// Add the stroke to an OCAD Map glyph with the given box size. public void AddToMapGlyph(Glyph glyph, SymColor color, float boxSize) { float scaleFactor = boxSize / 200.0F; // symbols are designed in box from -100 to 100. switch (kind) { case SymbolStrokes.Disc: glyph.AddFilledCircle(color, new PointF(points[0].X * scaleFactor, points[0].Y * scaleFactor), radius * 2 * scaleFactor); break; case SymbolStrokes.Circle: glyph.AddCircle(color, new PointF(points[0].X * scaleFactor, points[0].Y * scaleFactor), thickness * scaleFactor, (radius * 2 + thickness) * scaleFactor); break; case SymbolStrokes.Polyline: { PointKind[] pathKinds = new PointKind[points.Length]; PointF[] pathPoints = new PointF[points.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { pathKinds[i] = PointKind.Normal; pathPoints[i] = new PointF(points[i].X * scaleFactor, points[i].Y * scaleFactor); } SymPath path = new SymPath(pathPoints, pathKinds); glyph.AddLine(color, path, thickness * scaleFactor, corners, ends); break; } case SymbolStrokes.Polygon: { PointKind[] pathKinds = new PointKind[points.Length + 1]; PointF[] pathPoints = new PointF[points.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { pathKinds[i] = PointKind.Normal; pathPoints[i] = new PointF(points[i].X * scaleFactor, points[i].Y * scaleFactor); } pathKinds[points.Length] = pathKinds[0]; pathPoints[points.Length] = pathPoints[0]; SymPath path = new SymPath(pathPoints, pathKinds); glyph.AddLine(color, path, thickness * scaleFactor, corners, corners == LineJoin.Round ? LineCap.Round : LineCap.Flat); break; } case SymbolStrokes.FilledPolygon: { PointKind[] pathKinds = new PointKind[points.Length + 1]; PointF[] pathPoints = new PointF[points.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { pathKinds[i] = PointKind.Normal; pathPoints[i] = new PointF(points[i].X * scaleFactor, points[i].Y * scaleFactor); } pathKinds[points.Length] = pathKinds[0]; pathPoints[points.Length] = pathPoints[0]; SymPath path = new SymPath(pathPoints, pathKinds); glyph.AddArea(color, new SymPathWithHoles(path, null)); break; } case SymbolStrokes.PolyBezier: { PointKind[] pathKinds = new PointKind[points.Length]; PointF[] pathPoints = new PointF[points.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { pathKinds[i] = (i % 3 == 0) ? PointKind.Normal : PointKind.BezierControl; pathPoints[i] = new PointF(points[i].X * scaleFactor, points[i].Y * scaleFactor); } SymPath path = new SymPath(pathPoints, pathKinds); glyph.AddLine(color, path, thickness * scaleFactor, corners, ends); break; } case SymbolStrokes.FilledPolyBezier: { PointKind[] pathKinds = new PointKind[points.Length]; PointF[] pathPoints = new PointF[points.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { pathKinds[i] = (i % 3 == 0) ? PointKind.Normal : PointKind.BezierControl; pathPoints[i] = new PointF(points[i].X * scaleFactor, points[i].Y * scaleFactor); } SymPath path = new SymPath(pathPoints, pathKinds); glyph.AddArea(color, new SymPathWithHoles(path, null)); break; } default: Debug.Fail("Bad SymbolStroke kind"); break; } }
protected override SymDef CreateSymDef(Map map, SymColor symColor) { Glyph glyph = new Glyph(); SymPath path1, path2; GetPaths(out path1, out path2); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path1, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path2, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); glyph.ConstructionComplete(); PointSymDef symdef = new PointSymDef("Crossing point", "708", glyph, true); symdef.ToolboxImage = MapUtil.CreateToolboxIcon(Properties.Resources.Crossing_OcadToolbox); map.AddSymdef(symdef); return symdef; }
protected override SymDef CreateSymDef(Map map, SymColor symColor) { Glyph glyph = new Glyph(); SymPath path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords1.Clone()), kinds1); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Round, LineCap.Round); path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords2.Clone()), kinds2); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Round, LineCap.Round); path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords3.Clone()), kinds3); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Round, LineCap.Round); path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords4.Clone()), kinds4); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Round, LineCap.Round); glyph.ConstructionComplete(); PointSymDef symdef = new PointSymDef("Refreshment point", "713", glyph, false); symdef.ToolboxImage = MapUtil.CreateToolboxIcon(Properties.Resources.Water_OcadToolbox); map.AddSymdef(symdef); return symdef; }
protected override SymDef CreateSymDef(Map map, SymColor symColor) { PointKind[] kinds = { PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal, PointKind.Normal }; PointF[] pts = ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords.Clone()); SymPath path = new SymPath(pts, kinds); Glyph glyph = new Glyph(); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, NormalCourseAppearance.lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); glyph.ConstructionComplete(); PointSymDef symdef = new PointSymDef("Start", "701", glyph, true); symdef.ToolboxImage = MapUtil.CreateToolboxIcon(Properties.Resources.Start_OcadToolbox); map.AddSymdef(symdef); return symdef; }
protected override SymDef CreateSymDef(Map map, SymColor symColor) { Glyph glyph = new Glyph(); SymPath path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords1.Clone()), kinds1); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords2.Clone()), kinds2); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, lineThickness * scaleRatio * appearance.lineWidth, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); glyph.ConstructionComplete(); PointSymDef symdef = new PointSymDef("Registration mark", "714", glyph, false); symdef.ToolboxImage = MapUtil.CreateToolboxIcon(Properties.Resources.Registration_OcadToolbox); map.AddSymdef(symdef); return symdef; }
protected override SymDef CreateSymDef(Map map, SymColor symColor) { Glyph glyph = new Glyph(); // Note: the line thickness of forbidden marks do NOT scale with the Line Thickness in the Course Appearance. This is by design, // otherwise it would look kind of weird. The scale with the control circle size instead to maintain the ratio. SymPath path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords1.Clone()), kinds1); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, 0.35F * scaleRatio * appearance.controlCircleSize, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); path = new SymPath(ScaleCoords((PointF[]) coords2.Clone()), kinds2); glyph.AddLine(symColor, path, 0.35F * scaleRatio * appearance.controlCircleSize, LineJoin.Miter, LineCap.Flat); glyph.ConstructionComplete(); PointSymDef symdef = new PointSymDef("Forbidden route", "710", glyph, false); symdef.ToolboxImage = MapUtil.CreateToolboxIcon(Properties.Resources.Forbidden_OcadToolbox); map.AddSymdef(symdef); return symdef; }