Пример #1
        private static void Main()

                // Now begin running the application idle loop.
                GorgonApplication.Run(Initialize(), Idle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Always clean up when you're done.
                // Since Gorgon uses Direct 3D 11.1, which allocate objects that use native memory and COM objects, we must be careful to dispose of any objects that implement
                // IDisposable. Failure to do so can lead to warnings from the Direct 3D runtime when running in DEBUG mode.

Пример #2
        /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load" /> event.</summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data. </param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            _gifAnim = new GifAnimator(SynchronizationContext.Current);
            _gallery = new ImageGallery(Font, DeviceDpi, _gifAnim);

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // Load our image data.

                // Begin our animation.
                _gifAnim.Animate(() =>
                    using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = CreateGraphics())
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to handle idle time for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> to continue processing, <b>false</b> to stop.</returns>
        private static bool Idle()
            // Rotate our pyramid.
            _angle += 45.0f * GorgonTiming.Delta;

            if (_angle > 360.0f)
                _angle -= 360.0f;

            // This will allow us to animate the center point of our pyramid.
            _heightOffset = _angle.ToRadians().FastSin().Abs();

            // Send the animated variables to their respective shaders.

            // Clear our render target.



            // Send the contents of the swap chain buffers to the screen.

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to load in the gaming device driver plug ins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of gaming device driver plug ins.</returns>
        private static IReadOnlyList <IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver> GetGamingDeviceDrivers()
            GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.InputPlugInPath);

            // Access our plugin cache.
            _pluginCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);

            // Get the files from the plugin directory.
            // The plugin directory can be changed in the configuration file
            // to point at wherever you'd like.  If a {0} place holder is
            // in the path, it will be replaced with whatever the build
            // configuration is set to (i.e. DEBUG or RELEASE).
            _pluginCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.*.dll");

            if (_pluginCache.PlugInAssemblies.Count == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver>());

            // Create our plugin service.
            IGorgonPlugInService pluginService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_pluginCache);

            // Create our input service factory.
            var factory = new GorgonGamingDeviceDriverFactory(pluginService, GorgonApplication.Log);

            // Retrieve the list of driver plug ins from the input service factory.
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function called during idle time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> to continue execution, <b>false</b> to stop.</returns>
        private bool Idle()

            var windowSize = new DX.Size2F(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
            var imageSize  = new DX.Size2F(_texture.Width, _texture.Height);

            // Calculate the scale between the images.
            var scale = new DX.Size2F(windowSize.Width / imageSize.Width, windowSize.Height / imageSize.Height);

            // Only scale on a single axis if we don't have a 1:1 aspect ratio.
            if (scale.Height > scale.Width)
                scale.Height = scale.Width;
                scale.Width = scale.Height;

            // Scale the image.
            var size = new DX.Size2((int)(scale.Width * imageSize.Width), (int)(scale.Height * imageSize.Height));

            // Find the position.
            var bounds = new DX.Rectangle((int)((windowSize.Width / 2) - (size.Width / 2)), (int)((windowSize.Height / 2) - (size.Height / 2)), size.Width, size.Height);

            _graphics.DrawTexture(_texture, bounds);



Пример #6
        private static void Main()


                GorgonApplication.Run(_mainForm, Idle);
            catch (Exception ex)

                // Always clean up when you're done.
                // Since Gorgon uses Direct 3D 11.4, we must be careful to dispose of any objects that implement IDisposable.
                // Failure to do so can lead to warnings from the Direct 3D runtime when running in DEBUG mode.
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to handle idle time for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> to continue processing, <b>false</b> to stop.</returns>
        private static bool Idle()
            // Animate the ball.

