protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //我这在后台模拟数据库数据 你看下 List<Produce> listp = new List<Produce>(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Produce p = new Produce(); p.Id = i + 1; p.Pname = "厂家" + i + 1; p.Paddress = "厂家地址" + i; p.PPersong = "张三" + i; listp.Add(p); } List<Goods> listgoods = new List<Goods>(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Goods g = new Goods(); g.goodsdecription = "ddd" + i; g.goodsnum = "goods" + i; g.goodsname = "goods" + i + "2"; g.Id = i + 1; //g.goodsPId = listp.Single(p => p.Id == 3).Paddress; listgoods.Add(g); } GridView1.DataSource = listgoods; GridView1.DataBind(); int u = 1; }
public void WhenBuyGoodsWithSufficientAmount_AndDepositGreaterThanGoodsPrice_ThenVendingMachineGiveBuyerRefunds( Wallet givenMachineWallet, Wallet givenBuyerWallet, IList<Goods> availableGoods, IReadOnlyCollection<Coin> depositedAmount, Goods buyedGoods, Wallet expectedMachineWallet, Wallet expectedBuyerWallet, IReadOnlyCollection<Coin> refund) { var vendingMachine = CreateMachine(givenMachineWallet, givenBuyerWallet, availableGoods); var @event = vendingMachine.BuyGoods(depositedAmount, buyedGoods.Identity); var updatedMachineWallet = @event.UpdatedMachineWallet .ShowCoins() .OrderBy(x => x.ParValue); var updatedBuyerWallet = @event.UpdatedBuyerWallet .ShowCoins() .OrderBy(x => x.ParValue); var buyerRefund = @event.Refunds; Assert.Equal(refund.OrderBy(x => x.ParValue), buyerRefund.OrderBy(x => x.ParValue)); Assert.Equal(expectedMachineWallet.ShowCoins().OrderBy(x => x.ParValue), updatedMachineWallet); Assert.Equal(expectedBuyerWallet.ShowCoins().OrderBy(x => x.ParValue), updatedBuyerWallet); }
public GoodsSalePriceVM(Goods goods) { this.SerialNumber = goods.SerialNumber; this.GoodsNumber = goods.GoodsNumber; this.GoodsName = goods.GoodsName; this.GoodsPrice = goods.GoodsPrice; }
public void DeleteGoods(Goods goods) { if (goods == null) return; _context.Goodses.Remove(goods); }
public void UpdateGoods(Goods goods) { Goods g = _context.Goodses.Find(goods.Id); try { if (g != null) { g.Name = goods.Name; g.Price = goods.Price; g.PriceIn = goods.PriceIn; g.Producer = goods.Producer; g.Provider = goods.Provider; g.Quantity = goods.Quantity; g.Discription = goods.Discription; g.Type = goods.Type; g.Orders = goods.Orders; _context.Entry(g).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } }
public void AddGoods(Goods _tovar) { _cacheFile.EnterWriteLock(); try { _tovarCount++; if (_tovarCount > _tovarMax) { _fStreamSave.Close(); _currentFile++; if (_currentFile > _filesMax - 1) throw new OverflowException("Переполнение склада !!!!!"); _tovarCount = 1; _listOfFilesCount++; OpenFileStreamSave(_listOfFiles[_currentFile]); } _binFormat.Serialize(_fStreamSave, _tovar); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Ошибка записи данных. " + ex.Message); } finally { _cacheFile.ExitWriteLock(); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { RebateRuleFactory.Instance.Register("QuantityRebate", new QuantityRebateRule() { RebateAmt = 5.86m, Describion = "按照数量返利,每采购1个商品,供应商会给我们$5.86的返利" }); RebateRuleFactory.Instance.Register("QuantityRegionRebate", new QuantityRegionRebateRule() { RebateAmt = 8.5m, MinQuantity = 100, Describion = "按照数量返利,当采购商品的数量大于等于100的时候才能够获取返利,并且每个返利$8.5" }); RebateRuleFactory.Instance.Register("AmtRebate", new AmtRebateRule() { Percent = 0.105m, Describion = "按照金额返利,按照采购金额的10.5%返利" }); RebateRuleFactory.Instance.Register("QuantityRebate", new AmtRegionRebateRule() { MinAmt = 200, Percent = 0.208m, Describion = "按照金额返利,当采购金额超过$200的时候才能够有返利,返利按照采购金额的20.8%收取" }); var goods = new Goods() { Amt = 100, Quantity = 100 }; var key = "QuantityRebate"; var result = RebateRuleFactory.Instance.Calculate(key, goods); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //쇼핑 상품 직접 생성 Goods book1 = new Goods("Head First C#", "한빛미디어", 32000); Goods book2 = new Goods("Effective C#", "한빛미디어", 22000); Goods book3 = new Goods("데이터베이스 관리와실습 C#", "한빛미디어", 25000); Goods book4 = new Goods("닷넬 프레임워크", "가메출판사", 20000); //세션에저장 Session["Book1"] = book1; Session["Book2"] = book2; Session["Book3"] = book3; Session["Book4"] = book4; //장바구니 항목추가 IstGoods.Items.Add(book1.Name); IstGoods.Items.Add(book2.Name); IstGoods.Items.Add(book3.Name); IstGoods.Items.Add(book4.Name); } IbISessonInfo.Text = "세션 ID : " + Session.SessionID; IbISessonInfo.Text += "<br /> 세션 내 객체 개수 : " + Session.Count.ToString(); IbISessonInfo.Text += "<br />세션모드 :" + Session.Mode.ToString(); IbISessonInfo.Text += "<br />쿠키사용 안함 : " + Session.IsCookieless.ToString(); IbISessonInfo.Text += "<br />새 세션 :" + Session.IsCookieless.ToString(); IbISessonInfo.Text += "<br/>세션 만료 기간 : " + Session.Timeout.ToString() + "분"; }
public GoodsShortageException(Goods goods, int expectedCount) { Contract.Requires(goods != null); Contract.Requires(expectedCount > goods.Count); Goods = goods; ExpectedCount = expectedCount; }
public void InsertGoods(Goods goods) { if (goods == null) return; _context.Goodses.Add(goods); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void RemoveGoods(Goods type, int count) { _goods[type] -= count; if (_goods[type] < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many goods for remove"); } }
public int? SellGood(Goods good, IEnumerable<BuildingBase<TraderParameters>> buildings) { var price = SimulateSellGoods(good, buildings); if (price.HasValue) { _goodsToTrade.Add(good); } return price; }
public static IEnumerable<Plantation> GeneratePlantations(int count, Goods type) { var result = new List<Plantation>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { result.Add(new Plantation(type)); } return result; }
void Start() { Goods item1 = new Goods("Gold", 10, 100); Goods item2 = new Goods("Coal", 5, 70); Goods item3 = new Goods("Iron", 8, 45); Goods item4 = new Goods("Silver", 20, 80); items.Add(item1); items.Add(item2); items.Add(item3); items.Add(item4); }
public void AddGoods_MoreThanTheMaximumAmount_QuantityDoesNotIncrease() // При добавлении товара количество не должно привышать максимума { // Организация int myMaxGoods = 2; Storage myStorage = new Storage(myMaxGoods, "SkladTest"); Goods myTovar; // Действие for (int i = 1; i < myMaxGoods + 2; i++) myStorage.AddGoods(myTovar = new Goods()); // Утверждение }
public bool CanSellGood(Goods good, bool permissionToSellTheSame) { if (FreeSpaces > 0) { if (!permissionToSellTheSame && _goodsToTrade.Any(x => x == good)) { return false; } return true; } return false; }
public bool AddGoods(Goods g) { try { this.ObjectContext.EntitySet.AddObject(g); ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (System.Exception ex) { } return false; }
public void GetGoods_GetTheGoods_TheResultingProductIsIndoors() // Получение товара товара { // Организация int myMaxGoods = 10; Storage myStorage = new Storage(myMaxGoods, "SkladTest"); Goods expected = new Goods(); // Действие myStorage.AddGoods(expected); // Утверждение Goods actual = myStorage.GetGoods(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Товар не получен!"); }
public void AddGoods_AddGoods_IncreasingTheNumberGoods() // При добавлении количество увеличивается на 1 { // Организация int myMaxGoods = 10; Storage myStorage = new Storage(myMaxGoods, "SkladTest"); Goods myTovar; int expected = myStorage.GetCount() + 1; // Действие myStorage.AddGoods(myTovar = new Goods()); // Утверждение int actual = myStorage.GetCount(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 0, "Количество товара не увеличивается!"); }
public void WhenBuyGoodsWithInsufficientAmount_AndGoodsAvailableInMachine_ThenVendingMachineShouldThrowInsufficientAmountException( Wallet givenMachineWallet, Wallet givenBuyerWallet, IList<Goods> availableGoods, IReadOnlyCollection<Coin> depositedAmount, Goods buyedGoods) { var vendingMachine = CreateMachine(givenMachineWallet, givenBuyerWallet, availableGoods); var ex = Assert.Throws<InsufficientAmountForBuyingGoodsException>(() => vendingMachine.BuyGoods(depositedAmount, buyedGoods.Identity)); var depositedWallet = new Wallet(depositedAmount); Assert.True(ex.Goods.Equals(buyedGoods.Identity)); Assert.True(ex.ActualFunds == depositedWallet.TotalFunds()); Assert.True(ex.ExpectedFunds == buyedGoods.Price); }
public int? SimulateSellGoods(Goods good, IEnumerable<BuildingBase<TraderParameters>> buildings) { var traderParameters = new TraderParameters(); foreach (var building in buildings) { building.DoAction(ref traderParameters); } if (CanSellGood(good, traderParameters.PermissionToSellTheSame)) { return GetDefaultGoodPrice(good) + traderParameters.AdditionalPrice; } return null; }
public GoodsBuyedEvent( Wallet vendingMachineWallet, Wallet buyerWallet, Goods buyedGoods, IReadOnlyCollection<Coin> refunds) { Contract.Requires(vendingMachineWallet != null && vendingMachineWallet.ShowCoins().Any()); Contract.Requires(buyerWallet != null); Contract.Requires(refunds != null); Contract.Requires(refunds.Count == 0 || refunds.Any() && buyerWallet.ShowCoins().Any()); UpdatedMachineWallet = vendingMachineWallet; UpdatedBuyerWallet = buyerWallet; BuyedGoods = buyedGoods; Refunds = refunds; }
public bool AddGoods(Goods type, int count) { if (count > FreeSpace) { return false; } if (_goodsType.HasValue && _goodsType.Value != type) { return false; } _goodsType = type; _usedSpace = count; return true; }
public bool AddChangedToGoods(Goods g, Changed c) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { g.ChangedSet.Add(c); g.Quantity = g.Quantity + c.Value; this.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(SaveOptions.None); scope.Complete(); this.ObjectContext.AcceptAllChanges(); return true; } } catch { } return false; }
public void AddGoods(Goods tovar) { //_cacheFile.EnterWriteLock(); //try //{ if (myQueue.Count >= myMaxGoods) { if (!_writeDisk) { _writeDisk = true; WriteDiskStart(); } AddDiskGoods(tovar); //throw new OverflowException("Переполнение склада " + myNameStorage); } else myQueue.Enqueue(tovar); //} //finally //{ // _cacheFile.ExitWriteLock(); //} }
public int Insert(Goods goods) { return(GoodsRepository.Insert(goods)); }
private void toolStripBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.aisinoDataGrid1.get_SelectedRows().Count == 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-272502"); } else if (this.aisinoDataGrid3.get_Rows().Count == 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-272506"); } else if (MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-272503") != DialogResult.Cancel) { int num2; string str = ""; double num = 0.0; for (num2 = 0; num2 < this.bill.ListGoods.Count; num2++) { int num7; Goods goods = this.bill.ListGoods[num2]; double round = 0.0; double num4 = 0.0; if (goods.DJHXZ == 4) { continue; } if (this.bill.HYSY && (goods.SLV == 0.05)) { round = SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(((goods.JE / 0.95) * 0.05) - goods.SE), 2); if (Math.Abs(round) > 0.06) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,含税金额乘以税率减税额的绝对值大于0.06,不能进行折扣汇总"; } else { if ((goods.DJ == 0.0) || (goods.SL == 0.0)) { goto Label_0544; } num4 = Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(((goods.DJ * goods.SL) - goods.JE) - goods.SE), 2)); if (goods.HSJBZ) { if (num4 > 0.01) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于含税金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } goto Label_0544; } num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于含税金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; } break; } if (this.bill.JZ_50_15 && (goods.SLV == 0.015)) { round = SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(((goods.JE / 1.035) * 0.015) - goods.SE), 2); if (Math.Abs(round) > 0.06) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,金额与税率税额计算后误差的绝对值大于0.06,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } if ((goods.DJ != 0.0) && (goods.SL != 0.0)) { if (goods.HSJBZ) { if (Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(((goods.DJ * goods.SL) - goods.JE) - goods.SE), 2)) > 0.01) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于含税金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } } else if (Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)((goods.DJ * goods.SL) - goods.JE), 2)) > 0.01) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } } } else { round = SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)((goods.JE * goods.SLV) - goods.SE), 2); if (Math.Abs(round) > 0.06) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,金额乘以税率减税额的绝对值大于0.06,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } if ((goods.DJ != 0.0) && (goods.SL != 0.0)) { if (goods.HSJBZ) { if (Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)(((goods.DJ * goods.SL) - goods.JE) - goods.SE), 2)) > 0.01) { num7 = num2 + 1; str = "第" + num7.ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于含税金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } } else if (Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound((double)((goods.DJ * goods.SL) - goods.JE), 2)) > 0.01) { str = "第" + ((num2 + 1)).ToString() + "行,单价乘以数量不等于金额,不能进行折扣汇总"; break; } } } Label_0544: num += round; } if (str.Length > 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox(str); } else { if (Math.Abs(SaleBillCtrl.GetRound(num, 2)) > 1.27) { str = "单据税额误差累计值大于1.27,不能进行折扣汇总"; } if (str.Length > 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox(str); } else { string str2 = new SaleBillDAL().SaveCollectDiscountToRealTable(this.bill); if (str2 == "0") { string dJMonth = this.comboBoxYF.SelectedItem.ToString(); string dJType = this.comboBoxDJZL.SelectedValue.ToString(); string keyWord = this.GetKeyWord(); int key = this.GetKey(); this.aisinoDataGrid1.set_DataSource(this.hzBLL.QueryXSDJ(dJMonth, dJType, keyWord, this.hzBLL.Pagesize, this.hzBLL.CurrentPage, key)); this.SelectedBH = "NoExist"; this.aisinoDataGrid2.set_DataSource(this.hzBLL.QueryXSDJMX("NoExist", this.hzBLL.Pagesize, 1)); this.aisinoDataGrid3.set_DataSource(this.hzBLL.QueryXSDJMX("NoExist", this.hzBLL.Pagesize, 1)); int count = this.aisinoDataGrid2.get_Rows().Count; for (num2 = 0; num2 < count; num2++) { string str6 = this.aisinoDataGrid2.get_Rows()[num2].Cells["SLV"].Value.ToString(); string str7 = this.aisinoDataGrid2.get_Rows()[num2].Cells["XH"].Value.ToString(); if (((str6 != null) && (str6 != "")) && (str6 != "中外合作油气田")) { string str8 = this.billBL.ShowSLV(this.bill, str7, str6); if (str8 != "") { this.aisinoDataGrid2.get_Rows()[num2].Cells["SLV"].Value = str8; } } } MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-272504"); } else if (str2 == "NoBH") { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-272505"); } else { MessageBoxHelper.Show(str2); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { HandleException.HandleError(exception); } }
