Пример #1
        public static FilterModel FromFullLine(string line)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            string[] parts = line.Split(':');

            if (parts.Length <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(line), line);
            else if (parts.Length == 2)             // no bech here
                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = new Height(parts[0]),
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[1]),
                    Filter = null

            var data   = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(parts[2]);
            var filter = new GolombRiceFilter(data, 20, 1 << 20);

            return(new FilterModel
                BlockHeight = new Height(parts[0]),
                BlockHash = new uint256(parts[1]),
                Filter = filter
Пример #2
    public async Task InconsistentImmatureIndexAsync()
        var(dir, _, immatureFilters) = await GetIndexStorePathsAsync();

        var network      = Network.Main;
        var headersChain = new SmartHeaderChain();

        await using var indexStore = new IndexStore(dir, network, headersChain);

        var dummyFilter    = GolombRiceFilter.Parse("00");
        var startingFilter = StartingFilters.GetStartingFilter(network);

        var immatureIndexStoreContent = new[]
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(2), startingFilter.Header.BlockHash, startingFilter.Header.Height + 1, MinutesAgo(30)), dummyFilter),
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(3), new uint256(2), startingFilter.Header.Height + 2, MinutesAgo(20)), dummyFilter),
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(99), new uint256(98), startingFilter.Header.Height + 98, MinutesAgo(10)), dummyFilter)
        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(immatureFilters, immatureIndexStoreContent.Select(x => x.ToLine()));

        await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() => await indexStore.InitializeAsync());

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(3), headersChain.TipHash);
        Assert.Equal(startingFilter.Header.Height + 2u, headersChain.TipHeight);

        // Check if the immatureIndex is deleted
Пример #3
        public static FilterModel FromFullLine(string line)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            string[] parts = line.Split(':');

            GolombRiceFilter filter;

            if (parts.Length <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(line), line);
            else if (parts.Length == 2)             // no bech here
                filter = null;
                var data = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(parts[2]);
                filter = new GolombRiceFilter(data, 20, 1 << 20);

            if (Height.TryParse(parts[0], out Height blockHeight))
                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = blockHeight,
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[1]),
                    Filter = filter
                throw new FormatException($"Could not parse {nameof(Height)}.");
Пример #4
        public void GenerateTestVectorsTest()
            var testLines = File.ReadAllLines("data/bip158_vectors.csv");

            foreach (var testLine in testLines.Skip(1))
                var i                       = 0;
                var test                    = testLine.Split(',');
                var testBlockHeight         = int.Parse(test[i++]);
                var testBlockHash           = uint256.Parse(test[i++]);
                var testBlock               = Block.Parse(test[i++]);
                var testPreviousBasicHeader = uint256.Parse(test[i++]);
                var testPreviousExtHeader   = uint256.Parse(test[i++]);
                var testBasicFilter         = test[i++];
                var testExtFilter           = test[i++];
                var testBasicHeader         = test[i++];
                var testExtHeader           = test[i++];

                var basicFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildBasicFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, basicFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testBasicHeader, basicFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousBasicHeader).ToString());

                testExtFilter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(testExtFilter) ? testExtFilter : "00";
                var extFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildExtendedFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, extFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testExtHeader, extFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousExtHeader).ToString());

                var deserializedBasicFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testBasicFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, deserializedBasicFilter.ToString());

                var deserializedExtFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testExtFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, deserializedExtFilter.ToString());
Пример #5
        public static FilterModel FromHeightlessLine(string line, Height height)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            var parts = line.Split(':');

            if (parts.Length == 1)             // no bech here
                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                    Filter = null

            var data   = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(parts[1]);
            var filter = new GolombRiceFilter(data, 20, 1 << 20);

            return(new FilterModel
                BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                Filter = filter
Пример #6
        public void BuildFilterAndMatchValues()
            var names = from name in new[] { "New York", "Amsterdam", "Paris", "Buenos Aires", "La Habana" }
            select Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name);

            var key    = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
            var filter = GolombRiceFilter.Build(key, names, 0x10);

            // The filter should match all ther values that were added.
            foreach (var name in names)
                Assert.True(filter.Match(name, key));

            // The filter should NOT match any extra value.
            Assert.False(filter.Match(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Porto Alegre"), key));
            Assert.False(filter.Match(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Madrid"), key));

