public void BreadthFirstSearchEnumeratorTestCase1() { var expectedOutputSequence = "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, "; var graph = new GraphCollection <int, int>(false); for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { graph.AddNode(i); } graph.AddEdge(1, 2); graph.AddEdge(1, 3); graph.AddEdge(2, 4); graph.AddEdge(3, 4); graph.AddEdge(4, 5); graph.AddEdge(5, 6); graph.AddEdge(5, 7); graph.AddEdge(5, 8); var iterator = new BreadthFirstSearchEnumerator <int, int>(graph); var actualOutputSequence = new StringBuilder(); while (iterator.MoveNext()) { actualOutputSequence.Append($"{iterator.Current.Data}, "); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutputSequence, actualOutputSequence.ToString(), "DFS output sequence not as expected."); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="QueryOperation" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node.</param> /// <param name="operationType">Type of the operation being represented.</param> /// <param name="operationGraphType">The graph type representing the operation type.</param> public QueryOperation(OperationTypeNode node, GraphCollection operationType, IObjectGraphType operationGraphType) { this.Node = Validation.ThrowIfNullOrReturn(node, nameof(node)); this.OperationType = operationType; this.GraphType = Validation.ThrowIfNullOrReturn(operationGraphType, nameof(operationGraphType)); this.Name = this.Node.OperationName.IsEmpty ? string.Empty : node.OperationName.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the value into its equivilant routing constant. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <returns>System.String.</returns> public static string ToRouteRoot(this GraphCollection value) { switch (value) { case GraphCollection.Query: return(RouteConstants.QUERY_ROOT); case GraphCollection.Mutation: return(RouteConstants.MUTATION_ROOT); case GraphCollection.Subscription: return(RouteConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_ROOT); case GraphCollection.Types: return(RouteConstants.TYPE_ROOT); case GraphCollection.Enums: return(RouteConstants.ENUM_ROOT); case GraphCollection.Directives: return(RouteConstants.DIRECTIVE_ROOT); default: return(RouteConstants.NOOP_ROOT); } }
public void Join_WithRoot_JoinsAsExpected(GraphCollection root, string leftSide, string rightSide, string expectedOutput) { // standard join var fragment = GraphFieldPath.Join(root, leftSide, rightSide); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, fragment); }
public void Destructuring( string rawPath, string expectedPath, bool expectedValidState, GraphCollection expectedRoot, string expectedName, bool shouldHaveParent, string expectedParentPath) { var route = new GraphFieldPath(rawPath); // valid path should be untouched Assert.AreEqual(expectedValidState, route.IsValid); Assert.AreEqual(rawPath, route.Raw); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, route.Path); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRoot, route.RootCollection); Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, route.Name); if (!shouldHaveParent) { Assert.IsNull(route.Parent); } else { Assert.IsNotNull(route.Parent); Assert.AreEqual(expectedParentPath, route.Parent.Path); } }
public GraphCollection GetRealData([FromBody] List <Criterias> criteria) { string userRestriction = Flexi.WebUI.Utility.UserRestriction.GetUserRestriction(User.Identity.GetUserName(), "SalesChart"); GraphCollection gc = GetDataFromDb(criteria, userRestriction); //gc.SDM = LoadSummary(criteria,userRestriction); return(gc); }
/// <summary> /// Inspects the known operation types for a name matching the provided value returning it when found. /// </summary> /// <param name="operationType">Type of the operation to retrieve the graph type name for.</param> /// <returns>GraphCollection.</returns> public static string FindOperationTypeNameByType(GraphCollection operationType) { if (GRAPH_OPERATION_TYPE_NAME_BY_TYPE.ContainsKey(operationType)) { return(GRAPH_OPERATION_TYPE_NAME_BY_TYPE[operationType]); } return(string.Empty); }
private void Save() { int count = GraphCollection.Count; if (IdState < GraphCollection.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < count - IdState; i++) { GraphCollection.Remove(GraphCollection.Last()); } } IdState++; GraphCollection.Add(new Graph { Vertexes = new ObservableCollection <Vertex>(), Edges = new ObservableCollection <Edge>() }); foreach (var v in Graph.Vertexes) { GraphCollection.Last().Vertexes.Add(new Vertex { IsMouseRightButtonDown = v.IsMouseRightButtonDown, IsMouseLeftButtonDown = v.IsMouseLeftButtonDown, IdVertex = v.IdVertex, Position = v.Position, Path = v.Path, Margin = v.Margin, ConnectedVertexes = new List <Vertex>(), ConnectedEdges = new List <Edge>() }); foreach (var conver in v.ConnectedVertexes) { GraphCollection.Last().Vertexes.Last().ConnectedVertexes.Add(new Vertex { IsMouseRightButtonDown = conver.IsMouseRightButtonDown, IsMouseLeftButtonDown = conver.IsMouseLeftButtonDown, IdVertex = conver.IdVertex, Position = conver.Position, Path = conver.Path, Margin = conver.Margin }); } foreach (var coned in v.ConnectedEdges) { GraphCollection.Last().Edges.Add(new Edge { StartPoint = coned.StartPoint, EndPoint = coned.EndPoint, EndVertexId = coned.EndVertexId, IdEdge = coned.IdEdge, IsMouseLeftButtonDown = coned.IsMouseLeftButtonDown, StartVertexId = coned.StartVertexId }); } } }