            // Clear to our gray color and clear out the depth buffer.
            _swap.RenderTargetView.Clear(Color.FromArgb(173, 173, 173));
            //_depthBuffer.Clear(0.0f, 0);
            _depthBuffer.Clear(0.0f, 0);

            // Render the back and floor planes.
            // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
            for (int i = 0; i < _planes.Length; ++i)

            // Render the ball.
            _sphere.Material.Diffuse = GorgonColor.White;

            // Remember the position and rotation so we can restore them later.
            DX.Vector3 spherePosition = _sphere.Position;
            DX.Vector3 sphereRotation = _sphere.Rotation;

            // Offset the position of the ball so we can fake a shadow under the ball.
            _sphere.Position = new DX.Vector3(spherePosition.X + 0.25f, spherePosition.Y - 0.125f, spherePosition.Z + 0.5f);
            // Scale on the z-axis so the ball "shadow" has no real depth, and on the x & y to make it look slightly bigger.
            _sphere.Scale = new DX.Vector3(1.155f, 1.155f, 0.001f);
            // Reset the rotation so we don't rotate our flattened ball "shadow" (it'd look real weird if it rotated).
            _sphere.Rotation = DX.Vector3.Zero;
            // Render as black with alpha of 0.5 to simulate a shadow.
            _sphere.Material.Diffuse = new GorgonColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);

            // Render the shadow.

            // Restore our original positioning so we can render the ball in the correct place on the next frame.
            _sphere.Position = spherePosition;
            // Reset scale on the z-axis so the ball so it'll be normal for the next frame.
            _sphere.Scale = DX.Vector3.One;
            // Reset the rotation so it'll be in the correct place on the next frame.
            _sphere.Rotation = sphereRotation;

            // Draw our text.
            // Use this to show how incredibly slow and terrible my 3D code is.

            // Now we flip our buffers.
            // We need to this or we won't see anything.

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.FormClosing" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)


Пример #9
        static void Main()

                GorgonApplication.Run(new MainForm());
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to handle idle time for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> to continue processing, <b>false</b> to stop.</returns>
        private static bool Idle()
            // This will clear the swap chain to the specified color.

            // Draw our triangle.


            // Now we flip our buffers on the swap chain.
            // We need to this or we won't see anything at all except the standard window background color. Clearly, we don't want that.
            // This method will take the current frame back buffer and flip it to the front buffer (the window). If we had more than one swap chain tied to multiple
            // windows, then we'd need to do this for every swap chain.

Пример #11
        private static void Main()

                GorgonApplication.Run(_mainForm, Idle);
            catch (Exception ex)


                // Always call dispose so we can free the native memory allocated for the backing graphics API.

                if (_planes != null)
                    foreach (Plane plane in _planes)

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to initialize the GPU resource objects.
        /// </summary>
        private static void InitializeGpuResources()
            _graphics = CreateGraphicsInterface();

            // If we couldn't create the graphics interface, then leave.
            if (_graphics == null)

            // Create a 1280x800 window with a depth buffer.
            // We can modify the resolution in the config file for the application, but like other Gorgon examples, the default is 1280x800.
            _swap = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                        new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Main")
                // Set up for 32 bit RGBA normalized display.
                Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm,
                Width  = Settings.Default.Resolution.Width,
                Height = Settings.Default.Resolution.Height

            // Build the depth buffer for our swap chain.
            BuildDepthBuffer(_swap.Width, _swap.Height);

            if (!Settings.Default.IsWindowed)
                // Get the output for the main window.
                var currentScreen             = Screen.FromControl(_mainForm);
                IGorgonVideoOutputInfo output = _graphics.VideoAdapter.Outputs[currentScreen.DeviceName];

                // If we've asked for full screen mode, then locate the correct video mode and set us up.
                _selectedVideoMode = new GorgonVideoMode(Settings.Default.Resolution.Width, Settings.Default.Resolution.Height, BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);
                _swap.EnterFullScreen(in _selectedVideoMode, output);

            // Handle resizing because the projection matrix and depth buffer needs to be updated to reflect the new view size.
            _swap.BeforeSwapChainResized += Swap_BeforeResized;
            _swap.AfterSwapChainResized  += Swap_AfterResized;

            // Set the current render target output so we can see something.
            _graphics.SetRenderTarget(_swap.RenderTargetView, _depthBuffer);

            // Create our shaders.
            // Our vertex shader.  This is a simple shader, it just processes a vertex by multiplying it against
            // the world/view/projection matrix and spits it back out.
            _vertexShader = GorgonShaderFactory.Compile <GorgonVertexShader>(_graphics, Resources.Shader, "BoingerVS");

