public void CheckOut_NoAddresValidation_WS_1306() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToMall(); mallPage.CheckOptionPurchaseType("Email (Instant)"); CompanyGiftCard giftCard = mallPage.SearchCompany("Buffalo").SelectCompany(); CheckOutPage checkout = giftCard.ClickPlusAmount().ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart().ClickCheckOut().ClickNext(); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgFirstName(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in first name"); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgLastName(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in last name"); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgAddress(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in Address"); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgCity(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in city"); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgZip(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in Zip code"); Assert.AreEqual("This field is required.", checkout.GetErrorMsgPhone(), "Error msg is not show or incorrect in phone number"); } }
//WS_1120 public void Checkout_ShippingValidateFullNamePT2_WS_1120() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1120")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { string name = "Foot Locker", deliver = "email"; GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToRedeem(); CompanyGiftCard giftCardPage = mallPage.SearchCompany(name).SelectCompany(); Assert.AreEqual("10", giftCardPage.GetAmount(), "10 is not the default amount"); giftCardPage.ClickPlusAmount().ClickPlusAmount().ClickPlusAmount(); Assert.IsTrue(giftCardPage.IsQtyAvailable(), "Quantity field is available"); CompanyGifCart cartPage = giftCardPage.ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart(); Assert.IsTrue(cartPage.IsFootLockerAdded(), "FootLocker was not added to the cart"); CheckOutPage checkout = cartPage.ClickCheckOut(); //SCENARIO B checkout.FillName("Test") .FillLastName("Test") .FillAddress("123 Test Street") .FillCity("Test") .FillZipCode("11101") .FillPhoneNumber("111 111 1111") .ClickNext(); Assert.IsTrue(checkout.IsPaymentOptionAvailable(), "Payment option is not available"); } }
//WS_1118 public void Checkout_ShippingValidateFullNamePT1_WS_1118() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { string name = "Foot Locker", deliver = "email"; GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToRedeem(); CompanyGiftCard giftCardPage = mallPage.SearchCompany(name).SelectCompany(); Assert.AreEqual("10", giftCardPage.GetAmount(), "10 is not the default amount"); giftCardPage.ClickPlusAmount().ClickPlusAmount().ClickPlusAmount(); Assert.IsTrue(giftCardPage.IsQtyAvailable(), "Quantity field is available"); CompanyGifCart cartPage = giftCardPage.ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart(); Assert.IsTrue(cartPage.IsFootLockerAdded(), "FootLocker was not added to the cart"); CheckOutPage checkout = cartPage.ClickCheckOut(); checkout.FillName("A") .FillLastName("A") .FillAddress("123 Test"); Assert.AreEqual("Please enter at least 2 characters.", checkout.GetErrorMsgFirstName(), "The Error Message is not present or show"); Assert.AreEqual("Please enter at least 2 characters.", checkout.GetErrorMsgLastName(), "The Error Message is not present or show"); } }
//WS-65 public void Mall_LeftPanelFilters_WS_65() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { MainHomePage menuPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin(); GoToMallHomePage mallPage = menuPage.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(" By Price:", mallPage.GetFilterTitleText(0), "The subtitle is not the right one"); Assert.AreEqual(" Under $25", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(0), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); Assert.AreEqual(" $25 - $50", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(1), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); mallPage.CheckOptionByPrice("Under $25"); Assert.IsTrue(mallPage.FilterByPriceUnderWorks("$25"), "The Filter Under $25 is not working"); mallPage.CheckOptionByPrice("Under $25"); mallPage.CheckOptionByPrice("$25 - $50"); Assert.IsTrue(mallPage.FilterByPriceUnderWorks("$25"), "The Filter $25 - $50 is not working"); /*Assert.AreEqual(" $50 - $100", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(2), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" $100 - $250", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(3), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" $250 - $500", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(4), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" $500 +", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPrice(5), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Purchase Type:", mallPage.GetFilterTitleText(1), "The subtitle is not the right one"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Email (Instant)", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPurchase(0), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Mail (A Few Days)", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPurchase(1), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Multi-Store !", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByPurchase(2), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Categories:", mallPage.GetFilterTitleText(2), "The subtitle is not the right one"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Featured", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(9), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" All", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(10), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Accessories", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(11), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Apparel & Shoes", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(12), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Babies and Kids", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(13), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Bed & Bath", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(14), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Books and Music", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(15), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Décor", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(16), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Department Stores", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(17), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" DVD's and Movies", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(18), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Electronics", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(19), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Food and Wine", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(20), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Gifts", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(21), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Health & Beauty", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(22), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Home & Garden", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(23), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Jewelry & Watches", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(24), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Kitchen & Cooking", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(25), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Office", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(26), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Pets", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(27), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Restaurants", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(28), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Sports and Fitness", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(29), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Toys and Games", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(30), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled"); * Assert.AreEqual(" Travel & Entertainment", mallPage.GetFilterChkTypeByCategory(31), "The category to filter it's wrong labeled");*/ } }