public void GraphCollectionBasic3() { GraphCollection collection = new GraphCollection(); Graph g = new Graph(); collection.Add(g, true); Assert.IsTrue(collection.Contains(g.BaseUri)); }
private void InitGraph() { GraphCollection tempCollection = new GraphCollection(); tempCollection.CompressionRateIndex = 1; tempCollection.CompressionValue = 1; tempCollection.GraphColumns = 1; graphCollection = tempCollection; graphCollection.OnCompressionRateIndexChanged += OnCompressionRateIndexChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphFieldAttribute" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="isRootFragment">if set to <c>true</c> this instance represents a a path from its assigned graph root.</param> /// <param name="fieldType">The top level schema type this declared field should be assigned to.</param> /// <param name="template">The template naming scheme to use to generate a graph field from this method.</param> /// <param name="unionTypeName">Name of the union type if one is to be created, null otherwise.</param> /// <param name="typeSet">A collection of types that, depending on other parameters will be used to generate a union /// or just setup the field.</param> protected GraphFieldAttribute( bool isRootFragment, GraphCollection fieldType, string template, string unionTypeName, params Type[] typeSet) : this(isRootFragment, fieldType, template, typeSet) { this.UnionTypeName = unionTypeName?.Trim(); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that the root operation type (query, mutation etc.) exists on this schema and the associated virtual /// type representing it also exists in the schema's type collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="operationType">Type of the operation.</param> private void EnsureGraphOperationType(GraphCollection operationType) { if (!this.Schema.OperationTypes.ContainsKey(operationType)) { var name = _formatter.FormatGraphTypeName(operationType.ToString()); var operation = new GraphOperation(operationType, name); this.Schema.KnownTypes.EnsureGraphType(operation); this.Schema.OperationTypes.Add(operation.OperationType, operation); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates a "top level" source data representing the operation root under which a field /// context should be executed. /// </summary> /// <param name="operationType">Type of the operation.</param> /// <returns>System.Object.</returns> private object GenerateRootSourceData(GraphCollection operationType) { if (_schema.OperationTypes.TryGetValue(operationType, out var rootOperation)) { return(new VirtualResolvedObject(rootOperation.Name)); } else { return(new object()); } }
public DepthFirstSearchEnumerator(GraphCollection <TData, TWeight> graph, bool leftToRight = false) { if (graph == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graph)); } this.Graph = graph; this.LeftToRight = leftToRight; Reset(); }
public static GraphCollection GetChartDataForDashboard() { GraphCollection gc = new GraphCollection(); var list = new List <Graph>(); list.Add(GetTokyoData()); list.Add(GetLondonData()); list.Add(GetBerlinData()); //list.Add(GetNewYorkData()); gc.GraphList = list; return(gc); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphFieldAttribute" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="isRootFragment">if set to <c>true</c> this instance represents a a path from its assigned graph root.</param> /// <param name="fieldType">The top level schema type this declared field should be assigned to.</param> /// <param name="template">The template naming scheme to use to generate a graph field from this method.</param> /// <param name="typeSet">A collection of types that, depending on other parameters will be used to generate a union /// or just setup the field.</param> protected GraphFieldAttribute( bool isRootFragment, GraphCollection fieldType, string template, params Type[] typeSet) { this.IsRootFragment = isRootFragment; this.FieldType = fieldType; this.Template = template?.Trim(); this.UnionTypeName = null; this.Types = new List <Type>(typeSet?.Where(x => x != null) ?? Enumerable.Empty <Type>()); this.Complexity = 1; }
private void OpenWindowLoadGraph(object obj) { Graph = new Graph(); LoadGraphViewModel loadGraphViewModel = new LoadGraphViewModel(Graph); var winLoad = new LoadGraphWindow(loadGraphViewModel); loadGraphViewModel.Window = winLoad; winLoad.ShowDialog(); if (loadGraphViewModel.ReadTo) { GraphCollection.Add(Graph); AddToObjectCompositeCollection(); } }
private void OpenWindowRandom(object obj) { Graph = new Graph(); RandomWindowViewModel randomViewModel = new RandomWindowViewModel(Graph, 400, 400); var winRandom = new RandomWindow(randomViewModel); randomViewModel.Window = winRandom; winRandom.ShowDialog(); if (randomViewModel.ReadTo) { GraphCollection.Add(Graph); AddToObjectCompositeCollection(); } }