            // Our main pixel shader.  This is a very simple shader, it just reads a texture and spits it back out.  Has no
            // diffuse capability.
            _pixelShader = GorgonShaderFactory.Compile <GorgonPixelShader>(_graphics, Resources.Shader, "BoingerPS");

            // Create the vertex input layout.
            // We need to create a layout for our vertex type because the shader won't know how to interpret the data we're sending it otherwise.
            // This is why we need a vertex shader before we even create the layout.
            _inputLayout = GorgonInputLayout.CreateUsingType <BoingerVertex>(_graphics, _vertexShader);

            // Resources are stored as System.Drawing.Bitmap files, so we need to convert into an IGorgonImage so we can upload it to a texture.
            // We also will generate mip-map levels for this image so that scaling the texture will look better.
            using (IGorgonImage image = Resources.Texture.ToGorgonImage())
                _texture = image.ToTexture2D(_graphics,
                                             new GorgonTexture2DLoadOptions
                    Usage = ResourceUsage.Immutable,
                    Name  = "Texture"

            // Create our constant buffer.
            // Our constant buffers are how we send data to our shaders.  This one in particular will be responsible for sending our world/view/projection matrix
            // to the vertex shader.
            _wvpBuffer = GorgonConstantBufferView.CreateConstantBuffer(_graphics,
                                                                       new GorgonConstantBufferInfo("WVPBuffer")
                Usage       = ResourceUsage.Dynamic,
                SizeInBytes = DX.Matrix.SizeInBytes
            // This one will hold our material information.
            _materialBuffer = GorgonConstantBufferView.CreateConstantBuffer(_graphics,
                                                                            new GorgonConstantBufferInfo("MaterialBuffer")
                Usage       = ResourceUsage.Dynamic,
                SizeInBytes = Unsafe.SizeOf <GorgonColor>()
            GorgonColor defaultMaterialColor = GorgonColor.White;

            _materialBuffer.Buffer.SetData(ref defaultMaterialColor);

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Function used to initialize the application.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Initialize()
            GorgonExample.ResourceBaseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.ResourceLocation);

            // Build the form so we can actually show something.
            _mainForm = GorgonExample.Initialize(new DX.Size2(1280, 800), "Geometry Shaders");

                // Now we create and enumerate the list of video devices installed in the computer.
                // We must do this in order to tell Gorgon which video device we intend to use. Note that this method may be quite slow (particularly when running DEBUG versions of
                // Direct 3D). To counter this, this object and its Enumerate method are thread safe so this can be run in the background while keeping the main UI responsive.
                // If no suitable device was found (no Direct 3D 11.4 support) in the computer, this method will return an empty list. However, if it succeeds, then the devices list
                // will be populated with an IGorgonVideoDeviceInfo for each suitable video device in the system.
                // Using this method, we could also enumerate the WARP software rasterizer, and/of the D3D Reference device (only if the DEBUG functionality provided by the Windows
                // SDK is installed). These devices are typically used to determine if there's a driver error, and can be terribly slow to render (reference moreso than WARP). It is
                // recommended that these only be used in diagnostic scenarios only.
                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> devices = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters(log: GorgonApplication.Log);

                if (devices.Count == 0)
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(_mainForm, "This example requires a video adapter that supports Direct3D 11.4 or better.");

                // Now we create the main graphics interface with the first applicable video device.
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(devices[0], log: GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Check to ensure that we can support the format required for our swap chain.
                // If a video device can't support this format, then the odds are good it won't render anything. Since we're asking for a very common display format, this will
                // succeed nearly 100% of the time. Regardless, it's good form to the check for a working display format prior to setting up the swap chain.
                // This is also used to determine if a format can be used for other objects (e.g. a texture, render target, etc...) And like the swap chain format, it is also best
                // practice to check if the object you're creating supports the desired format.
                if (!_graphics.FormatSupport[BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm].IsDisplayFormat)
                    // We should never see this unless you've got some very esoteric hardware.
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(_mainForm, "We should not see this error.");