            // The filter should match because it has one element indexed: Buenos Aires.
            var otherCities = new[] { "La Paz", "Barcelona", "El Cairo", "Buenos Aires", "Asunción" };
            var otherNames  = from name in otherCities select Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name);

            Assert.True(filter.MatchAny(otherNames, key));

            // The filter should NOT match because it doesn't have any element indexed.
            var otherCities2 = new[] { "La Paz", "Barcelona", "El Cairo", "Córdoba", "Asunción" };
            var otherNames2  = from name in otherCities2 select Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name);

            Assert.False(filter.MatchAny(otherNames2, key));
Пример #7
        public static FilterModel FromLine(string line, Height height)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            var parts = line.Split(':');

            if (parts.Length == 1)            // no bech here
                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                    Filter = null
                var n   = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                var fba = new FastBitArray(ByteHelpers.FromHex(parts[3]));
                fba.Length = int.Parse(parts[2]);

                var filter = new GolombRiceFilter(fba, n);

                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                    Filter = filter
        public GolombRiceFilter Build(Block block)
            var key = block.GetHash().ToBytes();

            var buffer = new List <byte[]>

            foreach (var tx in block.Transactions)
                foreach (var txOutput in tx.Outputs)
                    var isValidPayToWitness = P2wpkh.CheckScriptPubKey(txOutput.ScriptPubKey);

                    if (isValidPayToWitness)
                        var witKeyId = P2wpkh.ExtractScriptPubKeyParameters(txOutput.ScriptPubKey);

            return(GolombRiceFilter.Build(key, buffer, P));
Пример #9
        public void Setup()
            var keyBuffer = new byte[32];

            var key = new uint256(keyBuffer);

            _testKey = key.ToBytes().Take(16).ToArray();

            var builder = new GolombRiceFilterBuilder()

            var itemsInFilter = new List <byte[]>();

            for (var j = 0; j < N; j++)
                var data = new byte[_random.Next(20, 30)];
            _sample = itemsInFilter.OrderBy(x => _random.Next()).Take(N / 200).ToArray();
            _filter = builder.Build();
Пример #10
    public async Task GapInIndexAsync()
        var(dir, matureFilters, immatureFilters) = await GetIndexStorePathsAsync();

        var network      = Network.Main;
        var headersChain = new SmartHeaderChain();

        await using var indexStore = new IndexStore(dir, network, headersChain);

        var dummyFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse("00");

        var matureIndexStoreContent = new[]
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(2), new uint256(1), 1, MinutesAgo(30)), dummyFilter),
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(3), new uint256(2), 2, MinutesAgo(20)), dummyFilter),
        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(matureFilters, matureIndexStoreContent.Select(x => x.ToLine()));

        var immatureIndexStoreContent = new[]
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(5), new uint256(4), 4, MinutesAgo(30)), dummyFilter),
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(6), new uint256(5), 5, MinutesAgo(20)), dummyFilter),
        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(immatureFilters, immatureIndexStoreContent.Select(x => x.ToLine()));

        await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() => await indexStore.InitializeAsync());

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(3), headersChain.TipHash);
        Assert.Equal(2u, headersChain.TipHeight);

        Assert.True(File.Exists(matureFilters));            // mature filters are ok
        Assert.False(File.Exists(immatureFilters));         // immature filters are NOT ok
Пример #11
        public void GenerateTestVectorsTest()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/bip158_vectors.json");

            foreach (var test in tests.Skip(1))
                var i = 0;
                var testBlockHeight         = test[i++];
                var testBlockHash           = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testBlock               = Block.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testPreviousBasicHeader = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testPreviousExtHeader   = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testBasicFilter         = (string)test[i++];
                var testExtFilter           = (string)test[i++];
                var testBasicHeader         = (string)test[i++];
                var testExtHeader           = (string)test[i++];
                var message = (string)test[i++];

                var basicFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildBasicFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, basicFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testBasicHeader, basicFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousBasicHeader).ToString());

                var extFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildExtendedFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, extFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testExtHeader, extFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousExtHeader).ToString());

                var deserializedBasicFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testBasicFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, deserializedBasicFilter.ToString());

                var deserializedExtFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testExtFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, deserializedExtFilter.ToString());
Пример #12
        public void CreateStoreTest()
            const byte P                    = 20;
            const int  blockCount           = 100;
            const int  maxBlockSize         = 4 * 1000 * 1000;
            const int  avgTxSize            = 250; // Currently the average is around 1kb.
            const int  txoutCountPerBlock   = maxBlockSize / avgTxSize;
            const int  avgTxoutPushDataSize = 20;  // P2PKH scripts has 20 bytes.

