Пример #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Set any possible values for the given NMEA data.
            /// It will continue to replace
            /// the values so the last value is used as the final value.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sentence">NMEA sentence containing data.</param>
            private void SetValues(NmeaSentence sentence)
                 * NMEA specification states that the first two letters of
                 * a sentence may change.  For example, for "$GPGSV" there may be variations such as
                 * "$__GSV" where the first two letters change.  As a result, we need only test the last three
                 * characters.

                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GGA", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPGGA = new GpggaSentence(sentence.Sentence);

                        // Set the Lat and Lon and time
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("VTG", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPVTG = new GpvtgSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("RMC", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPRMC = new GprmcSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("RMF", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        PGRMF = new PgrmfSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GLL", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPGLL = new GpgllSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GSV", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPGSV = new GpgsvSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GSA", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPGSA = new GpgsaSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                    if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("HDT", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                        GPHDT = new GphdtSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error("Error decoding a NMEA sentance.", e);
Пример #2
        public void GpgsvSentenceFromString()
            List <Satellite> sats = new List <Satellite>
                new Satellite(2, new Azimuth(282.00), new Elevation(59.00), new SignalToNoiseRatio(0)),
                new Satellite(3, new Azimuth(287.00), new Elevation(42.00), new SignalToNoiseRatio(0)),
                new Satellite(6, new Azimuth(94.00), new Elevation(16.00), new SignalToNoiseRatio(0)),
                new Satellite(15, new Azimuth(90.00), new Elevation(80.00), new SignalToNoiseRatio(48))

            GpgsvSentence sentence = new GpgsvSentence("$GPGSV,2,1,08,02,59,282,00,03,42,287,00,06,16,094,00,15,80,090,48*79");

            Assert.AreEqual("$GPGSV,2,1,08,02,59,282,00,03,42,287,00,06,16,094,00,15,80,090,48*79", sentence.Sentence);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sentence.TotalMessageCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sentence.CurrentMessageNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, sentence.SatellitesInView);
            Assert.AreEqual(sats.Count, sentence.Satellites.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < sats.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(sats[i], sentence.Satellites[i]);
Пример #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Set any possible values for the given NMEA data.
            /// It will continue to replace
            /// the values so the last value is used as the final value.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sentence">NMEA sentence containing data.</param>
            private void SetValues(NmeaSentence sentence)
                 * NMEA specification states that the first two letters of
                 * a sentence may change.  For example, for "$GPGSV" there may be variations such as
                 * "$__GSV" where the first two letters change.  As a result, we need only test the last three
                 * characters.

                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GGA", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPGGA = new GpggaSentence(sentence.Sentence);

                    // Set the Lat and Lon and time
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("VTG", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPVTG = new GpvtgSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("RMC", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPRMC = new GprmcSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("RMF", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    PGRMF = new PgrmfSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GLL", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPGLL = new GpgllSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GSV", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPGSV = new GpgsvSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("GSA", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPGSA = new GpgsaSentence(sentence.Sentence);
                if (sentence.CommandWord.EndsWith("HDT", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // Yes.  Convert it using the fast pre-parseed constructor
                    GPHDT = new GphdtSentence(sentence.Sentence);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates actual data to send to the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Data is sent according to the behavior of a typical GPS device: $GPGGA,
        /// $GPGSA, $GPRMC, $GPGSV sentences are sent every second, and a $GPGSV sentence
        /// is sent every five seconds.
        /// Developers who want to emulate a specific model of GPS device should override this
        /// method and generate the sentences specific to that device.</remarks>
        protected override void OnEmulation()
            // Update real-time position, speed, bearing, etc.

            if (Route.Count == 0)
                CurrentPosition = EmulateError(CurrentPosition);

            /* NMEA devices will transmit "bursts" of NMEA sentences, followed by a one-second pause.
             * Other sentences (usually $GPGSV) are transmitted once every few seconds.  This emulator,
             * by default, will transmit the most common NMEA sentences.

            // $GPGGA
            if (!_GpggaInterval.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Has enough time elapsed to send the sentence?
                && UtcDateTime.Subtract(_GpggaLastSent) > _GpggaInterval)
                // Get the tracked satellite count
                int trackedCount = 0;
                foreach (Satellite item in Satellites)
                    if (item.SignalToNoiseRatio.Value > 0)

                // Yes
                _GpggaLastSent = UtcDateTime;

                // Queue the sentence to the read buffer
                WriteSentenceToClient(new GpggaSentence(UtcDateTime.TimeOfDay, CurrentPosition, _FixQuality, trackedCount,
                                                        _HorizontalDOP, Altitude, Distance.Empty, TimeSpan.Zero, -1));

            // $GPRMC
            if (!_GprmcInterval.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Has enough time elapsed to send the sentence?
                && UtcDateTime.Subtract(_GprmcLastSent) > _GprmcInterval)
                // Yes
                _GprmcLastSent = UtcDateTime;

                // Queue the sentence to the read buffer
                WriteSentenceToClient(new GprmcSentence(UtcDateTime, _FixStatus == FixStatus.Fix, CurrentPosition, Speed,
                                                        Bearing, _MagneticVariation));

            // $GPGLL
            if (!_GpgllInterval.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Has enough time elapsed to send the sentence?
                && UtcDateTime.Subtract(_GpgllLastSent) > _GpgllInterval)
                // Yes
                _GpgllLastSent = UtcDateTime;

                // Write a $GPGLL to the client
                WriteSentenceToClient(new GpgllSentence(CurrentPosition, UtcDateTime.TimeOfDay, _FixStatus));

            // $GPGSA
            if (!_GpgsaInterval.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Has enough time elapsed to send the sentence?
                && UtcDateTime.Subtract(_GpgsaLastSent) > _GpgsaInterval)
                // Yes
                _GpgsaLastSent = UtcDateTime;

                // Queue the sentence to the read buffer
                WriteSentenceToClient(new GpgsaSentence(_FixMode, _FixMethod, Satellites,
                                                        _MeanDOP, _HorizontalDOP, _VerticalDOP));

            // $GPGSV
            if (!_GpgsvInterval.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Has enough time elapsed to send the sentence?
                && UtcDateTime.Subtract(_GpgsvLastSent) > _GpgsvInterval)
                // Build a list of sentences from our satellites
                IList <GpgsvSentence> sentences = GpgsvSentence.FromSatellites(Satellites);

                // Yes
                _GpgsvLastSent = UtcDateTime;

                // Write each sentence to the read buffer
                foreach (GpgsvSentence gpgsv in sentences)

            // And signal that we have data (or not)
            if (ReadBuffer.Count == 0)