Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to blit the texture to the specified render target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">The texture that will be blitted to the render target.</param>
        /// <param name="destRect">The layout area to blit the texture into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceOffset">The offset within the source texture to start blitting from.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color used to tint the diffuse value of the texture.</param>
        /// <param name="clip"><b>true</b> to clip the contents of the texture if the destination is larger/small than the size of the texture.</param>
        /// <param name="blendState">The blending state to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="samplerState">The sampler state to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelShader">The pixel shader used to override the default pixel shader.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelShaderConstants">The pixel shader constant buffers to use.</param>
        public void Blit(GorgonTexture2DView texture,
                         DX.Rectangle destRect,
                         DX.Point sourceOffset,
                         GorgonColor color,
                         bool clip,
                         GorgonBlendState blendState,
                         GorgonSamplerState samplerState,
                         GorgonPixelShader pixelShader,
                         GorgonConstantBuffers pixelShaderConstants)
            if ((_graphics.RenderTargets[0] == null) ||

            if (texture == null)
                texture = _defaultTexture;

            GorgonRenderTargetView currentView = _graphics.RenderTargets[0];

            // We need to update the projection/view if the size of the target changes.
            if ((_targetBounds == null) ||
                (currentView.Width != _targetBounds.Value.Width) ||
                (currentView.Height != _targetBounds.Value.Height))
                _needsWvpUpdate = true;


            // Set to default states if not provided.
            if (blendState == null)
                blendState = GorgonBlendState.NoBlending;

            if (pixelShader == null)
                pixelShader = _pixelShader;

            if (samplerState == null)
                samplerState = GorgonSamplerState.Default;

            if (pixelShaderConstants == null)
                pixelShaderConstants = _emptyPsConstants;

            GetDrawCall(texture, blendState, samplerState, pixelShader, pixelShaderConstants);

            // Calculate position on the texture.
            DX.Vector2 topLeft     = texture.Texture.ToTexel(sourceOffset);
            DX.Vector2 bottomRight = texture.Texture.ToTexel(clip ? new DX.Vector2(destRect.Width, destRect.Height) : new DX.Point(texture.Width, texture.Height));

            if (clip)
                DX.Vector2.Add(ref bottomRight, ref topLeft, out bottomRight);

            // Update the vertices.
            _vertices[0] = new BltVertex
                Position = new DX.Vector4(destRect.X, destRect.Y, 0, 1.0f),
                Uv       = topLeft,
                Color    = color
            _vertices[1] = new BltVertex
                Position = new DX.Vector4(destRect.Right, destRect.Y, 0, 1.0f),
                Uv       = new DX.Vector2(bottomRight.X, topLeft.Y),
                Color    = color
            _vertices[2] = new BltVertex
                Position = new DX.Vector4(destRect.X, destRect.Bottom, 0, 1.0f),
                Uv       = new DX.Vector2(topLeft.X, bottomRight.Y),
                Color    = color
            _vertices[3] = new BltVertex
                Position = new DX.Vector4(destRect.Right, destRect.Bottom, 0, 1.0f),
                Uv       = new DX.Vector2(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y),
                Color    = color

            // Copy to the vertex buffer.
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to return the appropriate draw call based on the states provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="texture">The texture to display.</param>
        /// <param name="blendState">The blending state for the texture.</param>
        /// <param name="samplerState">The sampler state for the texture.</param>
        /// <param name="shader">The pixel shader to use.</param>
        /// <param name="constantBuffers">Constant buffers for the pixel shader, if required.</param>
        private void GetDrawCall(GorgonTexture2DView texture, GorgonBlendState blendState, GorgonSamplerState samplerState, GorgonPixelShader shader, GorgonConstantBuffers constantBuffers)
            if ((_drawCall != null) &&
                (shader == _pixelShader) &&
                (_drawCall.PixelShader.Samplers[0] == samplerState) &&
                (_pipelineState.BlendStates[0] == blendState) &&
                (_drawCall.PixelShader.ShaderResources[0] == texture) &&
                // This draw call hasn't changed, so return the previous one.

            if (_pipelineState.BlendStates[0] != blendState)
                _pipelineState = _pipeStateBuilder


            _drawCall = _drawCallBuilder.ConstantBuffers(ShaderType.Pixel, constantBuffers)
                        .SamplerState(ShaderType.Pixel, samplerState)
                        .ShaderResource(ShaderType.Pixel, texture)