                // Finally, create a swap chain to display our output.
                // In this case we're setting up our swap chain to bind with our main window, and we use its client size to determine the width/height of the swap chain back buffers.
                // This width/height does not need to be the same size as the window, but, except for some scenarios, that would produce undesirable image quality.
                _swap = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                            new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Main Swap Chain")
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, Width = _mainForm.ClientSize.Width, Height = _mainForm.ClientSize.Height

                // Assign events so we can update our projection with our window size.
                _swap.BeforeSwapChainResized += Swap_BeforeSwapChainResized;
                _swap.AfterSwapChainResized  += Swap_AfterSwapChainResized;

                // We'll need a depth buffer for this example, or else our pyramid will look weird when rotating as back faces will appear through front faces.
                // So, first we should check for support of a proper depth/stencil format.  That said, if we don't have this format, then we're likely not running hardware from the last decade or more.
                if (!_graphics.FormatSupport[BufferFormat.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt].IsDepthBufferFormat)
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(_mainForm, "A 24 bit depth buffer is required for this example.");

                _depthStencil = GorgonDepthStencil2DView.CreateDepthStencil(_graphics,
                                                                            new GorgonTexture2DInfo
                    Format  = BufferFormat.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt,
                    Binding = TextureBinding.DepthStencil,
                    Usage   = ResourceUsage.Default,
                    Width   = _swap.Width,
                    Height  = _swap.Height

                // Load the shaders from a file on disc.

                // Load the texture.
                _texture = GorgonTexture2DView.FromFile(_graphics,
                                                        Path.Combine(GorgonExample.GetResourcePath(@"Textures\GeometryShader\").FullName, "GSTexture.png"),
                                                        new GorgonCodecPng());

                // Create our builders so we can compose a draw call and pipeline state.
                _drawCallBuilder  = new GorgonDrawCallBuilder();
                _pipeStateBuilder = new GorgonPipelineStateBuilder(_graphics);

                // Create a constant buffer so we can adjust the positioning of the data.
                DX.Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH((65.0f).ToRadians(), (float)_swap.Width / _swap.Height, 0.125f, 1000.0f, out _projection);
                _vsConstants = GorgonConstantBufferView.CreateConstantBuffer(_graphics,
                                                                             new GorgonConstantBufferInfo("WorldProjection CBuffer")
                    SizeInBytes = (DX.Matrix.SizeInBytes * 2) + DX.Vector4.SizeInBytes
                _vsConstants.Buffer.SetData(ref _projection, copyMode: CopyMode.Discard);
                _vsConstants.Buffer.SetData(ref _worldMatrix, 64, CopyMode.NoOverwrite);

                // Create a draw call so we actually have something we can draw.
                _drawCall = _drawCallBuilder.VertexRange(0, 3)
                            .ShaderResource(ShaderType.Pixel, _texture)
                            .ConstantBuffer(ShaderType.Vertex, _vsConstants)
                            .ConstantBuffer(ShaderType.Geometry, _vsConstants)
                // Finally set our swap chain as the active rendering target and the depth/stencil buffer.
                _graphics.SetRenderTarget(_swap.RenderTargetView, _depthStencil);

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to initialize the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The application window.</returns>
        private static FormMain Initialize()
            GorgonExample.ResourceBaseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.ResourceLocation);

            // Create our form and center on the primary monitor.
            FormMain window = GorgonExample.Initialize(new DX.Size2(1280, 800), "Gorgon MiniTri - Now with 100% more textures.");

                // First we create and enumerate the list of video devices installed in the computer.
                // We must do this in order to tell Gorgon which video device we intend to use. Note that this method may be quite slow (particularly when running DEBUG versions of
                // Direct 3D). To counter this, this object and its Enumerate method are thread safe so this can be run in the background while keeping the main UI responsive.
                // Find out which devices we have installed in the system.

