public void OnCompleted(GraphResponse response) { if (response?.JSONObject == null) { _completionSource?.TrySetResult(new Models.LoginResult { LoginState = LoginState.Canceled }); } else { _loginResult = new Models.LoginResult { FirstName = Profile.CurrentProfile.FirstName, LastName = Profile.CurrentProfile.LastName, Email = response.JSONObject.Has("email") ? response.JSONObject.GetString("email") : string.Empty, ImageUrl = response.JSONObject.GetJSONObject("picture")?.GetJSONObject("data")?.GetString("url"), Token = AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.Token, UserId = AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.UserId, ExpireAt = Utils.FromMsDateTime(AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken?.Expires?.Time), LoginState = LoginState.Success }; _completionSource?.TrySetResult(_loginResult); } }
private GraphResponse ConstructGraphResponse(JObject json) { var response = new GraphResponse(); var posixTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc); foreach (JProperty property in json["average"].Children()) { response.Average.GraphPoints.Add(new GraphPoint { Date = posixTime.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt64(property.Name)), Price = property.Value.ToObject <int>() }); } foreach (JProperty property in json["daily"].Children()) { response.Daily.GraphPoints.Add(new GraphPoint { Date = posixTime.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt64(property.Name)), Price = property.Value.ToObject <int>() }); } return(response); }
private static Bucket SelectBucket(Plan plan) { if (plan.Buckets == null) { using (var httpClient = PreparePlannerClient()) { plan.Buckets = GraphResponse <BucketResponse> .Get("plans/" + plan.Id + "/buckets", httpClient).Result.Buckets; } } for (int i = 0; i < plan.Buckets.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("(" + i + ") " + plan.Buckets[i].Name); } string selectedBucketS = Program.GetInput("Which bucket do you want to use: "); int selectedBucket = -1; if (int.TryParse(selectedBucketS, out selectedBucket)) { return(plan.Buckets[selectedBucket]); } throw new Exception("Please select a bucket"); }
public async void OnCompleted(JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { String correo = json.GetString("email"); String nombre = json.GetString("name"); await Revisar_login(correo, nombre, "facebook"); }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject p0, GraphResponse p1) { FacebookResponseK fbResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookResponseK>(p1.RawResponse); profile = Profile.CurrentProfile; if (profile != null) { var buttonFB = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.buttonFB); buttonFB.Enabled = false; buttonFB.SetBackgroundColor(Xamarin.Forms.Color.Gray.ToAndroid()); profilePictureView.ProfileId = profile.Id; Android.Net.Uri profilePic = profile.GetProfilePictureUri(220, 220); fbPictureUrl = profilePic.ToString(); // not force user to must have an email viewModel.FacebookEmail = ?? ""; viewModel.FacebookFirstName = firstname ?? fbResponse.first_name; viewModel.FacebookLastName = lastname ?? fbResponse.last_name; viewModel.FacebookPhoto = fbPictureUrl; viewModel.FacebookBirthday = fbResponse.birthday; viewModel.FacebookGender = fbResponse.gender; viewModel.FacebookId = ?? "0"; viewModel.FacebookLink =; viewModel.SaveFacebookProfileAsync(); } }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { FacebookResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookResult>(json.ToString()); Toast.MakeText(this, + " " +, ToastLength.Short).Show(); StartActivity(typeof(MainView)); }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { if (response.Error != null) { } else { string fbEmail = json.GetString("email"); Profile profile = Profile.CurrentProfile; string id = profile.Id; string fbprofilePicpath = ""; string fbProfilename = ""; if (Profile.CurrentProfile != null) { fbprofilePicpath = Profile.CurrentProfile.GetProfilePictureUri(240, 240).ToString(); fbProfilename = Profile.CurrentProfile.FirstName + " " + Profile.CurrentProfile.LastName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbEmail)) { new LoginWithFb(new faceBookProfileInfo { email = fbEmail, ProfileName = fbProfilename, ProfilePic = fbprofilePicpath }, context).Execute(); } else { Toast.MakeText(context, "Fail to authenticate!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } }
// allows the user to search for a group, select the right one and then select the right plan // idea: if only one group matches or only one plan is in the group, that could be preselected private static Plan[] SelectPlan(bool allowMultiSelect) { using (var httpClient = PrepareGroupsClient()) { bool foundGroup = false; while (!foundGroup) { string groupSearch = Program.GetInput("Please enter the start of the name of the group containing your plan: "); var groups = GraphResponse <GroupResponse> .Get("?$filter=groupTypes/any(c:c+eq+'Unified') and startswith(displayName, '" + groupSearch + "')", httpClient).Result.Groups; if (groups.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Found no matching group"); } else { foundGroup = true; Console.WriteLine("Select group:"); for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("(" + i + ") " + groups[i].DisplayName); } string selectedGroupS = Program.GetInput("Which group do you want to use: "); int selectedGroup = -1; if (int.TryParse(selectedGroupS, out selectedGroup)) { var plans = GraphResponse <PlanResponse> .Get(groups[selectedGroup].Id + "/planner/plans", httpClient).Result.Plans; Console.WriteLine("Select plan:"); for (int i = 0; i < plans.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("(" + i + ") " + plans[i].Title); } if (allowMultiSelect) { Console.WriteLine("(" + plans.Length + ") All plans"); } string selectedPlanS = Program.GetInput("Which plan do you want to use: "); int selectedPlan = -1; if (int.TryParse(selectedPlanS, out selectedPlan)) { if (selectedPlan == plans.Length) { return(plans); } else { return new Plan[] { plans[selectedPlan] } }; } } } } } throw new Exception("Please select a plan"); }
public void OnCompleted(GraphResponse response) { try { List <string> unGrantedPermissions = new List <string>(); var array = response.JSONObject.OptJSONArray("data"); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length(); i++) { JSONObject actor = array.GetJSONObject(i); string name = actor.GetString("permission"); if (actor.GetString("status") != "granted") { unGrantedPermissions.Add(name); } } if (unGrantedPermissions.Count > 0) { LoginManager loginManager = LoginManager.Instance; loginManager.RegisterCallback(null, this); loginManager.LogInWithReadPermissions(Param as Activity, unGrantedPermissions); return; } UpdateAccessToken(); ViewModelResponse(ChallengesFacebookShareResponseType.Successed); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception ex) { ViewModelResponse(ChallengesFacebookShareResponseType.Error); } }
private static string GetUserForId(string id) { if (id == null) { return(null); } if (users.ContainsKey(id)) { return(users[id]); } else { using (var httpClient = PrepareUsersClient()) { try { var user = GraphResponse <UserResponse> .Get(id, httpClient).Result; users.Add(id, user.DisplayName); return(user.DisplayName); } catch { return(null); } } } }
// export a plan and optionally output it as json public static Plan Export(bool output = true) { Plan plan = SelectPlan(); using (var httpClient = PreparePlannerClient()) { // get all buckets, tasks and task details var buckets = GraphResponse <BucketResponse> .Get("plans/" + plan.Id + "/buckets", httpClient).Result.Buckets; var tasks = GraphResponse <TaskResponse> .Get("plans/" + plan.Id + "/tasks", httpClient).Result.Tasks; foreach (var task in tasks) { task.TaskDetail = GraphResponse <TaskDetailResponse> .Get("tasks/" + task.Id + "/details", httpClient).Result; } // put tasks in buckets so that the plan object has all data hierarchically foreach (var bucket in buckets) { bucket.Tasks = tasks.Where(t => t.BucketId == bucket.Id).ToArray(); } plan.Buckets = buckets; } if (output) { Console.WriteLine(Serialize.ToJson(plan)); } return(plan); }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject @object, GraphResponse response) { try { if (response.Error != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(response.Error.ErrorMessage.ToString()); var fbArgs = new FBEventArgs <string>(null, FacebookActionStatus.Error, response.Error.ErrorMessage.ToString()); _onUserData?.Invoke(CrossFacebookClient.Current, fbArgs); _userDataTcs?.TrySetResult(new FacebookResponse <string>(fbArgs)); } else { var fbArgs = new FBEventArgs <string>(@object?.ToString(), FacebookActionStatus.Completed); _onUserData?.Invoke(CrossFacebookClient.Current, fbArgs); _userDataTcs?.TrySetResult(new FacebookResponse <string>(fbArgs)); } } catch (JSONException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); var fbArgs = new FBEventArgs <string>(null, FacebookActionStatus.Error, ex.ToString()); _onUserData?.Invoke(CrossFacebookClient.Current, fbArgs); _userDataTcs?.TrySetResult(new FacebookResponse <string>(fbArgs)); } }
public static async Task <GraphGroup> CreateGroup(GroupRequest request) { var uriEndPoint = $"{Constants.ResourceUrl}/{Constants.GraphApiVersion}/groups"; GraphResponse <GraphGroup> result = null; var group = new GraphGroup() { Description = request.AccountId, DisplayName = request.AccountName, GroupTypes = new List <string>() { "Unified" }, MailEnabled = true, MailNickname = request.AccountId, SecurityEnabled = false }; // Create group with Graph API result = await Client.GetData <GraphGroup>(HttpMethod.Post, uriEndPoint, group).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!result.IsSuccessfull) { throw new Exception($"Error: group not created - API error: {result.Message}"); } return(result.Data); }