            var key = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };

            // Generation of data to be added into the filter
            var random        = new Random();
            var dataDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(SharedFixture.DataDir, nameof(CreateStoreTest)));

            if (dataDirectory.Exists)
                foreach (var fileInfo in dataDirectory.GetFiles())

            var blocks = new List <GolombRiceFilter>(blockCount);

            using (var repo = GcsFilterRepository.Open(Path.Combine(SharedFixture.DataDir, nameof(CreateStoreTest))))
                for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                    var txouts = new List <byte[]>(txoutCountPerBlock);
                    for (var j = 0; j < txoutCountPerBlock; j++)
                        var pushDataBuffer = new byte[avgTxoutPushDataSize];

                    var filter = GolombRiceFilter.Build(key, txouts, P);
                    repo.Put(Hashes.Hash256(filter.Data.ToByteArray()), filter);

            using (var repo = GcsFilterRepository.Open(Path.Combine(SharedFixture.DataDir, nameof(CreateStoreTest))))
                var blockIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, blockCount).ToList();

                foreach (var blkIndx in blockIndexes)
                    var block         = blocks[blkIndx];
                    var blockFilter   = block;
                    var blockFilterId = Hashes.Hash256(blockFilter.Data.ToByteArray());
                    var savedFilter   = repo.Get(blockFilterId);
                    var savedFilterId = Hashes.Hash256(savedFilter.Data.ToByteArray());
                    Assert.Equal(blockFilterId, savedFilterId);
Пример #13
        public async Task InconsistentMatureIndexAsync()
            var(dir, matureFilters, _) = await GetIndexStorePathsAsync();

            var network      = Network.Main;
            var headersChain = new SmartHeaderChain();

            var indexStore  = new IndexStore(dir, network, headersChain);
            var dummyFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse("00");
Пример #14
        public static FilterModel FromStream(Stream stream, Height height)
            uint256 blockHash  = new uint256(stream.ReadBytes(32));
            int     filterSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(stream.ReadBytes(4));

            byte[]           data   = stream.ReadBytes(filterSize);
            GolombRiceFilter filter = filterSize > 0 ? new GolombRiceFilter(data, 20, 1 << 20) : null;

            return(new FilterModel
                BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                BlockHash = blockHash,
                Filter = filter
Пример #15
        public static FilterModel FromLine(string line)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            string[] parts = line.Split(':');

            if (parts.Length < 5)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(line), line);

            var blockHeight         = uint.Parse(parts[0]);
            var blockHash           = uint256.Parse(parts[1]);
            var filterData          = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(parts[2]);
            GolombRiceFilter filter = new GolombRiceFilter(filterData, 20, 1 << 20);
            var prevBlockHash       = uint256.Parse(parts[3]);
            var blockTime           = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(long.Parse(parts[4]));

            return(new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(blockHash, prevBlockHash, blockHeight, blockTime), filter));
Пример #16
    public async Task ReceiveNonMatchingFilterAsync()
        var(dir, matureFilters, immatureFilters) = await GetIndexStorePathsAsync();

        var network      = Network.Main;
        var headersChain = new SmartHeaderChain();

        await using var indexStore = new IndexStore(dir, network, headersChain);

        var dummyFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse("00");

        var matureIndexStoreContent = new[]
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(2), new uint256(1), 1, MinutesAgo(30)), dummyFilter),
            new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(3), new uint256(2), 2, MinutesAgo(20)), dummyFilter),
        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(matureFilters, matureIndexStoreContent.Select(x => x.ToLine()));

        await indexStore.InitializeAsync();

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(3), headersChain.TipHash);
        Assert.Equal(2u, headersChain.TipHeight);

        Assert.True(File.Exists(matureFilters));         // mature filters are ok

        var nonMatchingBlockHashFilter = new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(2), new uint256(1), 1, MinutesAgo(30)), dummyFilter);
        await indexStore.AddNewFiltersAsync(new[] { nonMatchingBlockHashFilter }, CancellationToken.None);

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(3), headersChain.TipHash);         // the filter is not added!
        Assert.Equal(2u, headersChain.TipHeight);

        var nonMatchingHeightFilter = new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(4), new uint256(3), 37, MinutesAgo(1)), dummyFilter);
        await indexStore.AddNewFiltersAsync(new[] { nonMatchingHeightFilter }, CancellationToken.None);