                // If no suitable device was found (no Direct 3D 12.0 support) in the computer, this method will throw an exception. However, if it succeeds, then the devices object
                // will be populated with the IGorgonVideoDeviceInfo for each video device in the system.
                // Using this method, we could also enumerate the software rasterizer. These devices are typically used to determine if there's a driver error, and can be terribly slow to render
                // It is recommended that these only be used in diagnostic scenarios only.
                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> deviceList = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters();

                if (deviceList.Count == 0)
                    throw new
                          NotSupportedException("There are no suitable video adapters available in the system. This example is unable to continue and will now exit.");

                // Now we create the main graphics interface with the first applicable video device.
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(deviceList[0]);

                // Check to ensure that we can support the format required for our swap chain.
                // If a video device can't support this format, then the odds are good it won't render anything. Since we're asking for a very common display format, this will
                // succeed nearly 100% of the time (unless you've somehow gotten an ancient video device to work with Direct 3D 11.1). Regardless, it's good form to the check for a
                // working display format prior to setting up the swap chain.
                // This method is also used to determine if a format can be used for other objects (e.g. a texture, render target, etc...) Like the swap chain format, this is also a
                // best practice to check if the object you're creating supports the desired format.
                if ((_graphics.FormatSupport[BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm].FormatSupport & BufferFormatSupport.Display) != BufferFormatSupport.Display)
                    // We should never see this unless you've performed some form of black magic.
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(window, "We should not see this error.");

                // Finally, create a swap chain to display our output.
                // In this case we're setting up our swap chain to bind with our main window, and we use its client size to determine the width/height of the swap chain back buffers.
                // This width/height does not need to be the same size as the window, but, except for some scenarios, that would produce undesirable image quality.
                _swap = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                            new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Main Swap Chain")
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, Width = window.ClientSize.Width, Height = window.ClientSize.Height
                    DoNotAutoResizeBackBuffer = true

                // Create the shaders used to render the triangle.
                // These shaders provide transformation and coloring for the output pixel data.

                // Set up our input layout.
                // We'll be using this to describe to Direct 3D how the elements of a vertex is laid out in memory.
                // In order to provide synchronization between the layout on the CPU side and the GPU side, we have to pass the vertex shader because it will contain the vertex
                // layout to match with our C# input layout.
                _inputLayout = GorgonInputLayout.CreateUsingType <MiniTriVertex>(_graphics, _vertexShader);

                // Load our texture so that we can apply it to our triangle.
                // We load this first so we can use some functionality present on the texture to calculate the texture space coordinates required to render with the texture.
                _texture = GorgonTexture2DView.FromFile(_graphics,
                                                        Path.Combine(GorgonExample.GetResourcePath(@"Textures\MiniTri\").FullName, "Gorgon.MiniTri.png"),
                                                        new GorgonCodecPng());

                // Set up the triangle vertices.

                // Set up the constant buffer.
                // This is used (but could be used for more) to transform the vertex data from 3D space into 2D space.

                // This defines where to send the pixel data when rendering. For now, this goes to our swap chain.

                // Create our draw call.
                // This will pass all the necessary information to the GPU to render the triangle
                // Since draw calls are immutable objects, we use builders to create them (and any pipeline state). Once a draw
                // call is built, it cannot be changed (except for the vertex, and if applicable, index, and instance ranges).
                // Builders work on a fluent interface.  Much like LINQ and can be used to create multiple draw calls from the same
                // builder.
                var drawCallBuilder      = new GorgonDrawCallBuilder();
                var pipelineStateBuilder = new GorgonPipelineStateBuilder(_graphics);

                _drawCall = drawCallBuilder.VertexBuffer(_inputLayout, _vertexBuffer)
                            .VertexRange(0, 3)
                            .ConstantBuffer(ShaderType.Vertex, _constantBuffer)
                            .ShaderResource(ShaderType.Pixel, _texture)


Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load"></see> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                GorgonExample.PlugInLocationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.PlugInLocation);

                // Load the assembly.
                _assemblyCache = new GorgonMefPlugInCache(GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Create the plugin service.
                IGorgonPlugInService plugInService = new GorgonMefPlugInService(_assemblyCache);

                // Create the factory to retrieve gaming device drivers.
                var factory = new GorgonGamingDeviceDriverFactory(plugInService);

                // Create the raw input interface.
                _input = new GorgonRawInput(this, GorgonApplication.Log);