private IEnumerable <T> Enumerate <T>(string url) { string nextUrl = url; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextUrl)) { GraphCollection <T> results = this.Get <GraphCollection <T> >(nextUrl); foreach (T result in results.Value) { yield return(result); } nextUrl = results.ODataNextLink; } }
private void OpenWindowPrufer(object obj) { Graph = new Graph(); PruferWindowViewModel pruferViewModel = new PruferWindowViewModel(Graph, 400, 400); var winPrufer = new PruferWindow(pruferViewModel); pruferViewModel.Window = winPrufer; winPrufer.ShowDialog(); if (pruferViewModel.ReadTo) { GraphCollection.Add(Graph); AddToObjectCompositeCollection(); } }
static public GraphCollection CreateNewGraphCollection(string suggestedName) { string nameCandidate = suggestedName; var collection = BatchBuildConfig.GetConfig().GraphCollections; int i = 0; while (true) { if (collection.Find(c => c.Name.ToLower() == nameCandidate.ToLower()) == null) { var newCollection = new GraphCollection(nameCandidate); collection.Add(newCollection); BatchBuildConfig.SetConfigDirty(); return(newCollection); } nameCandidate = string.Format("{0} {1}", suggestedName, ++i); } }
private string GetGroupIdFromEmail(string email) { // We can get all groups that have the given email as one of their addresses with: //$filter=mail eq '{email}' or proxyAddresses/any(x:x eq 'smtp:{email}') string request = string.Format("{0}/groups?$filter=mail eq '{1}' or proxyAddresses/any(x:x eq 'smtp:{1}')", this.ApiVersion, email); GraphCollection <Group> groups = this.Get <GraphCollection <Group> >(request); if (groups.Value.Length == 0) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.MicrosoftGroup.NoGroupsWithEmail(email), "MicrosoftGroupNoGroupsWithEmail"); } else if (groups.Value.Length > 1) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.MicrosoftGroup.MultipleGroupsWithEmail(email), "MicrosoftGroupMultipleGroupsWithEmail"); } else { return(groups.Value.Single().Id); } }
private GraphCollection GenereateChartData(DataTable chartTable) { if (chartTable == null) { return(null); } GraphCollection graphCol = new GraphCollection(); graphCol.XAxis = new string[chartTable.Rows.Count]; graphCol.GraphList = new List <Graph>(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chartTable.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { foreach (DataRow item in chartTable.Rows) { graphCol.XAxis[index] = item[0].ToString(); index++; } } else { Graph graphItem = new Graph(); = new List <double>(); = chartTable.Columns[i].ColumnName; foreach (DataRow drow in chartTable.Rows) { try {[i])); } catch {; } } graphCol.GraphList.Add(graphItem); } } return(graphCol); }
/// <summary> /// Joins a parent and child route segments under the top level field type provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldType">Type of the field to prepend a root key to the path.</param> /// <param name="routeSegments">The route segments to join.</param> /// <returns>System.String.</returns> public static string Join(GraphCollection fieldType, params string[] routeSegments) { return(GraphFieldPath.Join(fieldType.ToRouteRoot().AsEnumerable().Concat(routeSegments).ToArray())); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to retrieve the introspected model item representing one of the primary /// operation types supported by the schema. Reuses any previously created objects /// and will attempt to resolve a missing object on each request in an attempt to /// account for a run-time-updated schema instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="collection">The collection.</param> /// <returns>IntrospectedType.</returns> private IntrospectedType FindOperationType(GraphCollection collection) { return(this.FindIntrospectedType(Constants.ReservedNames.FindOperationTypeNameByType(collection))); }
public BreadthFirstSearchEnumerator(GraphCollection <TData, TWeight> graph, bool leftToRight = true) { this.Graph = graph; this.LeftToRight = leftToRight; Reset(); }
public static GraphCollection CreateNewGraphCollection(string suggestedName) { return(GraphCollection.CreateNewGraphCollection(suggestedName)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphOperation" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="operationType">The operation type this instance represents.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the operation type as it would appear in the object graph.</param> public GraphOperation(GraphCollection operationType, string name) : base(Constants.ReservedNames.FindOperationTypeNameByType(operationType)) { this.OperationType = operationType; this.Extend(new Introspection_TypeNameMetaField(name)); }
public GraphTabVM(string name, GraphCollection collection) { Name = name; SeriesCollection = collection; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphFieldPath" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="collection">The collection the route belongs to.</param> /// <param name="pathSegments">The individual path segments of the route.</param> public GraphFieldPath(GraphCollection collection, params string[] pathSegments) : this(GraphFieldPath.Join(collection, pathSegments)) { }