public override void Draw(DrawProperty dp) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { return; } // Yellow bar var r = dp.PaneRect.Clone(); r.LT = ScreenPos.From(r.L, 0); r.RB = ScreenPos.From(r.R, 2); dp.Graphics.FillRectangle(_(r), BackgroundColor); // Active Template name (Back ground) var tf = new CanvasTextFormat { FontFamily = "Coureir New", FontSize = 11.0f, FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal, WordWrapping = CanvasWordWrapping.NoWrap, }; r.RB = r.LT + GraphicUtil.MeasureString(dp.Canvas, Text, tf) + ScreenSize.From(10, 10); dp.Graphics.FillRectangle(_(r), BackgroundColor); // Active Template name (Text) dp.Graphics.TextAntialiasing = CanvasTextAntialiasing.ClearType; dp.Graphics.DrawText(Text, 4, 2, ColorUtil.GetNegativeColor(BackgroundColor), tf); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor des Invader /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public Invader(Game game) { Alive = true; _color = Color.Red; _removeColor = Color.Black; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); }
void Update() { if (quardTree != null && Time.frameCount % 1 == 0) { quardTree.Refresh(null); quardTree.NarrowPhase(); showText(); } GraphicUtil.drawQuardTree(quardTree); if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.P)) { quardTree.Refresh(null); //quardTree.narrowPhase(); showText(); //Rectangle a = new Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20); //Rectangle b = new Rectangle(19, 20, 20, 20); //if(GraphicUtil.isOverlap(a, b)) //{ // Debug.Log("overlap"); //} } }
/// <summary> /// Stellt eine Instanze des Objektes Rock bereit /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public Rock(Game game) { Lives = 3; Destoryed = false; _color = Color.Yellow; _removeColor = Color.Black; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor der Items, wird erstellt auf dem Spielfeld /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> protected Item(Game game) { Y = 10; _game = game; Destoryed = true; _removeColor = Color.Black; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); }
public EnemyBallView CreateEnemyBall(NetObject netObj) { GameObject obj = TrashMan.spawn("EnemyBall"); obj.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform; RectTransform rect = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); EnemyBallView enemyBallView = obj.GetComponent <EnemyBallView>(); rect.anchoredPosition = GraphicUtil.ToVector2(; return(enemyBallView); }
/// <summary> /// Erstellt eine Kugel auf der übergebenen Form, bei einem übergebenen Invader /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> /// <param name="indexOf"></param> public Bullet(Game game, int indexOf) { _game = game; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); CreateInvaderBullet(indexOf); _moveTimer = new Timer(); _moveTimer.Tick += (sender, e) => MoveInvaderBullet(sender, e); // Geile sache, so kann man sender einem objekt übergeben _moveTimer.Interval = 1; _moveTimer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Erstellt eine Kugel auf der übergebenen Form, bei dem übergebene Shiff /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public Bullet(Game game) { _game = game; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); CreateSpaceShipBullet(); _moveTimer = new Timer(); _moveTimer.Tick += (sender, e) => MoveShipBullet(sender, e); _moveTimer.Interval = 1; _moveTimer.Start(); }
public BallView CreateBall(NetObject netObj) { GameObject obj = TrashMan.spawn("Ball"); BallView ball = obj.GetComponent <BallView>(); RectTransform rect = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); ball.uid = netObj.uid; obj.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform; rect.anchoredPosition = GraphicUtil.ToVector2(; ball.setData(netObj); return(ball); }