public void OnCompleted(GraphResponse response) { var currentTcs = _requestTcs; var _onEvent = _onRequestData; if (response.Request.HttpMethod == HttpMethod.Post) { currentTcs = _postTcs; _onEvent = _onPostData; } else if (response.Request.HttpMethod == HttpMethod.Delete) { currentTcs = _deleteTcs; _onEvent = _onDeleteData; } if (response.Error != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(response.Error.ErrorMessage.ToString()); var fbResponse = new FBEventArgs <string>(null, FacebookActionStatus.Error, response.Error.ErrorMessage); _onEvent?.Invoke(CrossFacebookClient.Current, fbResponse); currentTcs?.TrySetResult(new FacebookResponse <string>(fbResponse)); } else { var fbResponse = new FBEventArgs <string>(response?.JSONObject?.ToString(), FacebookActionStatus.Completed); _onEvent?.Invoke(CrossFacebookClient.Current, fbResponse); currentTcs?.TrySetResult(new FacebookResponse <string>(fbResponse)); } }
/// <summary> /// Has got user data from facebook /// </summary> /// <param name="object">JSON data object</param> /// <param name="response">Response</param> public void OnCompleted(JSONObject @object, GraphResponse response) { if (@object != null) { JsonConvert.PopulateObject(@object.ToString(), FacebookResult); } FacebookDataCallback?.OnUserDataReceived(FacebookResult); }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { string data = json.ToString(); FacebookProfile result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookProfile>(data); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("THE DATA IS ******* : " + data); mTest.Text = data; }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { string data = json.ToString(); email = json.GetString("email"); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data); }
public void OnCompleted(GraphResponse p0) { if (tcsText != null) { tcsText.TrySetResult((p0.Error == null) ? true : false); tcsText = null; } }
public async void OnCompleted(GraphResponse p0) { if (p0.Error == null) { // TODO messagin center //MessagingCenter.Send<FBPostCallback, bool> (this, "FacebookDataRetriveDone", true); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "put", Route = "users/{id}")] [RequestBodyType(typeof(User), "User")] HttpRequest req, string id, ILogger log, ExecutionContext context) { log.LogInformation($"{context?.FunctionName} processed a HTTP request."); // TelemetryClient.Context.Operation.Id = context?.InvocationId.ToString(); // No longer needed? string requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd(); var user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(requestBody); if (user is null) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult("No User definition specified in body.")); } user.Id = user.Id ?? id; if (user.Id != id) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult("User Id provided in request JSON does not match the Id provided in the route.")); } try { var query = GremlinHelper.UpdateVertexQuery(id, user, log); var response = new GraphResponse(await GremlinClient.SubmitAsync <dynamic>(query)); GremlinHelper.ThrowIfResponseInvalid(response); GremlinHelper.GraphTelemetryEvent(TelemetryClient, "GraphVertexUpdate", response, "vertex", "user"); if (response.Entities == null || response.Entities.Count() < 1) { return(new NotFoundResult()); } user = response.GetEntityAsType <User>(); } catch (ResponseException ex) { GremlinHelper.HandleGraphResponseException(ex, log, context, TelemetryClient); } catch (Exception ex) { GremlinHelper.HandleGeneralException(ex, log, context, TelemetryClient); } return(user != null ? new OkObjectResult(user) { StatusCode = 200 } : new OkObjectResult("Failed to update user.") { StatusCode = 500 }); }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject result, GraphResponse response) { var c = HandleSuccess; if (c != null) { c(result.JavaCast <TResult>()); } }
private static void CreateBucket(string targetPlanId, Bucket bucket, bool addAssignments, HttpClient httpClient) { bucket.PlanId = targetPlanId; // reset all order hints as the exported values don't work bucket.OrderHint = " !"; var newBucket = GraphResponse <Bucket> .Post("buckets", httpClient, bucket).Result; // if we are too quick the created bucket is not available yet, make sure it it there Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); var verifyNewBucket = GraphResponse <Bucket> .Get("buckets/" + newBucket.Id, httpClient).Result; bucket.Tasks = bucket.Tasks.Reverse().ToArray(); foreach (PlannerTask task in bucket.Tasks) { task.PlanId = targetPlanId; task.BucketId = newBucket.Id; task.OrderHint = " !"; // assignments contain the users assigned to a task if (addAssignments) { foreach (Assignment assignment in task.Assignments.Values) { assignment.OrderHint = " !"; } } else { task.Assignments = new Dictionary <string, Assignment>(); } var newTask = GraphResponse <PlannerTask> .Post("tasks", httpClient, task).Result; // remember new task id for next loop task.Id = newTask.Id; } // if we are too quick the created tasks are not available yet Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); foreach (PlannerTask task in bucket.Tasks) { var newTaskDetailsResponse = GraphResponse <TaskDetailResponse> .Get("tasks/" + task.Id + "/details", httpClient).Result; foreach (var checklist in task.TaskDetail.Checklist.Values) { checklist.OrderHint = " !"; } foreach (var reference in task.TaskDetail.References.Values) { // same as order hint reference.PreviewPriority = " !"; } var updatedTaskDetailsResponse = GraphResponse <TaskDetailResponse> .Patch("tasks/" + task.Id + "/details", httpClient, task.TaskDetail, newTaskDetailsResponse.OdataEtag).Result; } }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject p0, GraphResponse p1) { var c = HandleSuccess; if (c != null) { var email = p0.OptString("email"); c(email); } }
// Implement GraphRequest.ICallback void GraphRequest.ICallback.OnCompleted(GraphResponse response) { if (response.Error != null) { ActivityCompleted(FBStatus.Error, response.Error.ErrorMessage, null); } else { ActivityCompleted(FBStatus.Success, "Authentication Completed.", response.RawResponse); } }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject p0, GraphResponse p1) { try { _fba.OnFinished(true, p0.GetString("email")); } catch (JSONException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { try { string fbId = json.GetString("id"); string fbToken = AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.Token; string fbEmail = json.GetString("email"); _email = fbEmail; // Create a new cancellation token for this request _cts0 = new CancellationTokenSource(); AppController.LoginUser(_cts0, fbId, fbEmail, fbToken, // Service call success (data) => { AppController.Settings.LastLoginUsernameUsed = _email; AppController.Settings.AuthAccessToken = data.AuthAccessToken; AppController.Settings.AuthExpirationDate = data.AuthExpirationDate.GetValueOrDefault().ToLocalTime(); ((ChattyApplication)this.Activity.Application).RegisterToNotificationsHub(); var f = new ChatFragment(); f.Arguments = new Bundle(); f.Arguments.PutString("Email", _email); this.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction() .AddToBackStack("BeforeChatFragment") .Replace(Resource.Id.ContentLayout, f, "ChatFragment") .Commit(); }, // Service call error (error) => { Toast.MakeText(this.Activity.Application, error, ToastLength.Long).Show(); }, // Service call finished () => { // Allow user to tap views ((MainActivity)this.Activity).UnblockUI(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { ((MainActivity)this.Activity).UnblockUI(); Toast.MakeText(this.Activity.ApplicationContext, "Error", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } finally { LoginManager.Instance.LogOut(); } }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { string data = json.ToString(); FacebookProfile result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookProfile>(data); _userService.SetUser(result); if (FacebookProfileHelper.IsRegistred()) { StartActivity(typeof(TabPageView)); } }
public void OnCompleted(JSONObject jsonObject, GraphResponse response) { var id = string.Empty; var first_name = string.Empty; var last_name = string.Empty; var email = string.Empty; var pictureUrl = string.Empty; if (jsonObject.Has("id")) { id = jsonObject.GetString("id"); } if (jsonObject.Has("first_name")) { first_name = jsonObject.GetString("first_name"); } if (jsonObject.Has("last_name")) { last_name = jsonObject.GetString("last_name"); } if (jsonObject.Has("email")) { email = jsonObject.GetString("email"); } if (jsonObject.Has("picture")) { var picture = jsonObject.GetJSONObject("picture"); if (picture.Has("data")) { var data = picture.GetJSONObject("data"); if (data.Has("url")) { pictureUrl = data.GetString("url"); } } } var fbUser = new FBUser() { Id = id, Email = email, FirstName = first_name, LastName = last_name, PicUrl = pictureUrl, Token = AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken.Token }; _onLoginComplete?.Invoke(fbUser, string.Empty); }
private static void CreateBucket(string targetPlanId, Bucket bucket, bool addAssignments, HttpClient httpClient) { bucket.PlanId = targetPlanId; // reset all order hints as the exported values don't work bucket.OrderHint = " !"; var newBucket = GraphResponse <Bucket> .Post("buckets", httpClient, bucket).Result; // if we are too quick the created bucket is not available yet, make sure it it there Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); var verifyNewBucket = GraphResponse <Bucket> .Get("buckets/" + newBucket.Id, httpClient).Result; SaveTasks(targetPlanId, newBucket.Id, addAssignments, bucket.Tasks, httpClient); }
