Пример #1
        public void TestUpperLongitudeLimit()
            GoogleTimeZone googleTimeZone = new GoogleTimeZone("AIzaSyCVGJtR2LgD5arGM_61hToUE2iNlb_VBfc");
            DateTime       dt             = DateTime.Now;
            GeoLocation    location       = new GeoLocation() //Fiji Island
                Latitude  = -17.847737,
                Longitude = 177.904347
            GoogleTimeZoneResult result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location);

            Assert.IsTrue(result != null, "Request Succeded with longitude of 180");

            location.Longitude = 179; //Somewhere in the ocean
                result = null;
                result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location);
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.IsTrue(result == null, "Getting no result");

            location.Longitude = 181;  //Out of scope
                result = null;
                result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location);
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.IsTrue(result == null, "Bad Exception errors");
Пример #2
    public static DateTime GetLocalDateTime(string utcDate, double latitude, double longitude)
        DateTime date;
        DateTime.TryParse(utcDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out date);

        if (m_GoogleTimeZone == null)
            m_GoogleTimeZone = GetGoogleTimeZone(latitude, longitude);

        return date.AddSeconds(m_GoogleTimeZone.rawOffset + m_GoogleTimeZone.dstOffset);
        public static GoogleTimeZone GetGoogleInfo(string Location, IConfiguration _config)
            long unixTime = ((DateTimeOffset)DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds();

            string GoogleApiUrl = _config.GetSection("GoogleApiUrl").Value;
            string url          = $"{GoogleApiUrl}location={Location}&timestamp={unixTime}";

            HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
            var        data = http.GetAsync(url).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            GoogleTimeZone result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleTimeZone>(data);

Пример #4
        private Tuple <string, int?> IdentifyTimeZone(Location location)
                var googleTimeZone       = new GoogleTimeZone(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["google.apiKey"]);
                var googleTimeZoneResult = googleTimeZone.ConvertDateTime(DateTime.Now,
                                                                          new GeoLocation()
                    Latitude = location.latitude, Longitude = location.longitude

                return(new Tuple <string, int?>(googleTimeZoneResult.TimeZoneName, (int)(googleTimeZoneResult.RawOffset / 3600)));
                return(new Tuple <string, int?>("", null));
Пример #5
        public void TestGetTimeZoneByAddress()
            GoogleTimeZone googleTimeZone = new GoogleTimeZone("AIzaSyCVGJtR2LgD5arGM_61hToUE2iNlb_VBfc");

            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            string address = "Quebec, Canada";

            GoogleTimeZoneResult result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByAddress(dt, address);

            Assert.IsTrue(result != null);

            Console.WriteLine("DateTime on the server : " + dt);
            Console.WriteLine("Server time in particular to : " + address);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Id : " + result.TimeZoneId);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Name : " + result.TimeZoneName);
            Console.WriteLine("Converted DateTime : " + result.DateTime);
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GoogleTimeZone googleTimeZone = new GoogleTimeZone("AIzaSyCNijWGcrNwwlGAl2zUUsoo_Qb2C1Sx0vk");

            DateTime    dt       = DateTime.Now;
            string      address  = "Quebec, Canada";
            GeoLocation location = new GeoLocation()
                Latitude  = 6.9216318,
                Longitude = 79.8212827
            GeoLocation location2 = new GeoLocation()
                Latitude  = -19.613200,
                Longitude = 133.641453

            GoogleTimeZoneResult result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByAddress(dt, address);

            //Console.WriteLine("DateTime on the server : " + dt);
            //Console.WriteLine("Server time in particular to : " + address);
            //Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Id : " + result.TimeZoneId);
            //Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Name : " + result.TimeZoneName);
            //Console.WriteLine("Converted DateTime : " + result.DateTime);

            //result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location);
            //Console.WriteLine("DateTime on the server : " + dt);
            //Console.WriteLine("Server time in particular to : " + location.Latitude + "," + location.Longitude);
            //Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Id : " + result.TimeZoneId);
            //Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Name : " + result.TimeZoneName);
            //Console.WriteLine("Converted DateTime : " + result.DateTime);

            result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location2);
            Console.WriteLine("DateTime on the server : " + dt);
            Console.WriteLine("Server time in particular to : " + location2.Latitude + "," + location2.Longitude);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Id : " + result.TimeZoneId);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Name : " + result.TimeZoneName);
            Console.WriteLine("Converted DateTime : " + result.DateTime);

Пример #7
        public void TestGetTimeZoneByLocation()
            GoogleTimeZone googleTimeZone = new GoogleTimeZone("AIzaSyCVGJtR2LgD5arGM_61hToUE2iNlb_VBfc");

            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            GeoLocation location = new GeoLocation();

            location.Latitude  = 6.9216318;
            location.Longitude = 79.8212827;