/// <summary> /// Stellt eine Instanz der Klasse InvaderTest bereit /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public InvaderTest(Game game) { _game = game; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); Width = 3; Height = 3; X = _game.ContainerWidth / 2; Y = _game.ContainerHeight / 2; CreateMid(); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktor des Schiffes, nimmt das Objekt Game entgegen /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public SpaceShip(Game game) { _game = game; Alive = true; Lives = DefaultLives; _moveSpeed = DefaultMoveSpeed; _ship = new Rectangle[3]; _bulletWatch = new Stopwatch(); _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); _defaultIntervalTimer = new Stopwatch(); _defaultMoveSpeedTimer = new Stopwatch(); }
void Compute() { material.color = defaultColor; Graphics.Blit(a, b, material); if (blitInner) { material.color = innerColor; GraphicUtil.BlitExceptBorder(a, b, material); } if (blitBorder) { material.color = borderColor; GraphicUtil.BlitBorder(a, b, material); } }
public void UpdateEnemyPos() { List <NetObject> remove = new List <NetObject>(); foreach (NetObject obj in listEnemy) { obj.PerformMove(); if (!GraphicUtil.isInner(obj.body, bound)) { remove.Add(obj); } } for (int i = 0; i < remove.Count; i++) { collisionTree.Remove(remove[i].body); listEnemy.Remove(remove[i]); } remove.Clear(); }
public void SolvePoisson( RenderTexture x, RenderTexture b, int iterations, float alpha, float beta, System.Action <RenderTexture, RenderTexture> applyBoundaryCondition = null) { var buffers = new RenderTexture[] { RenderTexture.GetTemporary(x.width, x.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat), RenderTexture.GetTemporary(x.width, x.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat) }; solverMat.SetFloat("_Alpha", alpha); solverMat.SetFloat("_ReciprocalBeta", 1.0f / beta); solverMat.SetTexture("_BTex", b); Graphics.SetRenderTarget(buffers[0]); GL.Clear(true, true,; Graphics.SetRenderTarget(null); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i != iterations; ++i) { if (applyBoundaryCondition != null) { applyBoundaryCondition(buffers[index % 2], buffers[(index + 1) % 2]); index++; } GraphicUtil.BlitExceptBorder(buffers[index % 2], buffers[(index + 1) % 2], solverMat); ++index; } Graphics.Blit(buffers[index % 2], x); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffers[0]); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffers[1]); }
public static void BlitWithBorderCopy(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dst, Material mat) { Graphics.Blit(src, dst, mat); GraphicUtil.BlitBorder(src, dst, copyMaterial); }
public void UpdateBorder(Material material, bool useOffset) { Swap(); GraphicUtil.BlitBorderWithInnerCopy(src, dst, material, useOffset); }
public void UpdateExceptBorder(Material material) { Swap(); GraphicUtil.BlitWithBorderCopy(src, dst, material); }
void UpdateSimulation(float dt) { var dx = settings.dx; // advect if (settings.enableVelocityAdvection || settings.enableInkAdvection) { advectionMat.SetFloat("_ReciprocalDx", 1.0f / dx); advectionMat.SetFloat("_DeltaTime", dt); // advect velocity if (settings.enableVelocityAdvection) { boundaryMat.SetFloat("_Scale", -1); velocityBuf.UpdateBorder(boundaryMat, true); advectionMat.SetTexture("_VelocityTex", velocityBuf.current); advectionMat.SetFloat("_OneMinusDissipation", 1.0f); velocityBuf.UpdateExceptBorder(advectionMat); } // advect ink if (settings.enableInkAdvection) { boundaryMat.SetFloat("_Scale", 0); inkBuf.UpdateBorder(boundaryMat, true); advectionMat.SetTexture("_VelocityTex", velocityBuf.current); advectionMat.SetFloat("_OneMinusDissipation", 1.0f - settings.inkDissipation); inkBuf.UpdateExceptBorder(advectionMat); } } // impulse if (source.output > 0) { impulseMat.SetFloat("_Radius", settings.sourceRadius); impulseMat.SetVector("_Position", source.position); if (settings.enableVelocityImpulse) { var strength = new Vector4( Mathf.Clamp(source.force.x, -1, 1), Mathf.Clamp(source.force.y, -1, 1), 0, 