internal void CheckNamePresence(GpkPackage package) { package.GetStringIndex(ObjectName); foreach (IProperty iProp in Properties) { GpkBaseProperty baseProperty = (GpkBaseProperty)iProp; package.GetStringIndex(; package.GetStringIndex(baseProperty.type); iProp.CheckAndAddNames(package); } }
private void WriteExportsData(BinaryWriter writer, GpkPackage package) { //puffer, seems random in many files, we use 10 empty bytes writer.Write(new byte[package.datapuffer]); foreach (GpkExport export in package.ExportList.Values) { if (export.SerialSize == 0) { logger.Trace("skipping export data for " + export.ObjectName); } else { logger.Trace("export data for " + export.ObjectName); } long data_start = writer.BaseStream.Position; if (export.SerialOffset != data_start) { //if we have diffrent layout of the data then teh orginal file we need to fix the data pointers logger.Trace(string.Format("fixing export {0} offset old:{1} new:{2}", export.ObjectName, export.SerialOffset, data_start)); export.SerialOffset = (int)data_start; writer.BaseStream.Seek(export.SerialOffsetPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); writer.Write(export.SerialOffset); writer.BaseStream.Seek(data_start, SeekOrigin.Begin); } if (export.NetIndexName != null) { writer.Write((int)package.GetObjectIndex(export.NetIndexName)); } else { writer.Write(export.NetIndex); } if (export.PropertyPadding != null) { writer.Write(export.PropertyPadding); } foreach (IProperty iProp in export.Properties) { GpkBaseProperty baseProperty = (GpkBaseProperty)iProp; writer.Write(package.GetStringIndex(; writer.Write(package.GetStringIndex(baseProperty.type)); writer.Write(baseProperty.size); writer.Write(baseProperty.arrayIndex); iProp.WriteData(writer, package); } //end with a none nameindex writer.Write(package.GetStringIndex("None")); //check long propRealSize = (writer.BaseStream.Position - data_start); if (Settings.Default.Debug && propRealSize != export.PropertySize) { logger.Trace("Compu Prop Size: {0}, Diff {1} -", export.PropertySize, propRealSize - export.PropertySize); } if (export.DataPadding != null) { writer.Write((export.DataPadding)); } //finally our data if (export.Payload != null) { //pos is important. we cant be sure that the data is acurate. export.Payload.WriteData(writer, package, export); } else if (export.Data != null) { writer.Write(export.Data); } long data_end = writer.BaseStream.Position; int data_size = (int)(data_end - data_start); if (data_size != export.SerialSize) { //maybe replaced data OR some property errors. write new data size. logger.Trace(string.Format("fixing export {0} size old:{1} new:{2}", export.ObjectName, export.SerialSize, data_size)); export.SerialSize = data_size; writer.BaseStream.Seek(export.SerialOffsetPosition - 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); writer.Write(export.SerialSize); writer.BaseStream.Seek(data_end, SeekOrigin.Begin); } logger.Trace("wrote export data for " + export.ObjectName + " end pos " + writer.BaseStream.Position); stat.progress++; } logger.Debug("Wrote export data pos " + writer.BaseStream.Position); }
private Boolean ReadPropertyDetails(BinaryReader reader, GpkPackage package, GpkExport export) { GpkBaseProperty baseProp = new GpkBaseProperty(); long nameindex = reader.ReadInt64(); if (!package.NameList.ContainsKey(nameindex)) { logger.Fatal("name not found " + nameindex); if (export.Properties.Count > 0) { logger.Fatal("prev " + export.Properties[export.Properties.Count - 1]); } } = package.GetString(nameindex); if ( == "none") { return(false); } long typeindex = reader.ReadInt64(); if (!package.NameList.ContainsKey(typeindex)) { logger.Fatal("type not found " + typeindex); } baseProp.type = package.GetString(typeindex); baseProp.size = reader.ReadInt32(); baseProp.arrayIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); IProperty iProp; switch (baseProp.type) { case "StructProperty": iProp = new GpkStructProperty(baseProp); break; case "ArrayProperty": iProp = new GpkArrayProperty(baseProp); break; case "BoolProperty": iProp = new GpkBoolProperty(baseProp); break; case "ByteProperty": iProp = new GpkByteProperty(baseProp); break; case "NameProperty": iProp = new GpkNameProperty(baseProp); break; case "IntProperty": iProp = new GpkIntProperty(baseProp); break; case "FloatProperty": iProp = new GpkFloatProperty(baseProp); break; case "StrProperty": iProp = new GpkStringProperty(baseProp); break; case "ObjectProperty": iProp = new GpkObjectProperty(baseProp); break; default: throw new Exception( string.Format( "Unknown Property Type {0}, Position {1}, Prop_Name {2}, Export_Name {3}", baseProp.type, reader.BaseStream.Position,, export.ObjectName)); } iProp.ReadData(reader, package); iProp.RecalculateSize(); export.Properties.Add(iProp); //logger.Trace(String.Format("Property Type {0}, Position after {1}, Prop_Name {2}, Export_Name {3}", baseProp.type, reader.BaseStream.Position, baseProp.ObjectName, export.ObjectName)); return(true); }