            GoogleTimeZoneResult result = googleTimeZone.GetTimeZoneByLocation(dt, location);

            Assert.IsTrue(result != null);
            Console.WriteLine("DateTime on the server : " + dt);
            Console.WriteLine("Server time in particular to : " + location.Latitude + "," + location.Longitude);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Id : " + result.TimeZoneId);
            Console.WriteLine("TimeZone Name : " + result.TimeZoneName);
            Console.WriteLine("Converted DateTime : " + result.DateTime);
Пример #8
        public string Get([FromRoute] string ZipCode)
            string CITY_NAME   = "";
            string TEMPERATURE = "";
            string TIMEZONE    = "";
            string Message     = "";

            string location = "";

                    OpenWeatherMap OpenWeatherInfo = Common.CommonMethods.GetOpenWeatherInfo(ZipCode, _config);

                    if (OpenWeatherInfo != null)
                        CITY_NAME   = OpenWeatherInfo.name;
                        TEMPERATURE = OpenWeatherInfo.main.temp;
                        location    = $"{OpenWeatherInfo.coord.lat}, {OpenWeatherInfo.coord.lon}";

                        GoogleTimeZone GoogleInfo = Common.CommonMethods.GetGoogleInfo(location, _config);

                        if (GoogleInfo != null)
                            TIMEZONE = $"{GoogleInfo.timeZoneId} ({GoogleInfo.timeZoneName})";
                            TIMEZONE = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;
                        CITY_NAME   = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;
                        TEMPERATURE = Resources.MessagesRes.NotDefined;
                        TIMEZONE    = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;

                    Message = $"At the location {CITY_NAME}, \n the temperature is {TEMPERATURE}, \n and the timezone is {TIMEZONE}";
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    //Logging
                //    {
                //        CITY_NAME = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;
                //        TEMPERATURE = Resources.MessagesRes.NotDefined;
                //        TIMEZONE = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;
                //    }

                //    Message = $"At the location {CITY_NAME}, \n the temperature is {TEMPERATURE}, \n and the timezone is {TIMEZONE}";

                        CITY_NAME   = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;
                        TEMPERATURE = Resources.MessagesRes.NotDefined;
                        TIMEZONE    = Resources.MessagesRes.Unknown;

                    Message = $"At the location {CITY_NAME}, \n the temperature is {TEMPERATURE}, \n and the timezone is {TIMEZONE}";

Пример #9
 private static DateTime GetLocalDateTime(GoogleTimeZone timezone, DateTime utcDate)
     return(utcDate.AddSeconds(timezone.RawOffset + timezone.DstOffset));
Пример #10
        public ActionResult FlightValidation(string AirlineName, string FlightNumber, string DepartureName, string ArrivalName, string DepartureTime, string ArrivalTime, string Stops, string TripTypeName, string PassengerName, string PassengerLastName, string PassengerEmail)
            var            flightService = new ConnxysWCFRestService();
            var            fsm           = new FlightStatusMessages();
            string         jsonData;
            GoogleTimeZone timezone = new GoogleTimeZone();

            fsm.isValid  = false;
            fsm.messages = new Message();

            _airlinesRepository = new AirlinesRepository();
            _tagsRepository     = new TagsRepository();
            _airportsRepository = new AirportsRepository();

            if (!AirlineName.Equals("") && !FlightNumber.Equals("") && !DepartureName.Equals("") && !ArrivalName.Equals("") &&
                !DepartureTime.Equals("") && !ArrivalTime.Equals("") && !Stops.Equals("") && !TripTypeName.Equals(""))
                #region Complete Info
                var model = new BasicItineraryModel
                    AirlineName       = AirlineName,
                    FlightNumber      = Convert.ToInt32(FlightNumber),
                    DepartureName     = DepartureName,
                    ArrivalName       = ArrivalName,
                    DepartureTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(DepartureTime),
                    ArrivalTime       = Convert.ToDateTime(ArrivalTime),
                    Stops             = Convert.ToInt32(Stops),
                    TripTypeName      = TripTypeName,
                    PassengerName     = PassengerName,
                    PassengerLastName = PassengerLastName,
                    PassengerEmail    = PassengerEmail

                //Get Airport Information: Departure and Arrival airports
                Airports DepartureAirport = new Airports();
                DepartureAirport = _airportsRepository.GetAirportbyName(DepartureName);
                Airports ArrivalAirport = new Airports();
                ArrivalAirport = _airportsRepository.GetAirportbyName(ArrivalName);

                //Get UTC of Departure Airport
                Double UTCDepartureAir = timezone.GetLocalDateTime(DepartureAirport.Latitude, DepartureAirport.Longitude, DateTime.UtcNow);

