEnable(false);
                    // Artificial Mass
                    else if (block.FatBlock is InGame.IMyVirtualMass)
                        (block.FatBlock as InGame.IMyFunctionalBlock).RequestEnable(false);
                    // Cockpit
                    else if (block.FatBlock is InGame.IMyShipController)
                        Interfaces.TerminalPropertyExtensions.SetValueBool(block.FatBlock as InGame.IMyShipController, "DampenersOverride", true);
            // Player can't interact with grid, send error message
                GridOwner.OWNER owner        = GridOwner.ownerFromPlayerID(req.ReturnAddress);
                string          errorMessage = "";

                // Build text based on whether or not player is in faction
                switch (owner.OwnerType)
                case GridOwner.OWNER_TYPE.FACTION:
                    errorMessage = "Your faction does not have control of that ship's Main Cockpit!";

                case GridOwner.OWNER_TYPE.PLAYER:
                    errorMessage = "You do not have control of that ship's Main Cockpit!";

                NotificationResponse noti = new NotificationResponse()
                    NotificationText = errorMessage,
                    Time             = Constants.NotificationMillis,
                    Font             = MyFontEnum.Red,
                    Destination      = new List <long>()
                    DestType = BaseResponse.DEST_TYPE.PLAYER
