Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load in the gaming device driver plug ins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of gaming device driver plug ins.</returns>
        private static IReadOnlyList <IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver> GetGamingDeviceDrivers()
            GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.InputPlugInPath);

            // Access our plugin cache.
            _pluginCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);

            // Get the files from the plugin directory.
            // The plugin directory can be changed in the configuration file
            // to point at wherever you'd like.  If a {0} place holder is
            // in the path, it will be replaced with whatever the build
            // configuration is set to (i.e. DEBUG or RELEASE).
            _pluginCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.*.dll");

            if (_pluginCache.PlugInAssemblies.Count == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver>());

            // Create our plugin service.
            IGorgonPlugInService pluginService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_pluginCache);

            // Create our input service factory.
            var factory = new GorgonGamingDeviceDriverFactory(pluginService, GorgonApplication.Log);

            // Retrieve the list of driver plug ins from the input service factory.
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load our useless image codec plug in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if successful, <b>false</b> if not.</returns>
        private bool LoadCodec()
            const string pluginName = "Gorgon.Graphics.Example.TvImageCodecPlugIn";

            _pluginCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);

            // Load our plug in.
            _pluginCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonApplication.StartupPath.FullName, "TVImageCodec.dll");

            // Activate the plugin service.
            IGorgonPlugInService pluginService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_pluginCache);

            // Find the plugin.
            GorgonImageCodecPlugIn plugIn = pluginService.GetPlugIn <GorgonImageCodecPlugIn>(pluginName);

            if ((plugIn == null) || (plugIn.Codecs.Count == 0))

            // Normally you would enumerate the plug ins, but in this case we know there's only one.
            _customCodec = plugIn.CreateCodec(plugIn.Codecs[0].Name);

            return(_customCodec != null);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load the file system providers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The number of file system provider plug ins.</returns>
        private static int LoadFileSystemProviders()
            _pluginAssemblies.LoadPlugInAssemblies(PlugInPath, "Gorgon.FileSystem.*");

            // Get the file system provider factory so we can retrieve our newly loaded providers.
            IGorgonFileSystemProviderFactory providerFactory = new GorgonFileSystemProviderFactory(_pluginService, _log);

            // Get all the providers.
            // We could limit this to a single provider, or to a single plugin assembly if we choose.  But for
            // this example, we'll get everything we've got.
            _providers = providerFactory.CreateProviders();

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load the Gorgon pack file provider plugin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The file system provider.</returns>
        private IGorgonFileSystemProvider LoadGorPackProvider()
            // The Gorgon packed file provider plug in dll.
            const string gorPackDll = "Gorgon.FileSystem.GorPack.dll";
            // The name of the Gorgon packed file plugin.
            const string gorPackPlugInName = "Gorgon.IO.GorPack.GorPackProvider";

            // Like the zip file example, we'll just create the plugin infrastructure, grab the provider object
            // and get rid of the plugin stuff since we won't need it again.
            _assemblyCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);
            _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, gorPackDll);

            var plugIns = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblyCache);

            return(plugIns.GetPlugIn <GorgonFileSystemProvider>(gorPackPlugInName));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load the zip file provider plugin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if successfully loaded, <b>false</b> if not.</returns>
        private static bool LoadZipProviderPlugIn()
            var zipProviderFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(PlugInPath.FormatDirectory(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), "Gorgon.FileSystem.Zip.dll"));

            // Check to see if the file exists.
            if (!zipProviderFile.Exists)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find the plugin assembly file:\n'{0}'.", zipProviderFile.FullName);

            // Load the plugin assembly.
            _pluginAssemblies.LoadPlugInAssemblies(zipProviderFile.Directory?.FullName, zipProviderFile.Name);

            // Create our file system provider factory so we can retrieve the zip file provider.
            var providerFactory = new GorgonFileSystemProviderFactory(_pluginService, _log);

            // Get our zip file provider.
            GorgonFileSystemProvider provider;

                provider = providerFactory.CreateProvider(PlugInName);
            catch (GorgonException gEx)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

            _fileSystem = new GorgonFileSystem(provider, _log);

            Console.WriteLine("\nThe zip file file system provider was loaded successfully.");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.PlugInLocation);

                // Create the assembly cache.
                _assemblies = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);
                _assemblies.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.XInput.dll");

                // Create the plug services.
                IGorgonPlugInService pluginService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblies);

                // Create the gaming device driver factory.
                var factory = new GorgonGamingDeviceDriverFactory(pluginService, GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Create our factory.
                _driver = factory.LoadDriver("Gorgon.Input.XInput.GorgonXInputDriver");

                _stickPosition = new PointF[3];
                _sprayStates   = new SprayCan[3];

                // Get our list of active controllers.