                //Get UTC of Arrival Airport
                Double UTCArrivalAir = timezone.GetLocalDateTime(ArrivalAirport.Latitude, ArrivalAirport.Longitude, DateTime.UtcNow);

                //Get the difference between UTC and local time to Departure and Arrival airport
                model.DepartDateTimeUTC  = model.DepartureTime.Value.AddHours(UTCDepartureAir);
                model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC = model.ArrivalTime.Value.AddHours(UTCArrivalAir);

                var tempAirline       = _airlinesRepository.GetAirlinebyName(model.AirlineName);
                var result            = flightService.GetInfoFlightStatus(model.FlightNumber, tempAirline.AirlineDesignator, Convert.ToDateTime(model.DepartDateTimeUTC));
                var listResult        = result.flightStatuses.ToList();
                var totalFlightStatus = listResult.Count;

                //Time validation validate the hour and minutes selected by the user
                if (model.DepartureTime.Value >= model.ArrivalTime.Value)
                    fsm.messages.mainMessage = "Arrival Time must be greater than Departure Time";
                    jsonData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(fsm);
                    return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (model.DepartureTime.Value < utcNow || model.ArrivalTime.Value < utcNow)
                    fsm.messages.mainMessage = "Departure Time and Arrival Time must be greater or equal than Current UTC time";
                    jsonData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(fsm);
                    return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                if (totalFlightStatus > 0)
                    /* If is a real flight */
                    foreach (var item in listResult)
                        fsm.messages = new Message();
                        var matchesElements = true;
                        var flightStatus    = item;

                        var serviceDepartureDate = flightStatus.departureDate.dateUtc.ToUniversalTime(); //DateTimeOffset.Parse(flightStatus.departureDate.dateUtc).UtcDateTime;
                        var serviceArrivalDate   = flightStatus.arrivalDate.dateUtc.ToUniversalTime();   //DateTimeOffset.Parse().UtcDateTime;

                        #region Departure and Arrival Airports match with real flight
                        if (model.DepartureName == flightStatus.departureAirportFsCode && model.ArrivalName == flightStatus.arrivalAirportFsCode)
                            if (serviceDepartureDate.CompareTo(model.DepartDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.depDateMessage = "The Departure Date doesn't match with real flight.";
                                matchesElements             = false;
                            if (serviceArrivalDate.CompareTo(model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.arrDateMessage = "The Arrival Date doesn't match with real flight.";
                                matchesElements             = false;
                            if (matchesElements)
                                fsm.isValid = true;


                        #region Departure Airport match with real flight
                        if (model.DepartureName == flightStatus.departureAirportFsCode)
                            if (model.ArrivalName != flightStatus.arrivalAirportFsCode)
                                fsm.messages.arrivalMessage = "The Arrival doesn't match with real flight.";
                            if (serviceDepartureDate.CompareTo(model.DepartDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.departureMessage = "The Departure Date doesn't match with real flight.";
                            if (serviceArrivalDate.CompareTo(model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.arrDateMessage = "The Arrival Date doesn't match with real flight.";

                        #region Arrival Airport match with real flight
                        if (model.ArrivalName == flightStatus.arrivalAirportFsCode)
                            if (model.DepartureName != flightStatus.departureAirportFsCode)
                                fsm.messages.departureMessage = "The Departure doesn't match with real flight.";
                            if (serviceDepartureDate.CompareTo(model.DepartDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.depDateMessage = "The Departure Date doesn't match with real flight.";
                            if (serviceArrivalDate.CompareTo(model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                                fsm.messages.arrDateMessage = "The Arrival Date doesn't match with real flight.";

                        #region Departure and Arrival Airports don't match with real flight

                        if (model.DepartureName == flightStatus.departureAirportFsCode || model.ArrivalName == flightStatus.arrivalAirportFsCode)

                        fsm.messages.departureMessage = "The Departure doesn't match with real flight.";
                        fsm.messages.arrivalMessage   = "The Arrival doesn't match with real flight.";

                        if (serviceDepartureDate.CompareTo(model.DepartDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                            fsm.messages.depDateMessage = "The Departure Date doesn't match with real flight.";
                        if (serviceArrivalDate.CompareTo(model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC) != 0)
                            fsm.messages.arrDateMessage = "The Arrival Date doesn't match with real flight.";

                    /* If is not a real flight */
                    fsm.isValid = true;

                if (fsm.isValid)
                    // Insert the flight into flight's list
                    fsm.messages.mainMessage = "Error: Flight number " + model.FlightNumber + " doesn't match the Flight Stats information. Please edit the information below.";

                fsm.messages.mainMessage = "Information required: Please complete all the flight information fields.";

            jsonData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(fsm);
            return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));