                // Get available gaming device driver plug ins.
                _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.DirectInput.dll");
                _assemblyCache.LoadPlugInAssemblies(GorgonExample.GetPlugInPath().FullName, "Gorgon.Input.XInput.dll");

                _drivers = factory.LoadAllDrivers();

                _joystickList = new List <IGorgonGamingDevice>();

                // Get all gaming devices from the drivers.
                foreach (IGorgonGamingDeviceDriver driver in _drivers)
                    IReadOnlyList <IGorgonGamingDeviceInfo> infoList = driver.EnumerateGamingDevices(true);

                    foreach (IGorgonGamingDeviceInfo info in infoList)
                        IGorgonGamingDevice device = driver.CreateGamingDevice(info);

                        // Turn off dead zones for this example.
                        foreach (GorgonGamingDeviceAxis axis in device.Axis)
                            axis.DeadZone = GorgonRange.Empty;


                // Create mouse.
                _mouse = new GorgonRawMouse();

                // Create the graphics interface.
                ClientSize = Settings.Default.Resolution;

                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> adapters = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters();
                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(adapters[0], log: GorgonApplication.Log);
                _screen   = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics, this, new GorgonSwapChainInfo("INeedYourInput Swapchain")
                    Width  = Settings.Default.Resolution.Width,
                    Height = Settings.Default.Resolution.Height,
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm

                if (!Settings.Default.IsWindowed)

                // For the backup image. Used to make it as large as the monitor that we're on.
                var currentScreen = Screen.FromHandle(Handle);

                // Relocate the window to the center of the screen.
                Location = new Point(currentScreen.Bounds.Left + (currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) - (ClientSize.Width / 2),
                                     currentScreen.Bounds.Top + (currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height / 2) - (ClientSize.Height / 2));

                // Create the 2D renderer.
                _2D = new Gorgon2D(_graphics);

                // Create the text font.
                var fontFactory = new GorgonFontFactory(_graphics);
                _font = fontFactory.GetFont(new GorgonFontInfo("Arial", 9.0f, FontHeightMode.Points, "Arial 9pt")
                    FontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold,
                    AntiAliasingMode = FontAntiAliasMode.AntiAlias

                // Create text sprite.
                _messageSprite = new GorgonTextSprite(_font, "Using mouse and keyboard (Windows Forms).")
                    Color = Color.Black

                // Create a back buffer.
                _backBuffer = GorgonRenderTarget2DView.CreateRenderTarget(_graphics, new GorgonTexture2DInfo("Backbuffer storage")
                    Width  = _screen.Width,
                    Height = _screen.Height,
                    Format = _screen.Format
                _backBufferView = _backBuffer.GetShaderResourceView();

                // Clear our backup image to white to match our primary screen.
                using (IGorgonImage image = new GorgonImage(new GorgonImageInfo(ImageType.Image2D, _screen.Format)
                    Width = _screen.Width,
                    Height = _screen.Height,
                    Format = _screen.Format
                    _backupImage = image.ToTexture2D(_graphics,
                                                     new GorgonTexture2DLoadOptions
                        Binding = TextureBinding.None,
                        Usage   = ResourceUsage.Staging

                // Set gorgon events.
                _screen.BeforeSwapChainResized += BeforeSwapChainResized;
                _screen.AfterSwapChainResized  += AfterSwapChainResized;

                // Enable the mouse.
                Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
                _mouse.MouseButtonDown += MouseInput;
                _mouse.MouseMove       += MouseInput;
                _mouse.MouseWheelMove  += (sender, args) =>
                    _radius += args.WheelDelta.Sign();

                    if (_radius < 2.0f)
                        _radius = 2.0f;
                    if (_radius > 10.0f)
                        _radius = 10.0f;

                // Set the mouse position.
                _mouse.Position = new Point(ClientSize.Width / 2, ClientSize.Height / 2);

                _noBlending = _blendBuilder.BlendState(GorgonBlendState.NoBlending)
                _inverted = _blendBuilder.BlendState(GorgonBlendState.Inverted)