                // Get the graphics interface for our panel.
                _surface = new DrawingSurface(panelDisplay);

                // Set up our idle loop.
                GorgonApplication.IdleMethod += Idle;

                // Launch a background task to check for connected devices.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // We do this here instead of just calling the dialog because this
                // function will send the exception to the Gorgon log file.
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load the zip file system provider.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadZipFileSystemProvider()
            // Name of our zip provider plugin.
            const string zipProviderPlugInName = "Gorgon.IO.Zip.ZipProvider";

            // We can load the objects we need and discard the plugin system after.
            // This works because we keep the references to the objects that our
            // plugin creates, even after the plugin is gone.
            using (var pluginAssemblies = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(Program.Log))
                pluginAssemblies.LoadPlugInAssemblies(Program.PlugInPath, "Gorgon.FileSystem.Zip.DLL");

                var providerFactory = new GorgonFileSystemProviderFactory(
                    new GorgonMefPlugInService(pluginAssemblies),

                _fileSystem = new GorgonFileSystem(providerFactory.CreateProvider(zipProviderPlugInName), Program.Log);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to initialize the application.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task InitializeAsync(FormMain window)
                GorgonExample.ResourceBaseDirectory   = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.ResourceLocation);
                GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.PlugInLocation);

                // Load our packed file system plug in.
                window.UpdateStatus("Loading plugins...");

                IGorgonPlugInService plugIns = await Task.Run(() =>
                    _assemblyCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);
                    _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.FileSystem.GorPack.dll");
                    return(new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblyCache));

                window.UpdateStatus("Initializing graphics...");

                // Retrieve the list of video adapters. We can do this on a background thread because there's no interaction between other threads and the
                // underlying D3D backend yet.
                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> videoDevices = await Task.Run(() => GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters(log: GorgonApplication.Log));

                if (videoDevices.Count == 0)
                    throw new GorgonException(GorgonResult.CannotCreate,
                                              "Gorgon requires at least a Direct3D 11.4 capable video device.\nThere is no suitable device installed on the system.");

                // Find the best video device.
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(videoDevices.OrderByDescending(item => item.FeatureSet).First());

                _screen = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                              new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Gorgon2D Space Scene Example")
                    Width  = Settings.Default.Resolution.Width,
                    Height = Settings.Default.Resolution.Height,
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm

                // Create a secondary render target for our scene. We use 16 bit floating point for the effect fidelity.
                // We'll lock our resolution to 1920x1080 (pretty common resolution for most people).
                _mainRtv = GorgonRenderTarget2DView.CreateRenderTarget(_graphics, new GorgonTexture2DInfo("Main RTV")
                    Width   = (int)_baseResolution.X,
                    Height  = (int)_baseResolution.Y,
                    Format  = BufferFormat.R16G16B16A16_Float,
                    Binding = TextureBinding.ShaderResource
                _mainSrv       = _mainRtv.GetShaderResourceView();
                _mainRtvAspect = _mainRtv.Width < _mainRtv.Height ? new DX.Vector2(1, (float)_mainRtv.Height / _mainRtv.Width) : new DX.Vector2((float)_mainRtv.Width / _mainRtv.Height, 1);

                // Initialize the renderer so that we are able to draw stuff.
                _renderer = new Gorgon2D(_graphics);

                // Set up our raw input.
                _input           = new GorgonRawInput(window, GorgonApplication.Log);
                _keyboard        = new GorgonRawKeyboard();
                _keyboard.KeyUp += Keyboard_KeyUp;


                // Now for the fun stuff, load our asset resources. We can load this data by mounting a directory (which I did while developing), or use a packed file.
                // The resource manager will hold all the data we need for the scene. Including 3D meshes, post processing effects, etc...
                _resources = new ResourceManagement(_renderer, plugIns);
                _resources.Load(Path.Combine(GorgonExample.GetResourcePath(@"FileSystems").FullName, "SpaceScene.gorPack"));

                window.UpdateStatus("Loading resources...");
                await _resources.LoadResourcesAsync();


                // Build up a font to use for rendering any GUI text.
                _helpFont = GorgonExample.Fonts.GetFont(new GorgonFontInfo("Segoe UI", 10.0f, FontHeightMode.Points, "Segoe UI 10pt")
                    OutlineSize      = 2,
                    Characters       = (Resources.Instructions + "S:1234567890x").Distinct().ToArray(),
                    FontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold,
                    AntiAliasingMode = FontAntiAliasMode.AntiAlias,
                    OutlineColor1    = GorgonColor.Black,
                    OutlineColor2    = GorgonColor.Black

                _textSprite = new GorgonTextSprite(_helpFont)
                    Position = new DX.Vector2(0, 64),
                    DrawMode = TextDrawMode.OutlinedGlyphs,
                    Color    = GorgonColor.YellowPure

                GorgonExample.ShowStatistics = true;

                // Set the idle here. We don't want to try and render until we're done loading.
                GorgonApplication.IdleMethod = Idle;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load"></see> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.PlugInLocation);

                // Load the assembly.
                _assemblyCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Create the plugin service.
                IGorgonPlugInService plugInService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblyCache);

                // Create the factory to retrieve gaming device drivers.
                var factory = new GorgonGamingDeviceDriverFactory(plugInService);

                // Create the raw input interface.
                _input = new GorgonRawInput(this, GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Get available gaming device driver plug ins.
                _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.DirectInput.dll");
                _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.XInput.dll");

                _drivers = factory.LoadAllDrivers();

                _joystickList = new List <IGorgonGamingDevice>();

                // Get all gaming devices from the drivers.
                foreach (IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver driver in _drivers)
                    IReadOnlyList <IGorgonGamingDeviceInfo> infoList = driver.EnumerateGamingDevices(true);

                    foreach (IGorgonGamingDeviceInfo info in infoList)
                        IGorgonGamingDevice device = driver.CreateGamingDevice(info);

                        // Turn off dead zones for this example.
                        foreach (GorgonGamingDeviceAxis axis in device.Axis)
                            axis.DeadZone = GorgonRange.Empty;


                // Create mouse.
                _mouse = new GorgonRawMouse();

                // Create the graphics interface.
                ClientSize = Settings.Default.Resolution;

                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> adapters = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters();
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(adapters[0], log: GorgonApplication.Log);
                _screen   = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics, this, new GorgonSwapChainInfo("INeedYourInput Swapchain")
                    Width  = Settings.Default.Resolution.Width,
                    Height = Settings.Default.Resolution.Height,
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm

                if (!Settings.Default.IsWindowed)

                // For the backup image. Used to make it as large as the monitor that we're on.
                var currentScreen = Screen.FromHandle(Handle);

                // Relocate the window to the center of the screen.
                Location = new Point(currentScreen.Bounds.Left + (currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) - (ClientSize.Width / 2),
                                     currentScreen.Bounds.Top + (currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height / 2) - (ClientSize.Height / 2));

                // Create the 2D renderer.
                _2D = new Gorgon2D(_graphics);

                // Create the text font.
                var fontFactory = new GorgonFontFactory(_graphics);
                _font = fontFactory.GetFont(new GorgonFontInfo("Arial", 9.0f, FontHeightMode.Points, "Arial 9pt")
                    FontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold,
                    AntiAliasingMode = FontAntiAliasMode.AntiAlias

                // Create text sprite.
                _messageSprite = new GorgonTextSprite(_font, "Using mouse and keyboard (Windows Forms).")
                    Color = Color.Black

                // Create a back buffer.
                _backBuffer = GorgonRenderTarget2DView.CreateRenderTarget(_graphics, new GorgonTexture2DInfo("Backbuffer storage")
                    Width  = _screen.Width,
                    Height = _screen.Height,
                    Format = _screen.Format
                _backBufferView = _backBuffer.GetShaderResourceView();

                // Clear our backup image to white to match our primary screen.
                using (IGorgonImage image = new GorgonImage(new GorgonImageInfo(ImageType.Image2D, _screen.Format)
                    Width = _screen.Width,
                    Height = _screen.Height,
                    Format = _screen.Format
                    _backupImage = image.ToTexture2D(_graphics,
                                                     new GorgonTexture2DLoadOptions
                        Binding = TextureBinding.None,
                        Usage   = ResourceUsage.Staging

                // Set gorgon events.
                _screen.BeforeSwapChainResized += BeforeSwapChainResized;
                _screen.AfterSwapChainResized  += AfterSwapChainResized;

                // Enable the mouse.
                Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
                _mouse.MouseButtonDown += MouseInput;
                _mouse.MouseMove       += MouseInput;
                _mouse.MouseWheelMove  += (sender, args) =>
                    _radius += args.WheelDelta.Sign();

                    if (_radius < 2.0f)
                        _radius = 2.0f;
                    if (_radius > 10.0f)
                        _radius = 10.0f;

                // Set the mouse position.
                _mouse.Position = new Point(ClientSize.Width / 2, ClientSize.Height / 2);

                _noBlending = _blendBuilder.BlendState(GorgonBlendState.NoBlending)
                _inverted = _blendBuilder.BlendState(GorgonBlendState.Inverted)

                // Set up blending states for our pen.
                var blendStateBuilder = new GorgonBlendStateBuilder();
                _currentBlend = _drawModulatedBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                                               .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                _drawAdditiveBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                              .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                _drawNoBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                        .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                GorgonApplication.IdleMethod = Gorgon_Idle;
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException refEx)
                string refErr = string.Join("\n", refEx.LoaderExceptions.Select(item => item.Message));
                GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(this, refErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to initialize the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The main window for the application.</returns>
        private static FormMain Initialize()
            GorgonExample.ResourceBaseDirectory   = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.ResourceLocation);
            GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.PlugInLocation);

            FormMain window = GorgonExample.Initialize(new DX.Size2(Settings.Default.Resolution.Width, Settings.Default.Resolution.Height), "Depth");

                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> videoDevices = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters(log: GorgonApplication.Log);

                if (videoDevices.Count == 0)
                    throw new GorgonException(GorgonResult.CannotCreate,
                                              "Gorgon requires at least a Direct3D 11.4 capable video device.\nThere is no suitable device installed on the system.");

                // Find the best video device.
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(videoDevices.OrderByDescending(item => item.FeatureSet).First());

                _screen = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                              new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Gorgon2D Depth Buffer Example")
                    Width  = Settings.Default.Resolution.Width,
                    Height = Settings.Default.Resolution.Height,
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm

                _depthBuffer = GorgonDepthStencil2DView.CreateDepthStencil(_graphics, new GorgonTexture2DInfo(_screen.RenderTargetView)
                    Binding = TextureBinding.DepthStencil,
                    Format  = BufferFormat.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt

                // Tell the graphics API that we want to render to the "screen" swap chain.
                _graphics.SetRenderTarget(_screen.RenderTargetView, _depthBuffer);

                // Initialize the renderer so that we are able to draw stuff.
                _renderer = new Gorgon2D(_graphics);


                // Load our packed file system plug in.
                _assemblyCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);
                _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.FileSystem.GorPack.dll");
                IGorgonPlugInService plugIns = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblyCache);

                // Load the file system containing our application data (sprites, images, etc...)
                IGorgonFileSystemProviderFactory providerFactory = new GorgonFileSystemProviderFactory(plugIns, GorgonApplication.Log);
                IGorgonFileSystemProvider        provider        = providerFactory.CreateProvider("Gorgon.IO.GorPack.GorPackProvider");
                IGorgonFileSystem fileSystem = new GorgonFileSystem(provider, GorgonApplication.Log);

                // We can load the editor file system directly.
                // This is handy for switching a production environment where your data may be stored
                // as a compressed file, and a development environment where your data consists of loose
                // files.
                // fileSystem.Mount(@"D:\unpak\scratch\DeepAsAPuddle.gorPack\fs\");

                // For now though, we'll load the packed file.
                fileSystem.Mount(Path.Combine(GorgonExample.GetResourcePath(@"FileSystems").FullName, "Depth.gorPack"));

                // Get our sprites.  These make up the frames of animation for our Guy.
                // If and when there's an animation editor, we'll only need to create a single sprite and load the animation.
                IGorgonVirtualFile[] spriteFiles = fileSystem.FindFiles("/Sprites/", "*", true).ToArray();

                // Load our sprite data (any associated textures will be loaded as well).
                Dictionary <string, GorgonSprite> sprites = new Dictionary <string, GorgonSprite>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                for (int i = 0; i < spriteFiles.Length; i++)
                    IGorgonVirtualFile file = spriteFiles[i];
                    (GorgonSprite sprite, GorgonTexture2D texture) = fileSystem.LoadSprite(_renderer, file.FullPath);

                    // The LoadSprite extension method will automatically find and load your associated texture if you're using
                    // a Gorgon editor file system. So it's important that you leep track of your textures, disposing of just
                    // the associated GorgonTexture2DView won't cut it here, so you'll need to dispose the actual texture resource
                    // when you're done with it.
                    if (!_textures.Contains(texture))

                    // At super duper resolution, the example graphics would be really hard to see, so we'll scale them up.
                    sprite.Scale       = new DX.Vector2((_screen.Width / (_screen.Height / 2)) * 2.0f);
                    sprites[file.Name] = sprite;

                _snowTile       = sprites["Snow"];
                _snowTile.Depth = 0.5f;

                _icicle       = sprites["Icicle"];
                _icicle.Depth = 0.2f;

                _guySprite       = sprites["Guy_Up_0"];
                _guySprite.Depth = 0.1f;
                _guyPosition     = new DX.Vector2(_screen.Width / 2 + _guySprite.ScaledSize.Width * 1.25f, _screen.Height / 2 + _guySprite.ScaledSize.Height);


Пример #11
        /// <summary>Function to load all the specified plug in assemblies.</summary>
        /// <param name="pluginCache">The plugin cache that will hold the plug in assembies.</param>
        /// <param name="pluginAssemblyFiles">The list of plug in assembly paths to load.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The application logging interface.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="PlugInAssemblyState"/> objects for each plug in assembly loaded.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the <paramref name="pluginAssemblyFiles" /> parameter is <b>null</b></exception>
        public static IReadOnlyList <PlugInAssemblyState> ValidateAndLoadAssemblies(this GorgonMefPlugInCache pluginCache, IEnumerable <FileInfo> pluginAssemblyFiles, IGorgonLog log)
            if (pluginAssemblyFiles == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pluginAssemblyFiles));

            var records = new List <PlugInAssemblyState>();

            // We use this to determine whether the plug in can be loaded into the current platform.
            AssemblyPlatformType currentPlatform = IntPtr.Size == 8 ? AssemblyPlatformType.x64 : AssemblyPlatformType.x86;

            foreach (FileInfo file in pluginAssemblyFiles)
                // If we've already got the assembly loaded into this cache, then there's no need to try and load it.
                if (pluginCache.PlugInAssemblies?.Any(item => string.Equals(item, file.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? false)

                if (!file.Exists)
                    log.Print($"[ERROR] Plug in '{file.FullName}' was not found.", LoggingLevel.Verbose);
                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, Resources.GOREDIT_PLUGIN_LOAD_FAIL_NOT_FOUND, false));

                (bool isManaged, AssemblyPlatformType platformType) = GorgonMefPlugInCache.IsManagedAssembly(file.FullName);

                if ((!isManaged) || (platformType == AssemblyPlatformType.Unknown))
                    log.Print($"[WARNING] Skipping '{file.FullName}'. Not a valid .NET assembly.", LoggingLevel.Verbose);
                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, string.Format(Resources.GOREDIT_PLUGIN_LOAD_FAIL_NOT_DOT_NET, file.Name), false));