0) * settings.strengthMul; impulseMat.SetVector("_Color", strength); Debug.Log(strength); velocityBuf.UpdateExceptBorder(impulseMat); } if (settings.enableInkImpulse) { impulseMat.SetColor("_Color", source.color); inkBuf.UpdateExceptBorder(impulseMat); } } if (settings.viscosity > 0) { var alpha = dx * dx / (settings.viscosity * dt); var beta = 4.0f + alpha; solver.SolvePoisson(velocityBuf.current, velocityBuf.current, settings.solverIterations, alpha, beta); } if (settings.enablePressureUpdate) { divergenceMat.SetFloat("_HalfReciprocalDx", 0.5f / dx); Graphics.Blit(velocityBuf.current, divergenceBuf, divergenceMat); var alpha = -dx * dx; var beta = 4.0f; boundaryMat.SetFloat("_Scale", 1); solver.SolvePoisson(pressureBuf, divergenceBuf, settings.solverIterations, alpha, beta, (arg1, arg2) => GraphicUtil.BlitBorderWithInnerCopy(arg1, arg2, boundaryMat, true)); } boundaryMat.SetFloat("_Scale", -1); velocityBuf.UpdateBorder(boundaryMat, true); if (settings.enableSubstractPressureGradient) { substractGradientMat.SetFloat("_HalfReciprocalDx", 0.5f / dx); substractGradientMat.SetTexture("_SecondTex", pressureBuf); velocityBuf.UpdateExceptBorder(substractGradientMat); } }
// offset will be used for boundary conditions public static void BlitBorderWithInnerCopy(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dst, Material mat, bool useOffset) { Graphics.Blit(src, dst, copyMaterial); GraphicUtil.BlitBorder(src, dst, mat, useOffset); }
/// <summary> /// Stellt eine Instanz des Objekt Ship bereit /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> public Ship(Game game) { _game = game; _graphicUtil = new GraphicUtil(game); }
public void CDGtoAVI(string aviFileName, string cdgFileName, string mp3FileName, double frameRate, string backgroundFileName = "") { Bitmap backgroundBmp = null; Bitmap mergedBMP = null; VideoStream aviStream = default(VideoStream); CDGFile myCDGFile = new CDGFile(cdgFileName); myCDGFile.renderAtPosition(0); Bitmap bitmap__1 = (Bitmap)myCDGFile.RGBImage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundFileName)) { try { if (IsMovie(backgroundFileName)) { backgroundBmp = MovieFrameExtractor.GetBitmap(0, backgroundFileName, CDGFile.CDG_FULL_WIDTH, CDGFile.CDG_FULL_HEIGHT); } if (IsGraphic(backgroundFileName)) { backgroundBmp = CDGNet.GraphicUtil.GetCDGSizeBitmap(backgroundFileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } } AviManager aviManager = new AviManager(aviFileName, false); if (backgroundBmp != null) { mergedBMP = GraphicUtil.MergeImagesWithTransparency(backgroundBmp, bitmap__1); aviStream = aviManager.AddVideoStream(true, frameRate, mergedBMP); mergedBMP.Dispose(); if (IsMovie(backgroundFileName)) { backgroundBmp.Dispose(); } } else { aviStream = aviManager.AddVideoStream(true, frameRate, bitmap__1); } int count = 0; double frameInterval = 1000 / frameRate; long totalDuration = myCDGFile.getTotalDuration(); double position = 0; while (position <= totalDuration) { count += 1; position = count * frameInterval; myCDGFile.renderAtPosition(Convert.ToInt64(position)); bitmap__1 = (Bitmap)myCDGFile.RGBImage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundFileName)) { if (IsMovie(backgroundFileName)) { backgroundBmp = MovieFrameExtractor.GetBitmap(position / 1000, backgroundFileName, CDGFile.CDG_FULL_WIDTH, CDGFile.CDG_FULL_HEIGHT); } } if (backgroundBmp != null) { mergedBMP = GraphicUtil.MergeImagesWithTransparency(backgroundBmp, bitmap__1); aviStream.AddFrame(mergedBMP); mergedBMP.Dispose(); if (IsMovie(backgroundFileName)) { backgroundBmp.Dispose(); } } else { aviStream.AddFrame(bitmap__1); } bitmap__1.Dispose(); double percentageDone = (position / totalDuration) * 100; if (Status != null) { Status(percentageDone.ToString()); } Application.DoEvents(); } myCDGFile.Dispose(); aviManager.Close(); if (backgroundBmp != null) { backgroundBmp.Dispose(); } // Add MP3 to AVI Console.Write("|nAVI terminated, add MP3 to AVI"); AddMP3toAVI(aviFileName, mp3FileName); }