                // Set up blending states for our pen.
                var blendStateBuilder = new GorgonBlendStateBuilder();
                _currentBlend = _drawModulatedBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                                               .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                _drawAdditiveBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                              .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                _drawNoBlend = _blendBuilder.BlendState(blendStateBuilder
                                                        .DestinationBlend(alpha: Blend.One)

                GorgonApplication.IdleMethod = Gorgon_Idle;
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException refEx)
                string refErr = string.Join("\n", refEx.LoaderExceptions.Select(item => item.Message));
                GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(this, refErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to initialize the application.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Initialize()
                // Create our form.
                _mainForm = GorgonExample.Initialize(new DX.Size2(Settings.Default.Resolution.Width, Settings.Default.Resolution.Height), "Boinger");

                // Add a keybinding to switch to full screen or windowed.
                _mainForm.KeyDown += _mainForm_KeyDown;

                // Set up the swap chain, buffers, and texture(s).

                // Create our planes.
                // Here's where we create the 2 planes for our rear wall and floor.  We set the texture size to texel units because that's how the video card expects
                // them.  However, it's a little hard to eyeball 0.67798223f by looking at the texture image display, so we use the ToTexel function to determine our
                // texel size.
                DX.Size2F textureSize = _texture.ToTexel(new DX.Size2(511, 511));

                // And here we set up the planes with a material, and initial positioning.
                _planes = new[]
                    new Plane(_graphics, _inputLayout, new DX.Vector2(3.5f), new DX.RectangleF(0, 0, textureSize.Width, textureSize.Height))
                        Material = new Material
                            Diffuse = GorgonColor.White, Texture = _texture
                        Position = new DX.Vector3(0, 0, 3.0f)
                    new Plane(_graphics, _inputLayout, new DX.Vector2(3.5f), new DX.RectangleF(0, 0, textureSize.Width, textureSize.Height))
                        Material = new Material
                            Diffuse = GorgonColor.White, Texture = _texture
                        Position = new DX.Vector3(0, -3.5f, 3.5f),
                        Rotation = new DX.Vector3(90.0f, 0, 0)

                // Create our sphere.
                // Again, here we're using texels to align the texture coordinates to the other image packed into the texture (atlasing).
                DX.Vector2 textureOffset = _texture.ToTexel(new DX.Vector2(516, 0));
                // This is to scale our texture coordinates because the actual image is much smaller (255x255) than the full texture (1024x512).
                textureSize = _texture.ToTexel(new DX.Size2(255, 255));
                // Give the sphere a place to live.
                _sphere = new Sphere(_graphics, _inputLayout, 1.0f, textureOffset, textureSize)
                    Position = new DX.Vector3(2.2f, 1.5f, 2.5f),
                    Material = new Material
                        Diffuse = GorgonColor.White,
                        Texture = _texture

                // Initialize the states used to draw the objects.

                // Initialize 2D rendering.
                _2D = new Gorgon2D(_graphics);

                // I know, there's a lot in here.  Thing is, if this were Direct 3D 11 code, it'd probably MUCH
                // more code and that's even before creating our planes and sphere.
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                GorgonExample.ResourceBaseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.Default.ResourceLocation);

                // Load the custom codec.
                if (!LoadCodec())
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(this, "Unable to load the image codec plug in.");

                // Set up the graphics interface.
                // Find out which devices we have installed in the system.
                IReadOnlyList <IGorgonVideoAdapterInfo> deviceList = GorgonGraphics.EnumerateAdapters();

                if (deviceList.Count == 0)
                    GorgonDialogs.ErrorBox(this, "There are no suitable video adapters available in the system. This example is unable to continue and will now exit.");

                _graphics = new GorgonGraphics(deviceList[0]);

                _swap = new GorgonSwapChain(_graphics,
                                            new GorgonSwapChainInfo("Codec PlugIn SwapChain")
                    Width  = ClientSize.Width,
                    Height = ClientSize.Height,
                    Format = BufferFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm


                // Load the image to use as a texture.
                IGorgonImageCodec png = new GorgonCodecPng();
                _image = png.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(GorgonExample.GetResourcePath(@"Textures\CodecPlugIn\").FullName, "SourceTexture.png"));



                GorgonApplication.IdleMethod = Idle;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;