public void Mall_NonMIlestone_WS_1291() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1291")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { GoToMallHomePage mallpage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToRedeemA(); Assert.AreEqual("Welcome to the Mall!", mallpage.GetWelcomeMsg(), "You are not in the Welcome page"); } }
public void Mall_BrokenImages_WS_1202() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { GoToMallHomePage mall = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToRedeemA(); Assert.IsTrue(mall.AreAllImagesDisplayed(), "No all images all ok Get an successfully validation"); } }
public void Cart_BackToMall_WS_1356() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { CheckOutPage checkout = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToCart(); GoToMallHomePage mall = checkout.ClickBackToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", mall.GetCurrentUrl(), "You are not stand in the mall page"); } }
public void Mall_WSBrandedCards_WS_1187() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1187")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_1187.xml"; string creditcard1 = GeneralData.GetPathCreditCard1Img(_file), creditcard2 = GeneralData.GetPathCreditCard2Img(_file); GoToMallHomePage redeem = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToRedeemA(); Assert.AreEqual("Welcome to the Mall!", redeem.GetWelcomeMsg(), "Welcome Msg is not present or well written"); redeem.SearchCompany("Work"); Assert.AreEqual(creditcard1, redeem.GetImgFirstCreditCard(), "Credit Card 1 source is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(creditcard2, redeem.GetImgSecondCreditCard(), "Credit Card 2 source is not the same"); } }
public void Cart_DeleteItem_WS_1313() { if (false) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToMall(); mallPage.CheckOptionPurchaseType("Email (Instant)"); CompanyGiftCard giftCard = mallPage.SearchCompany("Groupon").SelectCompany(); CompanyGifCart gifcart = giftCard.ClickPlusAmount().ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart(); Assert.IsTrue(gifcart.IsGrouponAdded(), "Groupon was not added"); gifcart.ClickMinusQuant(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.IsFalse(gifcart.IsGrouponAdded(), "Groupon was not added"); gifcart.Refresh(); Assert.IsFalse(gifcart.IsGrouponAdded(), "Groupon was not added"); } }
public void Cart_PayCalculation_WS_1315() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1315")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToMall(); mallPage.CheckOptionPurchaseType("Email (Instant)"); CompanyGiftCard giftCard = mallPage.SearchCompany("Groupon").SelectCompany(); CompanyGifCart gifcart = giftCard.ClickPlusAmount().ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart(); int total = gifcart.GetTotal(), quant = gifcart.GetQuantity(), amount = gifcart.GetAmount(); Assert.AreEqual(total, quant * amount, "Is not equal"); gifcart.ClickPlusQuant(); gifcart.Refresh(); total = gifcart.GetTotal(); quant = gifcart.GetQuantity(); amount = gifcart.GetAmount(); Assert.AreEqual(total, quant * amount, "Is not equal"); } }
public void CheckOut_WrongZip_WS_1307() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1307")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_1307.xml"; string company = RedeemData.GetRedeemCompany(_file), firstname = RedeemData.GetRedeemFirstName(_file), secondname = RedeemData.GetRedeemSecondName(_file), address = RedeemData.GetRedeemAddress(_file), city = RedeemData.GetRedeemCity(_file), zip = RedeemData.GetRedeemZip(_file), phone = RedeemData.GetRedeemPhone(_file), state = RedeemData.GetRedeemState(_file); GoToMallHomePage mallPage = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToMall(); mallPage.CheckOptionPurchaseType("Email (Instant)"); CompanyGiftCard giftCard = mallPage.SearchCompany("Buffalo").SelectCompany(); CheckOutPage checkout = giftCard.ClickPlusAmount().ClickAddToCart().ClickGoToCart().ClickCheckOut(); checkout.FillName(firstname) .FillLastName(secondname) .FillAddress(address) .FillCity(city) .SelectState(state) .FillZipCode(zip) .FillPhoneNumber(phone); Assert.IsFalse(checkout.CannotEditEmail(), "Email txt field is editable"); checkout.ClickNext(); Assert.AreEqual("We got you covered Work Stride", checkout.GetNoCreditCardUseMsg(), "The message is wrong or its possible to use the credit card"); Assert.AreEqual("Your rewards have covered your balance.\r\nEnjoy your gift.", checkout.GetNoCreditCardUseMsgSubtitle(), "The message is wrong or its possible to use the credit card"); checkout.ClickNextPayment().ClickCheckOut(); // BUG not showing error msg } }
public void General_IdentifyIncorrectLinks_WS_1112() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1112")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { string url = ConfigUtil.ImportConfigURL("Resources\\Url.xml", client); url = url.Substring(0, 28); MainHomePage home = InitialPage.Go().EnterId(client).Logon().ClickLogin(); Assert.AreEqual("Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSpan(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/recognize", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual("Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual("Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual("My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual("Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual("My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); } }
public void General_IdentifyIncorrectLinks_WS_1112() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1112")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { MainHomePage home = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin(); switch (client) { case "HSS": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Send Appreciation", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(6), "Link is Broken or not well written"); SendAppreciationPage appreciation = home.NavigateToSendAppreciation(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "customer_appreciation", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Pinnacol": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSpan(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Textron": case "Eurest": case "BAE": { switch (client) { case "Textron": url = url.Substring(0, 39); break; } Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Akron": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Caregiver", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(7), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationCaregiver(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Social Stream", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(8), "Link is Broken or not well written"); SocialStreamHomePage socialStream = home.NavigateToSocialStream(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "social_stream", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = socialStream.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = hierarchy.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognition Training", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(11), "Link is Broken or not well written"); TrainingHomePage training = home.NavigateToTraining(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "videos", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "GreatExpressions": { url = url.Substring(0, 36); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "UC": { url = url.Substring(0, 32); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Report Builder", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(12), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ReportBuilderHomePage report = home.NavigateToReportBuilder(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "report_builder", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "TRU": case "Shawcor": { switch (client) { case "TRU": url = url.Substring(0, 38); break; } home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Sprint": { url = url.Substring(0, 35); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/recognize", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "HealthAlliance": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "WesternConnecticut": { home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } } } }