public ActionResult SearchEvents(string venue) { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { var filteredList = goExplore.Event_Details.Where(e => e.City.Contains(venue)).ToList().Take(5); EventListDetails eventListDetails = new EventListDetails(); eventListDetails.Events = new List <Events>(); foreach (var item in filteredList) { Events events = new Events(); events.categoryId = item.categoryId; events.City = item.City; events.eventDate = item.eventDate; events.eventDescription = item.eventDescription; events.eventId = item.eventId; events.eventName = item.eventName; events.imagePath = item.imagePath; events.organizerId = item.organizerId; events.ticketPrice = item.ticketPrice; events.totalSeats = item.totalSeats; events.venue = item.venue; eventListDetails.Events.Add(events); } string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eventListDetails.Events); return(Json(data)); } }
public ActionResult SaveEvent(Event_Details event_Details, HttpPostedFileBase ImagePath) { var allowedExtensions = new[] { ".Jpg", ".png", ".jpg", "jpeg" }; using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { int _rownumner = goExplore.Event_Details.Count(); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(ImagePath.FileName); var ext = Path.GetExtension(ImagePath.FileName); string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); //string myfile = name +"_"+ _rownumner.ToString() + ext; string myfile = "eImg_" + _rownumner.ToString() + ext; var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/"), myfile); ImagePath.SaveAs(path); Event_Details _event_Details = new Event_Details(); _event_Details.categoryId = event_Details.categoryId; _event_Details.eventName = event_Details.eventName; _event_Details.eventDescription = event_Details.eventDescription; _event_Details.eventDate = event_Details.eventDate; _event_Details.venue = event_Details.venue; _event_Details.organizerId = event_Details.organizerId; //_event_Details.i = myfile; goExplore.Event_Details.Add(_event_Details); goExplore.SaveChanges(); int newEventId = event_Details.eventId; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard", new { @pageNo = 0 })); } }
public ActionResult AddEvent() { try { if (Session["UserId"] != null) { using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { var categoryList = db.Event_Category.ToList(); SelectList catSelectList = new SelectList(categoryList, "CategoryId", "CategoryName"); ViewBag.CategoryData = catSelectList; var userList = db.Users.ToList(); SelectList userSelect = new SelectList(userList, "UserId", "UserNAme"); ViewBag.UserData = userSelect; ViewBag.UserName = Session["UserName"].ToString(); } return(View()); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(View()); } }
// GET: Admin/Dashboard public ActionResult Index(int pageNo) { try { if (Session["UserId"] != null) { using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { //var eventList = db.Event_Details.ToList().Skip(0).Take(10); var eventList = db.Event_Details.Include("Event_Category").Include("User").ToList().Skip(pageNo * 10).Take(10); ViewBag.eventDatas = eventList.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId); ViewBag.UserName = Session["UserName"].ToString(); var eventListCount = db.Event_Details.ToList().Count(); ViewBag.Count = eventListCount; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult OrderHistory() { using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { var userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); var eventList = db.Bookings.Include("Event_Details").Include("Event_Details.Event_Category").Include("Event_Details.User").Where(i => i.userId == userId && i.status == "S").ToList(); ViewBag.eventDatas = eventList.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId); ViewBag.Count = eventList.Count();; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult CancelOrder(int bookingId) { using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { var booking = db.Bookings.Where(i => i.bookingId == bookingId).FirstOrDefault(); booking.status = "D"; //db.Bookings.Add(booking); db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.Success = 1; return(RedirectToAction("OrderHistory", "User")); } }
public ActionResult Index(PaymentModel paymentModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var bookingId = 0; using (var context = new GoExploreEntities()) //need to maintain transaction here { Booking booking = new Booking(); booking.bookingDate = DateTime.Now; booking.eventId = paymentModel.EventId; booking.address = paymentModel.Address; booking.bookingStatus = "S"; = paymentModel.City; = paymentModel.Country; booking.seatsOccupied = paymentModel.SeatsOccupied; booking.state = paymentModel.State; booking.status = "S"; booking.totalAmount = paymentModel.TotalAmount; booking.userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); booking.zipCode = paymentModel.ZipCode; db.Bookings.Add(booking); db.SaveChanges(); Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.bookingId = booking.bookingId; payment.amount = paymentModel.TotalAmount; payment.cardNumer = paymentModel.CardNumber; payment.cardType = paymentModel.CardType; payment.cvv = paymentModel.CVV; payment.expiryDate = paymentModel.ExpiryMonth + "/" + paymentModel.ExpiryYear.ToString(); payment.firstName = paymentModel.NameOnCard; payment.lastName = ""; payment.paymentMode = paymentModel.CardType; payment.status = "S"; db.Payments.Add(payment); db.SaveChanges(); bookingId = booking.bookingId; } ViewBag.result = "Success"; ViewBag.bookingId = bookingId; return(View()); } else { //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentModel); //var encryptedData = Utility.Encrypt(json, "GoExploreHashKey"); paymentModel.Amount = paymentModel.TotalAmount; ViewBag.BookingId = 0; return(View(paymentModel)); } }
public ActionResult Index() { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { var topEventList = goExplore.Event_Details.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId).ToList().Take(3); ViewBag.TopEventData = topEventList; var eventList = goExplore.Event_Details.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId).ToList().Take(10); foreach (var item in eventList) { item.imagePath = item.imagePath == null ? "~/images/autumn.jpg" : (item.imagePath.Contains("https") ? item.imagePath : "~/images/events/" + item.imagePath); } ViewBag.EventData = eventList; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult _eventPartial(string venue) { using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { if (venue == null || venue.Length <= 0) { var currnetEvent = db.Event_Details.Include("Event_Category").Include("User").ToList().Take(10); ViewBag.currnetEvent = currnetEvent.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId); } else { var currnetEvent = db.Event_Details.Include("Event_Category").Include("User").Where(e => e.City.Contains(venue)).ToList().Take(10); ViewBag.currnetEvent = currnetEvent.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId); } } return(PartialView("~/Views/Event/_eventPartial.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult Index(LoginModel loginModel) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { var userDetails = goExplore.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.emailId == loginModel.EmailId && x.password == loginModel.Password); if (userDetails != null) { Session["UserId"] = userDetails.userid; Session["UserName"] = userDetails.userName; ViewBag.UserName = Session["UserName"].ToString(); ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to GoExplore."; if (Session["v"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { var v = Session["v"]; var s = Session["s"]; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Payments", new { s = s, v = v })); } } else { var erroMsg = "User not exist, Pleaase Create new user."; return(RedirectToAction("RegisterUser", "User", new { errorMessage = erroMsg })); } } } else { return(View(loginModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = ex.Message; return(View()); } }
// GET: Event public ActionResult EventList() { //ViewBag.Title = "Event List."; using (GoExploreEntities db = new GoExploreEntities()) { //var eventList = db.Event_Details.ToList().Skip(0).Take(10); var eventListCount = db.Event_Details.ToList().Count(); ViewBag.ec_Count = eventListCount; var upcomingEvent = db.Event_Details.Include("Event_Category").Include("User").Where(e => e.eventDate > DateTime.Today).ToList().Take(10); ViewBag.upcomingEvent = upcomingEvent.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId); var upcomingEventCount = db.Event_Details.ToList().Count(); ViewBag.ue_Count = upcomingEventCount; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Index(LoginModel loginModel) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { var userDetails = goExplore.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.emailId == loginModel.EmailId && x.password == loginModel.Password); if (userDetails != null) { Session["UserId"] = userDetails.userid; Session["UserName"] = userDetails.userName; ViewBag.UserName = Session["UserName"].ToString(); ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to GoExplore."; //goExplore.Dispose(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard", new { @pageNo = 0 })); //return RedirectToActionPermanent() } else { ViewBag.Message = "User not exist, Pleaase Create new user."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Registration")); } } } else { return(View(loginModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = ex.Message; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult event_detail(int eventId) { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { EventDetail eventDetailModel = new EventDetail(); var eventDetailData = goExplore.Event_Details.Where(e => e.eventId == eventId).FirstOrDefault(); eventDetailModel.eventId = eventDetailData.eventId; eventDetailModel.categoryId = eventDetailData.categoryId; eventDetailModel.eventName = eventDetailData.eventName; eventDetailModel.eventDescription = eventDetailData.eventDescription; eventDetailModel.venue = eventDetailData.venue; eventDetailModel.eventDate = eventDetailData.eventDate; eventDetailModel.organizerId = eventDetailData.organizerId; eventDetailModel.ticketPrice = eventDetailData.ticketPrice; eventDetailModel.totalSeats = eventDetailData.totalSeats; eventDetailModel.imagePath = eventDetailData.imagePath; var eventDetailList = goExplore.Event_Details.OrderByDescending(e => e.eventId).ToList().Take(10); ViewBag.EventList = eventDetailList; return(View(eventDetailModel)); } }
public int Createuser(RegistrationModel registrationModel) { using (GoExploreEntities goExplore = new GoExploreEntities()) { int UID = 0; User existing = goExplore.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.emailId == registrationModel.EmailId); if (existing == null) { User users = new User(); users.userid = 0; users.userName = registrationModel.UserName; users.emailId = registrationModel.EmailId; users.userType = registrationModel.UserType; users.password = registrationModel.Password; goExplore.Users.Add(users); UID = goExplore.SaveChanges(); } else { UID = -1; } return(UID); } }