private async Task <string> SendGraphGetRequest(string api, string query) { // First, use ADAL to acquire a token using the app's identity (the credential) // The first parameter is the resource we want an access_token for; in this case, the Graph API. AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", credential); // For B2C user managment, be sure to use the 1.6 Graph API version. HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); string url = "" + tenant + api + "?" + Globals.aadGraphVersion; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { url += "&$filter=userPrincipalName eq '" + query + "'"; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("GET " + url); Console.WriteLine("Authorization: Bearer " + result.AccessToken.Substring(0, 80) + "..."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Append the access token for the Graph API to the Authorization header of the request, using the Bearer scheme. HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string error = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); object formatted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(error); throw new WebException("Error Calling the Graph API: \n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(formatted, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine((int)response.StatusCode + ": " + response.ReasonPhrase); Console.WriteLine(""); var res = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var users = new List <User>(); GraphResponse user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GraphResponse>(res); var a = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.value); users = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <User> >(a); var b = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(users); return(b); }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { string data = json.GetString("email"); email.Text = data; }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject result, GraphResponse response) { var fbUser = _initialToken ?? new FacebookUser(); fbUser.User = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(response.RawResponse); fbUser.User.ProfilePictureUrl = string.Format("{0}/picture?width={1}&height={1}", fbUser.User.ID, Constants.FBProfilePicSize); _completion.TrySetResult(fbUser); }
public void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) { string data = json.ToString(); FacebookResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FacebookResult>(data); }
public async void OnCompleted(Org.Json.JSONObject json, GraphResponse response){ string tag = "OnCompleted"; Log.Debug (tag, "Lel, datos :v"); try{ string email = json.GetString ("email"); Log.Debug (tag, "el email debería ser: "+email); if (email == "" || email == null || email == "null") { //aqui vamos a cachar si no hay email para no hacer el registro. } else { datosfb.Add ("email", email); //ya tenemos todo, ahora podemos mandarlo!, tal vez aqui considere poner la foto de perfil y el nombre en la pantalla string resp = await plifserver.PostMultiPartForm ("", null, "nada", "file[]", "image/jpeg", datosfb, true); Log.Debug (tag,"LA RESPUESTA!!!: "+resp); JsonValue respuesta = JsonValue.Parse(resp); //Estructura de respuesta: [{"u":{"id":"225","username":"******","nombre":"Rutiaga","apellidos":"Cervantes","email":"*****@*****.**","rol":"cliente","facebook_id":"10204786604253973","puntos":"100"},"iu":{"ruta":"https:\/\/\/10204786604253973\/picture?height=800&width=800&migration_overrides=%7Boctober_2012%3Atrue%7D"}}] if (respuesta != null) { var prefs = this.GetSharedPreferences("RunningAssistant.preferences", FileCreationMode.Private); var editor = prefs.Edit (); string n=respuesta[0]["u"]["nombre"]; string ap=respuesta[0]["u"]["apellidos"]; editor.PutString ("id", respuesta[0]["u"]["id"]); editor.PutString ("nombre", n+ap); editor.PutString ("email", respuesta[0]["u"]["email"]); editor.PutString ("img_perfil", respuesta[0]["iu"]["ruta"]); editor.Commit(); //JA //Toast.MakeText (this, "Inicio de sesión correcto", ToastLength.Long).Show(); StartActivity(typeof(MainActivity)); Finish(); } else { Toast.MakeText (this, "Há ocurido un inconveniente. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo!", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } } //CATCH }catch(Exception ex){ Log.Debug ("OnCompleted", "Algo Salio mal en el OnCompleted! " + ex); //Toast.MakeText (this, "Algo salió mal. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); infoface = FindViewById<LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.infoface); infologin = FindViewById<LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.infologin); infologin.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; infoface.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } }