public override void ExtraInit(GraphicRequest req, GraphicExtraData extraData) { Debug.Warning(Debug.Flag.ConveyorGraphics, "Graphics ExtraInit for Graphic_LinkedConveyorWall: (" + req.graphicData.texPath + ")"); base.ExtraInit(req, extraData); if (extraData == null) { Log.Error("PRF's Wall Conveyor graphic requires GraphicExtraData"); } else if (extraData.graphicData1 == null) { Log.Error("PRF's Wall Conveyor grahpic requires GraphicExtraData's graphicData1"); } else { transitionGData = new GraphicData(); transitionGData.CopyFrom(extraData.graphicData1); // If this throws errors, that's okay - it's a config error that needs to be fixed: // NOTE: this can be changed later if the graphics needs to allow multilpe defs, // not all of which may be actually listed... sameLinkDefs = new List <ThingDef>(extraData.specialLinkDefs.Select( s => DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(s))); Debug.Message(Debug.Flag.ConveyorGraphics, " added sameLinkDefs: " + (sameLinkDefs == null ? "null" : String.Join(", ", sameLinkDefs))); } }
public StatDef ResistHediffStat = null; //The default chance of adding a hediff. void CreateGraphics() { if (this.graphicData.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Random) || this.graphicData.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Flicker)) { for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { List <Texture2D> list = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder(textures[i]) where ! orderby select x).ToList <Texture2D>(); if (list.NullOrEmpty <Texture2D>()) { Log.Error("Collection cannot init: No textures found at path " + textures[i], false); } for (int ii = 0; ii < list.Count; ii++) { GraphicData data = new GraphicData(); data.CopyFrom(this.graphicData); data.texPath = textures[i]; materials.Add(data.Graphic.MatSingle); // materials.Add(MaterialPool.MatFrom(textures[i] + "/" + list[ii].name, this.graphicData.shaderType.Shader, MapMaterialRenderQueues.OrbitalBeam)); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { GraphicData data = new GraphicData(); data.CopyFrom(this.graphicData); data.texPath = textures[i]; materials.Add(data.Graphic.MatSingle); // materials.Add(MaterialPool.MatFrom(textures[i], this.graphicData.shaderType.Shader, MapMaterialRenderQueues.OrbitalBeam)); } } if (flareData != null) { GraphicData data = new GraphicData(); data.CopyFrom(this.flareData); flareMat = data.Graphic.MatSingle; // flareMat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(flareMatPath, this.flareShaderType?.Shader ?? this.graphicData.shaderType.Shader, MapMaterialRenderQueues.OrbitalBeam); } else if (!flareMatPath.NullOrEmpty()) { GraphicData data = new GraphicData(); data.CopyFrom(this.graphicData); data.graphicClass = typeof(Graphic_Single); data.texPath = flareMatPath; data.shaderType = this.flareShaderType ?? this.graphicData.shaderType; flareMat = data.Graphic.MatSingle; // flareMat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(flareMatPath, this.flareShaderType?.Shader ?? this.graphicData.shaderType.Shader, MapMaterialRenderQueues.OrbitalBeam); } }
// Token: 0x06000036 RID: 54 RVA: 0x000031C4 File Offset: 0x000013C4 public Graphic GetColoredVersion(ShaderTypeDef newShaderType, Color newColor, Color newColorTwo, ShadowData newShadowData) { var graphicData = new GraphicData(); graphicData.CopyFrom(data); graphicData.shaderType = newShaderType; graphicData.color = newColor; graphicData.colorTwo = newColorTwo; graphicData.shadowData = newShadowData; return(graphicData.Graphic); }
public static GraphicData FogBlueprintGraphicFor(GraphicData baseGraphicData) { int hashKey = Gen.HashCombine <GraphicData>(0, baseGraphicData); GraphicData graphicData; if (!fogGraphics.TryGetValue(hashKey, out graphicData)) { graphicData = new GraphicData(); graphicData.CopyFrom(baseGraphicData); graphicData.shaderType = ShaderTypeDefOf.MetaOverlay; fogGraphics.Add(hashKey, graphicData); } return(graphicData); }
//no idea if this is necessary, but *it works* // - "it works" is a general theme here public static GraphicRequest CopyGraphicRequest(GraphicRequest req, string newTexPath = null) { GraphicData gData = new GraphicData(); gData.CopyFrom(req.graphicData); var gr = new GraphicRequest(gData.graphicClass, gData.texPath, req.shader, req.drawSize, req.color, req.colorTwo, gData, req.renderQueue, req.shaderParameters); if (newTexPath != null) { gr.path = newTexPath; gr.graphicData.texPath = newTexPath; } return(gr); }
public static Graphic GhostGraphicFor(this VehicleDef vehicleDef, VehicleTurret cannon, Color ghostColor) { int num = 0; num = Gen.HashCombine(num, vehicleDef); num = Gen.HashCombine(num, cannon); num = Gen.HashCombineStruct(num, ghostColor); if (!cachedGhostGraphics.TryGetValue(num, out Graphic graphic)) { cannon.ResolveCannonGraphics(vehicleDef, true); graphic = cannon.CannonGraphic; GraphicData graphicData = new GraphicData(); AccessTools.Method(typeof(GraphicData), "Init").Invoke(graphicData, new object[] { }); graphicData.CopyFrom(; graphicData.shadowData = null; graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get(graphic.GetType(), graphic.path, ShaderTypeDefOf.EdgeDetect.Shader, graphic.drawSize, ghostColor, Color.white, graphicData, null); cachedGhostGraphics.Add(num, graphic); } return(graphic); }
//public void CopyFrom(GraphicData other) public static void CopyFromRenderHigh(GraphicData instance, GraphicData other) { instance.CopyFrom(other); instance.renderQueue = queueOverFog; }