                // Ensure that our platform type matches (AnyCPU is exempt and will always run, and DLLs don't allow Prefer 32 bit).
                if ((currentPlatform == AssemblyPlatformType.x86) && (platformType == AssemblyPlatformType.x64))
                    log.Print($"[ERROR] Cannot load assembly '{file.FullName}', currently executing in an x86 environment, but the assembly is x64.", LoggingLevel.Simple);
                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, string.Format(Resources.GOREDIT_PLUGIN_LOAD_FAIL_PLATFORM_MISMATCH, file.Name, platformType, currentPlatform), true));

                if ((currentPlatform == AssemblyPlatformType.x64) && (platformType == AssemblyPlatformType.x86))
                    log.Print($"[ERROR] Cannot load assembly '{file.FullName}', currently executing in an x64 environment, but the assembly is x86.", LoggingLevel.Simple);
                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, string.Format(Resources.GOREDIT_PLUGIN_LOAD_FAIL_PLATFORM_MISMATCH, file.Name, platformType, currentPlatform), true));

                    log.Print($"Loading plug in assembly '{file.FullName}'...", LoggingLevel.Simple);
                    pluginCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(file.DirectoryName, file.Name);

                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, string.Empty, true));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Print($"ERROR: Cannot load plug in assembly '{file.FullName}'.", LoggingLevel.Simple);
                    records.Add(new PlugInAssemblyState(file.FullName, string.Format(Resources.GOREDIT_PLUGIN_LOAD_FAIL_EXCEPTION, file.Name, ex.Message), true));

Пример #12
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            _log = new GorgonLog("Example 004", "Tape_Worm", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version);

            // Set up the assembly cache.
            // We'll need the assemblies loaded into this object in order to load our plugin types.
            var pluginCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(_log);

            // Create our plugin service.
            // This takes the cache of assemblies we just created.
            IGorgonPlugInService pluginService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(pluginCache);

                Console.Title           = "Gorgon Example #4 - PlugIns.";
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                Console.WriteLine("This is an example to show how to create and use custom plugins.");
                Console.WriteLine("The plugin interface in Gorgon is quite flexible and gives the developer");
                Console.WriteLine("the ability to allow extensions to their own applications.\n");


                pluginCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]).FormatDirectory(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), "Example004.*PlugIn.dll");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} plugin assemblies found.", pluginCache.PlugInAssemblies.Count);

                if (pluginCache.PlugInAssemblies.Count == 0)

                // Our text writer plugin interfaces.
                IList <TextColorWriter> writers = new List <TextColorWriter>();

                // Create our plugin instances, we'll limit to 9 entries just for giggles.
                TextColorPlugIn[] plugins = (from pluginName in pluginService.GetPlugInNames()
                                             let plugin = pluginService.GetPlugIn <TextColorPlugIn>(pluginName)
                                                          where plugin != null
                                                          select plugin).ToArray();

                // Display a list of the available plugins.
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0} Plug-ins loaded:\n", plugins.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < plugins.Length; i++)
                    // Here's where we make use of our description.
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} ({2})", i + 1, plugins[i].Description, plugins[i].GetType().FullName);

                    // Create the text writer interface and add it to the list.

                Console.Write("0. Quit\n\nSelect a plugin:  ");

                // Loop until we quit.
                while (true)
                    if (!Console.KeyAvailable)


                    // Remember our cursor coordinates.
                    int cursorX = Console.CursorLeft; // Cursor position.
                    int cursorY = Console.CursorTop;

                    ConsoleKeyInfo keyValue = Console.ReadKey(false);

                    if (char.IsNumber(keyValue.KeyChar))
                        if (keyValue.KeyChar == '0')

                        // Move to the next line and clear the previous line of text.
                        Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.BufferWidth - 1));
                        Console.CursorLeft = 0;

                        // Call our text color writer to print the text in the plugin color.
                        int writerIndex = keyValue.KeyChar - '0';
                        writers[writerIndex - 1].WriteString($"You pressed #{writerIndex}.");

                    Console.CursorTop  = cursorY;
                    Console.CursorLeft = cursorX;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ex.Catch(_ =>
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception:\n{0}\n\nStack Trace:{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                // Always call dispose so we can unload our temporary application domain.
