Пример #1
        private void browseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog dial = new OpenFileDialog();

            dial.Filter     = "Control files (*.utm)|*.utm|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            dial.DefaultExt = "utm";
            dial.Title      = "Pick Control File";

            // If the user picked a file, display it, and set focus
            // to the list of control points.
            if (dial.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                controlFileTextBox.Text = dial.FileName;
                GlobalUserSetting.Write("ControlFile", dial.FileName);
Пример #2
        private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Pick up the checked items.

            CheckType checks = CheckType.Null;

            if (smallLineCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.SmallLine;

            if (danglingCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.Dangle;

            if (overlapCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.Overlap;

            if (floatingCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.Floating;

            if (bridgeCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.Bridge;

            if (smallPolygonCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.SmallPolygon;

            if (notEnclosedCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.NotEnclosed;

            if (noLabelCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.NoLabel;

            if (noPolygonForLabelCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.NoPolygonForLabel;

            if (noAttributesCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.NoAttributes;

            if (multiLabelCheckBox.Checked)
                checks |= CheckType.MultiLabel;

            // Hold options in the registry.
            string regstr = CheckItem.GetCheckLetters(checks);

            GlobalUserSetting.Write("FileCheck", regstr);

            // Remember the selected options
            m_Options = checks;

            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;