public static extern bool GradientFill([In] IntPtr hdc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Struct, SizeParamIndex = 2)] TriVertex[] pVertex, uint nVertex, GradientTriangle[] pMesh, uint nMesh, GradientFillMode ulMode);
public static extern bool GradientFill([In] IntPtr hdc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Struct , SizeParamIndex = 2)] TriVertex[] pVertex, uint nVertex, GradientTriangle[] pMesh, uint nMesh, GradientFillMode ulMode);
/// <summary> /// The GradientFill function fills rectangle and triangle structures /// </summary> /// <param name="hdc">Handle to the destination device context</param> /// <param name="pVertex">Array of TRIVERTEX structures that each define a triangle vertex</param> /// <param name="nVertex">The number of vertices in pVertex</param> /// <param name="pMesh">an array of GRADIENT_RECT structures in rectangle mode</param> /// <param name="nMesh">The number of elements in pMesh</param> /// <param name="ulMode">Specifies gradient fill mode</param> /// <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is true, false</returns> public static bool GradientFill([In] IntPtr hdc, TriVertex[] pVertex, uint nVertex, GradientRect[] pMesh, uint nMesh, GradientFillMode ulMode) { return(Native.GradientFill(hdc, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, ulMode)); }
/// <summary> /// The GradientFill function fills rectangle and triangle structures /// </summary> /// <param name="hdc">Handle to the destination device contex</param> /// <param name="pVertex">Array of TRIVERTEX structures that each define a triangle vertex</param> /// <param name="nVertex">The number of vertices in pVertex</param> /// <param name="pMesh">an array of GRADIENT_RECT structures in rectangle mode</param> /// <param name="nMesh">The number of elements in pMesh</param> /// <param name="ulMode">Specifies gradient fill mode</param> /// <returns>If the function succeeds, the return value is true, false</returns> public static bool GradientFill([In] IntPtr hdc, TriVertex[] pVertex, uint nVertex, GradientRect[] pMesh, uint nMesh, GradientFillMode ulMode) { return Native.GradientFill(hdc, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, ulMode); }