private IProperty readProperty(DataGridViewRow row) { GpkBaseProperty baseProp = new GpkBaseProperty(row.Cells["name"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["type"].Value.ToString(), 0, Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["aIndex"].Value.ToString())); IProperty iProp; //Check & Add name to our namelist selectedPackage.AddString(; string cellValue = row.Cells["value"].Value.ToString(); switch (baseProp.type) { case "StructProperty": GpkStructProperty tmpStruct = new GpkStructProperty(baseProp); tmpStruct.innerType = row.Cells["iType"].Value.ToString(); tmpStruct.value = (cellValue).ToBytes(); iProp = tmpStruct; break; case "ArrayProperty": GpkArrayProperty tmpArray = new GpkArrayProperty(baseProp); if (cellValue == "[##TOO_LONG##]") { //use row embeeded property instead tmpArray.value = ((GpkArrayProperty)row.Tag).value; } else { tmpArray.value = (cellValue).ToBytes(); } iProp = tmpArray; break; case "ByteProperty": GpkByteProperty tmpByte = new GpkByteProperty(baseProp); if (cellValue.Length > 2) { selectedPackage.AddString(cellValue); //just in case tmpByte.nameValue = cellValue; } else { tmpByte.byteValue = Convert.ToByte(cellValue); } iProp = tmpByte; break; case "NameProperty": GpkNameProperty tmpName = new GpkNameProperty(baseProp); selectedPackage.AddString(cellValue); //just in case tmpName.value = cellValue; iProp = tmpName; break; case "ObjectProperty": GpkObjectProperty tmpObj = new GpkObjectProperty(baseProp); selectedPackage.GetObjectByUID(cellValue); //throws ex if uid is not present tmpObj.objectName = cellValue; iProp = tmpObj; break; case "BoolProperty": GpkBoolProperty tmpBool = new GpkBoolProperty(baseProp); tmpBool.value = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells[5].Value); iProp = tmpBool; break; case "IntProperty": GpkIntProperty tmpInt = new GpkIntProperty(baseProp); tmpInt.value = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[5].Value); iProp = tmpInt; break; case "FloatProperty": GpkFloatProperty tmpFloat = new GpkFloatProperty(baseProp); tmpFloat.value = Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells[5].Value); iProp = tmpFloat; break; case "StrProperty": GpkStringProperty tmpStr = new GpkStringProperty(baseProp); tmpStr.value = (row.Cells[5].Value.ToString()); iProp = tmpStr; break; case "": //new line, nothing selected throw new Exception( string.Format("You need to select a Property Type for {0}!",; default: throw new Exception( string.Format("Unknown Property Type {0}, Prop_Name {1}", baseProp.type,; } iProp.RecalculateSize(); return(iProp); }
private void DrawGrid(GpkPackage package, GpkExport export) { gridProps.Enabled = true; gridProps.Rows.Clear(); IEnumerable <String> nameQuery = from pair in package.NameList.Values.ToList() select; //IEnumerable<String> uidQuery = from pair in package.UidList.Values.ToList() select; foreach (IProperty iProp in export.Properties) { GpkBaseProperty prop = (GpkBaseProperty)iProp; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.Tag = iProp; row.DefaultCellStyle = gridProps.DefaultCellStyle; DataGridViewTextBoxCell nameCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); nameCell.Value =; row.Cells.Add(nameCell); DataGridViewComboBoxCell typeCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); typeCell.Items.AddRange(((DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)gridProps.Columns["type"]).Items); typeCell.ValueType = typeof(string); typeCell.Value = prop.type; row.Cells.Add(typeCell); DataGridViewTextBoxCell sizeCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); sizeCell.Value = iProp.RecalculateSize(); row.Cells.Add(sizeCell); DataGridViewTextBoxCell arrayCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); arrayCell.Value = prop.arrayIndex; row.Cells.Add(arrayCell); DataGridViewComboBoxCell innerCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); innerCell.Items.AddRange(nameQuery.ToArray()); if (prop is GpkStructProperty) { GpkStructProperty struc = (GpkStructProperty)prop; innerCell.Value = struc.innerType; } else { innerCell.Value = "None"; } row.Cells.Add(innerCell); DataGridViewTextBoxCell valueCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); DataGridViewComboBoxCell comboCell = null; if (prop is GpkArrayProperty) { GpkArrayProperty tmpArray = (GpkArrayProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpArray.GetValueHex(); } else if (prop is GpkStructProperty) { GpkStructProperty tmpStruct = (GpkStructProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpStruct.GetValueHex(); } else if (prop is GpkNameProperty) { GpkNameProperty tmpName = (GpkNameProperty)prop; comboCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); comboCell.Items.AddRange(nameQuery.ToArray()); comboCell.Value =; } else if (prop is GpkObjectProperty) { GpkObjectProperty tmpObj = (GpkObjectProperty)prop; comboCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); comboCell.Items.AddRange(package.UidList.Keys.ToArray()); comboCell.Value = tmpObj.objectName; } else if (prop is GpkByteProperty) { GpkByteProperty tmpByte = (GpkByteProperty)prop; comboCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); if (tmpByte.size == 8) { comboCell.Items.AddRange(nameQuery.ToArray()); comboCell.Value = tmpByte.nameValue; } else { comboCell.Value = tmpByte.byteValue; } } else if (prop is GpkFloatProperty) { GpkFloatProperty tmpFloat = (GpkFloatProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpFloat.value; } else if (prop is GpkIntProperty) { GpkIntProperty tmpInt = (GpkIntProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpInt.value; } else if (prop is GpkStringProperty) { GpkStringProperty tmpString = (GpkStringProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpString.value; } else if (prop is GpkBoolProperty) { GpkBoolProperty tmpBool = (GpkBoolProperty)prop; valueCell.Value = tmpBool.value; } else { logger.Info("Unk Prop?!?"); } if (valueCell.Value != null && valueCell.Value.ToString().Length > valueCell.MaxInputLength) { valueCell.Value = "[##TOO_LONG##]"; } if (comboCell == null) { row.Cells.Add(valueCell); } else { row.Cells.Add(comboCell); } gridProps.Rows.Add(row); } }
public IProperty GetIProperty(GpkPackage selectedPackage) { var baseProp = new GpkBaseProperty(Name, PropertyType, 0, ArrayIndex); IProperty iProp; //Check & Add name to our namelist selectedPackage.AddString(; var cellValue = Value.ToString();//.Cells["value"].Value.ToString(); switch (baseProp.type) { case "StructProperty": iProp = new GpkStructProperty(baseProp) { innerType = InnerType, //.Cells["iType"].Value.ToString(); value = (cellValue).ToBytes() }; break; case "ArrayProperty": //if (cellValue == "[##TOO_LONG##]") //{ // //use row embeeded property instead // tmpArray.value = ((GpkArrayProperty)row.Tag).value; //} //else var tmpArray = new GpkArrayProperty(baseProp) { value = (cellValue).ToBytes() }; tmpArray.size = tmpArray.value.Length; tmpArray.RecalculateSize(); iProp = tmpArray; break; case "ByteProperty": var tmpByte = new GpkByteProperty(baseProp); if (cellValue.Length > 2) { if (selectedPackage.x64) { tmpByte.enumType = InnerType; //.Cells["iType"].Value.ToString(); selectedPackage.AddString(tmpByte.enumType); //just in case } selectedPackage.AddString(cellValue); //just in case tmpByte.nameValue = cellValue; } else { tmpByte.byteValue = Convert.ToByte(cellValue); } iProp = tmpByte; break; case "NameProperty": var tmpName = new GpkNameProperty(baseProp); selectedPackage.AddString(cellValue); //just in case tmpName.value = cellValue; iProp = tmpName; break; case "ObjectProperty": var tmpObj = new GpkObjectProperty(baseProp); selectedPackage.GetObjectByUID(cellValue); //throws ex if uid is not present tmpObj.objectName = cellValue; iProp = tmpObj; break; case "BoolProperty": var tmpBool = new GpkBoolProperty(baseProp) { value = Convert.ToBoolean(Value) }; iProp = tmpBool; break; case "IntProperty": var tmpInt = new GpkIntProperty(baseProp) { value = Convert.ToInt32(Value) }; iProp = tmpInt; break; case "FloatProperty": var tmpFloat = new GpkFloatProperty(baseProp) { value = Convert.ToSingle(Value) }; iProp = tmpFloat; break; case "StrProperty": var tmpStr = new GpkStringProperty(baseProp) { value = (Value.ToString()) }; iProp = tmpStr; break; case "": //new line, nothing selected throw new Exception($"You need to select a Property Type for {}!"); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Property Type {baseProp.type}, Prop_Name {}"); } iProp.RecalculateSize(); return(iProp); }