void HandleBoxSelection(Rect boundsScreenSpace)
            bool multiSelect          = keyboardState.ShiftPressed;
            bool selectedStateChanged = false;

            foreach (var node in graph.Nodes)
                // node bounds in world space
                var nodeBounds = new Rect(node.Bounds);

                // convert the position to screen space
                nodeBounds.position = camera.WorldToScreen(nodeBounds.position);

                var selected = nodeBounds.Overlaps(boundsScreenSpace);
                if (multiSelect)
                    if (selected)
                        selectedStateChanged |= SetSelectedState(node, selected);
                    selectedStateChanged |= SetSelectedState(node, selected);

            if (selectedStateChanged)
Пример #2
        public static void DrawGraphLink(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphLink link, GraphCamera camera)
            if (link.Input == null || link.Output == null)
                // Link not initialized yet. nothing to draw

            Vector2 startPos        = camera.WorldToScreen(link.Output.WorldPosition);
            Vector2 endPos          = camera.WorldToScreen(link.Input.WorldPosition);
            var     tangentStrength = link.GetTangentStrength();
            Vector3 startTan        = startPos + link.Output.Tangent * tangentStrength;
            Vector3 endTan          = endPos + link.Input.Tangent * tangentStrength;
            var     lineColor       = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.75f);

            Handles.DrawBezier(startPos, endPos, startTan, endTan, lineColor, null, 3);

            // Draw the arrow cap
            var   rotation   = Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), link.Input.Tangent.normalized);
            float arrowSize  = 10.0f;
            float arrowWidth = 0.5f;
            var   arrowTails = new Vector2[] {
                rotation *new Vector3(1, arrowWidth) * arrowSize,
                rotation *new Vector3(1, -arrowWidth) * arrowSize,

            Handles.color = lineColor;

            Handles.DrawLine(endPos, endPos + arrowTails[0]);
            Handles.DrawLine(endPos, endPos + arrowTails[1]);
            Handles.DrawLine(endPos + arrowTails[0], endPos + arrowTails[1]);
Пример #3
        void DrawMessage(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, CommentNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            var style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label"));

            style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            var miniFontBaseSize = 20;

            style.normal.textColor = node.Selected ? GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED : GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR;
            if (camera.ZoomLevel >= 2)
                float scaledFontSize = style.fontSize;
                if (scaledFontSize == 0)
                    scaledFontSize = miniFontBaseSize;
                scaledFontSize = Mathf.Max(1.0f, scaledFontSize / camera.ZoomLevel);

                style.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(scaledFontSize);
                style.font     = CommentNodeRenderUtils.GetRenderFont();

            GUI.backgroundColor = node.background;

            // Update the node bounds
            var padding  = new Vector2(10, 10);
            var textSize = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(node.message));
            var nodeSize = textSize + padding * 2;

            Rect boxBounds;
                var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Position);
                var sizeScreen     = nodeSize / camera.ZoomLevel;
                boxBounds = new Rect(positionScreen, sizeScreen);

            Rect textBounds;

                var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Position + padding);
                var sizeScreen     = textSize / camera.ZoomLevel;
                textBounds = new Rect(positionScreen, sizeScreen);

            GUI.Box(boxBounds, "");
            style.normal.textColor = textColor;
            GUI.Label(textBounds, node.message, style);

                var nodeBounds = node.Bounds;
                nodeBounds.size = nodeSize;
                node.Bounds     = nodeBounds;
Пример #4
        public override void Draw(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            // Draw the background base texture
            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_NODE_BG);

            var style = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");

            style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Position);
            var pinHeight      = node.OutputPins[0].BoundsOffset.height;
            var labelBounds    = new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, node.Bounds.width, node.Bounds.height - pinHeight / 2);

            style.normal.textColor = node.Selected ? GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED : GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR;
            GUI.Label(labelBounds, node.Caption, style);

            // Draw the foreground frame textures
            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_NODE_FRAME);

            if (node.Selected)
                DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_NODE_SELECTION);

            // Draw the pins
            base.Draw(rendererContext, node, camera);
        protected virtual void DrawTextCentered(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera, string text, Vector2 offset)
            var style = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");

            style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Position + offset);
            var labelSize      = new Vector2(node.Bounds.width, node.Bounds.height) / camera.ZoomLevel;
            var labelBounds    = new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, labelSize.x, labelSize.y);

            style.normal.textColor = node.Selected ? GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED : GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR;

            var originalFont     = style.font;
            var originalFontSize = style.fontSize;
            var miniFontBaseSize = 20;

            if (camera.ZoomLevel >= 2)
                float scaledFontSize = originalFontSize;
                if (scaledFontSize == 0)
                    scaledFontSize = miniFontBaseSize;
                scaledFontSize = Mathf.Max(1.0f, scaledFontSize / camera.ZoomLevel);

                style.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(scaledFontSize);
                style.font     = UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniFont;

            GUI.Label(labelBounds, text, style);

            style.font     = originalFont;
            style.fontSize = originalFontSize;
Пример #6
        public override void Draw(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            // Draw the background base texture
            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_NODE_BG);

            var style = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");

            style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            var emitterNode = node as MarkerEmitterNode;
            var title       = (emitterNode.Marker != null) ? emitterNode.Marker.Caption : "{NONE}";

            var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Position);
            var labelBounds    = new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, node.Bounds.width, node.Bounds.height - 5);

            style.normal.textColor = node.Selected ? GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED : GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR;
            GUI.Label(labelBounds, title, style);

            // Draw the foreground frame textures
            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_EMITTER_NODE_FRAME);

            if (node.Selected)
                DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_MARKER_NODE_SELECTION);

            // Draw the pins
            base.Draw(rendererContext, node, camera);
Пример #7
        protected void DrawBackgroundBox(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Bounds.position);
            var screenBounds   = new Rect(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, node.Bounds.width, node.Bounds.height);

            GUI.backgroundColor = getBackgroundColor(node);
            GUI.Box(screenBounds, "");
Пример #8
        public override void Draw(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_GO_NODE_BG);

            var thumbObject = GetThumbObject(node);
            var visualNode  = node as VisualNode;

            if (thumbObject != null)
                Texture texture = AssetThumbnailCache.Instance.GetThumb(thumbObject);
                if (texture != null)
                    var positionWorld  = new Vector2(12, 12) + visualNode.Position;
                    var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(positionWorld);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, 96, 96), texture);
                var style = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");
                style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

                var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(visualNode.Position);
                var labelBounds    = new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, visualNode.Bounds.width, visualNode.Bounds.height);
                style.normal.textColor = visualNode.Selected ? GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED : GraphEditorConstants.TEXT_COLOR;
                GUI.Label(labelBounds, "None", style);

            DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_GO_NODE_FRAME);

            base.Draw(rendererContext, node, camera);

            if (node.Selected)
                DrawNodeTexture(rendererContext, node, camera, DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_GO_NODE_SELECTION);
Пример #9
        protected void DrawNodeTexture(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera, string textureName)
            var shadowTexture = rendererContext.Resources.GetResource <Texture2D>(textureName);

            if (shadowTexture != null)
                var center   = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Bounds.center);
                var position = center;
                position.x -= shadowTexture.width / 2.0f;
                position.y -= shadowTexture.height / 2.0f;
                var size = new Vector2(shadowTexture.width, shadowTexture.height);
                var rect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, shadowTexture);
Пример #10
        protected virtual void DrawThumbnail(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            var thumbObject   = GetThumbObject(node);
            var visualNode    = node as VisualNode;
            var thumbnailSize = 96 / camera.ZoomLevel;

            if (thumbObject != null)
                Texture texture = AssetThumbnailCache.Instance.GetThumb(thumbObject);
                if (texture != null)
                    var positionWorld  = new Vector2(12, 12) + visualNode.Position;
                    var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(positionWorld);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(positionScreen.x, positionScreen.y, thumbnailSize, thumbnailSize), texture);
                DrawTextCentered(rendererContext, node, camera, "None");
Пример #11
        public override void Draw(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphNode node, GraphCamera camera)
            var domainNode  = node as SCBaseDomainNode;
            var ringTexture = rendererContext.Resources.GetResource <Texture2D>(DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_CURSOR_RING_SOLID);
            var bounds      = camera.WorldToScreen(node.Bounds);
            var color       = GetNodeColor(domainNode);

            GUI.DrawTexture(bounds, ringTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 1.0f, color, 0, 0);

            // Draw the domain, if we are snapped
            if (domainNode.IsSnapped && !domainNode.Dragging)
                const float DomainSizeHi   = 0.75f;
                const float DomainSizeLo   = 0.15f;
                var         domainRectSize = bounds.size;
                if (domainNode.RuleDomain == SCRuleNodeDomain.Corner)
                    domainRectSize = Vector2.one * (SCBaseDomainNode.TileSize * DomainSizeLo);
                else if (domainNode.RuleDomain == SCRuleNodeDomain.Tile)
                    domainRectSize = Vector2.one * (SCBaseDomainNode.TileSize * DomainSizeHi);
                else if (domainNode.RuleDomain == SCRuleNodeDomain.Edge)
                    var coords    = domainNode.GetHalfGridLogicalCoords();
                    var localSize = (coords.x == 1) ? new Vector2(DomainSizeHi, DomainSizeLo) : new Vector2(DomainSizeLo, DomainSizeHi);
                    domainRectSize = localSize * SCBaseDomainNode.TileSize;
                domainRectSize /= camera.ZoomLevel;
                var domainBounds = new Rect(bounds.center - domainRectSize / 2.0f, domainRectSize);
                var domainColor  = color;
                domainColor.a *= 0.5f;
                var origColor = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = domainColor;
                GUI.Box(domainBounds, "");
                GUI.color = origColor;
Пример #12
        public static void Draw(GraphRendererContext rendererContext, GraphPin pin, GraphCamera camera)
            var pinBounds      = new Rect(pin.GetBounds());
            var positionWorld  = pin.Node.Position + pinBounds.position;
            var positionScreen = camera.WorldToScreen(positionWorld);

            pinBounds.position = positionScreen;
            pinBounds.size    /= camera.ZoomLevel;

            var originalColor = GUI.backgroundColor;

            GUI.backgroundColor = GetPinColor(pin);
            GUI.Box(pinBounds, "");
            GUI.backgroundColor = originalColor;

            // Draw the pin texture
            var pinTexture = rendererContext.Resources.GetResource <Texture2D>(DungeonEditorResources.TEXTURE_PIN_GLOW);

            if (pinTexture != null)
                GUI.DrawTexture(pinBounds, pinTexture);