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(3), headersChain.TipHash);         // the filter is not added!
        Assert.Equal(2u, headersChain.TipHeight);

        var correctFilter = new FilterModel(new SmartHeader(new uint256(4), new uint256(3), 3, MinutesAgo(1)), dummyFilter);
        await indexStore.AddNewFiltersAsync(new[] { correctFilter }, CancellationToken.None);

        Assert.Equal(new uint256(4), headersChain.TipHash);         // the filter is not added!
        Assert.Equal(3u, headersChain.TipHeight);
Пример #17
        public static FilterModel FromLine(string line, Height height)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line);
            var parts = line.Split(':');

            if (parts.Length == 1)             // no bech here
                return(new FilterModel
                    BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                    BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                    Filter = null
            return(new FilterModel
                BlockHeight = Guard.NotNull(nameof(height), height),
                BlockHash = new uint256(parts[0]),
                Filter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(parts[1])
        public static FilterModel GetStartingFilter(Network network)
            var startingHeader = SmartHeader.GetStartingHeader(network);

            if (network == Network.Main)
            else if (network == Network.TestNet)
            else if (network == Network.RegTest)
                GolombRiceFilter filter = IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(startingHeader.BlockHash);
                throw new NotSupportedNetworkException(network);
Пример #19
        public static FilterModel GetStartingFilter(Network network)
            var startingHeader = SmartHeader.GetStartingHeader(network);

            if (network == Network.Main)
            else if (network == Network.TestNet)
            else if (network == Network.RegTest)
                GolombRiceFilter filter = IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(startingHeader.BlockHash);
                throw new NotSupportedNetworkException(network);
Пример #20
        public static FilterModel GetStartingFilter(Network network)
            var startingHeader = SmartHeader.GetStartingHeader(network);

            if (network == NBitcoin.Altcoins.Litecoin.Instance.Mainnet)
            else if (network == NBitcoin.Altcoins.Litecoin.Instance.Testnet)
            else if (network == NBitcoin.Altcoins.Litecoin.Instance.Regtest)
                GolombRiceFilter filter = IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(startingHeader.BlockHash);
                throw new NotSupportedNetworkException(network);
Пример #21
 public BlockFilter(GolombRiceFilter filter, List <byte[]> data)
     Filter = filter;
     Data   = data;
Пример #22
 public FilterModel(SmartHeader header, GolombRiceFilter filter)
     Header  = header;
     _filter = new Lazy <GolombRiceFilter>(filter);
Пример #23
        public void FalsePositivesTest()
            // Given this library can be used for building and query filters for each block of
            // the bitcoin's blockchain, we must be sure it performs well, specially in the queries.

            // Considering a 4MB block (overestimated) with an average transaction size of 250 bytes (underestimated)
            // gives us 16000 transactions (this is about 27 tx/sec). Assuming 2.5 txouts per tx we have 83885 txouts
            // per block.
            const byte P                    = 20;
            const int  blockCount           = 100;
            const int  maxBlockSize         = 4 * 1000 * 1000;
            const int  avgTxSize            = 250;                  // Currently the average is around 1kb.
            const int  txoutCountPerBlock   = maxBlockSize / avgTxSize;
            const int  avgTxoutPushDataSize = 20;                   // P2PKH scripts has 20 bytes.
            const int  walletAddressCount   = 1000;                 // We estimate that our user will have 1000 addresses.

            var key = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };

            // Generation of data to be added into the filter
            var random = new Random();
            var sw     = new Stopwatch();

            var blocks = new List <BlockFilter>(blockCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                var txouts = new List <byte[]>(txoutCountPerBlock);
                for (var j = 0; j < txoutCountPerBlock; j++)
                    var pushDataBuffer = new byte[avgTxoutPushDataSize];

                var filter = GolombRiceFilter.Build(key, txouts, P);

                blocks.Add(new BlockFilter(filter, txouts));

            var walletAddresses    = new List <byte[]>(walletAddressCount);
            var falsePositiveCount = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < walletAddressCount; i++)
                var walletAddress = new byte[avgTxoutPushDataSize];

            // Check that the filter can match every single txout in every block.
            foreach (var block in blocks)
                if (block.Filter.MatchAny(walletAddresses, key))

            Assert.True(falsePositiveCount < 5);

            // Filter has to mat existing values
            var falseNegativeCount = 0;

            // Check that the filter can match every single txout in every block.
            foreach (var block in blocks)
                if (!block.Filter.MatchAny(block.Data, key))


            Assert.Equal(0, falseNegativeCount);
Пример #24
 public void Setup()
     Sample = new BlockSample();
     BlockFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildBasicFilter(Sample.BigBlock);
Пример #25
        public void Synchronize()
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 1);

            Task.Run(async() =>
                    var blockCount = await RpcClient.GetBlockCountAsync();
                    var isIIB      = true;                // Initial Index Building phase

                    while (IsRunning)
                            // If stop was requested return.
                            if (IsRunning == false)

                            var height       = StartingHeight;
                            uint256 prevHash = null;
                            using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                if (Index.Count != 0)
                                    var lastIndex = Index.Last();
                                    height        = lastIndex.BlockHeight + 1;
                                    prevHash      = lastIndex.BlockHash;

                            if (blockCount - (int)height <= 100)
                                isIIB = false;

                            Block block = null;
                                block = await RpcClient.GetBlockAsync(height);
                            catch (RPCException)                             // if the block didn't come yet
                                await Task.Delay(1000);

                            if (prevHash != null)
                                // In case of reorg:
                                if (prevHash != block.Header.HashPrevBlock && !isIIB)                                 // There is no reorg in IIB
                                    Logger.LogInfo <IndexBuilderService>($"REORG Invalid Block: {prevHash}");
                                    // 1. Rollback index
                                    using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())

                                    // 2. Serialize Index. (Remove last line.)
                                    var lines = File.ReadAllLines(IndexFilePath);
                                    File.WriteAllLines(IndexFilePath, lines.Take(lines.Length - 1).ToArray());

                                    // 3. Rollback Bech32UtxoSet
                                    if (Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Count != 0)
                                        Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().Rollback(Bech32UtxoSet);                                         // The Bech32UtxoSet MUST be recovered to its previous state.

                                        // 4. Serialize Bech32UtxoSet.
                                        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath, Bech32UtxoSet
                                                                      .Select(entry => entry.Key.Hash + ":" + entry.Key.N + ":" + ByteHelpers.ToHex(entry.Value.ToCompressedBytes())));

                                    // 5. Skip the current block.

                            if (!isIIB)
                                if (Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Count >= 100)
                                Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Add(new ActionHistoryHelper());

                            var scripts = new HashSet <Script>();

                            foreach (var tx in block.Transactions)
                                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Outputs.Count; i++)
                                    var output = tx.Outputs[i];
                                    if (!output.ScriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash && output.ScriptPubKey.IsWitness)
                                        var outpoint = new OutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i);
                                        Bech32UtxoSet.Add(outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);
                                        if (!isIIB)
                                            Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Add, outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);

                                foreach (var input in tx.Inputs)
                                    var found = Bech32UtxoSet.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == input.PrevOut);
                                    if (found.Key != default)
                                        Script val = Bech32UtxoSet[input.PrevOut];
                                        if (!isIIB)
                                            Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Remove, input.PrevOut, val);

                            // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0158.mediawiki
                            // The parameter k MUST be set to the first 16 bytes of the hash of the block for which the filter
                            // is constructed.This ensures the key is deterministic while still varying from block to block.
                            var key = block.GetHash().ToBytes().Take(16).ToArray();

                            GolombRiceFilter filter = null;
                            if (scripts.Count != 0)
                                filter = GolombRiceFilter.Build(key, scripts.Select(x => x.ToCompressedBytes()));

                            var filterModel = new FilterModel
                                BlockHash   = block.GetHash(),
                                BlockHeight = height,
                                Filter      = filter

                            await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(IndexFilePath, new[] { filterModel.ToLine() });
                            using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                            if (File.Exists(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath))
                            await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath, Bech32UtxoSet
                                                          .Select(entry => entry.Key.Hash + ":" + entry.Key.N + ":" + ByteHelpers.ToHex(entry.Value.ToCompressedBytes())));

                            if (blockCount - height <= 3 || height % 100 == 0)                             // If not close to the tip, just log debug.
                                Logger.LogInfo <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {height}.");
                                Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {height}.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>(ex);
                    if (IsStopping)
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 3);
        public void Synchronize()
            Task.Run(async() =>
                    if (Interlocked.Read(ref _runner) >= 2)

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _runner);
                    while (Interlocked.Read(ref _runner) != 1)
                        await Task.Delay(100);

                    if (Interlocked.Read(ref _running) >= 2)

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 1);

                        var isImmature    = false;                      // The last 100 blocks are reorgable. (Assume it is mature at first.)
                        SyncInfo syncInfo = null;
                        while (IsRunning)
                                // If we didn't yet initialized syncInfo, do so.
                                if (syncInfo is null)
                                    syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync();

                                Height heightToRequest = StartingHeight;
                                uint256 currentHash    = null;
                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                    if (Index.Count != 0)
                                        var lastIndex   = Index.Last();
                                        heightToRequest = lastIndex.BlockHeight + 1;
                                        currentHash     = lastIndex.BlockHash;

                                // If not synchronized or already 5 min passed since last update, get the latest blockchain info.
                                if (!syncInfo.IsCoreSynchornized || (syncInfo.BlockchainInfoUpdated - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
                                    syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync();

                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount - heightToRequest <= 100)
                                    // Both Wasabi and our Core node is in sync. Start doing stuff through P2P from now on.
                                    if (syncInfo.IsCoreSynchornized && syncInfo.BlockCount == heightToRequest - 1)
                                        syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync();
                                        // Double it to make sure not to accidentally miss any notification.
                                        if (syncInfo.IsCoreSynchornized && syncInfo.BlockCount == heightToRequest - 1)
                                            // Mark the process notstarted, so it can be started again and finally block can mark it is stopped.
                                            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 0);

                                    // Mark the synchronizing process is working with immature blocks from now on.
                                    isImmature = true;

                                Block block = await RpcClient.GetBlockAsync(heightToRequest);

                                // Reorg check, except if we're requesting the starting height, because then the "currentHash" wouldn't exist.

                                if (heightToRequest != StartingHeight && currentHash != block.Header.HashPrevBlock)
                                    // Reorg can happen only when immature. (If it'd not be immature, that'd be a huge issue.)
                                    if (isImmature)
                                        await ReorgOneAsync();
                                        Logger.LogCritical <IndexBuilderService>("This is something serious! Over 100 block reorg is noticed! We cannot handle that!");

                                    // Skip the current block.

                                if (isImmature)

                                var scripts = new HashSet <Script>();

                                foreach (var tx in block.Transactions)
                                    // If stop was requested return.
                                    // Because this tx iteration can take even minutes
                                    // It doesn't need to be accessed with a thread safe fasion with Interlocked through IsRunning, this may have some performance benefit
                                    if (_running != 1)

                                    for (int i = 0; i < tx.Outputs.Count; i++)
                                        var output = tx.Outputs[i];
                                        if (output.ScriptPubKey.IsScriptType(ScriptType.P2WPKH))
                                            var outpoint = new OutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i);
                                            Bech32UtxoSet.Add(outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);
                                            if (isImmature)
                                                Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Add, outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);

                                    foreach (var input in tx.Inputs)
                                        OutPoint prevOut = input.PrevOut;
                                        if (Bech32UtxoSet.TryGetValue(prevOut, out Script foundScript))
                                            if (isImmature)
                                                Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Remove, prevOut, foundScript);

                                GolombRiceFilter filter = null;
                                if (scripts.Count != 0)
                                    filter = new GolombRiceFilterBuilder()
                                             .SetM(1 << 20)
                                             .AddEntries(scripts.Select(x => x.ToCompressedBytes()))

                                var filterModel = new FilterModel {
                                    BlockHash   = block.GetHash(),
                                    BlockHeight = heightToRequest,
                                    Filter      = filter

                                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(IndexFilePath, new[] { filterModel.ToHeightlessLine() });
                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                if (File.Exists(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath))
                                await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath, Bech32UtxoSet
                                                              .Select(entry => entry.Key.Hash + ":" + entry.Key.N + ":" + ByteHelpers.ToHex(entry.Value.ToCompressedBytes())));

                                // If not close to the tip, just log debug.
                                // Use height.Value instead of simply height, because it cannot be negative height.
                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount - heightToRequest.Value <= 3 || heightToRequest % 100 == 0)
                                    Logger.LogInfo <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {heightToRequest}.");
                                    Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {heightToRequest}.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>(ex);
                        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _running, 3, 2);                         // If IsStopping, make it stopped.
                        Interlocked.Decrement(ref _runner);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogError <IndexBuilderService>($"Synchronization attempt failed to start: {ex}");
Пример #27
        public void Synchronize()
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 1);