public Goods GetOneGood(int id) { return(Goods.FirstOrDefault(x => == id)); }
public async Task <Goods> AddGoods(Goods goods) { var rep = _iocContainer.Get <BaseRepository <Goods> >(); return(await rep.Add(goods)); }
public void AddGoods(IEnumerable <IGood> goods) { Goods.AddRange(goods); }
public int Update(Goods goods) { return(Connector.Update <Goods>(goods)); }
private bool canBuy() { switch (costType) { case PrizeType.PRIZE_RMB: if (UserManager.Instance.self.getRMB() >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)) { return(true); } break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_MONEY: if (UserManager.Instance.self.getMoney() >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)) { return(true); } break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_CONTRIBUTION: if (GuildManagerment.Instance.getGuild().contributioning >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)) { return(true); } break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_STARSOUL_DEBRIS: if (StarSoulManager.Instance.getDebrisNumber() >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)) { return(true); } break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_MERIT: return(UserManager.Instance.self.merit >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)); case PrizeType.PRIZE_LEDDER_SCORE: return(LadderHegeMoneyManager.Instance.myPort >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)); break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_PROP: Goods goods = item as Goods; GoodsSample gs = GoodsSampleManager.Instance.getGoodsSampleBySid(goods.sid); Prop p = StorageManagerment.Instance.getProp(gs.costToolSid); if (p == null) { return(false); } int propNum = p.getNum(); return(propNum >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)); break; default: return(false); case PrizeType.PRIZE_STAR_SCORE: return(GoddessAstrolabeManagerment.Instance.getStarScore() >= StringKit.toInt(totalMoney.text)); } return(false); }
public bool UpdateingGoodsWithChanged(Goods g, Changed c) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { c.Value = c.GoodsItemSet.Sum(x => x.Quantity); c.SumCost = c.GoodsItemSet.Sum(p => (decimal)p.Quantity * c.PieceCost); this.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); g.Quantity = g.Quantity + c.Value; this.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); this.ObjectContext.AcceptAllChanges(); return true; } } catch { } return false; }
public static void GenerateXmlFile(string idListString, string data) { List <string> idList = idListString.Split('-').ToList(); var output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> \r\n" + "\t<SmartRoutes.Data SchemaVersion=\"3\"> \r\n" + "\t\t<Variants> \r\n" + "\t\t\t<Variant> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<OrderCategoryExchangeCode>1891378909</OrderCategoryExchangeCode> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<Date>" + Convert.ToDateTime(data).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T00:00:00+03:00</Date> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<N>1</N> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<DataReading>Historical</DataReading> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<Characteristics> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t<Characteristic> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<ExchangeCode>12345678</ExchangeCode> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Title>Оцен./Согл. + за доставку</Title> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Type>Number</Type> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Notes>стоимость груза + за доставку</Notes> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t</Characteristic> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t</Characteristics> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t<Orders> \r\n"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(idListString)) { foreach (var id in idList) { var ticket = new Tickets { ID = Convert.ToInt32(id) }; ticket.GetById(); var address = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket.RecipientKorpus)) { address = String.Format("Беларусь, {0} область, {2}, {3} {4}, {5}/{6}", CityHelper.CityIDToRegionName(ticket.CityID.ToString()), CityHelper.CityIDToDistrictName(ticket.CityID.ToString()), CityHelper.CityNameFilter(CityHelper.CityIDToCityNameWithotCustom(ticket.CityID.ToString())), ticket.RecipientStreetPrefix, ticket.RecipientStreet, ticket.RecipientStreetNumber, ticket.RecipientKorpus); } else { address = String.Format("Беларусь, {0} область, {2}, {3} {4}, {5}", CityHelper.CityIDToRegionName(ticket.CityID.ToString()), CityHelper.CityIDToDistrictName(ticket.CityID.ToString()), CityHelper.CityNameFilter(CityHelper.CityIDToCityNameWithotCustom(ticket.CityID.ToString())), ticket.RecipientStreetPrefix, ticket.RecipientStreet, ticket.RecipientStreetNumber); } var goodsObj = new Goods { TicketFullSecureID = ticket.FullSecureID }; var goodsDataSet = goodsObj.GetAllItems("ID", "ASC", "TicketFullSecureID"); var goodsString = goodsDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Cast <DataRow>() .Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, goods) => current + String.Format("{0} {1}; ", goods[2], goods[3])) .Replace("&", ""); output += "\t\t\t\t\t<Order> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<ExchangeCode>" + ticket.SecureID + "</ExchangeCode> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Title>" + goodsString + "</Title> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Phone>" + ticket.RecipientPhone + "</Phone> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<Code>" + ticket.SecureID + "</Code> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<LoadingAddress> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Location>Беларусь, Минск, Кальварийская улица, 4</Location> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Latitude>0.9408116799</Latitude> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Longitude>0.4806493073</Longitude> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t</LoadingAddress> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<UnloadingAddress> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Location>" + address + "</Location> \r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t</UnloadingAddress> \r\n" + //время у клиента в xml-формате "PT30M" означает "30 минут" "\t\t\t\t\t\t<UnloadingDuration>" + "PT10M" + "</UnloadingDuration>" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t<CargoProperties>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Property>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<CharacteristicExchangeCode>12345678</CharacteristicExchangeCode>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<Value>" + MoneyMethods.MoneySeparator(MoneyMethods.AgreedAssessedDeliveryCosts(ticket.ID.ToString())) + "</Value>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</Property>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t</CargoProperties>\r\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t</Order> \r\n"; } output += " \t\t\t\t</Orders> \r\n" + "\t\t\t</Variant> \r\n" + "\t\t</Variants> \r\n" + "\t</SmartRoutes.Data>"; File.WriteAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/SendData.xml"), output); } }
void updateCoinIcon() { //-1无消耗 if (costType < 0) //|| costType == PrizeType.PRIZE_PVE) { { costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); totalMoney.gameObject.SetActive(false); costStr = ""; return; } costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); switch (costType) { case PrizeType.PRIZE_RMB: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("s0048"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.RMBIMAGE; break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_MONEY: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("s0049"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.MONEYIMAGE; break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_CONTRIBUTION: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("Guild_57"); costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_MERIT: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("Arena06"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.MERITIMAGE; break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_PROP: costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); totalMoney.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (item.GetType() == typeof(Prop)) //使用行动剂走这里 { Prop prop = item as Prop; if (prop.getType() == PropType.PROP_TYPE_PVE) { costStr = ""; break; } } Goods goods = item as Goods; GoodsSample gs = GoodsSampleManager.Instance.getGoodsSampleBySid(goods.sid); Prop p = PropManagerment.Instance.createProp(gs.costToolSid); if (p.getType() == PropType.PROP_GODSWAR_MONEY) { costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); totalMoney.gameObject.SetActive(true); costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("godsWar_129"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.GODSWARMONEY_IMAGE; } else if (p.getType() == PropType.PROP_HUIJI) { costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); totalMoney.gameObject.SetActive(true); costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("OneOnOneBoss_HuiJi"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.HUIJI_ICON; } else if (p.getType() == PropType.PROP_JUNGONG) { costIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); totalMoney.gameObject.SetActive(true); costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("junGong"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.JUNGONG_ICON; } costStr = "" + p.getName(); break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_STARSOUL_DEBRIS: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("s0466"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.STARSOUL_DEBRIS; break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_LEDDER_SCORE: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("laddermoney"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.LADDER_MONEY; break; case PrizeType.PRIZE_STAR_SCORE: costStr = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("star_star"); costIcon.spriteName = constResourcesPath.STAR_STAR; break; } }
public static void printing(Goods cap) { Console.WriteLine(cap.ToString()); }
public string DeleteSeller(Goods goodInfo, Companies companyInfo, bool useLike) { //[1] 이너뷰 작성 string goodsWhere = string.Empty; string companyWhere = string.Empty; if (goodInfo != null) { IDictionary <string, string> goodDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var prop in typeof(Goods).GetProperties()) { if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "item" || prop.Name == "RowCount" || prop.Name == "Page") { continue; } if (goodInfo[prop.Name] == null) { continue; } goodDic.Add(prop.Name, goodInfo[prop.Name].ToString()); } goodsWhere = string.Format("select GoodPK as GoodIDX from Goods{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Goods), goodDic, useLike)); } if (companyInfo != null) { IDictionary <string, string> comDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var prop in typeof(Companies).GetProperties()) { if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "item" || prop.Name == "RowCount" || prop.Name == "Page") { continue; } if (companyInfo[prop.Name] == null || companyInfo[prop.Name].Replace(" ", "") == string.Empty) { continue; } comDic.Add(prop.Name, companyInfo[prop.Name].ToString()); } companyWhere = string.Format("select CompanyPK as SellerIDX from Companies{0}", MakeWhereBlock(typeof(Companies), comDic, useLike)); } //[2] 이너뷰 이용한 where정 작성 StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); if (goodsWhere != string.Empty) { sbWhere.Append(" where "); sbWhere.AppendFormat("GoodIDX in ({0})", goodsWhere); if (companyWhere != string.Empty) { sbWhere.Append(" and "); } } if (companyWhere != string.Empty) { if (goodsWhere == string.Empty) { sbWhere.Append(" where "); } sbWhere.AppendFormat("SellerIDX in ({0})", companyWhere); } //[3] 쿼리작성 StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder(); sbQuery.Append("Delete from GoodSeller"); sbQuery.Append(sbWhere.ToString()); return(sbQuery.ToString()); }
public void AddOneDetail(OrderDetails orderDetails) { Goods.Add(orderDetails); }
public ActionResult Good(int id) { var good = Goods.GetGoodById(id).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(good)); }
public int Update(Goods goods) { return(GoodsRepository.Update(goods)); }
public bool UpdateGoods(Goods g) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { this.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); decimal sum = g.ChangedSet.Sum(x => x.Value); g.Quantity = sum; this.ObjectContext.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); this.ObjectContext.AcceptAllChanges(); return true; } } catch { } return false; }
public void DoCraftsmanActionReceiveAdditionalGoods(Goods additionalGoods) { _playerStatus.Warehouse.AddGoods(additionalGoods, 1); _mainBoardController.Status.Warehouse.RemoveGoods(additionalGoods, 1); }
internal static void Init() { SummomPriceRuleList = new Dictionary <string, SummomPriceRule>(); 成长值list = new SortedList <double, double>(); var info = File.ReadAllLines(@"setting\默认价值.txt", Encoding.Default); var nowLine = 0; for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++) { if (info[i].StartsWith("//")) { continue; } var ruleInfo = info[i]; if (info[i].IndexOf("//") > 0) { ruleInfo = ruleInfo.Substring(0, info[i].IndexOf("//")); } if (ruleInfo.Length > 0) { nowLine++; switch (nowLine) { case 1: { Goods.SetTalentRule(ruleInfo); Program.setting.LogInfo("SetTalentRule:" + ruleInfo, "设置选项"); break; } case 2: { Goods.SetAchievementRule(ruleInfo); Program.setting.LogInfo("SetAchievementRule:" + ruleInfo, "设置选项"); break; } case 3: { Goods.SetRankRule(ruleInfo); Program.setting.LogInfo("SetRankRule:" + ruleInfo, "设置选项"); break; } default: { ruleInfo = info[i].Replace(',', ',').Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; Program.setting.LogInfo("SummonRule:" + ruleInfo, "设置选项"); var rules = ruleInfo.Split('\\'); var names = rules[0].Split(','); foreach (var name in names) { new SummomPriceRule(name, rules); } break; } } } } return; //TODO 用于激活static }
public bool UpdateGoodsInfo(Goods goods) { return(dal.UpdateGoodsInfo(goods)); }
public bool AddGoods(Goods model) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public GoodsSet(Goods goods, long count, Coupon coupon) : this(goods, count) { EnteredCoupon = coupon; }