            Task.Run(async() =>
                    var blockCount = await RpcClient.GetBlockCountAsync();
                    var isIIB      = true;                // Initial Index Building phase

                    while (IsRunning)
                            // If stop was requested return.
                            if (IsRunning == false)

                            Height height    = StartingHeight;
                            uint256 prevHash = null;
                            using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                if (Index.Count != 0)
                                    var lastIndex = Index.Last();
                                    height        = lastIndex.BlockHeight + 1;
                                    prevHash      = lastIndex.BlockHash;

                            if (blockCount - height <= 100)
                                isIIB = false;

                            Block block = null;
                                block = await RpcClient.GetBlockAsync(height);
                            catch (RPCException)                             // if the block didn't come yet
                                await Task.Delay(1000);

                            if (blockCount - height <= 2)
                                NewBlock?.Invoke(this, block);

                            if (!(prevHash is null))
                                // In case of reorg:
                                if (prevHash != block.Header.HashPrevBlock && !isIIB)                                 // There is no reorg in IIB
                                    Logger.LogInfo <IndexBuilderService>($"REORG Invalid Block: {prevHash}");
                                    // 1. Rollback index
                                    using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())

                                    // 2. Serialize Index. (Remove last line.)
                                    var lines = File.ReadAllLines(IndexFilePath);
                                    File.WriteAllLines(IndexFilePath, lines.Take(lines.Length - 1).ToArray());

                                    // 3. Rollback Bech32UtxoSet
                                    if (Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Count != 0)
                                        Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().Rollback(Bech32UtxoSet);                                         // The Bech32UtxoSet MUST be recovered to its previous state.

                                        // 4. Serialize Bech32UtxoSet.
                                        await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath, Bech32UtxoSet
                                                                      .Select(entry => entry.Key.Hash + ":" + entry.Key.N + ":" + ByteHelpers.ToHex(entry.Value.ToCompressedBytes())));

                                    // 5. Skip the current block.

                            if (!isIIB)
                                if (Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Count >= 100)
                                Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Add(new ActionHistoryHelper());

                            var scripts = new HashSet <Script>();

                            foreach (var tx in block.Transactions)
                                // If stop was requested return.
                                // Because this tx iteration can take even minutes
                                // It doesn't need to be accessed with a thread safe fasion with Interlocked through IsRunning, this may have some performance benefit
                                if (_running != 1)

                                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Outputs.Count; i++)
                                    var output = tx.Outputs[i];
                                    if (!output.ScriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash && output.ScriptPubKey.IsWitness)
                                        var outpoint = new OutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i);
                                        Bech32UtxoSet.Add(outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);
                                        if (!isIIB)
                                            Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Add, outpoint, output.ScriptPubKey);

                                foreach (var input in tx.Inputs)
                                    OutPoint prevOut = input.PrevOut;
                                    if (Bech32UtxoSet.TryGetValue(prevOut, out Script foundScript))
                                        if (!isIIB)
                                            Bech32UtxoSetHistory.Last().StoreAction(ActionHistoryHelper.Operation.Remove, prevOut, foundScript);

                            GolombRiceFilter filter = null;
                            if (scripts.Count != 0)
                                filter = new GolombRiceFilterBuilder()
                                         .SetM(1 << 20)
                                         .AddEntries(scripts.Select(x => x.ToCompressedBytes()))

                            var filterModel = new FilterModel
                                BlockHash   = block.GetHash(),
                                BlockHeight = height,
                                Filter      = filter

                            await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(IndexFilePath, new[] { filterModel.ToLine() });
                            using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                            if (File.Exists(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath))
                            await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(Bech32UtxoSetFilePath, Bech32UtxoSet
                                                          .Select(entry => entry.Key.Hash + ":" + entry.Key.N + ":" + ByteHelpers.ToHex(entry.Value.ToCompressedBytes())));

                            // If not close to the tip, just log debug.
                            // Use height.Value instead of simply height, because it cannot be negative height.
                            if (blockCount - height.Value <= 3 || height % 100 == 0)
                                Logger.LogInfo <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {height}.");
                                Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>($"Created filter for block: {height}.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.LogDebug <IndexBuilderService>(ex);
                    if (IsStopping)
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _running, 3);
Пример #28
 public FilterModel(SmartHeader header, GolombRiceFilter filter)
     Header = Guard.NotNull(nameof(header), header);
     Filter = Guard.NotNull(nameof(filter), filter);