public static List <int> GetGoodsOriginPrice(Goods goods) { ShopGoodsMetaData shopGoodsMetaDataByKey = ShopGoodsMetaDataReader.GetShopGoodsMetaDataByKey((int)goods.get_goods_id()); List <int> list = new List <int>(); if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.HCoinCost > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.HCoinCost); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.SCoinCost > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.SCoinCost); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemId > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemNum); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemId2 > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemNum2); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemId3 > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemNum3); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemId4 > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemNum4); } if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemId5 > 0) { list.Add(shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.CostItemNum5); } float num = 1f; int buyTimes = ((int)goods.get_buy_times()) + 1; ShopGoodsPriceRateMetaData shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey = ShopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataReader.GetShopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey(buyTimes); if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 1) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType1; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 2) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType2; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 3) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType3; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 4) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType4; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 5) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType5; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 6) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType6; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 7) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType7; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 8) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType8; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 9) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType9; } else if (shopGoodsMetaDataByKey.PriceRateID == 10) { num *= shopGoodsPriceRateMetaDataByKey.PriceType10; } num /= 100f; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { list[i] = Mathf.FloorToInt(((float)list[i]) * num); } return(list); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Goods goods1, goods2, goods3; int orderid = 0; Order order = new Order(); if (!textBox4.Text.Equals("")) { m++; Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.CustomerName = textBox4.Text; customer.CustomerId = m; order.OrderID = Convert.ToString(m); order.Customer = customer; } else { MessageBox.Show("请输入客户名!"); return; } if (checkBox1.Checked && textBox1.Text != "") { goods1 = new Goods(1, "苹果", 6.99); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail(goods1, Convert.ToUInt32(textBox1.Text)); orderid++; orderDetail.OrderDetailID = Convert.ToString(orderid); order.orderDetailsDict.Add(orderDetail); } if (checkBox2.Checked && textBox2.Text != "") { goods2 = new Goods(2, "鸡蛋", 3.00); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail(goods2, Convert.ToUInt32(textBox2.Text)); orderid++; orderDetail.OrderDetailID = Convert.ToString(orderid); order.orderDetailsDict.Add(orderDetail); } if (checkBox3.Checked && textBox3.Text != "") { goods3 = new Goods(3, "牛奶", 6.2); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail(goods3, Convert.ToUInt32(textBox3.Text)); orderid++; orderDetail.OrderDetailID = Convert.ToString(orderid); order.orderDetailsDict.Add(orderDetail); } if (!IsPhoneNumber(textBox5.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("抱歉!请正确输入电话号码!"); return; } else { order.Phone = textBox5.Text; } if (orderid == 0) { MessageBox.Show("不存在任何订单!"); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("订单添加成功!"); } order.OrderID = DateTime.Now.Year + "" + DateTime.Now.Month + "" + DateTime.Now.Day + m.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); Form1.os.AddOrder(order); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取分页列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="pageIndex">页码</param> /// <param name="pageSize">分页大小</param> /// <param name="name">菜品名 - 搜索项</param> /// <param name="categoryId">分类id - 搜索项</param> /// <param name="createdTimeStart">发布日期起 - 搜索项</param> /// <param name="createdTimeEnd">发布日期止 - 搜索项</param> /// <returns></returns> public PageList <Domain.Mall.Recommend.RecommendModel> Get_RecommendPageList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string name, int recommendCode) { using (DbRepository entities = new DbRepository()) { var query = entities.Recommend.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.PersonId.Equals(Client.LoginUser.UNID)); //活动名 //实例化对象 Goods goodsItem = null; Category categoryItem = null; Dictionary <string, Goods> goodsDic = new Dictionary <string, Goods>(); Dictionary <string, Category> categoryDic = new Dictionary <string, Category>(); //必须先选择活动类型 if (recommendCode != 0) { query = query.Where(x => x.RecommendCode == recommendCode); //判断活动类型 if (recommendCode == (int)RecommendCode.HomeGoods) { //遍历活动名 var targetEntities = entities.Goods; if (name.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { goodsDic = targetEntities.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).ToDictionary(x => x.UNID); var targetIdList = targetEntities.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).Select(x => x.UNID).ToList(); query = query.Where(x => targetIdList.Contains(x.TargetID)); } else { goodsDic = targetEntities.ToDictionary(x => x.UNID); } } else if (recommendCode == (int)RecommendCode.HomeCategory) { //遍历活动名 var targetEntities = entities.Category; if (name.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { categoryDic = targetEntities.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).ToDictionary(x => x.UNID); var targetIdList = targetEntities.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).Select(x => x.UNID).ToList(); query = query.Where(x => targetIdList.Contains(x.TargetID)); } else { categoryDic = targetEntities.ToDictionary(x => x.UNID); } } } else { return(CreatePageList(new List <RecommendModel>(), 0, 0, 0)); }; var list = new List <RecommendModel>(); var count = query.Count(); query.OrderBy(x => x.Sort).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList().ForEach(x => { if (x != null) { RecommendModel model = new RecommendModel(); model.UNID = x.UNID; model.TargetCode = EnumHelper.GetEnumDescription((TargetCode)x.TargetCode); model.RecommendCode = x.RecommendCode; model.CreatedTime = x.CreatedTime; model.Sort = x.Sort; model.Title = x.Title; if (recommendCode == (int)RecommendCode.HomeGoods) { goodsDic.TryGetValue(x.TargetID, out goodsItem); model.TargetName = goodsItem.Name; model.TargetID = goodsItem.UNID; } else if (recommendCode == (int)RecommendCode.HomeCategory) { categoryDic.TryGetValue(x.TargetID, out categoryItem); model.TargetName = categoryItem.Name; model.TargetID = categoryItem.UNID; } list.Add(model); } }); return(CreatePageList(list, pageIndex, pageSize, count)); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建物品并将物品保存到存档中 /// </summary> /// <param name="playerState"></param> /// <param name="goodsMetaInfoMations"></param> /// <param name="baseGoodsType"></param> /// <param name="minQuality"></param> /// <param name="maxQuality"></param> /// <param name="count"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static PlayGoods CreatePlayGoodsAddToPlayData(PlayerState playerState, GoodsMetaInfoMations goodsMetaInfoMations, EnumGoodsType baseGoodsType, EnumQualityType minQuality, EnumQualityType maxQuality, int count) { PlayGoods playGoods = new PlayGoods(); Goods addGoods = goodsMetaInfoMations[baseGoodsType].Clone(true);//获取需要添加物品的原始属性 //如果是道具或炼金物品则可以叠加,但是没有品质 if (baseGoodsType > EnumGoodsType.Item && baseGoodsType < EnumGoodsType.SpecialItem) { int addGoodsID = playerState.PlayerAllGoods.Where(temp => temp.GoodsInfo.EnumGoodsType == baseGoodsType).Select(temp => temp.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (addGoodsID == 0) { addGoodsID = NowTimeToID.GetNowID(DataCenter.Instance.GetEntity <GameRunnedState>()); playGoods = new PlayGoods(addGoodsID, addGoods, GoodsLocation.Package); playGoods.Count = count; playGoods.QualityType = EnumQualityType.White; playerState.PlayerAllGoods.Add(playGoods); } else { playGoods.Count += count; } } else { int addGoodsID = NowTimeToID.GetNowID(DataCenter.Instance.GetEntity <GameRunnedState>()); EnumQualityType qualityType = (EnumQualityType)UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)minQuality, (int)maxQuality + 1); float minRate = ((int)qualityType) * 0.2f + 0.8f; float maxRate = minRate + 0.2f; // 根据品质设置属性 if (qualityType != EnumQualityType.Red)//如果是唯一的则不用改变属性 { //将所有属性随机(根据品质) addGoods.goodsAbilities.ForEach(temp => { float min = temp.Value * minRate; float max = temp.Value * maxRate; temp.Value = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(min, max); }); //取出用于分割固定属性以及随机属性的条目 GoodsAbility goodsAbility_nothing = addGoods.goodsAbilities.FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.AbilibityKind == EnumGoodsAbility.Nothing); int index = -1; if (goodsAbility_nothing != null) { index = addGoods.goodsAbilities.IndexOf(goodsAbility_nothing); } //存在分割属性 if (index > -1 && index + 1 < addGoods.goodsAbilities.Count) { //取出分割项后的可变项 List <EnumGoodsAbility> randomAbilitys = Enumerable.Range(index + 1, addGoods.goodsAbilities.Count - index - 1). Select(temp => addGoods.goodsAbilities[temp]).Select(temp => temp.AbilibityKind).ToList(); int saveAbilityCount = (int)qualityType;//可保留的属性 while (randomAbilitys.Count > saveAbilityCount) { int removeIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, randomAbilitys.Count); EnumGoodsAbility removeGoodsAbility = randomAbilitys[removeIndex]; addGoods.goodsAbilities.RemoveAll(temp => temp.AbilibityKind == removeGoodsAbility); randomAbilitys.RemoveAt(removeIndex); } } addGoods.goodsAbilities.RemoveAll(temp => temp.AbilibityKind == EnumGoodsAbility.Nothing); playGoods = new PlayGoods(addGoodsID, addGoods, GoodsLocation.Package); playGoods.QualityType = qualityType; playGoods.Count = 1; playerState.PlayerAllGoods.Add(playGoods); } } return(playGoods); }
public Admin_Index_xiugai(int good_id) { good = gm.FindByid(good_id); gc = gcm.FindALLGoodCate(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Goods goods1 = null, goods2 = null, goods3 = null; m++; Order order = new Order(); int B = 0; if (Form1.IsNumber(textBox2.Text) && textBox2.Text != null && checkBox1.Checked) { goods1 = new Goods("辣条"); OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails(goods1, Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text)); B++; orderDetails.DetailsNumber = B; order.MyOrder.Add(orderDetails); } if (Form1.IsNumber(textBox3.Text) && textBox2.Text != null && checkBox2.Checked) { goods2 = new Goods("快乐水"); OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails(goods2, Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text)); B++; orderDetails.DetailsNumber = B; order.MyOrder.Add(orderDetails); } if (Form1.IsNumber(textBox4.Text) && textBox2.Text != null && checkBox3.Checked) { goods3 = new Goods("七个小矮人"); OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails(goods3, Convert.ToInt32(textBox4.Text)); B++; orderDetails.DetailsNumber = B; order.MyOrder.Add(orderDetails); } if (!textBox1.Text.Equals("")) { order.Client = textBox1.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("请输入客户名!"); return; } //判断电话 if (!IsPhoneNumber(phoneBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("抱歉!请正确输入电话号码!"); return; } if (B == 0) { MessageBox.Show("抱歉!您添加的订单数量为空!请检查您输入的数字!"); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); } order.OrderId = DateTime.Now.Year + "" + DateTime.Now.Month + DateTime.Now.Day + m.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); order.Sum(); Form1.os.AddOrder(order); this.Close(); }
public bool DoTradeAction(Goods value, bool isHasPrivilage) { var param = new TraderParameters(); var traderBuildings = _playerStatus.Board.Buildings.OfType<BuildingBase<TraderParameters>>() .Where(x => x.IsActive) .ToList(); traderBuildings.ForEach(x => x.DoAction(ref param)); if (_mainBoardController.Status.Market.CanSellGood(value, param.PermissionToSellTheSame)) { var money = _mainBoardController.Status.Market.SellGood(value, traderBuildings); if (money.HasValue) { _playerStatus.Warehouse.RemoveGoods(new[] {value}); _mainBoardController.Status.Doubloons -= money.Value; _playerStatus.ReceiveDoubloons(money.Value); return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Добавление небоевого предмета войску /// </summary> /// <param name="builder"></param> /// <param name="building"></param> public BuildAction(Unit builder, Goods building) { this.builder = builder; = building; }
public bool CreateOrderInAndroid(string deskName, int peopleNum, Guid employeeId, string employeeNo, IList <OrderDetail> orderDetailList) { bool isSuccess = false; if (orderDetailList != null && orderDetailList.Count > 0) { _daoManager.BeginTransaction(); try { //日结号 string dailyStatementNo = _dailyStatementDao.GetCurrentDailyStatementNo(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dailyStatementNo)) { decimal totalPrice = 0, actualPayMoney = 0, totalDiscount = 0; foreach (var orderDetail in orderDetailList) { totalPrice += orderDetail.SellPrice * orderDetail.GoodsQty; actualPayMoney += orderDetail.SellPrice * orderDetail.GoodsQty - orderDetail.TotalDiscount; totalDiscount += orderDetail.TotalDiscount; } const string deviceNo = "AD"; //批量获取品项 List <Guid> goodsIdList = orderDetailList.Select(orderDetail => orderDetail.GoodsId).ToList(); IList <Goods> goodsList = _goodsDao.GetGoodsList(goodsIdList); if (goodsList != null && goodsList.Count > 0) { //订单头部 Order order = new Order { OrderID = Guid.NewGuid(), TotalSellPrice = totalPrice, ActualSellPrice = actualPayMoney, DiscountPrice = totalDiscount, CutOffPrice = 0, ServiceFee = 0, DeviceNo = deviceNo, DeskName = deskName, EatType = (int)EatWayType.DineIn, Status = 0, PeopleNum = peopleNum, EmployeeID = employeeId, EmployeeNo = employeeNo, DailyStatementNo = dailyStatementNo }; //分单号 Int32 curSubOrderNo = _orderDao.GetCurrentSubOrderNo(deskName); if (curSubOrderNo > 0) { curSubOrderNo++; } else { curSubOrderNo = 1; } order.SubOrderNo = curSubOrderNo; //流水号 order.TranSequence = _sysDictionary.GetCurrentTranSequence(); string orderNo = _orderDao.CreateOrder(order); order.OrderNo = orderNo; //菜单品项序号 IList <OrderDetails> orderDetailsList = new List <OrderDetails>(); int seqNumber = _orderDetailsDao.GetSequenceNum(order.OrderID); foreach (OrderDetail item in orderDetailList) { Goods goods = goodsList.FirstOrDefault(g => g.GoodsID.Equals(item.GoodsId)); if (goods != null) { OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails { OrderDetailsID = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderID = order.OrderID, DeviceNo = deviceNo, TotalSellPrice = item.SellPrice * item.GoodsQty, TotalDiscount = item.TotalDiscount, ItemQty = item.GoodsQty, EmployeeID = employeeId, ItemType = (int)OrderItemType.Goods, GoodsID = item.GoodsId, GoodsNo = goods.GoodsNo, GoodsName = item.GoodsName, Unit = goods.Unit, CanDiscount = goods.CanDiscount, SellPrice = item.SellPrice, PrintSolutionName = goods.PrintSolutionName, DepartID = goods.DepartID, DailyStatementNo = dailyStatementNo, OrderBy = seqNumber }; orderDetailsList.Add(orderDetails); _orderDetailsDao.CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails); seqNumber++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Remark)) { //自定义口味 orderDetails = new OrderDetails { OrderDetailsID = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderID = order.OrderID, DeviceNo = deviceNo, TotalSellPrice = 0, TotalDiscount = 0, ItemLevel = 1, ItemQty = item.GoodsQty, EmployeeID = employeeId, ItemType = (int)OrderItemType.Details, GoodsID = new Guid("77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777"), GoodsNo = "7777", GoodsName = item.Remark, Unit = "", CanDiscount = false, SellPrice = 0, PrintSolutionName = goods.PrintSolutionName, DepartID = goods.DepartID, DailyStatementNo = dailyStatementNo, OrderBy = seqNumber }; orderDetailsList.Add(orderDetails); _orderDetailsDao.CreateOrderDetails(orderDetails); seqNumber++; } } } //折扣信息 //if (salesOrder.orderDiscountList != null && salesOrder.orderDiscountList.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (OrderDiscount item in salesOrder.orderDiscountList) // { // item.DailyStatementNo = dailyStatementNo; // _orderDiscountDao.CreateOrderDiscount(item); // } //} SalesOrder salesOrder = new SalesOrder { order = order, orderDetailsList = orderDetailsList }; //salesOrder.orderDiscountList = newOrderDiscountList; //添加打印任务 SystemConfig systemConfig = _sysConfigDao.GetSystemConfigInfo(); if (systemConfig.IncludeKitchenPrint) { IList <PrintTask> printTaskList = PrintTaskService.GetInstance().GetPrintTaskList(salesOrder, systemConfig.PrintStyle, systemConfig.FollowStyle, systemConfig.PrintType, 1, string.Empty); foreach (PrintTask printTask in printTaskList) { _printTaskDao.InsertPrintTask(printTask); } } } } _daoManager.CommitTransaction(); isSuccess = true; } catch (Exception exception) { LogHelper.GetInstance().Error(string.Format("[CreateOrderInAndroid]参数:deskName_{0},peopleNum_{1},employeeId_{2},employeeNo_{3},orderDetailList_{4}", deskName, peopleNum, employeeId, employeeNo, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(orderDetailList)), exception); isSuccess = false; _daoManager.RollBackTransaction(); } } return(isSuccess); }
public GoodsViewModel() { CurrentGoods = new Goods(); StationManager.CurrentGoods = CurrentGoods; }
private void BuildGoods(Goods goods, ImGui gui) { BuildCommon(goods, gui); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) gui.BuildText("Middle mouse button to open Never Enough Items Explorer for this " + goods.type, wrap: true); if (goods.production.Length > 0) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Made with"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildIconRow(gui, goods.production, 2); } if (goods.miscSources.Length > 0) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Sources"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildIconRow(gui, goods.miscSources, 2); } if (goods.usages.Length > 0) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Needs for"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildIconRow(gui, goods.usages, 4); } if (goods.fuelValue > 0f) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Fuel value: " + DataUtils.FormatAmount(goods.fuelValue, UnitOfMeasure.Megajoule)); } if (goods is Item item) { if (goods.fuelValue > 0f && item.fuelResult != null) { using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildItem(gui, item.fuelResult); } if (item.placeResult != null) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Place result"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildItem(gui, item.placeResult); } if (item.module != null) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Module parameters"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) { if (item.module.productivity != 0f) { gui.BuildText("Productivity: " + DataUtils.FormatAmount(item.module.productivity, UnitOfMeasure.Percent)); } if (item.module.speed != 0f) { gui.BuildText("Speed: " + DataUtils.FormatAmount(item.module.speed, UnitOfMeasure.Percent)); } if (item.module.consumption != 0f) { gui.BuildText("Consumption: " + DataUtils.FormatAmount(item.module.consumption, UnitOfMeasure.Percent)); } if (item.module.pollution != 0f) { gui.BuildText("Pollution: " + DataUtils.FormatAmount(item.module.consumption, UnitOfMeasure.Percent)); } } if (item.module.limitation != null) { BuildSubHeader(gui, "Module limitation"); using (gui.EnterGroup(contentPadding)) BuildIconRow(gui, item.module.limitation, 2); } } } }
protected void subbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Goods goods = new Goods(); //获取表单数据 string gName = goodsName.Text.Trim(); double gPrice = Convert.ToDouble(shopPrice.Text.Trim()); int gStock = Convert.ToInt32(goodsStock.Text.Trim()); string gDescription = description.Text.Trim(); string SavePath = ""; //判断缩略图是否是文件 if (thumbnail.HasFile) { //是文件,需要上传,并且保存路径到数据库中 //通过随机字符串,指定文件的名称 string FileName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); //由纯数字和字母组成的随机字符串 //获取文件的类型 string FileType = thumbnail.PostedFile.ContentType; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("文件类型:::::" + FileType); //.jpg image/jpeg .png image/png //获取字符串中最后一个/的索引 int index = FileType.LastIndexOf("/"); //截取字符串,获取文件的后缀名 string suffix = FileType.Substring(index + 1); //指定上传路径 //获取当前项目的绝对路径 string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("path::" + path); string ImgPath = path + "/images/" + FileName + "." + suffix; //string ImgPath = Server.MapPath("../../images/" + FileName + "." + suffix); //指定数据库中的存储路径 SavePath = "images/" + FileName + "." + suffix; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("上传路径:::::" + ImgPath); //上传 thumbnail.SaveAs(ImgPath); thuMsg.Visible = true; thuMsg.Text = "文件上传成功,文件上传路径是:" + ImgPath; } else //不是文件 { thuMsg.Visible = true; thuMsg.Text = "请上传文件或图片"; } //将所有数据封装到Goods中 goods.GoodsName = gName; goods.ShopPrice = gPrice; goods.GoodsStock = gStock; goods.Description = gDescription; goods.Thumbnail = SavePath; //调用添加商品的方法 int rows = gb.AddGoods(goods); //判断受影响的行数 if (rows > 0) //添加成功 { //返回到首页 Response.Redirect("/Admin/Wares/SpList.aspx"); } else { //添加不成功 //重定向到商品添加页面 Response.Redirect("/Admin/Wares/AddGoods.aspx"); } }
public ActionResult GoodList() { try { List<Goods> gs = new List<Goods>(); long id = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); int CurrentPage = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["p"]); long 商品总数 = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); //if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过)) % 20 > 0) //{ // PageCount++; //} //IEnumerable<商品> goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过)); long PageCount = 0; IEnumerable<商品> goods = null; var 主页展示模板 = 供应商服务记录管理.查询供应商服务记录(0, 0, Query<供应商服务记录>.Where(o => o.所属供应商.用户ID == id)); if (主页展示模板.Count() > 0 && 主页展示模板.Any()) { var 主页展示模板开通 = 主页展示模板.First(); var 展示模板 = 主页展示模板开通.已开通的服务.Find(o => o.所申请项目名.Contains("企业主页商品展示") && o.结束时间 > DateTime.Now); if (展示模板 != null) { if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("A类")) { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("B类")) { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_B)//如果该供应商的商品总数大于商品展示的窗口数 { PageCount = NUMBER_B / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_B; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("C类")) { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_C) { PageCount = NUMBER_C / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_C; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("D类")) { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_D) { PageCount = NUMBER_D / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_D; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("E类")) { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_E) { PageCount = NUMBER_E / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_E; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else if (展示模板.所申请项目名.Contains("F类")) { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_F) { PageCount = NUMBER_F / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_F; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } else { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_G) { PageCount = NUMBER_G / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_G; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } } else { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_G) { PageCount = NUMBER_G / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_G; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } } else { if (商品总数 > NUMBER_G) { PageCount = NUMBER_G / 20; ViewData["sum"] = NUMBER_G; } else { PageCount = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) / 20; if (商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false) % 20 > 0) { PageCount++; } ViewData["sum"] = 商品管理.计数供应商商品(id, 0, 0, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); ViewData["PageCount"] = PageCount; } goods = 商品管理.查询供应商商品(id, 20 * (CurrentPage - 1), 20, MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.EQ("审核数据.审核状态", 审核状态.审核通过), includeDisabled: false); } if (goods != null) { foreach (var item in goods) { Goods g = new Goods(); g.Id = item.Id; g.Price = string.Format("{0:0.00}", item.销售信息.价格); g.Scan = item.销售信息.点击量; = item.商品信息.商品名; if (item.商品信息.商品图片 != null && item.商品信息.商品图片.Count != 0) { g.Picture = item.商品信息.商品图片[0].Replace("original", "150X150"); } else { g.Picture = ""; } gs.Add(g); } } JsonResult json = new JsonResult() { Data = new { Newgood = gs, Pcount = PageCount, Cpage = CurrentPage } }; return Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { JsonResult json = new JsonResult() { Data = new { Newgood = new List<Goods>(), Pcount = 1, Cpage = 1 } }; return Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
//最原始的初始化 public void init(object obj, int numberMax, int numberMin, int numberNow, int numberSetp, int costType, CallBackMsg callback) { msg = new MessageHandle(); msg.msgInfo = obj; item = obj; this.callback = callback; setp = numberSetp; max = numberMax; min = numberMin; now = numberNow; coverDistanceToOne(); this.costType = costType; updateCoinIcon(); updateDisplayeNumber(); calculateTotal(); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(false); goodsBg.gameObject.SetActive(false); GoodsView tmpGoodsView = CreateGoodsView(); titleText.color = Color.white; currentHaveNum.color = Color.white; if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Goods) || obj.GetType() == typeof(NoticeActiveGoods)) { Goods good = item as Goods; tmpGoodsView.init(good.getGoodsType(), good.getGoodsSid(), good.getGoodsShowNum()); titleText.text = (obj as Goods).getName(); if (good.getGoodsType() == GoodsType.EQUIP) { currentHaveNum.text = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("pveUse09", StorageManagerment.Instance.getEquipsBySid(good.getGoodsSid()).Count.ToString()); } else if (good.getGoodsType() == GoodsType.TOOL) { currentHaveNum.text = LanguageConfigManager.Instance.getLanguage("pveUse09", StorageManagerment.Instance.getProp(good.getGoodsSid()) == null ? "0" : StorageManagerment.Instance.getProp(good.getGoodsSid()).getNum().ToString()); } } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Prop)) { Prop prop = item as Prop; tmpGoodsView.init(prop); titleText.text = prop.getName(); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Exchange) || obj.GetType() == typeof(NewExchange)) { ExchangeSample sample = (obj as Exchange).getExchangeSample(); now = numberMax; tmpGoodsView.init(sample.type, sample.exchangeSid, sample.num); titleText.text = tmpGoodsView.showName; } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(ArenaChallengePrice)) { ArenaChallengePrice are = obj as ArenaChallengePrice; titleText.text = are.getName(); ResourcesManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleTexture(are.getIconPath(), goodsTexture); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(true); goodsBg.gameObject.SetActive(true); tmpGoodsView.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(BuyStruct)) { BuyStruct buyStruct = obj as BuyStruct; titleText.text = buyStruct.titleTextName; ResourcesManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleTexture(buyStruct.iconId, goodsTexture); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (buyStruct.goodsBgId != 0) { goodsBg.spriteName = QualityManagerment.qualityIDToIconSpriteName(buyStruct.goodsBgId); } goodsBg.gameObject.SetActive(true); tmpGoodsView.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(BossAttackTimeBuyStruct)) { BossAttackTimeBuyStruct buyStruct = obj as BossAttackTimeBuyStruct; titleText.text = buyStruct.descExtraGet; titleText.color =; currentHaveNum.text = buyStruct.descTime; currentHaveNum.color =; ResourcesManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleTexture(buyStruct.iconId, goodsTexture); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (buyStruct.goodsBgId != 0) { goodsBg.spriteName = QualityManagerment.qualityIDToIconSpriteName(buyStruct.goodsBgId); } goodsBg.gameObject.SetActive(true); tmpGoodsView.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(LaddersChallengePrice)) { LaddersChallengePrice are = obj as LaddersChallengePrice; titleText.text = are.getName(); ResourcesManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleTexture(are.getIconPath(), goodsTexture); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(true); goodsBg.gameObject.SetActive(true); tmpGoodsView.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(ActivityChapter)) { ActivityChapter chapter = obj as ActivityChapter; ResourcesManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleTexture(constResourcesPath.TIMES_ICONPATH, goodsTexture); goodsTexture.gameObject.SetActive(true); tmpGoodsView.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }